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关于《神探夏洛克》你还不知道的 21 个小知识

Russian rip-offs, ghost tube stations, and Benedict Cumberbatch as manga hero... As season

3 of the BBC series begins, here are 21 things you may not know about Sherlock

俄罗斯强盗,不存在的地铁站,变成漫画主角的 Benedict Cumberbatch……正逢 BBC

夏洛克第三季开播,不妨看看下面这 21 个你可能还不知道的夏洛克相关小知识。

1. It all began with a speech


In 2006, well-known Holmes enthusiast Mark Gatiss was asked to address the Sherlock

Holmes Society's annual dinner at the Houses of Parliament. Gatiss, who brought along

Steven Moffat as his guest, told the audience about a meeting at the BBC to discuss the

possibility of resurrecting Arthur Conan Doyle's creation for a Christmas special. He and the

Corporation failed to reach an agreement, but as he "raced round the endless circular

corridors, frothing at the mouth at what these philistines might be planning", Gatiss bumped

into John Simpson, recently returned from Kabul. “As he passed me,” Gatiss explained, “I

touched him on the arm and whispered: ‘You have been in Afghanistan, I perceive’.” This

gave him the seed of an idea, which he and Moffat subsequently grew into a modern-day

Sherlock: "A young army doctor, wounded in Afghanistan finds himself alone and friendless

in London," he teased the group. "Short of cash, he bumps into an old medical acquaintance

who tells him he knows of someone looking for a flatmate. This bloke’s alright but a little

odd..." Gatiss was effectively pitching his and Moffat’s Sherlock to the toughest crowd

imaginable, and they approved.

2006 年,著名的福尔摩斯爱好者 Mark Gatiss,受邀到国会大厦为一年一度的夏洛克福

尔摩斯学会晚宴致辞,那天 Gatiss 还请了 Steven Moffat 作嘉宾。会上 Gatiss 向听众透

露了一个 BBC 的会议,会议内容是讨论有没有可能对柯南道尔的作品进行再创作,
那些不知道在想什么的门外汉气得口吐白沫”时,Gatiss 碰见了 John Simpson,后者

刚从阿富汗首都喀布尔回来。Gatiss 说“当他经过时,我碰了碰他的胳膊低声说:

‘我注意到,你最近去过阿富汗。’”这句话在 Simpson 心中埋下了一个想法,随后

他和 Moffat 让这个想法萌芽,变成了现代版的《神探夏洛克》。“一个年轻的军医,

在阿富汗受了伤,没有朋友,孤身在伦敦,”Gatiss 吊着听众的胃口,“正在拮据时
……”Gatiss 就这样向世上最难应付的一帮人兜售他和 Moffat 创作的夏洛克,那帮人

2. There is no abandoned tube station at Sumatra Road

2. 苏门答腊路上并不存在废弃的地铁站

The location chosen for the bomb-laden tube carriage meant to blow up Parliament in the

season three opener The Empty Hearse is actually in West Hampstead, and isn't the site of a

half-finished London Underground station (although the Bull & Bush abandoned station is

nearby). It's nowhere near Westminster, but was chosen by Gatiss as a sly reference to The

Giant Rat of Sumatra, a Holmes adventure mentioned (but never expanded upon) in The

Adventure of the Sussex Vampire. Sherlock's production team couldn't get hold of a real
carriage, so mocked up their own District Line replica - despite exterior shots clearly

showing a Jubilee Line train. Tube-loving viewers have also been quick to point out other

铁站叫公牛灌木 Bull&Bush),这个地方离威斯敏斯特很远,但 Gatiss 选了这个地方

3. Not everybody appreciated Irene Adler’s nudity

3.不是人人都喜欢 Irene Adler 的裸露戏份

The BBC reportedly received over 100 complaints about actress Lara Pulver’s portrayal of

Holmes’s female sparring partner as an upmarket dominatrix who used pre-watershed

seminudity to bewitch the detective in A Scandal in Belgravia. But some Sherlock purists

objected on different grounds. Irene Adler as conceived by Conan Doyle in A Scandal in

Bohemia, it was argued in blog after blog, was a formidable woman of honour, who would

never allow herself to become a pawn of Moriarty, or to fall for Holmes after showing him

her breasts. Steven Moffat disagreed with the feminists. "In the original,” he told The
Guardian, “Irene Adler's victory over Sherlock Holmes was to move house and run away

with her husband. That's not a feminist victory."

在《贝尔戈维亚丑闻》中,Lara Pulver 演绎的用近乎全裸迷惑了侦探的高级职业女施

虐狂,原本该是一个与 Holmes 进行友好较量的女性对手,据说 BBC 为此收到超过

100 份投诉。不过有些原著死忠的抗议理由不止于此。许多博文的论点都是,柯南道

尔在《波西米亚丑闻》中塑造的 Irene Adler,是个强大的值得尊敬的女人,她绝不会

允许自己沦为 Moriarty 的手下,或者在 Holmes 面前袒胸露背后就爱上他。Steven

Moffat 不同意女权主义者的说法,他说:“在原著里,Irene Adler 赢过 Sherlock

Holmes 的目的也只是和丈夫一起搬家逃走,这样的胜利不能体现女权主义。”

4. Holmes and Watson are good enough to eat

4.Holmes 和 Watson 到碗里来

Speedy’s Cafe, the sandwich emporium frequented by Holmes and Watson in the series, is a

real café on Gower Street, near Euston – the BBC’s stand-in for 221b Baker Street. (In the

Sherlock pilot it was run by Una Stubbs’s character and named Mrs Hudson’s Snax n'

Sarnies, but that idea was swiftly dropped.) The fans who flock there from all over the world

can now enjoy specially created Sherlock-themed snacks, specifically the Sherlock wrap
(chicken, bacon, cheddar cheese, lettuce, peppers, red onion, cucumber, chilli sauce – all

"wrapped up as tightly as Sherlock’s personality") or the Watson Wrap (roasted vegetables,

spinach, tomatoes, spring onion, Brie, sour cream – "safe, warm, and comforting, like his

personality"). A Moriarty sub is reportedly in the works.

Speedy 咖啡馆是剧中 Holmes 和 Watson 经常光顾买三明治的地方,它是高尔街上一家

真的咖啡馆,靠近尤思顿——BBC 为贝克街 221B 选的替身。(试播集里这家店是

Una Stubbs 的角色开的,名叫哈德森太太的三明治轻食店 Mrs Hudson’s Snax n'


店里享受夏洛克主题小食,特别是夏洛克卷 Sherlock Wrap(鸡肉,培根,车达奶酪,

性”)和华生卷 Waston Wrap(烤蔬菜,菠菜,番茄,小洋葱,布利干酪,酸奶油—
Moriarty Sub。

5. Despite China’s best efforts, Sherlock isn’t gay

5.尽管中国尽力了,但 Sherlock 不是同性恋

As amply demonstrated by the kisses in season three’s first episode, The Empty Hearse,

Steven Moffat and Mark Gatiss have always enjoyed flirting with the ambiguity of

Sherlock’s sexuality. "Everyone recruited him to their perspective, their interpretation,"

Benedict Cumberbatch once said when asked about Holmes’s sex life. "I’ve had asexuals

come up to me and thank me for representing asexuals." But they’re mistaken, according to
Moffat: "There's no indication in the original stories that [Holmes] was asexual or gay," he

told The Guardian. None of which has stopped millions of Chinese fans from adopting

Sherlock as a gay icon, with a vast archive of literature dedicated to his romantic exploits

with Watson. There’s a 39-chapter romance novel; a much-viewed video super-cut, above, of

Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman (or ‘Curly Fu’ and ‘Peanut’, to give them their Chinese

nicknames) exchanging longing looks set to slushy music; plus, of course, the inevitable

S&M scenarios. All of which may seem like fairly standard fan-fiction fare – until you

remember that in China, writing such filth is a crime punishable with a lengthy jail term.

第三季第一集《空灵柩》里的多场吻戏充分证明 Steven Moffat 和 Mark Gatiss 热衷用

Sherlock 模糊的性向做文章。Benedict Cumberbatch 说:“每个人都对他有自己的理解,

曾经有无性主义者跑来感谢我代表了他们。”但是 Moffat 认为他们不对:“在原著中,

没有任何迹象表明 Holmes 是无性主义者或者同性恋,”Moffat 对卫报这么说。不过

什么也不能阻止众多中国饭把 Sherlock 当作同志偶像,大量的文学创作描绘了他和

Waston 的浪漫关系。有一篇长达 39 章的言情小说;一段点击量超大的剪辑视频(见

配图),视频里 Cumberbatch 和 Martin Freeman(或者还是用中文叫他们卷福和花

生)在令人意乱情迷的音乐中互相凝视,当然,之后还有不可避免的 sm 场景。这些
可能面临漫长的刑期。(译者吐槽:吓 cry)

6. Benedict Cumberbatch doesn’t play the violin quite as well as Sherlock

6.Benedcit Cumberbatch 的小提琴水平不如 Sherlock

In Arthur Conan Doyle’s story The Cardboard Box, it transpires that Sherlock Holmes owns

and plays a violin made by Antonio Stradivarius himself. The Sherlock production team,

however, uses a different violin for each series (series three’s is a £1,200 Chinese-made Con

Fuoco), all on loan from Cardiff Violins. (The shop’s website contains a sweet testimonial

from a ‘Mr John H Watson’, thanking the staff for being ‘extremely patient’ with his friend:

‘He would thank you himself; only, well Sherlock doesn’t really do that sort of thing ...’) For

season two’s on-screen violin scenes, Cumberbatch was taught how to play and ‘violin act’

by Eos Chater, a member of the classical group Bond. Although the actor played live on set,

the playing heard on the soundtrack is by Chater. "Benedict had a week, and made a

surprisingly good sound," she wrote of the experience on her blog. "I have no doubt he

would be a good violinist if he had the inclination."

柯南道尔的《硬纸盒子》里有情节表明,Sherlock Holmes 会拉小提琴,并且拥有一把

Antonio Stradivarius 亲制的琴。然而夏洛克剧组每一季用的琴都不一样,(第三季的

琴是一把价值 1200 英镑中国制造的 Con Fuoco)都是从卡迪夫琴行 Cardiff Violins 借

来的。(这个店的网站上还有一封有爱的感谢信,来自 John H Watson 先生,感谢店

Sherlock 从来不这么做……”)为了第二季呈献的小提琴演奏,Cumberbatch 从 Eos

Chater 那里学了怎么拉小提琴,后者是 Bond 古典乐队成员。虽然画面确实是演员亲

自上阵,但琴声其实还是 Chater 演奏的。Chater 在自己的博客上写道“Benedict 用了

7. Yet his pen-catching skills are beyond reproach


A scene in The Blind Banker shows John throwing a pen to Sherlock, who catches it without

even looking at it. Cumberbatch made the catch on the first take (using a mirror so he could

see it coming), but the cameraman was too slow and missed it. He got it again on the third.

《盲目的银行家》里有一幕是 John 扔了一支钢笔给 Sherlock,Sherlock 看都没看就接

住了。拍摄时 Cumberbatch 第一次就接住了(借助镜子他可以看到钢笔),可惜摄像


8. China can’t understand why Sherlock takes so long to make


During David Cameron’s official visit to China last December, the Prime Minister allowed

Chinese citizens to ask him questions through Sina Weibo, the country’s Twitter-like social

network. Among queries about Larry the Downing Street cat, Tom Daley, Visa application

forms and Wendi Deng, by far the most popular request was: “Please urge Sherlock crew to

be quick! They have had us waiting for two years for every season!” Cameron diplomatically

pointed out that “I can’t tell them what to do, as it’s an independent company”, before urging

fans to pass the time by reading Conan Doyle’s stories.

去年 12 月,首相卡梅伦正式访问中国期间,通过新浪微博,中国类似 Twitter 的社交

网站,回答中国民众的提问。在一堆关于唐宁街的猫 Larry,Tom Daley,签证申请表

等两年啊!” 一开始卡梅伦用外交辞令回复到:“我不能命令他们,他们是一个独
9. Sherlock’s staircase would please purists

9.Sherlock 的楼梯让原著死忠满意

In Conan Doyle's A Scandal in Bohemia, Sherlock asks Watson how many steps lead up to

their quarters at 221b Baker Street. Watson hasn't a clue. “I know there are 17 steps, because

I have both seen and observed,” Holmes tells him. Because Sherlock fans are similarly

observant, there are 17 steps leading to the first floor of the Sherlock Holmes Museum, and

another 17 between the hall and front room on the Cardiff set of Sherlock.

原著《波西米亚丑闻》里,Sherlock 问 Watson 贝克街 221B 的一楼到二楼有几级台阶,

Watson 毫无头绪。Holmes 告诉他“我知道有 17 级,因为我看见并且观

察。”Sherlock 饭们同样观察力惊人,现在的贝克街 221B 二楼是夏洛克福尔摩斯博物

馆,从一楼上去有 17 级台阶,同样在卡迪夫的 221B 替身地址,从前门到二楼客厅也

有 17 级台阶。

10. In Japan, he’s a comic book hero


Japan has a long tradition of Sherlock-influenced, copyright-avoiding manga or anime:

Young Miss Holmes, a manga comic about Sherlock’s niece; Detective Hound, a canine
anime series co-created by Studio Ghibli’s Hayao Miyazaki; the unrelated Detective Dog

Sherdock, a comic in which the sleuth is reincarnated as a dog; and the Arthur Conan Doyle-

inspired boy crime-solver Detective Conan, whose latest animated adventure trounced Keanu

Reeves’s 47 Ronin at the Japanese box-office. But the BBC series recently received the

ultimate accolade: completely faithful (ie, free of tentacled creatures and and robots) comic-

book adaptations of the episodes A Study in Pink and The Blind Banker in Young Ace

magazine. As the above rendering proves, Cumberbatch’s gamine features make him the

perfect manga hero.

如《福尔摩斯小姐》Young Miss Holmes,是 Sherlock 的侄女的故事;《猎犬侦

探》Detective Hound,是宫崎骏参与创作的以一只狗为主角的动画;还有一本漫画主

角也是狗但是与此不相关,叫《侦探犬夏多克》Detective Dog Sherdock,这只狗是侦


Conan,《柯南》的最新一部剧场版,在票房上击败了 Keanu Reeves 的《四十七个浪

人》47 Ronin。不过,最近 BBC 的剧集收获了最高的礼遇——完全忠于剧情的(即没

Ace》Young Ace 杂志上。以配图的效果看来,Cumberbatch 略为阴柔的外表让他成为

11. And in South Korea, he’s (almost) a pop star


K-pop pretty-boys SHINee paid tribute to the series with their 2012 hit Sherlock, and an

accompanying video full of slightly suspect Holmes-ian references (violin, shabby

Victoriana decor, an ‘iWatson’ laptop), in which they solve a jewel heist seemingly

perpetrated by a ghost:

韩国流行音乐花美男组合 SHINee 用他们 2012 的主打歌曲 Sherlock 致敬 BBC 的剧集,

搭配的 MV 里也满是令人想到 Holmes 的细节(小提琴,破旧的维多利亚时代装饰,


12. ‘221b Baker Street’ actually looks like this

12.贝克街 221B 其实长这样

The 370 sq ft one-bedroom flat above Speedy’s Cafe (see number 4), which is in fact about a

mile away from Baker Street but doubles as Sherlock’s home for exterior shots, was

available for rent in early 2012 for the price of £330 a week.

它是 Speedy 咖啡馆楼上(见第四条)一间 370 平方英尺的公寓,在外景拍摄时充当

Sherlock 的住处,离贝克街其实有一英里远。2012 年年初这里就对外出租了,租金是

每周 330 英镑。

13. Sherlock isn’t a sociopath

13.Sherlock 不是反社会者

In A Study In Pink, Anderson flippantly calls Holmes a psychopath. "Do your research,

Anderson," comes the reply. “I'm a high-functioning sociopath.” Not true, according to

psychologist Maria Konnikova, who convincingly argues that Sherlock is altogether too
loving, empathetic, and aware of his own faults to be considered a sociopath.

《粉红色的研究》里,Anderson 不怀好意地称 Holmes 为精神病人。得到的回应是

“多学点,Anderson,我是高功能反社会者。”其实不是,心理学家 Maria Konnikova

的观点令人信服,一个反社会者,不会像 Sherlock 这样有感情,能同情别人并且认识


14. But he may be autistic


Late last year, autism charity the National Autistic Society cited Sherlock’s single-

mindedness, inability to understand social norms such as sarcasm, and incredible feats of

recall as evidence that he might be autistic. This, despite Watson making a direct reference to

his friend’s Asperger’s in The Hounds of Baskerville.

去年年末,自闭症慈善组织国家自闭症学会以 Sherlock 的过分专注,对讽刺等社会规

据——在《巴斯克维尔的猎犬》里 Waston 直白地表示过他的朋友有阿斯伯格综合征。

15. Even the fonts have meaning


As typography design experts have noted, the lettering used for Sherlock’s on-screen

graphics varies according to the occasion. For text messages, AF Generation Z is used; to

show Sherlock deduction process, it’s P22 Johnston Underground (above); Irene Adler’s

high-end Vertu phone uses the business-like Verdanda. Johnston Underground is also used
as the basis for the series’ custom-made title font.
用来表示短信的字幕用的是 AF Generation Z;Sherlck 推理时出现的是 P22 Johnston

Underground(图中款);为 Irene Adler 的 Vertu 高端订制机配的字幕是更有商业气息

的 Verdanda。剧目名称用的字体则是以 Johnston Underground 为基础特制的。

16. The Russians have their own Sherlock

16.俄罗斯人有自己的 Sherlock

Freud’s Method, a crime drama produced by Russia’s Star Media, bears a striking

resemblance to the BBC series. The lead character is Roan Freydin, a "psychologist and

professional poker player" working as a "special consultant" to the police, who are infuriated

by his "eccentric methods" but impressed by his ability to solve crimes using "psychological

science" and "intuition". Even the opening titles look a little familiar, as Mark Gatiss noted

with his tweet: "Ha! The sincerest form of flattery".

《弗洛伊德的手法》Freud’s Method,是俄罗斯星媒体出品的犯罪剧,与 BBC 的剧集

有惊人的相似。主角叫 Roan Freydin,一个“心理学家兼职业扑克玩家”,作为“特

和“直觉”侦破案件的能力。两个剧的片头甚至都有些相似,Mark Gatiss 还发推表示:

17. Sherlock is (possibly) responsible for BlackBerry’s woes

In 2010, season one of Sherlock showed Holmes using a blazingly fast BlackBerry 9700;

come season two, broadcast by the BBC in early 2012, he’d made the switch to an Apple

iPhone 4. By the end of January, BlackBerry co-CEOs Mike Lazaridis and Jim Balsillie had

stepped down, admitting that the company had failed to compete with Apple. Coincidence?

Draw your own conclusions.

2010 年第一季的《神探夏洛克》里 Holmes 用着运行流畅的黑莓 9700;到了 2012 年初

的第二季,他换了一台 iPhone 4。同年一月末,黑莓共同首席执行长 Mike Lazaridis 和

Jim Balsillie 辞职,承认公司在竞争中败给苹果。巧合?是不是巧合自己想吧。

18. Matt Smith wanted to be Watson

18.Matt Smith 想当 Waston 来着

A week before landing the part of Doctor Who, Matt Smith auditioned to play John Watson;

Steven Moffat decided he was "too barmy", and that one Sherlock was enough. Martin

Freeman, on the other hand, arrived at his audition having had his wallet stolen on the way

and was in such a bad mood it was assumed he wasn’t interested. The following week, he

returned in a better frame of mind, read with Benedict Cumberbatch, and the part was his.

在获得第 11 任 Doctor 角色的前一周,Matt Smith 为扮演 John Waston 试镜;Steven

Moffat 觉得他“太不正常”,一个不正常的 Sherlock 已经够了。另一方面,Martin

Freeman 来试镜的时候,因为钱包在路上被偷了心情很糟,让人以为他对这角色没兴

趣。接下来一星期他再出现的时候心情好多了,和 Benedict Cumberbatch 一起读了剧

本之后,他就成为了 Waston。

19. Benedict Cumberbatch hates Sherlock’s hair

19.Benedict Cumberbatch 讨厌 Sherlock 发型

The actor’s preparations for looking the part of Sherlock include intense Bikram yoga

sessions, swimming, and no smoking or drinking during filming. But there’s one thing he

especially hates doing: growing his hair. As he told The Times, “I can’t think of a wittier or

even accurate comparison, but I just think it makes me look a bit like… a woman.”

为了塑造 Sherlock 的外形,准备工作包括大量瑜伽课程,游泳,拍摄期间禁烟禁酒。

但 Benedict 最讨厌的事是留头发。他告诉时代周刊:“我想不出什么更诙谐或者说准

20. Mark Gatiss learnt to swim in Moriarty’s pool

20.Mark Gatiss 在 Moriarty 的泳池里学会了游泳

At the end of season one, Moriarty lures Holmes and Watson to a beautiful public pool in

order to kill them. The location used (for both the cliffhanger and the beginning of season

two, forcing the crew to return a year later and recreate the signage) is Bristol South

Swimming Pool; according to the Sherlockology blog, this is also where a young Mark

Gatiss learnt to swim.

第一季结束时,Moriarty 诱导 Holmes 和 Waston 来到了一个美丽的公共泳池准备了结

博客 Sherlockology 显示,Mark Gatiss 小时候在这学了游泳。
21. Sherlock and Mrs Hudson knew each other in a previous life

21.Sherlock 和 Mrs Hudson 以前就认识

Benedict Cumberbatch has often said that Una Stubbs (above), who plays his screen

landlady Mrs Hudson, mothers him on the set of Sherlock. But she has good reason: Stubbs

is an acting contemporary of Cumberbatch’s mother Wanda Ventham (who made a surprise

appearance in The Empty Hearse as Sherlock's Les Mis-loving mother, alongside the actor's

father Timothy Carlton as Holmes senior), and used to live around the corner from her when

Cumberbatch was a child. So a four-year-old Benedict would often find himself forced to

endure hours of boredom as Stubbs and his mother gossiped on park benches or street

corners. Stubbs nonetheless found him “Very polite... A lovely boy.”

Benedict Cumberbatch 常说 Una Stubbs(上图),在片中饰演他的房东 Mrs Hudson,

而在片场就像他的妈妈一样。Una Stubbs 这么做不是没有理由,她是和 Cumberbatch

的妈妈 Wanda Ventham 同时期的演员(Ventham 在《空灵柩》中以 Sherlock 母亲的身

份惊喜出场,身边的 Sherlock 父亲也是 Cumberbatch 亲爹 Timothy

Carlton),Cumberbatch 还小的时候,Stubbs 就住在他们家附近。所以四岁的 Benedict

常被迫在公园长椅上或是街角,听上几小时 Stubbs 和妈妈的闲扯。Stubbs 则说他“非


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