Activity No. 3 - Essay Writing

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The society of today's time shows how gender corresponds to power. It is a very
discriminatory remark and even a troubling societal issue that is yet to be eradicated. Gender might
appear to be just a simple concept that just put specifications of what is a man and what is a woman,
or the member of the LGBTQ community. However, this division really made a big intolerable
gap between man and woman not just by their characteristics but also to the relevance and power
they will be having in the society. No matter how much other people say that gender equality exists
now, this is undeniably very doubtful. In different scenarios, gender inequality still exists. If you
are a man, you gain more power. If you're a woman, you are more likely to be treated poorly and
be denied of power. In the 21st Century, the society still manifests that Power coincides to the kind
of Gender a person has.

Manifestation of how Gender predicts the power a person will be having can be seen in a
lot of activities and scenarios. A good example is in Political setting. Have any of you noticed how
big the gap is when it comes to the ratio of the number of man against the woman that has a position
in the government? Even on the history of the Presidents all over the world, the number of male
presidents are very large compare to females with a 65% gap. This just shows how very favorable
a powerful position is to a man. There's always this thought that men are superior and women in
contrast are inferior. The Gender and Power concept can also be observed in the corporate world.
The big bosses are mostly men and they are also more frequent to receive better positions in the
company, thus, giving them greater power too. On the other hand, women are stereotyped to just
settle in secretarial positions and even lower than it. Clearly, the concept of Gender and Power is
very evident in any areas of life and different places.

Gender should not be looked upon when deciding the power that a person will have. Power
does not have a gender and there's no rule that states than men deserve more recognition and
credibility. If there’s a time for men, there should also be a time for women. Fairness should always
be observed and it shall prevail in the society. In fact, in today's time, a lot of women are getting
into the spotlight. Women also made their own way to the top and they prove that gender is never
a hindrance and definitely never a dictator of their strength, skills, and power. In conclusion,
Gender does not corresponds with the power a person should have. Therefore, Power should be
distributed fairly regardless of the gender they carry.

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