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1 Cuanto más hables, peor será. The more you talk, the worse it will be.
2 Cuanto más insistas, más se enfadarán. The more insist, the angrier they’ll get.
3 Si quisieras hacerlo, lo harías. If you wanted to do it, you would.
4 Si estuvieras aquí, me ayudarías. If you were here, you'd help me.
5 Si vinieras, conocerías a mi hermana. If you came, you'd meet my sister.
6 Si me lo dijeran, estaría más tranquilo. If they told me, I'd be more relaxed.
7 ¿Qué harías si te tocara la lotería? What would you do if you won the lottery?
8 Estás hablando como si fueras rico. You're talking as if you were rich.

Me estás tratando como si fuera un

9 You're treating me as if I were a child.
10 Te lo diría de verdad. I would really tell you.

Si tuviéramos un problema, hablaría con

11 If we had a problem, I would talk to him.
12 Si ella me preguntara, no le diría nada. If she asked me, I wouldn't tell her anything.
13 Si vivieras aquí, sería genial. If you lived here, it'd be great.

¿Qué comeríamos si no tuviéramos What would we eat if we didn't have any
dinero? money?

Te estoy preguntando que qué harías en I'm asking you what you would do if you
mi situación. were in my place.
16 Me gustaría que vinieras. I would like you to come.
17 ¿La reconocerías si la vieras? Would you recognize her if you saw her?
18 No sé qué le diría si la viera. I don't know what I would tell her if I saw her.
19 Si hubiera uno de sobra, sería para ellos. If there were one left, it would be for them.
20 ¿Por qué no sería para mí? Why wouldn't it be for me?
21 Raúl caminaba como si estuviera cojo. Raul walked as if he were limping.
22 Si se me cayera, lo recogería. If I dropped it, I'd pick it up.
23 ¿A dónde irías si tuvieras un problema? Where would you go if you had a problem?
24 ¿A quién llamarías? Who would you call?

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