Ole Rømer: 1 General Biography

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Ole Rømer

“Rømer” redirects here. For other uses, see Romer merchant and skipper, Christen Pedersen (died Septem-
(disambiguation). ber 19,1663), and Anna Olufsdatter Storm (c. 1610-
1690), daughter of a well-to-do alderman.[1] Since 1642,
Ole Christensen Rømer (Danish pronunciation: [ˈo(ː)lə Christen Pedersen had taken to using the name Rømer,
which means that he was from the Danish island of
ˈʁœːˀmɐ]; 25 September 1644 – 19 September 1710) was
a Danish astronomer who in 1676 made the first quanti- Rømø, to distinguish himself from [2]
a couple of other peo-
ple named Christen Pedersen. There are few records
tative measurements of the speed of light. Rømer also
invented the modern thermometer showing the tempera- of Ole Rømer before 1662, when he graduated from
ture between two fixed points, namely the points at which the old Aarhus
Katedralskole (the Cathedral school of
water respectively boils and freezes. In scientific litera- Aarhus), moved to Copenhagen and matriculated at
ture alternative spellings such as “Roemer”, “Römer”, or the University of Copenhagen. His mentor at the Uni-
“Romer” are common. versity was Rasmus Bartholin, who published his discov-
ery of the double refraction of a light ray by Iceland spar
(calcite) in 1668, while Rømer was living in his home.
Rømer was given every opportunity to learn mathematics
1 General biography and astronomy using Tycho Brahe's astronomical obser-
vations, as Bartholin had been given the task of preparing
them for publication.[5]
Rømer was employed by the French government: Louis
XIV made him tutor for the Dauphin, and he also took
part in the construction of the magnificent fountains at
In 1681, Rømer returned to Denmark and was appointed
professor of astronomy at the University of Copenhagen,
and the same year he married Anne Marie Bartholin,
the daughter of Rasmus Bartholin. He was active also
as an observer, both at the University Observatory at
Rundetårn and in his home, using improved instruments
of his own construction. Unfortunately, his observations
have not survived: they were lost in the great Copenhagen
Fire of 1728. However, a former assistant (and later an
astronomer in his own right), Peder Horrebow, loyally de-
scribed and wrote about Rømer’s observations.
In Rømer’s position as royal mathematician, he intro-
duced the first national system for weights and mea-
sures in Denmark on 1 May 1683.[6][7] Initially based on
the Rhine foot, a more accurate national standard was
adopted in 1698.[8] Later measurements of the standards
fabricated for length and volume show an excellent de-
gree of accuracy. His goal was to achieve a definition
based on astronomical constants, using a pendulum. This
would happen after his death, practicalities making it too
inaccurate at the time. Notable is also his definition of
Rundetårn, or round tower, in Copenhagen, on top of which the the new Danish mile of 24,000 Danish feet (circa 7,532
university had its observatory from the mid 17th century until m).[9]
the mid 19th century, when it was moved to new premises. The
current observatory there was built in the 20th century to serve In 1700, Rømer persuaded the king to introduce the
amateurs. Gregorian calendar in Denmark-Norway — something
Tycho Brahe had argued for in vain a hundred years
Rømer was born on 25 September 1644 in Århus to a


earlier.[10] The determination of longitude is a significant practi-

cal problem in cartography and navigation. Philip III of
Spain offered a prize for a method to determine the longi-
tude of a ship out of sight of land, and Galileo proposed
a method of establishing the time of day, and thus lon-
gitude, based on the times of the eclipses of the moons
of Jupiter, in essence using the Jovian system as a cos-
mic clock; this method was not significantly improved
until accurate mechanical clocks were developed in the
eighteenth century. Galileo proposed this method to the
Spanish crown (1616–1617) but it proved to be imprac-
tical, because of the inaccuracies of Galileo’s timetables
and the difficulty of observing the eclipses on a ship.
However, with refinements the method could be made to
work on land.
After studies in Copenhagen, Rømer joined the obser-
vatory of Uraniborg on the island of Hven, near Copen-
hagen, in 1671. Over a period of several months, Jean Pi-
card and Rømer observed about 140 eclipses of Jupiter’s
moon Io, while in Paris Giovanni Domenico Cassini ob-
served the same eclipses. By comparing the times of the
eclipses, the difference in longitude of Paris to Uranien-
borg was calculated.
Cassini had observed the moons of Jupiter between 1666
and 1668, and discovered discrepancies in his measure-
Ole Rømer at work ments that, at first, he attributed to light having a fi-
nite speed. In 1672 Rømer went to Paris and continued
observing the satellites of Jupiter as Cassini’s assistant.
Rømer developed one of the first temperature scales while
Rømer added his own observations to Cassini’s and ob-
convalescing from a broken leg.[11] Fahrenheit visited him
served that times between eclipses (particularly those of
in 1708 and improved on the Rømer scale, the result being
Io) got shorter as Earth approached Jupiter, and longer as
the familiar Fahrenheit temperature scale still in use today
Earth moved farther away. Cassini made an announce-
in a few countries.[12][13][14]
ment to the Academy of Sciences on 22 August 1676:
Rømer also established navigation schools in several Dan-
ish cities.[15] This second inequality appears to be due
In 1705, Rømer was made the second Chief of the to light taking some time to reach us from the
Copenhagen Police, a position he kept until his death satellite; light seems to take about ten to eleven
in 1710.[16] As one of his first acts, he fired the entire minutes [to cross] a distance equal to the half-
force, being convinced that the morale was alarmingly diameter of the terrestrial orbit.[23]
low. He was the inventor of the first street lights (oil
lamps) in Copenhagen, and worked hard to try to control Oddly, Cassini seems to have abandoned this reasoning,
the beggars, poor people, unemployed, and prostitutes of which Rømer adopted and set about buttressing in an ir-
Copenhagen.[17][18] refutable manner, using a selected number of observa-
In Copenhagen, Rømer made rules for building new tions performed by Picard and himself between 1671
houses, got the city’s water supply and sewers back in or- and 1677. Rømer presented his results to the French
der, ensured that the city’s fire department got new and Academy of Sciences, and it was summarised soon after
better equipment, and was the moving force behind the by an anonymous reporter in a short paper, Démonstra-
planning and making of new pavement in the streets and tion touchant le mouvement de la lumière trouvé par M.
on the city squares.[19][20][21] Roemer de l'Académie des sciences, published 7 Decem-
ber 1676 in the Journal des sçavans. Unfortunately the
Rømer died at the age of 65 in 1710.[22] paper bears the stamp of the reporter failing to under-
stand Rømer’s presentation, and as the reporter resorted
to cryptic phrasings to hide his lack of understanding, he
2 Rømer and the speed of light obfuscated Rømer’s reasoning in the process. Unfortu-
nately Rømer himself never published his results.[24]
Main article: Rømer’s determination of the speed of light Assume the Earth is in L, at the second quadrature with
Jupiter (i.e. ALB is 90°), and Io emerges from D. After

comes 22 minutes, which may be interpreted as the time

necessary for the light to cross a distance equal to the di-
ameter of the Earth’s orbit, H to E.[26] (Actually, Jupiter
is not visible from the conjunction point E.) That inter-
pretation makes it possible to calculate the strict result of
Rømer’s observations: The ratio of the speed of light to
the speed with which Earth orbits the sun, which is the
ratio of the duration of a year divided by pi as compared
to the 22 minutes
⁄π·₂₂ ≈ 7,600.
299,792 km s−1
In comparison the modern value is circa ⁄₂₉.₈
≈ 10,100.[27]
Rømer neither calculated this ratio, nor did he give a value
for the speed of light. However, many others calculated
a speed from his data, the first being Christiaan Huygens;
after corresponding with Rømer and eliciting more data,
Huygens deduced that light travelled 16 2 ⁄3 Earth diame-
ters per second.[28]
Rømer’s view that the velocity of light was finite was
not fully accepted until measurements of the so-called
aberration of light were made by James Bradley in 1727.
In 1809, again making use of observations of Io, but this
time with the benefit of more than a century of increas-
ingly precise observations, the astronomer Jean Baptiste
Joseph Delambre reported the time for light to travel from
the Sun to the Earth as 8 minutes and 12 seconds. De-
pending on the value assumed for the astronomical unit,
this yields the speed of light as just a little more than
300,000 kilometres per second. The modern value is
8 minutes and 19 seconds, and a speed of 299,792.458
A plaque at the Observatory of Paris, where the Dan-
Illustration from the 1676 article on Rømer’s measurement of
ish astronomer happened to be working, commemorates
the speed of light. Rømer compared the duration of Io’s orbits as
what was, in effect, the first measurement of a universal
Earth moved towards Jupiter (F to G) and as Earth moved away
from Jupiter (L to K). quantity made on this planet.

several orbits of Io, at 42.5 hours per orbit, the Earth is in

K. Rømer reasoned that if light is not propagated instan-
taneously, the additional time it takes to reach K, that he 3 Inventions
reckoned about 3½ minutes, would explain the observed
delay. Rømer observed immersions in C from the sym- In addition to inventing the first street lights in
metric positions F and G, to avoid confusing eclipses (Io Copenhagen,[29][30] Rømer also invented the meridian
shadowed by Jupiter from C to D) and occultations (Io circle,[31][32][33] the altazimuth,[34][35] and the Passage
hidden behind Jupiter at various angles). In the table be- Instrument.[36][37]
low, his observations in 1676, including the one on Au-
gust 7, believed to be in opposition H,[25] and the one
observed at Paris Observatory to be 10 minutes late, on
November 9.[26]
By trial and error, during eight years of observations 4 Ole Romer Medal
Rømer worked out how to account for the retardation of
light when reckoning the ephemeris of Io. He calculated
the delay as a proportion of the angle corresponding to a The Ole Rømer Medal is given annually by the Dan-
given Earth’s position with respect to Jupiter, Δt = 22·( ish Natural Science Research Council for outstanding
⁄₁₈₀°)[minutes]. When the angle α is 180° the delay be- research.[38]

5 The Ole Rømer Museum 8 Notes and references

The Ole Rømer Museum is located in the municipal- [1] Niels Dalgaard (1996). Dage med Madsen, eller, Livet i
ity of Høje-Taastrup, Denmark,[39] at the excavated Århus: om sammenhænge i Svend Åge Madsens forfatter-
site of Rømer’s observatory Observatorium Tusculanum skab (in Danish). Museum Tusculanum Press. pp. 169–.
ISBN 978-87-7289-409-6. ... skipper og handelsmand i
at Vridsløsemagle.[40][41][42] The observatory opened in
Århus, gift med Anne Olufsdatter Storm (død 1690) og
1704, and operated until about 1716, when the remaining far til astronomen Ole Rømer (1644-1710).
instruments were moved to Rundetårn in Copenhagen.[43]
There is a large collection of ancient and more recent as- [2] Friedrichsen, Per; Tortzen, Chr. Gorm (2001). Ole
tronomical instruments on display at the museum.[44] The Rømer – Korrespondance og afhandlinger samt et udvalg
museum opened in 1979, and has since 2002 been a part af dokumenter (in Danish). Copenhagen: C. A. Reitzels
of the museum Kroppedal at the same location.[45][46][47] Forlag. p. 16. ISBN 87-7876-258-8.

[3] Bogvennen (in Danish). 1–9. Fischers forlag. 1971. pp.

66–. Denne antagelse tiltrænger en nærmere redegørelse:
6 Honours Ole Rømer udgik som student fra Aarhus Katedralskole
i 1662. Ole Rømer Skolens rektor på den tid var Niels
Nielsen Krog, om hvem samtidige kilder oplyser, at »hans
In Denmark, Ole Rømer has been honoured in various studium ...
ways through the ages. He has been portrayed on bank
notes,[48] the eponymous Ole Rømer’s Hill is named af- [4] Olaf Lind; Poul Ib Henriksen (2003). Arkitektur For-
ter him,[49] as are streets in both Aarhus and Copenhagen taellinger/Building of Aarhus University (in Danish).
(Ole Rømers Gade and Rømersgade respectively).[50][51] Aarhus Universitetsforlag. pp. 21–. ISBN 978-87-7288-
972-6. Ole Rømer tog i øvrigt studentereksamen fra
Aarhus University’s astronomical observatory is named
Latinskolen i Ãrhus (Katedralskolen) i 1662.
The Ole Rømer Observatory (Ole Rømer Observatoriet)
in his honour, and a Danish satellite project to measure [5] Friedrichsen; Tortzen (2001), pp. 19–20.
the age, temperature, physical and chemical conditions
of selected stars, was named The Rømer Satellite. The [6] Mai-Britt Schultz; Rasmus Dahlberg (31 October 2013).
satellite project stranded in 2002 and was never realised Det vidste du ikke om Danmark (in Danish). Gyldendal.
though.[52][53] pp. 53–. ISBN 978-87-02-14713-1. I 1683 udarbejd-
ede Ole Rømer en forordning, der fastsatte den danske
The Römer crater on the Moon is named after him.[54] mil samtenrækkeandre mål,hvilketvar hårdt tiltrængt, for
indtil da havde derhersketet sandtenhedskaosi Danmar-
kNorge. Eksempelvis var en sjællandsk alen 63 centime-
6.1 In popular culture ter, ...

[7] Poul Aagaard Christiansen; Povl Riis; Eskil Hohwy

In the 1960s, the comic-book superhero The Flash on a (1982). Festskrift udgivet i anledning af Universitetsbib-
number of occasions would measure his velocity in “Roe- liotekets 500 års jubilæum 28. juni 1982 (in Danish).
mers” [sic], in honour of Ole Rømer’s “discovery” of the Lægeforeningen. pp. 87–. En studie i Ole Rømers efter-
speed of light.[55] ladte optegnelser, Adversaria, som hans enke Else Magda-
lene ... at give Christian V’s kongelige mathematicus Ole
In Larry Niven's 1999 novel Rainbow Mars, Ole Rømer is
Rømer (1644-1710) æren for udformningen af forordnin-
mentioned as having observed Martian life in an alternate gen af 1.V.1683 ...
history timeline.
Ole Rømer features in the 2012 game Empire: Total War [8] Alastair H. Thomas (10 May 2010). The A to Z of Den-
mark. Scarecrow Press. pp. 422–. ISBN 978-0-8108-
as a gentleman under Denmark.
7205-9. ... although uniformity throughout the country
was not achieved until statutes of 1683 and 1698, un-
der the leadership of Ole Romer. The metric system was
7 General references adopted in 1907 and is universal, though colloquially units
such as tomme, tande land, ...

• MacKay, R. Jock; Oldford, R. Wayne (2000). [9] Niels Erik Nørlund (1944). De gamle danske længdeen-
“Scientific Method, Statistical Method and the heder (in Danish). E. Munksgaard. pp. 74–. ... Maj
Speed of Light”. Statistical Science. 15 (3): 254– 1683 gennemførte Reform af Maal og Vægt fastsatte Ole
Rømer den danske Mils Længde til 12 000 danske Alen.
278. doi:10.1214/ss/1009212817. (Mostly about
A.A. Michelson, but considers forerunners including [10] K. Hastrup; C. Rubow; T. Tjørnhøj-Thomsen (2011).
Rømer.) Kulturanalyse — kort fortalt (in Danish). Samfundslitter-
atur. pp. 219–. ISBN 978-87-593-1496-8. I Danmark
• Axel V. Nielsen (1944). Ole Romer, en Skildring af blev den gregorianske kalender indført den 1. marts 1700
hans Liv og Gerning (in Danish). Nordisk Forlag. efter forarbejde af Ole Rømer. Man stoppede med brug

af den julianske kalender den 18. februar, og sprang sim- 368–. ISBN 978-87-567-3866-8. Det var et held, at Ole
pelthen de næste 11 dage over. så man landede direkte på Rømer først blev kaldt tilbage til den danske hovedstad,
... efter at han i Paris havde opnået ... Men at denne geniale
forsker som Københavns politimester skulle beskæftige sig
[11] Tom Shachtman (12 December 2000). Absolute Zero and med forholdsregler mod prostitution og betleri, ..
the Conquest of Cold. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. pp.
48–. ISBN 0-547-52595-8. ... down to an almost myth- [19] Danmarks Naturvidenskabelige Samfund (1914).
ical point, an absolute zero, the end of the end. Around Ingeniørvidenskabelige skrifter (in Danish). Danmarks
1702, while Amontons was doing his best work in Paris, naturvidenskabelige samfund, i kommission hos G.E.C.
in Copenhagen the astronomer Ole Romer, who had cal- Gad. pp. 108–. I de følgende Aar udstedtes der en
culated the finite speed of light, broke his leg. Confined to Række Forordninger om Gaderne; de skyldes uden Tvivl
his home for some time, he took the opportunity of forced Ole Rømer. Snart er det Brolægningen, det gælder,
idleness to produce a thermometer having two fixed points snart et omhyggeligt Reglement for Færdslen i Gaderne.
... Brolægningen havde medført store ...

[12] Don Rittner (1 January 2009). A to Z of Scientists in [20] Svend Cedergreen Bech (1967). Københavns historie gen-
Weather and Climate. Infobase Publishing. pp. 54–. nem 800 år (in Danish). Haase. pp. 246–. 1705-10 bek-
ISBN 978-1-4381-0924-4. Fahrenheit’s first thermome- lædtes politime- politimester ster-embedet af fysikeren
ters, from about 1709 to 1715, contained a column of al- Ole Rømer, i hvis embedstid mange reformer forsøgtes.
cohol that directly expanded and contracted, based on a Brolægning og belysning forbedredes, vandforsyning og
design made by Danish astronomer Ole Romer in 1708, vandafledning blev taget op til revision, men heller ikke
which Fahrenheit personally reviewed. Romer ... en så ...

[13] Popularization and People (1911-1962). Elsevier. 22 Oc- [21] Axel Kjerulf (1964). Latinerkvarteret; blade af en gem-
tober 2013. pp. 431–. ISBN 978-0-08-046687-3. ... mel bydels historie (in Danish). Hassings forlag. pp. 44–.
letter from Fahrenheit to his Dutch colleague Hermann Ole Rømer vendte i 1681 tilbage til København, hvor han
Boerhaave (1668–1738) dated 17 April 1729 in which blev professor i astronomi ved universitetet og giftede sig
Fahrenheit describes his experience at Rømer’s laboratory med Rasmus ... justering af mål og vægt, blev ham be-
in 1708. troet foruden ordning af byggeforhold, gaders brolægning
og belysning.
[14] Neil Schlager; Josh Lauer (2001). Science and Its Times:
1700-1799. Gale Group. pp. 341–. ISBN 978-0-7876- [22] Virginia Trimble; Thomas R. Williams; Katherine
3936-5. In 1708 Fahrenheit visited Ole Romer (1644- Bracher; Richard Jarrell; Jordan D. Marché; F. Jamil
1710). Since at least 1702 Romer had been making alco- Ragep (18 September 2007). Biographical Encyclopedia
hol thermometers with two fixed points and a scale divided of Astronomers. Springer Science & Business Media. pp.
into equal increments. He impressed upon Fahrenheit the 983–. ISBN 978-0-387-30400-7.
scientific importance of ...
[23] Bobis, Laurence; Lequeux, James (2008). “Cassini,
[15] Carl Sophus Petersen; Vilhelm Andersen; Richard Jakob Rømer and the velocity of light” (PDF). J.
Paulli (1929). Illustreret dansk litteraturhistorie: bd. Den Astron. Hist. Heritage. 11 (2): 97–105.
danske littterature fra folkevandringstiden indtil Holberg, Bibcode:2008JAHH...11...97B.
af C.S. Petersen under medvirkning af R. Paulli (in Dan-
ish). Gyldendai. pp. 716–. ... Det var paa hans Tilskyn- [24] Teuber, Jan (2004). “Ole Rømer og den bevægede Jord –
delse, at de første Navigationsskoler (i København og en dansk førsteplads?". In Friedrichsen, Per; Henningsen,
Stege) oprettedes, og Bestyrerpladserne besatte han med Ole; Olsen, Olaf; Thykier, Claus; et al. Ole Rømer –
de bedste ... videnskabsmand og samfundstjener (in Danish). Copen-
hagen: Gads Forlag. p. 218. ISBN 87-12-04139-4.
[16] A. Sarlemijn; M.J. Sparnaay (22 October 2013). Physics
in the Making: Essays on Developments in 20th Century [25] Point H had occurred about one month earlier, according
Physics. Elsevier Science. pp. 48–. ISBN 978-1-4832- to Dieter Egger (1997-02-24). “Visualize Solar System at
9385-1. The other, Ole Rømer, was Bartholin’s amanu- a given Epoch”. Retrieved 2009-03-09.
ensis, later his son-inlaw. ... man, became the Danish [26] Saito, Yoshio (June 2005). “A Discussion of Roemer’s
king’s mathematician (mathematicus regius), professor of Discovery concerning the Speed of Light”. AAPPS Bul-
astronomy at the University of Copenhagen, and eventu- letin. 15 (3): 9–17.
ally chief of police of that city.
[27] Knudsen, Jens Martin; Hjorth, Poul G. (1996) [1995].
[17] Denmark. Udenrigsministeriet. Presse- og information- Elements of Newtonian Mechanics (2nd ed.). Berlin:
safdelingen (1970). Denmark. An official handbook. Springer Verlag. p. 367. ISBN 3-540-60841-9.
Krak. pp. 403–. ISBN 978-87-7225-011-3. It was per-
haps fortunate that Ole Romer (1644-1710) was called [28] Huygens, Christiaan (8 January 1690) Treatise on Light.
home to Denmark after he had achieved world fame by ... Translated into English by Silvanus P. Thompson, Project
of Copenhagen and oblige him to devote time and energy Gutenberg etext, p. 11. Retrieved on 2007-04-29.
to thinking out measures against prostitution and begging.
[29] Litteraturens Perioder (in Danish). Gyldendal Uddan-
[18] Gunnar Olsen; Finn Askgaard (1985). Den unge nelse. 2005. pp. 27–. ISBN 978-87-02-01832-5. En
enevaelde: 1660 - 1721 (in Danish). Politikens Forl. pp. af deltagerne i enevældens storstilede forsøg på at skabe

orden var Ole Rømer, der ikke blot var ... og i en peri- Ole Römer, de geniale Deensche astronoom, in 1689 een
ode borgmester i København, hvor han bl.a. fik skabt et passage-instrument construeeren, dat in 1704 omgebouwd
effektivt brandvæsen og en ordentlig gadebelysning. werd
[30] Bent Rying (1974). Denmark: An Official Handbook. [38] http://universitetsavisen.ku.dk/dokument2/dokument2/
Press and Cultural Relations Department, Royal Dan- dokument7/Uni10.01.pdf/
ish Ministry of Foreign Affairs. pp. 661–. About the
year 1700, the astronomer Ole Romer (1644-1710) dis- [39] John S. Rigden; Roger H Stuewer (29 May 2009).
played considerable technical activities as a public offi- The Physical Tourist: A Science Guide for the Traveler.
cial ... knowledge to improving Danish streets and roads, Springer Science & Business Media. pp. 62–. ISBN 978-
harbours and bridges, water supplies, street lighting, and 3-7643-8933-8. Danish astronomer Ole Rømer (1644–
sewers. 1710) studied at the University of Copenhagen. ... from
his home in Kannikestræde and at a new observatory built
[31] Meddelelser fra Ole Rømer-observatoriet i Aarhus. Ob-
to the west of Copenhagen, now the site of the Ole Rømer
servatoriet. 1958. pp. 177–. This extract from Ramus’s
thesis, together with his plate, shows clearly that Romer’s
Rota Meridiana was a meridian circle, taking this term in
[40] Nordisk universitets-tidskrift (in Danish). 1854. pp. 6–
its modern meaning. The meridian circle was the final step
. ... den længe forhen af den Danske berömle Astronom
in his series of instruments, in which ...
Ole Römer forfærdigede Cirkel, hvilken han kaldte rota
[32] William F. van Altena (22 November 2012). Astrometry meridiana, ... Ophold paa hans saakaldte Observatorium
for Astrophysics: Methods, Models, and Applications. Tusculanum i Landsbyen Wridslöse-Magte, nogle Mile fra
Cambridge University Press. pp. 299–. ISBN 978-0-521- Kjöbenhavn.
51920-5. The pursuit of better accuracy led Ole Romer to
develop the meridian circle in 1690 which, with modifi- [41] Historiske meddelelser om København (in Danish).
cations, is still in use today. The meridian circle or transit Københavns Kommune. 1936. pp. 316–. Trods
circle (conceived at the end of the seventeenth century) Observatoriets nu saa fortrinlige og moderne Indretning
was a combination of a ... synes Rømer dog ikke at have været helt tilfreds med
Forholdene. Det er, saa vidt det ... Hvis vi undersøger
[33] Neil English (28 September 2010). Choosing and Using de fleste af vore borgerlige Indretningers Historie, vil
a Refracting Telescope. Springer Science & Business Me- vi støde paa Ole Rømers Navn. ... Hans Elever har
dia. pp. 6–. ISBN 978-1-4419-6403-8. With a similar sikkert ogsaa observeret baade her og i det andet private
telescope, the Danish astronomer Ole Romer, witnessing a »Observatorium tusculanum«, som han byggede sig i
timing glitch in the eclipse of a Jovian satellite, ... Romer Vridsløsemagle.
is also credited for inventing the meridian transit circle
telescope (usually just called the meridian circle), ... [42] Carl Sophus Petersen; Vilhelm Andersen; Richard Jakob
Paulli (1929). Illustreret dansk litteraturhistorie: bd. Den
[34] Frank Moore Colby; George Sandeman (1913). Nelson’s danske littterature fra folkevandringstiden indtil Holberg,
Encyclopaedia: Everybody’s Book of Reference ... af C.S. Petersen under medvirkning af R. Paulli (in Dan-
Thomas Nelson. pp. 193–. The altazimuth (invented ish). Gyldendai. pp. 716–. ... København og Roskilde,
by Olaus Romer of Copenhagen in 1690) is available for sit “Observatorium Tusculanum”, som han med en klas-
measurements in all parts of the sky; and it was with a sisk Vending symbolsk kaldte det.
combination of this type, completed by Ramsden in 1789,
that Piazzi made the observations for his great ... [43] København (in Danish). Gyldendal A/S. 2004. pp. 133–.
[35] Hugh Chrisholm (1911). The Encyclopaedia Britannica: ISBN 978-87-02-03645-9. Allerede Ole Rømer ( 1644
A Dictionary of Arts, Sciences, Literature and General In- - 1710 ) var mere ambitiøs. Han syntes, der var alt for
formation. At the University Press. pp. 814–. Cassini, meget lys og røg i byen til, at man kunne se ordentligt, så
moreover, set up an altazimuth in 1678, and employed han byggede sit eget observatorium i Vridsløsemagle langt
from about a " parallactic machine,” provided with clock- uden for København.
work to enable it to follow the diurnal motion. Both in-
[44] Skalk, nyt om gammelt (in Danish). Forhistorisk Museum.
ventions have been ascribed to Olaus Romer, who used
1999. pp. xiv–.
but did ...
[36] Siegfried Schoppe (2012). Heinrich der Seefahrer, Kolum- [45] Historisk tidsskrift (in Danish). 106. Den Danske Foren-
bus und Magellan: Planung, Versuch und Irrtum bei der ing. 2006. pp. 743–. Det var astronomen Claus Thykier,
Entdeckung der Neuen Welt durch Portugal und Spanien der havde fået den idé, at han ville finde det sted, hvor Ole
vor 500 Jahren (in German). BoD – Books on Demand. Rømer (1644-1710) i 1704 ... I 1979 kunne Ole Rømer
pp. 271–. ISBN 978-3-8482-0910-1. Der dänische As- Museet åbne i lokaler på gården Kroppedal få hundrede
tronom Ole Römer (1644 – 1710) misst am Pariser Obser- meter fra fundstedet med Claus ...
vatorium die Lichtgeschwindigkeit mit ... Das “Passage-
Instrument” setzt sich nicht durch, weil es für die Kapitäne [46] “Kroppedal | Gyldendal — Den Store Danske”. Den-
zu kompliziert und nur bei klarer Sicht und ganz ... storedanske.dk. Retrieved 2015-10-05.

[37] Nederlands Natuur- en Geneeskundig Congres (1927). [47] Camilla Stockmann (2014-11-23). “Tycho Brahe-maleri
Handelingen (in Dutch). 21-22. pp. 70–. ... slingeruur- er forsvundet” (in Danish). Politiken.dk. Retrieved 2015-
werk van Huygens veranderde de zaak echter, en nu kon 10-05.

[48] Grethe Jensen; Benito Scocozza (1996). Politikens bog

om danskerne og verden: hvem, hvad, hvornår i 50 år (in
Danish). Politikens forlag. pp. 253–. ISBN 978-87-567-

[49] Mads Lidegaard (1 January 1998). Danske høje fra sagn

og tro (in Danish). Busck. pp. 86–. ISBN 978-87-17-
06754-7. Ole Rømers Høj (oprindelig Kongehøj) er den
største høj i hele området, 6 m høj med stejle sider og
en hel flad top. Den menes bygget i jernalderens sidste
århundreder eller vikingetiden og ligger lige øst for Vrid-
sløsemagle syd for ...

[50] http://gis.aarhus.dk/kommuneatlas/gadebeskrivelser/

[51] Bent Zinglersen (1972). Københavnske gadenavne og

deres historie (in Danish). Politiken. pp. 185–. ISBN

[52] “The Roemer satellite”. Astro.phys.au.dk. 2001-02-14.

Retrieved 2015-10-05.

[53] “Satellit fra Århus i rummet i 2003 - Aarhus” (in Danish).

Jyllands-posten.dk. Retrieved 2015-10-05.

[54] Peter Zamarovský (18 November 2013). Why is it dark

at night?: Story of dark night sky paradox. AuthorHouse.
pp. 157–. ISBN 978-1-4918-7881-1. ... the homeless
and prostitutes. In 1705 he became mayor of Copenhagen
and a year later, Chairman of the Danish State Council.
He died shortly before his sixtieth birthday. The Römer
Crater is located in the north-east section of the Moon.

[55] “Rebuilding Civilization: The Ultimate Time Ma-

chine 1: The Cosmic Treadmill”. rebuildingciviliza-

9 External links
• Roemer, Ole Christensen (at the Galileo Project)
• Obs.univ-lyon1.fr, Démonstration touchant le mou-
vement de la lumière (The 1676 paper on the speed
of light, in old French, as ordinary text)

• Rømer and the Doppler Principle. (further details

on Rømer’s result)

• (Danish) Fysikeren Ole Rømer (in Danish)

• Kroppedal Museum
• Ole Rømer on the 50 Danish Kroner banknote

10 Text and image sources, contributors, and licenses

10.1 Text
• Ole Rømer Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ole_R%C3%B8mer?oldid=751958350 Contributors: Magnus Manske, Brion VIB-
BER, Bryan Derksen, Sjc, Andre Engels, XJaM, Sfdan, Lir, Michael Hardy, Egil, Looxix~enwiki, Glenn, Rl, Pizza Puzzle, Dysprosia,
Zoicon5, Maximus Rex, Twang, Robbot, Smallweed, Wile E. Heresiarch, ManuelGR, Zigger, Curps, Csmiller, Kuralyov, DanielDe-
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• File:Illustration_from_1676_article_on_Ole_Rømer’{}s_measurement_of_the_speed_of_light.jpg Source: https://upload.
of_light.jpg License: Public domain Contributors: Olaf (Ole) Roemer, “Demonstration tovchant le mouvement de la lumiere trouvé par M.
Römer de l' Academie Royale des Sciences,” December 7, 1676. Original artist: Ole Rømer
• File:Ole_Rømer_Signature.svg Source: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/0/03/Ole_R%C3%B8mer_Signature.svg Li-
cense: Public domain Contributors: Traced in Adobe Illustrator from http://www.ub.uu.se/Global/Kulturarvsmaterial/Handskrifter/
Waller%20Russin%20Roemer%201a.jpg Original artist: Ole Rømer
• File:Ole_Rømer_at_work.jpg Source: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/3/30/Ole_R%C3%B8mer_at_work.jpg Li-
cense: Public domain Contributors: Horrebows Basis Astronomiæ Original artist: Unknown<a href='//www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q4233718'
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