Witsanut Aenpanya

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a Ff\4C !

Eh ru.uryrln

u.uryrlu z
943 fl.iluntaiu v{rul1u
ilru1lr nl{lilflrl ro4m
943 Phaholyothin Rd., Phpthai, Ph)6thai, Bargkok
lvrt. oa6i2444lrntr:
1O4OO Thailand
Tel-+ffi17-?444Fax. tff.2f17-24€€

lu iuta.: utrvrri (ru cal Certificate)

nrfi iu nr rntrqhiel nltur (covl D- I g)

{uvi (oat"),

itul{T uru uv{vrtil *nvrtlrarlt (Pnysician) ....1}:.. ntBnr unrnrrynurfir .1uor5g,n

rhvnouiarifl retnrr:Jro:rd (Meoicat license number) ...... l:1.11.11 lfin:ocdr{ nra{rJrada
(have examined the patient namely).?rlEl...i.erge,..ffclu!-"Uq-'r........ ... ......... ulJ 1u rns fn fl.J rvr''r t u/ passport

number...J.570300.08.37.89..........o1q tagel ..?.?.i1......... fl rnrrJ:r{roYr{il,:r (hospital number) ....9.q.9.11{4.?.

rrroqrdo{'ud (Date of examination) ..... 24t01/2022

runnr mrcq lrlnunref, or#otofatnttur(covt D-1 e) ( n.xamruu)

otirrlrfin,ru ar:dsrnorornl?qunru t+ {u riusi.ruqioonqrndudrda.: uio{ufinrYuaucrndudrdts u?olndnonuvrrlfr'fit

nr:ifiqftr.irfia,ft covro-rs urnGrfiarnrr li u?o{'aqruu4filfieY.rusi 37.s o{allifirduo icutfualnlr?c:lLvr"rlrfiuurtllq
otJrr'lnotlr.:uds tfr'urila irl, 4n r{rao urulqrudoa v?ou"u'lcdrLrn hl}rrrrurnrvrtl

n.rdo (Signeo By)


(...............rra;r' .lr5riiii.d..,...... ) (. .)
r{r ufir dlr.rtrar ur a/udns{'ru {fuhfu:ol unntl u?o t[fiLn rrn:tt
(Hospital Staff / Department) (Patient's Name / Client)

Hease mark "NrA' under the itern thai is not applicable.

pangercus abbrev,t+ons : 1) U 2) lU 3) OD , O.O., QD, q.d., qd (daaly) 4) O.O.O., ooD, g.o.d, qod , AO . (every olher dav) 5) Trailing zero (X'0 rng)
rlrul{firrhfilriotli : 6) Lack of leading zero (.X mg) 7) MS. 8) MSO4 and tr4gsga 9) ps
PMC-FM-MSH82 ; Revision : 0'1 ; lssued Oale: ?9nOnO21 ; PaoE : 1./1


*sc Ts+urururawrgr{n
Laboratory Report
Phyathai 2 Hospital
943 Phaholyothin Rd, Samsennai, Phyathai, Bangkok 10400 Tel.(66) 2 617 2444 Fax.(66) 2 619 8554

Patient Name : ulu ef,qfl rtourliyqr Sex : Male DOB : 13 Jan 1990 Age : 32 Y 11 D
Lab Episode :720281804
Hospital Number :68811162 Specimen Received on Date/Time :24 Jan2022 11:24
Collected Date/Time :24 lan2022 10.'55 Room/Bed :-

Location : (P2) Clinic Acute Respiratory Treat Inf@tinrpany : Phyathai 2

Doctor : ury. flfinr ltd{nliuouxfiry Lab Department : Bio - Molecular Laboratory

Test Name Result Unit Reference Range

SARS-CoV-2 ReaL-time RT-PCR (COVID-19)

Method Multiplex Real-time RT-PCR

Specimen Nasopharyngeal swab + Throat swab
SARS-CoV-2 RNA. Not detected
Assay reagent: SANSURE BIOTECH Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Limit of detection 200
copies /mL

Remark,. The SARS-CoV-2 ReaI-time RT-PCR (COVID-19) was reported by National

Healthcare System Co., Ltd. branch PHYATHAI 2 Hospltal.

Remark : H = Above reference range, L: Below reference range, (*) ISO 15189 Accredited
Antimicrobialsusceptibilitytest:S=Susceptible, I:lntermediate,R=Resistant,D=Susceptible-DoseDependent

Reported by : Sompoj Ch., MT 4425 on24 Jan202215:21 Test to follow : All Test Complete

Authorised by : ARIYAWAN PAIWAN, MT8005 on24 Jan202215:52 Print Date and Time: 25 Jan 2022 09:22

Page l/l **** FINAL REPORT. Please File **** t lunyru'rduiun:rlflo t._ 2._3.-
t l{o,,uvrdfl:-u:ru{lrfin l._--
1 ldunolr',ruqrlolruila l.- 3.--

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