Demo Script

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Good morning class!

Before we start our class, let me remind you of our virtual class rules:
1. Always turn on your cameras;
2. Always mute/turn off your microphone when not speaking;
3. Do not leave the class without permission;
4. Listen attentively.
5. Participate actively in our class discussion.
6. Most importantly, take down notes.

To begin, let me call _____ to lead a short prayer.


Thank you, _____.

Kindly sign in to the link in our chat box for your attendance.


Today, we are going to discuss a new topic and our Learning Competency is (read slide)
which is based on the DepEd MELCs or the Most Essential Learning Competencies. With
this competency, I have broken down enabling objectives which we should attain at the end
of our class. These objectives are:
(read slide).

Now, I have a situation for you to analyze. Mica, Angelica and Ryan, you are my models for
now, I hope you don’t mind. (read slide). There are several ways in doing this. (read next
Who can give another possible arrangement? (call student) Very good!
Another? (call student) Very good!
Another? (call student) Very good!
Another? (call student) Very good!
Is there any other possible arrangement? (call student) Very good!

Here are now the possible arrangements you did with Mica, Angelica and Ryan. (call student
to read the list)
How many arrangements did we create? (call student)
Therefore, there are six possible arrangements for three persons on 3 seats in a bus.

Now, what we did is a process of permutation. What is permutation? Before we answer this
question, I want you to open your browser, Google/Chrome. (read slide for the instruction).

Alright, all your answers or the words you type in the Word Cloud are all associated with
(read slide) when we say given set it is (read slide)

In permutation, there are rules and formula. Kindly read the first rule, ______.
Thank you. (repeat the rule) (read and explain slides)
ANOTHER EXAMPLE: (call students to answer)
Is ______ answer correct?
Okay, do you have any other answer?
Do you have the same answer with ______?

The correct answer is… (show slide) Who got the correct answer? Very good!

Now, let us have the second rule. Kindly read it, ______
Thank you. (repeat the rule) (read and explain slides)

ANOTHER EXAMPLE: (call students to answer)

Is ______ answer correct?
Okay, do you have any other answer?
Do you have the same answer with ______?

The correct answer is… (show slide) Who got the correct answer? Very good!

Do you have question? Clarifications?

If none, let us proceed with our group differentiated activity.


Yesterday, I have assigned you groups. To recall, here are your groups… (show slide) Also, I
told you to create a group chat for your group where you can talk about the problem/task
assigned to you. This is for you to have collaboration to come up with the correct solution
and answer.

Group 1, kindly read the problem/task for your group. You may take a photo or screenshot of
your problem/task for your perusal.
Group 2, kindly read the problem/task for your group. You may take a photo or screenshot of
your problem/task for your perusal.
Group 3, kindly read the problem/task for your group. You may take a photo or screenshot of
your problem/task for your perusal.
Group 4, kindly read the problem/task for your group. You may take a photo or screenshot of
your problem/task for your perusal.
Group 5, kindly read the problem/task for your group. You may take a photo or screenshot of
your problem/task for your perusal.

You are given 15 minutes to do the activity. Once the time has finished, a representative from
your group will show, discuss or explain your answer.

Your 15 minutes starts now. (flash the timer)

Time is up! Representative from group 1, please proceed.

Very good! Let us give group 1 a virtual clap.
Representative from group 2, please proceed.
Very good! Let us give group 2 a virtual clap.
Representative from group 3, please proceed.
Very good! Let us give group 3 a virtual clap.
Representative from group 4, please proceed.
Very good! Let us give group 4 a virtual clap.
Representative from group 5, please proceed.
Very good! Let us give group 5 a virtual clap.

To sum up our lesson for the day, let us answer the following question orally. (flash the

Now, for our evaluation. We will have an Interactive Quiz Game. Again, open your browser,
Google/Chrome and (read slide)

The fastest and the winner of the game will receive 50 pesos load…

Congratulations, ______! You are the fastest and the winner of our Interactive Quiz game.
Please send me your number so I could send you the load. For those who are not so lucky for
today, there are some other days that you will be the winner. So good luck on our future

Before we end, here is your assignment. (read slide)

With that, thank you for another day of listening, entertaining and enjoying while learning.
We’ll see you again tomorrow.
Goodbye class! Have a great day and God bless you.

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