Gender Role Attitiudes

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Gender Role Attitudes

Gender Ideologies

Traditional Ideology

Transitional Ideology

Egalitarian Ideology

Traditional Sexism – Enforces traditional

gender roles.
Benevolent Sexism – sexism that benefits the
“weaker sex”
Hostile Sexism - sexism that’s violent towards
the other sex.

Traditional Sexism – Enforces traditional

gender roles. And that the sexes are better
suited for certain things and less suited for
Patriarchy – social system of family and
society organized on the father’s rule.

“Father” can mean other male authority

By extension it may mean that leadership
more naturally falls on male shoulders.
Bro culture
Patriarchy – social system of family and
society organized on the father’s rule.

Hostile Sexism - sexism that’s violent towards

the other sex.
Benevolent Sexism – sexism that benefits the
“weaker sex”
Hostile Sexism

“Women seek to control men.”

“Women ask for special favors. In the guise
of seeking equality.”
“Women are too easily offended.”
“ Women are “paasa.”
Benevolent Sexism

“Women should be protected. E.g. rescued

first. Or treated with extra care.
“Women are purer and more innocent.”
“Women are more refined.”
Men are not complete without the love of a
Benevolent Sexism
Women criminals are
treated more harshly
by the media.

“Women should be protected. E.g. rescued

first. Or treated with extra care.
“Women are purer and more innocent.”
“Women are more refined.”
Men are not complete without the love of a
Sexism Towards Men

Hostile Sexism
Men will always fight for greater control in
Most men are really like children, “Boys will
be boys. “ “Toys for the big boys.”
Men will do anything for sex.
Sexism Towards Men

Hostile Sexism
Men will always fight for greater control in
Most men are really like children, “Boys will
be boys. “ “Toys for the big boys.”
Men will do anything for sex.
Sexism Towards Men

Benevolent Sexism
A woman should be taken cared of by their
Men don’t crack under pressure.
Every woman deserves the right man.
LGBT Issues
Homophobia – fear and intolerance of

Homophobic Attitudes – Heterosexual

Mental Health Issues.
LGBT Issues
Transphobia – fear of transpeople, cross
dressers, feminine men, and masculine women.
Discomfort at gender ambiguity in flirtation.
Discomfort at gender ambivalence.
Upset at knowing someone transitioned.
Avoiding people with unclear gender
LGBT Issues
Transphobia – fear of transpeople, cross
dressers, feminine men, and masculine women.
Knowing another person’s gender from the
start is important.
Belief that male and female binary is natural.
Uncomfortable with people not conforming to
gender roles.
Belief that a person can never change their
Gender Stereotypes

Males are:
Aggressive, pro active, physical, objective,
logical, direct, independent, not emotional,
Gender Stereotypes

Females are:
Submissive, reactive, nurturing, subjective,
irrational, indirect, emotional, dependent,
Gender Stereotypes

LGBT are:
- Manifesting traits of the “opposite sex” (i.e.
gay men and trans women are feminine,
lesbian women and trans men are masculine.
Gender Stereotypes

Feminist women are:

- Man haters
- Lesbian
Gender Stereotypes lead to:

Self fulfilling prophecies

Pigeon holing
Unrealistic Expectations

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