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Bolivar, Jiven P.
Garcesa, Ryan B.
Legario, Jhonrey A.

An undergraduate thesis manuscript submitted to the faculty of the Department of

Management Studies, Cavite State University – Bacoor City Campus, City of Bacoor,
Cavite in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Science
in Hotel and Restaurant Management with Contribution No.______ . Prepared under
the supervision of Mr. Michael Ervin J. Tina.


Innovation through the creation, diffusion and use of knowledge has been

recognized as a key driver of economic growth. Trends in agrifood systems are

challenging farmers, produce traders, processors and other stakeholders to improve

the efficiency of their operations and to be more responsive to consumer demands as

well as regulatory frameworks. (S. Pandey, 2006)

The pili tree is indigenous in the Philippines and can easily grow in tropical

countries. This research work investigated the potential of pili pulp and pili nut oils for

use in the nutraceutical and food industries. The oil percentages are high and the

fatty acid profiles of the oil samples show that oleic acid is the major fatty acid. In

general, the samples are unsaturated which makes them potential materials for high-

value specialty oil products. The unsaponifiable matter is higher in pili pulp oil than in

pili nut oil. The lipid molecular species present in the unsaponifiable matter of the oils

are carotenoids, tocopherols and sterols. (L. J. Pham, 2015)

One of the main reasons in conducting a research is to provide new

innovations and products to the public. It is to prove the existing of a certain


phenomenon and evaluate the existence of a certain living and non-living things. The

researcher have decided to conduct this kind of study because they want to develop

new product that can be substituted to the traditional jam and can be a healthier

choice for all ages.

The researchers want to pursue this study to test the level of acceptability of

the product for all ages and all kinds of household. This can be beneficial for both the

producers and the consumers since it can be a potentially marketable product for all

sorts of customers.

Statement of the Problem

Generally, the main purpose of this study is to measure the level of

acceptability of pili pulp jam to the selected residents of Smallville Village, Barangay

Talon Singko, Las Piñas City. Specifically, the goal of this study is to determine the


1. What is the demographical profile of the respondents in terms of:

1.1 Age

1.2 Sex

2. What are the Palatability Factors of Pili Pulp Jam in terms of:

2.1 Appearance

2.2 Aroma

2.3 Taste

2.4 Texture

3. What is the general acceptability of pili pulp jam to the selected residents of

Smallville Village, Barangay Talon Singko, Las Piñas City?

Objectives of the Study

The study was conducted to determine the acceptability of Pili-pulp jam to the

selected residents of Smallville Village, Barangay Talon Singko, Las Piñas City. The

objective of the study was to determine the demographic profile of the responents of

the study. Determine the difference and uniqueness of the product from the other

flavor of jam and to know what is the general acceptability of Pili-pulp jam to the

residents of Smallville Village, Barangay Talon Singko.

1. Determine the health benefits of the developed product.

2. Identify the product’s acceptability based on its palatability factor.

3. Develop healthier product for consumption of the general public.

Significance of the Study

This study aims to create a product that will be beneficial to the market. The

result of the study is significant to the:

Community – this study can help the community to have an awareness about the

health benefits of the product.

Businessmen. This study can help in making new avenues to businessmen to

explore with the root crop bread scene in the market today.

Entrepreneurs – This study may help them gain more ideas about the nutritional

value of the product they intend to sell that will act as a big contribution in the

marketing strategies of their business.

Future Researchers. This study may become a future reference for the future

researchers. It may provide them better idea about Root crops or Root Crop Bread.

Health-Conscious People. Many people want to be healthy, these people tend to be

conscious about the way their lifestyle to what they eat and drink. This study might

give another option to what the health-conscious people eat, because Root Crop is

full of Nutrients and flavonoids that can help fight cancer cells.

Local Residents. This study, if supported may give jobs to local residents of the

place where Root crops would be planted.


Local Tourism. This study may help the food tourism in the area where the product

will be made.

HRM Students. The study will help students to have reference in conducting the

same study in product development. It will be the basis of the students in innovating

new product.

Time and Place of the Study

The researchers chose Barangay Talon Singko, City of Las Piñas, Metro

Manila. This small barangay has a total population of 45,374 from the 2015 census.

This number represents 7.70% of the total population of Las Piñas City. The

researchers choose the study area out of convenience. The study will be conducted

from December 2020 to May 2021.

Scope and Limitation of the Study

It also focused to create a product that will be healthier to the readily available

jam in the market. The procedures that the researchers performed were based on the

distribution of survey questionnaires which were answered by the selected residents

of Smallville Village, City of Las Piñas.


Definition of Terms

In order to understand the research briefly, the researchers provided

definition for the following terms operationally:

Adjunct - something joined or added to another thing but not essentially a part of it

Antihypertensive - used to lower high blood pressure.

Atherosclerosis -  an arteriosclerosis characterized by atheromatous deposits in

and fibrosis of the inner layer of the arteries

Betalains - are a class of red and yellow tyrosine-derived pigments found in plants of

the Caryophyllales, where they replace anthocyanin pigments

Dementia - a usually progressive condition (such as Alzheimer's disease) marked by

the development of multiple cognitive deficits (such as memory impairment, aphasia,

and the inability to plan and initiate complex behavior)

Excursion - is a trip by a group of people, usually made for leisure, education, or

physical purposes. It is often an adjunct to a longer journey or visit a place,

sometimes for other (typically work-related) purposes.

Humidity – a moderate degree of wetness especially of the atmosphere

Neuropathy – any diseased condition of the nervous system.

Osmotic – of, relating to, caused by, or having the properties of osmosis.

Oxidative - the act or process of oxidizing.

Pathologies - the branch of medicine concerned with the cause, origin, and nature of

disease, including the changes occurring as a result of disease

Pharmaceuticals – a pharmaceutical preparation or product.

Proliferation – the growth or production of cells by multiplication of parts.

Salinity - the quality or condition of being salty.

Ubiquitous - existing or being everywhere at the same time


Conceptual Framework of the Study

This framework contains the discussion of the process and procedures that

the researcher will be undergoing. This framework will act as the skeletal model of

the research to provide the results needed for the study. Input-process-output is the

most applicable and easiest framework to be applied in this kind of research study.


1.What is the - Survey - The product will
demographical profile of be acceptable to
the respondents in terms Questionnaires was
the general public
of: distributed to the
respondents with four
1.1 Age - Pili Pulp Jam will
(4) Likert’s scale
be an alternative
1.2 Sex - Assessment of the to conventional
2. 2. What are the gathered information fruit jams that are
Palatability Factors of Pili being sold to the
- Statistical Treatment market
Pulp Jam in terms of;
of data.
2.1 Appearance
- Product Testing
2.2 Aroma
2.3 Taste
2.4 Texture
3.What is the General
acceptability of Pili Pulp
Jam to the selected
residents of Smallville
Village, Barangay Talon
Singko, Las Piñas City?


Figure 1: Conceptual Framework of the Study



This chapter presents the related literature and studies gathered from finished

research paper, conclusions, articles, blogs and others. This literatures and studies

will provide supporting facts to the study in order to provide reliable results and

realistic conclusions.

Review of Related Literature


Las Piñas

Las Pinas is a beautiful place and is also one of the fastest growing

communities in Metro Manila. It’s one of the cleanest and safest cities to be found in

the Philippines. Las Pinas’ history dates back many years and is an exciting tale of

creation, redemption, and transformation into the city it is today. There are a diversity

of professions available within its limits, such as foreign language teachers and

technology-related jobs. For those interested in foreign language positions, be sure

to head over to the resources page at ESL/Bilingual/TESOL degrees. For those

interested in history, read on. (Retrieved from:, 2012)

Figure 1. Location map of Study Area


Barangay Talon Singko

Talon Singko is a barangay in the city of Las Piñas. Its population as determined by

the 2015 Census was 45,374. This represented 7.70% of the total population of Las


According to the 2015 Census, the age group with the highest population in Talon

Singko is 20 to 24, with 4,598 individuals. Conversely, the age group with the lowest

population is 80 and over, with 315 individuals.

(retrieved from:, 2019)

Demographic profile

Demographics is the study of a population based on factors such as age,

race, and sex. Demographic data refers to socio-economic information expressed

statistically, also including employment, education, income, marriage rates, birth and

death rates and more factors. Governments, corporations, and nongovernment

organizations use demographics to learn more about a population's characteristics

for many purposes, including policy development and economic market research.

Most large companies conduct demographic research to determine how to

market their product or service and best market to the target audience. It is valuable

to know the current customer and where the potential customer may come from in

the future. Demographic trends are also important, since the size of different

demographic groups changes over time as a result of economic, cultural, and political


This information helps the company decide how much capital to allocate to

production and advertising. For example, the aging U.S. population has certain

needs that companies want to anticipate. Each market segment can be analyzed for

its consumer spending patterns. Older demographic groups spend more on health

care products and pharmaceuticals, and the method of communicating with these

customers differs from that of their younger counterparts. (Retrieved from:, 2019)

This jam has a lot of health benefits as well including:

▪ Low carb benefits

▪ Pili nuts are perfect because they have the lowest carb count of all nuts.

▪ Combats free radicals

▪ Pili nuts are an excellent source of antioxidants. They fight

baddies called free radicals that can harm your body.

▪ May reduce bad cholesterol levels

▪ Pilit nuts contain significant amount of oleic (monounsaturated fats) that

can help decrease bad cholesterol levels.

▪ Supports bone health

▪ Pili nuts contain minerals that support healthy bones.They

pack a nutritional punch with phosphorus, magnesium,

manganese, zinc, copper, and calcium.

▪ Good source of vitamin E

▪ A potent antioxidant that boosts your immune system and

helps your body fight off infection

▪ Allergies

▪ Those with allergies to tree nuts may also be allergic to pili


▪ Stabilizes blood sugar

▪ The high magnesium content may also be helpful in lower

fasting blood glucose and regulating blood sugar levels

Review of related Studies


Local Literature

1. Philippine Pili: Composition of the lipid molecular species

The pili tree is indigenous in the Philippines and can easily grow in tropical

countries. This research work investigated the potential of pili pulp and pili nut

oils for use in the nutraceutical and food industries. (G. Dumandan, 2015)

2. An exploratory study of the economic potential of Philippine pulp oil from

waste pulp

This paper aims to determine the status of the pili nut and pili pulp oil

industry in the Philippines and the competitiveness of processing oil from pili

(Canarium ovatum) waste pulp using the domestic resource cost approach.

Results of analysis reveal that producing locally one kg of pili pulp oil costs

PhP 599. This is almost half the cost of importing olive oil - a close substitute

- from Spain estimated at PhP 1,310/kg. In terms of domestic resource cost,

there exists comparative (economic) advantage in pili pulp oil production.

With a domestic resource cost (DRC) of 0.72, pili pulp oil production in the

Philippines is competitive and hence manifests considerable economic

potential. It has both employment and income effects that any similar program

on inclusive growth aims to generate. If all the pili pulp were processed and

converted into pili pulp oil, a total of 262,000 metric tons worth about PhP 212

million could have been generated in 2014. (Jimenez, C.D, 2016)

Heavy metal and microbiological profiles of deffated pili

Canarium ovatum, Engl. (Burseraceae) or Pili is a valued indigenous fruit tree

crop in the Philippines. The defatted pili pulp meal, a mixture of fruit peel and pulp

that remains after pili pulp oil extraction, may be considered a functional ingredient

because of its high dietary fiber and phytonutrient content. This study provides initial

information on the microbiological and heavy metal contents of defatted pili pulp meal

residue and preliminary toxicity report of its ethanolic extract. Ground lyophilized

samples were subjected to heavy metal and microbiological analyses. An ethanolic

extract of the plant material was prepared for phytochemical screening and acute oral

toxicity testing. Results showed that both heavy metals and microbiological profiles of

defatted pili meal residue pass the criteria for botanical ingredients set by relevant

regulatory agencies. Phytochemical screening showed the presence of important

bioactive compounds namely, flavonoids, tannins, anthraquinones, indoles, alkaloids,

sterols, and terpenes. In acute oral toxicity, no mortalities were recorded over a 14-

day experimental period. Neither significant gross and histopathological findings in

liver and kidneys were detected. The LD50 of ethanolic extract in mice was estimated

to be greater than 5 g/kg body weight. In conclusion, the pili pulp mixture may not

present any potential public health risk when used as a component for food and drug


(Trinidad, T.P., 2017)

Development of a sugar free chewy candy utilizing pili pulp flour and flour

The development of a sugar free chewy candy is formulated as an additional

product of pili utilizing the pili pulp oil and flour. This is considered to be a non-caloric

food since no sugar was added to the product, but aspartame was used instead. A

total of 20 panelists evaluated the sample using a 9 Hedonic scale method. Two trials

were made, one with the addition of sugar syrup which is termed as low calorie and

the other is without the addition of sugar syrup thus termed as a sugar free chewy

candy. Comparative test result revealed that the former was rated as like slightly and

the later as like moderately. Nutrition information was computed based on the

nutritional content of the raw materials used, and the following were obtained at 50g

per serving or approximately 10 pieces of the product. Calories 80, calories from fat

15, total fat 1.4g with daily value of 2%, transfat 0g, saturated fat 1g with 5% DV,

cholesterol 13.6g with 5% DV, sodium 94 mg with 4%DV. The total carbohydrates is

10g, 4%DV, dietary fiber is 0, sugar 0, protein 7.5g. Others were Vitamin A

1%,Vitamin C 2%, Calcium 25% and Iron 1%. (F. De Jesus, 2012)

Philippine Pili (Canarium Ovatum, Engl.) varities and as source of essential

minerals and trace elements in human nutrition

Macro and micro mineral profiles as well as potential toxic metals of both pulp

and kernel of seven Pili nut (Canarium ovatum) varieties were established. Further,

bioavailability was assessed through in vitro method simulating gastric and intestinal

condition. Quantification was done using Microwave Plasma-Atomic Emission

Spectrometry. Major macro minerals in pulp are K and Ca while K, P, and Mg for the

kernel. Pili nut also contains Na, Fe, Al, Zn, Mn, Cu, Ni, and Cr. Potential antioxidant

Se is below the limit of quantitation, same with toxic Pb and Cd. Bioavailability of the

pulp’s and the kernel’s minerals in the small intestine is high for Mg (pulp: 75.8–

90.3%, kernel: 54.4–61.2%) and Ca (pulp: 15.8–40.9%, kernel: 13.7–22.5%). After

colonic fermentation of Pili nut kernel, appreciable amounts of Mg > Ca > Cu > Mn

were still available for absorption. Fe and Zn are not detected in the large intestine

due perhaps to an elevated phytic acid. Tannic acid is higher in pulp. Significant

differences were observed in some established parameters that may be attributed to

distinctions per variety. The Pili nut is a source of several essential minerals that are

bioavailable for human nutrition. (S.Sagum, 2018)

Physicochemical Characterization and Fatty Acid Profiling of Different

Philippine Pili Nut (Canarium ovatum, Engl.) Varieties

Canarium ovatum, commonly known as Pili nut, is an endemic crop in the

Philippines. This study focused on the assessment of the physical, nutritional, and

fatty acid profile of the pulp and kernel of Pili nut varieties. The study included 7

varieties that are cultivated in a single soil condition at the Albay Research and

Development Center, Buang, Tabaco City, Philippines. Standard method Association

of Official Analytical Chemist for nutritional analysis and DNA barcoding were used in

the study. Molecular authentication through DNA barcoding shows that studied Pili

nut varieties belong to genus C. ovatum. Split component of the fruit reveals that pulp

is the major component (12.6–25.3%) of the fruit, followed by shell (5.97–12.3%),

kernel (1.75–3.49%), and testa (0.17–0.34%). Lyophilized Pili nut kernel contains

67.2–74.1% fat, 11.5–13.2% protein, 3.43–9.97% dietary fiber, and 2.93–3.37% ash,

and provides 704–749 cal 100 g−1 energy. Pili nut pulp contains 43.4–53.1% dietary

fiber, 20.2–31.7% fat, 8.32–10.9% ash, and 4.53–6.32% protein, and provides 361–

432 cal 100 g−1 energy. Pili nut pulp is an excellent source of dietary fiber. Prominent

fatty acid is oleic acid (C18:1) for all varieties, which is higher in the pulp than in the

kernel. Other major fatty acids include palmitic (C16:0), linoleic (C18:2), stearic

(C18:0), and linolenic (C18:3) acids. Most of the physical and chemical

characteristics measured depend significantly on the variety. (S.Sagum, 2018)

Establishment of bioprocess systems for the production of pili pulp oil and

protein enriched residue for the food and feed industries

An improved bioprocess system for the production of Pili pulp oil (PPO) and

protein enriched residue (PEPPR) was established at BIOTECH, UPLB [National

Inst. of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology, Philippines Univ. Los Baños, College,

Laguna, Philippines] with PCIEERD-DOST [Philippine Council for Industry, Energy

and Emerging Technology Research and Development-Department of Science and

Technology] as funding agency. Among the enzymatic extraction process, crude

bromelain was selected due to its availability and low cost. Optimized parameters for

the bio extraction of PPO [pili pulp oil] used were 1:4 pulp weight to water volume

ratio, 1:0.5 pulp weight to enzyme volume ratio, 4 h reaction time, 150 rpm agitation

speed. The optimum temperature (55-65 deg C) and pH (5.5-7.5) for the catalytic

activity of bromelain was used. Pilot scale enzymatic extraction of PPO using

bromelain yielded 76% efficiency compared to solvent-based extraction.

Physicochemical analyses of extracted PPO revealed good quality as per low FFA

[free fatty acid] and peroxide values obtained. Analysis of fatty acids via GC [gas

chromatography] showed that PPO contains high oleic acid (65-68%) similar to olive

oil. RP-HPLC [Reverse-Phase High Pressure Liquid Chromatography] analysis

revealed that PPO has TG [triglyceride/triacylglyceride] species which can be

structurally modified to obtain a higher value product. (Pham, L.J, 2014)

Fate of polyphenols in pili (Canarium Ovatum Engl.) pomace after in vitro

simulated digestion

To evaluate the stability and bioavailability of polyphenols in pili (Canarium

ovatum Engl.) pomace during simulated in vitro digestion. (Palad Trinidad, 2017)

New Pili Variety of bicol Philippines

Pili (Canarium ovatum Engl.) is a very promising indigenous nut crop of the

Philippines that abounds in Bicol. The kernel is processed into a variety of delicious

sweets and snack foods which may claim could be potential export commodities of

the region. The pulp is also nutritious and could be made into jam or eaten as

vegetable. Even the oil extract from both kernel and pulp and the resin from the stem

(brea) have industrial uses while the stem could be converted into lumber. In view of

the high commercial and industrial potential of pili, it is considered as the flagship

crops of the Bicol Region. After 17 years of varietal evaluation studies DA

[Department of Agriculture] Region 5 finally identified and developed three varieties

which are accredited by the National Seed Industry Council. These varieties are

Magnaye, Laysa and M. Orolfo. All three varieties are relatively low with spreading

crown, sturdy stem, early maturing (7 years), very prolific (12 fruits ave/.cluster) and

has high shelling recovery. (Orolfo, E.B., 2013)

Development of DNA markers for genetic diversity analysis, fingerprinting and

sex determination of pili (Canarium ovatum)

A total of 221 pili accessions, including the 7 NSIC-registered varieties, have

been collected from the germplasm collections of IPB-CSC [Institute of Plant

Breeding-Crop Science Cluster], CSC orchard (Pili Drive) and DA [Department of

Agriculture] Pili Research and Technology Center (DA-PRTC) in Tabaco, Albay

[Philippines], as well as from three private pili farms in Bulusan, Sorsogon

[Philippines]. Fruit (whole fruit, pulp, nut, shell, kernel) characters have been

evaluated for each pili accession according to the tropical fruit descriptor set by the

International Board for Plant Genetic Resources (IBGRI) with 'Katutubo' as reference

variety. The pili accessions were ranked for fruit character evaluated and several

accessions, mostly from Pili Drive, were identified to be superior to 'Katutubo' in

terms of fruit characters. Furthermore, tree characters (growth habit, dwarfness, leaf

shape, growth and vigor, fruit setting) have been evaluated for all trees except for 17

accessions from the DA-PRTC. SSR [simple sequence repeat] marker primers which

have been successfully used in papaya and published primers used in Canarium

album (Zhang et al., 2009) were used for cross-species amplification in pili. Six out of

the 12 polymorphic primer pairs screened have been optimized and used for genetic

diversity analysis and DNA fingerprinting for variety identification of pili. (Garcia,

R.N., 2013)


Fruits are the rich source of bioactive compounds (vitamins,

phenolics, carotenoids, and flavonoids) attributing to the antioxidant potential. To


make these fruits available for consumption during off-season, the fruits are

processed into shelf-stable products like jam and jellies. However, the bioactive

compounds mostly decrease during processing and storage of these products. The

loss may vary with the process severity (temperature and time of processing) and

product composition (sugars, pectin, fruit, etc.). (Jabeen Shinwari, 2018)

Foreign Literature

Comparative Study of the Constituents of the Fruits Pulps and Seeds of

Canarium ovatum, Persea americana and Dacryodes edulis

This work was carried out to evaluate and compare the nutritional and

phytochemical composition of three pears commonly consumed as food/snacks in

Nigeria. The nutritional and phytochemical composition of the pulps and seeds of

African pear (Dacryodes edulis), avocado pear (Persea americana) and Pili nut

(Canarium ovatum) were determined using standard methods. The amino acid

composition of the fruit pulps was also determined using an amino acid analyzer

while the fatty acid composition of the oils extracted from the seeds and pulps was

determined using GC-MS. The results show that all three species are good sources

of food nutrients. Crude fibre (46.33%) and carbohydrate (54.23%) were more

abundant in the African pear seed while Pili nut was found to contain the highest

level of fat (45.29%). The avocado pear seed had the highest ash (3.50%) and the

lowest protein content (1.33%). Tannin was more abundant in the avocado pear seed

(0.76mg/100g) and least in the African pear seed (0.24mg/100g); saponin occurred

most in avocado pear pulp (0.88mg/100g) and least in avocado pear seed

(0.52mg/100g) while phytates were found more in Pili nut (0.58mg/100g). The three

species contain good quantities of amino acids with glutamic acid being the most

abundant one (10.94 g/100g protein in African pear pulps) while methionine was the

least abundant (0.54 g/100g protein in pili pear pulp). Palmitic acid was present in all

the pulp samples. Avocado seed oil was high in fatty acids (100%) while the oil of

African pear pulp was found to contain only 29.13% fatty acids. The pulps and seeds

of these fruits have been shown to have great nutritional and medicinal potentials

which can be exploited to reduce waste generated from the fruits and also increase

farmers’ income. (C. M. Okoye, 2017)

Immunomodulatory properties of ethanol extract of Canarium

ovatum (Burseraceae) pulp

To evaluate the immunomodulatory properties of ethanol extract of the pulp

of Canarium ovatum (COPE).(Membreve, 2018)

Acute effects of thermally processed pili (Canarium ovatum, Engl.) pomace

drink on plasma antioxidant and polyphenol status in humans

Pili (Canarium ovatum, Engl.) pomace is an underutilized agricultural waste

that possesses great potential to be regarded as a functional food ingredient. The

aim of this study was to measure the polyphenol content and antioxidant activity of

pili pomace drink and determine the influence of heating on these parameters.

Moreover, it sought to assess the acute effects of thermally processed pili pomace

drink on plasma antioxidant and polyphenol status in humans.(J. Phytomed, 2017)



The pili fruit kernel, an under-utilized tropical African fruit kernel, was

analyzed for its fatty acid and amino acid compositions. The result revealed a total

unsaturated fatty acid composition of 69.45% and a total saturated fatty acid

composition of 30.54% and with oleic acid (40.72 %) as the predominant unsaturated

fatty acid and palmitic acid (25.76%) as the predominant saturated fatty acid. The

result revealed a peroxide value of 9.4 + 0.02, iodine value of 54.12+ 0.26 and a

saponification number of 132.81+ 0.33 of the oil. The result also revealed a total

composition of 17 amino acids (excluding tryptophan) and with glutamic acid

(10.61g/100g protein) and aspartic acid (8.66g/100g protein) as the predominant

amino acids and cystine (0.99g/100g protein) as the most deficient amino acid. The

total amino acid composition was 74.63g/100g protein and made up of 31.96g/100g

of the essential amino acids (excluding tryptophan). This value represents 43.45% of

the total amino acid composition of the pili kernel protein. The essential amino acids:

lysine (5.10%), methionine+cystine (2.03%) and threonine (3.11%) were noted to

have slightly lower but comparable values with their respective reference standard

values. Valine (4.36%), leucine (6.81%), isoleucine (3.36%) and

phenyalanine+tyrosine (7.19%) were noted to have higher values than their

respective reference standard values. Thus, pili kernel can serve as a good source of

essential fatty acids and amino acids to consumers. Keywords: Pili kernel, Fatty acid,

Amino acid, POV, Protein.(M.N. Ogbuago, 2015)

Triterpenes and Acylglycerols from Canarium ovatum

Chemical investigations of the dichloromethane extracts of the leaves of

Canarium ovatum Engl. afforded βamyrin (1a), α-amyrin (1b), epi-β-amyrin (2a), epi-

α-amyrin (2b), epi-lupeol (2c), β-carotene (3) and lutein (4); while the twigs yielded

1a-1b. The dichloromethane extracts of the fruits of C. ovatum yielded triacylglycerols

(5); the mesocarp also afforded 1a, 1b, 1,2-dioleylglycerol (6), and monounsaturated

and saturated fatty acids; the nutshell also provided 6; and the kernel also yielded

monounsaturated and saturated fatty acids. The structures of 1-6 and the fatty acids

were identified by comparison of their 1H and/or 13C NMR data with those reported

in literature.(Chien-Chang Shen, 2015)

Antioxidant, antimicrobial activity and in-vitro cytotoxicity screening study of

Pili nut oil.


Some vegetable oils contain natural antioxidants such as beta carotene and

vitamin E namely alpha tocopherol. The objective of this study was to screening the

value of α-tocopherol, β-carotene, antioxidant capacity, antimicrobial activity and

toxicological properties of roasted pili nut oil (RPNO) and unroasted pili nut oil

(UPNO). The result showed that RPNO contained higher amount of vitamin E and

less amount of beta carotene compared to UPNO. RPNO and UPNO scavenged

DPPH radicals by 24.66% and 9.52% at concentration of 140 µg/ml. The total

phenolic compound (TPC) in UPNO and RPNO were about 19.96 ± 0.52 mg/kg and

12.43 ± 0.69 mg/kg respectively. It was observed that bacteria species exhibited

different sensitivities towards RPNO, UPNO, Gentamycin, Ampicillin and

Chloramphenicol. Bacillus cereus 14570 was the most sensitive bacterium and all

strains of Staphylococcus aureus tested were resistant against both samples RPNO

and UPNO. An in vitro toxicological study based on the MTT (3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-

2-yl)-2,5-diphenyl tetrazolium bromide) cytotoxicity assay was also performed. In vitro

cytotoxicity indicated that both RPNO and UPNO had no effect against HeLa

(cervical cancer cell), MCF-7 (breast cancer cell) and HT-29 (human colon

adenocarcinoma cell) cell lines tested.(X. Xuebing, 2014)

Shelf Life of Tropical Canarium Nut Stored under Ambient Conditions

There is a need to develop alternative crops to improve the food security and

prosperity of developing countries. The tropical nut Canarium indicum (canarium nut)

is increasingly used as a shade tree for cocoa and has potential for

commercialization as a sustainable crop that will improve food security and

livelihoods in Melanesia and East Asia. There is no information on canarium nut shelf

life characteristics. Canarium kernels may be prone to rancidity, due to a high content

of unsaturated fatty acids. Kernels at 5.4% moisture content were vacuum-packed


with a domestic vacuum-packaging system and stored for six months in Papua New

Guinea and for nine months in Southeast Queensland, Australia at both ambient

temperatures (22 to 31 °C and 22 to 25 °C, respectively) and under refrigeration.

Nuts were analysed for changes in peroxide values and free fatty acids (FFAs) over

the storage periods that might indicate development of rancidity. Peroxide values

indicated very low levels of oxidation in all treatments. Free fatty acids were at low

levels but increased significantly during storage at ambient temperatures. The results

suggested that vacuum-packed Canarium nuts can be stored safely under ambient

tropical conditions for six months with daytime temperatures around 31 °C, and for

nine months at 25 °C. Increasing FFA levels at ambient temperatures indicate

caution about longer storage time at ambient temperatures. Storage under

refrigeration greatly prolonged shelf life.(A. Walton, 2017)

Triterpenoid derivatives from Canarium

The chemical constituents of a resin of the West African Canarium

schweinfurthii Engl. led to the characterization of five tirucallane triterpenoid acids (1-

5) including a new 3α-acetoxy-28-hydroxytirucalla-8,24-dien-21-oic acid (1) and two

known pentacyclic triterpenoids, α-amyrin and βamyrin were isolated. The structures

of the compounds were determined after the analysis of their NMR spectroscopic

data including 2D NMR spectra and by comparison of the NMR spectroscopic data

reported in the literature. The 1H and 13C NMR data for the new 3α-acetoxy-28-

hydroxytirucalla-8,24-dien-21-oic acid (1) are reported here. Compounds 1 and 5

were tested against the NCI panel of human tumour cell lines at a single dose of 10

μM. Compound 1 was the most active showing a 42% growth inhibition against the

leukaemia HL-60 (TB) line.(B. Tabekoueng, 2019)


Canarium L. : A Phytochemical and Pharmacological Review

The genus Canarium L. consists of 75 species of aromatic trees which are

found in the rainforests of tropical Asia, Africa and the Pacific. The medicinal uses,

botany, chemical constituents and pharmacological activities are now reviewed.

Various compounds are tabulated according to their classes their structures are

given. Traditionally Canarium L. species have been used to treat a broad array of

illnesses. Pharmacological actions for Canarium L. as discussed in this review

include antimicrobial, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, hepatoprotective and antitumor

activity.(C. Wiart, 2011)

Pili Tree (Canarium ovatum) Resin's Antibacterial Essential Oil and Hydrosol as

Rich Sources of (S)‐Phellandrenes Derivatives

Five batches of resin from the Pili tree (Canarium ovatum Engl.) were

distilled, and their essential oils and hydrosols were analyzed by gas

chromatography. The oils, obtained in yields of 13.4–19.7 % v/m, featured α‐

phellandrene in high proportions (50–65 %), alongside limonene, β‐phellandrene and

para‐cymene. Chiral GC analysis confirmed that both phellandrenes were in fact >95 

% (S)‐(+) enantiomers, while the other monoterpenes featured less pronounced

enantiomeric excesses. The hydrosols were rich in α‐phellandrene oxidation

products including cis‐α‐phellandrene epoxide and a series of para‐menth‐5‐ene‐1,2‐

diol isomers. Both essential oils and hydrosols were tested for their antibacterial

activity against Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus and exhibited MIC90 of

less than 5 and 0.5 mg/mL of total volatiles, respectively. The essential oil features

some potential as a source of readily available natural (S)‐(+)‐α‐phellandrene.(Y.

Lorenzo, 2020)

Food and ritual resources in hunter-gatherer societies: Canarium nuts in

southern China and beyond

Archaeobotanical studies tend to concentrate on the evidence for specialised

agricultural food production, with less attention directed towards the use of plant

foods within hunter-gatherer contexts. Here, the authors present evidence for the

exploitation of Canarium nuts from four late hunter-gatherer sites in southern China.

Canarium nuts contributed to the inhabitants’ diets from as early as 9000 cal BP.

They also identify new uses of Canarium, c. 4500–4400 cal BP, as ritual offerings in

the context of the introduction of rice and millet farming. The results are examined in

the context of Canarium use across the wider Asia-Pacific region.(Houyuan Lu,



This phase of the study is concerned with adapting the appropriate research

design. The sources of data as well as the valid data gathering procedures are

explained in detail. The target population as well as the sampling techniques and

samples are determined. The statistical treatment of data that will help to provide

valid and structured results.

Research Design

Descriptive research design was employed in this study. A descriptive

research design is used when data are obtained to describe persons, organizations,

settings, or phenomena. The research design presents the researchers with a clear

research framework; it guides the decisions, methods and sets the basis for

interpretation (Vosloo, 2014).

The researchers will also be applying quantitative research approach. This

type or research approach aims to prove the existence of a certain phenomena by

measuring its applicability, availability and acceptability with the use of different

measuring systems and formulas. It will be used for the study since the process that

the researchers will be applying doesn’t require interviews and experimental


Sources of Data

The researchers obtained the data through primary sources and secondary

sources. Primary data will be collected through the use of survey questionnaires.

This data will be extracted directly to the chosen respondents. On the other hand,

secondary data will be collected through online platforms such as published online

articles and researches. These data will serve as a supporting fact to strengthen the

reliability of the conducted study.

Participants of the Study

The respondents are the selected residents of Smallville Village within the

City of Las Piñas. A total of 100 respondents were selected through convinience

sampling. The respondents of the study were the selected residents of the Village.

Sampling Technique

A total of 100 respondents were selected through the convinience sampling.

The respondents of the study were from the Smallville, Village City of Las Pinas.

Each individual is chosen randomly and entirely by chance, such that each individual

has the same probability of being chosen at any stage during the sampling process.

A convenience sampling is used in the Smallville, Village City of Las Pinas, 100

residents were selected as the respondents of the study using survey questionnaire.

Data Gathering Procedure

The researchers asked a permission to conduct a survey questionnaire with a

series of questions. The researchers came up with a particular topic in which they

had started to gather data from different sources. Data were collected from a total of

100 respondents selected from residents.

This study used a questionnaire to collect survey data from the respondents

to measure the resident’s perception regarding the preservation administered by the


Statistical Treatment of Data


These formulas will be used in interpreting the results of the survey to

transform the data into useful and reliable information to prove the results and

conclusion of the conducted study.

1. Percentage. This was used to set the percentage of the demographic

profile of the respondents.



P = percentage

f = frequency

n = total number of respondents

2. Weighted Mean. This was used to identify the distribution of respondents with

regards to the Assessment on the Environmental Preservation of Balite Falls as the

Tourist Perception Regarding the Envisioned Development.



WM = weighted mean

x = frequency

w = weight

n = total number of respondents


3. Likert Scale. This was used to interpret the performance level of the respondents

in terms of attendance. Reliability and responsiveness.



4 3.26 – 4.00 Highly Acceptable

3 2.51 – 3.25 Acceptable

2 1.76 – 2.50 Unacceptable

1 1.00 – 1.75 Highly Unacceptable


Results and Discussions

Sub-Problem No 1. What is the demographic profile of the respondents?

Table 1

The Demographic Profile of the Respondents in terms of Age

Age (In Years) Frequency Percentage

18 – 30 72 72.00 %
31 – 45 25 25.00 %
46 – 60 3 3.00 %
TOTAL 100 100.00 %

Table 1 shows the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of

age. It reveals that most of the respondents are in the age 18 – 30 having a

frequency of 72 that is equivalent to 72.00 % of the total respondents.

Followed by respondents with age of 31- 45 with 25.00% and lastly,

respondents with the age of 46 – 60 having 3.00%.

Table 2

The Demographic Profile of the Respondents in terms of sex

Sex Frequency Percentage

Male 49 49.00 %
Female 51 51.00 %
TOTAL 100 100.00 %

Table 1 shows the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of

gender. It reveals that most of the respondents are in female having a

frequency of 51 that is equivalent to 51.00 % of the total respondents.

Followed by respondents in male with 49 in frequency and that is equivalent

to 49.00%

Sub-Problem No 2 What is the level of acceptance of the respondents in

terms of the following:

2.1 Taste

2.2 Appearance

2.3 Aroma

2.4 Texture

The following are the legend for determining the weighted mean.

1.00 – 1.49 – Strongly Disagree

1.50 – 2.49 - Disagree

2.50 – 3.49 – Agree

3.50 – 4.00 – Strongly Agree


Table 3

The level of acceptance of the respondents in terms of the Taste

1. . The product has a
pleasing and flavorful 3.28 2 Agree
2. The taste quality of the
3.39 1 Agree
product is excellent.
3. The product is served
3.26 3 Agree
hot/cold and fresh.
3.31 AGREE

Table 3 shows that the impact on the product acceptability of Pili Pulp Jam is

tastier. It reveals that the respondents agreed that the customer satisfied in

terms of taste with the highest weighted mean of 3.39. The 3.28 shows that

the respondents gave acceptable feedback that the taste quality of the

product is suitable with filling. The weighted mean shows that the respondents

gave acceptable feedback that the product served hot/cold and fresh. In

general, the respondents acknowledge the satisfaction in terms of the taste

with the general weighted mean of 3.31.

Table 4

The level of acceptance of the respondents in terms of the Appearance


1. The product looks
3.26 1 Agree
2. Pili pulp jam are similarly
to other commercial pili 3.17 2 Agree
3. Pili pulp jam has a
3.13 3 Agree
pleasant red color.
3.19 AGREE

Table 4 shows the level of acceptance of the respondents in terms of

appearance. It reveals that the respondents agreed that the product looks

appealing with the weighted mean of 3.26. Followed …

In general, the respondents accept the product based of appearance

with the general weighted mean of 3.19. In general, the respondents

acknowledge the satisfaction in terms of taste with the general weighted mean

of 3.19.

Table 5

The level of acceptance of the respondents in terms of the aroma

1. Pili pulp jam have a mild
3.03 3 Agree
2.The product has a Pili
3.09 2 Agree
3.Pili pulp jam have an
3.11 1 Agree
appetizing smell.
3.08 AGREE

Table 5 shows the acceptability of Pili Pulp Jam interms of smell. It reveals

that the respondents satisfied with the appetizing smell with the highest

weighted mean of 3.11.

The weighted mean 3.09 shows that the respondents gave acceptable

feedback that the aroma of the product has no purgent or bad smell. The

weighted mean 3.03 shows that the respondents gave acceptance feedback

that the smell of the product has an excellent quality. The table shows that the

3.08 general weighted mean of the product in terms of aroma means that the

product is acceptable to the respondents.


Table 6

The level of acceptance of the respondents in terms of the texture

1. Pili pulp jam have the
same texture as
3.23 2 Agree
commercially available
pili product.
2. Pili pulp jam is smoothly
3.31 1 Agree
3. Pili pulp jam have a
3.2 3 Agree
hardness texture.
3.25 AGREE

Table 6 shows that the impacts on product acceptability of Pili Pulp Jam is

smoothly prepared. It reveals that the respondents satisfied in terms of

preparation with the highest weighted mean of 3.31. The weighted mean 3.23

shows that respondents reveals that the Pili Pulp Jam have the same texture

and the consistency is outstanding. The weighted mean 3.2 shown that

respondents gave acceptable feedback in the texture of Pili Pulp Jam. This

table shows that the 3.25 general weighted mean of the product in terms of

texture means that the product is acceptable to the respondents.

Sub-Problem No 3 What is the general level of acceptability of Pili Pulp Jam ?


Table 7

The general level of acceptability of Pili pulp jam

1. TASTE 3.27 4 Agree
2. APPEARANCE 3.44 1 Agree
3. AROMA 3.29 3 Agree
4. TEXTURE 3.37 2 Agree
3.34 AGREE

Table 7 shows that interpretation of the respondents in terms of taste. The

weighted mean 3.27 shows that the respondents gave highly acceptable

feedback that the taste quality of the product is suitable and filling. It shows

that the gathering 3.44 weighted mean, the respondents gave acceptable

feedback that the appearance of the product is appealing. It shows that the

gathering 3.29 weighted mean, the resopondents gave acceptable feedback.

The weighted mean 3.37 shown that the respondents gave acceptable

feedback of the texture of Pili Pulp Jam. This table shows that the general

weighted mean 3.34 means that the product is acceptable to the respondents.


The purpose of this chapter is to summarize the study that was conducted.

Included in this summary are viewers of the purpose of the study, a statement

of the research question, research methodology uses and summary of the

studies of the result.


Research is descriebed as the generation of new concepts,

techniques, and understandings via the development of new knowledge

and/or the creative application of existing information.

Following that, the researchers chose to get their substance evaluated

by mach union laboratoriese inc.. To confirm that it was safe for human


The researchers used proposive sampling in order to determine the

number of respondents and participants of the study are 100 selected

residences of Talon Singko, Golden Acres Las Pinas City. The researcher is

receiving the acceptable result from the respondents.

The study’s participants are 100 residents of Talon Singko, Golden

Acres, Las Pinas City. The survey technique was employed by the researcher

producer, who used a validated questionnaire filled out by the residents of

Talon Singko, Golden Acres, Las Pinas City.


With the assistance of the adviser, technical, and their panelist, the

final product of the study was a success. The study’s findings suggested that

Pili Pulp Jam may be reinvented as a new product.


In conducting of the study, the researchers were able to come up with the

following findings:

1. Age of the Respondents- In the 100 selected residence of Smallville

Village, Golden Acres, Talon Singko Las Pinas City, shows the

demographic profile of the respondents in terms of age. It reveals that

most of the respondents are in the age 18 – 30 having a frequency of 72

that is equivalent to 72.00 % of the total respondents. Followed by

respondents with age of 31- 45 with 25.00% and lastly, respondents with

the age of 46 – 60 having 3.00%.

2. In terms of sex of the Respondents- in the 100 selected residence of

Smallville Village, Golden Acres, Talon Singko, Las Pinas City, shows the

demographic profile of the respondents in terms of gender. It reveals that

most of the respondents are in female having a frequency of 51 that is

equivalent to 51.00 % of the total respondents. Followed by respondents in

male with 49 in frequency and that is equivalent to 49.00%

3. Chracteristic of Pili Pulp Jam

4. In terms of taste, shows that the impact on the product acceptability of Pili

Pulp Jam is tastier. It reveals that the respondents agreed that the

customer satisfied in terms of taste with the highest weighted mean of

3.39. The 3.28 shows that the respondents gave acceptable feedback that

the taste quality of the product is suitable with filling. The weighted mean

shows that the respondents gave acceptable feedback that the product

served hot/cold and fresh. In general, the respondents acknowledge the

satisfaction in terms of the taste with the general weighted mean of 3.31.

5. In terms of appearance, shows the level of acceptance of the respondents

in terms of appearance. It reveals that the respondents agreed that the

product looks appealing with the weighted mean of 3.26. Followed …

In general, the respondents accept the product based of appearance

with the general weighted mean of 3.19. In general, the respondents

acknowledge the satisfaction in terms of taste with the general weighted mean

of 3.19.

In terms of aroma, shows the acceptability of Pili Pulp Jam interms of smell. It

reveals that the respondents satisfied with the appetizing smell with the

highest weighted mean of 3.11.

1. In terms of aroma, The weighted mean 3.09 shows that the respondents

gave acceptable feedback that the aroma of the product has no purgent or

bad smell. The weighted mean 3.03 shows that the respondents gave

acceptance feedback that the smell of the product has an excellent quality.

The table shows that the 3.08 general weighted mean of the product in

terms of aroma means that the product is acceptable to the respondents.

2. In terms of texture, shows that the impacts on product acceptability of Pili

Pulp Jam is smoothly prepared. It reveals that the respondents satisfied in

terms of preparation with the highest weighted mean of 3.31. The


weighted mean 3.23 shows that respondents reveals that the Pili Pulp

Jam have the same texture and the consistency is outstanding. The

weighted mean 3.2 shown that respondents gave acceptable feedback in

the texture of Pili Pulp Jam. This table shows that the 3.25 general

weighted mean of the product in terms of texture means that the product is

acceptable to the respondents.

3. In terms of general acceptance Pili Pulp Jam having a weighted mean of

3.34 means that the product is acceptable to the respondents.


Based on the above findings, the following conclusions were drawn:

-The samples of the respondents were concentrated to the selected

residence. Most of the respondents were male.

- shows the level of acceptance of the respondents in terms of appearance. It

reveals that the respondents agreed that the product looks appealing.

- shows the acceptability of Pili Pulp Jam interms of smell. It reveals that the

respondents satisfied with the appetizing smell.

- The product has no smell beside from its ingredients in terms of aroma,

based on our survey, the aroma of is pleasing, the pili pulp jam has no bad

smell and the product has an excellent quality. It shows that the product has

been highly accepted by the respondents.

- The taste of pili pulp jam was excellent and it has a high quality product

that’s why it are being accepted by the respondents.

-Therefore, the researchers concluded that the taste, appearance, aroma and

texture of Pili pulp jam is accepted by the respondents.



The result of the survey on the Development and Product Acceptability

Pili Pulp Jam Among The Selected Residences Of Smallville Village, Talon

Singko, Las Pinas City has generated level of acceptability of acceptance

which has an average weighted mean of 3.31 however there are still some

recommendations for the development of the product. The researchers want

to recommend the following:

1. The study should be repeated with a new sample or population, as well as

persons of various ages, occupations, preferences, and origins.

2. Future researchers may add or substitute more nutritious components to

improve the product’s nutritional worth, as well as contribute to its

development so that it may be more recognized and offered to the market

as a new product.

3. The researches recommend to have more researchers about the product

innovation using Pili Pulp as its main ingredient or as substitute to main

ingredients to introduce more to the public about its benefits and nutritional


4. In terms of palatability factors, the product should be improved as well for

better quality and more acceptable outcome. Since the result says the

generally it is acceptable, the researchers think that it needs more

improvement for much more positive outcome.


Product Costing

  amount unit price
pili 1pack/250g 230/kg 57.5

water 1cup/240g 25/gal 6

brown 1/4plastic/
16/kg 0.8
sugar 50g
freshmilk 1cup/245g 124/L 30.38

    TOTAL 94.68
cost per

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