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2013- 2014 Catalog


간호 도서목록
공식 온라인스토어 오픈
이제 엘스비어코리아에서 출간된 국내도서를
온라인스토어를 통해 더 편리하게 구매하실 수 있습니다.

엘스비어코리아 온라인스토어에 방문하신 후 회원가입을 하시면,
다양한 이벤트정보와 신간도서정보를 받으실 수 있습니다.
간호사를 위한 임상 간호 정보원
Mosby’s Nursing Consult(MNC)는 간호사들의 임상관련 질문에 대한 최상의 근거 중심 답변을 구할 수 있도록 주요
간호학 관련 정보들을 하나로 통합하여 제공하는 임상 간호 정보원입니다.
MNC는 간호사들이 필요로 하는 임상 정보를 가장 빠르고, 정확하며, 효과적인 방법으로 제공합니다.

Mosby’s Nursing Consult 특징

■ 간호사들이
‌ 환자 치료시 활용 가능한 모든 정보원(도서, 저널, 임상정보, 약품, 이미지, 환자교육 자료, 임상 관련 뉴스
등) 제공
■ 정보의
‌ 신뢰도에 따라 7등급(Level of Evidence)으로 구분하여 제공함으로써 대상자 간호에 중점을 둔 최고의 근거 중심
간호 정보 제공
■ American Nurses Credentialing Center(미국 간호사 자격인증센터)의 “Magnet Recognition”, 평생간호 교육 공급자 자격 취득
■ ‌‌Joint Commission International(국제의료기관 인증평가)기준 충족

주요 수록 범위 및 컨텐츠
Content Type Contents
Reference Book 간호학, 의학 전문 도서 38권의 Full-text 제공

Journals 주요 간호학 저널 38종에 대한 Full-text 제공

Evidence-based 임상 중심의 간호 수행 monograph

Nursing (논문 - 전문 text, 도표) 제공

Guidelines 370개 이상의 임상관련 간호 및 진료 지침 제공

8,000개의 커스터마이징 가능한 대상자 교육용

Patient Education 유인물 제공

최신 약학 정보, FDA 처방 정보를 포함한 약물

Drug 정보, 약물 용량 계산

News 간호계 최신 뉴스, 임상 정보 관련 링크 제공

간호 및 의학 전문도서에서 선별된 8,000건
Images 이상의 이미지 제공
최상의 대상자 간호를 위한 전문가의 감수가 완료
Clinical Update 된 임상관련 주요 논평 제공
Dictionary 의학 용어 사전 제공
Mosby’s Nursing Skills 소개
Mosby ’s Nursing Skills는 미국에서 활용되고 있는 1,000개 이상의 간호술기를 대한민국 환경에 적합하도록 임상 전문
간호사가 번역하고 한국간호과학회 교수진의 감수를 통해 개발 된 온라인 간호교육 데이터베이스 입니다. 약 500여
개 술기(Nursing Skills)에 대한 Procedure와 실습 동영상 비디오 등을 통해 손쉽게 학습 할 수 있으며, 온라인 테스트와
실습 체크 리스트 등의 연계를 통해 실습실과 임상에서의 환자를 대할 때 자신감과 자존감을 고취 시킬 수 있습니다.


Mosby’s Nursing Skills 특징 NURSING S K I L L S

■ ‌‌국내 최초 한글 번역된 간호술기 온라인 교육 데이터베이스
■ ‌‌대학 및 병원의 특성에 따라 술기를 자유롭게 커스터마이징 가능
■ 간호대학평가
‌ 및 국제의료기관평가(JCI) 등 각종 평가항목에 부합되는 데이터베이스
■ 학습
‌ 진도를 검토할 수 있는 학습 관리가 가능한 학습 관리 시스템(LMS-Learning Management System)을 제공
■ 지속적인
‌ 업데이트와 신규 Skill 개발을 통해 콘텐츠 최신성을 지속적으로 유지

지금 무료 Trial 신청으로
1개월 간 Mosby’s Nursing Skills 를
만나 보세요!

Asian Nursing Research is the official peer-reviewed journal of the Korean Society
of Nursing Science published quarterly by Elsevier.

Full-text articles available free on the website.

The journal aims to promote research in the field of nursing science and to serve
as a channel of communication for nursing researchers in Asia and worldwide.


We welcome your work in the categories of Research Articles, Review Articles,

Case Studies and Letters to the Editor on the following topics:

• Nursing practice, education, administration and history

• Health issues related to nursing
• Testing of research findings in practice

Manuscripts may be submitted via our online submission system at http://ees.

Instructions to Authors are available on our website at www.asian-

For further information, please contact the editorial office:

If you wish to advertise in the journal, please write
to Elsevier at:

To subscribe, please write to Elsevier at:
엘스비어 국내도서

성인간호학 I, II (7판)
Medical-Surgical Nursing, 7th edition

간호 분야 명저 Ignatavicious의 <성인간호학> 2013년 최신판!

■ 환자중심,
‌ 근거기반, 협동관리, 안전 및 양질의 간호 제공이라는 키워드에 맞춰 현대사회의 간호사에게
필요한 핵심역량을 충실히 소개

■ 간호학을
‌ 전공하는 학생들의 수준을 바탕으로 한국인의 건강과 질병을 중심으로 한국에서 촬영한 사진을
덧붙이고 한국 의료평가 항목을 반영

■ ‌의학적 지식뿐만 아니라 의료관리 팀원으로서의 간호사, 환자의 건강문제 해결을 위한 핵심적인 건강관리
전문가로서의 간호사, 응급구조 상황에서 첫 번째 상황판단을 내려야 하는 긴급조치 실무자로서의 간호사
등 임상 실무 지침서로 활용 가능

역자 박정숙 외 | 저자 Ignatavicius, Workman | 출간일 2013년 2월 15일 | 각권 930 페이지 내외, 전면컬러 | ISBN 978-89-94961-28-6 (set)
정가 각권 6만원

Visit 5
엘스비어 국내도서

간호미생물학 (2판)

기초간호자연과학회, 대한미생물학회
공식지정 교재, 최신 개정판

■ 기초간호자연과학회와
‌ 대한미생물학회가 공동으로 개정 및 편찬한, 간호학 전공
자들에게 필수적인 교과서
■ 내용체계
‌ 전면 개편, 학습목표 재정리를 통해 우리나라 간호대 학생을 위한 커리
큘럼에 맞춘 완성도 높은 체계적인 구성
■ 전면컬러와
‌ 보완된 도해자료를 바탕으로 병원성 미생물학의 기본 개념에서부터
감염과 면역, 세균학, 바이러스학, 진균학 및 예방, 실습에 이르기까지 병원성 미
생물과 관련된 모든 내용 수록

저자 기초간호자연과학회, 대한미생물학회
출간일 2011년 6월 | 392쪽, 전면컬러 | ISBN 978-89-92589-93-2 | 정가 35,000원

임상약리학 (6판)
Introduction to Clinical Pharmacology, 6th edition

임상 간호사와 간호학 전공자에게

특화된 최신 약리학 교재!

■ 최근
‌ 3~4년 동안 유례없는 변화를 겪은 약리학 분야의 최신 정보를 충실히 담아
낸 차별화된 교과서
■ 약물의
‌ 작용, 적용, 상호작용 및 유해반응과 같은 기초지식은 물론 간호 사정에서
부터 환자 교육까지 간호사의 역할에 특화된 다양한 정보 수록
■ 임상에
‌ 바로 적용할 수 있고, 세계 모든 현장에서 통용되는 표준화된 지침과
정보, 사례연구 제공

저자 Marilyn Winterton Edmunds | 역자 최명애, 김금순, 박순옥, 임선옥, 김희경, 김정수 외

출간일 2010년 7월 | 536쪽, 전면컬러 | ISBN 978-89-92589-69-7 | 정가 33,000원

6 Contact your Elsevier Education Solutions Consultant

엘스비어 국내도서

급변하는 간호환경과 한국 현실을 충분히 반영한
간호학 입문서

■ ‌전문직으로서의 간호에 초점을 맞춰 간호사의 역량과 자긍심 고취

■ 간호사에
‌ 대한 오랜 인식에 머무른 타 교재와 차별화하여 눈부시게 고양된 전문
직 간호사의 위상 반영
■ 선진화된
‌ 서구의 간호 개념을 선택적으로 수용하는 동시에 한국 내 변화도 충실
히 기술
■ 간호의
‌ 본질, 전문직관, 철학, 이론, 윤리 및 역사를 비롯해 간호의 미래까지도 조
망하는 체계적 흐름

편역자 염영희 외 | 출간일 2013년 2월 | 324쪽 | ISBN 978-89-94961-26-2 | 정가 28,000원

쉽게 배우고 실천하는
간호실무 의사소통
전체적인 구성을 간호대학 커리큘럼에 맞춘
강의용 교재

■ ‌간호대학 한 학기 커리큘럼에 맞춰 주당 한 챕터씩 총 13개 챕터로 구성

■ 강의실에서
‌ 실천 가능한 실습과 놀이를 통해 정서와 문화를 고려한 대화 예절과
다양한 상황 대처 능력 고취
■ 간호실무는
‌ 물론 일상생활에서도 적용 가능한 의사소통 방법 소개
■ 효과적
‌ 의사소통을 위한 이론부터 다양한 사례를 통한 실무 상황 예시

저자 임숙빈, 김덕희, 배정이, 김현숙, 손행미, 박광희, 박영숙

출간일 2012년 7월 | 326쪽 | ISBN 978-89-94961-15-6 | 정가 25,000원

Visit 7
엘스비어 국내도서

건강사정 (7판)
Mosby’s Guide to Physical Examination, 7th edition

건강사정(Mosby’s Guide to Physical Examination)의


■ 100여개의
‌ 삽화를 추가 및 대체하여, 총 1,400여 개의 1,400 여 개의 삽화와
다수의 도표 및 박스를 통해 시각적 이해도 극대화
■ ‌세계적인 베스트셀러 Mobsy's 건강사정 DVD와 동일한 커리큘럼으로 구성
■ ‌한국적 현실에 맞도록 일부 내용을 수정 및 보완

저자 Seidel 외 | 편역자 송경애 외 | 출간일 2012년 2월 | 648쪽, 전면컬러

ISBN 978-89-94961-11-8 | 정가 40,000원

건강사정 DVD 시리즈

Set1 DVD 1~15 (총 15장)
Set2 DVD 16~18 (총 3장)
DVD 16~18
출시 완료
세계적인 Mosby의 건강사정 DVD 한국어판!
한글 자막을 통한 효율적인 교육!

■ 고화질
‌ DVD로 건강사정 분야 최고의 Visual 영상교육자료
■ 기본간호학회
‌ 번역 및 감수를 통한 검증된 한글 자막 제공
■ 총
‌ 18개 분야의 체계적이고 이해하기 쉬운 구성으로 효율적인 실습강의 보조자료

저자 Seidel, Ball, Dains, Denedict | 번역 및 감수 기본간호학회

출시일 2008년 11월 (Set 1), 2011년 4월 (Set 2) | 정가 770,000원(Set 1), 220,000원(Set 2)

8 Contact your Elsevier Education Solutions Consultant

엘스비어 국내도서

인체의 구조와 기능
Essentials of Anatomy & Physiology

간호학 전공에 기초가 되는

인체의 구조와 기능을 다룬 교재!

■ ‌인체의 구조와 기능에 대한 핵심적이고도 명확한, 완성도 높은 내용

■ 장별
‌ 학습목표, 개요, 의학용어 정리 및 심화내용 박스와 연습문제를 통해 학습 효
율 제고
■ 전면컬러의
‌ 도해자료 및 다양한 일러스트레이션으로 인체의 구조와 기능에 대한
체계적 시각화

저자 Marilyn Winterton Edmunds | 역자 최명애, 김금순, 박순옥, 임선옥, 김희경, 김정수 외

출간일 2010년 7월 | 536쪽, 전면컬러 | ISBN 978-89-92589-69-7 | 정가 39,000원

이해하기 쉬운 의학용어 th
Quick & Easy Medical Terminology, 6 edition

빠르고 재미있게 최신 의학용어 및 임상에서의

최신 절차를 학습할 수 있는 간호학 필수 교재!

■ 의학용어가
‌ 만들어지는 규칙을 체계적으로 설명, 기존 암기 위주의 지루하고
딱딱한 학습을 탈피할 수 있는 구성
■ 신체기관별
‌ 의학용어뿐만 아니라 다양한 진단적, 치료적, 시술과 관련된 용어도
효과적으로 학습할 수 있는 풍부한 시각 자료 수록
■ ‌다양하고 반복적인 연습문제 풀이 및 팁을 통해 흥미로운 자가학습이 가능하도록
■ ‌각 용어의 발음 학습과 퀴즈형식으로 내용을 복습할 수 있는 CD 제공

저자 Peggy C. Leonard | 역자 송경애 , 정승교, 한혜자, 박혜자, 이소영, 정혜선 외

출간일 2011년 8월 | 416쪽, 전면컬러 | ISBN 978-89-94961-08-8 | 정가 33,000원

Visit 9
엘스비어 국내도서

기본간호학 I·II (7판)

Fundamentals of Nursing, 7th edition

기본간호학의 세계적 교재인 <Potter & Perry,

Fundamentals of Nursing>의 최신 번역판!
‌ 장마다 ‘학습목표’, ‘주요 개념’, ‘주요 용어’, ‘비판적 사고 연습’, ‘연습문제’ 등
을 수록하여 예습과 복습에 용이하도록 구성
‌ 장 내용에 맞는 스킬 부분을 부록 형식으로 삽입하여 이론서와 실무서를
통합한 종합 교과서 완성
■ ‌본문 내 특수 박스 삽입으로 대상자 상황에 맞는 임상 적용 및 근거에 기반을 둔
실무지침 제시
‌ 영 상 중 심 의 온 라 인 간 호 교 육 정 보 원 < M o s by ’ s N u rs i n g S k i l l s >
(의 텍스트북으로 활용 가능

저자 Patricia A. Potter, Anne G. Perry | 역자 변영순 외 | 출간일 2011년 2월

1128쪽, 전면컬러 | ISBN 978-89-92589-95-6 (set) | 정가 75,000원 (set)

간호연구방법론 (5판)
Understanding Nursing Research: Building
an Evidence-Based Practice 5th edition

간호학 연구 분야 최고의 권위서 완역!

■ Nancy
‌ Burns의 <Understanding Nursing Research>를 기본으로 한국적 현실
■ 권위
‌ 있는 콘텐츠 및 풍부한 연구 사례 수록으로 간호학 연구에 대한 이해도 고취
■ 명확하고 체계적인 프레임 구성으로 근거중심실무에 쉽게 접근하도록 구성
■ 근거를
‌ 확충하기 위한 연구 프로세스 중심의 구성 및 최신 예제 수록

저자 Nancy Burns, Susan Grove | 역자 박형숙, 송경애 외 | 출간일 2013년 6월 예정

10 Contact your Elsevier Education Solutions Consultant

엘스비어 국내도서

다문화 간호 근거중심 사정과 중재 (5판)

Transcultural Nursing: Assessment and Intervention, 5th edition

최대 사회적 이슈로 부각된 횡문화 가정을 다룬

독점적 타이틀
■ ‌횡문화 가정에 대한 문화 사정과 중재의 이론적 틀과 적용
■ 한국과
‌ 밀접한 관련을 맺고 있는 일본, 러시아, 중국, 필리핀, 베트남 5개국 문화
와 간호를 중심으로 기술
■ ‌문화적 배경을 고려한 다원적 간호를 통해 다문화 사회에서의 간호 리더십 배양

저자 Joyce Giger, Ruth Davidhizar | 역자 이경혜 외 | 출간일 2011년 3월 | 352쪽

ISBN 978-89-92589-50-5 | 정가 28,000원

근거중심실무 (2판)
Evidence-based Practice, 2 edition

근거중심실무(Evidence-based Practice)를
처음 접하는 모든 보건의료전문가의 필수 교과서!

■ 근거중심실무의
‌ 기초 개념을 체계적으로 설명하고, 이를 쉽게 이해할 수 있도록
실제 에피소드 방식으로 구성
■ 근거중심실무의
‌ 핵심인 체계적 문헌고찰에 대한 중요한 특성을 알기 쉽게 설명하
여 효과적으로 학습할 수 있도록 하는 모든 내용을 수록
■ 보건의료전문가
‌ 및 관련된 연구를 시작하는 대학생과 대학원생들에게 체계적 문
헌고찰 및 연구활용 학습 방법을 제공

저자 Martin Dawes | 역자 박성희, 강창범, 엄영진, 정상설 | 출간일 2011년 10월 | 300쪽
ISBN 978-89-94961-12-5 | 정가 25,000원

Visit 11
엘스비어 국내도서

아동간호 실무
Clinical Skills in Child Health Practice

근거중심 실무와 비판적 사고 문제를 통해

아동간호학을 공부하는 학생과 교수,
임상 실무자를 위한 실습서!

■ 급변하는
‌ 아동간호 실무의 특성에 대처할 수 있는 전문적이면서도 필수적인
실무능력을 제시
■ 고도로
‌ 표준화된 건강관리 지침을 제공하는 데 초석이 되는 최신 근거와
관련 연구자료 및 웹사이트 제시
■ 아동간호학을
‌ 학습하는 학생과 교수, 임상 실무자들에게 최신 근거에 쉽게
접근할 수 있도록 하여 비판적 사고능력을 향상시킬 수 있도록 구성

저자 Janet Kelsey, Gillian McEwing | 역자 김태임 외 | 출간일 2009년 6월 | 524쪽

ISBN 978-89-92589-54-3 | 정가 25,000원

여성 건강 문제의 재조명
페미니스트 접근
New Perspective on Women’s Health Issues Feminist Approach

여성의 몸과 관련된 이슈를 중심으로

질적 연구방법을 통해 여성건강 문제를 재조명

■ 각종
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‌ 질환이 발생하게 된 배경을 살펴보고, 내제되어 있는 문제를 기술함으로써
다양한 각도에서 접근

저자 김증임 외 | 출간일 2007년 5월 | 254쪽 | ISBN 978-89-92589-02-4 | 정가 25,000원

12 Contact your Elsevier Education Solutions Consultant

General/RN Nursing
Anatomy & Physiology..................... 14 Maternity & Women’s Health............ 30
Care Planning................................. 15 Maternity & Pediatrics
Community..................................... 16 (Combined)................................... 32
Critical Care................................... 17 Medical-Surgical Textbooks............. 32
Critical Thinking............................. 18 Medical-Surgical References........... 34
Dictionary....................................... 18 Nursing Process/Diagnosis.............. 35
Drug Calculations/Math.................. 19 Nutrition......................................... 36
Drug References.............................. 20 Pathophysiology.............................. 37
Education/Teaching......................... 21 Pediatrics....................................... 39
Emergency...................................... 21 Pharmacology................................. 40
Fundamentals & Skills.................... 22 Psychiatric/Mental Health............... 42
Gerontology..................................... 25 Research/Statistics......................... 43
Health Assessment.......................... 25 Review/Testing Core Topic Review.... 44
Issues/Trends.................................. 27 Review/Testing NCLEX-RN®............. 45
Lab/Diagnostic Testing.................... 28 Review/Testing Practice Tests.......... 47
Leadership/Management................. 29 Theory............................................. 47


Herlihy Patton & Thibodeau

PHYSIOLOGY The Human Body in Health and Illness, The Human Body in Health & Disease,
4th Edition 6th Edition

Anatomy & Physiology

Using colorful cartoons, illustrations, and an easy- February 2013 • Approx. 796 pp., 475 illus.
to-read approach, this textbook makes it fun to ISBN: 978-0-323-10124-0
learn anatomy and physiology. It’s ideal for students
who have a limited background in the sciences,
because clear, step-by-step explanations provide all Patton, Thibodeau
the information they need to know. The book breaks Anatomy & Physiology, 8th Edition
down complex concepts and processes into digestible
chunks, and new features such as Re-Think and
Go Figure! help students apply their knowledge to
common problems in patient care.
October 2010 • Approx. 576 pp., 350 illus.
ISBN: 978-1-4160-6842-6
There's no other two-semester A&P text that
Mosby equals Anatomy & Physiology for its student-friendly
writing, visually engaging content, and wide range of
Mosby’s Anatomy & Physiology Study and teaching.
Review Cards Mar 22, 2012
ISBN: 978-0-323-08357-7  

Available to accompany Patton, Thibodeau & Douglas

the following textbooks: Essentials of Anatomy
& Physiology

Herlihy: The Human Body in Health and This portable and convenient study tool helps
students make the most of their study time. Each
Illness, 4th Edition card uses a question-and-answer format to help
Patton: Anatomy & Physiology, students understand and memorize core concepts
7th Edition and relationships in anatomy and physiology.
2010 • 329 cards, 230 illus.
Patton: Essentials of Anatomy & ISBN: 978-0-323-06652-5 Ideal for one-semester A&P courses, this user-friendly
Physiology (January 2011) textbook introduces students to how the structures
of the body perform unique functions, and how
Thibodeau: The Human Body in Health & Watson homeostasis is achieved and maintained by dynamic
Disease, 5th Edition forces within the body. Trusted authors Kevin Patton,
Anatomy and Physiology for Nurses: With
Thibodeau: Structure & Function of the Gary Thibodeau, and Matthew Douglas have expertly
Pageburst access, 13th Edition condensed and simplified the central concepts of
Body, 13th Edition
anatomy and physiology by using a conversational,
To learn more about A&P Online, see pg 71. jargon-free writing style that makes learning fun
and easy.
March 2011 • Approx. 640 pp., 550 illus.
ISBN: 978-0-323-05382-2

Feb 23, 2011

ISBN: 978-0-702-04358-1

14 Contact your Elsevier Education Solutions Consultant


Thibodeau, Patton Johnson, Moorhead, Bulechek, Butcher,

Structure & Function of the Body - Maas, Swanson & McCloskey Dochterman
Softcover, 14th Edition Ackley & Ladwig NOC and NIC Linkages to
Nursing Diagnosis Handbook: An Evidence- NANDA-I and Clinical Conditions:
Based Guide to Planning Care, 9th Edition Supporting Critical Thinking and
Quality Care, 3rd Edition
Based on extensive research conducted by
investigative teams at the University of Iowa, this
unique resource is the only book that provides linkages
Make difficult anatomy and physiology concepts clear between the three standardized languages recognized
and easier to understand with the latest edition of by the American Nurses Organization — NOC, NIC,
Thibodeau and Patton's Structure & Function of the and NANDA. Its user-friendly, tabular format and real-
Body. world case studies make it the definitive tool students
This bestselling reference helps students use can rely on to develop consistent care plans for their
Oct 06, 2011 
assessment findings to identify nursing diagnoses and patients. This edition features two new chapters on
ISBN: 978-0-323-07722-4  
write individualized care plans. It includes suggested clinical decision making, more concise intervention
nursing diagnoses for over 1,200 client symptoms, listings that identify major and suggested interventions,
Copstead & Banasik medical and psychiatric nursing diagnoses, diagnostic and approximately 20 new linkages to common, high-
procedures, surgical interventions, and clinical states. cost medical diagnoses.
Pathophysiology, 5th Edition Care plans are organized alphabetically by diagnostic May 2011 • Approx. 728 pp.
concept for every 2009-2011 NANDA-I approved ISBN: 978-0-323-07703-3
nursing diagnosis.
2011 • 960 pp., illustd.
ISBN: 978-0-323-07150-5
All-In-One Care Planning Resource,
Ackley & Ladwig
3rd Edition
Nursing Diagnosis Handbook:
December 2012 • Approx. 1,182 pp.,
1,000 illus.
An Evidence-Based Guide to
ISBN: 978-1-4557-2650-9 Planning Care, 10th Edition
Study Guide
ISBN: 978-1-4557-3312-5
The only book to provide care plans for all core clinical
areas, this text includes care plans for pediatric,
maternity, and psychiatric nursing in addition to
medical-surgical nursing.
Jun 03, 2011
ISBN: 978-0-323-07420-9 
February 2013 • Approx. 940 pp., illustd.
ISBN: 978-0-323-08549-6

Gulanick & Myers

Nursing Care Plans: Diagnoses,
Interventions, and Outcomes, 8th Edition

February 2013 • Approx. 994 pp., illustd.

ISBN: 978-0-323-09137-4

Visit 15

Ladwig & Ackley Harris, Nimmo

Mosby’s Guide to Nursing Diagnosis, Placement Learning in Community Nursing:
4th Edition A guide for students in practice

Health Nursing Online
Worried about your placement Will you fit in Will you
April 2013 • Approx. 816 pp., illustd. have the right skills What do you need to learn for
ISBN: 978-0-323-08920-3 practice assessments This book will help you with all
these concerns.
Monahan, Green & Neighbors May 12, 2012
ISBN: 978-0-702-04301-7 
Swearingen’s Manual of Medical-Surgical
Nursing: A Care Planning Resource,
7th Edition Lewis & Bear
Manual of School Health, 3rd Edition

Known for concise and focused clinical coverage,

this essential bedside reference covers the treatment Using a clear, consistent outline format for quick
of 125 commonly encountered medical-surgical Available to accompany reference, this practical resource takes a best practice
conditions. Unique outcome criteria include specific the following textbooks: approach to student health issues and concerns
and measurable timeframes to help in establishing with point of care information for common health
realistic treatment goals and evaluating effectiveness of conditions, as well as guidance on contemporary
care. The user-friendly format helps students quickly issues such as body piercing, backpack syndrome,
find information, making it ideal for care planning and Maurer: Community/Public Health Nursing computer ergonomics, and disaster management.
clinicals. New features in this edition include safety Practice, 4th Edition 2009 • 654 pp., 100 illus.
tips, thorough updates, burn content, and coverage of ISBN: 978-1-4160-3778-1
immunologic-disorder and cancer care units. Nies: Community/Public Health Nursing,
September 2010 • Approx. 816 pp., illustd. 5th Edition
ISBN: 978-0-323-07254-0 Stanhope: Foundations of Nursing in the Stanhope, Lancaster
Community, 3rd Edition Public Health Nursing: Population-Centered
Castillo Stanhope: Public Health Nursing, Health Care in the Community, 8th Edition
Strategies, Techniques, & Approaches 7th Edition
to Critical Thinking: A Clinical Reasoning To learn more about Community/Public
Workbook for Nurses, 5th Edition Health Nursing Online, see pg 71.

Edelman & Mandle

Health Promotion Throughout the Life Span, Now in its 8th edition, Public Health Nursing:
7th Edition Population-Centered Health Care in the
Community continues to be the “gold standard”
text in community health nursing.
Sep 27, 2011
March 2013 • Approx. 288 pp., illustd. ISBN: 978-0-323-08001-9
ISBN: 978-1-4557-3390-3

This comprehensive text provides current health

promotion and disease prevention information for all
ages and population groups, including individuals,
families, and communities.
2010 • 697 pp., illustd.
ISBN: 978-0-323-05662-5

16 Contact your Elsevier Education Solutions Consultant


Stanhope/Lancaster Naidoo, Wills Urden, Stacy & Lough

Foundations of Nursing in the Community, Developing Practice for Public Health and Critical Care Nursing: Diagnosis and
4th Edition Health Promotion: with Pageburst online Management, 7th Edition
access, 3rd Edition

October 2013 April 2013 • Approx. 1,206 pp., 550 illus.

ISBN: 978-0-323-10094-6 Printed book plus Pageburst™ access. You will ISBN: 978-0-323-09178-7
receive a printed book and access to the complete
book content electronically. Pageburst™ enhances
Nies & McEwen learning not only by bringing world class content. Gardner, Carter, Enzman-
Jan 31, 2011
Community/Public Health Nursing: ISBN: 978-0-702-04454-0
Hines & Hernandez
Promoting the Health of Populations, Merenstein & Gardner’s Handbook of
5th Edition Neonatal Intensive Care, 7th Edition

AACN Procedure Manual for Critical Care,
6th Edition

Known for its “upstream” focus, social justice Featuring a multidisciplinary approach and a
approach, photo novellas with clinical stories, and real-world perspective, this leading resource on
concise, readable style, this textbook prepares collaborative critical care for newborns focuses on
students to take an active role in promoting evidenced-based practice, with clinical directions in
community health. It discusses today’s issues color for easy retrieval and review. Special features
and trends, and describes the key issues and help students prioritize care, and provide a guide to
responsibilities of contemporary community/public Authoritative and up to date, this illustrated manual sharing information with parents.
health nursing — especially in caring for diverse features a consistent, step-by-step format that makes 2011 • 1,048 pp., illustd.
population groups. it easy for students to learn and retain essential and ISBN: 978-0-323-06715-7
October 2010 • Approx. 736 pp., 210 illus. advanced skills for the critical care environment.
ISBN: 978-1-4377-0860-8 References for supporting care recommendations
are identified according to the latest AACN Evidence Hazinski
Leveling System to ensure students have a complete Nursing Care of the Critically Ill Child, 3rd
understanding of the strength of the evidence base.
2011 • 1,280 pp., illustd.
ISBN: 978-1-4160-6218-9

Now completely up to date to meet the needs of

today’s students, Mary Fran Hazinski’s Nursing Care
of the Critically Ill Child, 3rd Edition, remains the
foundational text of pediatric critical care nursing.
May 08, 2012
ISBN: 978-0-323-02040-4

Visit 17

Schumacher & Chernecky Urden, Stacy & Lough Harding, Snyder & Preusser
Saunders Nursing Survival Guide: Critical Critical Care Nursing: Diagnosis and Winningham’s Critical Thinking Cases
Care & Emergency Nursing, 2nd Edition Management, 6th Edition in Nursing: Medical-Surgical,
Pediatric, Maternity, and Psychiatric,
5th Edition

Part of the popular Saunders Nursing Survival Guide Formerly Thelan’s Critical Care Nursing, this classic
series, this book prepares students to manage the resource is organized in nine units around alterations
most common health care problems they’ll see in in body systems and provides comprehensive,
critical care, trauma, and emergency settings. Each student-friendly coverage of nearly every aspect of 2013 • 674 pp., illustd.
chapter is organized from the most immediate and life- critical care nursing. ISBN: 978-0-323-08325-6
threatening conditions to less emergent critical care 2010 • 1,232 pp., 510 illus.
conditions, with a lighthearted approach that simplifies ISBN: 978-0-323-05748-6
difficult concepts.
2010 • 448 pp., 150 illus.
ISBN: 978-1-4160-6169-4 AACN, AWHONN and NANN, Watson
Certification and Core Review for Neonatal
Urden, Stacy, Lough Intensive Care Nursing, 4th Edition  Mosby’s Dictionary of Medicine, Nursing &
Priorities in Critical Care Nursing, Health Professions, 8th Edition
6th Edition

The only exam review for the two leading neonatal

critical-care nursing certification examinations, this Featuring over 2,400 unrivalled full-color illustrations,
Priorities in Critical Care Nursing, 6th Edition, the review prepares students for both exams with realistic
the 8th edition of this bestselling dictionary includes
essentials version of the bestselling critical care questions and test simulation.
over 5,000 new and 50,000 updated, comprehensive
nursing textbook, is the perfect fit for your shorter Apr 06, 2011 definitions. Its special encyclopedic definitions cover
critical care curriculum with its succinct coverage of ISBN: 978-1-4377-2633-6  major diseases, disorders, procedures, and drugs in
all core critical care nursing topics. Using the latest, a large, easy-to-read typeface with bold, easy-to-find
most authoritative research, this evidence-based text headwords. More than just a dictionary, it also includes
helps your students identify priorities to accurately and
effectively manage patient care.
CRITICAL THINKING a Color Atlas of Human Anatomy, a medical spell
checker CD with almost 500,000 medical terms, and
Nov 18, 2011 revised and updated appendices full of practical and
ISBN: 978-0-323-07461-2 Alfaro-LeFevre useful information.
Critical Thinking, Clinical Reasoning, 2009 • 2,240 pp., 2,400 illus.
Stillwell and Clinical Judgment: A Practical ISBN: 978-0-323-04937-5
Mosby’s Nursing PDQ for Critical Care, Approach, 5th Edition
2nd Edition

2011 • 312 pp., illustd.

This convenient quick-reference guide offers ISBN: 978-1-4377-2776-0
complete coverage of topics related to the acute care
management of patients in the critical care setting.
The spiral-bound format provides quick, easy access
to information on disorders, treatment, assessment,
monitoring, and drug therapy. It also features helpful
formulas, laboratory values, and scoring tools.
2011 • Approx. 224 pp., 194 illus.
ISBN: 978-0-323-07406-3

18 Contact your Elsevier Education Solutions Consultant


Mosby Brown, Mulholland

Mosby’s Pocket Dictionary of Medicine, CALCULATIONS/MATH Drug Calculations: Ratio and Proportion
Nursing & Health Professions, Problems for Clinical Practice, 9th Edition 
7th Edition Find out more at

Drug Calculations Online

Covering the ratio and proportion method of drug
calculations, this text provides clear, step-by-step
February 2013 • 1,488 pp. explanations and concise examples to ensure safety
ISBN: 978-0-323-08855-8 and accuracy in drug calculations.
Oct 24, 2011
ISBN: 978-0-323-07750-7 
Miller-Keane Encyclopedia &
Dictionary of Medicine, Nursing, Gatford, Phillips
& Allied Health, Nursing Calculations, 8th Edition
7th Edition – Revised Reprint

This best-selling book enables nursing students to

calculate drug doses accurately and quickly. It begins
2005 • 2,344 pp., 750 illus. with a diagnostic test to pinpoint any weaknesses in
ISBN: 978-1-4160-2604-4 Available to accompany basic arithmetic and is followed by specific exercises
to remedy them.
the following textbooks:
Mar 16, 2011
LeFever Kee, Marshall ISBN: 978-0-702-04452-6
Clinical Calculations: With Applications to Gray Morris: Calculate with Confidence,
General and Specialty Areas, 7th Edition  5th Edition Gray Morris
Kee: Clinical Calculations, 6th Edition Calculate with Confidence, 5th Edition
Ogden: Calculations of Drug Dosages,
8th Edition
Stand-alone course also available to
complement any textbook!
The only text that covers all four major methods Adams: Math and Drug Calculations
of drug calculation, Clinical Calculations: With Online for Nursing and Health Professions
Applications to General and Specialty Areas, The 5th edition of this bestselling text offers a step-
To learn more about Drug Calculations
7th Edition. by-step, clinically relevant approach to the calculation
Online, see pg 72.
Feb 29, 2012 and administration of drug dosages using the ratio
ISBN: 978-1-455-70384-5 and proportion, formula, and dimensional analysis
2010 • 720 pp., 550 illus.
ISBN: 978-0-323-05629-8

Visit 19

Kee & Marshall Mulholland Albanese

Clinical Calculations: With Applications to The Nurse, The Math, The Meds: Drug Mosby’s Nursing Drug Cards, 21st Edition
General and Specialty Areas, Calculations Using Dimensional Analysis, A must-have resource for every nursing student, these
7th Edition 2nd Edition portable drug cards feature complete pharmacologic
details and nursing management priorities for over 875
generic and 1,320 brand-name drugs — including
approximately 15 new drugs and new drug categories
and more than 100 new drug facts. Students can also
access new drug updates and information on the top
200 most commonly prescribed drugs online.
June 2011 • Approx. 950 cards
ISBN: 978-0-323-07701-9
2013 • 398 pp., 550 illus.
2011 • 616 pp., 775 illus.
ISBN: 978-1-4557-0384-5
ISBN: 978-0-323-06904-5 Gahart & Nazareno
Drug Calculations Online
ISBN: 978-1-4557-0728-7 2014 Intravenous Medications:
Text/Drug Calculations Online Package Ogden A Handbook for Nurses and Health
ISBN: 978-1-4557-0726-3 Calculation of Drug Dosages, 9th Edition Professionals, 30th Edition

Macklin, Chernecky & Infortuna

Math for Clinical Practice, 2nd Edition

Help your students gain the practical skills they July 2013 • Approx. 1,275 pp.
need to competently and confidently calculate ISBN: 978-0-323-08478-9
drug dosages, even if they dislike math. All it takes
is practice — and this worktext gives students the
Covering the ratio and proportion and formula most practice of any drug calculation book available! Skidmore-Roth
methods, this straightforward textbook presents a It provides an extensive review of essential math Mosby’s Drug Guide for Nursing Students,
real-world approach to the mathematical calculations concepts and clearly explains the ratio and proportion,
used in the clinical setting. It features a unique, step- formula, and dimensional analysis methods of drug 10th Edition
by-step process that teaches students to identify the calculation with over 2,000 practice problems to
information needed to perform a calculation, determine reinforce learning. This edition includes a new chapter
if information is missing, set up and perform the on obstetric drug dosages.
calculation, and check the answer to ensure accuracy March 2011 • Approx. 608 pp., illustd.
and reduce human calculation errors. Common ISBN: 978-0-323-07753-8
medications and methods of administration are used
throughout with more than 1,200 practice problems
to help students master the math needed for
clinical practice. DRUG REFERENCES In this portable handbook, an A-to-Z format makes
2010 • 512 pp., illustd. it easy for students to find information on the drugs
ISBN: 978-0-323-06499-6 Mosby they will administer every day. This edition provides
information on 50 drug classifications.
Mosby’s Nursing Drug Cards, 22nd Edition Jul 20, 2012
ISBN: 978-0-323-08643-1 

June 2013 • Approx. 365 cards

ISBN: 978-0-323-10088-5

20 Contact your Elsevier Education Solutions Consultant


Hodgson & Kizior Skidmore-Roth Emerson

Saunders Nursing Drug Handbook 2014 Mosby’s Drug Guide for Nursing Students, Nursing Education in the Clinical Setting
10th Edition with 2014 Update


June 2013 • Approx. 1,525 pp., illustd. 2007 • 400 pp., illustd.
ISBN: 978-1-4557-0739-3 ISBN: 978-0-323-03608-5
July 2013 • Approx. 1,200 pp., illustd.
ISBN: 978-0-323-17296-7
Skidmore-Roth Teaching Health Careers Education: Tools
Mosby’s 2014 Nursing Drug Reference for Classroom Success
Mosby’s Handbook of Herbs & Natural
Supplements, 4th Edition

June 2013 • Approx. 1,352 pp., illustd. Organized in modules, this text addresses topics
ISBN: 978-0-323-17007-9 such as creating lesson plans, how to foster a positive
Featuring a new streamlined design, this detailed classroom environment, how to deal with classroom
guide provides vital information on herbal products disruptions, and effective classroom presentation
Gahart, Nazareno and natural supplements in a convenient, A-to-Z techniques. Also includes teaching tips and case
format. Coverage includes pediatric and safety
2013 Intravenous Medications: A Handbook for information from the American Herbal Product
studies examining real-life teaching situations.
Nurses and Health Professionals, 29th Edition  2010 • 264 pp.
Association, as well as a new systematic pregnancy ISBN: 978-0-323-04256-7
and breastfeeding classification.
2010 • 768 pp.
ISBN: 978-0-323-05741-7


Forensic Nursing Science, 2nd Edition
The #1 IV drug handbook for nearly 40 Edelman/Mandle/Kudzma
years, Intravenous Medications: A Handbook for
Nurses and Health Professionals is the go-to resource Health Promotion Throughout the Life Span,
for all the information students need to safely. 8th Edition
Jul 15, 2012 
ISBN: 978-0-323-08481-9

Written and edited by the foremost authorities in

forensic nursing and forensic sciences, this essential
resource offers complete coverage of how to collect
evidence that is admissible in court, determine the
October 2013 significance of that evidence, and provide accurate,
ISBN: 978-0-323-09141-1 reliable testimony while administering high-quality
patient care. Now in full color throughout with 12
new chapters and case studies with critical thinking
questions, it remains the most comprehensive text of
its kind.
2011 • Approx. 768 pp. illustd.
ISBN: 978-0-323-06637-2

Visit 21


Nursing Skills Online Virtual Clinical Excursions

Simulation Learning System

Available to accompany
Available to accompany
the following textbooks:
the following textbooks:

Harkreader: Fundamentals of Nursing,

Harkreader: Fundamentals of Nursing,
3rd Edition
3rd Edition
Potter: Basic Nursing, 7th Edition
Available to accompany Perry: Clinical Nursing Skills & Techniques,
7th Edition Potter: Fundamentals of Nursing,
the following textbooks: 7th Edition
Perry: Nursing Interventions & Clinical
To learn more about VCE, see pg 69.
Skills, 5th Edition
Potter: Basic Nursing, 7th Edition Potter: Basic Nursing, 7th Edition
Potter: Fundamentals of Nursing, Potter: Fundamentals of Nursing,
7th Edition 7th Edition
To learn more about Nursing Skills Online,
Mosby’s Tour Guide to Nursing School:
To learn more about SLS, see pg 68. A Student’s Road Survival Kit, 6th Edition
see pg 73.

Endorsed by the National Student Nurses Association

(NSNA), this highly praised and popular guide
provides students with a realistic, yet humorous
description of the journey through nursing school.
It also provides advice on how to succeed
academically, deal with failure, improve test-taking
and report-writing skills, and build relationships with
other students and faculty.
2011 • 240 pp., illustd.
ISBN: 978-0-323-06741-6

22 Contact your Elsevier Education Solutions Consultant


DeWit Rosalinda Perry & Potter

Saunders Student Nurse Planner, 2012- Critical Thinking, Clinical Reasoning, and Mosby’s Pocket Guide to Nursing Skills &
2013: A Guide to Success in Nursing School, Clinical Judgment: A Practical Approach, Procedures, 7th Edition
8th Edition  5th Edition 

Based on Perry & Potter’s market-leading textbooks,

Much more than just a calendar, Saunders Student What's behind every healed patient? Critical thinking! this spiral-bound guide presents 83 key skills in an
Nurse Planner, 2012-2013 features a wealth of This unique text provides the critical thinking and easy-to-use, A-to-Z format. Step-by-step instructions
organizational tools, clinical information, and helpful clinical reasoning tools your students need to become include full-color photos plus rationales explaining why
safe, competent nurses. to use specific techniques. With the latest in evidence-
nursing school guidance all within one compact and
versatile resource. Dec 15, 2011 based practice, this resource helps students perform
May 11, 2012 ISBN: 978-1-4377-2776-0  nursing skills safely and effectively.
ISBN: 978-1-455-74247-9  2011 • Approx. 656 pp., 445 illus.
ISBN: 978-0-323-07454-4
Christensen & Kockrow
Giddens Foundations of Nursing, 6th Edition deWit
Concepts for Nursing Practice - E-Book
Fundamental Concepts and
Skills for Nursing, 4th Edition

2010 • 1,392 pp., 450 illus.

Edited by Jean Giddens, the pre-eminent expert ISBN: 978-0-323-05732-5
on concept-based nursing curricula, this title is the
first to truly and completely explain the most relevant Study Guide
physiologic, behavioral, and professional nursing ISBN: 978-0-323-05735-6 February 2013 • Approx. 960 pp., 500 illus.
concepts that are core to nursing. Fifty-three of the Virtual Clinical Excursions ISBN: 978-1-4377-2746-3
most important concepts are organized into three ISBN: 978-0-323-07378-3 Study Guide
units: unit one covers patient-profile concepts, unit Text/Virtual Clinical Excursions Package ISBN: 978-1-4557-0845-1
two emphasizes the core biophysical and psychosocial ISBN: 978-0-323-07377-6 Virtual Clinical Excursions
concepts, and unit three includes concepts related ISBN: 978-1-4557-5390-1
to professionalism and the whole of the healthcare
Text/Virtual Clinical Excursions Package
system. This title is available as an ebook in Pageburst. Perry, Potter & Ostendorf ISBN: 978-1-4557-5389-5
Mar 30, 2012
ISBN: 978-0-323-08377-5  
Clinical Nursing Skills & Techniques,
8th Edition Potter, Perry,Stockert, Hall
Perry, Potter & Elkin Fundamentals of Nursing, 8th Edition
Nursing Interventions & Clinical Skills,
5th Edition

February 2013 • pprox. 1,232 pp., 1,000 illus.

ISBN: 978-0-323-08383-6 Revised, reorganized, and reviewed for
Skills Performance Checklists accuracy, Fundamentals of Nursing, 8th
ISBN: 978-0-323-08898-5 Edition combines unparalleled nursing coverage
with innovative, fully integrated learning and
This market-leading, user-friendly textbook provides Nursing Skills Online, 3.0
teaching support to help you build the most effective
complete coverage of nearly 150 nursing skills in a ISBN: 978-0-323-10063-2
fundamentals curriculum with ease. 
streamlined, step-by-step, visual format. Color photos
Mar 22, 2012 • 1568 pp.
and drawings clarify key concepts and a nursing
ISBN: 978-0-323-07933-4 
process framework helps put nursing skills in the
context of care delivery.  
February 2011 • Approx. 743 pp., 600 illus.
ISBN: 978-0-323-06968-7

Visit 23
Nursing Skills Online
Take the stress out of teaching and
learning nursing skills!

Focusing on the skills that are most labor-intensive

to teach and pose the greatest risk to patient safety,
Nursing Skills Online simplifies student evaluation
and helps students review and affirm their competency
before performing skills in the clinical setting.

This unparalleled online course

complements Elsevier’s market-
leading nursing fundamentals
and skills textbooks and is now
updated with:

• New Blood Therapy module

• New interactive exercises
• New videos and animations
 ew answer key and QSEN
Try it now!
Correlation Guide View a sample module at


Potter, Perry, Stockert & Hall Wold

Basic Nursing, 7th Edition Basic Geriatric Nursing, 5th Edition
McGarry, Clissett, Porock, Walker
Placement Learning in Older People
Nursing: A guide for students in practice

Provides complete coverage of the essential 2011 • 416 pp., illustd.

principles, concepts, and skills needed by beginning ISBN: 978-0-323-07399-8
nursing students. Features a consistent and logical
organization with a clear writing style and continuing
case studies that provide realistic and ongoing This book will help you with all these concerns. It will
examples of application of the nursing process. tell you what to expect from the placement, what you HEALTH ASSESSMENT
can learn, how to link theory and practice, and how to
2011 • 1,248 pp., 650 illus. make the most of your learning opportunities.
ISBN: 978-0-323-05891-9
May 12, 2012 • 256 pp.
Find out more at ISBN: 978-0-702-04304-8  

Mosby Touhy, Jett, Boscart, McCleary Simulation Learning System

Mosby’s Nursing Video Skills: Basic, Ebersole and Hess' Gerontological Nursing
Intermediate & Advanced Skills, 4th Edition and Healthy Aging, Canadian Edition
— Student Version

Learn a positive, uniquely Canadian approach to older

adult care. Canada's rapidly aging population will place
April 2013 an unprecedented burden on the health care system
Online: ISBN: 978-0-323-08862-6 and on tomorrow's nurses. It is critical that health care
DVDs: ISBN: 978-0-323-08863-3 professionals be properly equipped to address the
needs and comfort of your older adult patients and
Also available individually: clients. 
Basic Skills — Institutional Version
ISBN: 978-0-323-08859-6 Oct 11, 2011 • 510 pp.
ISBN: 978-1-926648-23-1
Intermediate Skills — Institutional Version
ISBN: 978-0-323-08860-2
Advanced Skills — Institutional Version Touhy & Jett
ISBN: 978-0-323-08864-0 Ebersole and Hess’ Gerontological Nursing
& Healthy Aging, 4th Edition
Available to accompany
the following textbooks:

Jarvis: Physical Examination & Health

Assessment, 6th Edition (March 2011)
March 2013 • Approx. 486 pp., illustd.
ISBN: 978-0-323-09606-5 Seidel: Mosby’s Guide to Physical
Examination, 7th Edition (March 2011)
Wilson: Health Assessment for Nursing
Practice, 4th Edition (March 2011)
To learn more about SLS, see pg 68.

Visit 25

D’Avanzo Jarvis
Pocket Guide to Cultural Health Physical Examination & Health Assessment,
Assessment, 4th Edition 6th Edition
Health Assessment Online

2008 • 848 pp., illustd. With a clear, student-friendly approach, this bestselling
ISBN: 978-0-323-04834-7 text provides a solid understanding of how to perform
a health assessment. Head-to-toe presentations show
the steps of a physical examination in a two-column
Giger layout with extensive exam photos presented side-by-
Transcultural Nursing: Assessment and side with the procedure and expected and abnormal
Intervention, 6th Edition findings. This edition features dozens of new exam
photos, abnormal photos, and a substance abuse
assessment chapter. Detailed photos with overlays,
summary checklists, and new learning resources
ensure that students master all the examination skills
they need to know.
March 2011 • Approx. 944 pp., 1,055 illus.
ISBN: 978-1-4377-0151-7
Available to accompany
Improve your students' approach to diverse client
the following textbooks: care needs with Giger and Davidhizar's unique Mosby
transcultural model of clear, easy-to-apply assessment Mosby’s Expert Physical Exam Handbook:
and intervention strategies for the clinical setting! This
authoritative, easy-to-use assessment resource will
Rapid Inpatient and Outpatient
Jarvis: Physical Examination & Health help students identify the six key cultural phenomena Assessments, 3rd Edition
Assessment, 5th & 6th Edition used in caring for clients from different backgrounds
(communication, space, social organization, time,
(March 2011) environmental control, and biological variations),
Wilson: Health Assessment for Nursing and show them how to apply these phenomena to
individuals from different cultures to meet client
Practice, 4th Edition expectations for the delivery of safe care.
Seidel: Mosby’s Guide to Physical Feb 17, 2012 • 722 pp.
Examination, 7th Edition ISBN: 978-0-323-08379-9 
To learn more about Health Assessment Presenting the latest information on assessment
Online, see pg 72. Mosby techniques, normal and abnormal findings, and the
assessment of patients with specific diseases and
Mosby’s Nursing Video Skills: Physical disorders, this essential bedside reference helps
Examination & Health Assessment nurses perform rapid and thorough examinations of
patients at the bedside or in primary care.
2009 • 400 pp., 120 illus.
ISBN: 978-0-323-05791-2

2007 • DVD
ISBN: 978-0-323-07798-9
Find out more at

26 Contact your Elsevier Education Solutions Consultant


Mosby Wilson & Giddens

Mosby’s Nursing Video Skills: Physical Health Assessment for Nursing Practice,
Examination & Health Assessment, 4th Edition Cherry & Jacob
2nd Edition
Contemporary Nursing: Issues, Trends,
& Management, 6th Edition

Using a clear and straightforward approach, this

Ideal for today’s visual learners, this DVD features student-friendly text highlights the core physical exam
over 280 dynamic video clips that depict the most skills students need to master and also delineates
commonly performed physical exam procedures for between comprehensive routine system exams and February 2013 • Approx. 528 pp., illustd.
each body system. This DVD also includes critical advanced practice exams to streamline learning the ISBN: 978-0-323-10109-7
thinking cases and activities, NCLEX examination-style assessment process.
review questions, printable step-by-step procedures, 2009 • 672 pp., 770 illus.
follow-up care information, documentation guidelines, ISBN: 978-0-323-05322-8 Perry Black
and more! Find out more at Professional Nursing:
March 2011 • DVD
ISBN: 978-0-323-07798-9 Concepts & Challenges, 7th Edition
Find out more at Zerwekh, Gaglione & Miller
Mosby’s Assessment Memory NoteCards:
Seidel, Ball, Dains, Flynn,
Visual, Mnemonic, and Memory Aids for
Solomon & Stewart Nurses, 2nd Edition
Mosby’s Guide to Physical Examination,
7th Edition
February 2013 • Approx. 388 pp., illustd.
ISBN: 978-1-4557-0270-1

This colorful, illustrated collection of spiral bound

cards covers important assessment procedures
and tips using humor, cartoons, and mnemonics to
Emphasizing differential diagnosis and variations encourage retention.
across the lifespan, this textbook takes an evidence- 2011 • 176 pp., 160 illus.
based, patient centered approach to physical ISBN: 978-0-323-06745-4
examination, history-taking, and
health assessment.
2011 • Approx. 912 pp., 1,400 illus.
ISBN: 978-0-323-05570-3
Find out more at

Weilitz & Potter

Mosby’s Pocket Guide for Health
Assessment, 6th Edition

2007 • 576 pp., 200 illus.

ISBN: 978-0-323-04229-1

Visit 27

Claywell Hill & Howlett Zerwekh & Gameau

LPN to RN Transitions, 2nd Edition Success in Practical/Vocational Nursing: Nursing Today: Transition and Trends,
From Student to Leader, 6th Edition 7th Edition

Help students effectively transition from an LPN

to an RN with this textbook that addresses the Reflecting the latest developments in nursing issues
essentials and uses an easy-to-read writing style with October 2012 • 400 pp., illustd.
ISBN: 978-1-4557-0335-7 and trends, this easy-to-read book makes students
an interactive format that includes critical thinking want to learn about the opportunities and challenges
questions and a math review. facing today’s nursing professional and provides
2009 • 384 pp., illustd. graduating nurses the key skills and competencies
ISBN: 978-0-323-05879-7
Mason, Leavitt & Chaffee
they’ll need to transition from the classroom to
Policy & Politics in Nursing and Health practice.
Cowen & Moorhead
Care, 6th Edition March 2011 • Approx. 640 pp., 306 illus.
ISBN: 978-1-4377-2567-4
Current Issues in Nursing, 8th Edition

Chernecky & Berger
Filled with insights from renowned nursing experts and Laboratory Tests and Diagnostic
policy makers, this book combines scholarly analysis Procedures, 6th Edition
With an emphasis on independent thinking, this and first-hand narratives from the field to ensure a
unique resource explores the viewpoints and well-rounded understanding of important issues.
developments that impact the nursing profession. Authoritative content cultivates the development
2011 • 832 pp., illustd. of valuable skills including conflict management,
ISBN: 978-0-323-06571-9 lobbying, the use of media, and working with
communities for change — essential abilities for any
nurse assuming a leadership role in today’s changing
Creasia & Friberg health care environment.
February 2011 • Approx. 848 pp., illustd.
Conceptual Foundations: The Bridge to ISBN: 978-1-4377-1416-6 December 2012 • Approx. 1,236 pp., illustd.
Professional Nursing Practice, 5th Edition ISBN: 978-1-4557-0694-5

Malarkey, McMorrow
Saunders Nursing Guide to Laboratory and
Diagnostic Tests, 2nd Edition 

This outstanding textbook provides the foundation

students need to prepare for their roles as professional
nurses. It discusses the concepts, theories, practices,
and principles that relate to patient care, covering
everything from the history of nursing to current
challenges in the profession. Saunders Nursing Guide to Laboratory and Diagnostic
October 2010 • Approx. 448 pp., illustd. Tests, 2nd Edition is the perfect student-friendly
ISBN: 978-0-323-06869-7 introduction to laboratory testing. Featuring the latest
testing information organized alphabetically for quick
reference, this guide offers test formats that emphasize
the nurse's specific role in all aspects of the testing
Oct 20, 2011
ISBN: 978-1-4377-2712-8 

28 Contact your Elsevier Education Solutions Consultant


Pagana & Pagana Elcock, Sharples

Mosby’s Diagnostic & Laboratory Test MANAGEMENT A Nurse's Survival Guide to Mentoring
Reference, 11th Edition

Nursing Leadership &

Management Online Mar 11, 2011
ISBN: 978-0-702-03946-1  
2013 • 1,066 pp., illustd.
ISBN: 978-0-323-08468-0
Finkler, Jones, Kovner
Financial Management for Nurse Managers
Ladwig & Ackley
and Executives, 4th Edition 
Mosby’s Guide to Nursing Diagnosis,
4th Edition

Covering the financial topics all future nurse

managers need to know and use, this book explains
how financial management fits into the healthcare
March 2013 • Approx. 803 pp., illustd. organization. Topics include accounting.
ISBN: 978-0-323-08920-3 Jul 16, 2012
ISBN: 978-1-455-70088-2 
Available to accompany
the following textbooks: Huber
Leadership and Nursing Care Management,
Yoder Wise: Leading and Managing in
5th Edition
Nursing, 5th Edition
Also available as a stand-alone online
course/worktext package.
Anders: Mosby’s Nursing Leadership &
Management Online
To learn more about Nursing Leadership & October 2013
Management Online, see pg 72. ISBN: 978-1-4557-4071-0

Visit 29

Marriner Tomey Yoder-Wise

Guide to Nursing Management Leading and Managing in Nursing, WOMEN’S HEALTH
and Leadership, 8th Edition 5th Edition

Virtual Clinical Excursions

Completely revised and updated, the 8th edition of Successfully blending evidence-based guidelines with
this popular text offers in-depth coverage and practical practical application, this leadership and management
management strategies for a wide range of workplace textbook provides just the right amount of information
issues such as delegation, diversity, evidence-based to equip your students with the tools they need to
practice, stress management, quality improvement, succeed on the NCLEX examination and in practice.
legal issues, and recruitment and retention. A detailed This thoroughly updated edition is organized
analysis of today’s nursing environment prepares around the issues that are central to the success of
students to successfully manage in the midst of a professional nurses in today’s constantly changing
nursing shortage and an emerging multigenerational healthcare environment, including patient safety,
workforce. workplace violence, consumer relationships, cultural
2009 • 544 pp., illustd. diversity, resource management, and many more.
ISBN: 978-0-323-05238-2 October 2010 • Approx. 760 pp., 135 illus.
ISBN: 978-0-323-06977-9
Find out more at
Motacki & Burke
Nursing Delegation and Management
of Patient Care Leifer & Fleck
Growth and Development Across the
Lifespan: A Health Promotion Focus, Available to accompany
2nd Edition the following textbooks:

Lowdermilk: Maternity & Women’s Health

Care, 9th & 10th Edition (Spring 2011)
This textbook includes the latest information on
core competencies required of nursing caring for
Lowdermilk: Maternity Nursing, 8th Edition
patients, and a wide range of management concepts Murray: Foundations of Maternal-Newborn
that nurses need to know before entering practice. & Women’s Health Nursing, 5th Edition
Content is organized around the five major functional October 2012 • 324 pp., illustd.
groups that nurses handle or frequently interact with ISBN: 978-1-4557-4545-6 To learn more about VCE, see pg 69.
patient care management, leadership, information
management, organizational planning, and human
2010 • 528 pp., illustd.
ISBN: 978-0-323-05306-8
Find out more at

Porter-O’Grady & Malloch

Managing for Success in Health Care

2007 • 656 pp., 450 illus.

ISBN: 978-0-323-03427-2

30 Contact your Elsevier Education Solutions Consultant


Blackburn Zerwekh, Miller Mosby

Maternal, Fetal, & Neonatal Physiology, 4th Mosby’s OB/Peds & Women’s Health Mosby’s Nursing Video Skills: Maternal
Edition  Memory NoteCards: Visual, Mnemonic, and Newborn & Women’s Health
Memory Aids for Nurses

Ensure your students are equipped to provide the

2007 • DVD
best care possible with expert insight and clinically
With 65 colorful cartoons, this set of notecards makes it ISBN: 978-0-323-04569-8
relevant coverage of the physiologic changes that
occur throughout all major periods of the perinatal easier and more fun to review key concepts in maternity, Find out more at
experience - prenatal, intrapartum, postpartum, and women's health, and pediatrics. A variety of proven learning
neonatal. Maternal, Fetal & Neonatal Physiology: aids, humor, and mnemonics serves to engage students, and
A Clinical Perspective, 4th Edition gives students the illustrated approach will appeal to visual learners. Durable Leifer
and portable, these cards are ideal for use in preparing for
a solid foundation for assessment and therapeutic
class, clinicals, and the NCLEX® exam.
Maternity Nursing: An Introductory Text,
interventions, featuring an emphasis on the evolving
interrelationships between mother, fetus, and neonate Nov 28, 2011
11th Edition
and adaptations of preterm and term infants to the ISBN: 978-0-323-08351-5 
extrauterine environment.
Apr 30, 2012
ISBN: 978-1-4377-1623-8  Lowdermilk & Perry
Maternity & Women’s Health Care,
Murray/McKinney 10th Edition
Foundations of Maternal-Newborn and
2011 • 536 pp., 237 illus.
Women’s Health Nursing, 6th Edition ISBN: 978-1-4377-2209-3

Miller, Tucker
Mosby's Pocket Guide to Fetal Monitoring: A
This trusted textbook takes a collaborative care approach Multidisciplinary Approach, 7th Edition 
to maternal, newborn, and women’s health nursing that
emphasizes the nurse’s role on the care team. Easy to read
October 2013 and logically organized, it follows the nursing process and
ISBN: 978-1-4557-3306-4 offers evidence-based coverage of everything students need
to know about caring for women of childbearing age. Key
topics include evidence-based practice, family, culture,
community, and health promotion. Practical application
exercises and comprehensive care plans help strengthen
your students’ maternity nursing skills. Evaluating intrapartum and antepartum fetal status is
February 2011 • Approx. 1,184 pp., illustd. easier with this portable, practical guide! 
ISBN: 978-0-323-07429-2 Feb 23, 2012
ISBN: 978-0-323-08352-2 
Lowdermilk, Perry & Cashion
Maternity Nursing, 8th Edition

Addressing the fundamentals of maternity nursing,

this clear, readable textbook features concise, focused
coverage of key concepts such as family, culture, and
health promotion in the continuum of care.
2011 • 896 pp., 450 illus.
ISBN: 978-0-323-06661-7
Find out more at

Visit 31

Perry, Hockenberry, Lowdermilk & Wilson

PEDIATRICS (COMBINED) Maternal Child Nursing Care, 4th Edition

Simulation Learning System

Virtual Clinical Excursions

Combining both pediatric and maternity content in one
complete resource, this core textbook offers balanced
coverage of essential maternity and pediatric nursing
concepts and procedures. This edition features the
accurate, up-to-date information your students need to
succeed in the classroom, in the clinical setting, and on
the NCLEX examination.
2010 • 1,838 pp., 1,200 illus.
ISBN: 978-0-323-05720-2
Find out more at


Available to accompany Available to accompany

the following textbooks: the following textbooks: Virtual Clinical Excursions
McKinney: Maternal-Child Nursing, McKinney: Maternal-Child Nursing,
3rd Edition 3rd Edition
Perry: Maternal Child Nursing Care, Perry: Maternal Child Nursing Care,
4th Edition 4th Edition
To learn more about VCE, see pg 69. To learn more about SLS, see pg 68.

Introduction to Maternity & Pediatric
Nursing, 6th Edition

Available to accompany
the following textbooks:

2011 • 864 pp., 505 illus. Black: Medical-Surgical Nursing,

ISBN: 978-1-4377-0824-0 8th Edition
Study Guide Ignatavicius: Medical-Surgical Nursing,
ISBN: 978-1-4377-0960-5 6th Edition
Virtual Clinical Excursions
Lewis: Medical-Surgical Nursing,
ISBN: 978-1-4377-2660-2
8th Edition
Text/Virtual Clinical Excursions Package
ISBN: 978-1-4377-2660-2 Monahan: Phipps’ Medical-Surgical
Nursing, 8th Edition
To learn more about VCE, see pg 69.

32 Contact your Elsevier Education Solutions Consultant


Ensure your students are competent
in electronic documentation.

NurseSquared gives your students practical, real-world experience with

electronic documentation for today’s modern health care environment.
Developed to simulate the EHR software used in hospitals nationwide,
NurseSquared is an interactive training tool specifically designed to
ensure your students are competent in electronic documentation.
Complete flexibility and a wealth of interactive features make
NurseSquared ideal for use throughout the curriculum — in
the classroom, in the simulation lab, and in clinicals.

NurseSquared is becoming SimChart!

Contact your Elsevier Education Solutions Consultant for details.

 imulated nursing documentation for Medical-Surgical,  he Electronic Medication Administration Record (eMAR)
Pediatric, Obstetric, and Psychiatric patients mirrors enables students to “Give,” “Hold,” or “DC” medications
hospital protocol, from admission history through and highlights the importance of medication safety.
 imulated physician’s orders offer students valuable
 tandardized charting protocol guides students through experience ordering labs, radiology, pharmacy, and other
the entire documentation process, reinforcing nursing ancillary orders.
concepts and promoting critical thinking.
 raphical Body Documentation features interactive
 lexible EHR activities give you the option to use pre-built anatomical images that help students master proper
clinical documentation cases or create your own cases. terminology and assessment criteria.
 he Care Plan feature allows students to build, edit, and
•T •C
 omplete educator support, including classroom
review plans of care to strengthen their critical-thinking management tools, grade book, and report generation
skills and reinforce their understanding of the nursing makes teaching and learning easier and more effective.

For more information about incorporating NurseSquared into your curriculum,

contact your Elsevier Education Solutions Consultant.

Ignatavicius, Workman Harding, Snyder, Preusser

Medical-Surgical Nursing: Patient-Centered Winningham's Critical Thinking Cases
Collaborative Care, 2-Volume Set, 7th in Nursing: Medical-Surgical, Pediatric,
Edition Maternity, and Psychiatric, 5th Edition
Simulation Learning System

Develop students’ critical thinking and clinical

Using a uniquely collaborative and reader-friendly reasoning skills with 150 realistic case studies from
approach, expert authors Donna D. Ignatavicius the four major clinical practice areas: medical-surgical,
and M. Linda Workman cover all the latest trends, pediatric, maternity, and psychiatric/mental health
evidence-based treatment guidelines, and additional nursing. Each case covers a common problem,
updated information needed for safe clinical practice drawn from actual clinical experiences and written
in medical-surgical nursing. The seventh edition of by nurses who are clinical experts. All cases have
this best-selling text features an expanded emphasis been thoroughly updated and revised to reflect
on patient safety and NCLEX Examination preparation, current clinical practices, with integrated content on
new ties to the QSEN competencies for patient safety, pharmacology, nutrition, and diagnostic/laboratory
and a greater alignment with the language and focus tests to encourage students to think critically about
of clinical practice. A new chapter on evidence-based all aspects of care. This fifth edition also features
practice in medical-surgical nursing has been added, an increased emphasis on patient management,
and a wealth of helpful online resources for students new documentation and communication exercises.
and educators have been strengthened and focused Plus new NCLEX Examination-format questions
on what students today need to know. help students prepare for success on the NCLEX®
Feb 09, 2012  Examination and provide safe, quality patient care.
ISBN: 978-1-4377-2799-9 Jun 01, 2012
ISBN: 978-0-323-08325-6
Available to accompany
Lewis, Dirksen, Heitkemper,
the following textbooks: Bucher & Camera
Medical-Surgical Nursing: Assessment and
Management of Clinical Problems,
Black: Medical-Surgical Nursing, 8th Edition
8th Edition Ignatavicius, Schumacher,
Ignatavicius: Medical-Surgical Nursing, Howard, Weberg
6th Edition Simulation Learning System for Ignatavicius
Lewis: Medical-Surgical Nursing, and Workman: Medical-Surgical Nursing
8th Edition (User Guide & Access Code), 7th Edition
To learn more about SLS, see pg 68.
Written by a dedicated team of expert authors led by
Sharon Lewis, Medical-Surgical Nursing, 8th Edition
Holland, Roxburgh offers evidence-based coverage of the latest trends
and clinical developments in the field. Completely
Placement Learning in Surgical Nursing: A revised and updated content explores patient care
guide for students in practice in various clinical settings and focuses on key topics
such as prioritization, clinical decision-making, patient The Simulation Learning System (SLS) integrates
safety, and NCLEX® exam preparation. Timesaving simulation technology into your medical-surgical nursing
teaching tools and interactive student resources help course by providing realistic scenarios and supportive
you create an engaging learning environment and learning resources that correspond to Ignatavicius and
offer your students valuable, real-world preparation for Workman: Medical-Surgical Nursing: Patient-Centered
clinical practice. Collaborative Care, 6th Edition. The SLS offers targeted
reading assignments and critical thinking exercises
November 2010 • Approx. 2,016 pp. 1,400 illus. to prepare you for the simulation experience; access
Single Volume Textbook to patient data with a shift report and fully-functional
This book will help you with all these concerns. It ISBN: 978-0-323-06580-1 electronic medical record (EMR); post-simulation
will tell you what to expect from a medical nursing
Two-Volume Textbook exercises including charting and documentation
placement, what you can learn, how to link theory and
ISBN: 978-0-323-06581-8 activities in the EMR, reflective journaling, and concept
practice, and how to make the most of your learning
mapping; and review resources including animations,
opportunities. Find out more at
videos, and textbook references. Simulation with the
Jul 12, 2012 SLS is a complete learning experience that bridges the
ISBN: 978-0-702-04305-5 gap between lecture and clinicals to prepare you for
the real world of nursing. STUDENT ACCESS ONLY -
Jun 01, 2012 
ISBN: 978-1-455-74264-6

34 Contact your Elsevier Education Solutions Consultant


Bryant & Nix Monahan, Green & Neighbors deWit & Kumagai
Acute & Chronic Wounds: Current Swearingen’s Manual of Medical-Surgical Medical-Surgical Nursing:
Management Concepts, 4th Edition Nursing: A Care Planning Resource, Concepts & Practice, 2nd Edition
7th Edition

Using a multidisciplinary approach, this all-inclusive 2012 • 1,234 pp., 350 illus.
resource provides students with a strong knowledge Known for concise and focused clinical coverage, this ISBN: 978-1-4377-1707-5
base for understanding the complete spectrum of essential bedside reference covers the treatment of 125
wound care, including the structure of the skin, Study Guide
commonly encountered medical-surgical conditions. Unique
its functions, types of skin damage, physiology of ISBN: 978-1-4377-2211-6
outcome criteria include specific and measurable timeframes
wound healing, and general principles of wound to help in establishing realistic treatment goals and evaluating Virtual Clinical Excursions
management. This edition features several new effectiveness of care. The user-friendly format helps students ISBN: 978-1-4557-2616-5
chapters, coverage of the latest technologies, and quickly find information, making it ideal for care planning Text/Virtual Clinical Excursions Package
new color photos. and clinicals. New features in this edition include safety ISBN: 978-1-4557-2617-2
January 2011 • Approx. 680 pp., 400 illus. tips, thorough updates, burn content, and coverage of
ISBN: 978-0-323-06943-4 immunologic-disorder and cancer care units.
September 2010 • Approx. 816 pp., illustd.
Maxfield, Parker ISBN: 978-0-323-07254-0 NURSING PROCESS/
Placement Learning in Medical Nursing: A DIAGNOSIS
guide for students in practice
Virtual Clinical Excursions 3.0 for Medical- Ackley & Ladwig
Surgical Nursing: Patient-Centered
Nursing Diagnosis Handbook: An Evidence-
Collaborative Care, 7th Edition
Based Guide to Planning Care, 9th Edition

This book will help you with all these concerns. It

will tell you what to expect from a medical nursing
placement, what you can learn, how to link theory and
practice, and how to make the most of your learning Virtual Clinical Excursions is an innovative CD-ROM/
opportunities. workbook package that makes textbook content come
alive and diminishes your anxiety about entering the This bestselling reference helps students use
May 01, 2012 
clinical setting. VCE helps bridge the gap between the assessment findings to make nursing diagnoses and
ISBN: 978-0-702-04302-4
classroom and the real world by introducing you to write individualized care plans. It includes suggested
clinical settings and critical thinking before you actually nursing diagnoses for over 1,200 client symptoms,
Christensen & Kockrow start clinical rotations — making the transition from medical and psychiatric nursing diagnoses, diagnostic
Adult Health Nursing, nursing student to caregiver a smoother process. procedures, surgical interventions, and clinical states.
Jan 30, 2012  Care plans are organized alphabetically by diagnostic
6th Edition ISBN: 978-1-455-72871-8 concept for every 2009-2011 NANDA-I approved
nursing diagnosis.
Brooker, Nicol 2011 • 960 pp., illustd.
ISBN: 978-0-323-07150-5
Alexander's Nursing Practice: With
Pageburst access, 4th Edition

2010 • 864 pp., illustd.

ISBN: 978-0-323-05736-3
Study Guide
ISBN: 978-0-323-05739-4
Virtual Clinical Excursions
ISBN: 978-0-323-07382-0 This best-selling textbook has been fully revised by a
Text/Virtual Clinical Excursions Package team of experienced nurses for nurses focusing on
ISBN: 978-0-323-07381-3 the issues that are important to them. It provides a
Foundations of Nursing, 6th Edition/Adult comprehensive source of the knowledge and skills
Health Nursing, 6th Edition Package required for competent, evidence-based nursing
ISBN: 978-0-323-05874-2 practice. High quality nursing care is patient-centred,
Foundations of Nursing, 6th Edition/Adult knowledgeable and based on the best available
Health Nursing, 6th Edition/Virtual Clinical evidence. This book will help you to achieve that.
Excursions Package Jun 21, 2011 
ISBN: 978-0-323-09946-2 ISBN: 978-0-702-03152-6

Visit 35

Bulechek, Butcher & Dochterman Nix

Nursing Interventions Classification (NIC), Williams’ Basic Nutrition and Diet Therapy,
5th Edition 14th Edition

Nutrition Concepts Online

2008 • 976 pp., illustd. 2012 • 538 pp., illustd.

ISBN: 978-0-323-05340-2 ISBN: 978-0-323-08347-8
Nutrition Concepts Online
ISBN: 978-0-323-11213-0
Ladwig & Ackley
Text/Nutrition Concepts Online Package
Mosby’s Guide to Nursing Diagnosis, ISBN: 978-0-323-11212-3
3rd Edition
Grodner, Long Roth & Walkingshaw
Nutrition Foundations and Clinical
Applications: A Nursing Approach,
5th Edition

This portable reference, based on Ackley and

Ladwig’s bestselling Nursing Diagnosis Handbook,
offers quick access to essential care planning Available to accompany
information in the clinical setting.
2011 • 816 pp., illustd. the following textbooks:
ISBN: 978-0-323-07172-7
Emphasizing the role of nutrition in health
promotion, primary prevention, and clinical disease
Johnson, Bulechek, Dochterman, Maas, Grodner: Nutrition Foundations and Clinical states, this student-friendly textbook uses a
Moorhead, Swanson & Butcher Applications, 5th Edition (March 2011) conversational writing style and a variety of learning
features — including The Nursing Approach boxes
NANDA, NOC, and NIC Linkages: Nursing Nix: Williams’ Basic Nutrition & Diet Therapy, — to illustrate how key nutrition concepts apply to
Diagnoses, Outcomes & Interventions, 13th Edition clinical practice.
2nd Edition Peckenpaugh: Nutrition Essentials and Diet March 2011 • Approx. 640 pp., illustd.
Therapy, 11th Edition ISBN: 978-0-323-07456-8

Schlenker: Williams’ Essentials of Nutrition

and Diet Therapy, 10th Edition Mahan & Escott-Stump
To learn more about Nutrition Concepts Online, Krause’s Food & Nutrition Therapy,
see pg 73. 12th Edition

2006 • 704 pp.

ISBN: 978-0-323-03194-3

Moorhead, Johnson, Maas & Swanson

Nursing Outcomes Classification (NOC),
4th Edition 2008 • 1,440 pp., 400 illus.
ISBN: 978-1-4160-3401-8

2008 • 936 pp., illustd.

ISBN: 978-0-323-05408-9

36 Contact your Elsevier Education Solutions Consultant


Moore Peckenpaugh
Mosby’s Pocket Guide to Nutritional Nutrition Essentials and Diet Therapy,
Assessment and Care, 6th Edition 11th Edition

Pathophysiology Online

With an emphasis on assessment, this portable, Focusing on the most prevalent clinical nutrition
concise reference provides instant access to a issues, this versatile textbook covers the latest
wealth of nutrition information, including up-to-date developments in nutrition fundamentals, nutrition
content on the metabolic syndrome, physical fitness across the life span, and nutritional management
in adults and children, the MyPyramid plan, and the of chronic and acute illnesses, as well as the
Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2005. relationship between metabolic syndrome and obesity,
2009 • 608 pp., illustd. cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and renal cancer.
ISBN: 978-0-323-05265-8 2010 • 704 pp., 100 illus.
ISBN: 978-1-4377-0318-4
Williams’ Basic Nutrition & Diet Therapy, Schlenker & Long Roth
13th Edition Williams’ Essentials of Nutrition and Diet
Therapy, 10th Edition

Available to accompany
the following textbooks:

Completely updated, this bestselling text presents

basic nutrition concepts and applies them to specific From basic nutrition principles to the latest nutrition Copstead-Kirkhorn: Pathophysiology,
demographic groups, exploring the roles of community therapies for common diseases, this outstanding 4th Edition
nutrition, health promotion, and nutrition as it relates textbook offers a solid foundation in the fundamental
to specific disease processes to ensure a complete knowledge and skills your students need to provide Huether: Understanding Pathophysiology,
nutrition assessment. effective patient care. It addresses nutrition across the 4th Edition
2009 • 554 pp., 180 illus. life span and within the community, with an emphasis McCance: Pathophysiology, 6th Edition
ISBN: 978-0-323-05199-6 on health promotion and the effects of culture
and religion on nutrition. Other key topics include To learn more about Pathophysiology Online,
childhood obesity, metabolic syndrome, diabetes, and see pg 74.
food safety. Plus, evidence-based information and
real-world case scenarios help your students learn how
to apply essential nutrition concepts and therapies in
clinical practice. Brashers
October 2010 • Approx. 816 pp., 365 illus. Clinical Applications of Pathophysiology:
ISBN: 978-0-323-06860-4
An Evidence-Based Approach, 3rd Edition
Biochemical, Physiological, & Molecular
Aspects of Human Nutrition, 2nd Edition

2006 • 400 pp.

ISBN: 978-0-323-04530-8

2006 • 1,232 pp., 396 illus.

ISBN: 978-1-4160-0209-3

Visit 37

Copstead-Kirkhorn & Banasik Ladwig, Ackley Huether, McCance

Pathophysiology, 4th Edition Mosby's Guide to Nursing Diagnosis, 3rd Understanding Pathophysiology, 5th Edition

Organized by body system, Pathophysiology provides Fully updated and more user-friendly than ever,
comprehensive coverage of normal physiology This pocket-sized reference is ideal for use in clinicals, Understanding Pathophysiology, 5th Edition makes
followed by an in-depth exploration of the etiology, in class, and at the bedside! A condensed version of essential pathophysiology concepts easier to teach and
the Nursing Diagnosis Handbook, 9th Edition, Mosby's more engaging for your students. Filled with vibrant
pathogenesis, clinical manifestations, and treatment of
Guide to Nursing Diagnosis uses a quick-access illustrations and complemented by comprehensive
disease. A clear, concise writing style and an emphasis
format to help students make nursing diagnoses online teaching support, this proven text delivers
on critical thinking fosters a conceptual, as well as the latest, most accurate information on treatments,
factual understanding of pathophysiology. and write care plans with confidence and ease. It
includes the most recent NANDA-I approved nursing manifestations, and mechanisms of disease across
2010 • 1,392 pp., 1,050 illus. the lifespan, giving your students the fundamental
diagnoses, suggested nursing diagnoses for over
ISBN: 978-1-4160-5543-3 1,300 client symptoms, and a guide to creating care knowledge they need to move forward in their nursing
plans including desired outcomes, interventions, and education and succeed in practice.
patient teaching. Dec 05, 2011
Johnson, Moorhead, Butcher, ISBN: 978-0-323-07891-7
Mar 11, 2010
Maas, Swanson ISBN: 978-0-323-07172-7
NOC and NIC Linkages to NANDA-I and Ackley, Ladwig
Clinical Conditions: Supporting Critical
Reasoning and Quality Care, 3rd Edition
McCance & Huether Nursing Diagnosis Handbook: An Evidence-
Pathophysiology: The Biologic Basis for Based Guide to Planning Care, 9th Edition
Disease in Adults and Children, 6th Edition

Based on ongoing research conducted by investigative

teams at the University of Iowa, this is the only book Updated with the most recent NANDA-I approved
on the market to provide linkages between the three nursing diagnoses, Nursing Diagnosis Handbook:
This classic textbook is well known for its authoritative An Evidence-Based Guide to Planning Care, 9th
standardized languages recognized by the American
and comprehensive coverage, complete treatment Edition shows your students how to build customized
Nurses Organization (NOC, NIC, and all of the
NANDA-I approved nursing diagnoses). This edition of pediatric pathophysiology, and the most extensive care plans using a three-step process: assess,
features a new chapter on clinical decision making, illustration program in its field. diagnose, and plan care. It includes suggested
a new chapter on the use of NNN in information 2010 • 1,840 pp., 1,320 illus. nursing diagnoses for over 1,300 client symptoms,
systems, more concise intervention listings that identify ISBN: 978-0-323-06584-9 medical and psychiatric diagnoses, diagnostic
major. procedures, surgical interventions, and clinical
Find out more at states. Authors Elizabeth Ackley and Gail Ladwig use
Apr 29, 2011
Nursing Outcomes Classification (NOC) and Nursing
ISBN: 978-0-323-07703-3 Interventions Classification (NIC) information to guide
Zerwekh & Claborn your students in creating care plans that include
Mosby’s Pathophysiology Memory desired outcomes, interventions, patient teaching, and
evidence-based rationales.
NoteCards: Visual, Mnemonic, and Memory
Aids for Nurses, 2nd Edition Feb 18, 2010
ISBN: 978-0-323-07150-5

This illustrated collection of durable, spiral bound,

removable cards covers important pathophysiology
concepts using humor, cartoons, and mnemonics to
encourage retention.
2011 • Approx. 208 pp., 190 illus.
ISBN: 978-0-323-06747-8

38 Contact your Elsevier Education Solutions Consultant


Hockenberry & Wilson

Wong’s Essentials of Pediatric Nursing,
For combined Maternity & Pediatrics textbooks, 8th Edition
see page 32.
Simulation Learning System

Virtual Clinical Excursions

Accurate, current, and highly readable, this market-
leading textbook provides essential pediatric nursing
content to help students learn how to care for children
at any age or developmental stage.
2009 • 1,245 pp., 650 illus.
ISBN: 978-0-323-05353-2
Find out more at

Hockenberry & Wilson

Wong’s Nursing Care of Infants and
Children, 9th Edition

Available to accompany Available to accompany

the following textbooks: the following textbooks:
With its unmatched coverage of pediatric growth,
development, and conditions, this textbook uses
a unique “age and stage” approach to providing
Hockenberry: Wong’s Essentials of Hockenberry: Wong’s Essentials of Pediatric evidence-based, clinical coverage of child
Pediatric Nursing, 8th Edition Nursing, 8th Edition development and health promotion, as well as specific
Hockenberry: Wong’s Nursing Care of health problems organized by age groups and body
Hockenberry: Wong’s Nursing Care of systems. Easy to read and extensively illustrated, this
Infants and Children, 9th Edition Infants and Children, 9th Edition edition emphasizes the QSEN (Quality and Safety
James: Nursing Care of Children, Education for Nurses) focus on patient-centered
To learn more about SLS, see pg 68. outcomes and includes updates on topics such as the
3rd Edition
late preterm infant, immunizations, the H1N1 virus,
To learn more about VCE, see pg 69. and childhood obesity.
Price & Gwin October 2010 • 1,888 pp., 1,600 illus.
Pediatric Nursing: An Introductory Text, ISBN: 978-0-323-06912-0
James, Nelson, Ashwill 11th Edition
Nursing Care of Children: Principles and
Practice, 4th Edition

2011 • 576 pp., 377 illus.

ISBN: 978-1-4377-1709-9
Position your students to properly care for children
with the most effective, efficient, and affordable title
on pediatric nursing care! Taking on a family focus,
this student-friendly text teaches growth, development,
and information on the major body system alterations
needed. Plus, dramatically streamlined content and
new learning tools make this new edition even more
tailored to your students’ learning needs.
Mar 26, 2012
ISBN: 978-1-455-70366-1

Visit 39

Mosby Agins & Gutierrez

Mosby’s Nursing Video Skills: Care of Pharmacology Principles: Roadside
Infants & Children Assistance

Pharmacology Online

2007 • DVD 2007 • DVD and Workbook • 104 pp., illustd.

ISBN: 978-0-323-04637-4 ISBN: 978-0-323-04415-8
Find out more at
Clayton & Willihnganz
Trigg, ToMohammed
Basic Pharmacology for Nurses,
Practices in Children's Nursing, 3rd Edition 16th Edition

The skills required by children’s nurses are many and

varied, and are undertaken in a variety of settings. This October 2012 • 880 pp., illustd.
book provides a clinical manual of common practices. Each ISBN: 978-0-323-08654-7
practice is research-based and presented in a common Available to accompany
format which covers: Objectives, Rationale, Factors to Study Guide
note, Guidelines, Positioning, Equipment, Method, Special
the following textbooks: ISBN: 978-0-323-08700-1
observations and possible complications, and References Text/Study Guide Package
and further reading. The guidelines have been written ISBN: 978-0-323-17291-2
specifically for children’s nursing by contributors from
well-known children’s units. They are not simply adaptations Kee: Pharmacology, 6th & 7th Edition
from adult practices and therefore recognise the unique (Spring 2011) Edmunds
differences between adult and children’s nursing. The
introductory section covers common concepts and infection
Lehne: Pharmacology for Nursing Care, Introduction to Clinical Pharmacology,
control. There are also appendices on the use of play as a 7th Edition 7th Edition
distraction, and on complementary therapies. Lilley: Pharmacology and the Nursing
Aug 25, 2010 
ISBN: 978-0-702-03160-1
Process, 6th Edition
To learn more about Pharmacology Online,
Wilson, Hockenberry see pg 74.
Wong's Clinical Manual of Pediatric
Nursing, 8th Edition
2012 • 496 pp., 388 illus.
ISBN: 978-0-323-07398-1
Study Guide
ISBN: 978-0-323-07696-8
Text/Study Guide Package
ISBN: 978-0-323-09667-6

Portable and convenient, Wong's Clinical Manual of Pediatric

Nursing is the “go-to” clinical guide for the care of children
and their families, whether in the hospital, clinic, community
setting, or home. It includes assessment tools that may be
used in practice, customizable nursing care plans for specific
disorders, and new information on pediatric pain assessment
and management. Evidence-based guidelines are updated
and also include patient teaching instructions, so it's easy
to find all the information needed on a specific procedure.
The companion Evolve website includes nursing care plans
that may be customized and printed for use with individual
Aug 18, 2011
ISBN: 978-0-323-07781-1

40 Contact your Elsevier Education Solutions Consultant


Kee, Hayes & McCuistion Lehne Workman, LaCharity & Kruchko

Pharmacology: A Nursing Process Pharmacology for Nursing Care, 8th Edition Understanding Pharmacology: Essentials
Approach, 6th Edition for Medication Safety

A favorite among nursing students and faculty,

2009 • 998 pp., 300 illus. Pharmacology for Nursing Care, 8th Edition, boasts
2010 • Approx. 524 pp., 150 illus.
ISBN: 978-1-4160-4663-9 an engaging writing style, clear explanations, and
ISBN: 978-1-4160-2917-5
unmatched clinical precision and currency to help
students gain a solid understanding of key drugs and Study Guide
Kee, Hayes & McCuistion their implications -- as opposed to just memorization ISBN: 978-1-4160-2995-3
of certain facts. Compelling features such as a drug Text/Study Guide Package
Pharmacology: A Nursing Process prototype approach, use of large and small print to ISBN: 978-1-4377-2604-6
Approach, 7th Edition distinguish need-to-know versus nice-to-know content,
and a focus on major nursing implications direct
students' attention to the most important content. The Zerwekh, Claborn, Gaglione
new edition also features an abundance of content
updates to keep students ahead of the curve in the
Mosby's Pharmacology Memory NoteCards:
classroom and in professional practice. Visual, Mnemonic, and Memory Aids for
Apr 24, 2012 Nurses, 3rd Edition
ISBN: 978-1-4377-3582-6

Known for its clear and straightforward approach

to nursing pharmacology, this trusted text offers Lilley, Rainforth Collins & Snyder
your students innovative features such as prototype Pharmacology and the Nursing Process,
drug charts and nursing process summaries. An
extensive math/dosage calculation section features
7th Edition
a mathematics review and step-by-step instructions
for dosage calculation using the formula, ratio and Mosby's Pharmacology Memory NoteCards: Visual,
proportion, fractional equation, and dimensional Mnemonic, and Memory Aids for Nurses, 3rd Edition
analysis methods, as well as individualized dosing by is a colorfully illustrated collection of spiral-bound
body weight and body surface area. This edition also cards that brings together the difficult drugs and
includes a new chapter on medication safety. topics related to pharmacology into one portable
volume. Using a wide variety of learning aids, humor,
February 2011 • Approx. 1,024 pp., 600 illus.
illustrations, and mnemonics, this valuable tool helps
ISBN: 978-1-4377-1711-2 you master pharmacology in class, in clinicals, and
December 2012 • Approx. 984 pp., 200 illus. in preparation for the NCLEX® examination. Specific
ISBN: 978-0-323-08789-6 topics include: administration, antibiotics/antivirals,
Study Guide anticoagulants, cardiac drugs, CNS drugs, diuretics,
ISBN: 978-0-323-09129-9 endocrine drugs, GI drugs, musculoskeletal drugs,
pain drugs, psychiatric drugs, pulmonary drugs,
Pharmacology Online and reproductive/OB drugs. For practicing nurses,
ISBN: 978-0-323-17130-4 these cards provide an always-useful refresher on
McCuistion & Gutierrez Jun 29, 2011
ISBN: 978-0-323-07800-9
Saunders Nursing Survival Guide:
Pharmacology, 2nd Edition

2007 • 688 pp., illustd.

ISBN: 978-1-4160-2935-9

Visit 41

Halter Riley
MENTAL HEALTH Varcarolis’ Foundations of Psychiatric Communication in Nursing, 7th Edition
Mental Health Nursing, 7th Edition

Virtual Clinical Excursions

Take your students beyond theory and help them
start to master and apply the communication skills
September 2013 they’ll need throughout all areas of nursing practice.
ISBN: 978-1-4557-5358-1 Communication in Nursing, 7th Edition adopts a
uniquely empathetic, spiritual, and practical approach,
along with unique artistic features, to help your
Atherton, Crickmore students develop a deeper understanding of the
Learning Disabilities: Towards Inclusion, 6th importance of communication. Comprehensive, step-
by-step guidelines teach them how to establish patient
Edition relationships, and new QSEN-specific exercises help
students learn to connect more effectively with patients
overall and ensure better clinical outcomes. Real-life
clinical scenarios, chapter exercises, and a new writing
tutorial also offer endless opportunities for students to
hone their skills.
Nov 23, 2011 
ISBN: 978-0-702-04303-1
This new edition brings together a comprehensive and
coherent collection of material from eminent authors Morrison-Valfre
with a wealth of professional backgrounds and roles.
Available to accompany Its contemporary focus reflects practice developments Foundations of Mental Health Care,
the following textbooks: including the impact of changing policy and legislation 4th Edition
on the nature and configuration of services
Jun 11, 2012 
ISBN: 978-0-323-09114-5
Fortinash: Psychiatric Mental Health
Nursing, 4th Edition
Stacey, Felton, Bonham
Keltner: Psychiatric Nursing, 6th Edition
Placement Learning in Mental Health
Stuart: Principles and Practice of Psychiatric
Nursing: A guide for students in practice
Nursing, 9th Edition October 2012 • 512 pp., illustd.
Varcarolis: Foundations of Psychiatric ISBN: 978-0-323-08620-2
Mental Health Nursing, 6th Edition
To learn more about VCE, see pg 69.

This book will help you with all these concerns. It will
tell you what to expect from the placement, what you
can learn, how to link theory and practice, and how to
make the most of your learning opportunities.
May 01, 2012 
ISBN: 978-0-702-05187-6

42 Contact your Elsevier Education Solutions Consultant


Fortinash, Worret Varcarolis & Halter

Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing, 5th STATISTICS Foundations of Psychiatric Mental Health
Edition Nursing: A Clinical Approach, 6th Edition

Nursing Research Online

Focusing on what psychiatric nurses actually do The 6th edition of this market-leading textbook
in everyday practice, Psychiatric Mental Health features a student-friendly writing style and clear,
Nursing, 5th Edition, uses a balanced nursing-medical straightforward coverage of psychiatric mental health
approach to cover all of the most common disorders nursing. Clinical chapters follow the nursing process
and treatments. The text's full-color illustrations and framework and progress from theory to application
straightforward style help students make sense of with a wealth of real-world examples to prepare
more challenging material. And its strong emphasis on students for practice.
the nursing process, updated DSM-IV-TR diagnostic 2010 • 842 pp., 100 illus.
criteria, interdisciplinary interventions, and the latest ISBN: 978-1-4160-6667-5
mental health practices boost students' confidence in Find out more at
managing clients and prepare them for success on the
NCLEX¨ examination.
Sep 14, 2011 
ISBN: 978-0-323-07572-5 Davies, Logan
Reading Research: A User-Friendly Guide
Stuart for Health Professionals, 5th Edition
Principles and Practice of Psychiatric
Nursing, 10th Edition
Available to accompany
the following textbooks:

Burns: Understanding Nursing Research, This practical beginner-level introduction to health

sciences research is ideal for both students and health
5th Edition
professionals. It assumes the reader has little or no
Using the latest clinical research and diagnoses,
LoBiondo-Wood: Nursing Research, experience with analyzing published research, and
Principles and Practice of Psychiatric Nursing,
10th Edition provides a holistic, biopsychosocial 7th Edition provides guidelines for reading and understanding
research articles, as well as information about
approach to psychiatric nursing care. It follows
the popular Stuart Stress-Adaptation framework
To learn more about Nursing Research Online, important elements of published research (e.g.,
and includes comprehensive coverage to simplify see pg 73. research methods, common terminology, data analysis
and results). The book also briefly discusses how
important nursing and medical concepts, promote
research results can be used and applied to practice.
quality and safety in care, and address psychobiology
and psychopharmacology topics integral to today’s Nov 14, 2011
psychiatry. This edition includes a new chapter on ISBN: 978-1-926648-38-5
psychiatric care of military personnel, plus the latest
Varcarolis & Halter
on health care reform, prescription abuse, and Essentials of Psychiatric Mental Health
obesity issues. A student favorite, this text seamlessly Nursing: A Communication Approach to
integrates classroom learning with clinical practice.
Evidence-Based Care
Aug 07, 2012
ISBN: 978-0-323-09114-5

A textbook designed for shorter courses from this

bestselling author! Includes all of the essential
communication and clinical content with a state-of-
the-art focus on evidence-based practice.
2009 • 592 pp., illustd.
ISBN: 978-1-4160-0051-8
Find out more at

Visit 43

Burns & Grove Craig, Smyth Chernecky, Infortuna & Macklin

Understanding Nursing Research: Building The Evidence-Based Practice Manual for Saunders Nursing Survival Guide: Drug
an Evidence-Based Practice, 5th Edition Nurses: with Pageburst online access, 3rd Calculations & Drug Administration,
Edition 2nd Edition

As a leading nursing research text, this book is well

known for its authoritative content, step-by-step Printed book plus Pageburst™ access. You will receive 2006 • 304 pp., 150 illus.
approach, and abundant use of research examples a printed book and access to the complete book ISBN: 978-1-4160-2877-2
to provide unique insights into understanding, content electronically. Pageburst™ enhances learning
appraising, and applying published research for not only by bringing world class content.
evidence-based practice. This new edition features Aug 31, 2011 Chernecky, Macklin & Murphy-Ende
improved clarity and readability, as well as an ISBN: 978-0-702-04193-8
increased emphasis on evidence-based nursing to Saunders Nursing Survival Guide:
help students understand how steps of the research Fluids & Electrolytes, 2nd Edition
process relate to practice. LoBiondo-Wood/Haber
October 2010 • Approx. 576 pp., illustd. Nursing Research, 8th Edition
ISBN: 978-1-4377-0750-2

Manual of Psychiatric Nursing Care
Planning: Assessment Guides, Diagnoses, 2006 • 336 pp., 150 illus.
Psychopharmacology, 4th Edition ISBN: 978-1-4160-2879-6

October 2013 Gutierrez & Peterson

ISBN: 978-0-323-10086-1
Saunders Nursing Survival Guide:
Pathophysiology, 2nd Edition
A pocket-sized clinical reference, this book offers
the latest guidelines to assessing psychiatric nursing
clients, formulating nursing diagnoses, and designing Chernecky, Garrett, George-Gay & Hodges
psychiatric nursing care plans. It offers quick access to
information on care in a range of settings including the Saunders Nursing Survival Guide:
inpatient unit, home care, or community mental health ECGs & the Heart, 2nd Edition
setting. A clinically based focus makes this book an 2007 • 720 pp., 150 illus.
ideal companion to the more theoretical Foundations ISBN: 978-1-4160-3048-5
of Mental Health Nursing. It's a go-to reference for
creating care plans and for clinical use!
Feb 22, 2010  Hodges, Garrett, Chernecky &
ISBN: 978-1-4377-1782-2 Schumacher
Real World Nursing Survival Guide:
2006 • 368 pp., 400 illus.
Hemodynamic Monitoring
ISBN: 978-1-4160-2878-9

2005 • 224 pp., 200 illus.

ISBN: 978-0-7216-0375-9

44 Contact your Elsevier Education Solutions Consultant


LaCharity, Kumagai & Bartz Schumacher & Chernecky Lacharity, Kumagai & Bartz
Prioritization, Delegation & Assignment: Saunders Nursing Survival Guide: Critical Prioritization, Delegation & Assignment:
Practice Exercises for Medical-Surgical Care & Emergency Nursing, 2nd Edition Practice Exercises for the NCLEX®
Nursing Examination, 2nd Edition

Part of the popular Saunders Nursing Survival Guide

2006 • 224 pp. series, this book prepares students to manage the This must-have workbook helps students learn the
ISBN: 978-0-323-04407-3 most common health care problems they’ll see in prioritization and delegation skills needed to survive
critical care, trauma, and emergency settings. Each nursing school, pass the NCLEX examination, and
chapter is organized from the most immediate and life- make the transition to practice in today’s healthcare
Macklin & Chernecky threatening conditions to less emergent critical care environment.
conditions with a lighthearted approach that simplifies
Real World Nursing Survival Guide: difficult concepts.
2010 • 224 pp.
IV Therapy ISBN: 978-0-323-06570-2
2010 • 448 pp., 150 illus.
ISBN: 978-1-4160-6169-4
Mosby’s Review Cards for the
REVIEW/ TESTING NCLEX-RN® Examination, 3rd Edition
w X


2004 • 272 pp., 175 illus. HESI

ISBN: 978-0-7216-9778-9 HESI Comprehensive Review for the NCLEX-
PN® Examination, 3rd Edition
A convenient and portable way to study for the NCLEX
McCuistion & Gutierrez examination, this set of 740 boxed review cards —
Saunders Nursing Survival Guide: organized by body system — offers more than 1,200
NCLEX examination-style questions with answers,
Pharmacology, 2nd Edition rationales, cognitive level, nursing process step, and
test plan category.
2011 • Approx. 740 cards, illustd.
ISBN: 978-0-323-05742-4

2012 • 422 pp., 130 illus.

ISBN: 978-1-4377-1743-3 Eyles
Mosby’s Comprehensive Review of
2007 • 688 pp., illustd. Practical Nursing for the NCLEX-PN®
ISBN: 978-1-4160-2935-9 Examination, 16th Edition

2011 • 704 pp., illustd.

ISBN: 978-0-323-06940-3

Visit 45

Nugent, Pelikan & Green Silvestri Silvestri

Mosby’s Review Questions for the Saunders Comprehensive Review for the Saunders Q & A Review for the NCLEX-RN®
NCLEX-RN® Examination, 7th Edition NCLEX-PN® Examination, 5th Edition Examination, 5th Edition

Reflecting the new 2010 NCLEX examination test TWith more than 5,800 test questions, this popular
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