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Cell Structure and Functions, Retrieved from https:// (a) explain the cell theory
(b) identify the different parts of the plant cell, animal cell and
Cell Structure, Reader’s Biology 4, Retrieved from bacterial cell and;
(c) describe the functions of these parts
Molecular Expressions, Cell Biology and Microscopy, Struc ture and
Functions of Cells and Viruses. Retrieved from https:// To acquire the necessary knowledge and function of this module, you
Cell Functions. Retrieved from
1. Answer the pre-test questions for you to determine how far
The Cell Theory. Retrieved from would you able to understand the topic and help you recall prior
~cmallery/150/unity/cell.text.htm#:~:text=Cell%20Theory,the% knowledge.
VISUALIZING CELLS 2. Go through lessons in Study Time and read trivia in Did You

This module intends to make you understand that there are dif ferent 3. Explore different activities in Practice Time
types of cells. Each type of cell has its parts and functions.
4. Take the post-test to determine how much you have learned from
At the end of this module you will be able to:
this module.

PRETEST Directions: Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. A scientist is trying to identify the kind of cell which contains nucleus, B. Cells are grouped into tissues.
mitochondrion and cell wall. From the information, you can conclude C. Cells are present only inside the body.
that the cell is a
D. Organisms are generally unicellular.
A. plant C. bacterial
B. animal D. prokaryotic
13. . The most important function of cell membrane is that it: A.
2. Which DOESN’T explain the cell theory Controls the entry and exit of materials from cells.
B. Controls only the entry of materials into cells.
A. All cells arise from pre-existing cells
C. Controls only the exit of materials from cells.
B. All living organisms are multicellular
D. Allows entry and exit of materials without any control.
C. All living things are made of cells
D. Smallest living unit of structure and function of all organisms is
14. Which of the following feature will help you in distinguishing a plant
the cell
cell from an animal cell?
A. Cell wall C. Cell membrane
3. There are organelles found in specific type of cells only. Which of the
B. Mitochondria D. Nucleus
following is present in both prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells? A. Cell wall C.
15. Which of the following is not a cell?
B. Chloroplast D. Ribosome
A. Virus C. Cheek
B. Neurons D. Bacterium
4. If cell is like a school and the principal serves as the nucleus, what orga
nelle could be represented by a janitor?
A. Vacuole C. Lysosome
B. Centriole D. Plasma membrane

5. A cell with relatively few energy needs will probably have a relatively
small number of
A. ribosomes C. lysosomes
B. mitochondria D. chromosomes

6. This contains the chlorophyll which is important in Photosynthesis A.

cell membrane C. chloroplast
B. nucleolus D. cell wall *For number 7 and 8, Identify the part of the bacterial cell labeled in the

7. A. mesosome
11. Identify the organelle. In plant cells, a large, fluid-filled space in side the *For number 7 and 8, Identify the part of the bacterial cell labeled in the
cell that helps the cell maintain its shape and may also be used to store picture
nutrients and waste products. In animal cells, small fluid spaces inside the
cell that are used to store nutrients and waste products. 7. A. mesosome
A. cell wall C. chloroplast
B. ribosome D. Vacuole
12. Why majority of cells cannot be seen directly with our naked eyes? A.
Cells are microscopic.
7 B. inclusion body
B. inclusion body
C. conjugation pilus
C. conjugation pilus 8
8 D. nucleoid
D. nucleoid

8. A. fimbrae
8. A. fimbrae
B. cell wall
B. cell wall
C. plasma membrane
C. plasma membrane
D. glycocalyx
D. glycocalyx

9. Which of the following is the correct representation of lactobacillus

9. Which of the following is the correct representation of streptococcus?
found in dairy products? A D

which can cause sore throat?

10. Which of the following is present in all animal cells but not in all plant
cells? 10. Which of the following is present in plant cells but is not found in ani mal
cells and bacterial cells?
A. lysosome C.
centrioles A. lysosome C. nucleus

B. cell wall D. B. cell wall D. chloroplast

11. Identify the organelle. In plant cells, a large, fluid-filled space in side the
cell that helps the cell maintain its shape and may also be used to store
nutrients and waste products. In animal cells, small fluid spaces inside the cell
that are used to store nutrients and waste products. Directions: Encircle the letter of the correct answer.
A. chloroplast C. cell wall 1. A scientist is trying to identify the kind of cell which contains nucleoid, cell
B. ribosome D. Vacuole wall and plasma membrane. From the information, you can con clude that
the cell is a
12. Why majority of cells cannot be seen directly with our naked eyes? A.
A. plant C. bacterial
Organisms are generally unicellular .
B. animal D. red blood
B. Cells are microscopic.
C. Cells are present only inside the body 2. Which explains the cell theory?
D. Cells are grouped into tissues
A. All cells arise from non-living things.
B. All living organisms are unicellular.
13. . The most important function of cell membrane is that it: A.
C. All living things are made of cells
Controls the entry and exit of materials from cells.
D. Largest living unit of structure and function of all organisms is
B. Controls only the entry of materials into cells.
the cell
C. Controls only the exit of materials from cells.
D. Allows entry and exit of materials without any control.
3. There are organelles found in specific type of cells only. Which of the
following is present in eukaryotic but not in prokaryotic cells? A. Cell wall C.
14. Of the following parts of a cell listed below, name the part that is com
mon to plant cell, animal cell and a bacterial cell.
B. Chloroplast D. Nucleus
A. chloroplast C. cell wall
B. cell membrane D. nucleus
4. If cell is like a school and the principal serves as the nucleus, what orga-
nelle could be represented by the security guard?
15. Which of the following is not a cell?
A. Vacuole C. Lysosome
A. Red Blood Corpuscle (RBC)
B. Nucleolus D. Plasma membrane
B. bacterium
C. spermatozoa
5. A cell with relatively few energy needs will probably have a relatively
D. virus
small number of
A. ribosomes C. lysosomes
B. mitochondria D. chromosomes

6. This contains the chlorophyll which is important in Photosynthesis A.

cell membrane C. chloroplast
B. nucleolus D. cell wall


∙ Cells differ in shapes, sizes and functions.

∙ Cells are first discovered by Robert Hooke by observing a cork through a microscope.
∙ The Cell Theory states that:
a. All living things are made up of cells.
b. Cells are the smallest working units of all living things. c. All cells come from pre-existing cells through cell division.
∙ Cells are composed of organelles that has specific function for the sur vival of the cell.

∙ The major cell organelles include, cytoplasm, mitochondrion, vacuole, lysosome, cell membrane, nucleus, golgi bodies, endoplasmic reticu lum, microtubules, ribosome

∙ Eukaryotic cells have distinct nucleus while prokaryotic cells do not have membrane bound nucleus.

∙ Plant cells have cell wall and chloroplast while animals cells do not have.

∙ All animal cells have centrioles for cell division , some plants on the other hand, lack centrioles.

∙ Bacterial cells have no true nucleus. They are prokaryotic, Their gene tic materials are located in the central region called nucleoid.

∙ Bacterial cells have extra layer called Glycocalyx which is also known as capsule and is esistant to removal



The cell was first discovered and named by Robert Hooke in 1665. He remarked that it looked strangely similar to cellula or small rooms which monks inhabited, thus
deriving the name. However what Hooke actually saw was the dead cell walls of plant cells (cork) as it appeared under the microscope.


Cork observed by Robert Hooke under the microscope


A cell is the smallest unit that is capable of performing life functions. The human body is composed of trillions of cells. They provide structure for the body, take in
nutrients from food, convert those nutrients into energy, and carry out specialized functions. Cells also contain the body’s hereditary material and can make copies of
themselves. Without cells, life cannot ex

ist, which shows the overall importance of cell types in life. 7


In 1838, Theodor Schwann and Matthias Schleiden were enjo ying after-dinner coffee and talking about their studies on cells. It has been suggested that when
Schwann heard Schleiden describe plant cells with nuclei, he was struck by the similarity of these plant cells to cells he had observed in animal tissues. The two
scientists went immediately to Schwann's lab to look at his slides. Schwann published his book on an imal and plant cells (Schwann 1839) the next year, a treatise
devoid of acknowledgments of anyone else's contribution, including that of Schleiden (1838). He summarized his observations into three conclu sions about cells:

∙ All living things are made up of cells.

∙ Cells are the smallest working units of all living things.
∙ All cells come from pre-existing cells through cell division. DIFFERENT KINDS OF CELLS IN COMPARISON WITH THEIR SIZES


Directions: Put a check in the appropriate column(s) to indicate whether the following organelles are found in plant cells, animal cells , bacterial cell or in all the three
kinds of cells.
Organelle Plant Cells Animal Cells Bacterial Cells

1. Cell Wall

2. Centriole

3. Chloroplast

4. Glycocalyx

5. Cytoplasm

6. Ribosome

7. Endoplasmic
reticu lum

8. Golgi apparatus

9. Lysosome

10. Mitochondria

11. Nucleoid

12. Nucleus

13. Plasma membrane

14. Vacuole

15. Ribosome


(1) Prokaryotic
∙ Do not have structures surrounded by mem branes

∙ Few internal structures

∙ One-celled organisms

∙ Example: Bacterial cell

Plant cell (left) and Animal cell (right)
(2) Eukaryotic
∙ Contain organelles surrounded by membranes ∙ Most living organisms have
eukaryotic cells ∙ Examples: plant cell and animal cell

Bacterial cell

Cells have different shapes, structures and functions. They are the
key to all organisms’ survival.

Cells have many parts, each with a different function. Some of these
parts, called organelles, are specialized structures that perform certain
tasks within the cell.

The human body is composed of trillions of

cells, all with their own specialized function.

Directions: Identify the part of the bacterial cell being described then write
the assigned number to the circle that corresponds to the location of that
Directions: There are statements written on the boxes. If the statement
part of the cell in the figure. (on the next page)
is TRUE, you have to shade the “YES” circle and if the statement is
Assigned Description Answer
FALSE then you have to shade the “NO” circle. YES NO No.
Some living things have no cell. 1 hairlike bristles that allow
ad hesion to the surfaces
Cells have the most important
2 plasma membrane that
function in the survival of organ folds into the cytoplasm
isms that’s why they are big in and increa ses surface area
3 location of the bacterial
Cells are capable of performing chromosome
a lot of functions.
4 elongated, hollow
Animals have prokaryotic cells. appendage used for DNA
transfer to other bacterial
Daughter cells come from parent
5 covering that supports,
cells. shapes, and protects cell
Bacteria are one-celled 6 site of protein synthesis
eukaryotic organisms.
7 sheath around cytoplasm
Cells have parts called that regulates entrance and
organelles. exit of molecules

Red blood cells. muscle cells 8 stored nutrients for later use
and nerve cells are examples
of cells found in the human 9 rotating filament present
body. in some bacteria that
pushes the cell forward

10 gel-like coating outside

cell wall; if compact,
FINISH called a capsule; if
diffuse, called a slime


The table below shows the different organelles of the plant and
animal cells with their corresponding functions.
Organelle Description Function Animal,
Plant or

CELL WALL Rigid, tough, Protects and Plant

made of supports the cell

CELL MEM Thin, covering, Protects the cell, per Both

BRANE pro tects cells forms active
transport and
passive transport,
moves materials in
and out of the cell,

CYTOPLASM Jelly like Pads and supports Both

substance that organelles inside
contains orga the cell. Moves by
nelles cyclo sis

NUCLEUS Dense, ball Controls all of the Both

shaped cell’s activities
contains DNA

NUCLEAR Thin covering Covers and Both

MEMBRANE over the protects the
nucleus nucleus

NUCLELOUS Small dark area Produces ribosome’s Both

in the nucleus

CHROMATIN In the nucleus, Provides Both

made of DNA instructions for the
and protein, cells activities,
contains genes (growth,

ENDOPLAS Clear, tubular Smooth ER (SER) Both

MIC sys tem of is important in the
RETICU tunnels crea tion and
LUM throughout the cell storage of lipids
and steroids.
Rough ER (RER) is
very important in
the synthesis and
packag ing of

tubes secrets proteins for
Organelle Description Function Animal, connecting use in and out of
Plant or them the cell
Both Small, round
LYOSOME Digests older cell Both
struc tures, parts, food or
RIBOSOME Small specks Makes proteins Both containing other objects
made of RNA. enzymes
Found in cyto
plasm or on the CENTRIOLE Small cylindrical Used with the Animal
endoplasmic spindle apparatus
retic ulum during mi tosis

MITOCHON Location in the Supplies energy Both MICROTU Hollow cylinders It is for transport
DRIA cy toplasm, or ATP for the BULE found in and structural
bean cell cytoplasm support
shaped through cell respira
tion using glucose
and oxygen
Druse crystal is a group of crsytals of calcium
VACUOLE Large open stor Storage tank for Both oxalate which is present in plants and believed
age area, food, water, wastes to be a defense against herbivory. It is poison
smaller in or en zymes
ous to animals and humans.
animal cells
CHLORO Green structures Captures sunlight Plant
that contain and uses it to ∙ Bacterial cells are extremely small - 1–1.5 μm
chloro phyll produce wide and 2–6 μm long
food through ∙ Bacterial cells have three basic shapes:
photo synthesis a. Spherical coccus,
b. Rod-shaped bacillus,
GOLGI BODY Small bags with Packages and Both
c. Spiral spirillum (if rigid) or spirochete (if flexible).
wall. It is well organized and resistant to removal (capsule)

2. Cytoplasm - semifluid solution bounded by plasma membrane. It

contains water, inorganic and organic molecules, and enzymes.
The following are organelles located in the cytoplasm of a bacterial cell:
∙ Nucleoid is a region that contains the single, circular DNA molecule. ∙
Plasmids are small accessory (extrachromosomal) rings of DNA ∙
1. Cell Envelope includes: a. Flagella – Provide motility
a. Plasma membrane - lipid bilayer with imbedded and peripheral b. Fimbriae – small, bristle-like fibers that sprout from the cell
protein and form internal pouches (mesosomes) surface
b. Cell wall - maintains the shape of the cell and is strengthened c. Conjugation pilus– rigid tubular structures used to pass DNA
by peptidoglycan from cell to cell
c. Glycocalyx - layer of polysaccharides on the outside of the cell
PRACTICE TIME _______________________ 4. Endoplasmic Reticulum
ACTIVITY 4 _______________________ 5. Golgi Apparatus
THE CELL CITY ANALOGY _______________________ 6. Protein
_______________________ 7. Cell Membrane
Directions: Read the story. Based from the story, match the parts of the city
with the parts of the cell. _______________________ 8. Lysosomes
_______________________ 9. Nucleolus
In a far away city called Grant City, the main export and production product is _______________________
the steel widget. Everyone in the town has something to do with steel widget
making and the entire town is designed to build and export widg ets. The town
hall has the instructions for widget making, widgets come in all shapes and
sizes and any citizen of Grant can get the instructions and begin making their
own widgets. Widgets are generally produced in small shops around the city,
these small shops can be built by the carpenter's union (whose headquarters
are in town hall). PRACTICE TIME ACTIVITY 2
After the widget is constructed, they are placed on special carts which can GUESS WHAT?
deliver the widget anywhere in the city. In order for a widget to be export ed, the
carts take the widget to the postal office, where the widgets are pack aged and Directions: Complete the following table by writing the name of the cell part or
labeled for export. Sometimes widgets don't turn out right, and the "rejects" are organelle in the right hand column that matches the structure/function in the left
sent to the scrap yard where they are broken down for parts or destroyed hand column. A cell part may be used more than once.
altogether. The town powers the widget shops and carts from a hy draulic dam
that is in the city. The entire city is enclosed by a large wood en fence, only the Structure/Function Organelle
postal trucks (and citizens with proper passports) are allowed outside the city.
1. Stores material within the cell

1. Mitochondria 2. Covers and protects the nucleus

_______________________ 2. Ribosomes
_______________________ 3. Nucleus 3. The sites of protein synthesis
4. Transports materials within the cell

5. Organelle that manages or controls all the cell

func tions in a eukaryotic cell

6. Contains chlorophyll, a green pigment that traps

ener gy from sunlight and gives plants their green

7. Digests excess or worn-out cell parts, food

particles and invading viruses or bacteria

8. Small bumps located on portions of the

endoplasmic reticulum
9. Provides temporary storage of food, enzymes
and waste products

10. Firm, protective structure that gives the cell its

shape in plants, fungi, most bacteria and some

11. Produces a usable form of energy for the cell

12. Packages proteins for transport out of the cell

13. Jelly like substance that supports the organelles

of the cell

14. For transport and structural support

15. The membrane surrounding the cell




.Directions: Label the different organelles of the plant and animal cells. Write
your answer on the table below.
A. F.

B. G.

C. H.

D. I.

E. J.


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