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>234698518 (OP|

He mentions the NCVS of 2010, despite there being a 2012 version. Anyway, | could
not see any black on white or white on black
numbers anywhere in the 2010 or 2012 reports. | even checked the 2011 one just in

Where did the numbers come from?

Made up bullshit. So let me give you something actually sourced

FACT: - Though only 12% of the population, Blacks take 38.3% of the total of all
welfare payments. Whites are 72% of the population,
and take 30.5% of the total.
http://aspe.hhs.govihsplleavers99/race him#figt

FACT: - Though only 12% of the population, Blacks take 38% of taxpayer-subsidized
http:/ htm

FACT: - Blacks are responsible for 40.8% of all domestic violence cases, despite
being only 13% of the population.
See page 28:
http://bjs.ojp. usdoj. gov/content/pubipdfivi pat

FACT: 28% of Black males go to jail, vs. 4.4% of White males

http:/ htm

FACT: - Blacks are four times more likely than Whites to kill their children
http://bjs.ojp. usdoj.govicontentihomicide/children.cfnn#kidsrts

FACT - Blacks "were 7 times more likely than whites to commit homicide in 2005"
http://bjs.ojp. usdoj.govicontentihomicide/race.cfm

Fact is black teens comprise only 15 percent of all U.S. teenagers but were 70
percent of all news AIDS diagnoses in 2012, according to

Fact is Black privilege in America means that Black people find nothing at all
wrong with excusing away the deplorable actions of 20
Black men who raped an 11-year-old girl

Fun Fact: only 25 percent of Black males are graduating in New York state, and in
New York City?which has the largest Black male
enrollment?only 28 percent graduates
http:/ black-males-graduate-high-

O Anonymous 08/26/14(Tue)00:42:15 No.34698746 » >>34698805 >»s4se8866 >»34680489

Fact is research shows black women, many living in Atlanta, are being infected with
HIV — so much so that the new cases are being
compared to African countries,

http:/iwww. 1 talive.comiews/article/240913/3/HIV-crisis-facing-black-women-in-

Fact is Black Privilege means being responsible for virtually all crime in Atlanta:
Blacks are 54 percent of the population but are
responsible for:

- 100 percent of homicide

- 95 percent of rape

- 94 percent of robbery

- 84 percent of aggravated assault

- 93 percent of burglary

Source: APD Uniform Crime Reports, Apr 2011 to Apr 2012,

http:/www.atlantapd orgluniformerimereports. aspx

FACT: Most inventions attributed to black people are myths.

http:/Junamusementpark com/2012/02/black-alternate-history-month-the-extended-remix

FACT: - 62% of ALL Black births are paid for by the US government
http:/www.cde.govinchs/datawh/statab/pubd/2319_69.htm [archived]

FACT: 68.7% of Blacks are born out of wedlock

http:/www.cde govinchs/fastats/pdfinvsr50_05tb19 pdf [archived]

(3 Anonymous 08/26/14(Tue)00:43:18 No.34698805 » >>s4sce8s3 »>saseese6 »>s4se0489



Total Murders committed by blacks in 2011: 2925

Total Murders committed by whites in 2011: 2823

White victims of black murderers: 448

Black victims of white murderers: 193

Murdering rate for blacks 7.1 / 100,000

Murdering rate for whites 1.1 / 100,000

Vietimhood rate for blacks 6.7 / 100,000

Victimhood rate for whites 1.3 / 100,000

Rate of black on black murder: 84% of all murders committed by blacks

Rate of white on white murder: 93% of all murders committed by whites

Rate of black on white murder: 15% of all murders committed by blacks

Rate of white on black murder: 6% of all murders committed by whites

Blacks are 7x more likely to murder than whites

Blacks are 5x more likely to be murdered than whites

Blacks are 2x more likely to murder a white than be murdered by a whites

Blacks though representing 13% of the data set committed over 50% of the murders
Numbers are arrived at using rounded percentages. National Population was rounded
to 13% Black, and 78% White. The 78% White
includes Hispanics because that is how the FBI tracks murder statistics. Worth
noting that this inflates white crime rates.

Raw Data used: http://www. fbi, govlabout-us/ejis/ucricrime-in-the-u.s/201 1/crime-

in-the-u.s.-201 1/tables/expanded-homicide-data-table-6

http://www. 1/erime-in-the-u.s.-201


CU Anonymous 08/26/14(Tue)00:44:22 No.34698853 » >-345e8904 >»s4590489

in the United Kingdom

Approximately 2.8% of the population is black. (Source: 2012 Census)

In 2011-2012, 23% of arrests were of blacks, 4 times higher arrest rate for blacks
than whites, taking population into account (Source:
MOJ publication, "Race and the Criminal Justice System")

In Australia:
http:/ aulvictoria/atrican-youth-crime-concern-20120819-24glt html

In the UK, ethnic minorities disproportionate source of crime and asocial behaviour
light-on-link-between-crime-and-race html
http:/www justice. gov uk/downloads/statistics/mojstats/stats-race-cjs-2010 pdf

UK has more blacks in jail proportionately than the US:

http:/ .uk/society/20 1O/oct/1 1 /black-prison-population-increase-

Anonymous 08/26/14(Tue)00:45:24 No. 34698904 » >-34508047 >»34590469


Demographic breakdown of America

Whites (not counting hispanics) are currently at 63.7% of the US population

African-Americans: 12.6% of the US population.
Hispanics are at 16.3% of the US population.

Source: wikipedia, which has its own sources at the bottom,

Taking the current population of the US (2014 estimate is 317 493 212), that would
give us:

White people: 202 243 176

African Americanas: 40 004 144
Hispanics: 51 751 393

Now, the number of people who receive food stamps (in 2012, according to US
department of Agriculture): 46 609 000

Now, according to SNAP (http://www.

questions/) the percentages are as follow
(percentage of the total number of people on food stamps)
43% white people

33% african-americans

19% hispanic

Now, in terms of numbers that is:

White: 20,041,870

Blacks: 15,380,970

Hispanic: 8,855,710

So far so good, right?

Let's see what PERCENTAGE OF PEOPLE PER RACE are on food stamps
Whites: 20,041,870 on food stamps out of 202,243,176 people. Gives 9.91%
Blacks: 15,380,970 on food stamps out of 40,004,114 people. Gives 38.45%
Hispanics: 8,855,710 on food stamps out of 51,751,393 people. Gives 17.11%

Give or take 2-3% due to SNAP statistics being about 2012 and US population
estimate for 2014.
But the conclusion is pretty much



38.45%? Thats more than 1 in 3 blacks vs whites at 1 in 10. More than 3 times more
likey to be on stamps than whites.

Anonymous 08/26/14(Tue}00:46:26 No 34698047 » >>sssseus0

if Blacks left America

Ifall blacks suddenly left America

(keep in mind blacks only make 13% of the US population)

>The prison population would go down by 37%

>There would be almost 50% less gang members

>Rape would go down significantly

>Overweight and obesity percentage would go down by 10%

>Average 1Q would go up 7 points, putting the USA tied for third with Japan
>SAT scores would go up by about 100 points

>ACT scores would go up by 5.5 points

>AIDS and HIV would go down by over 67%

>Chlamydia cases would go down by 50%

>Gonorrhea would go down by 69%

>Syphilis would go would go down by 58%

>The average income would be over 20k more per year

>The amount of people in poverty would go down by over 30%

>Homelessness would go down by 57%

>And the number of welfare recipients would go down by about 40%

en.wikipedia org/wiki/Demographics_of the United States

www. bop govinews/quick jsp#1

kff orglother/state-indicator/adult-overweightobesity-rate-by-rel

www nytimes. com/books/firstijjencks-gap html

www. amfirstbooks, com/IntroPages/NonToolbarTopics/IdeologicalQuiz/Quiz-3-


aids govihiv-aids-basics/hiv-aids-10/1/statistics/

www.cde.govistd/stats11/gonorthea htm.

www.cde.govistd/stats1 1/syphilis.htm 1/chlamydia htm

www.census govicompendia/statab/2012/tables/12s0697 pdf


homeless. samhsa gov/ResourceFiles/hrc_factsheet pdf


\www.nationalgangcenter gov/survey-analysis/demographics

nces.ed govifastfacts/display.asp2id=171

nces.ed goviprograms/digest/d1O/tables/dt10_155.asp

Anthony Walsh (January 2004). Race and crime: a biosocial analysis. Nova
Publishers. pp. 23724. ISBN 978-1-59033-970-1. Retrieved 1 October 2011

C Anonymous 08/26/14(Tue)00:47:04 No. 34698982 » >»34700122

facts are racist

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