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Internship Report on

An Exploratory Study on the Influence of Advertising upon

Purchase Decision among Steel Consumers of Dhaka City

Exam Roll: 162496

Internship report on
An Exploratory Study on the Influence of Advertising upon
Purchase Decision among Steel Consumers of Dhaka City

Prepared For:
Internship Placement Committee

Prepared by:
Exam Roll Number: 162496
4th year, 8th semester
Batch Number: 25th, BBA Program
Academic Session: 2015-16

Institute of Business Administration (IBA-JU)

Jahangirnagar University, Savar, Dhaka-1342

Date: 06 July 2020

Letter of Transmittal
July 06, 2020

Internship Placement Committee
Institute of Business Administration
Jahangirnagar University

Subject: Submission of internship report on “An Exploratory Study on the Influence of Advertising
upon Purchase Decision among Steel Consumers of Dhaka City”.

Dear Madam,

It is my pleasure to present my internship report on “An Exploratory Study on the Influence of

Advertising upon Purchase Decision among Steel Consumers of Dhaka City”. I am grateful for your
instruction and your guidance from the beginning to the end.
In this report I was given enough scope to use the best of my internship program. I used my best of
learning and implemented it in the report.
I sincerely hope for your kind consideration and assessment of this report. I also wish this report fulfills
the objectives of my internship.

Exam Roll: 162496

4th Year, 8th Semester
BBA Program
Academic Session: 2015-16
I do hereby declare that the internship report entitled as “An Exploratory Study on the Influence of
Advertising upon Purchase Decision among Steel Consumers of Dhaka City” has been prepared on the
basis of three months Internship activities on the titled organization and it is an original work done by

The report is a unique one which is not submitted to anywhere for any academic purpose. The data and
information which are mentioned here are also collected and organized by myself. I am solely
responsible for any kind of misleading or manipulation of data or information in this report.

Finally, this report is submitted to the Institute of Business Administration, Jahangirnagar University
for the partial fulfillment of the requirements of the Degree of Bachelor of Business Administration.

Signature of the Intern/Student:

Exam ID: 162496 Class ID:
Batch No.: 25th Academic Session: 2015-2016
Major area of concentration: Marketing
Institute of Business Administration (IBA-JU)
Jahangirnagar University

This is to certify that Exam ID: 162496, Batch: 25th, Academic Session: 2015-2016, a student of BBA
program, Institute of Business Administration, Jahangirnagar University, has completed internship
program on “An Exploratory Study on the Influence of Advertising upon Purchase Decision
among Steel Consumers of Dhaka City” under my supervision.

I have gone through the report and it seems satisfactory to submit for the award of the Degree of
Bachelor of Business Administration.

I wish his/her success in life.

(Sign of Supervisor)


Name of the Teacher: Ms. Tahira Farzana

Designation: Assistant Professor

Institute of Business Administration (IBA-JU)

Jahangirnagar University
It was a great journey for me of my 3-month internship period. The learning opportunities I got from
FCB Bitopi was amazing. During these 3 months, I learned about the importance and role of an
advertising agency in the marketing sector of Bangladesh. How they create a bridge between customers
and brands and build up a beautiful communication system between the two parties. I would like to
thank the FCB Bitopi team who helped me and guided me throughout the process. Especially the client
service team, Associate Vice President Sanjida Jui, Sr. Account Executive Uttam Majumder and
Shefaul Anam. I would like to thank the client service team for the guidance and information needed
to produce the internship report. I also cannot express enough gratitude towards my faculty advisor Ms.
Tahira Farzana for the guidance and cooperaition in creation of this report. It was a beautiful journey
and it was not possible to come this far without the help of these people.

Table of Contents
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ...........................................................................................................................VII
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ............................................................................................................................ X
1. INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................................................... 2
1.1 ORIGIN OF THE REPORT ........................................................................................................................ 2
1.2 OBJECTIVES .......................................................................................................................................... 3
1.2.1 Broad Objectives: ........................................................................................................................... 3
1.2.3 Specific Objectives: ........................................................................................................................ 3
1.3 RATIONALE: .......................................................................................................................................... 3
1.4 SCOPE: .................................................................................................................................................. 3
1.5 LIMITATIONS: ....................................................................................................................................... 3
1.6 ABOUT ADVERTISEMENT APPEAL: ........................................................................................................ 4
1.7 RESEARCH APPROACH .......................................................................................................................... 5
1.8 DATA COLLECTION ............................................................................................................................... 5
1.8.1 Instrument ..................................................................................................................................... 5
1.9 METHOD ............................................................................................................................................... 6
1.9.1 Data Collection .............................................................................................................................. 6
1.9.2 Primary Data ................................................................................................................................. 6
1.9.3 Secondary Data.............................................................................................................................. 6
2. COMPANY OVERVIEW ......................................................................................................................... 8
2.1 COMPANY PROFILE ............................................................................................................................... 8
2.2 MISSION STATEMENT ............................................................................................................................ 8
2.3 VISION AND PHILOSOPHY ...................................................................................................................... 8
2.4 SERVICES .............................................................................................................................................. 9
2.5 CAMPAIGN ............................................................................................................................................ 9
2.6 CONTENT .............................................................................................................................................. 9
2.7 DESIGN .................................................................................................................................................. 9
2.8 STRATEGY ............................................................................................................................................. 9
2.9 CLIENTS ................................................................................................................................................ 9
3. FINDINGS OF THE PROJECT ............................................................................................................. 12
3.1 RESULT AND DISCUSSION .................................................................................................................... 12
3.2 BUSINESS TO CONSUMER RESPONSE: .................................................................................................. 12
3.1.1 Preferred Steel Brand .................................................................................................................. 12
3.1.2 Finding from B2C Segment: Business to Consumers Perception ................................................. 13
3.1.3 Brand consideration: ................................................................................................................... 13
3.1.4 Source of learning about brands:................................................................................................. 14
3.1.5 Choosing Brand ........................................................................................................................... 14
3.1.6 Willingness to Consider the Brand in Future: ............................................................................. 15
3.1.7 Factors that Influenced in Decision B2C ..................................................................................... 16
3.1.8 Appeal Influence of Advertisements ............................................................................................. 17
3.1.9 Recalling any certain message from any different steel advertisements........................................ 18
3.1.10 Consumer Response upon Watching Advertisements of BSRM: ................................................ 19
3.2 BUSINESS TO BUSINESS RESPONSE: ..................................................................................................... 22
3.2.1 Finding from B2B Segment: Business to Business Perception..................................................... 22
3.2.2 Advertisement following............................................................................................................... 22

3.2.3 Influence of Advertisement .......................................................................................................... 23
3.2.4 Appeals that influence choosing BSRM ....................................................................................... 23
3.2.5 Reasons or factors to choose a certain brand ............................................................................... 23
3.2.6 Advertisement Demonstration ...................................................................................................... 23
3.3 RESULTS ............................................................................................................................................. 25
3.4 CONCLUSION ....................................................................................................................................... 26
APPENDIX .................................................................................................................................................. 29
REFERENCES: ........................................................................................................................................... 34

Executive Summary

In this highly competitive business world, advertisement depletes the shadow between the consumers
and products. How advertisement plays its roles is an important thing to understand. Advertisement
appeal is one of the most important things in advertisement. It influences consumers’ minds, creates
the needs for buying a certain product or taking a certain service. If properly used, rational and
emotional appeal along with other appeals can create a positive image of a brand inside customers’
minds. In this exploratory research, quantitative and qualitative approach has been followed to show
how advertisements play role in the purchase intention of consumers and how it develops a sense
towards different brands among people. Purposive sampling method was conducted for the report. The
purpose of this research was to learn about the effect of advertisement appeal and how it shapes the
purchase intention of the target audiences. Two different types of groups were reached for their opinion
towards advertisements of steel industries in Dhaka city. The B2C group comprises of people, who are
going to buy steel for their home building. The people those are in the verge of considering which brand
to use for steel. Sample size of 100 was taken as consumer group. Among these people 47% thinks
BSRM is better and this perception was created by the constant influence of advertisements of BSRM
steels. Other 40% people were leaning towards Abul Khair Steels. The reason of the influence for AKS
steel is almost same as BSRM. In addition to that people find a sense of attachment with this brand.
They think this brand has a sense of authenticity. Which they thought could be a reason of
communication and the other 13% people were influenced by other brands because of the surroundings
and environment. The B2B group consists of 5 sales professionals of building developers. Whose
opinion was taken to understand the influence of advertisement of steel industry on professional sector.
The result from this group showed that rather than advertisement influence, strong connection and
tradeoff is the key of brand choice. Among all the top brands of BSRM had the most intense consumer
relations. By the opinion of B2C group, BSRM advertisement had the most reach among all the
consumers. There are all sorts of advertisements available from BSRM and they did it more often than
any other brands. Whereas other brands had less reach due to lesser connection with consumers.
Consumers can feel more connected to a brand if they get regular updates about that certain brand and
its products. In this modern age there are many mediums for brands to communicate with consumers.
It is important for brands to keep connected with consumers. BSRM has high brand awareness because
of their communication. In the steel industry it is natural that consumers care about the quality of the
product. Quality products need to be used to build their dreams. So, emotion is as important. Proper
application of emotional and rational appeal can create a proper brand awareness among consumers.
Overall, to have a great impact on customers’ minds, proper brand communication is important, usage
of appeal, intensity of advertisement can create the positive impression of a brand.

Part I

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1. Introduction

Marketing is becoming more and more intense as the time and competition go up. Advertising is an
integral part of marketing (Ussaima and Kalaivanan, 2011). Because of the changing environment of
the corporate, non-profit and public sectors, different types of choices are becoming readily available
to the consumers. Various information is infecting the minds of the mass people. People always switch
sides or they have the option to do so. In this context it is important to behold the importance, excellence
and effectiveness of a product or service to the target customers. But because of many competitions
and options, it is becoming harder and harder to reach the target group. There are so many competitors
presenting themselves with the almost same product and ideas. This is where the appeal in advertising
posits itself as an integral vessel to reach the target consumers (Kamran and Siddiqui, 2019). Steel
industry is also facing challenges of reaching to its consumers with proper information and appeal. To
reach mass people and meet their needs, it is important to understand people’s appeal. In this report it
shown, how appeal works with the advertisements and makes consumers aware of their needs. Different
types of appeal and the difference in the application of appeals can make a huge difference in reaching
the core of people’s minds. With the ever-changing, evolving market, environment and trends, choosing
the right appeal and communicating to the target people is the key to marketing success in today’s

1.1 Origin of the report

This report has been made as an integral part of the internship period of 12 weeks. This sums up the
learnings from the internship. It is a part of the BBA academic program under the Institute of Business
Administration, Jahangirnagar University. The internship was performed in Bitopi Advertising
Limited, an advertising agency. This report shows the learning about an advertising agency; how it
works, what it produces and why. This report has been made under the supervision of honorable faculty,
Ms. Tahira Farzana.

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1.2 Objectives
1.2.1 Broad Objectives:

To explore the influence of advertisement on purchase decision of steel consumers in Dhaka City.

1.2.3 Specific Objectives:

• To understand how B2B take purchase decision regarding steel brands and influence of
advertising on them.
• To understand how B2C take purchase decision regarding steel brands and influence of
advertising on them.
• To explore the impact of advertisement on purchase decision of B2B and B2C.
• To explore the factors that influence B2B and B2C regarding their purchase decision.

1.3 Rationale:
Advertisements influence peoples’ perception towards a brand and this can bring change to purchase
decisions. Factors like advertisement appeals influences peoples’ mind. Interested parties can learn
about the relation of advertisements and consumers and their change in purchase intention due to it.

1.4 Scope:
• Learning about the mindset of B2C, who just started building, regarding advertisement
influence, within the month of March.
• Sales managers of the developer organizations, the B2Bs, who are constantly purchasing and
using steels for their projects.
• Limited to Dhaka city.
• Timeline of the data collection is limited within the month of March.

1.5 Limitations:

• Due to logistic and time constraints, only urban customers of Dhaka were covered.

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1.6 About Advertisement Appeal:

Appeals make the connection between the audience and advertisement, the message it relays, to buy or
act for that product or service. The reason anyone should buy or use any product or service because of
emotion or logic (Stafford, 2004). Particular element of any advertisement can be called an
advertisement appeal if it can attract the target audience (Nwankwo et al., 2013). Yoo and Maclnnis
described the rational appeal as it is created with the object and raw information to let the consumers
know about a brand or product. (Yoo and Maclnnis, 1998). The appeals in an advertisement portray the
basic meaning and convey the value of the advertisement. (Nwankwo et al. 2013) also stated that
rational appeal tends to depict product functions and benefits to the consumer. Consumers have a higher
belief due to the reliability of the facts presented by the rational advertisement appeal (Holbrook, 1978).
Perception regarding products can help create new customers or lose existing ones. According to (Fathi
and Marwan, 2010) Advertisement perception of an individual can be influenced by one’s recognition
needs and information processing styles. Marketers have many options in selecting the appeal to be
conveyed by a promotional message (Leon G., Leslie and Ramesh S., 2015, p. 296). These are music,
humor, fear, sex. These are all can be put inside emotional and rational appeal. According to (Fathi and
Marwan, 2010) based on the messages of a given context advertisement appeals can be of emotional
and rational. (Schiffman and Kanuk, 1991) defined advertising appeal as it is the influencing or
motivating consumers to buy or consume products. This motivation can be don’t though psychological
stimuli. According to (Kotler et al., 1999, p.249) attitude is how an individual feel or reacts to different
things in the surroundings. When influenced by the advertisement information, young people tend to
partake in those activities with the advertised products. This is by how they were dressed or what they
were going to buy. (Latif et al., 2011). Since the use of the internet is to look up for information, the
use of rational appeal tends to create more influence among users (Behboudi et al 2014). Types of
appeal used in advertisement depends on the type of product or country. (Spears and Singh, 2004, p. 4)
the attitude toward the brand is a unidimensional and relatively enduring evaluation summary that
energizes behavior. (Mitchel and Olson, 1981) attitudes can be affected by the appeal shown in
advertisements. Appeal affects customers to interact with the brand, according to (Steve Dix and Chris
Marchegiani, 2013) Advertising appeal connects the brand to customers by sitting at the heart of the
advertisement creative. It is the sticky glue that hooks the target with the message. (Walker and Hodge,
2018) Advertising appeal influence consumers on how they behave and interact with a brand and its
products. Advertising appeal complements advertisement. It creates the need that consumers might or
might not feel before seeing the advertisement. Which ultimately increases customer engagement.

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Individuals with a high need for cognition tend to think more and these consumers show a higher level
of engagement with advertisement appeal and they tend to observe more when getting information
about consumption (Ruiz de Maya and Sicilia, 2004). Attitude towards advertisement can influence the
attitude towards the product and brand.

1.7 Research Approach

Qualitative and quantitative approaches were taken to conduct this research. Data was collected through
survey. The primary objective of this research is to find out the effects of advertisement appeal on B2B
and B2C consumers about the brand BSRM steels. Necessary questionnaires were used to collect data
from the respondents. The questionnaires were used as primary data and different articles and journals
on internet were used as secondary data. People’s view towards advertisements of different steel brands
was depicted in the report.

1.8 Data Collection

Data was collected through two types of questionnaires to address two groups of people to understand
their view and perception.

1.8.1 Instrument

• Questionnaire for B2C

• Discussion guide for B2B

Two questionnaires were prepared to collect data from a selected group of people. Firstly, there was a
questionnaire to address B2C data gathering purposes. This questionnaire had been answered by people
who had just started building their home or any construction that requires purchasing steel. They
provided data about their intention towards purchasing any certain brand that they could consider. Their
answers provided insight into the effectiveness of the advertisement of BSRM and its appeal. In
addition to that, questionnaire survey was done to gather necessary information.And the other
questionnaire was to be answered by developers. Real estate Developers are organizations that conduct
construction works from start to finish. So, they have a strong connection with steel brands and they
use them much frequently. The objective of this questionnaire is to find out how much they are
connected to the advertisements and how much effect has advertisements on them.

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1.9 Method

1.9.1 Data Collection

The report has been prepared based on primary and secondary data.

1.9.2 Primary Data

This data was collected through surveying people inside Dhaka city, who were the main users of steel
brands. Like, the people who started building home. And professional real-estate developers who
constantly use steel brands for their projects.
• Sample size: B2C: 100 respondents
B2B: 4 sales managers
• Location: Dhaka City

1.9.3 Secondary Data

Secondary data has been collected through the internet, reviewing various journals, papers, articles and
publications from different writers.

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Part II
Company Overview

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2. Company overview

2.1 Company Profile

FCB Bitopi was founded by a visionary named Reza Ali in 1968 and this advertising agency, predating
Bangladesh, has gone on to become a trailblazer and trendsetter. FCB Bitopi has since marked many
firsts shaping the advertisement landscape in Bangladesh and sprouting new companies across
industries from export-oriented garment factories to marketing consultancy.
FCB Bitopi is the oldest agency in Bangladesh, armed with 50 years of knowing the consumer across
different product categories and industries. As a full-service agency, FCB Bitopi brings to the table a
deep understanding of cultural trends and consumer behavior patterns to help build meaningful long-
term relationships with the brands. At FCB Bitopi, the belief is in constant change, dedicated to
constantly evolve with the shifting mindset of the audience and bringing alive experiences through
every touchpoint of our communication activities.
In 1984, the Company made its foray into the new and young arena of readymade garments with Misami
Garments Ltd. The Company gradually expanded into factories in the Comilla EPZ, Adamjee, and
Manikganj; the original building in Shewrapara, Mirpur stands to this day.

2.2 Mission Statement

FCB Bitopi believes in bringing world-class standards to its work environment, in every business that
is engaged in and is dedicated to put Bangladesh on the world map as a destination of excellence and

2.3 Vision and Philosophy

The vision is derived from its name “Bitopi”. Bitopi is a Bengali word, which means a large tree.
The vision is to nurture and grow every business that it is engaged in, in an organic sustainable manner,
and to give back to society by not only creating better opportunities for people who are engaged with

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FCB Bitopi but to improve the standard of operations and create centers of excellence.

2.4 Services

As an advertising agency, FCB Bitopi offers solutions to its clients’ communication ideas and desires.
The best possible way to maximize reach in an effective and unique style.

2.5 Campaign

FCB Bitopi designs campaigns geared towards driving engagement and transforming that into business

2.6 Content

Whether a television commercial, an engaging audiovisual or a rich podcast, FCB Bitopi can deliver
all kinds of content at scale.

2.7 Design

FCB Bitopi’s versatile designs can adapt to any journey in any media space with an unmatched user

2.8 Strategy
FCB Bitopi formulate an effective strategy to position the brands in the right way, with the right content,
targeting the right audience, at the right time.

2.9 Clients

FCB Bitopi has been offering its service to its clients for a prolonged amount of time with proper
integrity and effectiveness. Some of the numerous clients that it has served are presented in the next

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Airtel Beximco Petroleum Bata Dhaka Bank

Fresh Dhoom Cola BSRM Prime Bank

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Part III
Project Findings

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3. Project Findings

3.1 Result and Discussion

The research is conducted on two groups of people. One is general consumers who purchase products
for their use and it is a comparatively lower amount than that of commercial use. And the other group
is developers who are professional home builders. They use products on a mass scale and for
commercial use. So, the response from the two groups is going to be completely different because of
their perception and need.

3.2 Business to Consumer Response:

3.1.1 Preferred Steel Brand

The respondents were aware of the brands. They learned about the brands mostly from television,
internet, newspapers and word of mouth. Respondents are those who have just started building their
home and considering purchasing steels. To know their purchase intention, we presented them with a
questionnaire. That is supposed to depict a picture of what they think or perceive about their choice of
steel brands and their reason. Among the B2C responses, 47% had chosen BSRM as the best brand.
They think BSRM as the best because of the positive image BSRM able to create through the proper
use of communication with the right appeal. The other 40% think AKS is better because they think
AKS advertisements are much more down to earth and trustworthy. There is also a small percentage of
users who think GPH Ispat is a good choice. And the rest of the people chose the rest of the brands.
This was based on the environmental impact, influence of people and expertise around them, etc.

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GPH 5%



Figure 1: Preferred Steel Brands (Best choice)

Sample base: 100

3.1.2 Finding from B2C Segment: Business to Consumers Perception

Selection criteria were, those who are currently going to buy steel for construction, in the location of
Dhaka city. To understand their perception, the information below was extracted from the discussion
with them. The response was taken inside Dhaka city.

3.1.3 Brand consideration:

The respondents were presented with different brands. Also, they were at their liberty to name some
brands for consideration. It looks like that among numerous brands in Bangladesh, people only know a
very countable number of brands these are, Bangladesh Steel Re-rolling Mills (BSRM), Abul Khair
Steels (AKS), GPH Ispat. Among 100 people, 87% of people considering using BSRM and AKS.
Though they know about some other brands like KSRM, RSRM or Baizid Steels ltd. Those are few in
numbers. Now among these two brands, BSRM and AKS, BSRM is considered by the greatest number
of people. AKS stays right behind BSRM, along with GPH.

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3.1.4 Source of learning about brands:

People choose BSRM, AKS and GPH Ispat. Because they always see these brands. People, by nature,
tend to avoid ambiguity. This means they are more likely to choose something that they know about.

Other Medium



Figure 2: Learning source of advertisements

Sample base: 100

Among different medium of television, newspaper, radio, internet, and words of mouth most answered
that, above 80%, they learned about a certain brand through television and newspaper only 20% said
they learned about the brand through the internet though they also acknowledged that they thought they
watched the brand on the internet they see the advertisement of the brand on television. And everybody
has the experience of learning about the brand through word of mouth.

3.1.5 Choosing Brand

The respondents were asked questions about their choice of the brand based on their real-life experience
and perception. Most of the people said they want to use BSRM.

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GPH 5%



Figure 1: Preferred Steel Brands (Best choice)

Sample base: 100

Though it is the answer of people from suburban areas. People in rural areas who are not building the
multistoried building. Rather a small house for the family. Still wants to use less expensive locally
produced steels to save money. As a true market leader BSRM is still chosen by over 47% of people
while rest are chosen for AKS, GPH Ispat, Bashundhara Steels and locally produced raw steel.

3.1.6 Willingness to Consider the Brand in Future:

Because of the preference many consumers had said that they would consider some brands over others
for future choice. Based on their discussion, they said considering the price and performance of the
brands, their future choice might change. 30% decided to choose BSRM if they had to use steel in
future. 27% said they would choose to use AKS and 17% choose to use GPH. There were a considerable
number of respondents who has no preference for future choice.

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BSRM AKS GPH No preference




Figure 1: Future brand preference

Sample base: 100

3.1.7 Factors that Influenced in Decision B2C

The respondents were influenced to some extent by television and press ads. But while choosing the
brand it is a life-long choice. In this case most people leaned to expert decisions like consulting to
someone who made building prior.

Consultation Experience Ad Influence



Page 16 of 35
Among 100 respondents, 60% choose based on Consultation with an experienced person. Those who
did not consult had prior experience in the concerning field. Advertisement did influence their decision
like, most of the consultation has resulted in choosing BSRM steels is because the amount of marketing
communication BSRM has been performing over the years. The key reason people choosing BSRM
over other brands is because of the huge marketing of the product.

3.1.8 Appeal Influence of Advertisements

Brands use advertisements to reach customers. They ensure proper communication to instigate the need
for the products. They showcase the best of their products. Because in the end people are going to buy
steels based on how good their performance and sustainability are. In this regard all the brands put
much effort into rational advertisement That depicts the sustainability and superiority of their products.
All the consumers that replied to this query of what appeal they find mostly in the steel advertisements.

Rational Emotional

20% 20%

80% 80%


Figure 1: Influence of rational and emotional appeal on different brands

Sample base: 100
Following their opinion, steel brands emphasize the features and numbers of their products in their
advertisements, in case of rational appeal. Next to it these brands create communications to keep
connection with the customers. To say definitely, BSRM does this much more than any other brands.
BSRM has many ads regarding emotional appeal. It helps to maintain constant communication between
customers and the organization. That’s what respondents said that they felt more connected to BSRM

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compared to other brands, this creates a feeling in them to use BSRM steels than others. In regards to
all these, consumers find emotional and rational appeal more influencing in the steel advertisements
and they come across BSRM advertisements more often than that of other brands.

3.1.9 Recalling any certain message from any different steel advertisements

BSRM: Based on different advertisements that respondents have said they come across, almost all of
them have told, they encountered BSRM advertisements most recently. And they cannot recall any
messages from any other advertisements. Respondents informed taglines that BSRM regularly uses in
all of its ads, “Country’s No. 1 Steel Expert” and, “Building A Safer Nation” They said that they
would almost regularly see these two taglines either in television, newspaper, roadside billboard or as
a signboard in a different shop. It can be deduced that because of BSRM steels’ intense marketing
these taglines were pinned inside the mind of consumers. Apart from the taglines they said they could
not remember specific lines from any communications. But they could remember how BSRM
emphasizes on its achievements of different big projects around Bangladesh. Some specified very
well-known advertisements of BSRM advertisements of BSRM that one saw on a large billboard in
Dhaka-Ashulia highway, that said, “My home, my Padma bridge” that person added, this
advertisement showed many great things about BSRM, about how they cared about their customers
and showed the ability of the brand to deliver products comparable to the ones used in Padma bridge.
Many respondents praised very highly of the effective communication of BSRM. Other than the
communications of BSRM steels.

AKS: There were Abul Khair steels. Some could recall its taglines, “Best steel by technological
innovation” ability to recall the tagline of AKS Steels compared to BSRM is very low. Many could
recall advertisements of AKS where it showed how steel is made with huge professionalism.
Everyone said Abul Khair Steel is all about rational advertisements. Whereas for BSRM, they had a
huge number of advertisements with emotional, safety and rational appeals.

GPH: In the case of GPH Ispat, there responds, but it was rather low compared to AKS and BSRM.
While asking if they could recall any messages from GPH Ispat. Respondents for GPH Ispat said
about a recent advertisement regarding Mother Language Day. It was implied that the advertisement
was rather good regarding connection with consumers emotionally but it was more of a CSR activity.
Because few could remember after the advertisement if it was an advertisement of GPH Ispat or
UNESCO. Because in the advertisement there was no mention of the brand. There was another
advertisement of GPH Ispat the tagline was “Don’t give up Bangladesh” respondents could recall this

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tagline because this advertisement was everywhere. But just like the previous advertisement, it
created emotional appeal without emphasizing the brand itself. There was a brand logo of GPH Ispat
in the end but no further mention of the brand and its products or how it helps the consumers.

Findings: The most two common messages of BSRM that they could recall shows both emotional
and rational appeal. Both of those messages had been circulated by the brand itself. And because of
huge communication from the brand side, the message had been ingrained in peoples’ minds. The
other brand, AKS steels, had one strong message with rational appeal. Where it boasted its fineness.
On the other hand, GPH Ispat had one strong message with emotional appeal that attracted consumers
but not to the extent of the other brands. So, it can be said after the observation that, how people recall
advertisement messages, mostly depends on how the brands communicate the messages. That’s why,
brand like BSRM has the most awareness in consumers’ minds. It is possible because BSRM has
made the approaches to reach consumers and constantly remind them of the brand through different
medium, messages and appeals.

3.1.10 Consumer Response upon Watching Advertisements of BSRM:

Respondents were shown three different print advertisements to learn about their judgement about the
advertisement and the willingness to consider the brand in the future. For this purpose, last three print
advertisement of BSRM has been shown to the consumers.

Advertisement Responds
Upon showing this
advertisement to 100
respondents, said they learned
something new that the
expressway has been made with
BSRM steel. They thought
since BSRM steel was used in
this big project, a symbol of the
Description: This advertisement demonstrates the work of prosperity of our country, it
Dhaka-Mawa-Bhanga 4 Lane Expressway work. It describes that means BSRM steels was
it was built using the BSRM Xtreme 500W. There also has brief actually a big brand and they
information about the expressway. In the end there was showing surely would deliver a quality
product. They thought BSRM

Page 19 of 35
gratitude towards the honorable prime minister Sheikh Hasina and would be a trustworthy well-
responsible authority of the project. reputed brand and they would
like to use it.

Positive Negative



Advertisement Response
Upon showing this
advertisement to the 100
respondents, the response of the
was quite positive. They
thought BSRM was doing a
good job looking after the
deprived. It created a positive
impression on them. But they
thought this advertisement did
Description: This advertisement is about a CSR activity BSRM
not have any direct appeal of
performed in Chattagram, it is to ensure education for kids in the
buying its products. So, in the
slum. It focuses on a girl of the slum who dreamt of a good life,
end, many would be influenced
education that she thought was impossible from the slum. That’s
where as many would not be
where BSRM came to fulfill her dream. In the end BSRM
bothered much.
concludes its duty to the country as not confined within building

Page 20 of 35
infrastructures but also building good citizens so it is performing
its duty of social responsibility, educating the deprived.

Positive Negative

50% 50%

Advertisement Response
Respondents thought this
advertisement would let them
know more about BSRM. Here
they could see what BSRM
achieved and their superior
products. But they also
responded that the
advertisement was a little fuzzy
as there is too much information
Description: This is a rational advertisement of BSRM Steels. In
to process. Most of the time
this advertisement, celebrates its 10th anniversary, along with that
viewer would not be able or
it describes what it achieved and two of its products. BSRM
willing to process this much
Xtreme and BSRM Centura. As the progression of the country’s
information. In case of the
economy how to counter the upcoming challenges.
purchase intention, respondents
said they would buy BSRM
because of its goodwill not
because of this advertisement.

Page 21 of 35
Postitive Negative



Figures: Influence of advertisements

Sample base: 100

3.2 Business to Business Response:

This group of people does not take advertisements into account. They have their sources to rely on
major decisions. For instance, engineers, dealers, and suppliers, etc. They rely on professional
recommendations and trustworthy market researches for big decisions. Raw data and profit make more
sense to them than some emotional appeals of advertisements.

3.2.1 Finding from B2B Segment: Business to Business Perception

In this section, the discussion was done with professionals who used BSRM products for building
development projects. Respondents were selected for this section based on, the people who were in the
real estate development profession. The information below was extracted from the interview with them.
Real estate organizations professionals from, Ashaloy Housing, Rupnagar Real Estate, Makka
Developers, Artistic Properties.
3.2.2 Advertisement following

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Professionals said that they did not have to follow advertisements because the selection of products is
done based on market, engineers’ choice and the contract with the suppliers. But in their personal life,
they see advertisements.

3.2.3 Influence of Advertisement

In terms of the influence of advertisements, sales Managers thought it was not much. Because the major
decision of choosing products for construction was done based on extreme insight analysis by engineers
and the contract done between them and suppliers.

3.2.4 Appeals that influence choosing BSRM

All the professionals said that they had used construction material based on numbers and analyzing
those numbers. So, only the rational appeal influenced them to choose the brand. They would constantly
keep checking the price performance ratio of different products.

3.2.5 Reasons or factors to choose a certain brand

The reason behind professionals to choose BSRM, AKS or KSRM was broadly based on their long-
term contract with suppliers and because of certain criteria set by the respective engineers. There was
very little influence of advertisement communications for choosing any certain brands. But if to say,
rational appeal only helped them choose a certain kind of product. 3 out of 5 professionals use other
than BSRM or AKS steels, just because they have communication with those suppliers for a better deal.

3.2.6 Advertisement Demonstration

The professionals were shown three different advertisements of BSRM to understand their perception
of its communication.

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B2B professionals think that it is a rational advertisement. This advertisement describes the
achievement of BSRM in the past 10 years for its 10th anniversary. There are some products they also
showcase in the advertisement to let the consumers know about the pros. The response to this
advertisement was positive since this advertisement provides enough information about the product.
The advertisement was appropriate.

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This advertisement is about a CSR activity of BSRM steels in Chattagram. The response from the
advertisement was also positive. Respondents thought this advertisement would help consumers feel
more connected to the brand. Surely for personal choice, professionals said this advertisement
generated strong emotional appeal. As a CSR activity it showcased the best done by BSRM. The
advertisement was appropriate more on a B2C level rather than on a B2B level.

This advertisement is based on rational appeal. It depicts the strength of BSRM by informing the
viewers about the big project of Dhaka-Mawa-Bhanga Highway done by BSRM. Respondents thought
this was a great advertisement of rational appeal. It had the rational strength to help consumers decide
why BSRM would be the best. It was a proper advertisement to depict the rationality.

3.3 Results

Findings of the study reflect that rational appeal influences better for category like steel. Most of the
participants from both B2C and B2B group said that rational appeal influences much better in creating
a purchase intention. The respondents said that as a steel brand, rational appeal goes much better with
it. Because in the end people would buy steels so that they could make a strong structure that should
last forever. And to achieve that goal, consumers would analyze the viability of the product through

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raw data, pros, and cons. In this case, rational appeal gave the proper direction. The B2C consumers
thought BSRM was a good brand that delivered its customers’ expectations. After watching all the
advertisements respondents thought that BSRM kept constant communication with their consumers and
they had the ability to deliver what they said in their communications. It looked like consumers did like
BSRM a lot but they believe in spite of continuous communication, all the top steel brands in
Bangladesh deliver the same type of performance. Because of constant effective communication,
BSRM has the most preference by the consumers. If they could choose one brand to buy, they would
happily choose BSRM steels. The professionals thought less about advertisements they depended more
on their engineer’s perspective, market research, deals and contracts with the suppliers. Though they
thought it was nice to have proper communication with the consumers. They had no problem choosing
BSRM steels, but in the end it all depends on the collective decision-making process inside the
organization less on communication. Since those communications are more likely directed towards
mass consumers rather than professional buyers. Among 47% of B2C respondents told that they were
with BSRM the other 40% told that they love AKS Steels more. The other 7% sided with GPH Ispat.
The rest of the respondents would go with any brand thrown at them.

3.4 Conclusion

The research was done on based on the survey of two groups of people who are the user of construction
steel. Their opinion implied many important aspects of the advertisement impact of the steel industry
in Bangladesh. The findings from the B2B group mostly leaned towards BSRM steels. Next choice was
AKS steels and then others. The discussion with them resulted in their preference for BSRM because
of the constant communication from the BSRM. This resulted in 7% more preference for BSRM steels
than that its competitor AKS steels. The consumer group of the steel said they had thought
advertisements had played an important role in modifying customer behavior and perception towards
brands. The brand tried to maintain proper communication with the customers. It looked from their
opinion that, maintaining proper communication with proper rational or emotional appeal creates the
perfect synergy between both sides. The respondents said they faced much more advertisement
communication from BSRM in everywhere. This constant communication was lacking in every other
brand. Which was an edge for BSRM in their communication. BSRM being one of the best steel brands,
could never be possible without the proper communication carried out by this brand. Implied by the
mass customers of this brand. The people who were building their home. Around 30% said that they
would come back again to BSRM in the future if they needed to purchase steel. They said that it was
possible because they thought this brand provided better solutions than others. This perception was
created by the intense communication strategy by BSRM and the proper usage of appeals, be it rational

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or/and emotional. Now onto the second group of our survey, the professionals who would use steel
regularly, and in much higher quantity, thought, advertisements rarely came in the way of their
decision-making process. It was like this because, the professionals rarely needed to know about a
brand from advertisement. They relied heavily on the knowledge of their engineers. The contracts
between them and the dealers. consumers were heavily attracted towards BSRM steels. The reason
behind this was, BSRM managed to create mass awareness of their products by vast number of
advertisements, creating connections. So, in order to reach and attract consumers, it is important to
connect with them. And it is possible via creating awareness by advertisements. The ads could convey
rational or emotional appeal but whatever it conveys it is important that the message is clear and it
reaches in a proper way towards proper consumers. A good advertisement can create an impact in the
consumers mind that can have a lasting impact.

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Questionnaire for B2C consumers:

• Which brands are you considering to use?

2. AKS
3. RSR
5. GPH Ispat
6. RSM
7. Baizid Steels
8. Karnafully
• Source of Learning about the brands-
1. TV
2. Newspaper
3. Radio
4. Internet
5. Words of Mouth
• If you had to choose which brand would you choose?


• Factors influenced you to choose a brand-


• What was the key content of that influence for what you're choosing this brand?

Page 29 of 35

• Which appeal you can sense influenced you from the advertisement or the place you learn from
about the brand?
1. Fear
2. Humor
3. Sex
4. Music
5. Rationality
6. Emotion
7. Scarcity

• What is your key understanding from these advertisements of BSRM Steels?

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• Appeals that you can sense from these advertisements.

• Do you consider choosing BSRM after having analyzing these?


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Questionnaire for B2B respondents:

• Have you seen any advertisements of steels brands?


• How much advertisements influence you?

Rating Scale: 1 2 3 4 5

• What do you think which type of appeal has best influence for this type of product?
1. Fear
2. Humor
3. Sex
4. Music
5. Rationality
6. Emotion
7. Scarcity

• What do you think the key messages of these advertisements?

• Do you think these advertisements are giving off proper messages?

Short answer: __________________________________________________________________

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