Art镞 N血 Swlart讽: ,T砂 Staⅱ

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BIuetootll Wa“ h1ustru∝ bno pariilg s△ jART WATCH wⅢ prompt"艹

Thank you for ch【 ,r,smg【 ,ur slvIART Ⅵ叭K沮 dcviocs YOu oan 5的 oonds Iater thc shIART埚 1`TCⅡ ΙwⅢ proil,pt"s,,,o datc缸 nnc
comp1ctcl,`⑾ 扎 rstand thc lncthod of uslng⒒ atld rcahzc lts pcrfc∝ wltb rcm【 ,t砂 lnnctl。 ns of synchrO1lF,uslng datc and tlnlc reqturcd
nlllc‘ l。 n and∞ ncisc opcratulg mcthods Ⅱ rCadmg tbIs lnanual Io血 staⅡ "sˇ△ ART镞波 CH apk"ln thc slia“ pllonc),WhⅡ C ulcrc
Tlns dc访 oc is uscd to adapatc to thc brand of mtelllgcIlt
illacblncs,vv・ hloh can助mohr0iuzo plloilebook and pro呐 de a vanctx, 。a "n"i∞ n血 tllc“ andby△ lt葫 Ⅱe,wluch血 dlca∞ sa
of usc血 l fe时 and scrllccs to faCllltatc opcrat血 g tbc铷 ⒙rt slICCCssful oomcctir,n bcb∞ c1l your slnartphoIlc and watclb翎 №ra
mach血 c血 your"∞ wOrk and lcisurc activ止 lcs sIlGCCss钆 1∞ nncctlon you call opcra胎 sWlART讽滦 CH acoordnlg
mlc c° mpany reseWes the rlght to alnclld thls ma11ull血 tbc casc of to the followulg step⒏
any pnoril【 ,Ⅱ cc,and wltllout n"bcr il【 ,刂 cc
“ ※ΦpeⅡ 砒hg iⅡ struc位 oⅡs
Whcn夕 刂 gct a sMART惑 鼷 CH,and1n“ all sMART side key:IoⅡ g press for the s碗 tcⅡ m臼chine,short press to remrⅡ to
WATCH apk” program l,il tbc snna“ pbonc to lmplcillcnt tbc the sta口 dby imterFace
nlllc“ 。n ofsMs,LnⅪ E,Facebook,lnstugrate,Facebook Messagc, TPgesmre opera伍 oⅡ :FrtJm leitto HghI s灿 do bac△ from nghtto
QQ,WCathcr forccasts aIld othcl nl“ ant mcssag~。 g Icmmdcrs IeFtsⅡ p do oK
Retum m时 n menⅡ :lert skp at clock interface
APP ncqu心 △hn mode:In the0ppstorc where ou cao dol△ nIOad
γ Remm tlle Clock:press0o“ om button
I馆 htbluc
APK Access modJ1: DowIlIoad by Ⅱ⒍ng血 teⅢ gent pⅡ oⅡ e to ※ I△ ioduce tⅡ e main menu: Accord△ lg to watch thc maul
scaⅡ tLe hoⅡ dimensioⅡ aI code 腼 ldcd mto4pagc
ctlon Ls dlN・
First pag¢ Bhctoo吨 PbonCbook,Dlalcr,Mcssagnlg;

secoⅡ d page:CaⅡ 1og,No甘 丘cation,kill“ c,Camcra;
Third page:sc钍 ings,Ant"ost,Powcr sⅡ Iug,RIn鲈 onc;
FoⅡ rtL
pagc slccp momtorlug,Languagc,Pcdomctcr,stopwatch
Πn△ page:C⒗ cOpc,A1am,

P Address∶ 黠 阮tp∶ 〃咖 m依 nanl,on/261 血fonⅡ a臼0Ⅱ

Fu△ c臼 oⅡ :

Aacr血 stalⅡ ng “s⒈ 0嗷 T``0⒋ TCH apk” ,and sillart pbonc coi△ lCCt ●B"etootⅡ :opcn付 沁 钆ilctlon wiⅡ scc tllc foⅡ ow血 g mcnu
to sRIART斌嗓 CH,F〖 “ open Bhctootb nnctl。 n of your snlart l)BlllCtootb dlaleI~ search ⒛ d a nlatchnlg coilncctlon w⒒ h
phonc and sˇ BRT坻殴 CH ,phonc、 注ⅡscaToh V8Equipmeot bluctootll de访 oes
aild mltlatc a conncc“ on,next$lliart pbonc wiⅡ scnd叼 hctooth 2)BlllCto。 th sc“ 血gs~Bhctoo伍 oan bc hrllcd on alld or sct and
parmg rcqucs俨 and tllcli驷 u prC“ "∞ 咖 "for pari【 lg,姐 cr tbc r陋 山 lnc cquΦ mclltllamc dlsp1呷

1 2
3)Disc° nn° ot铋 c丘 ~opcn this血 nctlon、 vhcn w祉 ch aud mobilc O Trne Fom血 ~opd【 ,nal12and z hours 1lPedolnctcr~In thc mcnu and p∞ $tllc lcn s。 岱〃 are订 培gcr⒌ arl
pbonc芯 doGOmlcctcd then tLc watch wⅢ sound proillptulg the uscr
Q LCD backLght~op讧 oml lO sc∞ Ilds,15scconds,∞ se∞ nds, 欲cp by玫 cp,the lotal dlstaIlCe(knl,,KallI"(kdl)calculatIoⅡ
●P△ oⅡ ebookmlc watch Is oomcctcd mtb thc mobuc ph。 ne wm 50scoonds 2lstep s引 ㈦缸跃CM)~Λ ∞ordlng to hclght ratlo scttmg step dIstancc
dlsp1ay Inobnc ph。 nc∞ ntacts lll tllc mach血 c(oan d悠 play1000) 3)、 Velgllt sctt血 glK◎ ~Acc° rd砘 to止 s∞ vη wClgllt set
●diaIeⅡ W乱 ll o colln∞ ‘ 0Ab° ut M/att・ h~Watcll so抵 叼rcˇ cr“ on血 Fomatlon o d心 plax/cd
~clear rccords ofhIsto叩
cd to tllc phollc ca1t dlal )C1° ar Histor”

●AIlti lostV/alch wn sclld alam a丘 cr lcav血 g thc lllc bi1e phollc a

●Messa刂 1scO伍 c foⅡ owmg nlcnll,T血 s Gcrla血 dlstancc,open tbls filnctlon wⅢ scc the followmg monu
●stopwatcll:open th怎 nlnctIOn Gall bc tuning
"g:opcll tllo atlctlon WⅡ
nmcfi。 n needs to血 stall ulc"sMART wATCH apk"appIication for
usc ul lllo玩 怡 pllonc佗 mI】 lal
2)Cl° s°
●Clocksb,Iα se1ect al1・dlog or dIg"al cIock
llInbox∶ Show a mobl】 e phonc sho丘 mcssagc
3)sCt distallccⅡ all be lol,g dl“ anoe,llll扯 dl“ anoe,closc dlstancc
●Alnrm:You can sct丘 Yc alanu
2)SCllt messagc⒌ show a mobilc phonc scnt mcssagc ●Power savIⅡ g:0pcn伍 o nlllcti。 n thc u∞ ofthc tmlc of曲 e watch
wm bc m。 rc durablc N0TE:software occasi° nal updatcs,fca!urcs,
●CaⅡ Iog∶ opcil thIs fuIictlon V雨 1I see ulc f。 IloW血 g mcnu plcasc prcvaⅡ in thc rcal machinc
.mngt【 ,】 l⒍ For山 熊 reilt“ 扯cs⒋ mg∞ ncs,opell dus nlnCtI。 n wⅢ
l)MissCd calls~Disp1叩 tllc llllssCd Call,蔽 tllc saiuc tullc can oall
scc伍 e follownlg monu
lhc GoⅡ cspond乇 ⒐
g coiltaCt
2lDialCd c创 plγ ulc dlalcd oal,柑 tllc satnc t血 c can call
2)Vlbrati° n
tbc corrcspondmg comact
3迟 CcClved cals~D芯 phy thc rcoe~cd call,At tlle sa1nc t妯c cau
caⅡ tllc coⅡesp。 lldulg oonta∝
5)R洫 g3
4)AⅡ cal-≈ Dlsplay mobi怡 phoilc Oalls all pllone records
●Not山 HcadoⅡ Can qlle” thc QQ/ Wcchat and otllcl t血 cˇ ●skep MonIton△ g:opcn thls operation to n,on⒒ or thc quaL0of
ncws,T[山sf0nction△eeds to lnstall thc"slvIART RWATCH apk"
appⅡ cation for usc血 mob"o phonc termnlal
Notc thc mctllod of pagcd∞ vη and pagcup is plcss血 g the Homc
●Music:Can∞ ntr° l the nltlsic pl呷 ing血 伍c mobile pllonc
●Remote Capture∶ Remotc oIl/° iF m0bllc phone camcra prcss
1)slCep dur・dtlQn
conIim to∞ mplctc octllrCs
2,quallty ofslccp∶ Doplay supc“ o、 Imdd⒗ ,poor llldIcators
alDCCp“ ccp
●se“ 血gs:opcn tll】 s nmotioⅡ wi11see thc folIow恤 g mcnu
4)Sha11° W slccp
1)Lan眇 age~Qptioilal hngllagcs ●PedometerCa⒗ ulatir,il of thc wak血 gd“ ancc oF位 me C血 c,
勾 sCt Tnlc~Tmc can bc sct mulutcs,scCOnd9and thc IllInber of kl⒗ mctcrs lkill,,opell thIs
ω sCt Date~Datc can be sct iilnotion wiⅡ scc the follo-g mcnu

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