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Origin and Evolution of life

Q 1.Very short answer questions.
1 ____________ is considered as connecting link between ape
and man.
A Australopithecus B Homo habilis
C Homo erectus D Neanderthal man
2 Humans are most closely related to _________.
A Marsupial B Lemur
C Chimpanzees D Tarsier
3 The proportion of an allele in the gene pool to the total
number of alleles at a given locus is called ___________.
A gene pool B gene frequency
C gene flow D genetic drift
4 Transfer of a part of chromosome or set of genes to a non-
homologous chromosome is called ___________.
A deletion B duplication
C inversion D translocation
5 Any random fluctuation in allele frequency, occurring in the
natural population by pure chance is called __________.
A gene pool B gene mutation
C genetic recombination D genetic drift.

Q.2 Short answer questions.
1 Define the term ‘Mendelian population
Ans. The populations occur in small groups of ‘interbreeding
populations’. Such small interbreeding group of a population is
referred as ‘Mendelian population’.
2 Define Gene pool.
Ans. The total genetic information encoded in sum total of
genes in a Mendelian population is called gene pool.
3 Name the ancestor of human also known as man with ape
Ans. Australopithecus is ancestor of human also known as man
with ape brain.
4 Name the ancestor of human nicknamed as Handy man
Ans. Homo habilis is ancestor of human nicknamed as Handy
5 Whose fossils were discovered at the site of Shivalik hills,
Ans. Ramapithecus is fossils were discovered at the site of
Shivalik hills, India.
Q.3 long answer questions.

1. any two developments in human which helped him to move
around safely on land.
Ans.i.Bipeal locomotion.
ii.Erect posture.
2 Distinguish New world and old world monkeys based on
their tail along with their examples.
New World monkey Old world monkey
The new world monkey s have The old monkeys have a short
along non-prehonsible tail. prehonsible tail.
E.g squirrel monkey spider E.g Baboons, macaques etc.

3 What is hybrid sterility?

Ans. Ans: Hybrids develop to maturity but become sterile due
to failure of proper gametogenesis (meiosis). This is called as
hybrid sterility. e.g. Mule is an inter-generic hybrid which is
4 What led to better utilization of hands for holding objects
effectively and better motor skills?
Ans. Freedom of forelimbs from locomotory function
Opposable thumb These factors led to better utilization of

hands for holding objects effectively and development of motor
skills etc.

5 Describe modern man.

Ans.modern man (Homo sapiens):
It includes all the human beings existing today on the earth
(modern man)
Their fossils were discovered in Africa The cranial capacity of
Homo sapiens is 14S0 cc.
They had an erect posture.
Homo sapiens developed distinct races and developed cave art
about 8000 years ago.

6 Distinguish between Australopithecus and Neanderthal man


7 Distinguish between Homo erectus and Neanderthal man


Q.6 Long answer questions.

1 Name any three types of premating isolating mechanisms.
Ans. Pre-mating or pre-zygotic isolating mechanism : This
mechanism prevent fertilization and zygote formation.
i. Habitat isolation or (Ecological isolation) : Members of a
population living in the same geographic region but

occupy separate habitats so that potential mates do not
ii. Seasonal or temporal isolation : Members of a population
living in the same geographic region but are sexually mature
at different years or different times of the year.
iii. Ethological isolation : Due to specific mating behaviour
the members of population do not mate.
iv. Mechanical Isolation : Members of two population have
difference in the structure of reproductive organs.

3 Explain Geographical Isolation.

Ans. It is also called as physical isolation.
It occurs when an original population is divided into two or
more groups by geographical barriers such as river, ocean,
mountain, glacier etc.
These barriers prevent interbreeding between isolated groups.
The separated groups are exposed to different kinds of
environmental factors and
they acquired new traits by mutations.
The separated populations develop distinct gene pool and they
do not interbreed.
Thus, new species have been formed by geographical isolation.
E.g. Darwin’s Finches.

4 Write down the three main concepts of modern synthetic
Ans. The modern synthetic theory gives imporlance 1o both
mutations and natural selection. The factors involved in
Modern synthetic theory can be broadly divided into three
main concepis i.e. genetic variali0n, natural sclcction and
Genetie variations: They are causcd due to various aspects of
mulafion, recombination and migration. The change in gene
and gene frecquencies is known as genetie variation.
Genetic variations are caused by factors such as Gene
mutation, genetic recombination, gene flow, genetic drifi,
chromosomal aberrations.
Natural selection: Nalural selcction is the process by which
bette: ndapted organisms grow and produce more number of
offsprings ir the population. It is the main driving force behind
evolution. It states that the fittest organism will gct sclected by
nature and produce more offsprings than organisms that did no
adapt to the as per th conditions.
brings about evolutionary changes by savouring differentia
reproduction of genes that bring about changes in gene
frequcnc from one generation to another. Natural sclection
invariably cncourages those gencs that assur highest degrec of
adaptive cfficicncy betwcen a population and i environment.

Isolation: It is the separation of the population of a particular
specie into smaller units which prevents interbreeding betwcen
them. A barricr which prevents gene flow or cxchange of genes
bctweci isolated populations, is called isolating mechanism. A
number of isolating mechanisns are operated in nature an
therefore divergence and speciation may occur. The isolating
mechanisms are of two types namely, geographica isolation
and reproductive isolation.
5 What is chromosomal aberration? Give any two types of
aberrations found in population.
Ans. Definition: The structural and morphological change in
chromosome due to rearrangement is celled chromosomal
aberrations. It change the genes arrangement (order or
sequence) that results in the variation. Chromosomal
abcrrations occur due to the followings reasons:
Deletion: Loss of genes from chromosome.
Duplication: Genes are repeated or doubled in number o
Inversion: A particular segment of chromosome is broken and
get reattached to the same chromosome in an inverted position
due to 80 twis1. Thera is no loss or gain of gene complement of
the chromosome.
Translocation: Transfer (transposition) of a part of chromosome
or set of genes to a non-homologous chromosome is calls irons

location. It is affected naturally by 1he transposons present in
6 Complete the table based on the special features of Human
ancestors showing their cultural and social development.

Ancestors Special features

Homo erectus used fire
Neanderthal Buried their dead
Made tools from
Homo habilis
7 Write a note on Homo habilis.
Ans. The fossils of this primitive man were discovered from the
Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania (Africa).
Homo habilis evolved in Africa in late Pliocene or early
Pleistocene epoch about 2.5 to 1.4 million years ago i t lived in
open grassy land, moved erect and probably did not eat meat
The lower jaw was lightly built and the dentition was more like
that of moden man. It had smaller molars.
They made tools from stones. Its eranial capacity was about
650 to 800 cc. It was called handy man
Q.6 Long answer questions.

1 What is genetic variation? Explain any three factors
responsible for genetic variation.
Ans. Definition: Genetic variations are caused due to various
aspics of mutation. recombination and variration.
The change in gene and gene frequencies is known as genetic
Genetic variations are caused by following factors:
Gene Mutation: Sudden permanent heritable change is called
mutation. Mutation can occur in the gene.
in the chromosome and in the chromosome number.
Mutation that occurs within the single gene is called point
mutation or gene mutation.
Mutation leads to the change in the phenotype of the
organism. causing variation
Genetic recombination: In sexualy reproducing organisms,
during gamete formation, exchange of genetie material occurs
between non- sister chromatids of homologous chromosomes.
This is called crossing over. It produces new genetic
combinations which result in variations Fertilization between
opposite mating gametes leads to various recombination’s
resulting into the phenotypic variations causing change in the
frequencies of alleles Gene flow: Gene flow is movement of
genes into or out ofa population. Gene movement may be in
the form of migration of organism, or gametes (dispersal of

pollens) or segments of DNA (transformation). Gene low also
alters gene frequency causing evolutionary changes Genetic
drift: Any random fluctuation (alteration) in allele frequency
Occurming n the natural population by pure chance, is called
genetic drift.

eg. When the size of a population is severely reduced due to

natural disasters like earthquakes, floods, fires, etc., it causes
elimination of particular alleles from a population. Smaller
populations have greater chances for genetic drifts. It will result
in the change in the gene frequency. Genetic drift is also an
important factor for evolutionary change.
Chromosomal aberrations: The structural and morphological
change in chromosome due to rearrangement is called
chromosomal aberrations. It changes the genes arrangement
(order or sequence) that results in the variation. Chromosomal
aberrations occur due to the following reasons:
Deletion: Loss of genes from chromosome
Duplication: Genes are repeated or doubled in number on
Inversion: A particular segment of chromosome is broken and
gets reattached to the same chromosome in an inverted
position due to 180 twist. There is no loss or gain of gene
complement of the chromosome.

Translocation: Transfer (transposition) of a part of
chromosome or a set of genes to a non-homologous
chromosome is called translocation. It IS affected naturally by
the transposons present in the cell.
2 Explain the concept of Natural Selection with the example of
Industrial Melanism.
Ans. Natural selection encourages those genes or traits that
assure highest degree of adaptive efficiency between
population and its environment.
Industrial melanism is one of the best examples for natural
In Great Britain, before industrialization (1845) grey white
winged moths (Biston Carbonaria) were more in number than
black-wingcd moth (Biston Carbonaria ).
These moths are nocturnal and during day time they rest on
trek trunk. White-winged moths were camouflaged (hide in the
background) well with the lichen covered trees that helpcd
them to escape from the predatory birds. However, the black-
winged moth resting on lichen covered tree trunks were easy
victims for the predatory birds and their number was reduced.
During industrial revolution. large number of industries came
up in Great Britain.
The industries released black sooty smoke that covered and
killed the lichens growing on trec and turn the trek black duc to
pollution. This change became an advantage to the black

winged moths that camouflaged well with the black tree trunks
and their number increased The while-winged moths however
became victims to predatory birds due to which their number
reduced. Thus, natural selection has resulted in the
establishment of a phenotypic trait in the changing
environmental conditions.
The end


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