Mat Rempit

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Now days, the statistic on road accident in our country is increasing. The situation
become more terrible because the number of people death increases in or country.
The statistic of the road accident show that the accident in Malaysia mostly causes
by the illegal racing that occurred in the ro ad. In Malaysia, all of the motorcyclist that
involve in the illegal racing are well known as µM at Rempit¶. They are a group of
youth who about in large groups on their motorcycles at late hours of the night.
However, if this was all, they would be considered harmless. On the contrary, the
Mat Rempit is not just a public nuisance but become a serious threat as they
terrorise the public both on the road and at other public areas too, and they
endanger their own lives.

First and foremost, teenager join the Mat Rempit is influences by the peer among
them. Teenager is very easy influence by their friends in this age. They thought the
entire thing that done by their friend is very attractive to them. In this age, most of
them have the big desire to try something new. That why, most of them are easy to
be influence by the friend f same age. For example, the will always says yes when
their peer persuade them to join the gang to race and involve in the Mat Rempit.
They will accept this invitation because the racing will be something new in their
lives, and they want to feel the joy of the racing in the highway at midnight. So, the
influence of the peer will cause the teenager join the Mat Rempit.

The other cause teenager joining the Mat Rempit is beca use of the issue of
families. There are many issues that happen in the family, even though the family is
poor or rich. For example, the rich family usually faces a problem with their children
when the parents happen to have too little time for family. Most of the teenager that
became the street racers who are from a wealthy family claimed that they were given
too much money and freedom by their parents or the one who cares about them is
also one of the factors which contributes to their involvement in the s treet racing
activity. They feel that none of their family members who really care about where and
what they are doing when they are out of the house. As long as they never complain
about anything in their family and wi ll be home every day. However, the teenager
that in the poor families also have many trouble to face and have many issue in the
family. That most of these street racers are of the poor family. They think that by
racing is the only way they could think of to get away from the problems and gain
their freedom and respect and honour from peers on the road.

The entire thing that mention above is the cause of teenager becomes Mat
Rempit. I agree with all the causes that teenager are mostly influence by their friends
and because of the issue among the families. In the age of teenager, most of the
time that they spend is with their peer in school. So, based on that situation,
teenager is easy to be influence by their peer act and attitude. For example, the
teenager that further their studies aw ay from their parent will lives with their friend. In
this situation, the teenager is away from their friend sight and their parent did not
know the attitude of their son when they socialize with their friend. So, in this case,
those teenagers are influenc e with their peer and follow them in illegal racing.
Besides that, the social issue among the family is the main points that make me
agree about the causes of teenager become Mat Rempit. As we all know, family
should monitor their son in whatever situation to make sure that their son save and
family also have to show that their care about their son. But, when the family of the
teenager have the family issue like quarrel, always mad and divorce problem, this
will make the teenager stress in house. This will cause the teenager become one of
the illegal racer to get away from the trouble that has in their families. They might
think that become one of the Mat Rempit will make their happy and away from the
issue that they have in their family, with join the illeg al racing at the highway in the
middle of the night.

To conclude all of the matter, the causes that make teenager become Mat Rempit
mostly because of family and friend of the same age. By the way, the teenager
becomes one of the Mat Rempit because the y need attention from their parent.
Because lack of attention and love from their parent, that why they become Mat
Rempit and racing illegally to gain some fun. And all of the family should monitor
their son and the teenager should not easily influence by their friend to make sure
the illegal racing problem to be solve.

1. Ô.S.N Murali(19 November 2010). Three Mat Ôempit

Killed While Ôacing.
2. Motorcycle Race Crashes.
3. Lizawati Bahanan and Erma Idayu Mohd Yusop(1 April
2009). Squad 42 Battles µMat Rempit¶ Menance. Bernama
news online.

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