SPT - Spotting Errors - Answers

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Identify the part of the sentence that contains an error. If there is no error, choose "No
Error" option.

1. A brand-new committee of residents and business owners have spoken with (A) the town
board to express its feelings about (B) proposals for a new park in the neighbourhood. (C) No
error (D)

2. A decade in the making, the documentary on penguins is (A) both a response to widespread
misinformation with their mating habits (B) and an investigation into their behaviours. (C)
No error (D)

3. A good teacher should not only convey (A) information and should also instil (B) in his
students a love for learning. (C) No error (D)

4. After we had skipped our second class (A) of the week, the principal called Thomas and I (B)
down to her office for a meeting. (C) No error (D)

5. Also allowed by the newer and more (A) liberal investment law was tax shelters, (B) now
commonly used by people of all classes. (C) No error (D)

6. Developed by Richard Feynman, the theory (A) of quantum electrodynamics explaining how
(B) light interacts with atoms and their electrons. (C) No error (D)

7. Even though the weather was abysmal, (A) Anika arrived twenty minutes early for her class
since she (B) had ran quickly all the way from the parking lot. (C) No error (D)

8. Ever since her promotion to manager last year, (A) Bretney is the hardest-working employee
of (B) this small and highly industrious company. (C) No error (D)

9. Every few years extensive rains come, (A) and the desert, which normally has hardly no plant
life, (B) blooms with brilliant colour. (C) No error (D)

10. He will not escape (A) punishment unless he do speak (B) the truth. (C) No error (D)

11. In spite of the fact that handwriting on rare books (A) usually causes a decrease in sale-price,
the value of autographed books is (B) actually greater than books that have not been signed.
(C) No error (D)

12. In the event that any one (A) of the main circuits are knocked out, (B) we can resort to
reserve power cells. (C) No error (D)

13. Incessant monitoring via surveillance cameras reveal (A) that the majority of customers
browse the shelves and are likely (B) to purchase more items than they originally intended.
(C) No error (D)

14. It was a Hungarian interior designer (A) who initially succeeded with introducing (B) the new
iconic Rubik's cube to toy stores worldwide. (C) No error (D)

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15. John has become aware that he can (A) display his emotions more easily through his music
(B) and not through his artwork. (C) No error (D)

16. John's schedule is so packed (A) that he scarcely has no time (B) to get from one appointment
to the next. (C) No error (D)

17. Last year, when diplomats flew from foreign countries (A) to visit our campus and lecture at
neighbouring colleges, (B) the dean called my classmates and I to his office to greet the
visitors. (C) No error (D)

18. Laurel wanted to go out (A) to the movies that night, and so her friend Ben (B) wanted to stay
home and study. (C) No error (D)

19. Many actions of young children (A) are frequently similar to the ones (B) that he or she has
seen on television. (C) No error (D)

20. Many critics now suspect that Shakespeare (A) is not the only playwright who was involved
in the writing (B) of those works popularly attributed to him. (C) No error (D)

21. Many of those involved were professionals who, (A) in recognition of their accomplishments
in previous projects, (B) had been given new assignments. (C) No error (D)

22. Most of the characters in The Lone Ranger and Tonto Fistfight in Heaven, (A) a short story
collection written by Sherman Alexie, (B) lives on a Spokane reservation in Washington
state. (C) No error (D)

23. Most of the paintings throughout this gallery appear (A) to be uncared for, and if you
examine one closely, you will see that (B) the paint has faded and their frames have cracked.
(C) No error (D)

24. Mrs. Johnson gave the assignment (A) to Paul and I, (B) and we decided to work together.
(C) No error (D)

25. Nadir Shah, a warlord that is generally considered (A) the last of the great Asian conquerors,
founded a kingdom (B) that lasted for only thirteen years. (C) No error (D)

26. Neither of America's major political parties (A) are interested in making the trade balance (B)
an important issue in the recent elections. (C) No error (D)

27. Neither Susan nor Jacob (A) likes to relax and watch (B) the grass grows. (C) No error (D)

28. Not many teachers have explained the causes (A) of the Spanish-American war as extensive
as Mr. Wilcox, (B) whose lectures are still an inspiration to his colleagues, (C) No error (D)

29. On the shelf in the garage (A) are a collection of tools freely available to any woodworkers
(B) who desire to add details to their creations. (C) No error (D)

30. Once the week of final exams arrived, Brian needed to (A) read several history chapters,
memorize biology portions, (B) and he should revise his paper on Shakespeare. (C) No error

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31. Only after the Air Force had ran out of (A) other options did it consider launching (B) the
new satellite from the space shuttle. (C) No error (D)

32. Overuse of chemical fertilizers on farm crops both (A) destroys many beneficial organisms in
the soil and weakens (B) the crop's resistance to more virulent diseases. (C) No error (D)

33. People that avoid eating foods high in cholesterol and saturated fat (A) are less likely to
suffer from heart disease, (B) diabetes, and other life-threatening diseases. (C) No error (D)

34. Psychologists have long debated (A) the connection between violence (B) on television plus
actual crime. (C) No error (D)

35. Research has indicated that eating fewer fats—trans fats in particular—may help reduce (A)
the risk of diabetes in some people and decreasing (B) the chance of heart attacks by lowering
blood pressure. (C) No error (D)

36. Revered as one of the world's most versatile geniuses, (A) Leonardo da Vinci excelled in
everything he attempted and serving (B) as a prototype for the Renaissance man. (C) No error

37. Surprisingly, when botanists study plants, classification as either (A) flowers or weeds are
often based upon noting how easily (B) a given plant grows without assistance. (C) No error

38. The apparently obvious solutions (A) to most of his problems were overlook (B) by many of
his friends. (C) No error. (D)

39. The instructor, a mountaineer named Sophie, (A) prepared us well for our first expedition;
she was quick to (B) correct them when we slipped on the climbing wall. (C) No error (D)

40. The newest State Department survey, a 300-pages list of figures, tables, and other statistics,
(A) shows that the average American is more likely to die (B) in his own bathtub than to be
killed in a car accident. (C) No error (D)

41. The newspaper reporter enjoys reading the essays (A) of Orwell during his free time for their
clarity, (B) conciseness, and because they are persuasive. (C) No error (D)

42. The professor suggested that her students purchase (A) Fareed Zakaria's new book if they
have not read (B) his articles when they appeared in Newsweek. (C) No error (D)

43. The telephone, one of the most life-changing invention (A) of the past 150 years, is now
present in (B) nearly every American home. (C) No error (D)

44. The trees in Bob's (A) backyard are much taller (B) and greener than Henry. (C) No error (D)

45. The writings of economist and humanist Karl Marx influenced (A) many 20th century
theorists of postmodernism, a philosophy that deconstructed (B) traditional beliefs and aims
to reconsider social values and morals. (C) No error (D)

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46. Those body builders who competed (A) in the Mr. Universe Contest were (B) either on
steroids or incredible strong. (C) No error (D)

47. UNESCO, an office of the United Nations who (A) has its office in Paris, was chartered in
1945 (B) and became an official agency of the United Nations in 1946. (C) No error (D)

48. Unless scientists discover new ways (A) to increase food production, the Earth is not (B) be
able to satisfy the food needs of all its inhabitants. (C) No error (D)

49. When the hometown crowd realized (A) that its team was about to lose the game, (A) they
started to leave the stadium. (C) No error (D)

50. When one wants to do well on an upcoming test, (A) they should review a little bit each day,
(B) rather than all at once. (C) No error (D)

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