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This Chapter presents the overall framework and methodology

that the researcher use in the conduct of the study. This

includes the research design, respondents of the study, data

gathering procedure and statistical tools.


This study will use quantitative, descriptive, and

correlational method of research. Descriptive method of research

will be used to determine the level of student’s religiosity. The

same method will be used to determine the students’ performance

along with academic performance and extracurricular activities.

Correlational method will be used to determine the relationship

of religiosity and students performance of BSE- Mathematics major

of CBSUA Pasacao Campus. Additionally, survey questionnaire will

be distributed to get the respondents view regarding the topic.

The level of students’ religiosity are described whether

they I agree completely/ I agree /I agree sometimes, but

sometimes I disagree / I disagree/ I disagree completely. The

corresponding numerical rating and indicator is shown in the

table below:

1 I disagree completely

2 I disagree

3 I agree sometimes, but

sometimes I disagree

4 I agree

5 I agree completely


The respondents of the study are second year, third year and

fourth year BSE- Mathematics major of Central Bicol State

University of Agriculture, Pasacao Campus who are enrolled in the

first semester, school year 2021-2022. All second year, third

year and fourth year students will be surveyed.


Prior to the administration of the study, permission from

the Campus Administrator of CBSUA Pasacao Campus and different

concerned school officials are being seek. As soon as the request

is approved the researcher will immediately start the data

gathering procedure by distributing the research instrument to

the selected respondents. Proper courtesy is observed in the

conducted of data gathering. The purpose and importance of the

study is explained to the concerned officials and employees.


The following statistical tools will be used to treat and

quantify the data gathered:

1. Weighted mean is use to determine the level of student

religiosity and students performance in academic and non-academic


2. Pearson-Product Moment Correlation Coefficient is use to

test the degree of relationship between religiosity and student


3. Coefficient of Determination is use to determine the

degree of relationship of the variables from each other.


Jayson M. Dañas. Introduction to Elementary Statistics.

Mindshapers Publishing Co. Inc.(2015)

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