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Fundamental of

Verilog HDL
Overview of Digital Design Using Verilog

• Evolution of Computer-Aided Digital Design

• Emergence of HDLs
• Typical Design Flow
• Importance of HDLs
• Popularity of Verilog HDL
• Trends in HDLs

Ravikant Suryawanshi
Evolution of Computer-Aided Digital Design

• SSI: Small scale integration

– A few gates on a chip

• MSI: Medium scale integration

– Hundreds of gates on a chip

• LSI: Large scale integration

– Thousands of gates on a chip

Ravikant Suryawanshi
Evolution of Computer-Aided Digital Design

– CAD: Computer-Aided Design

– Logic and circuit simulators

– Prototyping on bread board

– Layout by hand (on paper or a computer terminal)

Ravikant Suryawanshi
Evolution of Computer-Aided Digital Design
• VLSI: Very Large Scale Integration
– Hundred thousands of gates

– Not feasible anymore:

• Bread boarding and Manual layout design

– Simulator programs

– Automatic place-and-route

– Bottom-Up design

– More and more emphasis on logic simulation

Ravikant Suryawanshi
Emergence of HDLs
• Need to a standardized language for hardware description
– Verilog and VHDL

• Simulators emerged
– Usage: functional verification

– Path to implementation: manual translation into gates

• Logic synthesis technology

– Dramatic change in digital design

• Design at Register-Transfer Level (RTL) using an HDL

Ravikant Suryawanshi
History of Verilog HDL
– Market divided between Verilog & VHDL
• VHDL mostly in Europe
• Verilog dominant in US
• More general language
• Not all constructs are synthesizable
– Verilog:
• Not as general as VHDL
• Most constructs are synthesizable

Ravikant Suryawanshi
Typical Design

Ravikant Suryawanshi
Typical Design Flow
• Most design activity
– In 1996:
• Manually optimizing the RTL design
• CAD tools take care of generating lower-level details
• Reducing design time to months from years
– Today
• Still RTL is used in many cases
• But, synthesis from behavioral-level also possible
• Digital design now resembles high-level computer
Ravikant Suryawanshi
Typical Design Flow

– CAD tools help, but the designer still has the
main role
• GIGO (Garbage-In Garbage-Out) concept

• To obtain an optimized design, the designer needs

to know about the synthesis technology
– Compare to software programming and compilation
Ravikant Suryawanshi
Importance of HDLs

• Retargeting to a new fabrication technology

• Functional verification earlier in the design cycle

• Textual concise representation of the design

– Similar to computer programs

– Easier to understand

Ravikant Suryawanshi
Popularity of Verilog HDL
• Verilog HDL
– General-purpose
– Easy to learn, easy to use
– Similar in syntax to C
– Allows different levels of abstraction and mixing them
– Supported by most popular logic synthesis tools
– Post-logic-synthesis simulation libraries by all
fabrication vendors Ravikant Suryawanshi
Trends in HDLs
• Design at behavioral level

• Formal verification techniques

• Very high speed and time critical circuits

– e.g. microprocessors

– Mixed gate-level and RTL designs

• Hardware-Software Co-design
– System-level languages: SystemC, SpecC, …
Ravikant Suryawanshi
Verilog HDL

Hierarchical Modeling Concepts

Design Methodologies

• Top-Down Design Methodology

• Bottom Up Design Methodology

Ravikant Suryawanshi
Top- Down Design Methodologies
• Define the top level block and identify the sub-

blocks necessary to build the top-level block.

• Further sub-divide the sub-blocks until come

to leaf cells, which are the cells that can not

further be divided.

Ravikant Suryawanshi
Ravikant Suryawanshi
Advantages of top-down design
• Increase Productivity

• Reduce Non-Recurring (NRE) cost

• Design Reuse

• Increase flexibility to design changes

• Faster exploration to alternative architecture

• Testability

• Better and easier verification

Ravikant Suryawanshi
Bottom Up Design Methodologies

• Identify the building blocks that are available to


• Build bigger cells, using these building blocks.

• These cells are then used for higher-level blocks

until we build the top-level block in the design.

Ravikant Suryawanshi
Ravikant Suryawanshi
4-bit Ripple Carry Counter

Ravikant Suryawanshi
T-flipflop and the Hierarchy

Ravikant Suryawanshi
Lexical Conventions

Ravikant Suryawanshi
Lexical Conventions

Ravikant Suryawanshi
Data Types

Ravikant Suryawanshi
Data Types

Ravikant Suryawanshi
Data Types

Ravikant Suryawanshi
Data Types

Ravikant Suryawanshi
Components of Verilog Module

Ravikant Suryawanshi
module <module_name>(<module_terminal_list>);
<module internals>

• Example:

module T_ff(q, clock, reset);

<functionality of T_flipflop>
Ravikant Suryawanshi
• Verilog supported levels of abstraction
– Behavioral (algorithmic) level
• Describe the algorithm used
• Very similar to C programming
– Dataflow level
• Describe how data flows between registers and is
– Gate level
• Interconnect logic gates
– Switch level
• Interconnect transistors (MOS transistors)
• Register-Transfer Level (RTL)
– Generally known as a combination of behavioral+dataflow that
is synthesizable by EDARavikant

Ravikant Suryawanshi
module ripple_carry_counter(q, clk, reset);

output [3:0] q;
input clk, reset;

//4 instances of the module TFF are created.

TFF tff0(q[0],clk, reset);
TFF tff1(q[1],q[0], reset);
TFF tff2(q[2],q[1], reset);
TFF tff3(q[3],q[2], reset);

Ravikant Suryawanshi
module TFF(q, clk, reset);
output q;
input clk, reset;
wire d;

DFF dff0(q, d, clk, reset);

not n1(d, q); // not is a Verilog provided primitive.


// module DFF with asynchronous reset

module DFF(q, d, clk, reset);
output q;
input d, clk, reset;
reg q;

always @(posedge reset or negedge clk)

if (reset)
q = 1'b0;
q = d;

endmodule Ravikant Suryawanshi

• Illegal instantiation example:
– Nested module definition not allowed
– Note the difference between module definition and module

// Define the top level module called ripple carry

// counter. It is illegal to define the module T_FF
//inside this module.

module ripple_carry_counter(q, clk, reset);

output [3:0] q;
input clk, reset;

module T_FF(q, clock, reset);// ILLEGAL MODULE NESTING

<module T_FF internals>

endmodule Ravikant Suryawanshi

Components of Simulation

• Functionality can be tested by applying

stimulus and checking results

• Stimulus block

• Keep stimulus block and design block separate

• Can be done using Verilog

Ravikant Suryawanshi
Components of Simulation
• Two styles of stimulus operation

• First

Ravikant Suryawanshi
Components of Simulation
• Two styles of stimulus operation

• Second

Ravikant Suryawanshi
• Design block was shown before
– ripple_carry_counter, T_FF, and D_FF modules

• Stimulus block

Ravikant Suryawanshi
module stimulus;
reg clk; reg reset; wire[3:0] q;

// instantiate the design block

ripple_carry_counter r1(q, clk, reset);

// Control the clk signal that drives the design block.

initial clk = 1'b0;
always #5 clk = ~clk;

// Control the reset signal that drives the design block

reset = 1'b1;
#15 reset = 1'b0;
#180 reset = 1'b1;
#10 reset = 1'b0;
#20 $stop;

initial // Monitor the outputs

$monitor($time, " Output q = %d", q);
Ravikant Suryawanshi

Ravikant Suryawanshi
Digital System Design

Verilog HDL
Basic Concepts

 Lexical Conventions

 Data Types

 System Tasks and Compiler Directives

Ravikant Suryawanshi
Lexical Conventions
• Very similar to C
– Verilog is case-sensitive
– All keywords are in lowercase
– A Verilog program is a string of tokens
• Whitespace
• Comments
• Delimiters
• Numbers
• Strings
• Identifiers
• Keywords
Ravikant Suryawanshi
Lexical Conventions
• Whitespace • Comments
– Blank space (\b) – Used for readability and
– Tab (\t) documentation
– Newline (\n) – Just like C:
• // single line comment
• Whitespace is ignored
• /* multi-line
in Verilog except comment
– In strings */
– When separating tokens /* Nested comments
/* like this */ may not
be acceptable (depends
on Verilog compiler) */

Ravikant Suryawanshi
Lexical Conventions
• Operators
– Unary
a = ~b;
– Binary
a = b && c;
– Ternary
a = b ? c : d; // the only ternary

Ravikant Suryawanshi
Lexical Conventions
• Number Specification
– Sized numbers

– Unsized numbers

– Unknown and high-impedance values

– Negative numbers

Ravikant Suryawanshi
Lexical Conventions
• Sized numbers
• Unsized numbers
– General syntax:
<size>’<base><number> – Default base is decimal
• <size> number of bits (in – Default size is at least 32
decimal) (depends on Verilog compiler)
• <number> is the number in – Examples
radix <base> • 23232
• <base>: • ’habc
– d or D for decimal (radix 10) • ’o234
– b or B for binary (radix 2)
– o or O for octal (radix 8)
– h or H for hexadecimal (radix
• Examples:
– 4’b1111
– 12’habc
– 16’d255

Ravikant Suryawanshi
Lexical Conventions
• X or Z values
– Unknown value: lowercase x
• 4 bits in hex, 3 bits in octal, 1 bit in binary
– High-impedance value: lowercase z
• 4 bits in hex, 3 bits in octal, 1 bit in binary
– Examples
• 12’h13x
• 6’hx
• 32’bz
– Extending the most-significant part
• Applied when <size> is bigger than the specified value
– Filled with x if the specified MSB is x
– Filled with z if the specified MSB is z
– Zero-extended otherwise
• Examples:
– 6’hx
Ravikant Suryawanshi
Lexical Conventions
• Negative numbers
– Put the sign before the <size>
– Examples:
• -6’d3
• 4’d-2 // illegal
– Two’s complement is used to store the value

• Underscore character and question marks

– Use ‘_’ to improve readability
• 12’b1111_0000_1010
• Not allowed as the first character
– ‘?’ is the same as ‘z’ (only regarding numbers)
• 4’b10?? // the same as 4’b10zz
Ravikant Suryawanshi
Lexical Conventions

• Strings
– As in C, use double-quotes

– Examples:
• “Hello world!”

• “a / b”

• “text\tcolumn1\bcolumn2\n”
Ravikant Suryawanshi
Lexical Conventions
• Identifiers and keywords
– identifiers: alphanumeric characters, ‘_’, and ‘$’
• Should start with an alphabetic character or ‘_’

• Only system tasks can start with ‘$’

– Keywords: identifiers reserved by Verilog

– Examples:
• reg value;

• input clk;
Ravikant Suryawanshi
Lexical Conventions
• Escaped identifiers
– Start with ‘\’

– End with whitespace (space, tab, newline)

– Can have any printable character between start and end

– The ‘\’ and whitespace are not part of the identifier

– Examples:

• \a+b-c // a+b-c is the identifier

• \**my_name** // **my_name** is the identifier

– Used as name of modules

Ravikant Suryawanshi
Basic Concepts

Data Types
Data Types
• Value set and strengths
• Nets and Registers
• Vectors
• Integer, Real, and Time Register Data Types
• Arrays
• Memories
• Parameters
• Strings

Ravikant Suryawanshi
Value Set
• Verilog concepts to model hardware circuits
– Value level

– Value strength

• Used to accurately model

– Signal contention

– MOS devices

– Dynamic MOS

– Other low-level details

Ravikant Suryawanshi
Value Set
Value level HW Condition Strength level Type

0 Logic zero, false supply Driving

1 Logic one, true strong Driving

pull Driving
x Unknown
large Storage
z High imp., floating
weak Driving
medium Storage
small Storage
highz High

Ravikant Suryawanshi
• Used to represent connections between HW elements
– Values continuously driven on nets
– Fig. 3-1
• Keyword: wire
– Default: One-bit values
• unless declared as vectors
– Default value: z
• For trireg, default is x
– Examples
• wire a;
• wire b, c;
• wire d=1’b0; Ravikant Suryawanshi
• Registers represent data storage elements
– Retain value until next assignment

– NOTE: this is not a hardware register or flipflop

– Keyword: reg

– Default value: x reg reset;

– Example:
reset = 1’b1;
#100 reset=1’b0;
Ravikant Suryawanshi
• Net and register data types can be declared as vectors
(multiple bit widths)
• Syntax:
– wire/reg [msb_index : lsb_index] data_id;
• Example
wire a;
wire [7:0] bus;
wire [31:0] busA, busB, busC;
reg clock;
reg [0:40] virtual_addr;

Ravikant Suryawanshi
• Consider
wire [7:0] bus;
wire [31:0] busA, busB, busC;
reg [0:40] virtual_addr;
• Access to bits or parts of a vector is possible:
bus[2:0] // three least-significant bits of bus
// bus[0:2] is illegal.
virtual_addr[0:1] /* two most-significant bits
* of virtual_addr

Ravikant Suryawanshi
Integer, Real, and Time Register Data Types
• Integer
– Keyword: integer

– Very similar to a vector of reg

• integer variables are signed numbers

• reg vectors are unsigned numbers

– Bit width: implementation-dependent (at least 32-bits)

• Designer can also specify a width: integer [7:0] tmp;

– Examples: integer counter;


counter = -1;
Ravikant Suryawanshi
Integer, Real, and Time Register Data Types
• Real real delta;
– Keyword: real initial
– Values:
• Default value: 0
• Decimal notation: 12.24
• Scientific notation: 3e6 (=3x106) integer i;

– Cannot have range declaration initial

i = delta;
// i gets the value 2
//(rounded value of 2.13)
Ravikant Suryawanshi
Integer, Real, and Time Register Data Types

• Time
– Used to store values of simulation time

– Keyword: time

– Bit width: implementation-dependent (at least 64)

– $time system function gives current simulation time

– Example: time save_sim_time;


Ravikant Suryawanshi
= $time;
• Only one-dimensional arrays supported
• Allowed for reg, integer, time
– Not allowed for real data type

• Syntax:
<data_type> <var_name>[start_idx : end_idx];
• Examples:
integer count[0:7];
reg bool[31:0];
time chk_point[1:100];
reg [4:0] port_id[0:7];
integer matrix[4:0][4:0]; // illegal


• Note the difference between vectors and arrays

Ravikant Suryawanshi
• RAM, ROM, and register-files used many times in
digital systems
• Memory = array of registers in Verilog
• Word = an element of the array
– Can be one or more bits
• Examples:
reg membit[0:1023];
reg [7:0] membyte[0:1023];
• Note the difference (as in arrays):
reg membit[0:127];
reg [0:127] register;

Ravikant Suryawanshi
• Similar to const in C
– But can be overridden for each module at compile-time
• Syntax:
parameter <const_id>=<value>;
• Gives flexibility
– Allows to customize the module
• Example:
parameter port_id=5;

parameter cache_line_width=256;

parameter bus_width=8;

wire [bus_width-1:0] bus;

Ravikant Suryawanshi
• Strings are stored in reg variables.
• 8-bits required per character
• The string is stored from the least-significant part to the most-
significant part of the reg variable
• Example:
reg [8*18:1] string_value;
string_value = “Hello World!”;
• Escaped characters
– \n: newline \t: tab
– %%: % \\: \
– \”: “ \ooo: character number in octal

Ravikant Suryawanshi
Basic Concepts

System Tasks and

Compiler Directives
System Tasks

• System Tasks: standard routine operations

provided by Verilog
– Displaying on screen, monitoring values, stopping
and finishing simulation, etc.

• All start with $

Ravikant Suryawanshi
System Tasks (cont’d)
• $display: displays values of variables, strings,
– Syntax: $display(p1, p2, p3, …, pn);

– p1,…, pn can be quoted string, variable, or


– Adds a new-line after displaying pn by default

Ravikant Suryawanshi
– Format specifiers:
• %d, %b, %h, %o: display variable respectively
in decimal, binary, hex, octal

• %c, %s: display character, string

• %e, %f, %g: display real variable in scientific,

decimal, or whichever smaller notation

• %v: display strength

• %t: display in current time format

• %m: display hierarchical name of this module

Ravikant Suryawanshi
System Tasks :$display examples:
– $display(“Hello Verilog World!”);
Output: Hello Verilog World!

– $display($time);
Output: 230

– reg [0:40] virtual_addr;

– $display(“At time %d virtual address

is %h”, $time, virtual_addr);
Output: At time 200 virtual address is
1fe000001c Ravikant Suryawanshi
System Tasks :$display examples:
• reg [4:0] port_id;
• $display(“ID of the port is %b”, port_id);
Output: ID of the port is 00101

• reg [3:0] bus;

• $display(“Bus value is %b”, bus);
Output: Bus value is 10xx

• $display(“Hierarchical name of this module

is %m”);
Output: Hierarchical name of this module is top.p1

• $display(“A \n multiline string with a %%

Output: A
multiline string with a % sign.
Ravikant Suryawanshi
System Tasks
• $monitor: monitors a signal when its value

• Syntax: $monitor(p1, p2, p3, …, pn);

– p1,…, pn can be quoted string, variable, or signal names

– Format specifiers just as $display

– Continuously monitors the values of the specified variables or

signals, and displays the entire list whenever any of them
Ravikant Suryawanshi
System Tasks
$monitor needs to be invoked only once (unlike

Only one $monitor (the latest one) can be active

at any time

$monitoroff to temporarily turn off monitoring

$monitoron to turn monitoring on again

Ravikant Suryawanshi
System Tasks
• $monitor Examples:
$monitor($time, “Value of signals
clock=%b, reset=%b”, clock, reset);

– Output:
0 value of signals clock=0, reset=1
5 value of signals clock=1, reset=1
10 value of signals clock=0, reset=0
Ravikant Suryawanshi
System Tasks
• $stop: stops simulation
– Simulation enters interactive mode when reaching a
$stop system task
– Most useful for debugging
• $finish: terminates simulation
• Examples:
#100 $stop;
#900 $finish;
Ravikant Suryawanshi
Compiler Directives
• General syntax:

• `define: similar to #define in C, used to define macros

• `<macro_name> to use the macro defined by `define

• Examples:
`define WORD_SIZE 32
`define S $stop

`define WORD_REG reg [31:0]

`WORD_REG reg32;
Ravikant Suryawanshi
Compiler Directives
• `include: Similar to #include in C, includes
entire contents of another file in your Verilog source

• Example:
`include header.v


<Verilog code in file design.v>

... Ravikant Suryawanshi

What we learned today
• Basic concepts in Verilog
– Verilog is very similar to C
• Various data types available in Verilog
– Verilog uses 4-valued logic: 0, 1, x, z
• System tasks are Verilog statements used to request
something from simulator
• Compiler directives instruct the compiler to do
something for us at compile-time

Ravikant Suryawanshi
Other Notes
• Course web-page
• Exercise 2
– Chapter 3 exercises
– Due date: Next Sunday (Aban 8th)

Ravikant Suryawanshi

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