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WHAT: Quarter 2 –PERFORMANCE TASK 2 in English, Mathematics, Science, TLE, MAPEH

Expected Output:

1. The poem or spoken poetry needs to consider the following guide and instructions:

For Text based/Online learners and Modular: In your delivery, formulate a statement on how you can help
yourself to be more certain in pursuing your future career.


For Text based/Online learners and Modular: Cite and elaborate your guiding principle in achieving your goal in
consideration with different theorems.


For Text based/Online learners and Modular: Evaluate the risks and benefits derived from the applications of
EM waves that will affect your career choice.


For Text based/Online learners: Create a technology-based artworks (video clips) that will help you achieve
your future career.

2. The poem or spoken poetry about your future career will be converted to a 3-minute recorded video

a. Wear Proper Attire or School Uniform.
b. Gestures and Facial Expressions are needed to be seen.

Date of Submission: December 12, 2021

Mode of Submission: Through the GC designed for the English Language Performance Tasks of the Section.


You will be guided with the following specific details below:

For Text based/Online learners

1. GOAL: The learners must recite/deliver a 3-minute poem or spoken poetry about their future career.
2. ROLE: The learners will assume the role as career advocate.
3. AUDIENCE: Your audience are your teachers, classmates, and career guidance advocates.
4. SITUATION: In line with the career orientation to be facilitated by the guidance office, you are required to
deliver a poem/spoken poetry.
5. PRODUCT: a. Recorded video of poem/spoken poetry. (Text-based/ On-line)
b. Printed output of your poem or spoken poetry. (Modular)

6. STANDARDS: Your output shall be graded using the attached rubrics.

Note: Please see the attached rubrics.

QUARTER 2 – Performance Task 2 Scoring Rubric

5 4 3 2 1

CONTENT The content of The content of The content of The content of The content of
the spoken the spoken the spoken the spoken the spoken
(For all subjects) piece is highly piece is piece is piece is slightly piece is
relevant and relevant and moderately relevant and irrelevant or
related to the related to the relevant and related to the not related to
topic. topic. related to the topic. the topic.

PRESENTATION Delivered the Confidently Moderately Slightly There was no

(DELIVERY, poem/spoken delivered the confident in confident in the evidence of
CREATIVITY) poetry with poem/spoken the delivery of delivery of the proper
high poetry with the poem/spoken delivery of
(For all subjects)
confidence, proper poem/spoken poetry with poem or
proper gestures and poetry with proper gestures spoken
gestures, and facial proper and facial poetry, and
facial expressions. gestures and expressions. also no
expression. facial appropriate
expressions. gestures and

Voice was Voice was not

Voice was Voice was modulated
modulated Voice was
modulated and slightly and with no
and with moderately
with proper modulated and proper
proper modulated and
intonation. with no proper intonation.
intonation. with proper

Video editing There was no

There was evidence of
skill was Video editing Video editing
evidence of video editing.
highly skill was skill was
video editing.
manifested. manifested. partially

TIMELINESS Product or Product or Product or Product or Product or

output was output was output was output was output was
received on received one received two or received one received 10
the due date. day late. more days late. week after the days after the
due date. due date.

Note: When submitting/sending your OUTPUT to the GC designed for it, be sure to include the following details

Quarter 2 - Performance Task 2

Grade level and Section:

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