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Amine Transporters Advanced article

Juan Zhen, lllinois State University, Normal, lllinois, USA Article Contents
. Introduction
Maarten EA Reith, New York University School of Medicine, New York, USA
. Transporters for Dopamine, Noradrenaline and
Amine transporters in plasma membranes mediate the transport of dopamine, . Amine Transporters: Membrane Proteins with 12
(nor)adrenaline ((nor)epinephrine) and serotonin. These transporters are members of the Transmembrane Segments

larger Na+- and Cl2-dependent neurotransmitter transporters. . Ionic Dependence and Electrogenic Properties of
Amine Transporters
. Regulation of Amine Transporters
Introduction . Involvement of Amine Transporters in Psychiatric

Amine transporters in plasma membranes mediate the . MPTP and Parkinson Disease
transport of dopamine, nor(adrenaline) ((nor)epinephrine) . Transporters as Targets for Drug Action
and serotonin. They are part of the larger family of Na+- . Summary
and Cl2-dependent plasma membrane transporters, which
also includes the transporters for proline, glycine, g-ami- doi: 10.1038/npg.els.0004091
nobutyric acid (GABA), taurine, betaine, creatine and
choline. Other known amine transporters reside in mem-
branes of storage vesicles, where they mediate the vesicular transporters are entirely different proteins with divergent
uptake of dopamine, noradrenaline or serotonin (Figure 1). function, pharmacology and structure. This paper ad-
However, the plasma membrane and vesicular amine dresses the amine transporters in plasma membranes. See
also: Neurotransmitter transporters
Na+- and Cl2-dependent plasma membrane transport-
ers enable the transport of substrate together with cosu-
bstrates Na+ and Cl2 (Figure 1). A transmembrane Na+
concentration gradient is maintained by Na+/K+ adeno-
sine triphosphatase (ATPase) and drives the uptake of
substrate towards the inside of the cytosol where the Na+
concentration is low. In comparison, vesicular amine up-
take is driven by the proton electrochemical gradient gen-
erated by an adenosine triphosphate (ATP)-dependent H+
pump; in the translocation process, protons are counter-
transported with the uptake of amine into the storage ves-
icle (Figure 1). See also: ATPases: ion-motive; Ion motive
ATPases: V- and P-type ATPases

Transporters for Dopamine,

Noradrenaline and Serotonin
Initial indications for uptake of monoamines into nerve
terminals came from early work four decades ago in 1959,
Figure 1 Amine transporters in plasma membranes and in membranes of which showed that injected radiolabelled catecholamines
storage vesicles. The amine transporter in the plasma membrane transports accumulated in peripheral tissues depending on intact
amine (A) from the extracellular space into the cytoplasm, with cotransport
of Na+ and Cl2. This uptake is driven by the inwardly directed Na+ gradient sympathetic terminals. When the blood–brain barrier was
and outwardly directed K+ gradient, maintained by Na+/K+ adenosine bypassed by injection into lateral ventricles, radiolabelled
triphosphatase (ATPase). Uptake of dopamine and noradrenaline, but not catecholamines were found in catecholamine-rich brain
of serotonin, is also promoted by the membrane potential, negative inside. areas. Brain-slice preparations allowed the characteriza-
In contrast, the vesicular amine transporter (VAT) takes up A with tion of high-affinity uptake of dopamine, noradrenaline
countertransport of H+, and the high intravesicular H+ concentration is
maintained by the ATP-dependent H+ pump or H+-transporting ATPase (HT and serotonin by both kinetic and pharmacological
ATPase). On the postsynaptic side, an amine receptor is depicted coupled approaches. See also: Adrenaline and noradrenaline;
to G protein subunits. Dopamine; Serotonin

ENCYCLOPEDIA OF LIFE SCIENCES & 2005, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 1
Amine Transporters

Early kinetic studies reported on initial velocity deter- Two techniques, developed and refined in recent years,
minations of radiolabelled substrate, showing the satura- have made it possible to study the function of transporters
bility of uptake as a function of substrate concentration in vivo: microdialysis and voltammetry. Both microdialysis
according to Michaelis–Menten kinetics. The affinity of and voltammetry have shown substantial increases in ex-
the neuronal uptake process, represented by the Michaelis tracellular dopamine, noradrenaline and serotonin levels
constant (Km), was in the low micromolar range for all when transporters are blocked by drugs targeting them.
three monoamines, and the uptake of substrate resulted in These results support the concept that monoamine trans-
intracellular concentrations that were many times higher porters play a crucial role in the clearance of released amine
than the applied outside concentrations. Pharmacological transmitter, as borne out by the extremely elongated clear-
characterization in these slice studies indicated distinct ance interval reported for released dopamine in knockout
properties of uptake of each of the three monoamines, mice lacking the DAT (Giros et al., 1996). See also:
suggesting separate uptake systems. See also: Enzyme Knockout and knock-in animals
kinetics: steady state
The next major step in characterizing monoamine up-
take came with the development of preparations rich in
nerve terminals, the synaptosomes, which were shown to
Amine Transporters: Membrane
accumulate radiolabelled monoamines with a Km in the Proteins with 12 Transmembrane
submicromolar range. Early on, it was found that the nor-
adrenaline uptake system, for example, in the cerebral
cortex and hypothalamus, also mediates the transport of
The coding sequence for the amine transporters covers
dopamine with high affinity, even higher than that of nor-
approximately 2 kb on their respective complementary de-
adrenaline itself (Snyder and Coyle, 1969). The opposite
oxyribonucleic acids (cDNAs), corresponding to 617–630
was not found to be true; preparations of striatal synapto-
amino acids and giving molecular weights of 60–97 kDa
somes, in which dopamine terminals are predominant,
depending on the extent of glycosylation. The primary se-
transport dopamine with substantially higher affinity than
quences of NAT and DAT display a homology of 80%,
noradrenaline. Little overlap was found between the cat-
and those of DAT and SERT 69%, allowing for sequence
echolamine uptake systems for dopamine and noradren-
differences that do not alter the translated amino acids.
aline, on the one hand, and the indoleamine uptake system
The respective sequence identities are 67 and 49%. The AT
for serotonin, on the other. See also: Synaptic vesicles:
displays 75% identity with NAT, 66% with DAT and 48%
methods for preparation
with SERT. Hydropathy analysis of the sequences suggests
Much information has also been derived from plasma
the presence of 12 transmembrane domains throughout the
membrane vesicle preparations, allowing the study of trans-
entire Na+- and Cl2-dependent plasma membrane trans-
port driven by experimenter-manipulated ion gradients
porters (Figure 2). The amine transporters also share with
only in the absence of storage vesicles. Subsequent progress
the other members of this family the intracellular location
in the monoamine uptake area was made when it became
possible to measure the interaction between transporters
and uptake blockers by the application of receptor-binding
techniques (Langer et al., 1980). High-affinity radioligands
were developed for each amine transporter, allowing meas-
urements at the level of recognition. See also: Receptor
binding in drug discovery
The most recent era in monoamine research was initiated
by the cloning of the amine transporters. The cloning of a
related GABA transporter, GAT-1, and the development
of the new expression-cloning technique, made it possible
to clone the noradrenaline transporter (NAT) (Pacholczyk
et al., 1991), which was followed rapidly by the cloning of
the dopamine transporter (DAT), the serotonin transport-
er (SERT) and adrenaline transporter (AT). Expression of
each transporter has now been studied in a variety of cell
lines, after both transient and stable expression, and struc-
ture–activity relationships have been deduced from site- Figure 2 Proposed topology of plasma membrane amine transporters.
directed mutagenesis and chimaera studies (see the section The large extracellular loop between transmembrane domains 3 and 4
have two to four consensus sites for glycosylation (c), whereas consensus
Transporters as targets for drug action). See also: Gene sites for phosphorylation by PKA (A), PKC (C) or Ca2+ –calmodulin-
transfer and Expression in tissue culture cells; Mutagen- dependent kinase II (KII) are found on the amino and carboxy tails as well as
esis: site-specific on the second intracellular loop.

Amine Transporters

of the N- and C-termini and a large glycosylated extracel-

lular loop between transmembrane domains 3 and 4. In
comparison, the vesicular amine transporters, while also
having 12 transmembrane domains, display a large glyco-
sylated hydrophilic loop between transmembrane domains
1 and 2, and show no significant homology with the plasma
membrane amine transporters. See also: Hydrophobicity
plots; Membrane proteins
Recent evidence indicates that the DAT and SERT are
organized in multimeric structures (Torres et al., 2003;
Kilic and Rudnick, 2000; Sitte and Freissmuth, 2003).
Transmembrane domains 2, 6 and 11/12 form likely con-
tact points, with transmembrane 2 contacts involving
a leucine zipper-like motif and transmembrane 6 contacts
being of the homophilic type involving the glycophorin Figure 3 Translocation cycle. Starting at the lower left and continuing
A motif. counterclockwise, the transporter facing outward binds Na+, Cl2 and
Although multiple messenger ribonucleic acid amine (A). A conformational change occurs bringing the transporter in a
(mRNA) species have been described for NAT and form facing inward (top right-hand corner) allowing the dissociation of
SERT, there appears to be only one gene for each amine Na+, Cl2 and A. The empty, inward-facing, transporter undergoes the
reorientation step (top left to bottom left), which in the case of the
transporter, mapped to chromosome 16q12–q21 for the serotonin transporter is promoted by K+. The transporter is now ready for a
NAT, 5p15.3 for the DAT and 17q11.1–q12 for the new translocation cycle.
SERT. In these genes, most of the transmembrane do-
mains are encoded on a distinct exon as in the GABA
transporter gene. For each monoamine, there is only one translocation of dopamine and noradrenaline is elect-
type of transporter in the plasma membrane, unlike the rogenic (bringing in positive charge), whereas that of
situation for neurotransmitter receptors that come in serotonin is electroneutral. This is borne out by recent
multiple subtypes. However, variants of the amine trans- patch-clamp studies on Xenopus oocytes expressing amine
porters have recently been described, some of which have transporters (Sonders et al., 1997). In addition to the
functional implications (see Hahn and Blakely, 2002). transporter-mediated ion flux resulting from ion cotrans-
See also: Genome mapping port (in the case of SERT plus countertransport), uncou-
pled ion fluxes also occur, which have prompted the idea
that amine transporters have an external and internal gate.
This could explain the observed currents: (1) a substrate-
Ionic Dependence and Electrogenic mediated current, blocked by nonsubstrate inhibitors, and
Properties of Amine Transporters (2) a constitutive leak current, blocked by both substrates
and nonsubstrate inhibitors; for both currents, the external
Uptake of amine substrate by its plasma membrane trans- and internal gates need to be transiently and simultane-
porter is thought to occur in several steps, as depicted in ously open. See also: Transgenic Xenopus production
Figure 3. The transporter in the external-facing form binds It should be mentioned here that interference with ion
Na+, Cl2 and substrate, allowing a conformational change gradients can cause amine transporters to function in the
in the internal-facing form. Na+, Cl2 and substrate disso- reversed mode (i.e. effluxing amine from the cytoplasm to
ciate into the cytoplasm, and the carrier reorients itself. The the exterior). It is still a matter of debate as to whether, or
latter step is accelerated by K+ or H+ in the case of the how much, this mode contributes to physiological (ex-
SERT, but probably not for the DAT or NAT. Evidence tra)synaptic function. It is clear that reversed transport can
has been advanced for all three monoamines that they are play an important role under extreme conditions that dis-
translocated in the cationic protonated form, which is the turb normal ion gradients, such as ischaemia, or in the
predominant form at physiological pH (Berfield et al., action of releasing stimulants such as amphetamine (see the
1999). Most probably, one Na+ and one Cl2 ion are co- section Transporters as targets for drug action). In the case
transported with noradrenaline as well as serotonin; in of reversed transport induced by substrates such as am-
contrast, two Na+ ions accompany the translocation of phetamine, the process is more complicated than mere ex-
dopamine. See also: Protein translocation across mem- change and likely involves intracellular Na+ made
branes; Transition states: substrate-induced conforma- available by substrate influx (Khoshbouei et al., 2003).
tional transitions See also: Stroke
Taken together with the likelihood that the cationic form Amine substrate is translocated together with Na+ and
of substrate is transported and that K+ is countertrans- Cl . For the noradrenaline transporter, Na+ probably

ported only for the SERT, it can be deduced that the binds before noradrenaline and Cl2, whereas there is no

Amine Transporters

agreement on the order of binding of Na+, Cl2 and do- the DAT, NAT and SERT by reducing their presence on
pamine to the dopamine transporter. All of this does not the cell surface. Furthermore, it is known that PKC acti-
necessarily imply that Na+ or Cl2 is required for the bind- vators enhance the phosphorylation state of the DAT and
ing of substrate in the first step of the translocation cycle SERT, with the recent detailed information on N-terminal
(Figure 3). Li et al. (2002) showed that Na+ is neither serine residues in the DAT targeted by PKC. For both
required nor stimulatory for dopamine, amphetamine, transporters, PKC consensus sites do not appear to be in-
tyramine and octopamine binding to the human DAT, in volved, because mutants with sites that have been removed
sharp contrast to the stimulatory effect of Na+ on cocaine still respond with the same decrease in uptake to PKC ac-
analogue binding. tivation. It is beginning to be more probable that phos-
phorylation is involved in the case of proteins associated
with the amine transporters, such as syntaxin 1A, protein
phosphatase, (PICK-1), or Hic-5.
Regulation of Amine Transporters In general, arachidonic acid decreases neurotransmitter
transport, such as for glutamate (by the excitatory amino
Regulation of transporter function can be acute (seconds acid transporter subtype 1 (EAAT-1)), GABA and glycine.
to minutes) or long term (hours or days). Acute regulation The amine transporter for dopamine can also be either
can be brought about by changes in ion or substrate gra- inhibited by arachidonic acid, or enhanced, depending on
dients, by cell-surface distribution, by reversible interac- experimental conditions. Increased uptake by arachidonic
tions of the transporter with regulatory proteins, by acid has also been reported for the glutamate transporter
posttranslational modification of the transporter inserted subtype EAAT-2. In the case of the dopamine transporter,
in the plasma membrane, and by perturbation of the mem- inhibition by arachidonic acid does not underlie the effect
brane environment surrounding the transporter. Long- of PKC activation, which could be thought to enhance the
term regulation of transporter function can occur as a re- activity of mitogen-activated protein kinase, which in turn
sult of altered gene expression, or posttranslational mod- phosphorylates phospholipase A2, generating arachidonic
ification of the DAT before insertion in the plasma acid. Rather than arachidonic acid being the precursor for
membrane. Whereas several hours are needed to progress eicosanoids, there is evidence for a role of endogenous
from transcribed mRNA to transporters functionally arachidonic acid itself in the transporter effects, with a role
present in the plasma membrane, even more time is need- for cis-unsaturation, i.e. folding or bending of its hydro-
ed to move transport proteins to nerve endings distal to the carbon tails. Other recent examples of acute regulation of
translation machinery. Glycosylation could be viewed as a amine transporters are the effects described as a result
long-term regulation process, occurring as a process tightly of the presence of transporter blockers or substrates, or of
linked to protein synthesis in the endoplasmic reticulum presynaptic receptor ligands (Gulley and Zahniser, 2003).
(ER) and near the Golgi compartments. Phosphorylation See also: Amino acid transporters; Arachidonic acid;
is an example of acute regulation, and so is the perturba- Glycine as a neurotransmitter
tion of transporter environment by the lipid messenger Animal models have provided many examples of the
arachidonic acid. See also: Axonal transport and the downregulation of a number of noradrenaline and
neuronal cytoskeleton; Regulation by covalent modifica- serotonin transporters by long-term treatment with anti-
tion; Translation control by RNA depressant drugs. In addition, regulation of dopamine
In general, glycosylation can be N-, O- or C-terminus- transporter numbers has been reported to occur in selected
linked. In the amine transporters, glycosylation is N-linked brain regions by using treatment regimens of dopamine
to Asn. Mutants of the dopamine, noradrenaline and se- transporter inhibitors.
rotonin transporter that lack the N-glycosylation consen-
sus sites, and therefore exist in the unglycosylated form
have also been studied. These mutants are impaired in tar-
geting of the transporter to the plasma membrane and sta-
Involvement of Amine Transporters in
bility of membrane-resident transporters (Melikian et al., Psychiatric Disorders
1996; Torres et al., 2003). For the NAT and SERT, un-
glycosylated transporter recognize substrates and blockers Dopamine (DA) is implicated in attention deficit/hyperac-
normally; for the DAT, more work is needed to arrive at tivity disorder (ADHD), schizophrenia, drug abuse, Par-
this conclusion (see Li et al., 2004). kinson disease and Tourette syndrome (TS). The strongest
Consensus sites are present in amine transporters for evidence so far for the linkage or association of DAT po-
phosphorylation by protein kinase C (PKC), protein ki- lymorphisms is in the area of ADHD, with a possible in-
nase A (PKA), and Ca2+ –calmodulin-dependent protein fluence of the 10-repeat allele of the human DAT 3’ variable
kinase II (CaM-KII) (Figure 2). There is evidence for the number of tandem repeats (VNTRs) (see Hahn and Blak-
implication of these kinases in transporter function. In ely, 2002). Other polymorphisms are known, such as Taq1
particular, activation of PKC reduces the uptake activity of polymorphisms, intron 8 VNTRs and single-nucleotide

Amine Transporters

polymorphisms (SNPs), but more work is needed to es- by interfering with mitochondrial function. The neurotox-
tablish their involvement in diseases in which DA is im- ic effect of MPTP correlates with the expression level of the
plicated. Some evidence links sequences in the 3’ region of DAT. In this context, the action of the DAT in the plasma
the human DAT gene other than the 3’ VNTRs to bipolar membrane appears to be opposed by the amine transporter
disorder. Furthermore, in a study of Australian Caucasian in the storage vesicle, which is of the vesicular monoamine
Parkinson disease patients, a 10-fold increased risk was transporter 2 (VMAT-2) subtype in vesicles in mono-
associated with the rare 11-repeat allele. Although DA is aminergic neurons. Thus, VMAT-2 mediates the uptake of
strongly implicated in schizophrenia, supported by simi- MPP+ into vesicles, thereby diminishing cytoplasmic con-
larity between the phenotype of DAT-knockout mice and centrations of the neurotoxic MPP+. The property of
the symptomology of schizophrenia, a relationship be- VMAT to transport MPP+ was actually used to clone rat
tween human DAT polymorphism and schizophrenia has VMAT-1 by testing the ability of cDNA to make Chinese
not been established. See also: Attention deficit–hyper- hamster ovary (CHO) cells resistant to MPP+ by trans-
activity disorder; Linkage and crossing over; Parkinson porting it into intracellular acidic compartments away
disease; Schizophrenia from the cytoplasm. In addition, heterozygous VMAT-2
Noradrenergic pathways in the brain are implicated in knockout mice display enhanced MPTP toxicity, in agree-
arousal, response to stress and the related phenomenon ment with a protective role of vesicular uptake of MPP+.
depression. In addition, the NAT is important in the aut- See also: Basal ganglia and the regulation of movement;
onomic system with cardiovascular implications. Two Dopamine; Knockout and knock-in animals; Parkinson
types of human NAT (hNAT) polymorphisms, Taq1 po- disease
lymorphisms and SNPs have been reported. Taq1, the first
identified hNAT polymorphism, has not yet been linked
with bipolar disorder and major depression. Among the
many SNPs, no associations between disease states, in-
cluding depression, have been found as yet, except for the Transporters as Targets for Drug Action
correlation between ‘orthostatic intolerance’, a disorder
characterized by an increase in heart rate upon standing, Amine transporters in plasma membranes are targets for
without concomittant hypotension, and the A457P variant various drugs. The DAT is inhibited potently, and selec-
in transmembrane domain 9 (Hahn and Blakely, 2002). tively, in comparison with the NAT and SERT, by the
Serotonin plays a role in a wide range of psychiatric diphenyl-piperazine derivatives GBR 12909 and 12935. In
disorders, such as affective disorders, suicide and aggres- animal models, these compounds have stimulatory effects
sive-impulsive behaviour. Depression has been associated similar to cocaine although, depending on dose, GBR
with a decrease in neuronal serotonin uptake by the SERT. 12909 can also partially antagonize the action of cocaine.
One of the known SERT polymorphisms, the SERT long Although cocaine is not selective for the DAT among the
promoter region repeat element deletion polymorphism (5- amine transporters, there is substantial evidence implicat-
HTTLPR), is associated with enhanced serotonin uptake ing DAT blockade in the centrally stimulating activity of
and may also be associated with impulsive violent behav- cocaine (Ritz et al., 1987), especially in the nucleus accum-
iour, including violence co-morbid with alcohol depend- bens, where nerve terminals of the mesolimbic dopamine
ence or suicide attempts. A VNTR in intron 3 (formerly system terminate. Knockout mice that lack the DAT show
designated intron 2 prior to the identification of novel up- enhanced locomotion as a result of continuously higher
stream intron) (the 9-repeat allele) has been associated with levels of extracellular dopamine, but do not respond to
depression in one study, but conflicting results have been cocaine with additional locomotor activation, as expected
reported in other studies. See also: Alcoholism; Autism; if the DAT were required for this effect (Giros et al., 1996).
Serotonin In contrast, these mice still self-administer cocaine, pre-
senting a paradox if one accepts the requirement of the
DAT for the rewarding activity of cocaine (Rocha et al.,
1998). Possible explanations for the latter observation in-
MPTP and Parkinson Disease clude a compensatory effect occurring during development
without the DAT from birth, the involvement of blockade
In the early 1980s, several heroin addicts inadvertently self- by cocaine of the NAT, which clears dopamine in the pre-
administered 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyri- frontal cortex where the density of DAT is low in normal
dine (MPTP) and developed acute Parkinson disease. mice, or the involvement of NAT in the nucleus accumbens
MPTP is now commonly used in the mouse and monkey in DAT knockout mice. It is also possible that SERT takes
model of Parkinson disease. MPTP is converted by brain on a role in the effect of cocaine in DAT knockouts, with
monoamine oxidase B to MPP+ (1-methyl-4-pyridinium combined DAT/NAT knockouts still displaying cocaine-
ion), which is taken up by the DAT into dopaminergic conditioned place preference. See also: Cocaine and
terminals, where it can exert its neurotoxic effect probably amphetamines

Amine Transporters

Amphetamine is another psychostimulant drug that is of cocaine. The latter indicates that the loss of cocaine ac-
generally believed to require the presence of the DAT. tivity in NAT–DAT chimaeras with DAT sequences in the
Unlike cocaine, amphetamine is a substrate for the trans- transmembrane 5–8 region was caused by interdomain in-
porter, and can enter nerve terminals through the trans- teractions rather than the loss of specific cocaine interaction
porter, in addition to sheer membrane penetration based points. Among human NAT variants, G478S displayed
on its lipophilicity. Amphetamine is known to induce re- defective norepinephrine uptake of potential interest in
versed dopamine transport, and the lack of this phenom- diseases characterized by disturbed catecholamine levels,
enon in DAT knockout mice supports the requirement of such as heart failure and a number of mental diseases.
the transporter in this process. In addition, amphetamine See also: Hallucinogenic drugs; Primary protein and nucleic
depletes vesicular dopamine, leading to reduced exocytotic acid three-dimensional structure databases
dopamine release. Although NAT blockade can result in antidepressant
Molecular analysis by site-directed mutagenesis has activity, there are other drugs for the treatment of depres-
shown an important role for Asp79 in the first transmem- sion that rely on selective blockade of the SERT, exempli-
brane domain in both dopamine uptake and cocaine-like fied by fluoxetine, citalopram and sertraline. Studies on
binding, and for Ser356 and Ser359 in the seventh trans- chimaeras between the SERT and the NAT support the
membrane domain, more in dopamine uptake than co- conclusion that the amino or carboxy tail is not directly
caine-like binding (see Chen and Reith (2002) for a review involved in substrate or blocker recognition. In addition,
on molecular structure–function studies in amine trans- results on chimaeras between the human and rat SERT
porters). Experiments on the corresponding serines in indicate that a region in or near transmembrane domain 12
NAT argue against a direct hydrogen bond interaction interacts with imipramine. Site-directed mutagenesis
between catechol substrate and the two serines. There is showed that Phe586 in the 11th transmembrane domain
evidence that differences between the rat and human dop- is responsible for the enhanced antidepressant sensitivity in
amine transporter in recognizing MPP+ may be explained the human SERT, as compared with Val586 in the rat
by the fact that residue 533 is Tyr in the rat and Phe in the SERT. Changing Tyr95 in transmembrane domain 1 to
human. See also: Mutagenesis: site-specific Phe, as in the Drosophila SERT, shifted the citalopram and
The NAT is potently and selectively blocked by many mazindol potencies to those observed in Drosophila SERT.
antidepressant drugs such as desipramine, nisoxetine, nor- In a different study, Ile172 and Tyr176 in transmembrane
triptyline and nomifensine. Molecular analyses have been domain 3 were found to be in proximity to the binding site
conducted based on chimaeras between the NAT and DAT for serotonin and cocaine (Chen et al., 1997). D98 in hu-
in which similar sequence domains were exchanged. Trans- man SERT, corresponding to D79 in rat DAT, may di-
membrane domains 5–8 were shown to be important for rectly interact with the positively charged amine group of
conferring sensitivity to various inhibitors such as desipra- substrate, unlike the situation for DAT. In transmembrane
mine and GBR 12935, domains 1–3 to substrates and the 7 of human SERT, positions 368, 372, 376, 380 and 384 fall
region between domains 11 and 12 to MPP+. Similar on a stripe that runs at an angle down one side of the
NAT–DAT chimaeras were examined in a different study predicted a-helix of transmembrane 7, and mutations at
indicating substrate recognition by transmembrane do- these locations cause reduced substrate uptake. In a study
mains 9–12. Site-directed mutagenesis studies are providing of currents mediated by the human and rat SERT, Thr490
additional insights. Cysteine residues have been studied in the rat transporter was implicated in transport-mediated
with membrane impermeant methane thiosulfonate current, possibly by its location on the external gate in the
(MTS)-type sulfhydryl reagents in modified DAT, devoid gating model for amine transporters (see Cao et al., 1998 in
of a number of endogenous reactive cysteines residues that Further Reading). Ser545 in rat SERT has also been pro-
were subsequently placed back, one by one. Reaction of posed to be part of the external gate.
Cys90 or Cys306 with MTS enhanced DA uptake and co- The above results from mutagenesis studies are just a
caine analogue binding by inducing a conformational selection of mutations published so far. It will be a formi-
change (Ferrer and Javitch, 1998). Conformational states dable challenge to place all attempted mutations in a larger
of DAT favourable to DA binding may differ from those context. It is likely that different inhibitors will interact
favourable to cocaine binding because rat DAT mutants with the same transporter in different ways, whereas, con-
such as F76A, P101A, F155A and W406A display in- versely, the same inhibitor can interact with different
creased DA affinity but decreased cocaine analogue affin- transporters in a different manner.
ity. Furthermore, Na+-induced conformational changes
favour cocaine analogue binding but not DA binding in
human DAT mutants W84L and D313N (Chen et al.,
2002). In the human NAT, mutants F316C, V356S and Summary
G400L (replacement residues are those in the correspond-
ing position in DAT) showed decreased potency of the tri- Initial pharmacological and biochemical work identified
cyclics desipramine and nortriptyline, but normal potency separate transport systems for dopamine, noradrenaline

Amine Transporters

and serotonin, which mediate the uptake of amines into intracellular Na+ -dependent mechanism. Journal of Biological Chem-
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mers. The amine transporters carry sites for glycosylation High-affinity [3H]imipramine binding in rat hypothalamus: associa-
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number of psychiatric disorders and polymorphisms in cocaine- and antidepressant-sensitive human noradrenaline trans-
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