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Part Section


Part 1 - Essential Python


Algebra Foundation


Part 2 - Essential Mathematics

Linear Algebra

Probability Foundation
What is Data Science and Machine

Descriptive Statistics

Data Visualization

Part 3 - Statistics For Data Science

and Machine Learning

Inferential Statistics, Distributions and


Part 4 - Data Processing and

Part 4 - Data Processing and

Simple Linear Regression

Part 5 - Regression

Multiple Linear Regression

Project 4 - Kaggle Bike Demand

Part 5 - Regression (continued) Predictions

Logistic Regression
Logistic Regression

Support Vector Machines (SVM)

Part 7 - Classification

Decision Trees

Random Forest

Evaluate Classification Models

Univariate Feature Selection

Feature Selection and Dimensionality

Feature Selection and Dimensionality

Recursive Feature Elimination

Principal Component Analysis

Cross Validation

Deep Learning
Lecture Title

Course Introduction
Download Course Material
Udemy Reviews - Important Message

Install Anaconda, Spyder

Hands On - Hello Python and Know the environment
Hands On - Variable Types and Operators
Hands On - Decision Making - If-Else
Python Loops explained
Hands On - While Loops
Hands On - For Loops
Python Lists Explained
Hands On - Lists Basic Operations
Hands On - Lists Operations Part 2
Multidimensional Lists Explained
Hands On - Slicing Multidimensional lists
Hands On - Python Tuples
Python Dictionary Explained
Hands On - Access the Dictionary Data
Hands On - Dictionary Methods and functions
File processing - Open and Read files
File Processing - Process Data and Write to Files
File Processing - Process Data using Loops
Project 1 - Calculate the average temperature per city
Solution - Project 1 calculate the average temperature per city

Section Introduction
Algebraic Equations
Quadratic Equations
Basics of Calculus
Differentiation and Derivatives
Derivative Rules and Operations
Double Derivatives and finding Maxima
Double Derivatives example
Partial Derivatives and Gradient Descent
Integration and Area Under the Curve
Vector Basics - What is a Vector and vector operations
Matrix Foundation
Identity, Inverse, Determinant and Transpose Matrix
Matrix Transformation
Change of Basis and Axis using Matrix Transformation
Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors
Understanding probability in simple terms
Conditional Probability
Random Processes and Random Variables
Need for Data Science and Machine Learning
Types of Analytics
Decoding Data Science and Machine Learning
Lifecycle of a Data Science project
What does a Data Scientist do and the skills required?

Statistical Thinking and Section Introduction

What is Data? Understanding the Data and its elements.
Measure Central Tendency using Mean, Median, mode
Measure of Dispersion using Standard Deviation and variance
Hands on - Get Statistical Summary
Measure of Dispersion using Percentile, Range and IQR
Importance of Data Visualization and different Charts
Understanding Boxplot for Numerical Data
Hands On - Matplotlib - Plotting Basics
Hands On - Create your first Bar Chart
Hands On - Create Histogram of Data
Hands On - Plotting Boxplot
Data Visualization for Categorical Data
Hands On - Pie Charts
Hands On - Scatter Plots
Hands On - MatplotLib Figures for creating multiple plots
Hands On - Subplots for plotting multiple plots in one figure
Hands On - Customization of Plot elements
Understand Population Vs Samples
What is a Sample Bias?
What is Correlation and Causality?
What is Covariance and Covariance Matrix?
Probability Density Function and Distributions
Normal Distributions
Standard Normal Distributions
Sampling Distributions
Central Limit Theorem
Confidence Intervals
What is Hypothesis and Null Vs Alternate Hypothesis?
What is Statistical Significance
Hypothesis Testing Examples

Hands On - Import Library to Read and Slice the data

Hands On - Understand the data you are dealing with.
Hands On - Handling Missing Values
Label-Encoding for Categorical Data
Hands On Label Encoding
Hot-Encoding for Categorical Data Explained
Hands On - Hot-Encoding for Categorical Data
Data normalization - Understand the reasons
Hands On - Data Normalization using Standard Scaler
Hands On - Data Normalization using minmax
Train and Test Data Split explained
Hands On - Train and Test Data Split

What you will learn in this section?

What is Simple Linear Regression
Ordinary Least Square and Regression Errors
Project 2 - Data Processing
Project 2 - Train and Test Model
Project 2 - R-Squared and its Importance
Project 2 - Score and Get coefficients
Project 2 - Calculate RMSE (Root Mean Squared Error)
Project 2 - Plot the predictions
Understanding the Multiple Linear Regression
Project 3 - Multiple Linear Regression Predictions
Issues to deal with for Multiple Linear Regression
Degrees of Freedom
Adjusted R-Squared
Assumptions of Multiple Linear Regression
Linearity and Multicollinearity Assumption
Assumption of Autocorrelation
Hands on - Plot Autocorrelation
Hands on - Create shifted or TimeLag Data
Endogeneity Assumption
Normality of Residuals
Assumption of Homoscadasticity
Dummy Variable trap

Let's understand the problem

Steps required to solve the problem
Read and Prepare Data
Basic Analysis of Data
Data Visualization of the Continuous Variables
Summarize Data Visualization Findings
Check for Outliers
Test the Multicollinearity Assumption
Test Auto-correlation in Demand
Solving the problem of Normality
Solving the problem of Autocorrelation
Create Dummy Variables
Train-Test Split for the Time-Series Data
Create the Model and measure RMSE
Calculate and measure RMSLE for Kaggle

What you will learn in this section?

What is Logistic Regression?
Project 5 - Predict Loan Approval Problem Understanding
Project 5 - Predict Loan Approval Part 1
Project 5 - Predict Loan Approval Part 2
Project 5 - Predict Loan Approval Part 3
Project 5 - Predict Loan Approval - Stratification
Project 5 - Predict Loan Approval - Build Logistic Regressor
Project 5 - Predict Loan Approval - Confusion Martix
Create and Analyse Confusion Matrix
Common Sensical Intuition of SVM
Mathematical Intuition of SVM Part 1
Mathematical Intuition of SVM Part 2
Hands on - Simple Implementation of SVM
SVM Kernel Functions Part 1
SVM Kernel Functions Part 2
SVM Kernel Function Types
Project 6 - IRIS Classification Problem
Project 6 - Data Processing
Project 6 - Train and create Model
Project 6 - Multiple Model Creation and comparison
Intuition Behind Decision Trees
Project 7 - Adult Income Prediction Problem Understanding
Project 7 - Data Processing
Project 7 - Split data and Import Classifier
Project 7 - Decision Trees - Parameters Part 1
Project 7 - Decision Trees - Parameters Part 2
Project 7 - Run and Evaluate Model
Ensemble Learning and Random Forests
Bagging and Boosting
Hands on - Implement Random Forest
Need for Evaluation and Accuracy Paradox
Classification Evaluation Measures
Hands on - Evaluation Metrics for Loan Prediction projects
What is Threshold and Adjusting Thresholds
Hands on - Adjusting Thresholds
Hands On - AUC ROC Curve using Python
Drawing the AUC ROC Curve

What You will learn in this Part?

Feature Selection Importance
What is Univariate Feature Selection?
F-Test for Regression and Classification
Hands on F-test - Problem Statement
Hands On F-test - Regression without feature selection
Hands on F-test - Print and analyse P-Values
Hands on F-test - Compare Results with and without Feature Selection
Chi-Squared Intuition
Scikitlearn - What are Feature Selection Transforms
Hands on - SelectKBest Part 1
Hands on - SelectKBest Part 2
Hands on - SelectPercentile
Hands on - Generic Univariate Select
What is Recursive Feature Elimination (RFE)?
Project 8 - Bank Telemarketing Predictions Problem Understanding
Project 8 - Build Prediction model without RFE
Project 8 - Configure RFE and Compare results
Project 8 - Get Feature Importance Score
Why to reduce dimensions and Importance of PCA?
Mathematical Intuition of PCA and Steps to calculate PCA
Project 9 - Model Implementation without PCA
Project 9 - Convert the Dimensions to PCA
Project 9 - Compare results after PCA Implementation

What is Cross Validation?

How Cross Validation works?
Hands on - Prepare for cross validation
Hands On - Parameter and implementation of Cross Validation
Hands On - Understand the results of Cross Validation
Hands On - Analyse the Result

What is Neuron and Artificial Neural Network?

How Artificial Neural Network works?
What is Keras and Tensorflow?
What is a Tensor in Tensorflow?
Installing Keras, backend and Tensorflow
Keras Model Building and Steps
Layers - Overview and Parameters
Activation Functions
Layers - Softmax Activation Function
What is a Loss Function?
Cross Entropy Loss Functions
Optimization - What is it?
Optimization - Gradient Descent
Optimization - Stochastic Gradient Descent
Optimization - SGD with Momentum
Optimization - SGD with Exponential Moving Average
Optimization - Adagrad and RMSProp for Learning rate decay
Optimization - Adam
Initializers - Vanishing and Exploding Gradient Problem
Layers - Initializers explained
Project 10 - Problem Statement and understand the data
Project 10 - Data preprocessing part 1
Project 10 - Data preprocessing part 2
Project 10 - Normalize the data
Project 10 - Define the Keras Model
Project 10 - Compile and fit the model
Project 10 - Evaluate the model
Project 10 - Compare the performance with other model

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