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Pre-Learning Activity:

1. In your own words, what is history? What words can you associate with the word history?
- For me history is the things that happens many years ago and make a great impact to
what is the future now. The words that I can associate with history are past, memories,
records, and archives.

2. Why study history? And history for whom?

- studying history is important because it can help us to know more about the past if
there are bad things that happen in that way we won’t make the same thing today. It
can also help us to or on how we can interact to the other country and make a
connection like alliance, importing and exporting products. With the help of or by
studying history we can make a greater future as we also became part of history.

3. How important is Historical source to you?

- For me it’s very important since it is the primary source that contains history facts and
recordings so without it we might not know the origin, for example races, if we don’t
have the primary source of thing where it was begin.

Activity 1:

1. Using the diagram below, compare and contrast the characteristics of primary and secondary
sources materials. And, try to give an explanation for the overlapping characteristics. (15 points)


original data the data was taken somewhere else
happening when it was being interpreted or need an explanation
recorded a review or critique
personally written

2. List down five (5) examples of primary sources

a. __diary_________________________
b. ______journal_____________________
c. ____________birth certificate_______________
d. _____photographs______________________
e. _______scrapbooks____________________
3. List down five (5) examples of secondary sources.
a. _______________Biographies____________
b. __Dictionaries_________________________
c. ____book reviews_______________________
d. _______________magazine articles____________
e. ____almanacs_______________________
4. Choose from the following historical events:
a. Marcos’ Declaration of Martial Law,
b. EDSA People Power 1, or
c. President Joseph Estrada’s Impeachment;
And using online resources, search for primary and secondary sources that shows the
significance of your chosen historical event. Cite the selected sources and identify the possible
biases that they might contain. Please imbed the link of your chosen sources if possible. (15
Historical Event: Marcos’ Declaration of Martial Law
Primary Sources
Source No. 1: the link under was the proclamation or declaration of Martial Law/ Proclamation
No. 1081 by the late President Ferdinand E. Marcos:
- One-sided approach because the content was all about the bad things that happen without
proper evidence.
Secondary Sources
Source No. 1: The image in link was the image of the newspaper Sunday Express that show the
report about the declaration of Martial Law:
- I can’t distinguish if there is biased or not since there are a lot of information and questions
that you might observe in the image.
Source No. 2: The actual footage when the late President Ferdinand Marcos declared Martial
-possible bias: this was the actual footage of the declaration.

Activity 2:
First Impressions
1. What are your first impression about the undelivered speech? (5 points)
Upon reading the undelivered speech of the late Senator Benigno S. Aquino the first thing
that I notice he is a brave person. Despite knowing that he might got killed if he return he
still return just to fight for the freedom and rights of the Filipinos.

2. What kind of document is it? (letter, ad, newspaper, and so on) (1 point)
News Information/ written speech/manuscript

Looking More Closely

3. Make a list of unusual or unfamiliar words or phrases you encountered while reading the
speech. (max of 5 points, 1 point for each word or phrase)
- Authoritarian Dogma
- Promise of leniency
- Surmounted
- Cadre
- curbed
- habeas corpus
4. Is there a specific date on the speech? If so, when is it? If there is none, are there any clue that
might indicate what it was written? (1 points)
-August 21, 2014
5. Is there an indicated location? Where is it? (1 point)
- America
6. Who authored the document? Why did you say so? (1 point)
- Senator Benigno Aquino Jr. because he was the one who was supposed to deliver the
7. To who was the document addressed? How did you know? (2 points)
- For the Flipinos, because as what I have understand on the manuscript that he was ready to
help in freeing the Filipinos from the dictatorship.
8. What was the purpose of the document? What made you think so? (5 point)
- I think the purpose of the document was to show that the late senator is not scared to
return in order to help the people in freeing the country. I think, also, the purpose of the
document was to show and give courage and determination to the Filipinos.
Thinking further
9. What do you think is the most important information that the author conveyed? Why? (5
- I think the most important information that the author conveyed was that he will return. If I
were to be the one to be ask I will say even though he said that he is not the leader of
communist or anything. I see him as a leader who will or might bring a graet changes and
make a great impact in order for the Philippines to rise. Just like when he died his death
become the key for the Filipinos to stand up together and fight for their freedom and rights.
10. Does the document convey a certain tone? What is it? (2 points)
- Sincere, hopeful, and serious.
11. What does the tone imply? (2 points)
- The tone implies that the things that were written there was the thing that the author wants
to achieve.
12. What is the point of view of the author? Is it objective? Why? (5 points)
- I think it is a objective point of you because the author wants the his readers to feel the
emotion about his speech. Even though it was not stated in the manuscript the readers still
feel the emotion that he wants to show.
13. What is the relationship between the audience and the writer? Explain. (5 points)
- The relationship between the two was they are both fighting for their freedom and rights.
As we are, the readers, read the speech some of us felt the hope, and encouragement to
move forward for the sake of our country.

Drawing Conclusion:
14. What conclusions can you draw about the historical period when the speech was written? (5

I think when the speech was written and if it was delivered I think there can be peace in a way to resolve
the problem. There might be an easier way to solve the conflict between the but I am also happy that
because of that sacrifice the Filipinos opened up their eyes to fight for their freedom and rights. His
sacrifice was not in vein.

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