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School Leuteboro NHS Grade Level 10

Teacher Rommel M. Apolinar Learning Area Mathematics
Teaching Dates And JUNE 11, 2021 Quarter FOURTH
A. Content The learner demonstrates understanding of the key concepts of measures of
Standard position.

B. Performance The learner is able to conduct systematically a mini-research applying the different
Standard statistical methods.

C. Learning The learner solves problems involving measures of position.

Competency/ 1. Solve problems involving percentile of ungrouped data.
Objectives 2. Appreciate the importance of percentile of ungrouped data in
solving real-life problems.


III. Learning
A. References MLM (Division Initiated)– Quarter 4 WEEK
1. Learner’s 376-379
Materials pages
2. Teacher’s Guide 331-332
B. Materials pictures, flash cards, calculators, cellphones
IV. Procedure

A. Reviewing the The teacher will start with a short review of some mathematical concepts which
previous are necessary for the success of the lesson. He will ask the students to answer the
lesson/presenting following questions written in flash cards.
the new lesson a. What is percentile?
b. What is the formula in calculating percentile of ungrouped data?

B. Establishing the Activity 1: Find your Position

purpose of the
lesson This activity will be done by group.

The teacher will divide the class into 4 groups. He will ask each group to arrange
themselves by forming a straight line according to the following:

a. their heights in meters( from the shortest to the tallest)

b. their weights in kilograms( from the lightest to the heaviest)
c. their grades in mathematics in third grading ( from least to greatest)

The first group to perform the given task will receive 4 points. The 2nd, 3rd and 4th
groups who will finish the task will receive 3,2 and 1 points, respectively. The
group with the highest total score will win the game and receive extra rewards.

Note: Students were tasked to get their grades, heights and weights a day before
the conduct of the activity.

C. Presenting Using the data from the previous activity, the teacher will post a problem involving
examples/ instances percentile of ungrouped data. The students with the guidance of the teacher will
of the new lesson solve the given problem step by step.

Problem: Mr. Apolinar consolidated the grades in Mathematics of 20 of his

students ( first and second placers in the previous activity). The grades are listed
1. 40 % of the students is lower than what grade?

Step 1: Arrange the data from in increasing order.
Step 2: Find the position of P40 using the Mendenhall and Sincich Method or
Linear Interpolation.
k ( n+1 )
Position Pk = (Mendenhall and Sincich Method )
Since k = 40 and n = 20, then we have:

40 ( 20+1 )
Position P40 = 100
40 ( 21 )
= 100
= 100
Position P40 = 8.4
Step 3: Round off the value of position of P40
Position P40 = 8.4 ≈ 8

Step 4 : Find the 8th (kth) score in the given data.


Step 5: Write the conclusion in the given problem.

Therefore, 40% of the students’ grade in Mathematics is less than or equal to
D. Discussing new Activity 2: Am I in or Out?
concepts and
practicing new skill # This activity will be done by pair. Each student will choose a partner (their seatmate) and
1 will solve the problem below.

Sixteen students of Grade 10 William Smith were asked about their weights in
terms of kilograms. The data were given in the table below.

Name Weight ( kg) Name Weight (kg)

Donna 45 Arbel 56
Jaysi 55 Jenny 52
Jaymar 53 Badeth 43
Ness 45 Ronna 48
Kath 40 Richard 60
Ronnie 60 Jeff 57
Erwin 56 Lito 58
Sarah 44 Jeron 56

Question: At what weight does 60% of the students belong? Use Linear Interpolation.

E. Developing Activity 2: Let’s Solve!

Mastery (leads to This activity will be done by Pair.
formative 1. Mrs. Zoleta is a veterinarian. One morning, she
assessment) asked her secretary to record the service
time for 15 customers. The following were the
service times in minutes of the customers:
20, 35, 55, 28, 46, 32, 25, 56, 55, 28,
37, 60, 47, 52, 17.
Using the data above calculate the value of the
75th percentile.

2. Albert has an
assignment to ask 10
students in their school
about their ages
randomly. The data are
given in the table below.

Name Age Name Age

Ana 10 Tony 11
Ira 13 Lito 14
Susan 14 Christian 13
Antonette 13 Michael 15
Gladys 15 Dennis 12

Question: Using the data on the table, at what ages do the students in
P50 and P80 fall, respectively ?
1. Students are allowed to use their calculators.
2. Students who don’t have calculators but have calculator application in
their cellphone will be allowed to use it in solving the given problems.

Reminder in using cellphones:

Cellphones can only be used in solving the given problems.

G. Finding Activity 3: Marry Me When?

applications of In this activity, the class will be divided into 3 groups. Each group will collect data
concepts and skills from their members about at what age they want to marry and answer the assigned
in daily living question for them. They will write their output in one whole sheet of paper.

Group1: At what age does 60% of your members want to marry?

Group 2: At what age does 40% of your members want to marry?
Group 3: At what age does 70% of your members want to marry?
Group 4: At what age does 80% of your members want to marry?

Question for all:

1. Why do you want to marry at age______ ?

H. Making Fill in the blanks.

generalizations and How do we solve problems involving percentile of ungrouped data?
abstractions about
the lesson Step 1: Arrange the data in ____________ order
Step 2: Find the position of Pk using the ___________method or ______________.
Step 3: ___________ the value of position of Pk..
Step 4: Find the _______ score in the given data.
Step 5: Write the _____________ in the given problem.

I. Evaluating Directions: Solve the following problems involving percentile of ungrouped

learning data. Show pertinent solutions.
1. The owner of a coffee shop recorded the number of customers who
came into his café each hour in a day. The results were 14, 10, 12,
9, 17, 5, 8, 9, 14, 10, and 11. Find the 30th percentile of the given

2. Given a 50 multiple- choice item test in their final examination in

Mathematics, the scores of 10 female students of Ms. Canicula’s
section are 35, 42, 40, 28, 15, 23, 33, 20, 18 and 28. At what score
does 50% of the students lie?

V. Remarks The objectives have been accomplished: Yes____ No____

VI. Reflections ___The students did not encounter any hindrance in completing the lesson.
___The students had encountered a hindrance in completing the lesson.
___The students were interested in the lesson.
___The students did not enjoy the lesson because of lack of materials, knowledge
and interest.
___The students were able to master the lesson despite the limited resources.
___Most of the students were able to complete their activities within the allotted
___Only few students are able to complete their activities within the allotted time.

A. No. of learners W. SMITH_________________

who earned 80% in
the evaluation
B. No. of learners W. SMITH_________________
who require To those students who need additional activities for remediation, the teacher
additional activities will give 5-item test.
for remediation
C. Did the Yes____________ No____________
remediation work?
D. No. of learners NONE
who continue to be
required for
E. Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Why did these work?

Techniques and Strategies Used:

____Games _____Pair Work ____Complete IM’s

____ Peer Tutoring ____Availability of Materials

____ Explicit teaching ____Students’ eagerness to learn

____Differentiated Instruction ____Collaboration

____ Discovery Method ____AV Presentation

____Group Work Other:____________________


F. What difficulty difficulty/ies did I encounter?


___Student’s behavior/ attitude

___Unavailable equipment

G. What innovation or localized materials did I Planned Innovations

use/discover which I wish to share with the other ____Contextualilized, Localized, Indigenized
teachers? IM’s

____ Making big books from views of the

Prepared by:


Checked by:

Master Teacher I

Inspected by:

HT- III (Mathematics)

Noted by:

Principal IV

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