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School Leuteboro NHS Grade Level 10

Teacher Gloria V. Ricohermoso Learning Area Mathematics
Teaching Dates And March 2021 Quarter THIRD
Time Christopher Marlowe

A. Content Standard The learner demonstrates understanding of the key concepts of
combinations and probability.

B. Performance The learner is able to use precise counting technique and probability in
Standard formulating conclusions and making decisions.

C. Learning M10AL-IIa-b-1. The learner illustrates the combination of objects.

Competency/ 1. Illustrate the combination of objects.
Objectives 2. Differentiate permutations and combinations.
3. Solve combinations of n objects taken r at a time.
4. Appreciate the application of combinations in real life.

II. Content Combinations

III. Learning
A. References SLM – Quarter 3 Week 3

1. Learner’s 301 – 311

Materials pages
2. Teacher’s Guide 259 – 265
B. Materials Activity sheets, masking tape, flash card, pentel pen, cartolina, scientific
calculator, cellphone, pictures, cucumber, bread, cheese, ham, fried egg
IV. Procedure
A. Reviewing the Activity 1: HOW MANY?
previous Using pictures and flash cards , the teacher will start the lesson with a short
lesson/presenting the recall about permutation.
new lesson
1. In how many ways can five person on the left
post for a picture taking?

2. In how many
ways can 8 people form a circle for a
folk dance?

3. Evaluate:
a. P (6,4) = __________
b. P (5,5) = __________

B. Establishing the Activity 2: PUT SOME ORDER HERE!

purpose of the lesson Study the given tasks or activities and answer the questions that follow.
1. Choosing 5 questions to answer out of 10 questions in a test
2. Opening a combination lock
3. Winning in a contest
4. Selecting 7 people to form a Student Affairs Committee
5. Forming triangles from 6 distinct points in which no 3 points are
6. Assigning seats to guests at dinner
7. Drawing a set of 6 numbers in a lottery containing 1 to 45
8. Entering the PIN (Personal Identification Number) of your ATM card
9. Selecting 3 posters to hang out of 6 different posters
10. Listing the elements of subsets of a given set
1. In which task/ activity is order or arrangement important?
How do you call those activities where order or arrangement is important?
2. In which activity/task is order or arrangement NOT important?
How do you call those activities where order or arrangement is NOT important?
In the given activity, the students were led to identify situations that
ORDER is important(permutation) and situations where order is NOT important.
Those situations where order is NOT important are examples of combinations.

 Combinations – refer to the number of ways of selecting from a set when

the order is not important.

C. Presenting Group Activity

examples/ instances Activity 3: SANDWICH PA MORE!
of the new lesson Mechanics: The class will be grouped into four. Each group will
be given two slices of bread and different fillings such as:

a slice of cheese a slice of ham

a slice of cucumber fried egg

Each group will make a sandwich out of the given fillings above
and answer the following questions:
 How many possible arrangement of sandwich filling can you make
given 4 fillings taken 3 at a time? Make a list of the possible
 Do you think a sandwich with cheese, cucumber and egg as fillings
is different from a sandwich with egg, cheese and cucumber as
fillings? Why?
 How many different sandwiches can you make using 3 different
fillings from the 4 given fillings?
 What mathematical concept can you use to determine the number
of n objects taken r at a time when order or arrangement is NOT
 How will you solve combinations of n objects taken r at a time?
Show a simple derivation.
Note: You can use the permutation formula to derive the
combination formula.
 The number of combinations of n objects taken r at a time is
denoted by

C(n,r), n Cr , Cr
or (nr) and is given by
the formula:
C ( n,r) = , n ≥ r.
(n−r )! r !

D. Discussing new The teacher will provide some illustrative examples in solving
concepts and combinations of n objects taken r at a time using the given formula.
practicing new skill # Then she will ask to answer activity 4.
1 Example:
1. Determine the value of C ( 7, 3).
Solution: n=7; r=3
= ( 7−3 ) !3 !

7.6 . 5 . 4 . 3. 2.1
= 4 3. 2.1. 3. 2.1.
=7. 5 after common factors are cancelled
C ( 7, 3 ) = 35
2. Determine the value of C ( 5, 5).
Solution: n=5; r=5
= ( 5−5 ) ! 5 !

= 0 ! 5! Note: 0! = 1

5 . 4 . 3. 2.1
= 1. 5. 4. 3.2. 1.

=1 after common factors are cancelled

C ( 5, 5 ) =1

Activity 4: Flex That Brain!

This is done individually. Answers are written in ¼ sheet of paper.
Find the number of COMBINATIONS from the given n taken r at a time.
1. C(1,1)
2. C(7,6)
3. C(8,8)
4. C(8,0)
5. C(9,3)

E. Discussing new The teacher will ask the students if they know another way or an easier way to
concepts and solve combinations of n objects taken r at a time.
practicing new skills
#2 Alternative way 1: Using a Scientific Calculator
Example 3:

Evaluate : C(6,4) = _________

Step 1. type 6
Step 2. click nCr (casio) or ÷ for
other brand

Step 3. Type 4

Step 4. Click =
C(6,4) = 360 combinations
Example 4:
Evaluate: 7! = ______

Step 1. Type

Step 2. Click

Step 3. Click for casio brand or )

for other brand

Step 4. Click

7! = 5040
Alternative way 2: Using Online Combination Calculator (nCr )
 Applicable only if internet connection is available.
Step 1: type combination calculator on the search box on your browser
Step 2: The picture below will appear . Then type the value of n and r in the
boxes . In the example, I used 6 and 4 as the values of r and n respectively.

Step 3: Click calculate.

The answer and its solution will immediately appear.

F. Developing Activity 5: LET’S DO THIS!

mastery (leads to A.Study the following situations. Write C if the situation illustrates
Formative combination and NC if the situation does not illustrate combination.
Assessment # 3)
1. Forming lines from six given points with no three of which are
2. Four people posing for a picture
3. Choosing two household chores to do before dinner
4. Selecting five basketball players out of ten team members for the
different positions
5. Picking six balls from a basket of twelve balls

B. Value Me!
Find the value of each of the following combinations:
6. C(9,6)
7. C(6,2)
8. C(7,6)
9. C(12,10)
10. C(5,2)

 Students are allowed to use their calculators.
 Student who doesn’t have calculators but has calculator application
in their cellphone will be allowed to use it in solving the given
 Students with smart phone and internet connection are allowed to
use the online calculator in solving the given problems
 To those students who are not able to attend their class for some
reasons will be asked to perform activities 4 & 5 on their text, pages
310 – 311. They will be notified through text messages but for those
who do not have textbook, the teacher will send pictures of the
activities through the messenger.

Reminder in using cellphones:

Cellphones can only be used in solving the given problems.

G. Finding practical Activity 6: IT’S TIME TO GO TO THE MARKET

applications of Diane is asked by her mother to go on marketing for she is going to
concepts and skills in prepare desserts for the birthday party of her younger sister. She asks her to
daily living buy the following: 10 sachets of gelatin powder, 2 kg of white sugar,1 big
can of pineapple chunks, 6 cans of evaporated milk and ¼ kg of raisins.
How many combinations of desserts can her mother prepare if she takes 3
ingredients at a time?
 If you were in place of Diane, how would you do the marketing
considering that we are now in financial crisis due to pandemic
brought by covid 19?

H. Making Complete the statements by filing the blanks with the appropriate word .
generalizations and 1. _____________ refer to the arrangement of objects where order is
abstractions about ______________ whereas _____________ refers to the arrangement of
the lesson objects where order is ________________.
2. In solving combinations of n objects taken r at a time is given by
nCr = __________.
* This will be done by calling some students.

I. Evaluating Directions: Read each statement carefully. Choose the letter that you think best
learning answers the question. Write your answer in ¼ sheet of paper.
1. Which of the following does NOT illustrate combinations?
A. Selecting 2 songs from 10 choices for an audition piece
B. Picking 5 balls from a basket of 10 balls
C. Arranging 5 classmates for a picture taking
D. Forming a committee of 3 members from 10 people
2. Choosing 3 books from a set of books is an example of _____
A. combinations C. integration
B. differentiation D. permutation
3. When evaluated, what is the value of C(8,6)?
A. 56 B. 48 C. 28 D. 8
4. What is C(10,2)?
5. A. 10 B. 20 C. 45 D. 90

V. Remarks The objectives had been attained: Yes____ No____

VI. Reflections ___The students did not encounter any hindrance in completing the lesson.
___The students had encountered a hindrance in completing the lesson.
___The students were interested in the lesson.
___The students did not enjoy the lesson because of lack of materials and
___The students were able to master the lesson despite of lack of materials.
___Most of the students were able to complete their activities within the allotted
___Only few students were able to complete their activities within the allotted

A. No. of learners
who earned 80% in Christopher Marlowe _______
the evaluation
B. No. of learners Christopher Marlowe _______
who require To those students who require additional activities for remediation, the
additional activities teacher will ask them to perform activity 4 on page 310 on the text, numbers
for remediation 6-10.
C. Did the
remediation work? Yes_________ No_________

D. No. of learners
who continue to be None
required for
E. Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Why did these work?

Techniques and Strategies Used:

____Exposition _____Pair Work ____Complete IM’s

___ Explicit teaching ____Availability of Materials

____ Group Work ____Students’ eagerness to learn

____Differentiated Instruction ____Collaboration

____ Discovery Method

Other:______________________ Other:____________________

F. What difficulty difficulty/ies did I encounter?


___Student’s behavior/ attitude

___Unavailable materials

G. What innovation or localized materials did I Planned Innovations

use/discover which I wish to share with the other teachers? ____Contextualized, Localized,
Indigenized IM’s

____ Recycling of materials to be used

as IM’s

Prepared by:

MT – I

Inspected by:

HT- III (Mathematics)

Noted by:

Principal IV

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