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Attitude of high school students towards nursing profession.


Nursing is one of the oldest and noblest professions. Nursing profession within the health

care sector focused on care of individuals, family and community. Nursing may be differentiated

from other health care providers by their approach to patient care, training and scope of


The approach or concepts towards the nursing profession may vary among people

especially in school going children. Their attitude towards this profession declares the interest of

choosing it as their career. Current scenario in health has gained enormous public acceptance and

nationwide demand for the nursing profession. There are many job opportunities, career choices

and service oriented scope for this profession. The perceptions held by the school students and its

contributing factors must be identified in choosing a career to achieve job satisfaction.2


Nursing is a profession to serve humanity. There is growing demand for nursing

worldwide and India is no exception for that. Various people had different understanding of

nursing profession based on prior events in their lives since perceptions are subjective3.

A study to examine high school students' attitudes towards the nursing profession and to

identify the contributing factors affecting shortage of nurses within the context of Hong Kong

showed that responses to attitude items varied considerably. Two-third of participants regarded

nursing as a challenging career. Less than one-fifth agreed that nursing was very interesting.

Fewer still were comfortable with the idea of being a nurse and only 8% showed interest in

nursing for overseas travel.3

A descriptive-correlational study with a total of 128 pre-clinical male and female students

from a nursing school in Riyadh investigated on their knowledge, attitude and intention towards

nursing profession. Findings revealed that attitude towards nursing as a career was low. About

60% were not interested to study nursing and a little over 50% said that their family does not

encourage them to be a nurse. Furthermore the participants disliked studying nursing courses and

also felt that their character is not appropriate for nursing5

In 2015 a descriptive study was conducted to assess the level of knowledge and attitude

towards nursing as a profession and their preference for nursing as a career among senior

secondary students of selected schools in Faridabad. Checklist was used to assess the level of

knowledge and 5-point Likert scale to assess attitude towards nursing as a profession It was

found is 96% had that positive attitude towards nursing profession , 4% had neutral attitude,

and none had negative attitude1

In 2019 the perception of nursing profession among high school students in Kazakhstan

was evaluated. It revealed that high school students had a good image of nursing. They(46%)

believed that the profession of a nurse was very valuable, despite the complexity of the

profession(41.3%). According to respondents 41.3% considered nurses to be professionals.6

Study by Bakalis and colleagues (2015) to find the students’ career preferences revealed

that most students preferred military schools (30.6%), theoretical sciences (20.4%), and technical

studies (18.47%).Majority of the students answered that the nurse had no career growth (74.1%),

social recognition (65.3%) or job security (77.6%)2

Another study conducted in Sikkim compared the knowledge and attitude of adolescent

students in the schools of urban and rural community. Study concluded that attitude score of

adolescent students of urban school was lower than the rural school student. Study also revealed

that there was an inverse relationship between knowledge and attitude of urban community

(p<00.5).Association of attitude was seen with gender in urban community whereas no

association was seen in rural community with any selected factors7

H.T Dave (2007) conducted a study to determine the knowledge and attitude towards

nursing profession among male and female students in selected higher secondary schools at

Gujarat. The objective of the study was to evaluate the perceptions of the nursing image by high

school students. A total of 200 samples (100 male and 100 female students) who opted science

group in their preuniversity were selected by cluster sampling method. The results showed that

the student’s knowledge about nursing was low. Female students showed slightly better

knowledge than male. There was a positive attitude towards nursing among students. However,

the positive attitude was not transmitted into a desire to join nursing. There was no significant

difference in attitude among male and female students. Students from monthly high income

group showed less positive attitude towards nursing compared to medium and low income group


An exploratory study was undertaken to assess the knowledge and attitude regarding

nursing as a career among adolescents in selected junior colleges of Pune city. The data was

collected from 200 adolescents who were selected by non-probability purposive sampling

technique. Study results showed that high school students (55.25%) scored a reasonable level on

the knowledge dimension but did not achieve high scores on the attitude dimension, however,

they achieved very low scores on the intention of being a nurse in the future. Inferential data

analysis showed that attitude having or not having a nurse friend and knowledge was found to

have positive influence on high school students, while long working hours and high work load

compared to other jobs were found to have a negative influence. The co-efficient of the co-

relation between knowledge and attitude score was 0.35 indicating a moderate co-relation at 0.05

level of significance.9


The growth of the nursing profession was dynamic. Occupational growth data ranks

nursing as one of the fastest growing professions in the country. Demand for registered nurses

has been rising by 16%per annum, and around 4,40,000 new nursing jobs would be created in the

country by 2024.

Nurses have long been an integral part of healthcare system, but in recent years nursing

professionals have seen increased opportunities for leadership.3

Nursing profession, from the last decade showed a high standard working condition and

nurses were well paid in many western countries. The recruitments of Indian nurses to such

countries were also increasing. At the same time, some people join the nursing profession as they

considered it as a noble profession. This marks it important to assess the level of attitude of

students about nursing and their intention to study nursing.

There were multitude of factors which affect a high school student to choose his or her

future career. Some of the factors may be unique to a country or the specific region the student

belongs to, while others may reflect international trends. However once they were identified,

targeted efforts could be made to put on a positive attitude towards nursing profession.1

In previous studies conducted, students' reasons for entering nursing programmes were

both personal and career related, with personal being more oriented students had both altruistic

and professional perceptions of their profession.

According to a study conducted in Western Maharashtra it was observed that nearly 40%

seats were remaining vacant in private colleges who were offering degree courses in nursing.

The study also highlighted that number of students applying to nursing degree program across

the nation was decreasing. One of the reasons found was the attitude of students towards nursing

profession, so it was challenging for colleges to recruit and retain qualified applicants for the

decrease in nursing shortage and thereby ensuring the delivery of quality health care.10

At National level, a very few studies explored the attitude and future job prospects of high

school students for nursing. So a study to assess the attitude and factors influencing perception

towards nursing career perspective seems to be important.2

Nursing is considered as a feminine job, due to societal perception and stereotypes

towards male nurses which may negatively contribute to their recruitment. So in order to address

the nursing shortage and providing diversity in profession, study seems to be significant.11

Keeping in view of these findings of literature, there is an overall need in assessing the

attitude of students. During community health postings, the investigators found that students had

varied perception towards nursing profession. Hence an inquiry into their attitude and the factors

influencing students’ preferences in selecting nursing professions is worth studying.


The purpose of the study was to investigate the attitude of high school students towards

nursing profession and to identify the factors influencing their choice to select nursing as their

future profession. The study findings would further aid in planning career promotion strategies in

nursing field.


A study to assess the attitude of high school students towards nursing profession.


1) To assess the attitude of high school students towards the nursing profession.

2) To find out association between attitude towards nursing and selected socio personal variables.



In this study it refers to the opinion / way of thinking of participants towards the nursing

profession as measured by an attitude scale.

High school students

In the present study high school students are male / female students studying in high school

within the age group of 13 -15 years.

Nursing Profession

In this study it refers to a vocation requiring advanced training in nursing and usually involves

mental rather than manual work, in addition to increasing the body of knowledge, improving

nursing practices, and improving nursing education and administration.


Attitude of high school students towards the nursing profession may vary.


There is a significant association between the attitude of high school students towards the

nursing profession and selected socio personal variables.



A review of literature is a description and analysis of a literature relevant to a particular

topic. It provides an overview of what works were already carried out to study the attitude of

high school students towards nursing profession, who were the key researchers who did that

work ,which questions had already been answered regarding particular area of researcher's

interest and what methodology was used.

Literature review is defined as a broad, comprehensive, in depth, 9systematic and critical

review of scholarly publications and unpublished print and online materials, audiovisual

materials and personal communication

The related literature was reviewed and organized under following headings:

 Attitude of high school students towards nursing

 Factors influencing the attitude of high school students towards nursing profession


Nursing is one of the most delightful art, which needs blending of knowledge, skills and

values. It is a noble profession, which requires loving hearts and empathy for compassionate care.

Vocational interest and choice of career donor appear all of a sudden, it may occur from their

baseline knowledge regarding a career.

A descriptive study was conducted in Turkey among nursing students to assess the

attitude and knowledge towards their career planning. The study revealed that less than half of

the students (44.3%) had knowledge towards career planning.12

In Saudi Arabia Al Omar A B investigated the knowledge, attitude and intention of high

school towards nursing profession and their perception of factors preventing them from

becoming a nurse. The results showed that high school students scored a reasonable level on the

knowledge dimension, but did not achieve high scores on the attitude dimension, however, they

achieved very low scores on the intention of being a nurse in the future (5.2% of them indicated

nursing as their preferred future job). Inferential data analysis showed that attitude, having or not

having a nurse friend and knowledge was found to have significant positive influence on high

school students' intention, while long working hours and high work load compared to other jobs

were found to have a significant negative influence.4

A study was conducted by John Chin Rossiter et. al in Australia to examine non English

speaking background (NESB) high school students’ career preferences in relation to nursing

among Korean, Labanese, Vietnamese and Mainland Chinese high school students .Data were

collected by questionnaire to measure student's knowledge about attitude and intention to study

nursing. In a convenience sample of 162 NESB high school students only 10% included nursing

among their career options and Korean students scored lower than others. 13

Study conducted by FH Al-Kandari et. al explored Kuwait high school students’

perceptions of information about nursing and sources of information about nursing and factors

that affected their choice of nursing as a future career. 289 students in Kuwait were studied using

questionnaires. The result revealed that all of the participants were knowledgeable about the

functional aspects of nursing profession and 35%of them received the information through

nurses during hospital visits. However only 19% indicated that they might consider nursing as a


Study was conducted by Malone MP to identify the high school students’ perception of

nursing as a career choice. Data was collected using an adapted version of the career

questionnaire. The sample consisted of 602 students, in which 262 were males and 340 were

females. Result showed that overall, high school students perceived nursing positively. The mean

scores were high, which indicated that students perceived nursing favourably. Males had a mean

total score of 133.1, females were significantly higher at 137.5 .Although high school students

had a positive image of nursing, few (8%) considered it as a career choice.15

Study was conducted in 2010 at Kuala Lumpur on perception of nursing as a career choice

among 84 male high school students. The majority ( 90.5%) of the respondents were between

the age 13 and 15 years. The results revealed that , career choice motivators ranked according to

factors such as good salaries (84.5%) , stable job (76.2%) and low stress (72.7% ). 90% of

students had positive image towards nursing profession 16

Luchesi et Al (2009) conducted a study in Illala district, Dar es Salaam, to assess the

knowledge and attitude of high school students towards nursing profession and to explore factors

that promoted aspiration to enroll in nursing schools. The study was exploratory cross sectional

using both quantitative and qualitative methods using convenience sampling and multistage

sampling of 50 male and 50 female students. The study revealed that girls were more aware

(79.2%) about nursing as a profession compared to boy’s (76%).17

In a study to assess knowledge and attitude regarding nursing as a career among

adolescence in 2017 ,results indicated that the more knowledge and positive attitude on nursing,

the more likely the student would be attracted to the nursing profession. Many youngsters, in

spite of the wide range of career choices, instinctively opt for engineering or medicine. One

reason could be lack of information. Preparing highly educated nurses to provide expert care,

formulate policy, administer health care delivery systems, and educate the next generation of

health care providers was a critical step for increasing access to quality health care and

improving health care outcomes.9

A descriptive study was done to assess the knowledge and attitude of higher secondary

school students regarding nursing profession in Kanyakumari District. Data were collected from

100 students studying in 11th standard. The study showed that 60 % of students had moderately

adequate knowledge and 90%of them had unfavorable attitude towards nursing profession.18




A study was conducted by Yang et Al in 2004 concluded that nursing is a feminized

profession by its nature, and traditional development of it's concepts of caring to sick for

centuries . Nursing has been stereotyped as a female dominated profession since the time of

Florence Nightingale, world wide.19

Times of India reported (2012)that the male nurse’s registration increased from 578 to

1,038 in 2015 in Maharashtra Nursing Council in India. In 2007-2008 97 males registered for

Bachelor of science in nursing program against 276 females. The number rose to 2,454 males in

the academic year 2010 to 2011 against 5,270 females in the Rajiv Gandhi University of health

sciences Karnataka20

A study was conducted by Cinoj George and Dr.Feyza Bhatti in Kerala between June and

August 2018. Data was collected in the cities Kochi, Trivandrum and Calicut by 20 face to face

semi structured interviews, which lasted for an hour on an average. In each city the participants

were selected using snow ball sampling technique The study found out that there were cases in

which men were seen as abnormal in choosing nursing as a career due to the prevalent gender

stereotypes and perception that existed in a patriarchal society21

Study conducted by Wang explored the male student nurses’ perception of nursing

profession and their learning experiences in a baccalaureate nursing program in Changusha,

China. Data were collected through in depth interview on 14 subjects.six theme clusters emerged

are 1)perception of nursing profession2)difficulties in studying nursing.3)inner feelings.4)impact

of being nursing student.5)entering nursing fields.6)career palm.The experiences and perceptions

of nursing and studying nursing were mainly negative, revealing issues stemming from the

baccalaureate nursing program gender bias in nursing teaching and social views on nursing


In a quantitative study conducted in Iran, Varaei reported that most nurses perceived

nursing as a suitable career for both Iranian men and women. One of the most important factors

hindering men from choosing the nursing profession was the public's image of nursing as a

female occupation and nurse being portrayed as physician subordinates23

Another study was conducted by Katrina McLaughlin et al in 2014 in which

questionnaires including measures of gender role identity and perceived gender appropriateness

of careers were administered to 384 students early in the first year of the course. At the end of

the program attrition rates were obtained .The findings indicated that males were more likely to

leave the course than females. Furthermore, those who completed the course tended to view

nursing as more appropriate for women, in contrast to the non completers who has less gender

typed views24

Influence of parents/guardians

Parental guidelines play a vital role in life of children. The environment in which children

are brought up influence their development, particularly individual homes are basically the

places from the children are molded and shaped into adult leading to career choices. Although

career choices are made by individuals, research suggest that they are certainly influenced by

many factors among parental occupation.

Mwaa (2016) conducted a survey on factors influencing career choices among high

school students in Nairobi country, Kenya. From a population of 27,614, the study purposively

sampled 400 students studying in ten schools which were selected using simple random sampling.

Findings indicated that parental occupation was one of the factors that influenced career choices

of students.25

Kisulu et al (2012) investigated the factors that influenced occupational aspirations among

girls in secondary School in Nairobi region, Kenya.purpose of the study was to find out factors

which influence occupational aspirations of girls in secondary schoil.The finding of the study

revealed that there are factors that affect secondary school girls occupational aspirations

grounded on family settings,parents,siblings,relatives.26

Paa ,Hawley and whirtel conducted a descriptive study on 464 hush school students

perceptions of various fact that might influence their current career expectation . Results

suggested that high school adolescents are aware of a variety of internal and external influences
on their current career expectation.Girls endorsed more types of influence for mother's ,female

friends and female teachers.27

Bhattacharya (2013) designed an investigation to study impact of parental influence on

career choice of students. He used a group of sample of 180 students (90 boys and 90 girls).A

general information schedule, parental influence questionnaire and social influence questionnaire

were administered to subjects by giving proper instruction .The findings revealed that maximum

parental influence was upon the girls who are under high income group.28

Olaosebikanetai (2014) has conducted a study on Effects of parental influence on

Adolescents’ Career choice in Badagry Local Government area of Lagos State,Nigeria”.He had

randomly selected three hundred adolescents from three model colleges, four non model colleges

and three private colleges. By using chi-square test, hypothesis was tested at 0.05 level

significance. His study revealed no significant effect of parental influences on the adolescent’s

career choice. However, in total his study revealed that though 48.36% of respondents agreed

that their parents had tried to influence on their career choice, only 30% respondents accepted

and undertook their parents’ occupation. Further his study revealed that parental influence

reflected negative effect on the career aspirations of adolescents.29

Ehigbor,B Oetal (2016) has conducted a study on "Parents occupation as correlate of

students career aspiration in public secondary schools in Ekpoma Metropolis”. He had adapted

correlation research design and used the Kendall's tau-b rank correlation technique on six

personality types involving a randomly selected sample size of 320 students. His study showed a

significant relation between parents’ occupation and students career aspirations. However, he

also had recommended that parents should be very cautious in pushing their children to accept

the career of parent’s choice which would lead for total failure. Further he concluded that the

role of parents in the socialization process of a child is not just theoretical but also very

substantial and tangible.30

Catherin Pfingst (2015) carried out a study on Girls’ career aspirations: the impact of

parent’s economic and educational status on educational and career pathways”. He adopted

quantitative approach involving randomly selected sample size of 189 girl students from state

high schools and used multinominal regression analysis. His investigation revealed that nearly

41.8%of the girls intended to pursue higher education at university level and 22.8%of girls did

have no idea about their career aspirations. It was also revealed that more percentage of girls

were about to take up university education if either their mother or father had higher education.

At the same time parents occupation did not have any significance on the career aspirations of


Place of Residence

A non experimental survey was conducted on knowledge and attitude towards the nursing

profession among adolescent students. Descriptive comparative research design was used. Thirty

students within 14-19 years of age group belonging to selected schools of rural and urban

community of Sikkim studying in 11th and 12th class were included in the study. A probability

cluster sampling technique was used for the selection of the district and schools from the urban

and rural community of Sikkim, and probabilitysimple random sampling technique was used for

the selection of the adolescent students from the selected schools of urban and rural community.

Validated structured questionnaire and attitude scale was used to collect the data to see the

knowledge and attitude of students and compare the relationship and association. The finding

of the study revealed that the knowledge of urban school student’s (352) found to be better than

the knowledge of rural school students (319). However, the attitude score of adolescent students

of urban school was lower than the rural school student. The study also revealed that there was

an inverse relationship between knowledge and attitude of urban communities (P<0.05) but no

relationship was found between knowledge and attitude in rural communities (P>0.05.7


Pre nursing students' perception of the nursing profession among 207 prenursing students

was studied at Louisania State University of health science centre and school of nursing, United

States. Cockrell Punter Nursing perception scale instrument was used .The results revealed that

193[93.2%] of students desired to help others, 27[13%] were desired based on religious

influences, in addition 16[7.7%] respondents had some other reasons choosing nursing as a

career .Thus the study concluded that the pre nursing students had the need for career

information .They were highly motivated but were unclear regarding their perceptions of the

nursing profession.32

Socio Economic Factors

A study was conducted on what influence Hong Kong school students in their choice of a

career in Nursing. A convenience sample of 375 high school students was recruited and a

questionnaire was used to measure their knowledge, attitudes and intention to study nursing. In

this descriptive study, many students had a view that nursing was a low status profession that

does not generally command respect leading to the notion that nursing is not a good choice for

higher study.3

Factors affecting performance in clinical practice among pre service diploma nursing

students in Northern Tanzania was studied. A self administered questionnaire collected

information on socio demographic characteristics and factors influencing clinical practice

categorized in nursing students. Social and economic factors of nursing students were reported to

affect clinical practice and create psychosocial problems. The social climate of school was

important in enabling student‘s clinical learning. Majority of nursing student’s (84.4%) agreed

that parents' economic status affected clinical practice. Lack of money caused inability to afford

learning materials and other personal needs and often led to unwanted pregnancy especially

among some female students who are tempted to engage in sex for money. A positive school

social environment improved clinical practice as reported by 85.4% of respondents while 20.5%

reported good interpersonal relationship and cooperation.33



Research methodology involves the steps, procedures and strategies for gathering and

analyzing the data in a research investigation, it is a process for collecting, analyzing and

interpreting information to answer the question.

This chapter deals with the methodology adopted for the study . The methodology

includes research approach, research design, setting of the study, population, sample and

sampling technique, inclusion and exclusion criteria, data collection instruments, data collection

process and data analysis.


Quantitative research approach was considered to be the most appropriate for the present



The research design used for the study was descriptive study cross sectional survey as it

mainly focused on assessing and describing the attitude of high school students towards the

nursing profession.


Outcome variable: Attitude of high school students towards nursing profession.

Independent variable: Socio demographic attributes including gender, religion, occupation,

place of residence, monthly family income, educational status of parents and influence from



High schools of selected schools in Kerala


The population under study consisted of high school students of age 13 to 15 years.


High school students of age 13 to 15 years studying in selected high schools in Southern Kerala

were selected as sample

Sampling technique

Convenience sampling

Sample size

Minimum sample size was estimated as 120.

Sampling criteria;

Inclusion criteria:

High school students who were

 13 to 15 years of age.

 willing to participate in the study

 to speak and understand Malayalam

 available during the period of data


Exclusion Criteria

The students who are not physically fit to select nursing profession.


Tool 1: Structured questionnaire to assess socio personal details of students.

An online questionnaire in which provision for marking correct option was used. The items in

this tool included the socio personal details like age, gender, religion, family income, occupation

of parents etc.

Tool 2 : Attitude scale.

A 5-point rating scale was used to assess the attitude

Technique: Self report

Development of the tool

A thorough review of literature related to attitude of high school students towards nursing

profession and factors influencing their attitude was done and the tool was prepared. It was

modified and finalized after formal discussion with experts in the field of nursing education.

Description of tool

Tool 1-Structured questionnaire

It included items regarding socio personal data of high school students such as age,

gender, religion, residence, education and occupation of father and mother and sources of getting


Tool 2-Attitude scale

A five-point rating scale to assess attitude of high school students towards nursing

profession which included 25 items with both positive and negative statements.

Scoring of the tool

For positive statement, respondents get higher score if there was agreement with

statement. However, in case of negative statement, respondent gets higher score if there was a

disagreement with statement or vice versa.

Scoring: Maximum score-100

Good attitude =.score>75

Neutral attitude=score 50-75

Poor attitude=score<50

Content validity of the tool

Content validity of the tool was determined by experts in concerned subjects and items was

modified according to their suggestions.

Reliability of the tool

Reliability of the tool was assessed using split half method


Pilot study was conducted among 12(10% )of students studying in high school category. The

questions were comprehensible and the study was found to be feasible.


The period of data collection was 4 weeks. A formal permission for data collection was

obtained from Principal of Govt .College of Nursing Alappuzha. A written informed consent was

obtained from the participants. Samples who met the inclusion and exclusion criteria was

selected conveniently. Data was collected by online administration of questionnaires to

participants and the self report given by them.


Baseline data of the study participants was analyzed using the descriptive statistics in

frequency and percentage. Association between attitude and socio demographic variables was

analyzed using Chi square test.


Permission was obtained from the Institutional Ethics Committee, Govt. College of

Nursing, Alappuzha. Informed consent was obtained from each participant at the outset of data

collection. The purpose of study was explained to obtain support and cooperation. The

confidentiality and privacy of the subject was also assured during and after data collection.

Data analysis refers to the process of systematically applying statistical and logical

techniques to describe, summarize, and compare data. The main purposes of data analysis are to

make the raw data meaningful, to test the hypothesis, to draw inferences and make


Data collection is followed by the analysis and interpretation of data where the collected

data are analyzed and interpreted in accordance with study objectives. The analysis of data

means to make the raw data meaningful or to draw some results from the data after proper

statistical or analytical treatment.

Objectives of study

1) To assess the attitude of high school students towards the nursing profession.

2) To find out association between attitude towards nursing and socio demographic variables.


H0- There is no significant association between attitude towards nursing profession and

sociodemographic variables

H1- There is significant association between attitude toward towards nursing profession

and sociodemographic variables

Data analysis

Baseline data of the study participants were analyzed using descriptive statistics and

association between attitude and socio personal variables was analyzed using Chi square test.

The findings of the study are presented under the following sections

Section A: Sociodemographic data of high school students

Section B: Attitude of high school students regarding selecting nursing as their profession

Section C: Association between attitude towards selecting nursing profession and selected



This section gives an account of the details of the sociodemographic data of high school
children including their age, gender, class of study, religion, type of family, place of residence,
education, occupation and income details of the family.

Table 1

Frequency distribution and percentage of high school students based on age.


Age f %

13 39 32

14 43 36

15 38 32

Table 1 shows that among 120 students 32% were 13years, 36% were 14years and the rest were
15 years of age.

Table 2

Frequency distribution and percentage of high school students based on gender.


Gender F %

Male 60 50

Female 60 50

Table 2 shows that, among 120 students 50% were boys and the rest were girls.

Table 3

Frequency distribution and percentage of high school students based on class.


Class f %

8th 41 34

9th 39 32

10th 40 33

Table 1 shows that among 120 students, 34% were in eight standard, 32% were in ninth standard
and the rest were in class 10.


Figure 1

Frequency distribution and percentage of high school students based on religion .

Figure 1 shows that among 120 students, 48% were Christians, 40% were Hindus and 11%
were Muslims.

Table 4

Frequency distribution and percentage of high school students based on residence.


f %

Rural 85 71.4

Urban 32 26.4

Coastal 3 2.1

Table 4 shows that among 120 students, 71.4% lived in rural area, 26.5% belonged to urban area
and only 2.1% belonged to coastal area.

Table 5

Frequency distribution and percentage of high school students based on type of family.


f %
Type of family

Nuclear family 102 85%

Joint family 18 15%

Table 5 shows that among 120 students, 85% belonged to nuclear family and 15% belonged to
joint family.

Table 6

Frequency distribution and percentage of high school students based on fathers’ occupation

Fathers occupation f %

Skilled labour 3 2.5

Unskilled labour 3 2.5

Daily wage 32 26.0

Teacher 6 5.0

Professional 14 11.7

Business 2 1.7

Others 60 50.0

Table 6 shows that among 120 fathers of high school students, 2.5% were skilled laborers,
2.5% are unskilled laborers, 50% percentage belonged to others, 26.6% were daily wagers,
5% were teachers, 11.7% were professionals and 1.7% were doing business.

Table 7

Frequency distribution and percentage of high school students based on mothers’ occupation.


Mothers occupation f %

Unskilled labour 6 5.0

Daily wage 11 9.2

Professional 5 4.2

Teacher 8 6.6

Housewives 90 75.0

Table 7 shows that among 120 mothers of high school students, 5% were unskilled laborers,
9.2% were daily wagers, 4.2% were professionals, 6.6% were teachers, 75% were housewives.

Table 8

Frequency distribution and percentage of high school students based on father's education.


Father's education f %

Primary 6 5.0

Highschool 41 34.16

Higher secondary 29 24.16

Graduate 24 20

Post graduate 7 5.8

Professional 13 10.8

Table 8 shows that among 120 fathers of high school students, 5% had primary educatin,34.16%
had high school education, 24.16% had higher secondary education, 20% were graduates, 5.8%
were post graduates and 10.8% were professionals.

Table 9

Frequency distribution and percentage of high school students based on mother's education.

( n =120)

Mother's education f %

Primary 3 2.4

Highschool 35 29.2

Higher secondary 36 30.0

Graduate 30 25.0

Post graduate 5 4.2

Professional 11 9.2

Table 9 shows that among 120 mothers of high school students, 2.4% had primary
education,29.2% had high school education, 30% had higher secondary education, 25% were
graduates, 4.2% were post graduates and 9.2% were professionals.

Table 10

Frequency distribution and percentage of high school students based on their monthly family income.

( n=120)

Monthly income in rupees f %

<10000 62 51.6

10000-20000 34 28.3

>20000 24 20.1

Among the 120 respondents, 51.6% had monthly family income less than 10,000. 28.3% had
monthly income between 10000-20000 rupees and 20% had monthly income more than 20000

Table 11

Frequency distribution and percentage of high school students based on their decision to
join any professional course.


Gender Decided to join a professional Not decided to join a professional

course. course.

f % f %

Male 35 29.1 25 20.8

Female 36 30 24 20.1

Among 120 high students 29.1%of male students and 30%of female students decided to join a
professional course after their high school studies.

Table 12

Frequency distribution and percentage of high school students based on their interest
towards nursing profession as their career.


Interest in nursing profession f %

Interested 60 50

Not interested 60 50

Table 12 shows that among 120 students 50% were interested in nursing profession and 50%
were not interested in nursing profession.

Table 13

Frequency distribution and percentage of high school students based on sources of

information regarding nursing profession. (n=120)

Source of information f %

Television 7 5.8

Newspaper 12 10.0

Social media 29 24.2

Career guides 11 9.2

Friends 12 10.0

Relatives 42 35.0

Others 7 5.8

Table 13 shows that among 120 students, 5.8% had television as their source of information,
10% read about it in newspapers, 24.16% had social media as their source of information, 9.2%
learnt it from career guides,10% heard it from their friends and 35 % from their relatives.


0% 0% Influenced Not influenced



Figure 2:Percentage distribution of students being influenced by others for selecting

nursing as profession

Above figure shows that, among 120 students 21 % were influenced by others for selecting
nursing as their profession and rest were not influenced by anyone.

SECTION B: Attitude of high school students towards selecting nursing as profession.

This section deals with the attitude of high school students towards selecting nursing as
their profession. Based on the scores obtained on attitude score, the attitude was rated as
good(score>75), moderate(score 51-75) and poor(score <50).

Table 14

Attitude score of high school students towards selecting nursing as their profession


Mean attitude score Standard Deviation Minimum value Maximum value

56.62 6.38 41 88

Table 14 depicts that the mean attitude score was 56.62 with a standard deviation of 6.38. The
minimum value recorded was 41 and the maximum value was 88.

Table 15

Frequency distribution and percentage of attitude of high school students towards selecting
nursing as profession.

( n=120)

Attitude f %

Good 1 0.8

Moderate 104 86.7

Poor 15 12.5

Table 15 shows that, 0.8% of high school students had a good attitude towards nursing
profession, 86.7% had a moderate attitude and 12.5% students had poor attitude towards
selecting nursing as their profession.

Table 16
Frequency distribution and percentage based on agreement with statements in attitude

S. Agree Disagree
Statements f % f %

1 Community appreciates nursing profession as dignified and respectful 110 91.6 6 5

2 Nursing may be a suitable profession for females only. 20 16.6 88 73.3

3 I feel nursing provides plenty of job opportunities. 106 88.3 4 3.33

4 Nurses and doctors have same status in society. 75 62.5 32 26.6

5 My parents are not interested in me joining a nursing degree do I 27 22.5 66 55

6 Nursing requires both physical and mental abilities. 105 87.5 15 12.5

7 Nursing provides an opportunity to work abroad. 112 93.3 4 3.3

8 Nursing is a service oriented job 112 93.3 6 5

9 My character is not appropriate for nursing 46 38.3 53 44.1

10 It is quite expensive to pursue a nursing degree course. 72 60 19 15.8

11 Acquiring nursing degree requires a long term course of study. 82 68.3 13 10.8

12 Nurses are backbone of healthcare delivery system 111 92.5 6 5

13 Nurse only have to assist doctor in patient care 108 90 7 5.83

14 Nurses have opportunities to change the professional line anytime for better 81 6.75 16 14.3

15 High levels of knowledge and skill are keys to become a nurse. 104 86.6 7 5.83

16 Nurses provide emotional support for patient as well as their family 114 95 1 0.83

17 I dislike this profession because nurses are not well paid. 24 20 66 55

18 Being a nurse there is more risk of acquiring diseases 85 70.8 17 14.1

19 Nurses get less time to be with family 82 68.3 11 9.16

20 Nursing is a secure profession. 55 45.8 27 22.5

21 A nurse has to work for long hours a day 80 66 22 18.3

22 I am comfortable with the idea of being a nurse 75 62.5 27 22.5

23 I am not comfortable with long working hours 68 56.6 49 40.8

24 Not all religions prefer nursing career. 35 29.1 60 50

25 Nurses are well placed in foreign countries. 87 72.5 14 10.8

The above table 16 shows that about 91.6% of the participants agreed that community
appreciates nursing as a respectful and dignified profession ,93.3% agreed that nursing provided
an opportunity to work abroad and it was a service oriented job. 92.5%agreed that nurses were
the backbone of health care delivery system. Majority(95%) had the opinion that nurses
provided emotional support for patient as well as their family. But many of them(90%) felt that a
nurse only had to assist doctor in patient care and it provides an opportunity to work

Section C- Association between attitude towards selecting nursing as profession and
selected variables.
H0: There is no significant association between attitude towards nursing and selected
sociodemographic variables.
For chi square analysis the attitude score was dichotomized into good and poor based on mean
Table 17
Association between attitude toward nursing as profession and selected socio personal variables.
( n=120)
Socio personal variables Good attitude Poor attitude df χ2 P value
Gender Male 24 36 1
Female 33 27 2.706 0.0997

Religion Christian 27 30 2
Hindu 22 27 0.655 0.720
Muslim 8 6
Residence Urban 15 18 0.0879
1 1.207
Rural 44 43
Type of Nuclear family 51 49 1 2.92 0.8748
family Joint family 6 14

Education of Well educated 40 33 1 0.73 0.392

father Not well educated 22 25

Education of Well educated 44 38 1 2.940 0.128

mother Not well educated 14 24

Family Less than 20000 47 49 1 0.406 0.524

income More than 20000 10 14

Influence by Influenced 13 12 1 0.256 0.6128

others Not influenced 44 51

Table 17 clearly depicts that since the p value is more than 0.05 there is no significant
association between the attitude towards selecting nursing as profession and selected socio
personal variables. Hence the null hypothesis is accepted.


This chapter presented the findings of the study in tabular and pictorial forms. The socio
personal data were described in frequency and percentages. It also gave the scores of attitude of
high school students towards selecting nursing as their profession and its association with
selected socio personal variables.



This chapter gives a brief account of present study including discussion of the research

findings, summary, conclusion drawn from the findings, nursing implications, limitations of the

study and recommendations for the future studies.


Socio demographic characteristics

The study was conducted among 8th, 9th, and 10th standard students, the majority of participants

were 8th standard students(34%) and 36% were 14 years old.

Fifty percent were males and 50 % were females. 48% were Christians,71.4% lived in rural area,

and 85% belonged to nuclear family,

Mothers of 75% students were house wives. Fathers of high school students(31.4%)had high

school education, and mothers of 30% high school students had higher secondary education.

Most of the students’(51.6%) family had monthly income less than 10000 rupees.

Thirty percent female students decided to join a professional course after their high school

studies,50% were interested in nursing profession,

Thirty five percent students came to know about nursing profession from their relatives and

79.2% were not influenced by anyone for selecting nursing as a profession.

Attitude towards selecting nursing as a profession

Majority of high school students(86.7%) had a moderate attitude,0.8% had good attitude and

12.5% had a poor attitude for selecting nursing as a profession. The mean attitude score was 56.6

with a standard deviation of 6.38.

By using chi-square test it was found that there was no significant association between attitude

towards nursing and selected socio democratic variables.


Nurse is one among the most important front line health care workers. Nursing is a

career and it is considered to be a service to mankind because everyone entering this career

provide services to people. High school students are in the age when they have to take decision

about choosing a secure career.

In the present study, females had more favorable attitude towards nursing (27.5%) than

boys (20%).A study conducted by Bartfay W H et al(2010) also reported that nursing was more

suitable career choice for females than males Similar results were reported in a Canadian study

that involved undergraduate nursing students which found that females were superior in their

natural aptitude for nursing10

In the present study, students who belonged to Christian religion showed (27%) favorable

attitude towards nursing profession as compared to other religions. Only 6.6% Muslim students

shows good attitude. This finding was supported by a study conducted on pre nursing student's

perception of the nursing profession among 207 pre nursing students at Lousiana state University

of health center and school of nursing. The result reveled that only (13%)choose this profession

based on religious influences.32

A non experimental survey was conducted on knowledge and attitude towards nursing

profession among adolescent students in Sikkim The attitude score of adolescent students of

urban school was lower than the rural school students. The present study findings also revealed

good attitude towards nursing profession in rural school students (44%) than urban school

students (15%)7

In the present study students of well-educated parents (36.6%) showed positive attitude

towards nursing profession . Similar findings were seen in a survey conducted by Mwaa(2016)

on factors influencing career choices among high school students in Nairobi country, Kenya.

Findings indicated thar parents’ occupation was one of the factors that influenced career choices

of students25

Factors affecting performance in clinical practice among pre service diploma nursing

students in Northern Tanzania was studied. Majority of students 84.4% agreed that parents’

economic status affected clinical practice in nursing. The present study also showed that students

of low economic status(39.5% ) had good attitude and 40.8% have poor attitude33

The present study showed that 50% high school children were interested in nursing

profession, and 50% were not interested.. This finding was not in agreement with another study

conducted in 2010 at Kuala Lumpur on perception of nursing as a career choice among 84 male

high school students. Results revealed that 90% of students had positive image towards nursing


Family was a central influence in the choice of a profession. The present study showed

that only 5% students who belonged to joint family had favorable attitude towards nursing

profession. This finding was in disagreement with the findings of a study conducted by Maor. S

& Cojacaru S (2018.) named ‘family as a powerful factor that influences career choice in

nursing’. The qualitative approach was used in this study that was employed among 20 nursing

students in Israel. Findings revealed that nuclear and joint families equally influenced the


In the present study 91.6% students agreed that community appreciated nursing

profession as dignified and respectful. This finding was supported by a study conducted among

168 high school students of Uttarakhand state. Results revealed that 70.24% believed that nurses

had a good public image.²

The present study revealed that 56.6% students were not comfortable with long working

hours as a nurse. Similar findings were seen in a study conducted among high school students of

Uttarakhand. Finding indicated that reasons that prevented students from being a nurse were

long working hours (36.6% )and night shift duties(45.2%).²

A study was conducted by Pelletier(2005) among nurses to understand nursing workforce.

Participants stated that they wanted to take other courses(57.9%) and spend more time with

family(31.6%).The present study also revealed that 68.3% students believed that nurses got less

time to be with their family.35


The objective of the present study was to assess the attitude of high school students

towards nursing profession and to find out the association between their preference for nursing as
a career and selected socio demographic variables. A quantitative approach using descriptive

cross sectional survey design was used. The tools used for data collection included a structured

questionnaire to assess the sociodemographic data and a 5 point Likert scale to assess the attitude.

The sample included 120 high school students between age of 13-15yrs.Data was collected from

the samples via online administration of the tool and was analyzed using descriptive and

inferential statistics. Sociodemographic variables were computed using frequency and

percentages. To find out the association between attitude and selected sociodemographic

variables, chi-square test was used. The findings of the study revealed that the mean attitude

score was 56.6 with a standard deviation of 6.38. Majority of students had moderate attitude

towards nursing(86.7%) and 12.5% had poor attitude towards nursing. Even though 91.6%

agreed on nursing as respectful and dignified profession only 59% were interested in selecting

nursing as a future career. The study also revealed that there was no significant association

between attitude and selected socio demographic variables.


Preparing highly educated nurses to provide expert care, formulate policy, administer

health care delivery systems, and educate the next generation of health care providers is a critical

step for increasing access to quality health care and improving health care outcomes. The

provision of quality of nursing care depends on the number of nursing manpower and their

education and training. The results of this study are important in terms of providing information

that can lead to a new direction in addressing the issue of recruitment of nursing student as there

is a greater need for more and more nursing manpower to meet the increasing demands. The

results of this study are also of practical importance for nursing education, practice, and research

as it can add upon new information regarding the attitude towards nursing profession, to mark

the changes in accordance with time.


Findings of the study have implications in the field of nursing practice, nursing education,

nursing administration and nursing research.

Nursing practice

 The nurses in clinical area must exhibit a positive image of the profession by acting as

role models, which enables students to develop good attitude towards nursing and

encourage them to choose nursing as a career.

 There is a lack of role models for men choosing to enter nursing. Male nurses should take

an active role in recruiting more men into nursing.

Nursing Education

 While planning curriculum nurse educators can plan for programs that is beneficial for

general public in the form of exhibitions and medical camps which also acts as a platform

for them to know more in detail about nursing profession and develop a positive attitude

towards it.

 School health programmes as a part of community health nursing should be made more

student friendly involving the students which may generate interest towards nursing.

Nursing Administration

 To avoid knowledge gap about the benefits of nursing there is a need to establish open

lines of communication between parents, career counsellors and nursing administrators .

 Nursing administration must plan a separate budget for continuing education programme

related to increasing awareness about nursing profession in the society.

Nursing Research

 The findings of the study can be published in national and international journals for

dissemination of knowledge

 The study findings should be used as a catalyst for the future nurse researchers.

Recommendations for further research

On the basis of the findings, the following recommendations are offered for further research

 A study can be taken up to determine the opinion of school teachers as a career counselor

towards nursing as a profession

 A prospective study on attitude towards nursing as high school students and their

performance in nursing course can be planned.

 A study can be undertaken to assess the public image of nursing in India.


1. The study was conducted online due to covid-19 pandemic.

2. The response rate was low and participants were less likely to stay fully engaged for

completing questionnaire in addition to possibility of confidentiality concerns.

3. It was impossible to know if the questionnaire was completed by the student


1. Students should be given career guidance sessions from high school level

2. Open days to be arranged in professional institutions so that students get a chance to have

face to face interaction with professional students and develop a positive attitude towards

the profession

3. School libraries should have professional college magazines to enlighten students

regarding various programs.


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I hereby give consent for participating in the research study titled "Attitude of high

school students towards nursing profession" conducted by Miss Maalavika L, Miss Maria

Salichan ,Miss Meenu, Miss Merin Mathew,Miss Milan Alex, Miss Naajisha,Miss Navina Bino,

and Miss Nayana Lal, Third year BSc Nursing students of Government College of Nursing


I understand that I will be asked to answer the questions online related to sociopersonal

details and my attitude towards nursing profession.

I understand that the data collected from me will be kept confidential and will be used

only for study purpose and I understand that no financial commitments will be incurred upon me

by participating in the study. I have been informed that the willingness to participate in this study

is entirely voluntary and I have the full right to withdraw from the study at any point of time.


Not willing

Name of the participant



സമ്മതപത്ത 0

"ഹൈസ്കൂൾ വിദ്യാർത്ഥികളുടെ നഴസിിംഗ്

ടതാഴിലിനനാെുള്ള മനനാഭാവിം" എന്ന ഗനവഷണ പഠനത്തിൽ

പടെെുക്കുന്നതിന് ഞാൻ ഇതിനാൽ സമ്മതിം നൽകുന്നു. മിസ് മാളവിക എൽ,

മിസ് മരിയ സാലിചൻ, മിസ് മീനു, മിസ് ടമറിൻ മാതയു, മിസ് മിലൻ

അലക്സസ്, മിസ് നജിഷ, മിസ് നവീന ബിനനാ, മിസ് നയന ലാൽ,

ആലപ്പുഴ ഗവൺടമന്് നകാനളജ് ഓഫ് നഴസിിംഗ് വിദ്യാർത്ഥികൾ

പഠനിം നെത്തുന്നു.

സാമൂൈയ വയക്തിഗത ഡാറ്റ, മനനാഭാവിം

വിലയിരുത്തുന്നതിനുള്ള ഘെനാപരമായ നചാദ്യാവലി,

നഴസിിംഗ് ടതാഴിലിനനാെുള്ള മനനാഭാവിം

വിലയിരുത്തുന്നതിനുള്ള നററ്റിിംഗ് സ്ടകയിൽ എന്നിവയുമായി

ബന്ധടപ്പട്ട നചാദ്യങ്ങൾക്ക് ഓൺഹലനിൽ ഉത്തരിം

നൽകാൻ എനന്നാട് ആവശ്യടപ്പെുടമന്ന്

ഞാൻ മനസ്സിലാക്കുന്നു.

എന്നിൽ നിന്ന് നശ്ഖരിച്ച ഡാറ്റ രൈസയാത്മകമായി

സൂക്ഷിക്കുടമന്നുിം അത് പഠന ആവശ്യങ്ങൾക്കായി മാത്തിം

ഉപനയാഗിക്കുടമന്നുിം പഠനത്തിൽ പടെെുക്കുന്നതിലൂടെ



എനിക്കുണ്ടാകിടലെന്നുിം ഞാൻ മനസ്സിലാക്കുന്നു. ഈ

പഠനത്തിൽ പടെെുക്കാനുള്ള സന്നദ്ധത പൂർണമായുിം സവനമധയാ

ഉള്ളതാടണന്നുിം ഏത് സമയത്തുിം പഠനത്തിൽ നിന്ന്

പിന്മാറാനുള്ള മുഴുവൻ അവകാശ്വുിം

എനിക്കുടണ്ടന്നുിം എടന്ന അറിയിച്ചിട്ടുണ്ട്.




Structured questionnaire to assess the attitude of high school students towards

nursing profession
Section A
Socio Personal data
1. Name :
2. Age : 13 yrs/14 yrs/15yrs
3. Gender : Male/Female
4.Class of study : 8th/9th/10th
5. Religion : Hindu/Muslim/Christian
6. Residence : Urban/Rural/Coastal
7. Type of family : Nuclear/Joint/ Extended family
8..Father’s occupation: Professional/ Teacher/clerk/technical /unskilled labor/daily wages
9.Mother’s occupation: Professional/ Teacher/clerk/technical /unskilled labor/daily wages
10.Father’s education : Professional/PG /graduate/plus two /high school/primary/illiterate
11.Mother’s education: Professional/PG /graduate/plus two /high school/primary/illiterate
12.Monthly income : < Rs 10,000/ Rs 10001-20,000/ Rs >20,000

Section B

Awareness regarding Nursing

13. Have you decided to join any professional course?

14. Do you have any interest to take nursing profession for higher studies?
15. What are the sources of information from which you come to know about nursing?
Newspapers/Television/ social media/ career guides/ friends/relatives/others
16.Do any nursing personnel influenced you to choose this profession?

Rating scale to assess the attitude of high school students regarding nursing profession
Directions: we are interested in obtaining your personal opinions and insight regarding the
nursing profession. Please select the responses that best describe your own personal opinion
related to the following statements. Your participation is greatly valued and appreciated.

S. Statements Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly

No agree disagree

1 Community appreciates nursing profession as 4 3 2 1 0

dignified and respectful

2 Nursing may be a suitable profession for females 0 1 2 3 4


3 I feel nursing provides plenty of job opportunities. 4 3 2 1 0

4 Nurses and doctors have same status in society. 4 3 2 1 0

5 My parents are not interested in me joining a 0 1 2 3 4

nursing degree course. so do I

6 Nursing requires both physical and mental 4 3 2 1 0


7 Nursing provides an opportunity to work abroad. 0 1 2 3 4

8 Nursing is a service oriented job 4 3 2 1 0

9 My character is not appropriate for nursing 0 1 2 3 4

10 It is quite expensive to pursue a nursing degree 0 1 2 3 4


11 Acquiring nursing degree requires a long term 0 1 2 3 4

course of study.

12 Nurses are backbone of healthcare delivery system 4 3 2 1 0

13 Nurse only have to assist doctor in patient care 0 1 2 3 4

14 Nurses have opportunities to change the 4 3 2 1 0

professional line anytime for better advancement

15 High levels of knowledge and skill are keys to 4 3 2 1 0
become a nurse.

16 Nurses provide emotional support for patient as 4 3 2 1 0

well as their family

17 I dislike this profession because nurses are not 4 3 2 1 0

well paid.

18 Being a nurse there is more risk of acquiring 0 1 2 3 4


19 Nurses get less time to be with family 0 1 2 3 4

20 Nursing is a secure profession. 4 3 2 1 0

21 A nurse has to work for long hours a day 0 1 2 3 4

22 I am comfortable with the idea of being a nurse 4 3 2 1 0

23 I am not comfortable with long working hours 0 1 2 3 4

24 Not all religions prefer nursing career. 0 1 2 3 4

25 Nurses are well placed in foreign countries. 4 3 2 1 0


1,3,4,6,8,12,14,15,16,17,20,22 and 25 are positive statements (13 items) which are scored from 4
to 1 and 2,5,7,9,11,13,18,19,21,23 and 25 are negative statements (12 items) which are reverse

Maximum score= 100

Good attitude=score >75

Neutral attitude =score 50-75

Poor attitude= score<50


ഹൈസ്കൂൾ വിദ്യാർത്ഥികളുടെ മനനാഭാവിം

വിലയിരുത്തുന്നതിനുള്ള ഘെനാപരമായ
നചാദ്യാവലി(ഉപകരണിം -1)
വിഭാഗിം എ

സാമൂൈിക വയക്തിഗത ഡാറ്റ


2. ത്പായിം: 13 വർഷിം / 14 വർഷിം / 15 വർഷിം

3. ലിിംഗനഭദ്ിം: പുരുഷൻ / സ്ത്തീ

4. പഠന ക്ലാസ്: 8/9/10/10

5. മതിം: ൈിന്ദു / മുസ്ീിം / ത്കിസ്തയൻ

6. ടറസിഡൻസ്: നഗരO / ത്ഗാമO / തീരനദ്ശ്O

7. കുെുിംബത്തിന്ടറ തരിം: നയൂക്ലിയർ / നജായിന്് / എക്സടെൻഡഡ്

8..പിതാവിന്ടറ ടതാഴിൽ: ടത്പാഫഷണൽ / െീച്ചർ / ഗുമസ്തൻ /

സാനെതിക /

അവിദ്ഗ്ദ്ധ ടതാഴിലാളികൾ / ഹദ്നിംദ്ിന നവതനിം

9. അമ്മയുടെ ടതാഴിൽ: ടത്പാഫഷണൽ /

അധയാപകൻ / ഗുമസ്തൻ /

സാനെതിക / അവിദ്ഗ്ദധ
് ടതാഴിലാളികൾ / ഹദ്നിംദ്ിന നവതനിം

10.പിതാവിന്ടറ വിദ്യാഭയാസിം:ടത്പാഫഷണൽ / പിജി

/ ബിരുദ്ിം / പ്ലസ് െു / ഹൈസ്കൂൾ / ഹത്പമറി / നിരക്ഷരർ

11. അമ്മയുടെ വിദ്യാഭയാസിം: ടത്പാഫഷണൽ / പിജി /
ബിരുദ്ിം / പ്ലസ് െു /

ഹൈസ്കൂൾ / ഹത്പമറി / നിരക്ഷരർ

12. ത്പതിമാസ വരുമാനിം: <10,000 / 10000-20000/>20000

വിഭാഗിം ബി

നഴസിിംഗ് സിംബന്ധിച്ച അവനബാധിം

13. ഏടതെിലുിംടത്പാഫഷണൽ നകാഴസിൽ നചരാൻ നിങ്ങൾ


അടത /അലെ

14. ഉന്നത പഠനത്തിനായി നഴസിിംഗ്

നജാലി എെുക്കാൻ നിങ്ങൾക്ക്


അടത /അലെ

15. നഴസിിംഗിടനക്കുറിച്ച് നിങ്ങൾ അറിയുന്ന വിവരങ്ങളുടെ

ഉറവിെങ്ങൾ ഏതാണ്?

പത്തങ്ങൾ / ടെലിവിഷൻ / നസാഷയൽ മീഡിയ / കരിയർ

ഹഗഡുകൾ /

സുൈൃത്തുക്കൾ / ബന്ധുക്കൾ / മറ്റുള്ളവർ

16. ഈ ടതാഴിൽ

തിരടെെുക്കുന്നതിന് ഏടതെിലുിം

നഴസിിംഗ് ഉനദ്യാഗസ്ഥർ നിങ്ങടള സവാധീനിച്ചിട്ടുനണ്ടാ?

അടത /അലെ

ഉപകരണിം 2

നഴസിിംഗ് ടതാഴിലുമായി ബന്ധടപ്പട്ട് ഹൈസ്കൂൾ

വിദ്യാർത്ഥികളുടെ മനനാഭാവിം വിലയിരുത്തുന്നതിനുള്ള

നററ്റിിംഗ് സ്ടകയിൽ

നിർനേശ്ങ്ങൾ: നഴസിിംഗ് ടതാഴിലിടനക്കുറിച്ചുള്ള നിങ്ങളുടെ


അഭിത്പായങ്ങളുിം ഉൾക്കാഴചയുിം നനൊൻ ഞങ്ങൾ

താൽപ്പരയടപ്പെുന്നു. ഇനിപ്പറയുന്ന നചാദ്യങ്ങളുമായി ബന്ധടപ്പട്ട

നിങ്ങളുടെ വയക്തിപരമായ അഭിത്പായടത്ത മികച്ച

രീതിയിൽ വിവരിക്കുന്ന ത്പതികരണങ്ങൾ

തിരടെെുക്കുക. നിങ്ങളുടെ പൊളിത്തിം വളടരയധികിം

വിലമതിക്കുകയുിം ടചയ്യുന്നു.




് മായി



നഴസിിംഗ് ടതാഴിലിടന മാനയവുിം മാനയവുമാ 4 3 2 1 0

കമ്മയൂണിറ്റി വിലമതിക്കുന്നു യി

2 നഴസിിംഗ് സ്ത്തീകൾക്ക് 0 1 2 3 4
മാത്തിം അനുനയാജയമായ
ഒരു ടതാഴിലായിരിക്കാിം.
3 എനിക്ക് നതാന്നുന്നു ധാരാളിം 4 3 2 1 0
ടതാഴിലവസരങ്ങൾ നൽകുന്നു.
4 നഴസുമാർക്കുിം നഡാക്സെർമാർക്കുിം സമൂൈത്തിൽ ഒനര 4 3 2 1 0

5 ഒരു നഴസിിംഗ് ഡിത്ഗി നകാഴസിൽ 0 1 2 3 4

നചരാൻ എന്ടറ
മാതാപിതാക്കൾക്ക് താൽപ്പരയമിലെ. അതിനാൽ

6 നഴസിിംഗിന് ശ്ാരീരികവുിം 4 3 2 1 0
മാനസികവുമായ കഴിവുകൾ ആവശ്യമാണ്.

7 നഴസിിംഗ് വിനദ്ശ്ത്ത് നജാലി ടചയ്യാൻ 0 1 2 3 4
അവസരിം നൽകുന്നു.
8 നസവനടത്ത അെിസ്ഥാനമാക്കിയുള്ള 4 3 2 1 0
നജാലിയാണ് നഴസിിംഗ്

9 എന്ടറ സവഭാവിം നഴസിിംഗിന് 0 1 2 3 4

10 നഴസിിംഗ് ഡിത്ഗി നകാഴസ് 0 1 2 3 4
നെത്തുന്നത് വളടര
11 നഴസിിംഗ് ബിരുദ്ിം നനെുന്നതിന് 0 1 2 3 4
െഡ് ഒരു ദ്ീർഘകാല
നകാഴസ് ആവശ്യമാണ്y.
12 ആനരാഗയ സിംരക്ഷണ വിതരണ 4 3 2 1 0
സിംവിധാനത്തിന്ടറ നടട്ടലൊണ്
13 നരാഗി പരിചരണത്തിൽ നഡാക്സെടറ സൈായിക്കാൻ 0 1 2 3 4
മാത്തനമ നഴസിന് കഴിയൂ

14 മികച്ച പുനരാഗതിക്കായി എനപ്പാൾ 4 3 2 1 0

നവണടമെിലുിം ടത്പാഫഷണൽ ഹലനിൽ മാറ്റിം
വരുത്താൻ നഴസുമാർക്ക് അവസരങ്ങളുണ്ട്

15 ഉയർന്ന അറിവുിം ഹനപുണയവുിം 4 3 2 1 0

ഒരു നഴസാകാനുള്ള താനക്കാലാണ്.

16 നരാഗികൾക്കുിം അവരുടെ 4 3 2 1 0
നഴസുമാർ ഹവകാരിക
പിന്തുണ നൽകുന്നു
17 നഴസുമാർക്ക് നലെ ശ്മ്പളിം ലഭിക്കാത്തതിനാൽ ഞാൻ ഈ ടതാഴിൽ 4 3 2 1 0

18 ഒരു നഴസായതിനാൽ നരാഗങ്ങൾ വരാനുള്ള സാധയത 0 1 2 3 4


19 നഴസുമാർക്ക് കുെുിംബനത്താടൊപ്പിം 0 1 2 3 4
താമസിക്കാൻ കുറച്ച് സമയിം മാത്തനമ ലഭിക്കൂy

20 നഴസിിംഗ് ഒരു സുരക്ഷിത ടതാഴിലാണ്. 4 3 2 1 0

21 ഒരു നഴസിന് ദ്ിവസത്തിൽ കൂെുതൽ 0 1 2 3 4

മണിക്കൂർ നജാലി


22 ഒരു നഴസ് എന്ന ആശ്യിം എനിക്ക് സുഖകരമാണ് 4 3 2 1 0

23 നീണ്ട നജാലി സമയിം എനിക്ക് സുഖകരമലെ 0 1 2 3 4

24 എലൊ മതങ്ങളുിം നഴസിിംഗ് കരിയറിടന 0 1 2 3 4

25 നഴസുമാടര വിനദ്ശ് രാജയങ്ങളിൽ നന്നായി 4 3 2 1 0


1,3,4,6,8,12,14,15,16,17,20,22, 25 എന്നിവ നപാസിറ്റീവ് നെറ്റ് ടമന്റുകളാണ് (13 ഇനങ്ങൾ)

4 മുതൽ 1 വടരയുിം 2,5,7,9,11, 13,18,19,21,23 ഉിം 25 ഉിം വിപരീത ത്പസ്താവനകളാണ്

(12 ഇനങ്ങൾ)

പരമാവധി സ്നകാർ = 100

നലെ മനനാഭാവിം = സ്നകാർ> 75

നിഷ്പക്ഷ മനനാഭാവിം = സ്നകാർ

50-75 നമാശ്ിം മനനാഭാവിം =

സ്നകാർ <50


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