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Proceedings of the 1st IFAC Conference on Embedded Systems,

Computational Intelligence and Telematics in Control - CESCIT

3-5 April 2012. Würzburg, Germany

A case study of a flexible software tool in the drilling process

E. Portillo*, I. Cabanes**, J.A. Sánchez***, D. Orive****, N. Ortega*****, M. Marcos******

*Department of Automatic Control and System Engineering, University of the Basque Country, Alameda Urquijo s/n, 48013,
Bilbao, Spain (Tel: +34 94 6013952; e-mail:

**Department of Automatic Control and System Engineering, University of the Basque Country, Alameda Urquijo s/n, 48013,
Bilbao, Spain (Tel: +34 94 6013951; e-mail:

*** Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of the Basque Country, Alameda Urquijo s/n, 48013Bilbao, Spain
(Tel: +34 94 6014089; e-mail:

**** Department of Automatic Control and System Engineering, University of the Basque Country, Alameda Urquijo s/n,
48013Bilbao, Spain (Tel: +34 94 6014212; e-mail:

***** Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of the Basque Country, Alameda Urquijo s/n, 48013Bilbao, Spain
(Tel: +34 94 6013929; e-mail:

****** Department of Automatic Control and System Engineering, University of the Basque Country, Alameda Urquijo s/n,
48013Bilbao, Spain (Tel: +34 94 6014049; e-mail:

Abstract: The drilling process is one of the most extended machining processes inthe manufacturing
industry. However, the performance of this process can be importantly decreased due to the drill wear
and even breakage. Concerning this, this paper presents a flexible software tool that provides the user of
the drilling machine with information about the current regime of the drilling process. In particular, the
application provides information related to the occurrence of both tool wear and material
Keywords: Flexible software tool, Industrial application, drilling, tool wear LabviewTM.

particles with different mechanical properties compared to

those for which the cutting parameters have been defined can
The production of holes using the drilling process plays a lead to excessive wear and even the risk of sudden breakage.
fundamental role in the manufacturing industry. In fact, 70% Thus, from the production process perspective, several
of all the material removed by conventional machining comes undesirable consequences can arise: downtimes, increased
from drilling operations (Abele et al., 2007). production costs, loss of dimensional tolerances, and even
irreversible workpiece defects.
Actually, the proper control and monitoring of tool
performance become critical to achieve the accuracy and In order to detect the degradation of the drill two main
productivity optimization. process signals can be monitored: the cutting forces and the
power signal. The tangential component of the cutting force
As in other material removal processes, in the drilling process
has been usually employed since that component is the one
it is also difficult to directly measure and monitor the
with the highest module (Haber-Haber et al., 2007).
phenomena related to the contact between the tool and the
However, measuring forces requires the use of highly
workpiece. Consequently, important efforts have been done
specialized and expensive devices which are not robust under
in this field by using process signals that provide indirect
industrial conditions (such as dynamometric tables).
information about the current state of the drilling process.
Moreover, they are not intended to be integrated into a
The details of representative works in this field can be found
competitive commercial machine. Since the tangential force
in Gajate et al. (2009), Jantunen (2002), Li (1999), Govekar can be converted into power by multiplying by the cutting
et al. (1994), Schehl (1991), and Hayashi et al. (1988). speed, measuring power becomes an efficient and robust
In particular, avoiding the tool wear and/or breakage is one of alternative for process monitoring.
the main concerns to be addressedin the case of the drilling
Given the need for improving the process productivity,
process.The causes of these phenomena are related to the
flexible software tools would facilitate the work of the
progressive wear provoked by high machining temperatures,
machine operator. Actually, it is crucial for the machine
high pressure on the rake surface, as well as part material
operator to have information about the current behaviour of
heterogeneities. Concerning the latter, the appearance of
the process (such as the tool wear) so as he/she can modify

978-3-902661-97-5/12/$20.00 © 2012 IFAC 333 10.3182/20120403-3-DE-3010.00025

the cutting conditions before damaging the machined assistant for the detection of both tool wear and material
component. It should be taken into account that when a heterogeneities.
workpiece is damaged the operator has to discard it and,
consequently, the whole work is to be repeated, which means
increasing times, costs, and energy and material wasting.
The Drilling Process Computer Assistant DriCA integrates
In this context, flexible software tools for process monitoring
an acquisition system based on a commercial acquisition
and diagnosis are of primary importance for an easier and
board, and consists of 3 modules: the Instantaneous Power
faster analysis of the behaviour of the process under different
Module, that provides information about the current value of
operating conditions. Thus, this paper presents the Drilling
the power signal, the Power Signal Statistics Module, that
Process Computer Assistant (DriCA), whichdetects the
allow to analyse the evolution of the power signal along
degradation of the drilling process due to factors such as tool
several drilling holes, and the Detection Module, that advices
wear and material heterogeneities. In particular, the most
on the occurrence of both tool wear and material changes.
important characteristics as well as the design and
implementation details of DriCA are described in this paper. Fig.1 shows the Graphical User Interface GUI of DriCA with
Finally, application examplesare presentedrelated to the the three modules defined. DriCA is a user-friendly and easy
drilling of stacks of dissimilar materials, including steel, cast scalable system that has been implemented by LabviewTM.
iron and aluminium. The results show the usefulness of the

Fig.1. DriCA: User Interface

The Instantaneous Power Module acquires de cutting power instantaneous samples of the power signal captured by the
signal from the NI-6115 acquisition card (described in previously described acquisition system.
section 3) and depicts the acquired samples on a graph,
Finally, the Detection Module advices on the occurrence of
showing the current evolution of the power signal. In
both tool wear and material heterogeneities. For that purpose,
particular, the graph shows the earliest 20 seconds of the
two sets of indicators are provided: (a) indicators that alert
power signalso as to provide a quick view of the current state
from two types of tool wear: progressive wear and possible
of the process.
tool fracture; and (b) indicators that inform about the current
The Power Signal Statistics Module consists of a graph that machined material.
shows the evolution of the average power informing about
As expected, the Detection Module concludes the diagnosis
the behaviour of the process along several drilling holes.
of the state of the drilling process by the analysis of both the
Additionally, one indicator shows the mean of the power
instantaneous and the statistical values provided by the
signal. Obviously, the evolution is computed from the
InstantaneousPower and the Power Signal Statistics

CESCIT 2012 334

3-5 April 2012. Würzburg, Germany
modules. In particular, the instantaneous power signal is acquire the power signal referred to the power consumed in
employed for detecting material heterogeneities and the the spindle.
power signal statistics for estimating the tool wear. The
In order to store the power signal, an acquisition system
subsequent subsections explain the main concerns related to
based on the acquisition card NI-6115 has been performed.
both diagnoses.
The selected system allows continuous capturing, without
3.ACQUISITION SYSTEM loss of samples, and subsequent processing of signals with
LabViewTM. Therefore, it may be used under different
The main goal of the data acquisition system is to
conditions (different workpiece materials, machining
continuously acquire generic signals, with the required
conditions, etc). Fig.2 shows a diagram of the real time data
sample and storage rate and provided several analogue input
acquisition system used in the drilling process.
channels with independent resolution and input range
configuration. In particular, this real time data acquisition The power consumed by the drill spindle is measured by the
system aims at acquiring experimental databases (both stable universal power sensor UPC-FR from Load Controls, which
and degraded tests) that can be processed in order to define is installed in the upper-back panel of the machine, and it
generic indicators of instability tendencies related to tool measures the input power to the spindle motor rotation. The
wear and unwanted heterogeneities. power signal is transferred to the BNC-2110 adapter (the
Noise-Rejecting BNC I/O Connector Block, National
In this case, the choice of the Data Acquisition System has
Instruments). This adapter is connected to a NI-6115 data
been conditioned mainly by tworequirements: a sampling
acquisition board.
frequency of 200Hz; one analogue input channel with
independent resolution and input range configuration to

Fig.2. Acquisition system

4.EXPERIMENTAL EXAMPLES inserted into the workpiece) depends on the specific cutting
force Kcof the material (N/mm2), the feed rate f (mm/rev), the
In order to illsutrate the usefulness of the presented tool, this
drill diameter D (mm), and the number of revolutions per
section presents application examples of the detection of both
minute n (rpm), and a constant value kte used to translate the
material hetereogeneities and tool wear.
different magnitudes into the International System of Units.
4.1Detection of material heterogeneities !! !! ! !
!! ! !"#
! (1)
It is well known that the value of the cutting power (kW) in
stable regime (in other words, when the drill is completely

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3-5 April 2012. Würzburg, Germany
Thus, material heterogeneities can be detected by applying Table 1.Detection of material heterogeneities:
this mathematical expression. Given the current value of the combination of materials
feed rate (f), the drill diameter (D), the number of revolutions
per minute (n), and the current value of the power (P) Material 1 Material 2
measured by the acquisition system, the specific cutting force (UpperLayer) (LowerLayer)
of the machined material (Kc) can be computed and, as a Aluminium 7075
Steel F114
result, the current material can be inferred. Castiron GS45
Castiron Steel F114
Actually, the on-line detection of transitions between GS45 Aluminium 7075
materials is useful when the change of material is due to Steel F114
heterogeneities in the machined workpiece. This aspect is 7075 Castiron GS45
important especially when the transition is from a soft to a
hard material since normally the harder material contacts Fig.4 illustrates the experiments that reproduce the behaviour
with the main cutting edges producing an increase in the of the process when the drill finds an unwanted heterogeneity
cutting power provided the machining parameters of the in the material.
softer material. In this context DriCA provides the user with
important information that can be employed to adapt the
machining parameters (in particular, the feed rate) when
detecting such transitions.
Industrial drilling tests of these similar materials have been
carried out in order to validate the performance of the DriCA
assistant. The sandwich workpieces proposed for the tests
consist of two layers of different materials (each layer is 30
mm height), as it is shown in Fig.3. In these tests the depth
hole machined is 45 mm.
Fig.4. Detection of material heterogeneities: real
The workpiece materials considered during these implementation.
experimentsare summarized in Table 1. In this case, 40 holes
are machined for each combination of material (steel F114, The behaviour of the power signal during the transitions from
aluminium 7075 and cast iron GS45).The drilling parameters aluminium to steel, from aluminium to cast iron, and from
used are those recommended by the manufacturer for the cast iron to steel, respectively, has been analysed. The results
material 1 in the sandwich workpieces. of the analysis of the experiments reveal that the increases of
the power process signal due to these transitions are
The drills used in all the tests are high-performance sub- approximately 115%, 175% and 20%, respectively. As
micron ED-TiAlN coated hard metal, and they allow a expected, the values of these increments depend on both the
maximum depth of the hole equal to five times the diameter specific cutting force of the material, and the machine
(5xD). Thus, in these tests the diameter of the tool is 10 mm, parameters. Fig. 1 illustrates the evolution from aluminium to
allowing maximum depth of the holes of 50 mm. steel.
Specifically, the depth of the holes are 30 mm in material 1
and 15 mm in material 2, yielding a total depth of 45 mm.



Fig.5.Transition from aluminium to steel.

From the drilling process behavior point of view, the time
required to detect a transition from one material to another
one depends on the properties of the materials involved.
Considering the materials employed during the experiments,
the longest time required to detect the new material is given
Fig.3.Detection of material heterogeneities: configuration of by the transition from aluminium to cast iron, which is
the experiments. around 0.5 seconds.

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6.2Detection of tool wear

Drilling a high number of holes with the same tool provokes

the tool wear and, as a consequence, the degradation of the
process. The design of the tests to detect such situation is
shown in Table 2. This configuration of tests is designed
based on three aspects:
Understanding the behaviour of the drilling process under
various commonly used materials. In particular, it uses steel
F114 and cast iron GS45 which are widely used in
applications such as automotive stamping dies.
Different tool diameters. Specifically, the drill diameters
considered are 10mm and 15mm.
Understanding the behaviour of the process when tool wear
occurs. Fig.6.Detection of tool wear: real implementation.
Table 2.Detection ofthe tool wear:workpiece materials Fig. 7 and Fig. 8 show the evolution of the mean of the power
and drill diameters stationary value when cutting steel F114 and cast iron GS45
workpieces by means of a 10 mm diameter drill, respectively.
Workpiece Drill
Material diameter(mm)
Steel F114

Cast iron Tool wear
GS45 No tool wear

All the tests are performed on high speed milling Kondia

HS1000. They have been collected by the acquisition system Fig.7. Experiments performed on steel F114 by means of a 10
detailed in the previous section. The drills used in all the tests mm diameter drill
are high-performance sub-micron ED-TiAlN coated hard
metal, and they allow a maximum hole depth, equal to three
times the diameter (3xD). The tests are carried out with a
hole depth of 20 mm in order not to exceed the limit of the
most restrictive bit (in the case of the 10 mm diameter Tool wear

drilling tool, the maximum depth is 30 mm). In particular, in

these tests depth holes are 20 mm. The drilling parameters No tool wear

used are those recommended by the manufacturer depending

on the drill diameter and workpiece material. Two series of
holes per workpiece material and drill diameter have been
machined. Fig.8. Experimentsperformed on cast iron GS45 workpieces
During these experiments, holes are machined by the same by means of a 10 mm diameter drill.
drill until the drill wears or breaks. In order to illustrate these Note that in the experiments performed on steel workpieces,
experiments, Fig.6illustrates these experimental tests when cutting fluid has been removed from the 78th hole so as to
steel F114 workpiece is drilled. In fact, every 5 holes the provoke the drill wear.
diameter of the tool and its wear, as well as the aspects of the
machined holes have been evaluated by an optic The effect of the drill wear can be observed in the so-called
microscopic.This procedure is performed without removing Tool wear zone marked in Fig.7 and Fig.8. Again, the
the drill. behaviour of the wear depending on the material can be
noticed. In particular, the effect of the drill wear when cutting
steel workpieces is an approximately 10% slow and gradual
increase of the power variable (progressive tool wear; see
Fig. 9 a), which corresponds to the experiment represented in
Fig.7, and shows the condition of the tool after drilling the
112 holes of the experiment. However, when drilling cast
iron the power variable increases abruptly and
instantaneously approximately 50%, and, as a consequence,
the tool can fracture (tool fracture; see Fig. 9 b), which

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corresponds to the experiment represented in Fig.8 and shows 7. ACKNOWLEDGMENT
the condition of the tool after drilling the 40 holes of the
It is gratefully acknowledged the financial support of the
University of the Basque Country UPV-EHU (GIU 10/20).
Thus, the initial value of power when using a new (zero
wear) drilling tool is known and, as stated in (1).This means
that it is not necessary a previous learning phase for obtaining REFERENCES
the initial value.Progressive tool wear and possible tool Abele, E., Ellermeier,A., Hohensteing,J.,
fracture can be inferred by comparing the current mean value Tschannerl,A.(2007). Tool length influence on wear
of the power signal with the initial value. behavior of twisted carbide drills.Production
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Industrial, 6 (1), 31-38.

Govekar, E., Grabec, I. (1994). Self-organizing neural

a) b) network application to drill wear classification.Journal
of Engineering for Industry, Transactions of the ASME,
Fig. 9. a) Example of progressive tool wear; b)Example of 116 (3), 233–238.
tool fracture.
Haber-Haber, R., Habera, R., Schmittdiel, M., del Toro, R.
From the drilling process behaviour point of view, the time
M. (2007). A classic solution for the control of a high-
required to detect a significative increase in the value of
performance drilling process.International Journal of
power depends on the number of holes. At the sight of the
Machine Tools & Manufacture, 47, 2290–2297.
results of the analysis, at the most, two consecutive holes are
required to detect a significative increase in the mean of the
Hayashi,S.R., Thomas,C.E., Wildes,D.G. (1998). Tool break
power signal.
detection by monitoring ultrasonic vibrations.Annals of
6. CONCLUSIONS the CIRP, 37 (1), 61–64.
A flexible software tool DriCAfor assisting the drilling
Jantunen,E.(2002).A summary of methods applied to tool
machine user is presented in this paper. In particular,
condition monitoring in drilling.International Journal of
information about both tool wear and material heterogeneities
Machine Tools & Manufacture, 42, 997–1010.
is provided. The tooluses an acquisition system so as to
capture the power signal during the operation of the process.
Li,X. (1999). On-line detection of the breakage of small
The power signal is processed by three modules: the
diameter drills using current signature wavelet
Instantaneous Power Module, that provides information
transform.International Journal of Machine Tools &
about the current value of the cutting power, the Power
Manufacture, 39 (1), 157–164.
Signal Statistics Module, that allow to analyse the evolution
of the power signal along several drilling holes, and the
Schehl,U. (1991). Werkzeugu¨berwachung mit Acoustic-
Detection Module, that advices on the occurrence of both tool
Emission beim Drehen, Fräsen und Bohren.Ph.D.
wear and material heterogeneities.
Concerning the phenomena related to the tool wear, the
results of the analysis show that, at the most, two consecutive
holes are required to detect a significative increase in the
mean of the power signal. As the material heterogeneities are
concerned, the longest time required to detect a
hetereogeneitie is given by the transition from aluminium to
cast iron, which is at most around 0,5 seconds.
A future real time implementation of such detections on an
appropriate embedded system would provide a fast response
of the system.
Finally, it is remarkable that the given advice on the tool
wear (due to the natural consumption of the tool life) is used
to inform that the tool should be changed. Concerning the
detection of material heterogeneities, automatically updating
the feedrate value in a close-loop control would help to avoid
the wear of the tool and the workpiece.

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3-5 April 2012. Würzburg, Germany

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