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Q1. Complete the reaction of following elements with water and balance
the equations.
1. Potassium 11. Sodium
2. Calcium 12. Magnesium
3. Aluminium 13. Zinc
4. Iron 14. Coke
5. Chlorine 15. Sulphur dioxide
6. Sulphur trioxide 16. Carbon dioxide
7. Nitrogen dioxide 17. Potassium oxide
8. Calcium oxide 18. Anhydrous copper sulphate
9. Cobalt chloride 19. Dissolved oxygen-respiration
10. dissolved CO2-photosynthesis 20. Dissolved CO2-formation of shells
Q2. State the importance of water. How does it occur in the free state and in
the combined state.
Q3. Water cycle maintains the circulation of water in nature. Explain.
Q4. Name or state the following:
i. A substance added to remove both temporary and permanent hardness
in water.
ii. A drying agent, deliquescent in nature used in dessicator.
iii. A salt whose solubility decreases with rise in temperature of the solvent
iv. An anhydrate of a heptahydrate salt.
v. A liquid hygroscopic substance.
vi. A deliquescent salt of a divalent metal.
vii. A deliquescent salt of a trivalent metal.
viii. A substance which causes hardness in water.
ix. An efflorescent decahydrate salt.
x. An anhydrous crystal.
Q5. Give three reasons to prove that water is a compound and not an element.
Q6. Differentiate between natural and treated water. State three different
forms of treated water.

Q7. State the colour, odour, taste, boiling point, melting point and density of
Q8. Water is considered a universal solvent. Give the reason for the same.
State why electrovalent compounds rapidly dissolve in water.

Q9. State why ammonia is highly soluble, carbon dioxide is fairly soluble &
oxygen is sparingly soluble in water.
Q10. From the gases: hydrogen, hydrogen chloride, chlorine, nitrogen, sulphur
dioxide and carbon monoxide -state which are highly soluble, fairly soluble and
very slightly soluble in water.
Q11. Give reasons for the following:
i] water at 4°C has maximum density and minimum volume,
ii] water finds applications in cooling systems and in modifying the climate of
the nearby land.
iii] Solubility curves find utility in separation and purification of solutes.
iv] Heating a hydrated copper sulphate crystal is deemed a chemical change.
V] Efflorescence is minimum during humid conditions.

Q12. Describe a simple experiment to show that the water we drink contains
dissolved solids & dissolved gases [air].
Q13. State the il composition, ii] importance of dissolved solids and dissolved
gases in water. Account for the difference in composition of atmospheric air
and air dissolved in water.

Q14. Give two examples of reactions in which water acts as a catalyst. Also
Define ‘water of crystallization’.
Q15. State the i] observation, ii] nature of the reaction, iii] colour of the flame,
iv) nature of solution, when each of the metals - potassium, sodium and
calcium are individually dropped into cold water.
Q16. State the observation when magnesium reacts with hot or boiling water.
Give a balanced equation for the same.
Q17. Give balanced equations for the liberation of hydrogen using water as the
reactant with – i] a trivalent metal, ii] a metal which undergoes a reversible
reaction with water.
Q18. State how the reactions of potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium,
aluminium, zinc and iron with water helps us to form the reactivity series of
Q19. Name five metals which have no reaction with water.

Q20. How does a fused calcium chloride differ from iron[iii] chloride when
exposed to the atmosphere? Give two industrial applications of water.
Q21. What is meant by the term-'solution' Explain the meaning of the terms: il
solute, ii] solvent with reference to a solution. What are dilute and
concentrated solutions. State the characteristics of a true solution.

Q22. Differentiate between unsaturated, saturated & supersaturated

solutions. How would you convert a saturated solution to an unsaturated
solution and vice versa.
Q23. State one solvent for each of the following - rubber, paint, sulphur, rust,
iodine and grease stains.

Q24. Define solubility. Explain the effect of temperature on solubility of -

i] KNO3 ii] NaCl iii] CaSO4, in water.
Q25. State what are synthetic detergents. Explain experimentally how will you
determine the advantage of synthetic detergents over a soap using a sample of
hard water.

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