Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment: Dimitris Poursanidis, Nektarios Chrysoulakis

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Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment 6 (2017) 25–38

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Remote Sensing, natural hazards and the contribution of ESA Sentinels MARK

Dimitris Poursanidis , Nektarios Chrysoulakis
Foundation for Research and Technology - Hellas (FORTH), Institute of Applied and Computational Mathematics, N. Plastira 100, Vassilika Vouton, 70013
Heraklion, Greece


Keywords: Natural hazards are phenomena with a large spatial dimension and impact. Their mapping and monitoring can
Natural hazards be recorded only by using satellite remote image platforms. The range of the natural hazards and the way the
Remote Sensing latter affect the natural and manmade environments make the selection of the appropriate data types and
Sentinels mission analyses a challenging mission. Therefore, it is important that we understand the effects of each phenomenon as
well as the potential relations between them, both in the temporal and spatial dimension. Furthermore, we take
into account the availability and cost of the data in order to proceed to the selection of the appropriate data type
and analysis as well as the potential of ESA's Sentinel missions. All in all, this paper aims at examining the
recent technological developments ever since the advent of Remote Sensing via a variety of platforms and the
latter's application for a better planning and confrontation of the natural hazards. Those which are of global
interest and which occur more frequently during the last decades as a result of climate change are wild fires,
flash floods in the urban and rural environments, landslides, tsunamis and soil erosion. Last but not least, the
occurrence of volcanic activity, especially those in close proximity to urban areas, and heatwaves in the urban
environment, are also mentioned.

1. Introduction in the upstream parts of the catchments of the rivers change their
hydrological regimes. Wildfires can, also, cause deforestation and may
Natural disasters and hazards whether triggered by natural or human even result in massive destruction of properties and cultivations in rural
factors, have become an issue of growing concern (Seneviratne et al., areas. Deforested areas are susceptible to desertification due to bare land
2012; Prevention Web, 2015). UNDRO in 1991 (UNDRO, 1991) stated cover and intensive exploitation of the forthcoming new vegetation from
that population growth and land degradation are interrelated issues and pastoral activities if no management plans are applied in the areas. The
as a consequence, more problems have arisen due to the uncontrollable above practices are responsible for landslides and flash floods down-
expansion of housing in natural areas and high density unplanned urban stream during the wet periods, with inconceivable ramifications to the
sprawl. According to the recent annual review by the UNISDR (UNISDR, urban environments. The most severe are socioeconomic impacts,
2015), 87% of the disasters are driven by the negative effects of climatic including loss of human lives, health and quality of life degradation,
change in tandem with the degradation of natural resources. Both the loss of private and public property and a dramatic plunge in economic
frequency and magnitude of the disasters have posed a threat on the activities. The fact that the population density has increased is impor-
natural environment and its elements (biodiversity and its services) as tant. New settlements are gradually expanding in nearby problematic
well as the populations which live in diverse environments and especially zones like areas along the river flood plains, marginal arid areas, and
those how are closer to urban and periurban – rural areas. Natural steep slopes susceptible to landslides as well as to newly establish
disasters like floods, drought and fire, landslides and desertification volcanic eruptions. Moreover, urban areas attract more people to live
accompanied with soil erosion are highly related to human intervention. and work. The fast growing urban sprawl in tandem with a total lack in
On the other hand, heatwaves, cyclones and tsunamis are phenomena mitigation measures which will secure the quality of city life can become
driven by the climatic changes while volcanic explosions and earth- fatal when extreme temperatures occur for extended periods. This
quakes are purely natural phenomena. Deforestation for trade purposes ultimately results in massive heatwaves which cause even deaths.
or for unsustainable urban sprawl as well as other land cover alterations The majority of the disasters are tackled as sudden emergency

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (D. Poursanidis).
Received 9 February 2016; Received in revised form 18 September 2016; Accepted 21 February 2017
Available online 01 March 2017
2352-9385/ © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
D. Poursanidis, N. Chrysoulakis Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment 6 (2017) 25–38

situations due to the total lack in emergency plans and risk maps in the 2011; Giglio et al., 2003; Roy et al., 2008), Landsat missions (TM, ETM
areas, the underestimation of the hazard as well as the unusual and +, OLI) (Tucker et al., 2004, Potapov et al., 2015), Aster (Schroeder
extreme conditions of the natural phenomena. The use of remote et al., 2008), SPOT (Silva et al., 2005; Gouveia et al., 2010) and
sensing when dealing with such natural disasters is a common practice IKONOS (Mitri and Gitas, 2008) and WorldView II (Zhuoting et al.,
nowadays (Li and Liu, 2006, Voigt et al., 2007, Joyce et al., 2009, Joyce 2015) are among the most commonly used satellite images. In
et al., 2014, Plank, 2014). It is the only means that can provide large addition, SAR radar data from ALOS PALSAR, Radarsat-2, ERS-2,
scale datasets for the support of the planning phase (Neuvel and den Envisat ASAR, COSMO-SkyMed and TerraSAR – X have been used for
Brink, 2009) and the risk assessment. Also, the datasets can be used for wildfire mapping (Bourgeau et al. 2002; Goodenough et al., 2011a,
the evaluation of the post and after phase of a disaster, the spatial 2011b; Tanase et al., 2010, 2011; Mari et al., 2012; Avezzano et al.,
mapping in the aftermath of it as well as the support of the restoration 2014).
and the evaluation of the economic impact. Remote sensing has The synergy between optical satellite sensor data like the MODIS –
increased its common use due to the growing interest in environmental Landsat synergy (Boschetti et al., 2015 and references cited in) is a
issues as well as advances in geospatial technologies and the ability to novelty in order to increase the accuracy of the fire mapping or for the
provide the public with near real time imagery and information validation of the products of the lower resolution imageries with higher
through different means, like the media and the web. At this point ones. This will become efficient after the availability of the Sentinel 2
we shall discuss the approaches on the mapping and monitoring of a constellation (2 satellites – 2A and 2B – on orbit) with a higher revisit
number of natural disasters like wildfires, floods, heatwaves and time of 5 days during the phase of the constellation and with a spatial
geological hazards (landslides, tsunamis and erosions) as well as the analysis of 10 m in the visible spectrum.
potential chain reaction between them. Optical Remote Sensing data The Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) is a
from MODIS, Landsat, Aster, SPOT, IKONOS, WorldView and other multidisciplinary instrument, designed to measure physical and biolo-
satellite sensors producing imageries in a variety of spatial and gical processes around the globe with a daily or every two days revision
temporal resolution have been extensively used for the identification time. It acquires data in 36 bands from the visible to the thermal
of the hazards and the delineation of the boundaries of the affected infrared spectrum with a spatial resolution from 250 m to 1 km, and
areas as well as to support the restoration phase. When the weather has been designed for a life span of 6 years. Two satellites from NASA,
conditions prevent the optical satellites from collecting data, the use of Terra and Aqua, carry MODIS instruments. Each one passes from the
Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) satellites (Joyce, 2014, Plank, 2014) is same location at different times during the day and, thus, it captures 2
the only option for the accurate and fast identification of the impacted images per day from the same location. It is used operationally by the
areas. Radar satellites are operational over areas covered in clouds, in Earth Observing System Data and Information System of NASA
cases of floods, or smoke coverage due to wildfires as well as during the (NASA, 2015a) as well as by the European Forest Fire Information
night as it uses microwave pulses in different wavebands for the System, EFFIS (Ayanz et al., 2012). EFFIS has been established by the
collection of the information (Richards, 2009). Both optical and SAR Joint Research Centre (JRC) in order to support services in charge of
data types can be collected by using airborne platforms (airplanes, the protection of forests against fires in the EU as well as to provide the
UAVs) but the use of satellite collected data are much preferable due to EC services and the European Parliament with information on forest
the satellite's extensive coverage and cost-affordability in collecting fires in Europe. EFFIS addresses forest fires in Europe in a compre-
data as opposed to the airborne platforms. hensive way, providing EU level assessments from pre-fire to post-fire
In the next sections we will provide information on the wildfires, phases, thus supporting fire prevention, preparedness, firefighting and
floods and the so-called geological hazards, the heatwaves in the urban post-fire evaluations. For the fire detection, MODIS has a product,
environment: the latter are for the first time mentioned in such a MOD 14 (Justice et al., 2011) through which thermal anomalies are
review was well as the contribution of the new Sentinel missions from detected. These are mainly due to Fires and Biomass burning and in
the European Space Agency (ESA). this way the burnet areas can be mapped. MOD14 has a spatial
resolution of 1 km which is insufficient to detect and map small fire
2. Wildfires cases, for example, in cases of fires near or in rural areas. In addition it
seems unable to identify unburnt islets within the delineated polygon of
Even if a wildfire is a natural phenomenon which occurs in areas of the fire (Sparks et al., 2015). However, a great advantage is its very
combustible vegetation evident in forested-vegetated areas out in high revisit time. The Aqua MODIS instrument acquires data two times
wilderness areas or in nearby cities and settlements, it is considered per day, the same as Terra MODIS. Consequently, four daily MODIS
one of the most severe natural risks globally. South Europe, North fire observations are available for the accurate detection of a fire case as
America, Central Asia and Australia are the main areas on the planet well as for the monitoring of the fire front in cases of large-scale fires.
that are annually affected with a number of variations during the fire Landsat is the longest running program for the acquisition of satellite
seasons (IUCN, 2000) This natural risk is a permanent threat for the imagery on Earth. It was launched back in 1972 and now it is up with the
natural resources with paramount ecological, economic and social Landsat OLI/TIRS or Landsat 8, named as the Landsat Continuity
ramifications, including the loss of lives and goods, damages to wildlife Mission (Roy et al., 2014) and the continuation of the Landsat mission
habitats, soil erosion and degradation of the watersheds. During the has been secured after the planning for the Landsat 9 which will be in
last decade the frequency, size and intensity of the fires in forests and orbit in 2023 (NASA, 2015b). Landsat data have a nominal resolution of
forested areas has greatly increased (Jolly et al., 2015) as a result of 30 m, 11 bands (depending of the mission) and a revisit time of 16 days.
global warming and degradation of natural resources because of man's Over the course of wildfires, Landsat imagery is widely used for the
insatiable thirst for material possession. The quantification of the assessment of the wildfire impact (Chuvieco and Congalton, 1988, Haro
wildfire impact involves the delineation of the extend of the burnt area et al., 2001, Veraverbeke et al., 2010, Bastarrika et al., 2011), the
as well as the identification of the burn severity and the unburnt areas, vegetation regeneration (Cohen et al., 2010; Veraverbeke et al., 2011) as
the vegetated islets within the impacted area. The monitoring of the well as for registering historical fires (Huang et al., 2010, Goodwin et al.,
vegetation regeneration is crucial as is the cause of fire detection in the 2014, Chen et al., 2014, Potapov et al., 2015) since the archive stores
early stages, the forest fuel mapping prior to the fire in order to be used images back to the 1970s’. The high revisit time, high resolution and the
in fire modeling tools for early warning and planning as well as the above archive when compared to competitors like ASTER or previous
monitoring of the vegetated habitats near the cityscapes. Landsat sensors (Poursanidis et al., 2015), make the choice and use of
Among the available satellite sources for wildfire scar mapping, the Landsat archive a unique means of wildfire mapping and the its
optical data from MODIS (Kaufman et al., 1998; Justice et al., 2002, impacts on a local scale as well as for the analysis of time series.

D. Poursanidis, N. Chrysoulakis Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment 6 (2017) 25–38

The use of ASTER (Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and imageries as well as for the identification of the unburnt islets is
Reflection Radiometer) satellite sensor data, even if it is equipped with standard approach. Nowadays advanced machine learning algorithms
better spatial resolution in the visible and NIR (15 m) sensor, has have been used in order to achieve the optimum results. Over the last
limited uses (Petropoulos et al., 2010, Lasaponara and Lanorte, 2007b) decade, the Support Vector Machine algorithm [58, 59] has been
due to its limited design to store images inn a systematic manner as the extensively used for mapping burned area. This is because of the
user has to apply for any image acquisition on a specific day and time. limited training data needed for the training of the algorithm as well as
In periodical times, ASTER imageries are archived and, under certain for its high accuracy in the results. Highly accurate results have been
circumstances, suitable images for the needed periods can be found. extracted by analyzing Landsat TM data (Petropoulos et al., 2011,
MODIS, LANDSAT and ASTER satellite images are freely available 2012, Ajeng et al., 2011), SPOT-5 (Zammit et al., 2006) and ASTER
for use from the scientific community as well as from the industry (Petropoulos et al., 2010). Fuzzy logic algorithm on object oriented
through their dedicated distribution portals. This makes them suitable classification via high resolution IKONOS imagery or WorldView II also
for use in an operational way in order to monitor wildfires with the provide very accurate results (Mitri and Gitas, 2008, Zhuoting et al.,
MODIS daily or every 16 days or whenever the atmospheric conditions 2015).
are suitable for LANDSAT and ASTER uses. Yet, there is still a gap for Apart from using classification algorithms, indicators for burnt and
additional data in these resolutions and at no cost. unburnt areas have been developed and are widely used. The
The SPOT (Satellite Probatoire d’Observation de la Terre) satellite Normalized Burn Ratio (NBR) and the differenced Normalized Burn
program is a mission of Earth Observation satellites by the French Ratio (dNBR) are two indices which have been widely used for mapping
Centre National d’ Etudes Spatiales (CNES). Seven SPOT satellites have burned areas as well as defining burnt severity (Van Wagtendonk et al.,
been launched since 1986. SPOT 1–4 has a 10 m spatial resolution in 2004). Both burn severity indices usually refer to the Bands 4 (NIR)
the panchromatic and 20 m in the multispectral channels. SPOT 5 has and 7 (MIR) of Landsat 5 TM and 7 ETM, from which they have been
2.5 m spatial resolution in the panchromatic and 10 m in the multi- developed [66]. Even if the development and application of the indices
spectral channels while SPOT 6 & 7 have a 1.5 m spatial resolution in have been designed for Landsat imageries, these are used for and
both the panchromatic and multispectral channels. The existence of applied on other sensors (Cocke et al., 2005; Stow et al., 2007)
this constellation and the capability to capture images off-nadir, successfully.
something that LANDSAT cannot, reduces significantly the revisit time ESA's Sentinels missions on Sentinel 1 (radar with 10 m spatial
of any geographic area. Thus, it is possible to have coverage of the same resolution and a revision time of 5 days in constellation mode),
location on a daily basis. The use of SPOT satellite images is limited Sentinel 2 (optical with 10 m spatial resolution and a revision time of
during wildfires due to the commercial operation of the satellites as 5 days in constellation mode) and Sentinel 3 (optical with 1 km spatial
well as to the small size of a standard scene (60×60 km) in comparison resolution and 2 optimized bands dedicated for fire monitoring) will
to the standard LANDSAT scene (170×185 km). Nevertheless, SPOT become the ultimate tools for the fire monitoring even under difficult
images have been used for the assessment of burn severity as well as weather conditions (cloud – smoke cover) due to the ability of radar
the post-fire recovery of the vegetation in burnt areas (Fox et al., 2008; system to penetrate the clouds. Also, after the fires, the use of Sentinels
Sankey et al., 2008). The subsidization of the SPOT imageries is noted will support mitigation measures for the mapping of the burned areas
in the above-mentioned works since their cost in a multi-temporal or and the analysis of the soil conditions.
operational base is very high.
The same is applied to Very High Resolution (VHR) satellite images 3. Floods
like IKONOS, QUICKBIRD, WorldView (II, III) and others. They have
a high spatial resolution ( < 2 m) in both the panchromatic and Wildfires have severe effects on the hydrological response in the
multispectral channel, they can achieve off-nadir image acquisition level of the catchment basin. Apart from loss of vegetation, wildfires
but the high cost is a limiting factor when used in an operational base. also induce alteration on the physicochemical properties of the soil
Few works (Dragozi et al., 2014a, 2014b; Zhuoting et al., 2015) have (Neary et al., 1999; Doerr et al., 2000). Over the last decade there is an
used such high resolution imageries for mapping such wildfires in increasing frequency of high-intensity fires, occurring repetitively and
comparison to the MODIS or LANDSAT imageries. VHR images are this results in the area been overgrazing due to intensive pastoral
often used for mapping fuel types and the amount and type of activities and land abuse (Vafeidis et al., 2007). The changes in soil
vegetation which is a contributory factor to the extent of such fires properties caused by the fire have a great impact on the water
(Dragozi et al., 2014a, 2014b; Giakoumakis et al., 2002; Lasaponara repellency and subsequently on land degradation, flood and soil
and Lanorte, 2007a; Lanorte and Lasaponara, 2011; Mallinis et al., erosion (DeBano, 2000a; Naama et al., 2013). These are post-fire
2014). Fuel types don’t change very often, but usually only after fire hazards, which cause extensive damage to public and private proper-
cases, and it is a necessary component for the pre-fire design. It is one ties, urban infrastructures like water supplies, and thus have a great
of the mandatory dataset for use since inputs in fire models to simulate impact on the local economy (Jeyaseelan et al., 2003). It is important to
the behavior of a fire in an area and, thus, it can support decisions for have a fast and accurate analysis for the evaluation of the post-fire
planning the elimination of a fire. conditions (burn severity, vegetation loss) in order to make efficient
After the fire, a request from the authorities is to map the affected plans for the prevention of soil erosion due to rainfall and hence, make
areas and to provide them with a map showing the burnt area. This is appropriate plans for the prevention of flash floods or their confronta-
the means for evaluating the impact on the environment and the tion with local constructions at areas susceptible to flash floods (close
society, and this will set the basis for taking measures to regenerate the to river beds, river mouths, etc.). So far, post-fire erosion assessment
area and other such alleviating actions. Several approaches have been has been done based on field measurements and simulations. Remote
tested during the last decades for the accurate mapping of the burnt Sensing has an important role during the pre-flood phase, as burnt
areas. Supervised image classification techniques with advanced algo- areas are sensitive to flash floods during winter or during other wet
rithms (Mallinis et al., 2014; Koutsias and Karteris, 2000; Bastarrika periods like the monsoons (Papathanasiou et al., 2012, 2013; Franci
et al., 2011) on the known burnt and unburnt areas, fusion techniques et al., 2014; Miller et al., 2015). The use of Remote Sensing during the
(Boschetti et al., 2015) for the improvement of the products and index modeling of floods in the level of catchment basin or in the urban
calculation for the detection of burnt areas (Cocke et al., 2005) are environment is also important in order to help the preparation of
among the most frequent techniques used. baseline data like the buildings in three-dimension, road network, etc,
The use of supervised classification for the delineation of the burnt (Poli et al., 2012) to simulate fire cases by applying fire model
areas by using Landsat imageries or other medium to high resolution algorithms, and to monitor the changes of the floods after a fire.

D. Poursanidis, N. Chrysoulakis Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment 6 (2017) 25–38

Coastal floods, is another type of flood caused due to tsunamis ESA's Sentinels missions on Sentinel 1 (radar with 10 m spatial
(Suppasri et al., 2012) or intense winds from off-shore storms. resolution and a revision time of 5 days in constellation mode) and
Before the flood case, it is important to delineate a flood modeling Sentinel 2 (optical with 10 m spatial resolution and a revision time of 5
scenario in the area in order to identify flood boundaries, in the areas days in constellation mode) will become the ultimate tools for the flood
which are sensitive flash floods due to heavy rain/fast snowmelt and monitoring even under difficult weather conditions (cloud cover). This
tsunamis or intense winds on the coastal zone (Jeyaseelan et al., 2003). is the case of Sentinel 1 due to the ability of the radar system for cloud
Remote Sensing can support these actions by analyzing high resolution penetration. Several examples even during the test phase have proven
imageries and extract high resolution surfaces sensitive to flood during the importance of Sentinel 1 in the fast and accurate flood mapping
the dry period. These can be used as inputs to hydrological and (but see chapter 6).
hydraulic models (Schumann et al., 2007) for the rural and urban area
respectively while the outputs of the models will be the areas which will 4. Geological hazards
be flooded (flood depth) during a certain amount of rainfall as well as
the inundation level based on scenarios of the amount of rain / water Landslides, Tsunamis, Earthquakes and Erosion are geological
that will cover the surfaces (Khan et al., 2011). Also, such modeling can hazards of global interest which are the main causes for land
provide vital information on areas that act as flood shelters (Uddin deformation. They are interrelated, and when such disasters occur,
et al., 2013) as these will become the lifejackets for citizens during the the impact on neighbor societies is fatal (Budimir et al., 2014). Fires
flood and establish an early warning system for immediate area during the dry period cause vegetation loss following flash flood
evacuation due to a forthcoming flood disaster. During the flood, and catastrophes during the wet period. Bare land and washed soil is
in order to identify the flooded plains close to real time, optical remote sensitive to erosion and landslides during or after the floods. Tsunamis
sensing has limited usefulness due to heavy and intensive rainfall and cause erosion and floods in the coastal zone while earthquakes can
rapid snowmelt, because of the cloud coverage of the area and the cause landslides and tsunamis respectively with their associated
incapability of the optics to penetrate the clouds and identify the impacts. Remote Sensing seems to be the only practical means which
flooded areas. Only in the case of coastal floods due to tsunamis can can provide fast a large scale assessment on the impacts of these
optical remote sensing contribute to a near real time assessment of the hazards on the environment and society. The availability of a baseline
flooded areas and, thus, support a rescue plan for citizens, measure- dataset or the creation of it by analyzing post-damage high resolution
ments on the disaster and recover of the damaged areas (Roemer et al., optical data is important. This will be combined with the necessary new
2010; Villa et al., 2012). In order to overcome the limitations of data for the assessment of the impact of the land deformation disaster a
cloudiness and provided there is no other option, multitemporal few hours later so that information to the local stakeholders and the
analysis of freely available images, like Landsat or MODIS (Aduah civil protection mechanisms is provided. These data are invaluable in
et al., 2007; Haq et al., 2012; Ticehurst et al., 2015) could potentially order to support an efficient planning for rescuing citizens, for
catch weather windows (cloud free areas) over the flooded areas and providing information to other social structures (police, hospitals) so
thus identifying them. that they are ready to cope with injured people, to curfew damaged
The ideal solution for mapping flooded areas during their develop- road network, etc. The weather conditions in most of these situations
ment is the use of radar data (SAR). SAR imagery has the capacity to are usually not suitable for the acquisition of cloud free optical satellite
penetrate clouds by using microwaves (de Groeve, 2010) as well as to data. Thus, the use of radar data (SAR) is the only solution.
be insensitive to lighting variations; the backscatter signature of water Multitemporal analysis of SAR data, captured before and after, by
is distinctive compared to other surrounding elements like vegetation applying interferometric coherence and intensity correlation will
(Joyce et al., 2009). The multitemporal availability of data, before provide information on the affected areas, the degree of it as well as
(baseline data on dry conditions) and during – after the flood is the type of damage. The fusion of this data with high resolution optical
deemed important in order to identify the flooded areas and calculate ones has improve dramatically the accuracy of the results (Brunner
inundation levels. By implementing spatial analysis on the different et al., 2010; Plank, 2014). In order to perform a multitemporal analysis
imageries, flooded areas can be identified. Thus, damage assessment on of SAR radar data all images must be acquired under the same
properties can be easily implemented (Roemer et al., 2010). acquisition conditions (incidence angle, beam, relative orbit, pass
Assessment of flooded areas can be done by high resolution optical direction, imagine mode, wavelength) . The analysis of multitemporal
data, when we have cloud free imageries, and by using SAR data in data provide information on the terrain motion and, thus, damage
case that heavy cloudiness insists for days (Joyce et al., 2009). Freely assessment is possible. When multitemporal data are available, differ-
available medium resolution satellite images like Landsat (30 m. ential SAR interferometry (DinSAR) is the main type of analysis in
spatial resolution) have been extensively used for mapping flooded order to evaluate and identify the damages caused during the disaster
areas both natural and urban, based either on a hard classification (Gamba et al., 2007; Yonezawa et al., 2002). More often, due to the lack
approach, or on threshold values of calculated indices like NDVI, of data before the hazard with specific characteristics, a post-event
NDWI, etc. (Mayer et al., 2002; Volpi et al., 2013; Schnebele et al., assessment is done only by analyzing SAR data collected after the
2013). Higher resolution imageries like IKONOS, QuickBird and disaster (Balz et al., 2010, 2009; Dell’Acqua et al., 2011; Jin et al.,
WorldView II have been also used for the same reasons as well as 2011). In cases that volcanos exists near urban/rural environment, the
for the assessing the economic impact on society (Jong et al., 2005; use of earth observation data can be helpful for a detailed spatial
Roemer et al., 2010, 2012; McLaren et al., 2012). The use of high planning on the evacuation of the area as well as prediction of the lava
spatial resolution multi-date optical imageries is also recommended flow by analyzing stereo pairs of modern satellites like the WorldView
for damage assessment. The final decision on the selection of the platform or Pleiades pair (Maxant et al., 2013). As such, a high
appropriate means (data type, processing method) depends on the resolution terrain can be extracted whenever is required and flow
expert's availability, data availability and amount of funding. The models can provide information to the stakeholders. Geological ha-
existence of baseline data, which is frequently updated, is important zards and the use of wide range of data and methods for the assessment
so that we establish a dataset of the after-the-disaster phase, and thus has been the subject of two extensive reviews, published in 2014. An
make an appropriate analysis. Such an approach can reduce the costs extensive review on mapping and monitoring geological hazards
of high resolution multitemporal imageries of SAR and make them including all above-mentioned geo-hazards has been made by K.E.
affordable to be used. Lastly, all above-mentioned features on flood Joyce (Joyce et al., 2009). In addition, Plank (2014) has written an
modeling and mapping are requirements of the EU Flood Directive extensive review on the SAR radar data, their multi-temporal analysis
(Tambuyzer et al., 2010). and has made a point of demanding rapid damage assessment. Since

D. Poursanidis, N. Chrysoulakis Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment 6 (2017) 25–38

Fig. 1. Namibia flood mapped by Sentinel-1A. ESA/Tiger Net/Dept. of Water Affairs/GeoVille/DHI/TU Vienna/GEO 2014.

2014 no developments have been done in SAR technology, with an due to anthropogenic heat discharge due to human activities. Heat
exception, of course, of the launch and availability of Sentinel 1A SAR islands can be defined in different layers of the urban atmosphere, and
radar satellite which Joyce and Plank have achieved through their in various other surfaces or even the subsurface. It is important to
work. distinguish between these different heat islands since their underlying
mechanisms act differently regarding urban microclimate. An urban
heat island refers to the excess warmth of the urban atmosphere
5. Heatwaves compared to the non-urbanized surroundings. Atmospheric heat
islands best occur under calmer and clear conditions at night when
During the last decades, global warming has become more intense radiative cooling differences are maximized between urban and sur-
due to a rise in global surface temperature. Extreme climatic phenom-
rounding rural locations. The urban heat island phenomenon can be
ena, such as heatwaves appear during the summertime (Schär et al., classified into two types, the canopy urban heat island effect and the
2004) and a key manifestation of the complex systems, both in the
land surface urban heat island effect. These definitions are based on the
natural man-made environments is evident. These are of great scale and height of their appearance. Traditionally, this phenomenon is
environmental concern in the twenty first century (Meehl et al.,
identified based on measurements from meteorological stations. Yet,
2004). The aftermath of such phenomena is grave with fatal conse- for several reasons, most of them are situated in airports, parks and
quences especially when they occur extensively for weeks or months.
agriculture areas. Therefore, the effects from the urban environment
Heatwaves are described as periods of unusually hot weather which are not measured. The canopy urban heat island is affected by local
negatively affect human health and can exacerbate existing health
building geometry and materials. The knowledge of the urban surface
problems or cause even death. It has been estimated that this energy budget and metabolism (Chrysoulakis et al., 2013) is of
phenomenon will increase as numerous examples of heat waves from
paramount importance in order to assess the urban climatology and
the early years of the twenty first century can validate such and
interactions between human and the environment (Stone et al., 2012).
estimation (Conti et al., 2005; Vandentorren et al., 2004; Dousset
The increasing availability of Earth Observation systems and
et al., 2007, 2011; Buscail et al., 2012; Liu et al., 2015).
advances in remote sensing techniques provide opportunities for
In city areas, where urbanization has become one of the most
monitoring the urban environment and its thermal behavior. Several
important contributory factors to global warming, the effect of the
parameters related to the urban climate can be derived from EO data
Urban Heat Island (UHI) (Voogt and Oke, 2003) during the summer
like the topography, the structure of the city, the materials used for the
period and during the heatwave period influences the climate, both
construction of the city, the temporal changes in green spaces and they
locally and globally, the environment and socioeconomics. UHI effect can provide valuable support for advanced urban studies
describes the influence of urban surfaces on temperature patterns in
(Chrysoulakis, 2003; Xu et al., 2008). Voogt and Oke (2003), in a
urban areas as opposed to surrounding areas as being caused by the review on the application of thermal remote sensing in the urban areas,
extensive use of impervious land surfaces covered by anthropogenic
highlighted the need to further research beyond the qualitative
material, the complexity of the three dimensional structures of the description of thermal patterns and simple correlations, and suggested
surface, and the coincidental decrease of vegetation coverage, as well as

D. Poursanidis, N. Chrysoulakis Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment 6 (2017) 25–38

Fig. 2. Flood delineation map over the village of Balatun in northeastern Bosnia and Herzegovina based on Sentinel-1A data. Serbia lies on the north of the Sava River. © ESA/
European Commission/2014.

Fig. 3. Based on data from the Sentinel-1A satellite, this image shows how and where the land uplifted and sank from the 7.8-magnitude earthquake in Nepal. The blue color shows
areas of an uplift of up to 0.8 m towards the satellite (called ‘line of sight’) which could be caused by a vertical uplift of 1 m. The yellow area depicts areas of subsidence, a movement often
occurring as a counter movement to the uplift in subduction zones (where one plate dips below the other) during earthquakes. Additionally, a horizontal north–south shift of up to 2 m
was detected – DLR/EOC/2015. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.).

D. Poursanidis, N. Chrysoulakis Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment 6 (2017) 25–38

Fig. 4. Comparison of Landsat 7 and 8 bands with Sentinel 2. (source:

avoiding land use data to describe urban surface but focus on more Hyperspectral Remote Sensing based on satellites is limited to date
fundamental surface descriptors. Luyssaert et al. (2014) has recently in terms of the numbers of satellites providing. The Hyperion (EO-1),
presented an example of Land Surface Temperature (LST) trend NASA's hyperspectral satellite sensor is the only one in orbit and
increase due to modification of the human activities without changes collects data on demand at a spatial resolution of 30 m and 220 spectral
in land coverage. Among others, in Grimmond et al. (2010) the need to bands from 0.4 to 2.5 µm. No systematic collection of data over land
explore the use of new measurement techniques including satellite surfaces has been scheduled, and on several occasions the requested
systems is highlighted. Moreover, coupling of different data sources, targets are not fulfilled due to several reasons (weather conditions,
like EO and in-situ measurements and the development of synergistic prioritization of captions, etc.). Also, the temporal resolution of this
methods, advanced algorithms and models are necessary to overcome sensor is insufficient to monitor the changes in the urban environment.
individual weaknesses and benefit from their diversity (Chrysoulakis What's more, no thermal sensor has been included, something which
et al., 2013). can benefit the studies of the heatwaves over urban areas. On the
Remote Sensing has in its arsenal a limited number of satellite contrary, several airborne based sensors exist and collect data on
sensors with data in the thermal infrared spectrum (TIR) in compar- demand (Goetz et al., 2009). However, the cost per scene/flight and the
ison with data in the visible and infrared spectrum. MSG-Seviri, a spatial coverage of each mission don’t allow their use systematically.
geostationary satellite, has a spatial resolution of 5 km and a temporal Thus, potential solution on this issue will come about from the
resolution of 15 min, AVHRR has a spatial resolution of 1.1 km and a forthcoming hyperspectral missions by DRL, NASA and JAXA. DLR's
temporal resolution of 14 days, MODIS (Terra & Aqua) has a spatial EnMAP, NASA's HyspIRI and METI-JAXA's HISUI sensor on the
resolution of 1 km and a temporal resolution of 4 images per day, board of ALOS-3. These sensors will become operational after 2020.
Envisat-AATSR has a spatial resolution of 1 km and temporal resolu- The use of hyperspectral data is the only means to separate the
tion of 35 days, Landsat TM has a spatial resolution of 120 m and a materials of the urban environment supplementing by the building of
temporal resolution of 16 days, Landsat ETM+ has a spatial resolution spectral libraries with urban materials, and thus it is deemed an
of 60 m and a temporal resolution of 16 days, Landsat 8 has a spatial important tool for the studies in this complex environment (Herold
resolution of 100, downscaled at 30 m in order to match the other et al., 2004; Franke et al., 2009; Heiden et al., 2012; Deshpande et al.,
bands and a temporal resolution of 16 days, while ASTER has a spatial 2013). Moreover, only one hyperspectral satellite, the HyspIRI, will
resolution of 90 m but images from it are acquired on demand. Among have a Thermal Infrared instrument, valuable for the assessment of the
the abovementioned, the frequently used satellites are MODIS and characteristics of the thermal capacity of the materials of the urban
Landsat. The latter one, Landsat 8 and the TIRS sensor, has already a environment.
malfunction on one of each thermal band (band 11 of TIRS) and it is
advisable not to use it when absolute values are needs for the 6. Better resolution and more frequent acquisitions at no
assessment of thermal data (Barsi et al., 2014). cost
The disadvantages of the available thermal data are mainly two. On
the one hand, there is the coarse spatial resolution of Seviri, AVHRR, 5 years ago NASA and USGS made remarkable improvements on
MODIS and Envisat, and on the other hand, the low temporal the accessibility of the Landsat archive to the public at no cost (USGS,
resolution of the Landsat and the non-systematic acquisition of 2008). The disclosure of such a data archive gives the opportunity to a
Aster. These characteristics are not suitable for a routine energy vast amount of scientists and developers in both the academic and the
balance estimation because a high spatial and temporal resolution industry sector to use it for a series of analysis, projects and products.
thermal sensor is needed for such estimations. In order to solve this The reanalysis of time series data in order to identify past events of
obstacle, numerous approaches have been developed to downscale the natural disasters and areas sensitive to such phenomena, provides
MODIS LST (Land Surface Temperature) in order to provide suitable stakeholders, urban planners and civil protection services with infor-
data in a city or neighbor scale (Gao et al., 2006; Zhan et al., 2012; mation on how to better plan in order to reduce the impacts on
Bechtel et al., 2012; Feng et al., 2013; Mukherjee et al., 2014; Weng properties and citizens. Also, the archive is used for acquiring new
et al., 2014, Hazaymeh et al., 2015, Mitraka et al., 2015). images in order to monitor and the map new cases. Yet, for monitoring
Moreover, the extraction of information related to the materials and continuously providing satellite data, the revisit time of 16 days
that a city has been made of, needs data in narrower spectral bands, seems to be not enough, especially in cases of emergency due to
compared to the up-to-now mentioned satellites (see also in chapter 6, different natural disasters. Moreover, the spatial resolution of 30 m in
the Earth Observation Handbook), data from hyperspectral sensors. several cases is not sufficient.

Table 1
Satellites and their sensors that can support monitoring activities in the field of Natural Hazards.

Natural Hazards

Satellite Sensor Swath (m) Spatial Res. Temporal Res. (day) Fire Flood Earthquake Tsunami Volcanic References Cost
(m) activity

WorldView II Panchromatic 16.4 0.46 1 Y Y Y Y Y Wu et al. (2015), Hashiba (2013) According to

Multispectral 16.4 1.85 1 the provider
D. Poursanidis, N. Chrysoulakis

WorldView III Panchromatic 13.1 0.31 1 Y Y Y Y Y

Multispectral 13.1 1.24 1
WorldView IV Panchromatic 13.1 0.31 1 Y Y Y Y Y
Multispectral 13.1 1.24 1
QuickBird Panchromatic 16.5 0.6 1,5 to 3 Y Y Y Y Y Mitri and Gitas, (2008), Hashiba (2013), Sabuncu
Multispectral 16.5 2.4 1,5 to 3 et al. (2016), Marghany and Hashim (2011)
Ikonos Panchromatic 11 1 1,5 to 3 Y Y Y Y Y Dragozi et al. (2014a, 2014b), Mitri and Gitas,
Multispectral 11 4 1,5 to 3 (2008), de Pinho et al. (2012), Jiang and Friedland
(2016), Gerl et al. (2014)
RapidEye Multispectral 77 * 1500 5 1 to 5,5 Y N Y N Y Kalabokidis et al. (2016), Mallinis et al. (2016), Geiß
et al. (2015), Bathke et al. (2013)
Terra ASTER 60 15, 30, 90 4 to 16 Y Y Y Y Y Schroeder et al. (2008), Petropoulos et al. (2010), No Cost
Veraverbeke et al. (2012), Alonso-Benito et al. (2013),
Polivka et al. (2016), Pandey et al. (2016)
Terra/Aqua MODIS 2300 250, 500, Twice daily per Satellite Y Y Y Y Y Kaufman et al. (1998), Justice et al. (2002, 2011), No Cost
1000 Giglio et al. (2003), Roy et al. (2008), Gaveau et al.
(2014), Laneve et al. (2016)
ALOS PRISM 35 4 JAXA acquisition plans N N N N N According to
AVNIR 70 10 N N N N N the provider
PALSAR (Fine) 40–70 10 Y Y Y Y Y Polychronaki et al. (2013), Gaveau et al. (2014),

Minh et al. (2015), Martinis and Rieke (2015), Noda
et al. (2015), González et al. (2015)
PALSAR (ScanSAR) 250–350 100 N N N N N
SPOT − 6 Panchromatic 60 1.5 1 Y Y Y Y Y Fox et al. (2008), Sankey et al. (2008), Fox et al. According to
Multispectral 60 6 1 (2016) the provider
SPOT − 7 Panchromatic 60 1.5 1 Y Y Y Y Y Fox et al. (2008), Sankey et al. (2008), Fox et al.
Multispectral 60 6 1 (2016)
Kompsat 3 Panchromatic 12 0.7 2 Y Y Y Y Y Seo et al. (2015), Laneve et al. (2016) According to
Multispectral 12 2.8 2 the provider
Kompsat 3A Panchromatic 12 0.55 2 Y Y Y Y Y
Multispectral 12 2.2 2
Landsat 8 Panchromatic 185 15 16 Y Y Y Y Y Mallinis et al. (2016), Laneve et al. (2016) No Cost
OLI 185 30 16
TIRS 185 30 (100) 16
Pleiades 1A Panchromatic 20 0.5 1 Y Y Y Y Y Maxant et al. (2013), Laneve et al. (2016) According to
Multispectral 20 2 1 the provider
Pleiades 1B Panchromatic 20 0.5 1 Y Y Y Y Y
Multispectral 20 2 1
GeoEye – 1 Panchromatic 15.2 0.46 2 to 8 Y Y Y Y N Hara et al. (2015), Franci et al. (2016), Dragozi et al. According to
Multispectral 15.2 1.84 2 to 8 (2015) the provider
Formosat – 2 Panchromatic 24*24 2 1 Y Y Y Y Y Kontoes et al. (2013) According to
Multispectral 24*24 8 1 the provider
Sentinel 1A Stripmap 80 5*5 12 Y Y Y N Y Cazals et al. (2016), Rodionova (2016), Boni et al. No Cost
Interferometric Wide 250 5*20 12 (2016)
Extra-Wide Swath 400 20*40 12
Wave-Mod 20 5*5 12
Sentinel 1B Stripmap 80 5*5 12
(continued on next page)
Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment 6 (2017) 25–38
Table 1 (continued)

Natural Hazards

Satellite Sensor Swath (m) Spatial Res. Temporal Res. (day) Fire Flood Earthquake Tsunami Volcanic References Cost
(m) activity

Interferometric Wide 250 5*20 12

Extra-Wide Swath 400 20*40 12
D. Poursanidis, N. Chrysoulakis

Wave-Mod 20 5*5 12
Sentinel 2A Multispectral 290 10–20–60 12 Y Y N N N Hall et al. (2016) No Cost
TerraSAR-X Spotlight 10 1 11 day repeat cycle 2.5 day Y Y Y Y Pandey et al. (2016), Laneve et al. (2016), Mason et al. According to
Stripmap 30 3 revisit capability (2016) the provider
ScanSAR 100 18
CosmoSkymed Spotlight 10 1 4 days (constellation of 4/ Y Y Y Y Y Avezzano et al. (2014), Laneve et al. (2016), Mason
Stripmap 40 3 to 15 16 day cycle per satellite) et al. (2016), García-Pintado et al. (2015), Chung
ScanSAR 100–200 30 to 100 et al. (2015), Boni et al. (2016), Briole et al. (2015),
Noda et al. (2015), Chini et al. (2012), Yonezawa
and Shibata (2014), Jo et al. (2015), Hamling et al.
RadarSat – 2 Spotlight 8 3 12 Y Y Y Y Y Morandeira et al. (2016), Bolanos et al. (2016), Luiz
Ultra Fine 20 3 12 Felipe de Almeida Furtado et al. (2016),
Multi-Look Fine 50 8 12 Goodenough et al. (2011a, 2011b), Rykhus and Lu
Fine 50 8 12 (2011), Bhatt et al. (2016), Brunori et al. (2015),
Standard 100 30 12 Luo et al. (2016), Catry et al. (2015), González et al.
Wide 150 30 12 (2015)
ScanSAR Narrow 300 50 12
ScanSAR Wide 500 100 12

Extended High 75 18 to 27 12
Extended Low 170 30 12
Fine Quad- 25 8 12
Standard Quad- 25 30 12
Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment 6 (2017) 25–38
D. Poursanidis, N. Chrysoulakis Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment 6 (2017) 25–38

The demand for closer to near real time information, higher spatial stellation, and hence the need for high temporal and spatial
resolution as well as fast assessment of the damages has forced the resolution thermal data exists.
European Union and the European Space Agency to provide open This data will be distributed through the dedicated portal of ESA
access to the new missions of the Copernicus earth observation called “Scientific Data hub” ( It is expected to
program (ESA, 2015a). A series of Sentinel missions, each one focusing be used by a great number of scientists as well as by the industry in
on a different aspect but with an overlap allowing synergistic ap- order to prepare services and applications that will address the
proaches, have started providing data (Sentinel 1A), and soon many Copernicus Earth observation program (ESA, 2012a) for example
more will set up an excellent platform for constantly monitoring the monitoring agriculture and forests, land-use change, land-cover
Earth's surface with a high revisit time (5 days) provided that the change; mapping biophysical variables such as leaf chlorophyll
constellations are complete. In 2014 (03/04/2014) ESA launched the content, leaf water content, leaf area index; monitoring coastal and
first Radar imaging satellite (Sentinel 1A), (ESA, 2012a; Torres et al., inland waters; risk mapping and disaster mapping. As already
2012) which will be accompanied by the second one (Sentinel 1B) in mentioned above, the Sentinel-2 mission is based on the
2016. It is a C-band SAR with a frequency at 5.4Gh. This constellation constellation of two satellites in order to have a revisit time of 5 days
will provide radar satellite data every 5 days (now with the one satellite per site. However, because of the fact that the Landsat-8 satellite offers
every 12 days) in four nominal operational modes: similar image characteristics (Fig. 4) and thanks to the cooperation
between ESA and NASA, plans have been made in order to reduce the
1) Strip Map Mode with 80 km swath and 5×5 m (range×azimuth) revisit time down to three days over the equator and to generate
spatial resolution comparable data products (Vermote et al., 2013).
2) Interferometric Wide-Swath Mode with 250 km swath 5×20 m In 2015, ESA is planning a new mission, Sentinel 3. This will have 3
(range×azimuth) spatial resolution and burst synchronization for different instruments focusing on different aspects. The Sea and Land
interferometry Surface Temperature Radiometer (SLSTR), the Ocean and Land Color
3) Extra-Wide-Swath Mode with 400 km swath and 20×40 m (ran- Instrument (OLCI) and the dual-frequency (Ku and C band) advanced
ge×azimuth) spatial resolution Synthetic Aperture Radar Altimeter (SRAL) (ESA, 2012c). The mission
4) Wave Mode with 5×5 m (range×azimuth) spatial resolution leap- is designed to have a constellation of 2 satellites until 2020 (Sentinel-
frog sampled images of 20×20 km at 100 km along the orbit, with 3A and 3B) and a life span of 7 years. It will provide the scientific
alternating 23° and 36.5° incidence angle community with real time information above ocean and land. Ocean
forecasting, sea-ice charting and timely measurements on the condi-
Even before the operational use of Sentinel 1A, radar data have tions of the ocean surface, including surface temperature, ocean
been used for mapping the floods which cause significant damages to ecosystems, water quality and pollution monitoring are some which
properties and towns. Firstly, the floods in Caprivi Plain, Namibia on are related to ocean delineation, while for the terrestrial environment
8/05/2014 and then in Bosnia and Herzegovina on 13/05/2014. A day Sentinel 3 will monitor land-use change, forest coverage, photosyn-
after the floods in Namibia, the Tiger initiative made use of the Sentinel thetic activity, soil quality, land surface temperature and fire detection.
1 radar data and released a map (Fig. 1) showing the impacted areas. Regarding fire detection and mapping of fires around the globe, it is
A couple of days after the floods in Bosnia and Herzegovina a very expected to be equipped with have higher precision and accuracy
high resolution map showing the flooded areas was released by the compared to the MODIS MOD14 product (Wooster et al., 2012) but in
EMS Emergency Management Service (Fig. 2). the same spatial resolution (1 km for the fire detection and burn scar
The Nepal Earthquake on 25 April 2015 is another example of the mapping) (ESA, 2012c). It is expected to detect more low energy fires
successful exploitation of Sentinel 1A SAR (C-band) data during the (fire radiative power – FRP) compared to the MOD14 product of
operational phase. Scientists used this data in order to identify the MODIS, as this type of fire is the most common component of a
magnitude of the devastation (Fig. 3), the reason for the great impact region's fire regime. Sentinel 3 LST data will be used in a similar way as
on Katmandu (17 km far away from the town, the maximum land the MODIS data in order to be downscaled in higher spatial resolution
deformation) and the provision of information to the local stakeholders for many applications like fire mapping and urban surface temperature
with the cooperation of the International Charter Space and Major time series estimation at local scales (Mitraka et al., 2015).
Disasters (ESA, 2015b). The analysis was done by the EMS Emergency As space technology rapidly evolves and a new satellite is in orbit
Management Service, a European Commission service aiming at the very often, we have decided not to design nor provide a table which will
rapid assessment of damages from natural disasters by using Remote include all available satellites associated with their characteristics. Such
Sensing imagery, among which the Sentinel 1A, and providing accurate information can be found in other sources available in journal
data on how to best access the damages in each impacted area. Through publications covering a specific time window (Kuenzer et al., 2014).
its dedicated website ( each citizen An excellent source of this information which is updated when a new
has access to such information from past events, and authorized users satellite is in orbit or when such satellites are scheduled for the next
can request the assessment of new cases within a few hours or days years, is the CEOS Earth Observation Handbook (Petiteville et al.,
when such earthquakes occur. 2015). The full text of this report is available on the Earth Observation
The Sentinel 1 satellite radar mission will be the only designed to Handbook's website at A supporting
provide such radar data systematically under the necessary specifica- database of the satellite missions, instruments and measurements is
tions of a multitemporal analysis since this is deemed essential during a available at and contains powerful
natural disaster (Plank, 2014). search and presentation tools with the ability to export customized
In 2015 (23/06/2015) ESA launched the first high resolution tables and timelines which can support analyses of current and planned
optical satellite (Sentinel 2A) which will be accompanied by the provision of observations and which can support different applications
second one (Sentinel 2B) in 2016. This constellation will provide and measurements.
satellite data every 5 days (with the one satellite in orbit every 12
days). It is an optical multispectral imagery which covers 13 7. Conclusions
spectral bands, from 433 nm to 2190 nm. It has a swath of
290 km and spatial resolutions of 10 m (4 visible and near-infrared It is imperative that spatial resolution, high revisit time and free of
bands), 20 m (6 red-edge/shortwave-infrared bands) and 60 m (3 charge satellite images become available nowadays. The release of
atmospheric correction bands) (Drusch et al., 2012; ESA, 2012b). Landsat archive free of charge, the availability of products from the
Unfortunately, no thermal data will be collected from this con- Landsat archive and the policy of ESA for the distribution of the

D. Poursanidis, N. Chrysoulakis Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment 6 (2017) 25–38

Sentinel missions with open accessibility to the data, sets new Bathke, H., Sudhaus, H., Holohan, E.P., Walter, T.R., Shirzaei, M., 2013. An active ring
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Bhatt, C.M., Rao, G.S., Farooq, M., Manjusree, P., Shukla, A., Sharma, S.V.S.P., Kulkarni,
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