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1 International Relations


Exploring Social Studies / Grade 7

Learning Intention Success Criteria

We are learning about We will be successful if we can

❖International relation, ▪Identifies with the idea of international relations and the role of
international and regional organisations.
international organizations,
factors that led to the formation ▪Identifies and recognises the reasons and motives for the
of the international organisations formation of the international organisations (league of Nations and
and their roles and functions. the United Nations)
▪Explore its structure, functioning, goals, mission and some
success stories and some failures of the league of nations
❖Different organisations that ▪Locates and identifies the regional and global organisations that
Maldives is a part of Maldives is a part of
▪Explores the reasons behind Maldives being a part of the regional
and global organisations that is significant in the current context
Guiding questions from International
✔ Definition of international relations
✔ Two types of organizations
✔ Definition and aim of diplomacy
✔ Importance of international organizations
✔ Name of two international organizations
Guiding questions from The League of
✔ Task of The League of Nations
✔ Where headquarter was located?
✔ Why and when The League of Nation was founded?
✔ Aim of The League of Nation
✔ How many laws are in covenant?
✔ Aims of the Covenant (peace treaties adopted at the end of WWI)
✔ How many nations were initially involved in The League of Nation?
✔ The structure of the League of Nations
✔ Achievements and Failures of The league of Nations
The league of nations
Achievements Failures
1920- The League took home half a million First World The League was powerless to stop Hitler when he began to
War prisoners of war. break the Treaty of Versailles in the 1930s
1920’s -The League worked to prevent malaria and leprosy. The Japanese army invaded Manchuria, threw out the
Chinese, and set up their own government there

1921 Sweden and Finland accepted the League’s arbitration The League sent officials to study the problem, Japan
to give the Aaland Islands to Finland. refused to leave Manchuria. Japan left the League.

1922- The League set up camps and fed Turkish refugees. The League could not agree on sanctions as many countries
had significant trading links with Japan.
1923 The League sent economics experts to help Austria The League even could not ban on the weapons Britain and
when its government went bankrupt. France the leading powers in the League did not want a
war, so nothing was done
Guiding questions from United Nations

✔ When it was founded and by whom?

✔ Where headquarter was located?
✔ How many languages are involved in United Nations
✔ Purpose of forming United Nations
✔ Objectives of United Nations
✔ How many nations were initially involved in United Nation?
✔ The structure of the United Nations
✔ Which day world celebrates United Nations day?
The League of Nations United Nations

Assembly : decide general policy, and discuss international disputes The general assembly : discusses and decides on issues of
and problems. Anonymous voting for decision making. international peace and security. Decisions will be passed by votes of
two-third of majority
Secretariat: records of League meetings and prepare reports for Secretariat: Executive arm. Sets the agenda for the UN’s deliberative
different agencies of the League and decision making bodies. Helps to resolve international disputes,
administering peace keeping operations etc. Brings the attention of
Security Council
Council: advised the Assembly on what action to take. A much The security council: responsible for maintaining peace, and tries
smaller body which, at least three times a year. It was the most to settle conflicts that threaten international security.. It can set up
powerful body of the League. peacekeeping operations in countries.

Commissions and agencies: tackle other major problems The Trusteeship Council: help ensure that non- self-governing
through commissions such as health organisation, the commission for territories were administered in the best interest of the inhabitants and
refugees, the slavery commission etc. of international peace and security.
International Labour Organisations: Its object was to improve The Economic and Social Council: Has 54 members, 18 of
the labour conditions in various parts of the world. whom are elected by the General Assembly for a three- year term.
Discuss economic and social issues.

The Permanent Court of International Justice: based in The The International court of Justice: settle disputes submitted to
Hague in the Netherlands, was made up of judges from various it by states and give advisory opinions on legal questions submitted to it
countries. The Court ruled on border disputes and gave legal advice to by the General Assembly or the Security Council, or by specialised
the Assembly and Council. agencies.
Guiding questions from Foreign relations of
the Maldives

✔ When Maldives started to follow policy of international engagement?

✔ Different international organizations that Maldives has membership

✔ When Maldives joined those international organizations

Foreign relations of the Maldives
• Since 1978, the Maldives has followed a policy of international engagement, intensifying links with strategic
partners and the international system

• Maldives became members of the United Nations in 1965, being one of the first of the small states to
join the world body
1965 • Maldives has participated in all sessions of the U.N and has been an active contributor in its debates.

• Maldives became a member of the Organisation of Islamic conference (OIC) in 1974 to

1974 strengthen its ties with Islamic nations

• Maldives first joined the Commonwealth as a special member in 1982 and became a full
1982 member in 1985.

• In 1992, Maldives hosted the First Commonwealth Youth Ministers Meeting. On 13th October
1992 2016, after 31 years of full membership (preceded by 3 years of special membership), the Maldives
became one of the most recent nation to withdraw from the Commonwealth (2016).
All The Best!!!!

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