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Among the Igbo, God is known as

A. Tamuno b. Oritse c. Chineke d. Osa

2. If we wish to know God,

A. We take part in community service b. We should study the bible carefully and worship in church c. We
should be artistic and creative d. We should do none of the above.

3. Jesus was said to have borne our sins in His body on the

A. Roof b. Tree c. Train d. Cross

4. Who made this statement to Joseph, 'lie with me'

A. Moses's wife b. Jethro's daughter c. Potiphar's wife d. The queen of Sheba

5. Problems encountered while serving are the following except

A. Seduction b. Criticism c. Goodwill messages d. Corruption

6. Prophet ________ was sent by God to expose David's son

A. Amos b. Elijah c. Nathan d. Elisha

7. The two offences king David committed were

A. Stealing and lying b. Murder and adultery c. Adultery and fornication d. Lying and murder

8. ________ was sent to preach at Nineveh

A. Zacchaeus b. Elisha c. Elijah d. Jonah

9. One of the following was done by Jonah while in the belly of the fish

A. Sleeping b. Cursing God c. Praying for repentance d. Rejoicing in the spirit

10. _______ met the need of prophet Elijah

A. The widow of Israel b. The widow of Moscow c. The widow of Zarephat d. The widow of Jerusalem

11. The apostles served the needs of the brethren in

A. Judea b. Jericho c. Jerusalem d. Nazareth

12. Joseph survived in Egypt and later became the

A. President b. Senator c. Prime minister d. King

13. God speaks to His people through the following except

A. Dreams b. Letters c. The scriptures d. Prophets

14. The name of the son of Abraham who was described as a covenant child was

A. Ishmael b. Isaac c. Jacob d. Hagar

15. God asked Abraham to sacrifice Isaac in the land of

A. Moriah b. Shechem c. Bethel d. Is

16. God wants us to have regular ______with him through prayer

A. Miracle b. Fellowship c. Sunday School d. Praise

17. The first type of family God created was the _______ family

A. Polygamous b. Nuclear c. Introvert d. Extrovert

18. Friendship can only grow from when to friends ______ each other

A. Know b. Love c. Meet d. Hug

19. _________ is one of the places we can form a good relationship

A. The night club b. The bus stop c. The cult d. The school

20. _______ is an example of antisocial behavior

A. Stealing b. Love c. Friendship d. Hard work.



1a. List out 5 qualities a good Christian should possess...5 marks

1b. Discuss the consequences of lack of repentance...5 marks

2a. Mention the names of five people that served God in the bible...5 marks

2b. Discuss the story of how rose from slavery to honor in Egypt...5 marks

3a. Narrate the story of Ruth's faithfulness to her mother-in-law...5 marks

3b. List out 5 names out the 12 disciples of Jesus...5 marks

4a. Discuss the advantages of obeying our parents...5 marks

4b. Narrate the story of how king Ahab seized Naboth's vineyard...5 marks

5a. List 5 steps you would take to protect the good things you have...5 marks

5b. Discuss the importance of achieving political freedom in Nigeria...5 marks

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