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Guidance Note

Weld procedure tests No. 4.02

Scope The three standards relevant to this Guid-
This note is intended to give the reader an ance Note are:
insight into the fundamental principles in-
EN ISO 15614-1 for Welding Procedure Test
volved in the formulation, testing and qualifi-
using a standardised test piece;
cation of weld procedures.
EN ISO 15613 for Pre-production Welding
Test using a non-standard test piece repre-
What used to be referred to as weld proce-
sentative of the production conditions, and,
dure trials (now called tests) are expensive
EN ISO 14555 for stud welding.
and time consuming. Even on a small struc-
ture there can be a large number of combina-
All these methods are applicable to EXC3
tions of variables. It was therefore usual to
(the steel bridge default execution class in
make reference to previously approved trials,
the MPS, Ref 10) and EXC4 where it is
and for those trials to have been conducted
called for.
in such a way that a range of weld procedure
specifications (WPS) for production could be
derived from them.
EN ISO 15607, Specification and qualifica-
tion of welding procedures for metallic mate-
rials – General rules describes the sequence
EN 1090-2 clause 7 specifies all welding
of testing and approval which is laid out in
three normative Annexes A, B and C.
Clause 7.1 requires that welding shall be
Having considered the technical and practical
undertaken in accordance with the require-
requirements of a proposed welded joint or
ments of the relevant part of EN ISO 3834
range of welded joints, the welding engineer
(fusion welding) or EN ISO 14554 (resistance
will formulate a preliminary Weld Procedure
welding) as applicable. It further requires,
Specification (pWPS).
among other things, that arc welding of
ferritic steels should follow the requirements
Based on the pWPS, weld procedure tests
and recommendations of the relevant parts
will then be carried out in accordance with
of EN 1011
EN ISO 15614 for a standardised test piece
or EN ISO 15613 for a non-standard test
Clause 7.4.1 covers the qualification of
piece. If the results are satisfactory, a Weld-
welding procedures.
ing Procedure Qualification Record (WPQR)
will be prepared recording details of the weld
Sub-clause requires that welding
procedure and test results.
shall be carried out with qualified procedures
using a welding procedure specification
From each WPQR a number of Weld Proce-
(WPS) in accordance with the relevant parts
dure Specifications (WPS) can be prepared,
of standards covering, among other things,
since a single WPQR approves a range of
arc and resistance welding by various weld-
variables (see EN ISO 15614). All produc-
ing processes.
tion work should be carried out in strict
accordance with an appropriate WPS.
Sub-clause for processes 111, 114,
12, 13 and 14, covers most of the processes
EN 1011-2:2001 – Recommendations for
likely to be used for steel bridgework fabrica-
welding of metallic materials – Part 2: Arc
tion. Sub-clause covers processes
welding of ferritic steels.
including 783 and 784 for resistance weld-
This standard was developed from, and
ing, which would include those for shear
superseded, BS 5135 (This section of the
stud welding. These sub-clauses refer to
Note is included to provide the historical
Tables 12 and 13, respectively, which list
background to the development of require-
the methods of qualification and the applica-
ments for formal written weld procedures
ble standards for different Execution Classes
and the tests to qualify them.)
under EN 1090-2.

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Guidance Note

No. 4.02

BS 5135 contained references to the stan- The requirements of EN 1011-1 and –2.
dards covering the manufacture of various With respect to the welding of ferritic steels
types of welding consumables together with these Standards aim to cover all the aspects
the requirements for their satisfactory stor- of welding technology previously covered by
age. BS 5135. However, they seek to achieve
this aim by setting down general guidance in
There were also general clauses setting basic Part 1 and more specific guidance in Part 2.
workmanship requirements for the execution It should be noted that both parts are titled
of welds. However the main body of the text “Recommendations”, not “Specifications” or
related to the development of weld proce- “Requirements”. As such there is a much
dures for the avoidance of cracking. greater reliance on the competence, technical
qualification and experience, and judgement
Three categories of cracking are cited: of those using these standards than was the
 Hydrogen induced delayed cold cracking case when BS 5135 was invoked.
 Solidification cracking
 Lamellar tearing This Guidance Note is limited to the subject
of standard and pre-production welding
BS 5135 was first published in 1974, and in tests. There are many other cross-references
that version all of the above issues were in the latest EN and ISO standards, which
covered in terms of guidance notes given in should be consulted where necessary.
the appendices rather than expressed re-
quirements. In the UK, for steel bridgework for highways
and railways, the use of EN 1090-2 leads
The 1984 revision changed the situation, (through the standards invoked in to
with the provisions for the control of hydro- the requirement for the provision and use of
gen induced delayed cracking becoming written weld procedures. EN 1011-1 re-
expressed requirements of the standard. quires that the preparation of a weld proce-
dure specification (WPS) shall be in accor-
The measures for the avoidance of solidifica- dance with EN ISO 15609. For arc welding,
tion cracking and lamellar tearing remained EN ISO 15609-1 applies and the technical
only as recommendations in the appendices. content requirements of the WPS are cov-
ered by clause 4 of this Standard. An (in-
Regarding the mechanical properties of the formative) example is given in Annex A of
welded joint, BS 5135 stated that these the Standard.
were to be as required by the application
standard, but gave no guidance on how this Welding tests
might be achieved. The welding tests are carried out on stan-
dardised test pieces as specified in EN ISO
In formulating a pWPS for a particular joint or 15614, clause 6.
family of joints, the welding engineer had
therefore to follow the expressed require- The test pieces are required to represent,
ments of BS 5135 in respect of hydrogen rather than totally replicate the joints to be
induced delayed cold cracking, but then rely welded in production. Their configurations
on professional judgement regarding the are standardised to ensure that the neces-
attainment of the necessary mechanical sary test specimens can be obtained.
properties and the avoidance of solidification
cracking and lamellar tearing. A competent welding engineer will carefully
select the features of each weld procedure
In addition a competent welding engineer had test so that, if possible, the resulting Weld
to consider measures for distortion limitation. Procedure Qualification Records (WPQRs)
will approve the full range of joints to be
encountered in the production work, with the
minimum number of tests.

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Guidance Note

No. 4.02

It is usual for the formal welding tests to be complex matter and should always be carried
witnessed by an examiner from an independ- out by a qualified welding engineer.
ent examining body. The witness counter-
signs and stamps the WPQR certificate. It must be remembered that a WPS is valid
for production welding only when all the
As well as destructive testing of samples parameters are within the limits of validity of
taken from the test pieces, non-destructive the various items of recorded data in the
testing of the test piece to an acceptance WPQR.
level of class B of EN ISO 5817 is required
(although level C applies to visual imperfec- Any changes in welding process, consumable
tion types: excess weld metal, excess con- designation, and type of welding current,
vexity, excess throat thickness and exces- always require the establishment of a new
sive penetration). pWPS and procedure qualification test.

The extent of non-destructive and destruc- Fabricator’s equipment and operatives

tive testing is set out in clause 7 of EN ISO It is prudent to ensure that the welding
15614. Figure 1 of this note shows exam- equipment used in production is properly
ples of the test pieces required to qualify a calibrated and maintained and appropriate to
butt weld. the WPQR, and to check that welders’ quali-
fications are relevant to the WPS and up to
Weld Procedure Qualification Record (WPQR) date.
The WPQR is the formal record of a satisfac-
tory weld procedure test. It records all the The new EN standards require that, subject
parameters for the test and the test results. to specific conditions, the welder’s approval
It is certified by the examiner/ examining certificate be signed at 6-monthly intervals
body that witnessed the tests and carried by the employer's authorised signatory.
out the necessary mechanical tests and Should the employer wish to prolong a
visual inspection. welder's approval beyond two years, records
of volumetric inspection and tests must be
Since the parameters for any test are vari- maintained and attached to the welder's
ables, the WPQR certifies a range of values approval certificate for verification by the
for which the test is considered to be valid. examiner/ examining body. This can be a
(For details about qualification ranges, see problem for a fabricator undertaking a wide
EN ISO 15614-1, clause 8.) This allows a range of bridgework - some procedures and
number of Weld Procedure Specifications to equipment may not have been used for some
be prepared from a single welding test. time.

Specialist bridge fabricators usually hold a Application tests/trials

large library of WPQRs. Provided that the The contractual requirements are set out
records are properly witnessed by an exam- above. The Client cannot demand more
iner/ examining body, they will form a satis- unless it is clearly specified and/or allowed
factory basis for the development of the for in the Contract. Sometimes, however,
specific WPSs necessary to carry out the while the WPQRs and the particular WPSs
production work, with only occasional need may seem to cover the essential features of
for a supplementary weld procedure test. all the joints in the work, some applications
may be constrained in some way, e.g. lack
If there is any doubt regarding the authentic- of clear access or by one type of joint lead-
ity of an existing WPQR, then fresh welding ing into another. In such circumstances, it
tests should be carried out. may be prudent to specify (and pay for) extra
welding tests, called Pre-production tests.
Weld Procedure Specifications These trials are covered by EN ISO 15613
The review of relevant WPQRs and the which is used as a basis for qualifying any
preparation of WPSs for production work is a project specific pre-production tests neces-
sary. It has been found worthwhile to call for

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Guidance Note

No. 4.02

them in particularly difficult circumstances, 4. EN 288, Specification and approval of

to ensure that the welds can be completed welding procedures for metallic materials
properly. The trials are carried out on pur- Part 1: 1992, general rules for fusion
pose-made, non-standard test pieces that welding. (Withdrawn)
truly represent the application. The testing Part 2: 1992, Welding procedures specifi-
of such pieces can be limited to visual and cation for arc welding. (Withdrawn)
dimensional inspection, i.e. a demonstration Part 3: 1992, Welding procedure tests for
that the welding of the joint can be per- the arc welding of steels. (Withdrawn)
formed physically. However, sectioning and 5. EN ISO 5817: 2003, Welding. Fusion-
the preparation of macro specimens and welded joints in steel. Guidance on qual-
hardness testing of the weld and HAZ are ity, nickel, titanium and their alloys (beam
also further confirmation of the quality of the welding excluded). Quality levels for im-
weldment. Depending on the complexity of perfections.
the test piece it may be possible to devise 6. EN ISO 15607: 2003, Specification and
non-destructive examination techniques for qualification of welding procedures for
checking production work. Finally, the test metallic materials. General rules.
specimens are also useful as comparative 7. EN ISO 15609-1: 2004, Specification and
visual reference pieces for the workshop qualification of welding procedures for
inspectorate during the performance of the metallic materials. Welding procedure
work. specification. Arc welding
8. EN ISO 15613: 2004, Specification and
References qualification of welding procedures for
1. EN 1090-2 2008 – Execution of steel metallic materials. Qualification based on
structures and aluminium structures – pre-production welding test..
Part 2: Technical requirements for steel 9. EN ISO 15614-1: 2004+A1:2008, Speci-
structures. fication and qualification of welding pro-
2. EN 1011-1: 2009, Welding. Recommen- cedures for metallic materials. Welding
dations for welding of metallic materials. procedure test. Arc and gas welding of
General guidance for arc welding. steels and arc welding of nickel and nickel
3. EN 1011-2: 2001, Welding. Recommen- alloys.
dations for welding of metallic materials. 10. Steel Bridge Group: Model project speci-
Arc welding of ferritic steels. fication for the execution of steelwork in
bridges (P382), SCI, 2009.

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Guidance Note

No. 4.02

Tensile test piece

Butt weld macro

Fillet weld macro

Bend test (note opening of root defect)

Charpy impact test pieces

Figure 1 Examples of test specimens

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