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Guided Learning Activity Kit
How the Different Organ Systems Work Together:
Circulatory, Respiratory and Digestive System.
Quarter 2- Week 3

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Science (SSES) – Grade 6
Guided Learning Activity Kit
How the Different Organ Systems Work Together: Circulatory, Respiratory and
Digestive System.
Quarter 2- Week 3

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Guided Learning Activity Kit Development Team

Writer: Helen A. Ignacio
Editors: Angelica H. Luna
Judith O. Pasustento
Reviewer: Evelyn D. Tarrayo EdD
Graphic Artist: Noelynne E. Joyosa
Management Team: Leonardo D. Zapanta EdD, CESO V
Michelle Ablian-Mejica EdD
Manolito B. Basilio EdD
Evelyn D. Tarrayo EdD
Garry M. Achacoso
Rachelle C. Diviva

Printed in the Philippines by Department of Education

Region III
Schools Division of Zambales
Zone 6, Iba, Zambales
Tel./Fax No. (047) 602 1391
E-mail Address:


The interesting thing about organ systems is that none of them can complete
its functions without the help of at least one other organ system. This is one of the
reasons why a problem in one organ system will cause problems to occur in other
body systems. They are all interdependent on each other, meaning, they need each
other in order to function. This activity focuses on how the organs of the human
body work together to form the organ systems such as the circulatory, respiratory
and digestive systems. It will also show the importance of maintaining proper body
function of the systems and how to keep the body systems healthy.

Learning Competency

Explain how the different organ systems work together: Circulatory,

Respiratory and Digestive Systems


At the end of this learning activity, you are expected to:

1. describe the interactions among parts of the major organ systems of

the human body and among different organ systems.
2. explain how the circulatory, respiratory and digestive systems work
3. practice healthful habits that promote proper functioning of the
circulatory, respiratory and digestive systems

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A. DIRECTIONS: Write the following body parts under the body system they

Heart mouth large intestine arteries

blood trachea stomach pulmonary veins

bronchioles esophagus atria larynx

ventricles lungs pharynx

Circulatory Digestive Respirator

System System y System

B. DIRECTIONS: Match Column A with Column B.


1. It breaks down food into smaller portions, absorbs a. Circulatory System

nutrients into the bloodstream and transfers nutrients
to the body cells to produce energy.

2. It is responsible for the exchange of carbon dioxide b. Digestive System

between the atmosphere and the blood and between
the blood and body cells.

3. It is the system responsible for the distribution of c. Respiratory System

blood and other materials throughout the body.

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Were you able to connect each body system with its function? Did you get all
answers correctly? If yes…. Congratulations for a job well done. Now I’m sure you
are ready for the next lesson.


How do the circulatory system, respiratory and digestive systems work

Each of the body systems relies on the others to work well. The respiratory
system relies on the circulatory system to deliver the oxygen it gathers, while the
muscles of the heart cannot function without the oxygen they receive from the lungs.
Working together, these systems maintain internal stability and balance, otherwise
known as homeostasis. Disease in one body system can disrupt homeostasis and
cause trouble in other body systems. If a person becomes ill with AIDS virus for
example, that affects his/her immune system. The person may develop pneumonia
in his/her respiratory system and Candida that affects the esophagus in the
digestive system.

What are the healthful habits that promote proper functioning of the
circulatory, respiratory and digestive systems?

To keep the circulatory, respiratory and digestive systems function well, the
following health habits should be observed:
Exercise regularly.
Exercise improves the circulation of blood throughout the body.
Eat well-balanced and low-fat diet.
Avoid eating fatty foods. A high-fat diet increases the risk of heart
disease. Eat plenty of fruits, vegetables and fiber- rich crops.
Avoid smoking cigarettes or staying with smokers.
Smoking can harm the respiratory tract and the lungs. It also increases
the risk of stroke and coronary heart disease. Stay away from smokers:
second-hand smoke inhalation is more dangerous.
Live in a clean environment.
Do not play with chemicals and avoid staying in a place with high
radiation. Do not stay outside when the sun’s rays are intense.

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Have positive outlook in life.
Be happy and live peacefully with others. Stress and tension may
cause heart failure.


To be healthy, our body needs to maintain a set of

balanced conditions. An individual cell must keep
homeostasis, the body must keep homeostasis, too. Food
must be taken in and broken down to supply needed materials
and energy to the cells. Oxygen must get to individual cell for
respiration. Waste must be eliminated. Internal activities
must be regulated. External movements must be controlled.
The systems of the human body work together like a team to
maintain body’s homeostasis. The Circulatory, respiratory and
digestive systems work together to maintain internal stability and

The Digestive System breaks down food, absorbs nutrients and

eliminates solid waste. The Circulatory System transports dissolved
gases and nutrients through the body. The Respiratory system carries
oxygen and removes carbon dioxide from the blood.

To keep the circulatory, respiratory and digestive systems

function well, the following health habits should be observed: Regular
exercise, eating well- balanced diet, avoiding smoking and living in a
clean peaceful environment.

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Guided Practice 1

Directions: Arrange the following statements according to the process

on how the circulatory, digestive and respiratory systems work together. Number
each of the following steps according to the sequence it occurs. Use numbers 1-8.

_________a. Food is broken into small pieces.

_________b. Waste materials are removed from the body.

_________c. Food is liquefied and digested into forms that the cells can use.

_________d. Water is absorbed.

_________e. Nutrients pass through the blood stream.

_________f. Bits of food is pushed by the tongue to the throat.

_________g. Oxygen and food nutrients are absorbed by the cells of the body.

_________h. The carbon dioxide leaves the body when exhaled and other body
wastes are eliminated through the anus.

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Guided Practice 2
Directions:: Fill in the blanks with the correct answer. Choose your answer from
the word bank below.

Word Bank
Energy minerals Capillaries cells

Veins heart pulmonary veins

respiratory system blood nutrients

The Circulatory System works together with the Digestive System in

transporting______1______ and ______2_____ to all parts of the body. Nutrients are

substances in the food that the body needs as ____3_____source for repairing itself

and for growing. ______4________in the intestines absorb nutrients and deliver the

nutrients to the body ____5_____. While the ___6____ receive up waste materials

such as carbon dioxide and bring to the heart.

The heart pumps______7______ to the lungs of the ______8_______ through

the pulmonary arteries. In the lungs, the deoxygenated blood will be purified

before it goes back to the ____9_____ through the _____10______.

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Independent Practice

A. Directions: Illustrate how the blood is circulated to the different parts of the body
by using arrows starting from the Right Ventricle where the blood is pumped out to
the lungs. Arrange the following terms in order to show the correct path of blood.

Right Left Right

Ventricle Ventricle Atrium

Body Lungs

Veins Arteries Pulmonary Veins Pulmonary Arteries

B. Directions: Arrange the following terms in order to show the correct path of the
digestive system.

Stomach Large Rectum


Small Anus Esophagus



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Correct Path of the Digestive System









C. Directions: Arrange the following statements according to the process

on how the respiratory system works. Number each of the following steps
according to the sequence it occurs. Use numbers 1-5.
1. _______________The oxygen is then in the blood and at the same time carbon
dioxide carried by the blood goes through the blood vessel walls and into the
air sacs.
2. _______________Inside the lungs, air enters through bronchial tubes to
bronchioles and to the alveoli.

3. _______________ Air enters the nose or mouth.

4. _______________The air passes through the pharynx, larynx and then into the

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5. _______________The blood takes the oxygen to the rest of body cells while
carbon dioxide that passes through the air sacs leaves the body through


A. Directions: Fill in the blanks with the correct answer. Choose your answer from
the word bank below.

Circulatory System environment nutrients

Digestive System carbon dioxide homeostasis

Respiratory System body eliminates

well - balanced diet

The ____________1____________breaks down food, absorbs nutrients and

________2__________solid waste. The ___________3____________transports dissolved

gases and________4__________ through the body. The___________5__________carries

oxygen and removes ________6_______ from the blood. Organ Systems work together

to carry out important tasks in the_____7_______. Working together, these systems

maintain internal stability and balance, otherwise known as


To keep the circulatory, respiratory and digestive systems function well,

we should exercise regularly, Eat _________9___________, avoid smoking and live in

a clean peaceful _______10_____________.

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B. Directions:Draw a heart shape if the following practice is good for the
digestive, respiratory and or circulatory system and draw a teardrop if it is
_____________1. Exercise regularly.
_____________2. Smoke cigarettes three times a day.
_____________3. Avoid anxieties and worries.
_____________4. Eat too much fat and salty foods.
_____________5. Eat a lot of fruits and vegetables.
_____________6. Eat a balanced diet.
_____________7. Drink alcoholic beverages.
_____________8. Always feel relaxed.
_____________9. Have a regular blood pressure and dental check – up.
_____________10. Avoid smoking.


A. DIRECTIONS Cite through the diagram below the function of the digestive,
circulatory and respiratory system.

Digestive System Circulatory Respiratory

System System
__________________ __________________ __________________
___________________ __________________ __________________
_________________ ___________________ ___________________
_________________ _________________

Body Systems
are working

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Padpad,Evelyn Castante The New SCIENCE LINKS Worktext in Science and

Technology (Revised Edition 2015 and Reprinted February, 2016;
distributed by Rex bookstore, Inc. at 856 Nicanor Reyes Sr. St., Sampaloc,

Pineda, Dorina C.; Villar, Edna S.Building Knowledge in Science and

Health(Philippine Copyright 2007 by St. Augustine Publications, Inc.;

Bishop, Jeanne F.; Moyer, Richard H.Merril GENERAL SCIENCE(Published by

Charles e. Merrill Publishing Company, A Bell & Howell Company; Printed
in United States of America

Bespicio, E.G.SCIENCE Fundamentals for Elementary School retrieved
on November 2, 2020; posted by the Live Better Team on August 22, 2016

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C. Guide Practice 1
1. 4 a. 1
2. 3 b. 7
3. 1
c. 4
4. 2
5. 5 d. 3
Assessment e. 5
A. f. 2
g. 6
B. h. 8
Guide Practice 2
Reflection 1. nutrients 6. veins
1. C 6. C
2. minerals 7. blood
2. A 7. C
3. D 8. B 3. energy 8. Respiratory System
4. D 9. B 4. Capillaries 9. heart
5. C 10. A 5. cells 10. Pulmonary veins
Independent Practice
Key to Corrections

The Schools Division of Zambales would like to express its heartfelt gratitude
to the following, who in one way or the other, have contributed to the successful
preparation, development, quality assurance, printing, and distribution of the
Quarter 2 Guided Learning Activity Kits (GLAKs) in all learning areas across grade
levels as a response to providing the learners with developmentally-appropriate,
contextualized and simplified learning resources with most essential learning
competencies (MELCs)-based activities anchored on the principles of guided learning
and explicit instruction:

First, the Learning Resources (LR) Development Team composed of the writers
and graphic artists for devoting much of their time and exhausting their best efforts
to produce these indispensable learning kits used for the implementation of learning
delivery modalities.

Second, the content editors, language reviewers, and layout evaluators

making up the Division Quality Assurance Team (DQAT) for having carefully
evaluated all GLAKs to ensure quality and compliance to DepEd standards;

Third, the Provincial Government of Zambales, for unceasingly extending its

financial assistance to augment the funds for the printing of these learning resources
for use by learners and parents at home;

Fourth, the teacher-advisers and subject teachers, in close coordination with

the school heads, for their weekly distribution and retrieval of the GLAKs and for
their frequent monitoring of the learners’ progress through various means; and

Finally, the parents and other home learning facilitators for giving the learners
the needed guidance and support for them to possibly accomplish the tasks and for
gradually helping them become independent learners.

To deliver learning continuity in this challenging circumstance would not be

possible without your collective effort and strong commitment to serving our
Zambaleño learners.

Again, our sincerest thanks!

The Management Team

For inquiries or feedback, please write or call:

Department of Education – Region III - Schools Division of Zambales

Learning Resources Management Section (LRMS)
Zone 6, Iba, Zambales
Tel./Fax No. (047) 602 1391

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