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Simple Squamous Single layer of flat scale-shaped cells.

SImple Single unbranching ducts. lines the interior of the circulatory vessels and heart.
Exocrine Glands Endothelium
Simple Simple Cuboidal Single layer of cuboidal (cube-like) cells.
also known as the "Endocardium"
Compound Ducts are branching.
Simple Columnar Single row of tall, closely packed cells, aligned in a row.
Interspersed among epithelial tissue. Goblet cells
Mucous Membrane It lines body cavities that opens to the outside.
Unicellu​lar Glands Protects and acts as a barrier.
Ductless glands
Stratified ​Squamous
Also known as "serous tissue" Layer of flat, tile-like cells.
Secretes hormones
Endocrine Glands It lines great cavities of the body which
have no openings to the outside. Cube-like shaped cells arranged in
Found in thyroid and pituitary glands. Glandular Epithelium Stratified Stratified Cuboidal multiple layers.

Classification based on Functions

Stratified Columnar Column-shaped cells arranged in multiple layers.

flattened cells Squamous Have several layers due to various positioning of cell nucleic.
Classification based on Arrangement Pseudostratified Columnar
Classification based on Shape Layers of tall narrow cells, appears stratified but is not.
Gel-like matrix with all three types of fibers; cube-like cells Columnar
Consist of several layers of cells.
Easily stretched but resist tearing.
column-like cells Cuboidal Transitional
Designed to stretch and return to normal
Loaded with fat droplets. state without damage.
The nucleus and cytoplasm are pushed Loosely dispersed individual fibers. Loose Connective Tissue
against the cell membrane. spindle-shaped, have a single, centrally located nucleus,
2 Epithelial Tissue Smooth Muscle and lack striations. They are called involuntary muscles.

It is mainly composed of reticular fibers

Fibers that support other cell types such as
white blood cells, macrophages, and mast cells.
cylindrical, multinucleated, striated, and under voluntary control.
Skeletal Muscle
no visible fibers

resistant to stretching, intervertebral

Hyaline Cartilage
1 Connective TIssue Human Tissues 3 Muscle Tissue
It is composed of cells that can shorten
or contact to move the body parts.
pull bones causing movements of the body.

Fibrocartilage gelatinous around substance Cartilage

disks, and public symphysis

easily stretched and flexible. Elastic Cartilage

calcified ground substance Bone Bone Connective Tissue
One nucleus per cell, striations, and intercalated disks.
4 Nervous Tissue Cardiac Muscle Its contraction is not under voluntary control.
a fluid matrix called plasma,
and no fibers.
controls the body and coordinates with body parts.
parallel arrangement of fibers
Ligaments Dense Regular Connective Tissue
(flexible but not elastic)

Aponeuroses Dense Connective Tissue

Neuron Neuroglia
irregular arrangement of fibers Dense Irregular Connective Tissue

Group of cells that provide support and nourishment

to the neurons.

Responsible for conducting nerve impulses throughout Oligodendrocytes Ependymal

the nervous system.

form myelin in brain and spinal cord. allow diffusion between interstitial
Dendrites Axon
and cerebrospinal fluid

Cell Body attach to blood vessels, star-shaped cells,

receives the stimuli/nerve impulses the transmitting part of the neuron provide nourishment and support.
from the sense organs or the surrounding help fight brain damage
the neuron's core. carries genetic information and
maintains the neuron's structure.

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