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Anthony’s College
San Jose de Buenavista, Antique 5007

Effect to the Income 1


Covid 19 Pandemic; Its Effect to the Income of Online Sellers in Patnongon, Antique


A Research Paper

Presented to

Mr. Ralph Jessie S. Canencia & Mrs. Marites S. Albuera

St. Anthony’s College

San Jose de Buenavista Antique


In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the

Subject Inquiries, Investigations and Immersion



Bea Orcullo, Celine Heart Imbang, Charles Solis, Fairemae Lawrence Laude, Fearlean

Joy Soriano, Fiona Mae Ervite, Jagwinder Singh Uppal, Maejoy Escanillas, Mary Joy

Sebelleno, Princess Mae Borja

ABM Grade 12 – St. Bernardine of Siena

January 2022
St. Anthony’s College
San Jose de Buenavista, Antique 5007

Effect to the Income 2


The researchers would like to express their heartfelt and profound thanks to those

who rendered their precious time and effort in making this research possible.

First and foremost, praises and thanks to God, the Almighty, for the bountiful

blessings of strength, perseverance, wisdom, and good health in achieving our goals

despite the difficulties that came along our way.

To our families, for their unending love, understanding and support, for providing

our needs in all aspects, for the motivation, encouragement, pieces of advice, and for

being with us no matter what.

To our teachers in this subject, Mr. Ralph Jessie Canencia & Mrs. Marites

Albuera who unselfishly devoted their time, effort, and expertise in guiding and

motivating us to improve our research paper. For the pieces of advice and comments

which is of great help in making this research paper a success.

To the principal, Mrs. Marites Mejares, thank you for the approval to conduct our

study. Also, to the online sellers in Patnongon, Antique who served as the respondents of

this study, for the permission, cooperation, and support in the gathering of data of this


To those who helped us in enormous and little ways but whose names are not

mentioned above, thank you so much

. To God be all the Glory!!

St. Anthony’s College
San Jose de Buenavista, Antique 5007

Effect to the Income 3


Title: Covid-19 Pandemic; It’s Effects to the Income of Online Sellers in Patnongon,

School: St. Anthony’s College

Date Published: January, 2022

Strand: Accountancy and Business, Management

Researchers: Mary Joy Sebelleno, Princess Mae D. Borja, Fearlean Joy Soriano, Charles
D. Solis, Fairemae Lawrence P. Laude, Celine Heart J. Imbang, Fiona Mae B. Ervite, Bea
Orcullo, Maejoy Escanillas, Jagwinder Singh Uppal

The study is all about how Covid 19 affects the online selling business of online sellers of

Patnongon, Antique. It aims to provide information about the problems that the

respondents encountered in the midst of Covid 19 pandemic, and how they cope up with

these problems. Patnongon, officially the Municipality of Patnongon, is a 3rd class

municipality in the province of Antique, Philippines. There are many online sellers living

within Patnongon; because the amount of time people spend on the internet and the

popularity of online shopping is growing, more people in Patnongon are deciding to

invest in e-commerce in order to increase their earnings. This kind of business, in this

Pandemic helps many online sellers in Patnongon to gain income and to have money to

buy essential things. It made a great impact to those Patnonganon who don’t have work

or enough money to sustain their families

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San Jose de Buenavista, Antique 5007

Effect to the Income 4



Title Page …………………………………………………………………………. 1

Approval Sheet …………………………………………………………………… 2

Acknowledgement ………………………………………………………………… 2

Abstract ………………………………………………………………………….… 3

Table of Content …………………………………………………………………… 4

Chapter I: Introduction

Background of the Study……………………………….…………………….. 5

Statement of the Problem……………………………………………………... 9

Hypotheses……………………………………………………………………. 9

Conceptual Framework……………………………………………………….. 10

Definition of Terms …………………………………………………..……..... 10

Significance of the Study……………………………………………………… 11

Scope and Limitation of the study………………………………………….…. 12

Chapter II: Review of Related Literature

Covid-19 Pandemic …………………………………………………………. 17

Effects of Covid 19 Pandemic...………………………………………………. 18

Online Sellers………………………………………………………………….. 19

Effects of Covid 19 Pandemic to the Income of Online Sellers………………. 21

Factors That Could Affect Online Selling During Covid-19 Pandemic………. 23

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San Jose de Buenavista, Antique 5007

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Chapter III: Research Design and Methodology

Research Design ………………………………………………………….. 25

Respondents of the Study ………………………………………………….. 26

Sampling Procedure…………….…………………………………………... 26

Instrumentation…...………………………………………………………… 26

Data Gathering Procedure….……………………………………………….. 27

Statistical Data Analysis….............................................................................. 28

Chapter IV: Presentation, Analyses, and Data Interpretation

Analysis of Questionnaires………………………………………………….. 29

Chapter V: Summary, Conclusions, and Recommendation

Summary of Findings……………………………………………………. . 41

Recommendation………………………………………………………….. 42

Conclusion………………………………………………………………… 43

Appendices………………………………………………………………… 44

References………………………………………………………………… 48
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San Jose de Buenavista, Antique 5007

Effect to the Income 6





Background of the Study

The outbreak of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has created a global

health crisis that had a deep impact on the way we perceive our world and our everyday

lives. (Frontier Media, 2020). Covid 19 pandemic is a phenomena that affects millions of

lives around the world and has spread quickly. To date, countries have depended on

isolation, quarantine, and clinical care of infected individuals to avoid the disease. It

forces people to stay in their own homes and avoid social interaction. It forces people to

follow health protocols to not be contracted with the virus and for the safety of everyone.

Many lives were lost, hospitals are jam-packed with Covid patients, economies shut

downed, and businesses we’re closed. Human activities have been thrown into disarray as

a result of the Covid-19 pandemic. This pandemic has also increased the sense of

philanthropy and brought people closer together in the fight for survival. The outbreak of

the COVID-19 pandemic has rapidly transformed into an unprecedented global economic

and labor market crisis, with severe impact on the world of work in the Philippines.

(Abarcar, P. 2016, Asia Foundation, 2019)

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San Jose de Buenavista, Antique 5007

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In order to provide their daily needs, people looked for a way to have money. A

way that could help their daily needs while doing it in the comfort of their own homes.

It’s a way of adapting to the needed ways to engage in online selling. In this way,

shoppers are able to buy the things that they want and need and be delivered to their

doors. COVID-19 control measures have had a significant influence on merchants. While

many merchants shuttered their physical storefronts temporarily owing to stay-at-home

orders and enforced non-essential company closures, other online-only retailers saw

better sales. Even if it is not part of its core selection, bringing an essential product (e.g.,

hand sanitizer) into the retailer’s portfolio has substantial benefits: the essential product

helps the company acquire new customers and encourages previously offline-leaning

clients to purchase online. Online shopping is getting more popular as a means of

payment. It also has reasonable prices. Opening an e-commerce store allows for the direct

selling of low-cost products with promotions or discounts, lowering distribution expenses

and thus increasing revenue. It allows for more efficient and straightforward store

management. Because billing, shipments, and orders are handled directly through the e-

commerce platform, they become easier and faster to manage. (Fontebasso, A. 2020,

October 22).

The negative labor market impact of the pandemic is more pronounced among

vulnerable and part-time workers, young people, Overseas Filipino workers, women, and

healthcare and medical workers. Meanwhile, the health system is strained under the

challenge of management of Coronavirus (COVID-19) cases which likely crowd out the

delivery of essential health services. This note, a third note of the series using the
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San Jose de Buenavista, Antique 5007

Effect to the Income 8

8Coronavirus (COVID-19) Low Income Household Panel and Economic (HOPE)

Survey, investigates the impact of the pandemic on education and health behaviors as

well as other welfare indicators of low-income households in the Philippines.(Cho, Y.,

Avalos, J., Kawasoe, Y., Johnson, D., & Rodriguez, R. 2021).

The study is all about how Covid 19 affects the online selling business of online

sellers of Patnongon, Antique. It aims to provide information about the problems that the

respondents encountered in the midst of Covid 19 pandemic, and how they cope up with

these problems. Patnongon, officially the Municipality of Patnongon, is a 3rd class

municipality in the province of Antique, Philippines. There are many online sellers living

within Patnongon; because the amount of time people spend on the internet and the

popularity of online shopping is growing, more people in Patnongon are deciding to

invest in e-commerce in order to increase their earnings. This kind of business, in this

Pandemic helps many online sellers in Patnongon to gain income and to have money to

buy essential things. It made a great impact to those Patnonganon who don’t have work

or enough money to sustain their families. (Xuwen, G., Xinjie, S., Hongdong, G., &

Yehong, L.2020, August 20).

It also aims to give awareness to the society that these kinds of businesses also

exist and are also affected by this phenomena. Physical stores are no longer the only way

to succeed in retail. This is demonstrated by the growing number of retailers who now

provide consumers with online store interfaces. With the rise of online shopping comes a

plethora of new market footprint coverage opportunities for retailers who can meet the

needs of offshore markets and provide suitable service. But keep in mind that just
St. Anthony’s College
San Jose de Buenavista, Antique 5007

Effect to the Income 9

because you start an internet store doesn’t mean you’ll be successful. Being online isn’t

enough for an e-commerce site! E-commerce management involves time, effort, and


Statement of the Problem

1. What are the effects of covid-19 pandemic on the income of online sellers in

Patnongon, Antique?

2. Is the income of online sellers in Patnongon, Antique increased during covid-19



1. If people are shopping more online, then the income of online sellers will


The income of online sellers in Patnongon, Antique is stable because of Covid 19


The Covid 19 pandemic didn’t affect the income of online sellers in Patnongon,


2. The income of online sellers in Patnongon, Antique has increased during covid-19


The income of online sellers in Patnongon, Antique has decreased during the

Covid 19 pandemic
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San Jose de Buenavista, Antique 5007

Effect to the Income 10

Conceptual Framework

Online Sellers Living in Effects of Covid 19

A Patnongon diagram that Pandemic to the Income

shows the

relationship of the key variables on Covid 19 Pandemic; its Effects to the Income of

Online Sellers in Patnongon, Antique is presented in Figure 1.

Independent Variable Dependent Variable

Figure1. A conceptual framework on Covid 19 Pandemic; Its Effect to the Income of

Online Sellers in Patnongon, Antique.

Definition of Terms

Covid-19. The new coronavirus causes or the most dangerous disease is called

coronavirus disease 2019, or COVID-19 for short.

Effects. A change which is a result or consequence of an action or other cause.

Epidemic. The rapid and unexpected spread of a disease within a region.

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San Jose de Buenavista, Antique 5007

Effect to the Income 11

Income. Is money that a person or a business receives in return for working, providing a

product or service, or investing capital. A person’s income may also derive from a

pension, a government benefit, or a gift.

Online Sellers. Online sellers can sell just about anything. Some, like Ann, design or

create the products themselves. Others sell new merchandise, antiques, or used items, like

books or toys. Starting an online business can be as simple as having something to sell

and access to the Internet.

Online selling. Is now a modern technology that uses around the world not only here in

the Philippines. It is a kind of electronic commerce that helps consumers and costumes to

buy directly and order directly of goods and services from the internet using an

application or web browser. Online selling at present is one of the latest and popular

websites that most Filipino visit and use. You only need Laptops, mobile phones, or

personal computer and internet connection before you can start browsing on the website

of online selling.

Social media. Social media is a computer-based technology that facilitates the sharing of

ideas, thoughts, and information through the building of virtual networks and

communities. The variety of stand-alone and built-in social media services currently

available introduces challenges of definition; however, there are some common features.

Significance of the Study

The results of the study will be a great benefit to the following:

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San Jose de Buenavista, Antique 5007

Effect to the Income 12

Online sellers - Data given will provide information how to be an effective online sellers.

The results will be give them a strategy and technique for them to grow their business.

Residents of Patnongon Antique - The young users in Patnongon aged between 18 and 25

years old are important to online sellers in their town because they are actively involved

in online purchasing and the other group of online buyers is expected to dominate future

online market.

Also teens wield significant in involving on online shopping because of the trend attire

and to have an aesthetic look. It’s no surprise, then, that most of the teens lead the way on

mobile technology, with a showing that most of the teen access the internet primarily

through mobile phones. That means business like online selling on Facebook which

believe and rightfully.

Researchers - This study will help the researchers to find out what are the effects of

COVID-19 pandemic to the income of online sellers in Patnongon Antique. It will help to

the future researchers because the study can serve as their basis if they will continue the

research about the Income of Online Sellers during this pandemic.

Community - It will help the Online Sellers in Patnongon Antique to know the effects of

COVID-19 pandemic to their income. It will help the Online Sellers in Patnongon

Antique to gain a deeper understanding and know why they do the things they do in this

time of pandemic.
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San Jose de Buenavista, Antique 5007

Effect to the Income 13

Scope and Limitations of the Study

The study focuses on the Impacts of Covid-19 to the Income of Online Sellers in

Patnongon, Antique. The data collection will be conducted to 30 online sellers in

Patnongon, Antique who will represent the population. The researchers have chosen the

respondents based on who they think would be appropriate for this study. Specifically,

the researchers purposively selected the online sellers who are living in Patnongon,


Two groups of subjects were studied. They were the effects of covid-19 pandemic

to the income of online sellers and online sellers living in Patnongon, Antique. The

timeframe will depend greatly on the given time of this subject area.

This study will not cover other problems as not related or consider as one of the

effects of Covid-19 pandemic to the income of online sellers. The respondents are all

given the same questions to complete. The findings of this study will only apply to the

respondents of this survey and will not be utilized as a measure of the effects of online

sellers’ revenue on people who are not part of the study’s population. The questionnaire,

which will be prepared by the researchers, will be the primary source of data.

This study also have weaknesses such as it increases the competition between

online sellers. The buyers cannot see the product in its actual form. The delivery time is

delayed. Some online sellers have problems on their internet connection. There is also

misunderstanding between the seller and the buyer.

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San Jose de Buenavista, Antique 5007

Effect to the Income 14

This study was a quantitative research utilizing the survey method. A descriptive

design seeks to describe the current status of a variable or phenomenon.

The simple random sampling was employed in the selection of groups. This was

derived as a technique for selecting subjects in such a way that researchers decide the

significant number of respondents within the desired group number for analysis.

Data gathered through the questionnaire was subjected to frequency counts. In

other words, the subjects’ responses for each individual were added together to find the

highest frequency of occurrence. This response to the questions, which are qualified, are

then presented to the tables in percentage forms.


August 31, 2021 Brainstorming of title September 6, 2021


September 7, 2021 Submission of title proposal September 7, 2021

September 9, 2021 Formulation of Chapter 1: September 20, 2021

Background of the study,

Statement of the Problem

and Hypothesis

September 21, 2021 Formulation of Chapter 1: September 27, 2021

St. Anthony’s College
San Jose de Buenavista, Antique 5007

Effect to the Income 15

Conceptual Framework,

Significance of the Study,

Definition of Terms, and

Scope and Limitations of

the Study

September 28, 2021 Formulation of Chapter 2: October 21, 2021

Review of Related


October 22, 2021 Submission of Review of October 22, 2021

Related Literature

November 10, 2021 Brainstorming and November 15, 2021

Construction of Survey


November 12, 2021 Formulation of Chapter 3: November 20, 2021


 Validation of

Research Design

 Selecting the

Respondents of the


 Formulation of
St. Anthony’s College
San Jose de Buenavista, Antique 5007

Effect to the Income 16

Sampling Procedure

November 18, 2021 Submission of printed November 18, 2021

copies of Research

Questionnaire and Letter for

checking and approval

November 22, 2021 Actual Conduct of the Study November 22, 2021

November 24, 2021 Making of Raw data and November 26, 2021


December 8, 2021 Formulation of Chapter 4: January 7, 2022

Presentation, Analysis and

Interpretation of Data

January 12, 2022 Final Defense January 12, 2022

Figure 1. Presenting the Timetable of the Study

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Effect to the Income 17



Covid 19 Pandemic

According to World Health Organization (2021) Coronavirus disease (COVID-

19) is an infectious disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus. Most people infected with

the virus will experience mild to moderate respiratory illness and recover without

requiring special treatment. However, some will become seriously ill and require medical

attention. Older people and those with underlying medical conditions like cardiovascular

disease, diabetes, chronic respiratory disease, or cancer are more likely to develop serious

illness. Anyone can get sick with COVID-19 and become seriously ill or die at any age.

The novel human coronavirus disease COVID19 is the fifth documented

pandemic since the 1918 flu pandemic. COVID19 was first reported in Wuhan, China,

and then spread around the world. The coronavirus has been officially named Severe

Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARSCoV2) by the International

Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses based on a phylogenetic analysis. SARSCoV2 is

believed to be contagious from an animal coronavirus and later adapted its ability to be
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Effect to the Income 18

transmitted from person to person. Because the virus is highly contagious, it spreads

rapidly and continues to evolve in the human population. (Yen Chin et al. 2020)

The Philippine response to COVID19 has been described as one of the longest

and most stringent lockdowns in the world. Entire provinces and cities were closed,

mobility was restricted, and the use of masks and social distancing was strictly enforced.

The infractions were punished with punitive measures. The government relied heavily on

the police and military to ensure that order was maintained and all health protocols were

followed. This has led some observers and scholars to label the government’s response

“draconian,” “militarized,” or “police-centric” (Hapal, 2021). With the rapid spread of

pandemic COVID-19 in the Philippines and In whole wide world, people around the

world express panic in various behaviors (Nicomedes and Avila 2020). This affects the

economy of the county, social values, and psychological stress of the people involved

regardless of the directness of contact with the infected.

Effects of Covid 19 Pandemic

Pastor (2020) mentioned that the start of the extreme community quarantine in the

Philippines last March 2020 became the intervention of the government to slow down the

spread of the Coronavirus or more commonly known as COVID-19. The pandemic was

interfering many operations in the world which brought challenges to all affected

countries which includes the Philippines.

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Effect to the Income 19

Pastor (2020) mentioned this to the sentiment of the Filipinos in the effect of

extreme community quarantine caused by COVID-19 pandemic particularly Luzon. This

sentiment reveals that most of the Filipinos encountered several problems concerning

extreme community quarantine (ECQ) . It is recommended that intervention should be

done bases on the requirement of the Filipinos who encounter problem in the food

shortage and everyone should support to flatten the curve in order for the operations and

life back to normal.

Chakraborty & Maity (2020) mentioned that the COVID-19 pandemic is

considered as the most crucial global health calamity of the Century and the greatest

challenge that the humankind faced since the 2nd world war. The current outbreak of

COVID-19 has affected over 21644111 people and killed more than 146,198, people in

more than 200 countries throughout the world. Till now there is no report of any

clinically approved antiviral drugs or vaccines that are effected against COVID-19.It has

rapidly spread around the world, posing enormous health, economic, environmental and

social challenges to the entire human population. The coronavirus outbreak is severely

disrupting the global economy. Almost all the nations are struggling to slow down the

transmission of the disease by testing & treating patients, quarantining suspected persons

through contact tracing, restricting large gatherings, maintaining complete or partial lock

down etc.

Online Sellers
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Effect to the Income 20

According to Koo (2018) the cost of data storage, access, and transmission has

decreased dramatically as the economy has become more digital. Platform firms like

Amazon and Airbnb have built online marketplaces that have given individual

entrepreneurs, sometimes known as sellers, unprecedented market access by leveraging

digital technologies. Much of the existing research on digital platforms demonstrates that

platforms can influence seller behavior through a range of reward and punishment

mechanisms, such as search ranking algorithms and surge pricing. However, a significant

portion of the difference in sellers' behavior can be related to characteristics in their local

surroundings, which are outside the platform's control. Many of their behavioral patterns

may be explained by factors such as sellers' cultural conventions, neighborhood

interactions, and legal perceptions. These considerations have a significant impact on

how vendors behave on digital platforms. Their actions, in turn, have a significant

societal impact on a platform's growth trajectory. As a result, both platform designers and

politicians must pay attention to sellers' diverse local surroundings in order to predict

seller behavior, establish appropriate designs, and formulate solid policy.

Internet has become the opportunity for the sellers to add value to their products

and services. The key to attract more consumers and businesses to engage the benefits of

Electronic Commerce (E-Commerce) are the phenomenal growth and rising of the

popularity of the internet. The transactions between parties are electronically rather than

by physical exchanges or direct physical contact. This has transformed the traditional

commerce and enhanced sales and exchanges of products and information. With the click
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Effect to the Income 21

of mouse the availability of goods and services is changing the global setting (Aldin,

Brehmer and Johansson 2004).

Using a mechanism design framework, Chen et al. (2020) demonstrate how the

live streaming platform can leverage information provision to improve its advertisement

revenue upon traditional position auctions. They develop an analytical framework that

incorporates the main characteristics of online influencers as well as different levels of

consumer sophistication to investigate a firm’s live stream adoption strategy and offer

useful guidance for the firm on quality investment, pricing strategy, and influencer


E -commerce makes online shopping a common practice they identified five

major factor that influenced the consumer’s intentions to switch from offline to online

channels, which include channel-risk perceptions, price-search intentions, search effort,

evaluation effort, and delivery time. Although Internet users can switch with relative ease

from one Web site to another that provides similar products and services, some

consumers seem to stick with specific Web sites (Gupta et al. 2004).

Effects of Covid 19 Pandemic to the Income of Online Sellers

As the global COVID-19 pandemic grows in reach and breadth, the ramifications

for workers and labor markets become increasingly severe. Even the most cautious

projections of a controlled worldwide outbreak reveal major global macroeconomic

consequences (McKibbin & Fernando 2020). For at least three reasons, online freelancers
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are in unstable employment arrangements in general, and the pandemic offers a

particularly difficult scenario for them. First, because they do their business online, they

are more vulnerable to competition (Dunn 2017). Second, freelance employment is

project-based: beyond the specifics of the project’s contract, there is little to no

commitment between the employer and the worker (Wood et al. 2019). Finally, online

freelancers are susceptible in many nations due to their status as independent contractors,

especially during economic downturns.

According to Lau (2020) the prevalence of COVID-19 in low- and middle-

income countries (LMICs) raises severe concerns about effective pandemic response and

preparedness in the setting of compromised health systems and widespread

misinformation. It allows us to study how COVID-19 was perceived by homes in extreme

poverty in the Philippines.

The extant literature has situated the importance of e-commerce platforms that

facilitate virtual interactions and include informative and insightful product information

(Chandna and Salimath, 2018; Li et al., 2020) that consumers might consider to be

economic benefits (Zhang et al., 2017). Such that, firms can increase sales revenue as e-

commerce platforms help leverage existing consumers and attract new ones, build social

groups, and ensure compatibility with legacy systems (Lee et al., 2018), especially in

pandemic periods (Nielsen, 2020a, Nielsen, 2020b). In fact, Covid-19 has disrupted and

changed the business landscape as managers have been thrust into the position of

operating online supplies due to the reduction of in-person contact. However, the

literature has yet to address how e-commerce platforms can benefit both firms and
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San Jose de Buenavista, Antique 5007

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consumers during the pandemic. As a result, managers who seek to implement online

selling currently have no specific guidance to improve consumer intention for sustainable

consumption over time and circumstance (Guillen-Royo, 2019; Hernant and Rosengren,


Factors That Could Affect Online Selling During Covid-19 Pandemic

A highly infectious disease caused by a new coronavirus was first found in

Wuhan in December 2019 and quickly escalated into a pandemic, officially termed

COVID-19. To combat the World Health Organization’s declaration of a “public health

emergency of international concern,” a series of interventions and recommendations, like

wearing masks, working from home, social distancing and lockdown, have been issued to

limit physical interactions between citizens. People have accelerated their usage of ICT to

undertake daily tasks such as shopping in order to adapt to the setting of mobility limits

(Nguyen et al., 2021).

Prasetyo and Dela Fuente (2020) mentioned that it is difficult to establish e-

commerce without first understanding the factors that encourage online shopping. E-

commerce must establish the aspects that must be met, as well as the criteria they should

be consistent with. According to a study that looked into online purchasing, the shopping

experience and reasons led to high purchase intent. Another study found that attitude and

a shift in customers’ attitudes toward making online purchases are important aspects of

online purchasing.
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San Jose de Buenavista, Antique 5007

Effect to the Income 24

According to Tran (2020) the relevance of e-commerce platforms that promote

virtual interactions and contain relevant and insightful product information that customers

may view to be economic benefits. As a result, businesses can enhance sales revenue by

leveraging existing customers and attracting new ones, creating social groups, and

ensuring compatibility with older systems, especially during pandemics. In reality, due to

the loss of in-person contact, Covid-19 has disrupted and transformed the company

landscape. Managers have been forced to operate online supply, which has disrupted and

changed the business landscape.

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San Jose de Buenavista, Antique 5007

Effect to the Income 25



This chapter introduces the research methodology for this study. This chapter is

concerned with the researcher’s strategy for collecting and analysing the data. This

chapter also encompasses the procedures followed to analysed and interpret the data

gathered. The details of the methodology will be further explained below.

Research Study Design

The study will use survey quantitative research design. In this study, the

researchers will use survey questionnaires and chi square statistics as the main method of

analysis. In addition, the study will put emphasis on presenting the Covid 19 Pandemic;

its effect to the income of online sellers in Patnongon, Antique.

The researchers distributed letter to their research adviser to ask permission to

conduct a survey to the selected online sellers. Questionnaires were made by the

researchers and further be validated before administering. Once survey questionnaires are

validated, it was reproduced to the respondents. After the questionnaires has been

answered by the respondents, the researchers gathered and analyzed the results.
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San Jose de Buenavista, Antique 5007

Effect to the Income 26

The discussion of detailed step-by-step process of conducting the study will be in

narrative/description form in order to clearly present the purpose of the study which is to

determine the Covid 19 Pandemic; Its Effect to the Income of Online Sellers in

Patnongon, Antique. Also, this will be in narrative/description form for the easy

replication of the methodology by other researchers.

Respondents of the Study

A total of thirty (30) selected online sellers in Patnongon, Antique were the

respondents of the study.

Sampling Procedure

The proponents used purposive sampling to obtain data from the respondents

since the main research objective is to determine the Effect of Covid 19 to the income of

online sellers. A purposive sampling procedure is a non-probability sample that will be

selected based on characteristics of a population in the objective of the study.

Data Gathering Instrument

Research instrument is important in gathering data for analysis. The tool used in

gathering data in this study is a replicated survey questionnaire. A questionnaire that is

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Effect to the Income 27

easy to understand to be answered by the respondents correctly. It has two parts, Part I is

made up of Yes/No questions pertaining to the income of online sellers during Covid-19

Pandemic. Part II is also made up of Yes/No questions but pertaining to the effects of


The questions were then given to the respondents in the form of Google Forms as

the pandemic forbid the face to face conduction of the survey. Moreover, the

questionnaire was constructed by the researchers themselves and was validated by the

subject teacher of this course. Items that were accepted were considered and used in the

instrument whereas, items that were rejected undergone modification or revision.

Data Gathering Procedure

Prior to the conduct of the study, the researchers observed certain procedures. The

researchers distributed letter to their research adviser to ask permission to conduct a

survey to the selected online sellers. Questionnaires were made by the researchers and

further be validated before administering. Once survey questionnaires is validated, it will

be reproduced to the respondents. The researchers designed, constructed, and validated

the survey questionnaires then distributed thirty one (30) copies of the survey

questionnaire. After data gathering, the researchers collected it for analyzing and

interpreting the results.

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Data analysis procedure

Frequency. This was used to determine the number of respondents who belong to each

category of variables.

Percentage. This was used in determining the proportion of respondents belonging to

each category of variables.

Standard deviation. The standard deviation was used to measure how spread out the data

values is around the mean.

Mean. The mean was used in determining the views of the respondents on the effects of

Covid 19 to the Income of Online Sellers.

Chi Square Test. This was utilized to examine the differences between the categorical

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This chapter comprises the data analysis, presentation, and interpretation of the

findings resulting from online sellers in Patnongon, Antique. The main objective of this

study is to identify the effects on the income of online sellers in Patnongon, Antique.

Presented data were studied and documents were examined to answer the questions

communicated in the statement of the problem. A quantitative study and survey were

conducted. The data collection techniques were based on questionnaires and

observations. The analysis and interpretation of data are carried out in one phase. The

first part, which is based on the results of the questionnaire, deals with a quantitative

analysis of data.

Analysis of Questionnaires

Data analysis is the process of separating data into smaller and manageable parts

to find meaningful answers to the research questions and objectives and disseminate the


The questionnaires were given to thirty (30) online sellers in Patnongon, Antique.

Twenty-seven (27) female online sellers are equivalent to 90.3% and three (3) male

online sellers are equivalent to 9.7%.

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Data gathered through the questionnaire was subjected to frequency counts. In

other words, the subjects’ responses for each question were added together to find the

highest frequency of occurrence. These responses to the questions, which are quantified,

are then presented in percentage forms. This analysis is presented in tabular form. The

researcher uses tables containing a variable and in some cases, combines two or more

variables in a single table.

Table No. 1 representing the distribution of Respondents.

Variables F %

A. Entire Group 30 100%

B. Sex


Male 3

Female 27 90.3%

Table 2: Covid-19 Pandemic; Its effect on the income of online sellers in Patnongon,


Questions f Rank %

Did this Pandemic teaches you to be responsible? 30 1 100%

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Have you gained any lessons during this Covid-19

Pandemic? 29 2.5 96.77%

Have you ever dreamed to be a successful business

man/woman trough online selling despite of 29 2.5 96.77%

Covid-19 Pandemic?

Have you gained stress and other mental illness

because of the Pandemic? 27 4 90.32%

Does Covid-19 Pandemic challenged you to be a

competitive online seller? 26 5.5 87.10%

Do you think that your business will survive this

pandemic? 26 5.5 87.10%

Do you have any difficulties in transacting

payments between you and your costumers? 24 7.3 80.65%

Did the Covid-19 Pandemic made you lose interest

of the things you use to love or do? 24 7.3 80.65%

Does Covid-19 Pandemic affects you as an online

seller? 24 7.3 80.65%

Does Covid-19 Pandemic affect your sales in

online selling? 23 10 77.42%

Did the Pandemic helped you to increase more of

your usual income? 18 11 61.29%

Did Covid-19 Pandemic made your income

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decreased? 16 12 54.84%

Has your income increased since the Covid-19

pandemic started? 14 13.5 48.39%

Does your income this month increase compared

last month? 14 13.5 48.39%

Have you thought of planning to stop your online

business because of your income? 13 14.5 45.16%

Are you satisfied of your income as an online

seller when Covid-19 started? 13 14.5 45.16%

Have you ever thought of stopping your online

business because of Covid-19 Pandemic? 12 16 41.94%

Do you think that your income can sustain the

needs of your family? 10 17 35.48%

Are you triggered from your other competitors

because of their success despite of the Pandemic? 9 18 32.26%

Do you have other businesses besides online

selling that can add more to your income? 7 19 25.81%

Table 3: Covid-19 Pandemic; Its effect on the income of online sellers (female) in

Patnongon, Antique

Questions f Rank %
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Did this Pandemic teaches you to be responsible? 27 1 100%

Have you gained any lessons during this Covid-19

Pandemic? 26 2.5 96.43%

Have you ever dreamed to be a successful business

man/woman trough online selling despite of 26 2.5 96.43%

Covid-19 Pandemic?

Have you gained stress and other mental illness

because of the Pandemic? 25 4 92.86%

Does Covid-19 Pandemic challenged you to be a

competitive online seller? 24 5 89.29%

Do you think that your business will survive this

pandemic? 23 6 85.71%

Do you have any difficulties in transacting

payments between you and your costumers? 22 7.3 82.14%

Did the Covid-19 Pandemic made you lose interest

of the things you use to love or do? 22 7.3 82.14%

Does Covid-19 Pandemic affects you as an online

seller? 22 7.3 82.14%

Does Covid-19 Pandemic affect your sales in

online selling? 20 10 75%

Did the Pandemic helped you to increase more of

your usual income? 16 11 60.71%

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Did Covid-19 Pandemic made your income

decreased? 14 12 53.57%

Has your income increased since the Covid-19

pandemic started? 13 13.5 50%

Have you thought of planning to stop your online

business because of your income? 13 13.5 50%

Have you ever thought of stopping your online

business because of Covid-19 Pandemic? 12 15 46.43%

Does your income this month increase compared

last month? 12 16.5 42.86%

Are you satisfied of your income as an online seller

when Covid-19 started? 12 16.5 42.86%

Do you think that your income can sustain the

needs of your family? 9 18.5 32.14%

Are you triggered from your other competitors

because of their success despite of the Pandemic? 9 18.5 32.14%

Do you have other businesses besides online

selling that can add more to your income? 6 20 21.43%

Table 4: Covid-19 Pandemic; Its effect on the income of online sellers (male) in

Patnongon, Antique

Questions f Rank %
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Does Covid-19 Pandemic affect your sales in

online selling? 3 1.17 100%

Does your income this month increase compared

last month? 3 1.17 100%

Have you gained any lessons during this Covid-19

Pandemic? 3 1.17 100%

Did this Pandemic teaches you to be responsible? 3 1.17 100%

Do you think that your business will survive this

pandemic? 3 1.17 100%

Have you ever dreamed to be a successful business

man/woman trough online selling despite of 3 1.17 100%

Covid-19 Pandemic?

Do you have any difficulties in transacting

payments between you and your costumers? 2 7.10 66.67%

Do you think that your income can sustain the

needs of your family? 2 7.10 66.67%

Did the Pandemic helped you to increase more of

your usual income? 2 7.10 66.67%

Are you satisfied of your income as an online seller

when Covid-19 started? 2 7.10 66.67%

Did Covid-19 Pandemic made your income

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decreased? 2 7.10 66.67%

Do you have other businesses besides online

selling that can add more to your income? 2 7.10 66.67%

Have you gained stress and other mental illness

because of the Pandemic? 2 7.10 66.67%

Did the Covid-19 Pandemic made you lose interest

of the things you use to love or do? 2 7.10 66.67%

Does Covid-19 Pandemic affects you as an online

seller? 2 7.10 66.67%

Does Covid-19 Pandemic challenged you to be a

competitive online seller? 2 7.10 66.67%

Has your income increased since the Covid-19

pandemic started? 1 17.5 33.33%

Are you triggered from your other competitors

because of their success despite of the Pandemic? 1 17.5 33.33%

Have you thought of planning to stop your online

business because of your income? 0 19 0%

Have you ever thought of stopping your online

business because of Covid-19 Pandemic? 0 19 0%

The scale below shall help in determining the right description to the resulted mean

and standard deviation of the chi square test.

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Mean and Standard Deviation Description

15.01- 20.00. Excellent

10.01- 15.00. Good

5.01- 10.00. Fair

0.00-5.00. Poor

Number of Observed Expected ( O−E )2

Questions Frequency (O) Frequency (E)

1.Yes 24 20.05 0.78

No 6 9.95 1.57

2.Yes 25 20.05 1.22

No 5 9.95 2.46

3.Yes 15 20.05 1.27

No 15 9.95 2.56

4.Yes 15 20.05 1.27

No 15 9.95 2.56

5.Yes 10 20.05 5.04

No 20 9.95 10.15

6.Yes 19 20.05 0.05

No 11 9.95 0.11

7.Yes 14 20.05 1.83

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No 16 9.95 3.68

8.Yes 14 20.05 1.83

No 16 9.95 3.68

9.Yes 17 20.05 0.46

No 13 9.95 0.93

10.Yes 8 20.05 7.24

No 22 9.95 14.59

11.Yes 29 20.05 4

No 1 9.95 18.1

12.Yes 13 20.05 2.48

No 17 9.95 5

13.Yes 27 20.05 2.41

No 3 9.95 4.85

14.Yes 24 20.05 0.78

No 6 9.95 1.57

15.Yes 25 20.05 1.22

No 5 9.95 2.46

16.Yes 10 20.05 5.04

No 20 9.95 10.15

17.Yes 30 20.05 4.94

No 0 9.95 20.05

18.Yes 27 20.05 2.41

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No 3 9.95 4.85

19.Yes 26 20.05 1.77

No 4 9.95 3.56

20.Yes 29 20.05 4

No 1 9.95 18.1

Table No.5 presenting the results using Chi-Squared Test as the Statistical Tool

Mean and Standard Deviation Description

15.01- 20.00. Excellent

10.01- 15.00 Good

5.01- 10.00. Fair

0.00-5.00. Poor

Table No. 6. Rating Scale using Chi Square

Based on all statistical information reflected on the tables provided, it is evident

that the majority of subjects, who took part in this study, confirm that this Pandemic

teaches them to be responsible. They tended to rank highest because of the number of

checks equivalent to its frequency and percentage. The study also expresses that the least

of online sellers have other businesses besides online selling that can add more to their


The study also expresses that the least of online sellers have other businesses

besides online selling that can add more to their income. The study show how online

seller engaged there self in online selling, the table also helps us to identify the income of
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online seller during this pandemic. The table also tell us the rank and percentage of each

question according to our respondents.

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Summary of Findings

The study is all about how Covid 19 affects the online selling business of online

sellers of Patnongon, Antique. It aims to provide information about the problems that the

respondents encountered in the midst of Covid 19 pandemic, and how they cope up with

these problems. Patnongon, officially the Municipality of Patnongon, is a 3rd class

municipality in the province of Antique, Philippines. This study is sought to answer the

following questions:

1. What are the effects of covid-19 pandemic on the income of online sellers in

Patnongon, Antique?

2. Is the income of online sellers in Patnongon, Antique increased during covid-19


3. The income of online sellers in Patnongon, Antique has increased during covid-19

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4. The income of online sellers in Patnongon, Antique has decreased during the

Covid 19 pandemic?

A total of thirty (30) selected online sellers in Patnongon, Antique were the respondents

of the study. This study will not cover other problems as not related or consider as one of

the effects of Covid-19 pandemic to the income of online sellers. The respondents are all

given the same questions to complete. The findings of this study will only apply to the

respondents of this survey and will not be utilized as a measure of the effects of online

sellers’ revenue on people who are not part of the study’s population. The questionnaire,

which will be prepared by the researchers, will be the primary source of data.


1. The researchers recommend that online sellers in Patnongon, Antique should adapt to

the new normal of online selling.

2. The researchers recommend that the online sellers could improve their online selling

especially in their area.

3. There is need for some improvement of the online sellers especially in their marketing

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4. The questionnaires can serve as guide to the future research in similar fields on the

effects of Covid 19 pandemic to the income of online sellers.


This research was conducted to know the effects of Covid 19 pandemic to the income of

online sellers in Patnongon, Antique. This study enables to understand and put emphasis

on how covid 19 pandemic affects the lives of online sellers. The researchers conclude

that Covid 19 pandemic has greatly affected the income of online sellers and made them

adapt to the new platform of selling.

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Appendix 1

Survey Questionnaires

This survey questionnaire aims to determine the Covid 19 Pandemic; Its Effect to the
Income of Online Sellers in Patnongon, Antique.

The following statements are related to the Covid 19 Pandemic; Its Effect to the Income
of Online Sellers in Patnongon, Antique. Read each statement carefully and check (/) the
box that corresponds to your answers.

Name (Optional): ________________________

Sex: _____ Age: _______
Address: ___________________________________________

I. We would like to know more about your income during Covid-19 Pandemic.


1) Does Covid-19 Pandemic affect your sales in online


2) Do you have any difficulties in transacting payments

between you and your costumers?

3) Has your income increased since the Covid-19 pandemic


4) Does your income this month increase compared last


5) Do you think that your income can sustain the needs of

your family?

6) Did the Pandemic helped you to increase more of your

usual income?

7) Have you thought of planning to stop your online business

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because of your income?

8) Are you satisfied of your income as an online seller when

Covid-19 started?

9) Did Covid-19 Pandemic made your income decreased?

10) Do you have other businesses besides online selling that

can add more to your income?

II. We would like to know the effects of Covid-19 to you.

1) Have you gained any lessons during this Covid-19

2) Have you ever thought of stopping your online business

because of Covid-19 Pandemic?

3) Have you gained stress and other mental illness because

of the Pandemic?

4) Did the Covid-19 Pandemic made you lose interest of the

things you use to love or do?

5) Does Covid-19 Pandemic affects you as an online seller?

6) Are you triggered from your other competitors because of

their success despite of the Pandemic?

7) Did this Pandemic teaches you to be responsible?

8) Does Covid-19 Pandemic challenged you to be a

competitive online seller?

9) Do you think that your business will survive this


10) Have you ever dreamed to be a successful business

man/woman trough online selling despite of Covid-19
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Appendix 2

Letter to Respondents

November 19, 2021

St. Anthony’s College

High School Department

Dear Respondents:

We are the Senior High School students of Grade 12- St. Bernardine of Siena,
we’re inviting you to participate in our online research survey entitled “ Covid 19
Pandemic; Its Effect to the Income of Online Sellers in Patnongon, Antique.“

In regards, we are asking for your precious time and effort to answer all the questions that
are important and helpful for the completion of the study.

Your participation on this online survey is completely voluntary. The data collected will
remain confidential and be used solely for academic purposes.

Thank you very much in advance for your cooperation!

Respectfully yours,


Group Leader

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Research Adviser
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