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Introduction to Marketing Test 1

Student no. 21996749

22 October 2021

Question 1.
1.1. Market Environment
1.2. Marketing objectives
1.3. Consumer
1.4. Political
1.5. Environmental scanning
Question 2
2.1. For successful exchange to take place to following need to be present:
 The exchange must include at least two participants
 Each party must be able to provide something of value to one another
 The parties must be able to come to an agreement through various communication
 Each party holds the right to accept or decline the offer from other parties.
 Each party must be willing to deal with each other.
A good example would be a cell phone purchase. You are exchanging money for the
cell phone. (Cant, 2021)
2.2. the management by-exception leadership style can be described as a style in which a
manager would only intervene when his staff performance isn’t meeting the work criteria
set out or staff aren’t completing their objectives. (Cant, 2021) in this management style the
employer seeks out your faults so that he can rectify them.
Question 3.
Nature of Culture is the norms and rules that prohibit the types of behaviour in certain
situations and are based on cultural values.
Implications of Culture
 Not every cultural group in South African eats curry. It is stereotypically known that
mostly Indian families eat Curry

3.2. Habitual decision making. It is evident that Rajah has loyal customers as it is seen as the
traditional way to spice up your curry or stew. It is also seen as an essential product to any
gravy to add the famous taste and fragrance that Rajah brings.
 Increase in profits
 Growth Potential
 Retention of customers
 Forced marketing communication
 Increase in market share

Question 4
4.1. The four product layers are as follow:
 The core product
For example, a consumer that purchases a watch to be able to tell the time, that is
the core product (Cant, 2021)
The core product for this glove would be to translate sign language into words.
 The Tangible product
This includes something physical for the consumer to see, touch etc. this includes the
design, quality, branding and product features. The glove itself is tangible as it can be
worn and taken off.(Cant, 2021)
 The Augmented product
This involves the products features that cannot be seen nor touched, examples
include maintenance plans on vehicles and guaranteed cash back on products. The
non-physical feature of this product would be its voice that translates the sign
language into various languages(Cant, 2021)
 The potential product
This includes any future chances of enhancement to the current product or any
future solutions the product could bring(Cant, 2021)

 Innovators
These are people who are venturesome and willing to try new ideas with risk
involved(Cant, 2021)
This would apply to the entrepreneur who created the glove and is evidence of his
innovative mindset. He saw a problem and created a solution. The innovators are
consumers who are willing to give new products chances and invest in them
 Early adopters
These people are guided by respect, they adopt to new ideas early but carefully
(Cant, 2021)
 The early majority
These people are very deliberate and adopt to new ideas before the average person,
they are rarely the leaders of adoption. (Cant, 2021)

Cant, M., 2021. Introduction to Marketing Theory. 3rd ed. Braamfontein: s.n.

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