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School/Faculty: CIS / FSIT Page: 1 of 5

Course code: TEB1043/TDB2153 Academic Year / Semester: JAN 2022
Course name: Object Oriented Programming
Pre/co-requisite: None
Credit hours: 3

This course introduces the concepts of object-oriented programming to the students using Python
programming language. The course starts with an introduction to Python programming language.
Course synopsis The course then goes deeper on the concepts of classes and methods. The course also deeply covers
the concepts of object-oriented inheritance and polymorphisms. The course also further some
important Python concepts such as GUI programming.
Course coordinator Dr Hitham Seddiq Alhassan Alhussian
Section (Week) Course Lecturers Office Telephone E-mail
1 to 12 Ts. Jale Bin Ahmad 01-03-10 605 368 7409

Mapping of the Course Learning Outcomes (CLO) to the Programme Learning Outcomes (PLO), Teaching &
Learning (T&L) methods and Assessment methods:
PLO Weight Assessment
No. CLO T&L methods
Code (%) methods*
Apply the knowledge and understanding of
object-oriented models and constructs in
CLO1 PLO1 40 Lecture / Tutorial / Lab Q / T / L / FE
tracing or coding simple or part(s) of
object-oriented computer programs.
Construct executable object-oriented
CLO2 computer programs using object-oriented PLO2 30 Lecture / Tutorial / Lab Q / T / L / FE
programming language tool.
Develop complete object-oriented
computer programs which integrate several
CLO3 PLO6 30 Lecture / Tutorial GP / PR / OP/ FE
object-oriented constructs to solve
computing problems.
 T(Test), Q(Quiz), HW(Homework), L(Lab), LT(Lab Test), GP(Group Project), PR(Personal Report), FE(Final Exam),
OP(Presentation), etc.

Details on Innovative T&L practices: Colab, PyCharm, Python Anaconda; Spyder, Jupyter

No. Type Implementation

1. Active learning Conducted through in-class activities
2. Hands-on learning Lab-based experiments and project
3. Project-based learning Course/lab project development & presentation

School/Faculty: CIS / FSIT Page: 1 of 5

Course code: TEB1043/TDB2153 Academic Year / Semester: JAN 2022
Course name: Object Oriented Programming
Pre/co-requisite: None
Credit hours: 3

Weekly Schedule:

Introducing Active
W1 • Introduction to Programming and Python

Quiz 1
(based on W 1)
W2 • Elementary Programming Active learning
(Brainstorming, Think-pair-
share, turn and talk)
Active Learning
W3 • Python Flow of Control (Part 1)
(Interactive online class)
Quiz 2
(based on W 1, 2, 3)
W4 • Python Flow of Control (Part 2) Active learning
(Brainstorming, Think-pair-
share, turn and talk)
Test 1
W5 • Mathematical Functions, Strings
(based on W 1, 2, 3, 4, 5)

W6 • Python Tuples, Sets, and Dictionaries Course project handout

Active learning
W7 • Python Lists (Brainstorming, Think-pair-
share, turn and talk)

Quiz 3 (based on W 6, 7)
W8 • Python Functions and UDF Active learning
(Brainstorming, Think-pair-
share, turn and talk)

Active learning
W9 • Classes and Object-Oriented Programming (Brainstorming, Think-pair-
share, turn and talk)

Active learning
W 10 • Inheritance (Brainstorming, Think-pair-
share, turn and talk)

Test 2 (based on W 8, 9,
W 11 • Polymorphism 10, 11)

Return all students

W 12 • Python GUI Programming
course works

Transferable skills (generic skills learned in the course which can be useful and utilised in other settings):

1. The use of OOP for software development

2. Developing Python applications that solve real-world problems.

Student learning time (SLT) details:


School/Faculty: CIS / FSIT Page: 1 of 5

Course code: TEB1043/TDB2153 Academic Year / Semester: JAN 2022
Course name: Object Oriented Programming
Pre/co-requisite: None
Credit hours: 3

10. Distribution of Student Learning Time (SLT)

Teaching and Learning Activities

Guided Learning (F2F) Guided

Course Content Outline CLO* Learning Independent SLT
(NF2F) Learning
L T P O eg: (NF2F)
Introduction to OOP: 2 2 1 5
i. Benefits of OOP.
Class design: 2 2 1 5
i. UML Class Diagram.
Object paradigm: 3 3 1 7
i. Object instantiation.
Reference array and Collection classes: 1 1 2 4
i. Reference arrays.
Encapsulation: 2 2 2 6
i. Concept.
Inheritance: 2 2 2 6
i. Concept.
Polymorphism 3 3 2 8
i. Concept.
Abstract class 1 1 2 4
nterface 1 1 2 4
Static 1 1 2 4
i. Static fields.
Final keyword 2 2 2 6
Enumerated type 2 2 2 6
JSwing packages 2 2 2 6
i. Containers
Exception handling 2 2 2 6
Event handling 2 2 2 6

*iCGPA is outcome based rather than content based,
therefore CLO column is left blank 0

Total 83

Continuous Assessment F2F NF2F SLT

1 Tests 45 8 8 16

2 Project 15 2 8 10

3 0

4 0

5 0

6 0

Total 26

Final Assessment F2F NF2F SLT

1 Final Exam 40 3 8 11

2 0

3 0

4 0

Total 11

**Please tick (√) if this course is Latihan Industri/ Clinical Placement/ Practicum/ WBL using 2-weeks, 1 credit formula GRAND TOTAL SLT 120

L = Lecture, T = Tutorial, P= Practical, O= Others, F2F=Face to Face, NF2F=Non Face to Face 3

*Indicate the CLO based on the CLO’s numbering in Item 8.


School/Faculty: CIS / FSIT Page: 1 of 5

Course code: TEB1043/TDB2153 Academic Year / Semester: JAN 2022
Course name: Object Oriented Programming
Pre/co-requisite: None
Credit hours: 3

School/Faculty: CIS / FSIT Page: 5 of 5

Course code: TEB1043 Acad Year / Semester: JAN 2021 / 3
Course name: Object Oriented Programming
Pre/co requisite: None
Credit hours: 3

Learning resources:

Main references/Textbook:
Tony Gaddis, “Starting out with Java from control structures through objects”, 5th Edition, Pearson, 2021
Additional references:
1. Y. Daniel Liang, “Introduction to Python Programming and Data Structures” Pearson, 2021
2. Deitel & Deitel, “Intro to Python for Computer Science and Data Science: Learning to Program with AI, Big Data
and The Cloud”, 2020, Pearson

Online: uLearn is available for this course

Academic honesty and plagiarism:

Assignments are individual tasks and NOT group activities (UNLESS EXPLICITLY INDICATED AS GROUP
ACTIVITIES). Copying of work (texts, lab results etc.) from other students/groups or from other sources is not allowed.
Brief quotations are allowed and then only if indicated as such. Existing texts should be reformulated with your own words
used to explain what you have read. It is not acceptable to retype existing texts and just acknowledge the source as a reference.
Be warned: students who submit copied work will obtain a mark of zero for the assignment and exams and disciplinary steps
may be taken by the Faculty. It is also unacceptable to do somebody else’s work, to lend your work to them or to make your work
available to them to copy.

Other additional information (Course policy, any specific instruction etc.):

1. Attendance is compulsory and will be taken in every lecture session. Student with less than 80% of total attendance is
not allowed to sit for final exam.
2. Students are required to behave and follow the University’s dressing regulation and etiquette all the time.
3. Exercises and tutorial will be given in class and some may be taken for assessment. Students who do not do the exercise will
lose the coursework marks for the exercise.
4. Assignments must be submitted on the due dates. Some points will be deducted for late submissions. Assignments
submitted three days after the due date will not be accepted.
5. Make up exam will not be given, except to students who are sick and submit medical certificate confirmed by UTP panel
doctors. Make up exam can only be given within one week of the initial date of exam.


No one can use texts or excerpts from lectures or other teaching and learning activities at Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS
except for the purpose of his/her studies. Making copies of the texts or excerpts in any form at all for the purpose of
publication or distribution is strictly forbidden. While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information
supplied herein, Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS cannot be held responsible for any errors or omissions.

School/Faculty: CIS / FSIT Page: 1 of 5

Course code: TEB1043/TDB2153 Academic Year / Semester: JAN 2022
Course name: Object Oriented Programming
Pre/co-requisite: None
Credit hours: 3

Quizzes (4) 10%

Test 1 15%
Test 2 15%
Assignment 20%
Project 10%
CW Total 70%
EA 30%

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