Genetics: MODULE 4, 5 & 6

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MODULE 4, 5 & 6



[1] The diagram below shows two pairs of homologous chromosomes in a diploid cell. The
larger chromosomes have different alleles of Gene H, and the smaller chromosomes have
different alleles of Gene G. Which of the following statements is true regarding the gametes
formed when cells like this one undergo meiosis?

Choose 1 answer:

A. Gametes with alleles G and g occur at the same frequency as gametes with alleles G and H.

B. Gametes with alleles G and H occur at the same frequency as gametes with alleles g and H.

C. Gametes with alleles G and H occurs at a lower frequency than gametes with alleles g and h.

D. Gametes with alleles H and h occur at a higher frequency than gametes with alleles G and h.

[2] The following diagram depicts two diploid cells, one from a male and one from a female of
the same species. In each cell, two pairs of homologous chromosomes are shown. The larger
chromosomes have different alleles of Gene A, and the smaller chromosomes have different
alleles of Gene B.

If the male and female mate, which of the following will be true about their offspring?

Choose 1 answer:

A. All of the offspring will have a different genotype than either parent.

B. Roughly half of the offspring will have a different genotype than either parent.

C. None of the offspring will have the same genotype as the male parent.

D. Roughly half of the offspring will have the same genotype as the female parent.

[3] The diagram below shows a chromosomal rearrangement in a human cell during gamete
formation. The chromosomes in the diagram contain Gene P.

What will be the most likely effect of the chromosomal rearrangement on an embryo formed by
the fertilization of Gamete 3?

Choose 1 answer:

A. The embryo will have four copies of Gene P in each cell.

B. The embryo will have two copies of Gene P in each cell.

C. The embryo will have lower-than-normal levels of the Gene P protein product in its tissues.

D. The embryo will have higher-than-normal levels of the Gene P protein product in its tissues.

[4] The following diagram shows a karyotype of a certain human.

Based on the karyotype, which of the following statements is most likely true?

Choose 1 answer:

A. The individual has a genetic condition caused by a nondisjunction event.

B. The individual has a genetic condition caused by a chromosomal deletion.

C. The individual has a genetic condition caused by a single nucleotide substitution on

chromosome 7.

D. The individual has a genetic condition caused by chromosomes 1 and 2 being different sizes.

[5] Which is an example of aneuploidy in a human?

Choose 1 answer:

A. A female somatic cell contains 46 chromosomes.

B. A female gamete contains two X chromosomes.

C. A male somatic cell has one X chromosome and one Y chromosome.

D. A male gamete has only one Y-chromosome.

Module 4

1. A/ B

2. A/B

3. C/D

4. A/ B

5. A/

[1] Which of the following pairs of parents is most likely to produce a daughter with hemophilia?
Choose 1 answer: [this needs an illustration or Punnett square; Hint: work using reverse analysis]
A. A hemophiliac mother and an unaffected father
B. A carrier mother and an unaffected father
C. A carrier mother and a hemophiliac father
D. An unaffected, non-carrier mother and a hemophiliac father

[2] Although most tortoiseshell cats are female, a litter of kittens will occasionally contain a male
Which of the following can explain tortoiseshell coat color in a male kitten?
Choose 1 answer:
A. The male kitten has an extra Y chromosome
B. The male kitten has an extra X chromosome
C. The male kitten has no X chromosome
D. The male kitten cannot carry out X-inactivation

[3] Which of the following is true of Barr bodies?

Choose 1 answer:
A. A Barr body is typically found in the nucleus of female gametes.
B. Barr bodies are formed during embryonic development.
C. Barr bodies are chromosomes that are condensed prior to mitosis.
D. A cell that has three X chromosomes will have three Barr bodies.
Hint: In a female embryo, one X chromosome is randomly inactivated in each body cell.
These inactivated X chromosomes are Barr bodies.
If a cell has an extra X chromosome, an additional Barr body will form to neutralize it.

[4] Which of the following statements is true regarding sex chromosome aneuploidy in humans?
Choose 1 answer:
A. An individual that is XXY is considered a biological female because of the two X-
B. X-chromosomes aneuploidies are usually much more harmful than autosome (non-sex
C. Sex chromosome aneuploidy is always fatal.
D. Male sex chromosome aneuploidy can be due to abnormal numbers of the X or Y

[5] Male body cells only have one X chromosome, while females have two X chromosomes. It is
that if both X chromosomes of a female were active and functioning, they could cause metabolic
Which of the following helps prevent this from occurring?
Choose 1 answer:
A. The second X chromosome is converted into a smaller Y chromosome.
B. Each X chromosome takes a turn being active in a cell.
C. Barr bodies are used to dissolve the extra X chromosome so that only one X remains.
D. X-inactivation "switches off" one of the X chromosomes.

[1] Check your understanding: viruses and cancer
Some forms of cancer are linked to specific types of viruses. For instance, infection with certain
strains of human papillomavirus can lead to cervical cancer. This virus encodes a protein called
E6, which binds to the p53 protein.
Choose 1 answer:
A. E6 activates p53
B. E6 makes p53 bind DNA more strongly
C. E6 triggers apoptosis through p53
D. E6 marks p53 for degradation (destruction)

[2] Human papillomavirus (HPV) is a viral infection that is transmitted mainly through skin-to-
skin contact.
Following transmission, HPV enters host cells and integrates into the host genome, eventually
causing the cells to synthesize the viral protein E6. In turn, E6 inactivates the host protein p53, a
tumor suppressor that arrests the cell cycle or induces apoptosis when DNA damage is detected.
Which of the following claims is best supported by the information above?
Choose 1 answer:
A. HPV causes infected cells to exit the cell cycle and enter G0 phase.
B. HPV causes uncontrolled cell division in infected cells.
C. HPV increases the synthesis of tumor suppressor proteins in infected cells.
D. HPV increases the likelihood of apoptosis in infected cells.
- According to the text, HPV causes infected host cells to synthesize E6 a viral protein that
inactivated the tumor suppressor p53. In uninfected cells, p53 often arrests the cell cycle
when DNA damage is detected, helping prevent excessive cell growth. SO by
inactivating p53, an HPV infection often causes host cells to divide uncontrollably.

[3] A genetic mutation causes a somatic cell to become cancerous.

Which of the following is the most likely explanation for how the mutation caused this malignant
Choose 1 answer:
A. The mutation created an underactive version of a protein that promotes cell division.
B. The mutation created an overactive version of a protein that inhibits cell division.
C. The mutation created an underactive version of a protein that promotes apoptosis.
D. The mutation created an overactive version of a protein that prevents cell cycle progression.

[4] Which of the following mutated proteins is most likely to cause a cell to become cancerous?
Choose 1 answer:
A. An underactive version of a protein that promotes cell cycle progression
B. An overactive version of a protein that promotes apoptosis
C. An overactive version of a protein that stimulates cell division
D. An underactive version of a protein that stimulates growth hormone receptors

[1] Bob is color blind, but he knows that neither of his parents was color blind. He is wondering if
he received the gene for color blindness from his mother, his father, or both of his parents. What
would you tell Bob? Show a Punnett square to prove your answer.

[2] Suzy knows that an individual’s sex is determined by sex chromosomes. She knows that
females have two X chromosomes, and males have one X and one Y chromosome. She creates
the Punnett square cross below to show sex inheritance. She wants to know which parent
determines the sex of the baby---is it the mother, father, or both? Complete this cross. What
would you tell Suzy? Why?

[3] Analyze the Punnett square below. Then create another illustration to cross test parents that
are both heterozygous with Alzheimer’s disease (AD). How many percent is the chance of each
child in developing an early onset AD if both parents are heterozygous with AD?

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