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» Festivals » Makara Sankranti – A new Beginning

Makara Sankranti – A new Beginning


Makara Sankranti is the harvest festival, a new year and the festival of rejoicing and celebrations
embracing the entire household friends and neighbors, the servants and the poor, the cows, and
then all other living creatures symbolize universal love and kindness.

Astronomical Significance

The astronomical significance of the festival is that it marks the beginning of Uttarayana, the
sun’s movement northward for a six-month period. Makar Sankranti refers to the event of the sun
entering the zodiac sign of Makara (Capricorn). The Sanskrit term “Shankramana” means “to
begin to move”. It usually falls on the 14th or 15th of January every year.

The six-month period during which the sun travels northwards is highly favourable to them in
their march towards the goal of life. The Devas and Rishis, Paramahamsa Sannyasins roam
freely during this period, dispelling gloom from the hearts of all.
It is said that soul departed during this period will reach Heaven or Vaikunta (Lord Vishnu’s
abode). When the renowned Bhishma, the grandfather of the Pandavas, was fatally wounded
during the war of the Mahabharata, he waited on his deathbed of nails for the onset of this
season, at passed away on Vaikunta Ekadashi .

The festival is generally celebrated for 4 days

Bhogi Festival

This day marks the first day of the Shankranti festival and the last day of Margashirsha month. It
is the time when all the old worn out, dirty unwanted things in the house are discarded. On this
day, all the old wood and unwanted things are symbolically burnt as in a bonfire. Homes are
cleaned and white-washed.

The family members have an Abhynjana Snana (oil bath) at dawn and wear new clothes. They
will decorate the front porches of the houses with beautiful and colourful Rangolis (decoration
drawings made using rice flour/color powder on the floor). In the centre of the rangolis, the
“Gugilu” a small dung balls, decorated with flowers are placed.

The actual Shankranti day, people decorate their porches with Rangolis. They buy new vessel or
pot and prepare Sweet Pongal , a special savoury made of rice, dal and jaggery. In Karnataka, a
special snack called the “Shankranti Yellu” is made chunks of jaggery, roast besan dal, ground
nuts, till seeds and copra.

There are other varieties of food like chitra anna, payasa, vade, dishes made of avarekai,
pumpkin and sweet potato etc made on this day. On this day in villages, people rejoice this
festival with their new harvests like sugarcane, groundnut, paddy, turmeric, sweet potatoes,
pumpkin, till seeds, and other food grains.

They pile the food grains and offer puja to the Gods. In the evenings, young girls share the Yellu
and sugarcane with their near and dear ones. This custom is called “Yellu Beeruva Habba”.

Kanu Festival
Image source Anand Kamath

The third day of Pongal is dedicated to cattle. People offer prayers to the bulls, cows and other
farm animals as they not only are sacred but bulls help the farmers in ploughing and Cows give
nourishing milk, cow dung is used as fuels in villages.

On the thanksgiving festival for cows, the animals are decorated with colourfull paper, bells and
strings, their horns and hoves are painted with bright colours.

They are raced on fire in the olden days to mark the festival of Shankranti and Kany Habba.
(This is avoided as cruelty to animals but scientifically, in olden days, this proved to be an
effective way to keep the animals away from flies and insects). It is called the Maatu Pongal for

Kaanum Pongal

On the fourth day people generally visit each other, go on picnics and spread festivities.

This day is more celebrated among Tamilians and Telugu people.

Shankranti in Other States

In Maharashtra and in North India, devotees of the Lord attach great importance to Makara
Shankranti. It is the season chosen by the Guru for bestowing his Grace on the disciple. In the
South, too, it should be noted that it was about this time that Mahadeva favoured several of the
Rishis by blessing them with His beatific vision. The festival is goes by various names in various

 Pongal – New year celebrated in Tamil Nadu 

 Maghi – It is Punjab’s version of the festival
 Bihu / Bohaggiyo Bhishu – The people of Assam celebrates the festival with great
 Sankrat – The people of Rajasthan celebrate the festival with local cuisine. Kite
flying is an integral part of celebrations.
 Makara Sankranti – Maharashtrians celebrate the festival by exchanging halwas
that colorful.
 Uttarayan – The people of Gujarat celebrates this festival with patang or flying

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