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This tutorial shows you how to create a stamp image with Illustrator Zig Zag effect. It
is useful for designing photo edge or album cover.

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Required: Illustrator 9+

1.Draw a Rectangle Path

Select the Rectangle Tool, create a box like the image below. Go to Effect >
Distort & Transform > Zig Zag.

Zig Zag Options

When the Zig Zag window popups, check Preview to preview the result,
enter Size=1, Ridges per segment=26, then click OK.
2.Add Drop Shadow Effect
With the path selected, go to Effect > Stylize > Drop Shadow, and enter the
following setting: Opacity=50, X Offset=1 Y Offset=2, Blur=3, and select black

3.Place in Your Artwork

Now you can remove the stroke color and place in your artwork and align them
center. That’s it!

Bonus Tips
If you are creating this stamp for print, make sure your Document Raster Effects
Settings is 300dpi or you will get pixelated print out. To change your setting, go
to Effect > Document Raster Effects Settings. If you are designing for
web/screen, leave it as 72dpi because higher dpi takes more memory.

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