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Annals of Human Biology

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Exploring the relationship between adolescent

biological maturation, physical activity, and
sedentary behaviour: a systematic review and
narrative synthesis

Sarah A. Moore , Sean P. Cumming , Geremia Balletta , Katelynn Ramage ,

Joey C. Eisenmann , Adam D. G. Baxter-Jones , Stefan A. Jackowski & Lauren
B. Sherar

To cite this article: Sarah A. Moore , Sean P. Cumming , Geremia Balletta , Katelynn Ramage ,
Joey C. Eisenmann , Adam D. G. Baxter-Jones , Stefan A. Jackowski & Lauren B. Sherar (2020)
Exploring the relationship between adolescent biological maturation, physical activity, and
sedentary behaviour: a systematic review and narrative synthesis, Annals of Human Biology, 47:4,
365-383, DOI: 10.1080/03014460.2020.1805006

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2020, VOL. 47, NO. 4, 365–383


Exploring the relationship between adolescent biological maturation, physical

activity, and sedentary behaviour: a systematic review and narrative synthesis
Sarah A. Moorea,b , Sean P. Cummingc , Geremia Ballettad, Katelynn Ramagee, Joey C. Eisenmannf,g ,
Adam D. G. Baxter-Jonesg , Stefan A. Jackowskig,h and Lauren B. Sherari
School of Health and Human Performance, Faculty of Health, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Canada; bDepartment of Therapeutic
Recreation, Faculty of Child, Family, and Community Studies, Douglas College, Coquitlam, Canada; cSport, Health, and Exercise Research
Group, Department of Health, University of Bath, Bath, UK; dSchool of Medicine, University College Cork, Cork, UK; eTreloar Physiotherapy,
Vancouver, Canada; fCarnegie School of Sport, Leeds Beckett University, Leeds, UK; gCollege of Kinesiology, University of Saskatchewan,
Saskatoon, Canada; hResearch Institute, Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario, Ottawa, Canada; iSchool of Sport, Exercise and Health
Sciences, Loughborough University, Loughborough, UK


Context: Across adolescence, there is a notable decline in physical activity in boys and girls. Received 8 June 2020
Maturational timing may be a risk factor for disengagement from physical activity and increased sed- Revised 13 July 2020
entary behaviours during adolescence. Accepted 20 July 2020
Objective: This systematic review aimed to summarise literature that examined the relationship
between maturational timing, physical activity and sedentary behaviour in adolescents. Adolescent; maturational
Methods: Six electronic databases were searched for articles that assessed biological maturation and timing; physical activity;
physical activity (including sports participation and active transportation) or sedentary behaviours in sedentary behaviour; sports
adolescents. Two reviewers conducted title, abstract, and full-text screening, reference and forward cit- participation
ation searches. Included articles were evaluated for quality using a standardised tool. A narrative syn-
thesis was used to analyse the findings due to the heterogeneity of the studies.
Results: Searches yielded 78 articles (64 unique studies) that met the inclusion criteria, representing
242,316 participants (153,179 unique). Studies ranged from 30.0% (low) to 91.7% (high) in quality. An
inverse relationship between maturational timing and physical activity (in 50 and 60% of studies in
boys and girls, respectively) and a positive relationship between maturational timing and sedentary
behaviour (in 100% and 53% of studies in boys and girls, respectively) was most commonly reported.
Evidence supporting an association between maturational timing, sports participation, and active
transportation was inconsistent.
Conclusions: While this review demonstrates some evidence for early maturational timing as a risk
factor for disengagement from physical activity and increase in sedentary behaviours, the reviewed lit-
eraturealso demonstrates that this relationship is complex. Future research that tracks maturity-related
variations in physical activity and sedentary behaviours over adolescence is warranted.

Introduction Despite the known benefits of being active, the majority

of children and adolescents globally do not achieve the min-
Physical activity contributes to the physical and mental
imum recommended level of physical activity (Cooper et al.
health of children and adolescents (Cooper 2019).
2015; Guthold et al. 2020). Adolescence appears to be the
Specifically, children and adolescents who are regularly phys-
period when the most notable decline in physical activity
ically active tend to have healthier body composition (Hills occurs, with girls being less active than boys, on average, at
et al. 2011), improved cardiometabolic (Ekelund et al. 2012), each chronological age (Farooq et al. 2020). This sex differ-
musculoskeletal (Tan et al. 2014), cognitive (Gunnell et al. ence may be partially attributed to the differences in the age
2019), and mental health outcomes (Dale et al. 2019) com- of onset of puberty between boys and girls (Thompson et al.
pared with their less active peers. Increasing physical activity 2003; Sherar et al. 2007); however, the role of biological mat-
and reducing sedentary behaviour (i.e. time spent sitting) uration in the disengagement from physical activity during
among children and adolescents is a major public health adolescence is less well studied. The rate and timing of this
goal in most countries (Heath et al. 2012), with the notion age-related decline in physical activity have also been shown
that physical activity behaviours adopted in childhood will to vary within the sexes (Dumith et al. 2011; Kwon et al.
track into adulthood (Hayes et al. 2019), and thus, translate 2015), and may be related to a number of psychosocial (e.g.
into lifelong health. perception of personal characteristics, and/or friend and

CONTACT Sarah A. Moore School of Health and Human Performance, Dalhousie University, PO Box 15000, Halifax B3H 4R2, Canada
Supplemental data for this article is available online at
ß 2020 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group
366 S. A. MOORE ET AL.

parental supports), environmental (e.g. access to school and associations with biological maturity. High levels of sedentary
community resources) and biological (e.g. heredity, sex, body behaviour are an independent predictor of poor physical
composition) factors (Cumming et al. 2012a; Eime et al. (Carson et al. 2016) and mental (Hoare et al. 2016) health in
2015). Although the tracking or stability of physical activity children and, although related to physical inactivity, it can
levels across puberty seems to be improved when biological also co-exist with meeting physical activity guidelines in
maturation is considered (Erlandson et al. 2011), the relation- some children. An age-related increase in sedentary behav-
ship between biological maturity and physical activity behav- iours, including screen time, has been observed across ado-
iours and other behaviours (e.g. sedentary behaviours, sports lescence (Brodersen et al. 2007); however, whether biological
participation, active transportation) is currently not well status is a risk factor for increased sedentary behaviour, the
understood (Sherar et al. 2010). direction (i.e. whether early or late maturers are at greater
Biological maturation denotes progression to the mature risk), and whether the association differs by gender is cur-
(i.e. adult) state which varies in timing and tempo; where rently unknown. The plausible rationale for an association
timing refers to the time at which a maturity-event occurs between maturational timing and sedentary behaviours
and tempo refers to the rate at which each maturity event is includes the mimicking of more adult-like, sedentary behav-
attained (Malina et al. 2004). To that end, there are several iours among early maturing youth, a decreased desire for
methods used to assess the maturational process (e.g. skel- active play behaviours, and/or an increased appeal for
etal and dental age, secondary sexual characteristics) and/or increased sedentary social activities (e.g. Ingram 2000; Sallis
events [e.g. age at menarche, age at peak height velocity 2000). Furthermore, participation in organised sport is a
(APHV)] (Baxter-Jones et al. 2005; Cameron and Bogin 2012). highly valuable and frequent form of physical activity in ado-
The inter-individual variability in the timing and tempo of lescents and might have its own unique association with
growth can lead to large maturational differences between maturity status that is diluted when looking at total physical
youth of the same chronological age both between and activity. For example, early maturing children may be better
within a sex (Baxter-Jones et al. 2005). The differential timing suited for sports that require strength or coordination,
of biological maturity between children of the same chrono- whereas late-maturing children may be better suited to
logical age is likely a contributor to the variability of physical sports that require a smaller body frame (e.g. Moore et al.
activity participation during adolescence given the psycho- 2010). Most literature that assesses the relationship between
social (e.g. confidence, leadership) and biological/physical biological maturation and sport focuses on elite, competitive
(e.g. body size, body composition) consequences of early- or athletes, and is specific to talent identification and sports
late-maturation (Cumming et al. 2012a). success (Malina et al. 2015). Fewer studies describe the role
To the authors’ knowledge, two reviews have been pub- of maturational timing in participation in recreational sports.
lished that examine the relationship between maturational Finally, actively commuting to school or within the commu-
nity may be a means of increasing physical activity during
timing and physical activity, the first was published by
childhood. Active transport (i.e. walking, biking, scooting,
Sherar and colleagues (Sherar et al. 2010) who identified 10
wheeling) has been shown to be positively associated with
unique studies. Five years later an updated review was pub-
children’s physical activity but not sedentary behaviour
lished (Bacil et al. 2015) identifying one further study. Both
(Schoeppe et al. 2013, 2016). As a child progresses through
reviews concluded there was little consistency in the findings
adolescence they become independently more mobile with a
(i.e. being an early or late maturer was not consistently asso-
wider roaming distance (Garcia-Cervantes et al. 2016); how-
ciated with disengagement or participation in physical activ-
ever, the evidence surrounding whether early or late matur-
ity) which the authors postulated was due in part to the
ing children are more or less likely to engage in active
heterogeneity of the assessment of both maturity indicators
transportation has yet to be systematically reviewed.
and physical activity. Given the fairly routine adoption of
Given the limited and ambiguous findings currently avail-
device-based (i.e. accelerometry, pedometry) measurement in
able, this study aimed to update and expand on the previ-
studies of movement behaviours within the last decade, it is
ously published reviews, by systematically reviewing (using a
anticipated that more papers that use objective measures
comprehensive and rigorous search strategy), and identifying
will be identified since the last review. Further, both papers
studies that examined the relationship between maturational
focussed solely on the relationship between biological mat-
timing and physical activity (including sports participation
uration and physical activity and did not include other ele- and active transport) and sedentary behaviours in boys
ments on the activity spectrum such as sedentary and girls.
behaviours, sports participation, or active transportation, all
of which may have their own unique relationship with mat-
urational timing. Lastly, these previous reviews were limited Materials and methods
in that they did not use a standardised systematic review
Protocol and registration
approach. Standard approaches such as PRISMA, have shown
to increase completeness, methodological quality, transpar- This systematic review was registered in the International
ency, and reliability of reviews (Moher et al. 2015). Thus, Prospective Register of Systematic Reviews (PROSPERO;
there is a need to update and replicate the previous reviews. Registration no. CRD42020146695; available from https://
Sedentary behaviour is a distinct behaviour to physical, and conducted and reported
activity (Saunders et al. 2014) that may have unique following the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic

Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) statement (Moher applicable for analyses. Any grey literature and conference
et al. 2009). abstracts were excluded.

Study eligibility criteria Information sources and search strategy

We sought to identify any study that examined the relation- Search terms were chosen through consultation with the
ship between maturational timing and physical activity, study’s authors and subject matter experts and divided into
sports participation, and/or sedentary behaviour. The three major concepts: (1) children and adolescents, (2) mat-
Population, Intervention (Exposure), Comparisons, Outcomes, urational timing, and (3) physical activity. We identified and
and Study designs (PICOS) framework (Schardt et al. 2007) searched six electronic bibliographic databases using pub-
was utilised to facilitate the search process. lished recommendations for database searches (Reed and
Baxter 2009). The search design was adapted for each of the
following databases, using a combination of keywords, and,
Population where available, subject headings mapped to the keywords:
The population of interest included healthy children and MEDLINE with Full Text, EMBASE, PsycINFO, Cochrane Central
adolescents with no known conditions that may influence Register of Controlled Trials, SPORTDiscus, and Web of
growth, maturation, or physical activity. Studies involving Science Core Collection. The search was conducted by a
elite athletes (e.g. enrolled in professional academies) member of the study team (SAM) and a university librarian.
were excluded. Search dates included from database inception to 1st August
2019. To complete the search strategy, reference list searches
Exposure and forward citation searches of the two existing reviews
The exposure included studies with described biological (Sherar et al. 2010; Bacil et al. 2015) and included studies
maturity (e.g. stage of secondary sex development), matur- were conducted. A final follow-up search was conducted
ational status (i.e. pre-pubertal, circa-pubertal, post-pubertal, prior to submission and databases were searched using the
and all variants) or maturational timing (early-maturing, aver- same protocol (SAM) from 1st August 2019 to 15th May
age-maturity, late-maturing, and all variants). Studies with a 2020. Details of the search strategies (e.g. keywords) can be
measurement of actual or predicted maturity, such as skel- found in Supplemental File 1.
etal age, dental age, serum or salivary sex hormones, second- Bibliographic records were extracted as RIS files from the
ary sexual characteristics (i.e. pubic hair development in boys interfaces and imported into Covidence (Covidence
or girls, genital development in boys, breast development in Systematic Review Software, Veritas Health Innovation,
girls), age at menarche in girls, age at spermarche or voice Melbourne, Australia), secure internet-based software that
changes in boys, age at peak velocity (APHV) or other allows reviewers to independently screen records against
growth curve parameters (e.g. age at take-off), percentage of inclusion criteria. Two reviewers (SAM, GB) independently
adult stature, including all composites (e.g. pubertal develop- examined all titles and abstracts. Inclusion by both reviewers
ment scale, PDS) were included. was required for a study to progress to full-text review. The
same two reviewers independently examined all full-text
articles. A consensus was needed for the article to be
Comparison (control) included in the review. Discrepancies were resolved by dis-
No control grouping was used in this study. Instead, the use cussion between the reviewers, or with the larger research
of alternative maturity groupings (e.g. pre- compared with team (LS, SC) when required. Once the final articles were
post-pubertal, early-maturing compared with late-maturing) selected, a manual reference search and forward citation
were employed for comparison, where reported. search of all included articles was conducted to check for
missing papers (SM, GB). All included articles were approved
by three members of the study team (SAM, LS, SC) prior to
data extraction.
The primary outcome consisted of measured physical activity
and/or sedentary behaviours, including all closely associated
term variants (e.g. recreational sports participation or active Data extraction and coding
transportation when reflective of physical activity, screen
time, television viewing). Studies with an objective/device Pertinent information from each article was extracted by two
(e.g. accelerometer-based physical activity) and/or subjective reviewers (SAM, KR) independently into Microsoft Excel and
checked for accuracy. The data extraction table included: cit-
(e.g. self-reported physical activity) measurement of physical
ation, study design, country, sample size and description
activity or sedentary behaviour were included.
(e.g. age and sex of participants), measure/indicator of
maturity, measure of physical activity, key findings (i.e. the
Study designs relationship between maturity and physical activity), and
Published and in-press (or published online ahead of print) statistical approach (including covariates used in analysis),
peer-reviewed original manuscripts in English were included. where applicable. To assess maturational timing there is a
Manuscripts regardless of study design were considered need to have considered chronological age in the analysis.
368 S. A. MOORE ET AL.

Data were coded as not significant (i.e. there was no noted EMBASE ¼ 3697, and Web of Science Core
association between maturation timing and the outcome), Collection ¼ 2606). Duplicates (n ¼ 3695) were removed. The
inverse [i.e. earlier/advanced maturation was associated with reference searches and forward citations searches from the
a decrease in the outcome (e.g. earlier/advanced maturers two existing reviews (Sherar et al. 2010; Bacil et al. 2015)
were less physically active)] or positive [i.e. earlier/advanced yielded 187 (100 references and 87 citations) and 47 records
maturation was associated with an increase in the outcome (31 references and 16 citations), respectively. The follow-up
(e.g. early/advanced maturers were more sedentary)]. After search prior to article submission yielded an additional 489
coding, we indicated if the studies controlled for age in their records (MEDLINE with Full Text ¼ 190, PsycINFO ¼ 31,
analyses. This could be done by examining a narrow age Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials ¼ 15,
range of participants (e.g. one grade in school), using a SPORTDiscus ¼ 78, EMBASE ¼ 190, and Web of Science Core
measure that adjusts for chronological age (e.g. APHV) or by Collection ¼ 148). Duplicates (n ¼ 73) were removed.
controlling for chronological age in the analyses. We differ- The three searches combined yielded 10,576 records after
entiated studies that controlled for age in the written results removing duplicates. The two reviewers agreed on 94%
and associated tables. (n ¼ 9,941) of records from the title and abstract screening
and 98% (n ¼ 624) from the full-text screening. After full text
Quality assessment review, a total of 78 studies (0.7% of total) remained (56
cross-sectional; 22 longitudinal). Reasons for excluding stud-
Study quality was assessed by two reviewers (SAM, KR) inde- ies during the full-text review included: the record was an
pendently using 10 or 12 quality criteria items for cross-sec- abstract only (e.g. conference proceeding) (n ¼ 30), the full
tional and longitudinal studies, respectively. The scale text was not available or could not be found (n ¼ 2), full text
(Supplemental File 2) was modified from existing quality cri- was not an original research article (e.g. was a review, com-
teria lists used in reviews of observational research (Jones mentary, editorial note, etc.) (n ¼ 27); full text did not report
et al. 2013; Tanaka et al. 2014; Pearson et al. 2017). The crite- physical activity/sedentary behaviour (n ¼ 362), the full text
ria represent four dimensions of study quality: a) study popu- did not report biological maturity or maturational timing/sta-
lation and participation, b) data collection, c) data analysis, tus (n ¼ 60); full text did not report the relationship between
and d) study attrition (where applicable). Criteria were the aforementioned and physical activity/sedentary behav-
assessed as “yes” (¼1) when the study meets the described iour (n ¼ 78).
criteria, “no” (¼0) when the study does not, or “unknown”
(¼0) when the study has an incomplete or missing descrip-
tion which prevents a judgement to be made. Studies scored Study quality
higher when data were collected using more objective meas- Table 1 presents the methodological quality criteria and
ures of physical activity (criteria #3 and 4) and/or biological
scores. The quality of the studies ranged from 30.0 to 91.7%.
maturity (criteria #5 and 6). The scores were summed and
Of the 78 studies, 56 (74.7%) were considered “high” quality,
converted to a percentage to indicate the overall quality of
17 (22.7%) “moderate,” and 2 (2.7%) “low” quality. With
the article. A paper was deemed to have high methodo-
regards to specific quality criteria, the majority of studies
logical quality if it scored 70%, moderate quality if it scored
(97.3%; criterion 2) provided an adequate description of the
50–69%, and low quality if it scored <50% (Jones et al.
study’s sample characteristics; however, most did not report
2013). Discrepancies between reviewers were discussed until
an adequate description of the sampling recruitment details
consensus was reached.
(34.7%; criterion 1). Methods related to physical activity
assessment (criteria 3 and 4) were described in detail in the
Analysis majority of studies (96.0 and 85.3%, respectively). Similarly, a
description of the methods related to the assessment of mat-
A narrative synthesis was conducted using a previously pub-
uration was described adequately in most studies (92.0%; cri-
lished methodological framework (Rodgers et al. 2009). A
terion 5); yet, few studies (14.6%) included an objective
preliminary synthesis, by study design and outcome, was
measure of a biological indicator (criterion 6); with the
produced, identifying trends within and between studies.
majority using a measure that relied on prediction or self-
Studies were further interpreted based on measures, as well
assessment/report. The majority of studies provided a
as the age and sex of participants.
detailed description of the sample characteristics (90.7%; cri-
terion 7). In studies that assessed both sexes, 84.0% sepa-
Results rated the analysis by sex (criteria 8). More than two-thirds of
studies had >250 participants (69.3%; criterion 9) and used
Description of screening results and included studies
appropriate analysis and presentation of the data (specific to
The identification, screening, eligibility, and inclusion of stud- the analysis of the relationship between physical activity and
ies is described in a PRISMA flow (Figure 1). The search of maturation; 68.0%; criterion 10). The majority (90.9%) of the
electronic databases yielded 13,851 records (MEDLINE with longitudinal studies (n ¼ 12) reported the duration of follow-
Full Text ¼ 3218, PsycINFO ¼ 2308, Cochrane Central up (criteria 12), whereas fewer reported details of partici-
Register of Controlled Trials ¼ 450, SPORTDiscus ¼ 1572, pants lost to follow-up (77.3%; criterion 11).

Figure 1. Flow diagram for the identification, screening, eligibility, and inclusion of studies that assessed the relationship between maturational timing and phys-
ical activity.

Sample characteristics 1988)). Several of the studies also used prediction equations
(n ¼ 28), such as predicted age at peak height velocity
The 78 articles (64 studies with unique samples) represented
(APHV; n ¼ 18) (e.g. Mirwald et al. 2002; Moore et al. 2015) or
242,316 (153,179 unique, 43% boys) participants from 48 dif-
percentage of predicted adult height (n ¼ 10) (Khamis and
ferent countries across six continents. The mean age (when
Roche 1994). Fewer studies measured maturity using more
reported (72%)) ranged from 7.6 to 16.6 years in 77 of 78 objective tools (n ¼ 14) such as physician assessed secondary
studies (in one retrospective study, the mean age was sexual characteristics (n ¼ 10), serum sex hormones (n ¼ 2),
27.9 years). Forty-nine studies assessed both boys and girls skeletal age (n ¼ 2) or actual APHV calculated with longitu-
(63%), whereas 27 studies measured only girls (35%) and dinal data (n ¼ 2). Several studies used more than one matur-
only two studies (3%) measured boys only. ity assessment (n ¼ 6). Of the studies that assessed physical
activity, the majority of studies measured self-reported phys-
ical activity (n ¼ 43), whereas only 31 studies used devices to
Description of measures
measure physical activity (i.e. accelerometers (n ¼ 26) or ped-
Almost half of the studies measured maturity using self- ometers (n ¼ 5)). Of studies that assessed sedentary behav-
reported tools (n ¼ 36; e.g. self-reported secondary sexual iours, the majority used questionnaires (n ¼ 13), compared
characteristics (n ¼ 10) (Tanner et al. 1966b, 1966a), status with device-measured sedentary (or stationary) time using
quo method of recalling age at menarche or spermarche accelerometers (n ¼ 6) or pedometers (n ¼ 1). An additional
(n ¼ 10), pubertal development scale (n ¼ 18) (Petersen et al. seven studies measured participation or drop-out from sport
370 S. A. MOORE ET AL.

Table 1. Summary of quality assessment results and overall quality score for all included studies.
A B C Total for D Total for Overall
cross-sectional longitudinal Overall quality
Reference 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 studies (/10) 11 12 studies (/12) percent rating
Adoor and Moodithaya (2019) 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 6 60 Moderate
Alfano et al. (2002) 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 8 80 High
Allen and Vella (2015) 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 6 1 0 7 58 Moderate
Altıntaş et al. (2014) 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 8 80 High
Ayele and Berhan (2013) 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 8 80 High
Baker et al. (2007) 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 8 0 1 9 75 High
Barkai et al. (2007) 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 8 80 High
Beghin et al. (2019) 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 8 80 High
Benefice et al. (2001) 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 7 1 1 9 75 High
Benıtez-Porres et al. (2016) 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 8 1 1 10 83 High
Britton et al. (2004) 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 7 70 High
Brodersen et al. (2005) 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 8 80 High
Butte et al. (2014) 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 9 1 1 11 92 High
Cumming et al. (2008) 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 7 70 High
Cumming et al. (2009) 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 7 70 High
Cumming et al. (2011) 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 8 80 High
Cumming et al. (2012b) 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 7 70 High
Cumming et al. (2014) 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 9 1 1 11 92 High
Davison et al. (2007) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 9 1 1 11 92 High
Drenowatz et al. (2010) 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 8 80 High
Drenowatz et al. (2013) 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 8 80 High
Duncan et al. (2007) 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 5 50 Moderate
Fawkner et al. (2014) 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 6 1 1 8 67 Moderate
Finne et al. (2011) 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 5 50 Moderate
Gammon et al. (2017) 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 7 70 High
Garcia et al. (2018) 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 9 90 High
Garnham-Lee et al. (2017) 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 8 80 High
Garnier and Benefice (2001) 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 8 0 1 9 75 High
Gebremariam et al. (2012) 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 9 1 1 11 92 High
Gilmer et al. (2003) 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 6 60 Moderate
Gomes et al. (2017) 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 5 50 Moderate
Guinhouya et al. (2012) 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 8 80 High
Hearst et al. (2012) 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 8 0 0 8 67 Moderate
Herman et al. (2015) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 8 80 High
Hunter Smart et al. (2012) 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 7 70 High
Jackson et al. (2013) 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 7 70 High
Kemper et al. (1997) 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 5 1 1 7 58 Moderate
Knowles et al. (2009) 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 7 1 1 9 75 High
Kristensen et al. (2008) 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 9 1 1 11 92 High
Labbrozzi et al. (2013) 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 7 70 High
Latt et al. (2015) 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 8 80 High
Lee, An, et al. (2016) 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 9 90 High
Lee, Pabayo, et al. (2016) 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 8 80 High
Lee et al. (2017) 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 8 80 High
Maia et al. (2010) 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 8 0 1 9 75 High
Marques et al. (2016) 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 9 90 High
Metcalf et al. (2015) 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 8 1 1 10 83 High
Micklesfield et al. (2014) 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 8 80 High
Moghaddaszadeh et al. (2017) 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 7 0 1 8 67 Moderate
Murdey et al. (2004) 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 3 30 Low
Murdey et al. (2005) 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 3 1 1 5 42 Low
Niven et al. (2007) 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 7 70 High
Page et al. (2010) 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 6 60 Moderate
Pate et al. (2019) 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 6 1 1 8 67 Moderate
Pereira et al.(2015) 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 9 90 High
Pindus et al. (2014) 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 8 80 High
Riddoch et al. (2007) 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 6 60 Moderate
Rodrigues et al. (2010) 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 8 80 High
Romon et al. (2004) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 8 80 High
Sherar et al. (2007) 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 7 70 High
Sherar et al. (2009) 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 6 60 Moderate
Silva et al. (2019) 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 8 80 High
Simon et al. (2003) 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 8 80 High
Solomon-Krakus et al. (2020) 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 6 60 Moderate
Steppan et al. (2019) 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 4 40 Low
Thompson et al. (2003) 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 8 1 1 10 83 High
van Jaarsveld et al. (2007) 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 8 1 1 10 83 High
Vermeesch et al. (2015) 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 7 70 High
Visagurskiene_ et al. (2012) 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 6 60 Moderate
Voskuil et al. (2019) 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 8 80 High
Werneck, da Silva, et al. (2018) 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 8 80 High
Werneck, Silva, et al. (2018) 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 8 80 High

Table 1. Continued.
A B C Total for D Total for Overall
cross-sectional longitudinal Overall quality
Reference 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 studies (/10) 11 12 studies (/12) percent rating
Werneck et al. (2019) 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 8 80 High
Wichstrom et al. (2013) 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 6 1 1 8 67 Moderate
Wickel and Eisenmann (2007) 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 8 80 High
Wickel et al. (2009) 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 7 70 High
Xing et al. (2017) 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 6 60 Moderate
Zitouni and Guinhouya (2012) 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 7 70 High
Note. Criteria are described in Supplemental File 2. Briefly: 1 ¼ Adequate description of the sampling frame and recruitment methods; 2 ¼ Adequate description
of the sample’s key characteristics; 3 ¼ Adequate description of methods of data collection for physical activity; 4 ¼ Adequate measurement of physical activity;
5 ¼ Adequate description of methods of data collection for maturity; 6 ¼ Adequate measurement of maturity; 7 ¼ Adequate description of the analysed sample;
8 ¼ Appropriate sex-specific analysis, considering age; 9 ¼ Adequate sample; 10 ¼ Appropriate statistics; 11 ¼ Adequate detail re. follow-up; 12 ¼ Adequate
details re. follow-up timeline. A score of 1 is given if criterion (in Supplemental File 2) is met and a score of 0 is given if the criterion is not met.

using questionnaires, and two studies assessed active trans- physical activity [i.e. early maturing (more mature) girls were
portation by questionnaire (n ¼ 2) and GPS (n ¼ 1). less active], 16 studies (43%) found no significant associa-
tions or differences, and one study (3%) found a positive
relationship between biological maturity and physical activity
Maturational timing and physical activity
[i.e. early maturing (more mature) girls were more active]. In
Tables 2 and 3 provide an overview of the studies that assess six studies, the results varied by outcome, e.g. Benefice et al.
the relationship between biological maturity and device and (2001) found an inverse relationship between maturational
questionnaire-assessed physical activity, respectively. A total timing and physical activity in evening physical activity but
of 74 and 20 studies were identified that explored the associ- not day-time physical activity; Garnier and Benefice (2001)
ation between biological maturity and physical activity and found an inverse relationship between maturational timing
sedentary behaviour, respectively. Of these studies, 61 stud- and physical activity in city-dwelling girls but not girls living
ies (82%) and 17 studies (85%) controlled for chronological in rural environments, etc.).
age (and thus will only be considered from this place for-
ward). Those studies that did not control for age are identi-
fied in the tables with a symbol (†). Maturational timing and sedentary behaviours
A total of 31 studies, representing 26,024 participants,
Table 4 provides an overview of the studies that assessed
used device measures (accelerometry ¼26; pedometry ¼5),
the relationship between maturational timing and device
of which 24 studies included age in their analysis (of which,
and questionnaire-measured sedentary time. A total of 20
15 reported findings in boys and all 24 reported findings in
studies (7 device-measured, 13 questionnaires measured),
girls), representing 17,087 participants. Of the 15/24 studies
representing 98,521 participants assessed this relationship, of
that assessed boys, nine studies (60%) found an inverse rela-
which 16 studies included age in their analysis, representing
tionship between biological maturity and physical activity
95,379 participants.
[i.e. early maturing (more mature) boys were less active] and
Given there were fewer studies that assessed the relation-
six (30%) found no significant associations or differences
ship between biological maturity and sedentary behaviours,
between maturity groups. Of the 24/24 studies that assessed
we collapsed the results for device and questionnaire-meas-
girls, 12 (50%) found an inverse relationship between bio-
ured results. Of the 11/20 studies that assessed boys, all 11
logical maturity and physical activity [i.e. early maturing
(more mature) girls were less active] and 12 (50%) found no studies (100%) found a positive association between matur-
significant associations or differences between maturity ational timing and sedentary behaviours [i.e. early maturing
groups. In three studies, the results varied by physical activ- (more mature) boys were more sedentary], though two stud-
ity outcome. ies (18%) found that results varied by behaviour (e.g. positive
A total of 43 studies, representing 203,866 participants, association with television viewing, no significant associa-
used questionnaires to assess physical activity, of which 37 tions with video games). Whereas of the 15/20 studies that
studies included age in their analysis, representing 200,244 assessed girls, eight studies (53%) found a positive associ-
participants. In the 37 studies, 19 reported findings in boys ation between maturational timing and sedentary behaviours
and all 37 reported findings in girls. Of the 19/37 studies [i.e. early maturing (more mature) girls were more sedentary]
that assessed boys, 10 studies (53%) found an inverse rela- and seven studies (47%) found no significant associations or
tionship between biological maturity and physical activity differences between maturity groups. In five studies, the
[i.e. early maturing (more mature) boys were less active], results varied by the outcome. Briefly, studies that used
seven studies (37%) found no significant associations or dif- questionnaire-based measurement of physical activity were
ferences, and 2 studies (11%) found a positive relationship more likely to report a positive relationship between bio-
[i.e. early maturing (more mature) boys were more active]. Of logical maturation and sedentary behaviours (8/13 and 7/13
the 37/37 studies that assessed girls, 19 studies (51%) found studies in boys and girls, respectively, reported a positive
an inverse relationship between biological maturity and association) compared with device-based measures (3/7
Table 2. Summary of studies that assess the relationship between maturity and device-measured physical activity.

Summary of results
by sex
Sample size Mean age Maturity Physical activity Quality
Reference (boys, girls) (range), years assessment assessment Boys Girls score
Baker et al. (2007) 143 11.3 Serum estradiol Accelerometry n/a Inverse High
(0, 143) (11.0–13.0) Breast developmentP
Pubertal development scale
Beghin et al. (2019)† 1842 16.6 Genital developmentP Accelerometry Inverse n/s High
(916, 926) (12.5–17.4) Breast developmentP

Pubic hair developmentP

Benefice et al. (2001) 40 13.3 Age at menarche Accelerometry n/a n/s (day) High
(0, 40) (NS) Breast developmentS Inverse (night)
Butte et al. (2014)† 282 NS Pubertal development scale Accelerometry n/s High
(133, 149) (8.0–10.0)
Cumming et al. (2014) 1351 NS Predicted % adult height Accelerometry Inverse Inverse High
(671, 680) (11.0–13.0)
Davison et al. (2007) 178 11.3 Serum estradiol Accelerometry n/a n/s High
(0, 178) (11.0–12.0) Breast developmentP Pubertal development scale
Drenowatz et al. (2010) 268 10.3 Predicted APHV Pedometry n/a Inverse High
(0, 268) (9.5–11.5)
Duncan et al. (2007) 371 12.1 Pubertal development scale Pedometry Inverse n/s High
(185, 186) (12.0–17.0)
Gammon et al. (2017) 1011 12.2 Pubertal development scale Accelerometry n/a Inverse High
(0, 1011) (NS)
Garnier and Benefice (2001) 40 14.4 Age at menarche Accelerometry n/a Inverse (city) High
(0, 40) (13.4–15.3) Breast developmentS Positive (rural)
Gomes et al. (2017)† 7023 NS Predicted APHV Accelerometry Inverse Inverse Moderate
(3240, 3783) (9.0–11.0)
Guinhouya et al. (2012) 253 9.9 Predicted APHV Accelerometry n/s (TPA) Inverse (TPA) High
(139, 114) (NS) Inverse (MVPA) n/s (MVPA)
Hearst et al. (2012) 578 14.6 Pubertal development scale Accelerometry n/s n/s Moderate
(287, 291) (10.0–16.0)
Kristensen et al. (2008) 1330 NS Breast developmentS Accelerometry n/s n/s High
(592, 738) (8.0–16.0) Pubic hair developmentS
Latt et al. (2015) 314 12.0 Predicted APHV Accelerometry Inverse n/a High
(314, 0) (10–14.0)
Lee, An, et al. (2016) 236 13.6 Pubertal development scale Pedometry n/a Inverse High
(0, 236) (11.0–15.0)
Metcalf et al. (2015) 347 NS Pubic hair development Accelerometry n/s Inverse High
(174, 173) (5.0–15.0) Actual APHV
Moghaddaszadeh 33 9.8 Predicted APHV Accelerometry Inverse Inverse Moderate
et al. (2017)† (15, 18) (9.0–19.0)
Pate et al. (2019) 652 10.6 Predicted APHV Accelerometry inverse Moderate
(297, 355) (10.0–12.0)
Pereira et al. (2015) 686 10.5 Predicted APHV Accelerometry n/s High
(305, 381) (10.0–12.0)
Riddoch et al. (2007) 5595 11.8 Breast development Accelerometry Inverse Inverse Moderate
(2662, 2933) (11.6–11.9) Pubic hair developmentS
Rodrigues et al. (2010) 302 14.2 Predicted % adult height Accelerometry Inverse n/s High
(135, 167) (13.0–16.0)
Romon et al. (2004)† 510 NS Pubic hair development Pedometry Inverse (ambul.) n/s High
(257, 253) (8.0–18.0) n/s (LTPA)
Sherar et al. (2007) 401 NS Predicted APHV Accelerometry Inverse Inverse High
(194, 207) (8.0–13.9)

studies in both sexes reported a positive association) [i.e.



n/a: not applicable; n/s: not significant; P: physician or nurse assessed; APHV: age at peak height velocity; TPA: total physical activity; MVPA: moderate to vigorous physical activity; ambul: ambulatory physical activity;





early maturing (more mature) children were
more sedentary].

Maturational timing and sports participation and

active transportation





Table 5 provides an overview of the studies that assess the
Summary of results


relationship between maturational timing and sports partici-

pation or active transportation. A total of seven studies, rep-
by sex


resenting 5107 participants, assessed the relationship

between maturational timing and sports participation (e.g.
attendance in recreation sports), of which seven studies
n/s (differed by

included age in their analysis, representing 2964 partici-



pants. Of the five studies that assessed boys, three studies

(60%) noted an inverse relationship between biological
maturity and sports participation [i.e. early maturing (more
mature) boys had lower recreational sports participation]
Physical activity

and two studies (40%) noted no significant associations or








differences. In the four studies that assessed girls, two stud-

ies (50%) noted an inverse relationship between biological
maturity and sports participation [i.e. early maturing (more
mature) girls had lower recreational sports participation]
and two studies (50%) noted no significant associations or
differences. A total of two studies, representing 992 partici-
pants, assessed the relationship between maturational tim-
ing and active transportation (e.g. walking, biking, scooting).
Pubertal development scale

Pubertal development scale

Pubic hair developmentP

Both studies included age in their analyses and measured

Age at menarche

both boys and girls; however, neither study found a rela-

Predicted APHV

Predicted APHV

Predicted APHV

Predicted APHV

tionship or association between biological maturation and

active transportation.

The aim of this systematic review was to summarise the lit-
erature that described the relationship between matur-
ational timing and physical activity and sedentary behaviour
in adolescents. The current review found no overarching
agreement in the literature for associations between bio-
(range), years


Mean age




logical maturity and physical activity among adolescents,







which is in line with the previous review published on this

topic, despite increasing the amount of included papers
sevenfold (Sherar et al. 2010; Bacil et al. 2015). However,
there was modest evidence for early maturity being associ-
ated with less activity and more sedentary behaviours.
†Did not control for age in analysis; Sself-assessed.
Sample size
(boys, girls)

(241, 197)

(139, 114)
(0, 221)

(0, 509)

(0, 517)

(65, 74)

(76, 85)

Specifically, after excluding studies that did not control for








age in their analysis, we found that half or greater (60% in

boys, 50% in girls) of device-measured physical activity
studies found that early/advanced maturation was associ-
LTPA: leisure time physical activity.

ated with lower physical activity. Similar results were

Zitouni and Guinhouya (2012)
Solomon-Krakus et al. (2020)†

Wickel and Eisenmann (2007)

observed in studies that used questionnaire-measured phys-

ical activity. In studies that measured sedentary behaviours,
Vermeesch et al. (2015)†

all studies in boys and more than half of studies in girls

Table 2. Continued.

Voskuil et al. (2019)

Wickel et al. (2009)

Sherar et al. (2009)

(100% and 53%, respectively) found a positive association

between biological maturity and sedentary behaviours (i.e.

early/advanced maturation was associated with higher lev-

els of sedentary behaviours) although the number of identi-
fied studies focussing on sedentary behaviour was less.
Table 3. Summary of studies that assess the relationship between maturity and questionnaire-measured physical activity.

Physical Summary of results by sex

Sample size Mean age activity
Reference (boys, girls) (range), years Maturity assessment assessment Boys Girls Quality score
Adoor and Moodithaya (2019) 100 13.6 Age at menarche Questionnaire n/a n/s Moderate
(0, 100) (12.0–15.0)
Alfano et al. (2002) 486 27.9 Age at menarcheR Questionnaire n/a Inverse High
(0, 486) (18.0–39.0)
Altıntaş et al. (2014)† 1012 14.9 Facial hair development Questionnaire n/s n/s High
(526, 486) (11.0–18.0) Age at menarche

Breast developmentS
Ayele and Berhan (2013) 734 NS Age at menarche Questionnaire n/a Inverse High
(0, 734) (10.0–19.0)
Barkai et al. (2007) 99 15.5 Age at menarche Questionnaire n/a n/s High
(0, 99) (13.0–18.0)
Benıtez-Porres et al. (2016) 80 14.6 Predicted % adult height Questionnaire n/s High
(38, 42) (NS)
Britton et al. (2004) 186 9.0 Breast developmentP Questionnaire n/a n/s High
(0, 186) (NS) Pubic hair developmentP
Brodersen et al. (2005) 4320 11.8 Pubertal development scale Questionnaire n/s High
(2578, 1742) (NS)
Cumming et al. (2008) 186 14.0 Predicted % adult height Questionnaire Inverse n/s High
(103, 83) (13.6–14.7)
Cumming et al. (2009) 186 14.0 Predicted % adult height Questionnaire Inverse Inverse (intense) High
(103, 83) (13.6–14.7) n/s (LTPA)
Cumming et al. (2011) 407 13.2 Predicted % adult height Questionnaire n/a Inverse High
(0, 407) (11.0–15.0)
Cumming et al. (2012b) 222 12.7 Predicted % adult height Questionnaire n/a Inverse High
(0, 222) (10.0–14.0) (differed by age)
Davison et al. (2007) 178 11.3 Serum estradiol Questionnaire n/a Inverse (breast stage only) High
(0, 178) (11.0–12.0) Breast developmentP
Pubertal development scale
Drenowatz et al. (2013) 1118 7.6 Predicted % adult height Questionnaire n/s n/s High
(592-526) (6.3–8.9)
Duncan et al. (2007) 371 12.1 Pubertal development scale Questionnaire Inverse n/s High
(185, 186) (12.0–17.0)
Fawkner et al. (2014) 208 11.8 Pubertal development scale Questionnaire n/a Inverse Moderate
(0, 208) (NS)
Finne et al. (2011) 6818 14.6 Voice development Questionnaire Inverse Inverse Moderate
(3318, 3495) (11.0–17.0) Age at menarche
Pubic hair developmentS
Garcia et al. (2018) 750 13.8 Predicted APHV Questionnaire Inverse Inverse High
(394, 356) (11.0–17.0) Skeletal age
Gebremariam et al. (2012) 885 11.2 Pubertal development scale Questionnaire n/s n/s High
(466, 419) (NS)
Gilmer et al. (2003)† 113 12.1 Pubertal development scale Questionnaire n/s Moderate
(60, 107) (11.0–14.0)
Hunter Smart et al. (2012) 222 12.7 Predicted % adult height Questionnaire n/a Inverse High
(0, 222) (10.0–14.0)
Jackson et al. (2013) 244 12.8 Predicted % adult height Questionnaire n/a Inverse High
(0, 244) (11.0–14.0)
Kemper et al. (1997) 200 NS Skeletal age Interview Inverse Inverse Moderate
(93, 107) (12.0–22.0)
Knowles et al. (2009) 105 12.8 Pubertal development scale Questionnaire n/a n/s High
(0, 105) (NS)
Table 3. Continued.
Physical Summary of results by sex
Sample size Mean age activity
Reference (boys, girls) (range), years Maturity assessment assessment Boys Girls Quality score
Labbrozzi et al. (2013) 134 12.6 Breast developmentP Questionnaire n/a n/s High
(0, 134) (11.0–13.0) Pubic hair developmentP
Lee, An, et al. (2016) 236 13.6 Pubertal development scale Questionnaire n/a Inverse High
(0, 236) (11.0–15.0)
Lee, Pabayo, et al. (2016) 74186 14.9 Age at menarche Questionnaire Positive Mixed results† High
(38221, 35965) (13.0–18.0) Age at spermarche
Lee et al. (2017) 74186 14.9 Age at menarche Questionnaire n/s High
(38221, 35965) (13.0–18.0) Age at spermarche
Marques et al. (2016) 1324 NS Age at menarche Questionnaire n/a Inverse High
(0, 1324) (10.0–13.0)
Micklesfield et al. (2014) 381 NS Breast developmentS Questionnaire n/s n/s High
(189, 192) (11.0–15.0) Genital developmentS
Niven et al. (2007) 208 11.8 Pubertal development scale Questionnaire n/a n/s High
(0, 208) (NS)
Pindus et al. (2014) 349 13.2 Predicted % adult height Questionnaire Inverse High
(0, 349) (11.3–14.5)
Silva et al. (2019) 803 12.9 Predicted APHV Questionnaire Inverse High
(402, 401) (10.0–17.0)
Simon et al. (2003) 4320 11.8 Pubertal development scale Questionnaire Inverse (weekend) n/s High
(2578, 1742) (NS) /s (other)
Steppan et al. (2019) 21094 NS Age at menarche Questionnaire n/a Inverse Low
(0, 21094) (9.0–13.0)
Thompson et al. (2003)† 138 NS Actual APHV Questionnaire Inverse Inverse High
(70, 68) (9.0–18.0)
van Jaarsveld et al. (2007) 5229 11.8 Pubertal development scale Questionnaire Positive Positive High
(2982, 2247) (NS) (differed by age)
Visagurskiene_ et al. (2012)† 236 NS Pubic hair developmentS Questionnaire Inverse n/s Moderate
(115, 121) (14.0–16.0)
Werneck, da Silva, et al. (2018)† 1152 13.0 Predicted APHV Questionnaire n/s n/s High
(512, 640) (10.0–17.0)
Werneck, Silva, et al. (2018)† 991 13.4 Predicted APHV Questionnaire n/s n/s High
(412, 579) (10.0–17.0)
Werneck et al. (2019) 1186 13.4 Predicted APHV Questionnaire Inverse High
(525, 661) (10.0–17.0)
Wichstrom et al. (2013) 3251 NS Pubertal development scale Questionnaire n/s Moderate
(NS) (12.0–19.0)
Xing et al. (2017) 1530 13.7 Age at menarche Questionnaire n/a Inverse Moderate
(0, 1530) (NS)
n/a: not applicable; n/s: not significant; APHV: age at peak height velocity.
†Did not control for age in analysis, early and late maturing girls had greater PA compared with average maturing girls; Rretrospective; Pphysician or nurse assessed; Sself-assessed.
Table 4. Summary of studies that assess the relationship between maturity and device- and questionnaire-measured sedentary behaviours.

Sedentary Summary of results by sex

Sample size Mean age behaviour Quality
Reference (boys, girls) (range), years Maturity assessment assessment Boys Girls score
Butte et al. (2014)† 282 NS Pubertal development scale Accelerometry n/s High
(133, 149) (8.0–10.0)
Cumming et al. (2014) 1351 NS Predicted % adult height Accelerometry Positive n/s High
(671, 680) (11.0–13.0)
Gammon et al. (2017) 1011 12.2 Pubertal development scale Accelerometry n/a Positive High

(0, 1011) (NS)

Herman et al. (2015) 534 9.6 Pubic hair development Accelerometry Positive Positive High
(286, 248) (9.0–10.0)
Lee, An, et al. (2016) 236 13.6 Pubertal development scale Pedometry n/a n/s High
(0, 236) (11.0–15.0)
Rodrigues et al. (2010) 302 14.2 Predicted % adult height Accelerometry Positive n/s High
(135, 167) (13.0–16.0)
Vermeesch et al. (2015)† 509 NS Pubertal development scale Accelerometry n/a Positive High
(0, 509) (10.0–14.0)
Allen and Vella (2015) 3956 NS Pubertal development scale Questionnaire Positive (screen time) Moderate
(NS) (12.0–13.0)
Beghin et al. (2019)† 1842 16.6 Genital developmentP Breast Questionnaire Positive (video games); n/s (other screens) n/s High
(916, 926) (12.5–17.4) developmentP Pubic hair
Britton et al. (2004) 186 9.0 Breast developmentP Pubic hair Questionnaire n/a n/s High
(0, 186) (NS) developmentP
Brodersen et al. (2005) 4320 11.8 Pubertal development scale Questionnaire Positive n/s High
(2578, 1742) (NS)
Drenowatz et al. (2013) 1118 7.6 Predicted % adult height Questionnaire Positive (TV); n/s High
(592-526) (6.3–8.9) n/s (video games)
Lee et al. (2017) 74186 14.9 Age at menarche Questionnaire Positive High
(38221, 35965) (13.0–18.0) Age at spermarche
Marques et al. (2016) 1324 NS Age at menarche Questionnaire n/a Positive High
(0, 1324) (10.0–13.0) (computer
Micklesfield et al. (2014) 381 NS Genital developmentP Breast Questionnaire Positive Positive High
(189, 192) (11.0–15.0) developmentP
Murdey et al. (2004) 119 NS Voice development Questionnaire Positive (but n/s after adjust sleep) Positive (but n/ Low
(64, 65) (10.0–17.0) Age at menarche s after
Pubic hair developmentS adjust sleep)
Murdey et al. (2005) 119 NS Voice development Questionnaire Positive (weekday) n/s Low
(64, 65) (10.0–17.0) Age at menarche
Pubic hair developmentS
Page et al. (2010) 1007 11.0 Pubertal development scale Questionnaire Positive (computer, TV) Moderate
(467, 540) (10.0–11.0)
van Jaarsveld et al. (2007) 5229 11.8 Pubertal development scale Questionnaire Positive Mixed results† High
(2982, 2247) (NS)
Vermeesch et al. (2015)† 509 NS Pubertal development scale Questionnaire n/a Positive High
(0, 509) (10.0–14.0)
n/a: not applicable; n/s: not significant.
†Did not control for age in analysis, early maturing girls had greater sedentary behaviours (SB) at earlier ages and then lower SBs at later ages compared with average maturing girls; Pphysician or nurse assessed;

Table 5. Summary of studies that assess the relationship between maturity and sports participation or active transportation.
Summary of results by sex
Sample size Mean age Quality
Reference (boys, girls) (range), years Maturity assessment Assessment Boys Girls score
Sports participation
Allen and Vella (2015) 3956 NS Pubertal development scale Questionnaire Inverse Moderate
(NS) (12.0–13.0)
Barkai et al. (2007) 99 15.5 Age at menarche Questionnaire n/s High
(0, 99) (13.0–18.0)
Drenowatz et al. (2013) 1118 7.6 Predicted % adult height Questionnaire Inverse n/s High
(592-526) (6.3–8.9)
Maia et al. (2010) 588 NS Skeletal age Questionnaire n/s n/a High
(588, 0) (13.0–18.0)
Silva et al. (2019) 803 12.9 Predicted APHV Questionnaire Inverse High
(402, 401) (10.0–17.0)
Werneck, da Silva, et al. (2018)† 1152 13.0 Predicted APHV Questionnaire n/s Inverse High
(512, 640) (10.0–17.0)
Werneck, Silva, et al. (2018)† 991 13.4 Predicted APHV Questionnaire n/s n/s High
(412, 579) (10.0–17.0)
Active transportation
Garnham-Lee et al. (2017) 611 12.4 Predicted APHV GPS, Maps; n/s n/s High
(277, 334) (11.0–12.0) Questionnaire
Micklesfield et al. (2014) 381 NS Genital developmentS Questionnaire n/s n/s High
(189, 192) (11.0–15.0) Breast developmentS
n/a: not applicable; n/s: not significant.
†Did not control for age in analysis; Pphysician or nurse assessed; Sself-assessed.

Conversely, the findings were inconsistent and variable for studies used the gold standard measures (i.e. skeletal age
the studies that assessed the relationship between biological assessment via hand-wrist radiographs) or attained APHV (i.e.
maturation and recreational sports participation. Further, using serial measures of height via longitudinal assessment).
none of the small numbers of studies that measured active Certainly, the cost, time, and/or ethical issues in using these
transportation found a relationship with biological maturity. methods have enhanced the popularity of a number of pre-
Previous authors (Baxter-Jones 1995; Cumming et al. 2012b) diction (e.g. using anthropometry-based equations) and/or
have postulated that early maturity may be supportive of self-reported measures (e.g. secondary sexual characteristics)
physical activity engagement (especially sport) in boys and a of biological maturity (Baxter-Jones et al. 2005). However,
barrier to engagement in girls. The main rationale for this these measures will have varied accuracy which will depend
supposition is that pubertal changes in boys lead to largely on the testing protocol and age of the participants.
increased absolute and relative muscle mass, anaerobic For example, recalled age at menarche has an error associ-
power, and strength gains (Brown et al. 2017) which would ated with memory and some studies show limited agree-
be considered conducive to sporting performance success. ment between children-reported and clinician-reported
Whereas pubertal changes in girls lead to increased absolute secondary sex staging (Desmangles et al. 2006). Furthermore,
and relative fat mass, widening of the hips, and breast devel- prediction equations may be less accurate the further the
opment (Barbour-Tuck et al. 2018) which may be considered prediction is made from the actual time of maturity indicator
a barrier to sports performance and participation. However, (Mirwald et al. 2002; Moore et al. 2015).
the literature that supports this conjecture, tends to come Accuracy aside, the indicators used across the studies
from studies of more select or elite groups of young athletes focus fairly evenly on sexual maturity (PDS, self-reported sec-
(Malina et al. 2015). To the authors’ knowledge, this is the ondary sex staging, age at menarche or spermarche) and
first comprehensive systematic review of literature that somatic maturity (e.g. predicted APHV and predicted per-
examined daily and recreational physical activity and partici- centage of adult height). Although these indicators are
pation in sport (i.e. not at an elite level). related (Beunen et al. 2006) (i.e. if the timing is early in one,
The inconsistency in the findings may be due, in part, to it is likely to be early in another) they may hold very differ-
varied indicators and/or measures of biological maturity and ent meanings for an individual. For example, unlike the other
outcome measures of physical activity and sedentary behav- gradual changes during adolescence, menarche is sudden
iour. A number of indicators and protocols were used to and noticeable, and it provides a rather dramatic demarca-
assess biological maturity across the studies in the current tion between girlhood and womanhood (Chang et al. 2010)
review, which differ in their degree of accuracy. Indicators and thus this event in itself might lead to a girl to disengage
included the pubertal development scale (PDS), recalled age from physical activity, especially from activities that could be
at menarche, hormonal assays, APHV (predicted and directly perceived as childish. However, this is challenging to ascer-
estimated), and secondary sex characteristics. A full appraisal tain and would require a longitudinal study that tracks activ-
of the methods used to assess maturity is beyond the scope ity in girls over time to see whether the age at menarche
of this discussion and a more complete discussion can be event leads to a reduction in activity.
found elsewhere (e.g. Baxter-Jones et al. 2005; Cameron and It could be argued that some of the inconsistency by
Bogin 2012). However, it should be noted that only three study finding could be due to the age range included in the
378 S. A. MOORE ET AL.

studies. Although the majority of studies controlled for age compulsory (such as walking to school, chores/work) and this
in their analysis, some studies did not. Studies with a narrow type of activity is included within the accelerometer/pedom-
age range do not necessarily need to control for chrono- eter derived physical activity variables. It is possible decisions
logical age, however, other studies with wider chronological to disengage from physical activity might be more apparent
ages should include age as a covariate in their analysis if in self-reported measures than device measures because of
they wish to comment on the influence of maturity timing. the incidental, compulsory activity that the accelerometers/
For example, the studies that did not control for age in their pedometers are assessing. However, it did appear that, at
analysis most commonly reported unadjusted bivariate corre- least in boys, there were slightly more studies that showed
lations, making it impossible to discern whether this associ- an inverse association between biological maturity and phys-
ation was due to an increase in chronological or biological ical activity when using devices compared with question-
age. Though in our case, when we removed the 13 studies naires. Lastly, a known disadvantage of questionnaires
that did not control for age in their analysis, the proportion surrounds bias due to social desirability. It is possible that
of studies reporting inverse, positive, or no associations did early-maturing girls, in particular, maybe more prone to this
not change. Similarly, when we only included studies with bias because of a tendency for greater fat mass, lower body
“high” quality, the proportion of studies reporting inverse, satisfaction, and lower self-esteem (Susman and Rogol 2004).
positive, or no associations did not change. We strongly urge Arguably, a true understanding of the relationship
future authors that aim to assess the relationship between between maturation and physical activity resides in the sim-
biological maturity and physical activity or sedentary behav- ultaneous and interactive effects of biological, psychosocial,
iours to consider limiting the age range, using maturity cate- behavioural, and cultural factors. The processes of growth
gories or z-scores, or control for age in their analyses. and maturation do not exist in social and/or cultural vacuum
The associations between maturation, physical activity, and the physical, morphological, and functional changes that
and sedentary behaviours may also vary relative to the accompany these processes have important stimulus value
nature of the sample studied. In accordance with the early for both the individual and society. That is, how an individual
maturation hypothesis, those studies reporting the strongest
perceives the changes associated with growth and matur-
associations among maturation, physical activity, and seden-
ation and the reactions and evaluations of others is as, if not
tary behaviour in girls have focussed upon individuals at the
more, important than the change itself. For example, a girl
extremes of the maturity continuum (i.e. the most vs least
who matures early but perceives maturation as a natural and
mature girls within each school year). It is possible that
positive consequence of progress towards adulthood and
being on-time or slightly advanced and/or delayed in matur-
not as a barrier towards activity may be less likely to become
ation has limited bearing upon one’s physical activity or sed-
inactive during this stage of their development. Similarly, an
entary behaviour. Rather it is the adolescents at the extreme
early maturing girl growing up in a society or culture where
ends of the maturity continuum that are most likely to vary
physical activity is valued who feels accepted and supported
in their physical activity or sedentary behaviour. In support
by her peers, family, and/or teachers may be just as likely to
of this contention girls at the extreme ends of the maturity
remain active through puberty as her late maturing peers. To
continuum also demonstrate markedly greater variation in
better understand the complex and dynamic nature of these
physical self-concept, with the most mature girls reporting
associations it is imperative that researchers adopt a biocul-
lower perceptions of physical attractiveness, physical condi-
tioning, sports competence, and physical self-worth com- tural perspective and a more holistic approach to the study
pared with later maturing peers (Cumming et al. 2011). of adolescent growth and development. As such, a number
Future research should seek to further examine the extent to of included studies presented potential mediation models,
which maturity associated variance in physical activity and describing the direct and indirect relationship between bio-
other health-related behaviours and constructs vary relative logical maturity and physical activity (Davison et al. 2007;
to the maturity continuum in boys and girls. Cumming et al. 2011; Hunter Smart et al. 2012; Jackson et al.
The number of studies that do not show an association 2013; Pindus et al. 2014; Lee, An, et al. 2016; Lee et al. 2017;
could also be because device-measured physical activity Werneck, Silva, et al. 2018; Steppan et al. 2019; Voskuil et al.
measures any minute of activity and thus all types of activity 2019), sedentary behaviours (Lee, An, et al. 2016; Lee et al.
including sporadic, lifestyle embedded activity. If the disen- 2017), and sports participation (Werneck, da Silva, et al.
gagement from activity that is associated with biological 2018). These models consider the direct and indirect medi-
maturity is a decision, an option to drop out, then this may ated effects of biological maturity on movement behaviours.
be identified via self-reported measures of physical activity In future, those studying the effects of maturation on phys-
as the questionnaires tend to collect information on pur- ical activity and sedentary behaviour in youth would benefit
poseful bouts of more organised activity that can be recalled. from framing their research within contemporary theories of
Devices on the other hand, such as accelerometers or ped- adolescent development that recognise the potential for
ometers, collect total physical activity (including very short these direct and indirect effects of maturation upon adoles-
bouts such as 15 or 30 s) of moderate-to-vigorous physical cent behaviour (Cumming et al. 2012b). The context amplifi-
activity (MVPA). In children and adolescents, we know that cation hypothesis (Kretschmer et al. 2014), for example,
much of the activity is derived from incidental or lifestyle assumes that the effects of biological maturation upon
embedded physical activity which could be considered more health-related and risk-taking behaviours will be greater in

social contexts that provide limited supervision and support Conclusion

for the child.
This review demonstrates evidence that early biological mat-
The relationship between sedentary behaviour and bio-
uration may be a risk factor for disengagement from physical
logical maturity has been less well studied. This review iden-
activity and an increase in sedentary behaviours in boys and
tified 20 studies that assess this relationship. It is now
girls. Future research that tracks maturity-related variations in
accepted that sedentary behaviour and physical inactivity are
movement behaviours (i.e. physical activity and sedentary
distinct behaviours and a child can be both active and sed-
behaviours) over the adolescent period is warranted.
entary (Saunders et al. 2014), and as a child ages, they
become more sedentary (van Ekris et al. 2020). However, the
mechanism by which biological maturity may impact seden- Acknowledgements
tary behaviour is not well understood. We know that bio-
The authors thank Mr. Duncan Dixon, M.Ed., M.L.I.S. for his tremendous
logical maturity is associated with enhanced weight (and in assistance in developing the comprehensive search strategy. The authors
particular fatness in girls) (Davison et al. 2003; Kaplowitz acknowledge Dr. Natalie Pearson, Ph.D., for her assistance in adopting
2008). Fat mass and weight status are correlates of sedentary and modifying the quality screening tool.
behaviour, including screen time, among adolescents
(Salmon 2011). Likewise, scant literature does suggest that
Disclosure statement
early biological maturity may be a risk factor for poor mental
health (Galvao et al. 2014). Furthermore, higher amounts of No potential conflict of interest was reported by the author(s).
sedentary behaviour have a small but consistent negative
effect on mental health including higher levels of depressive ORCID
symptoms (Maras et al. 2015) and lower self-esteem (Russ
et al. 2009). It is likely that a combination of social, psycho- Sarah A. Moore
Sean P. Cumming
logical, and physical changes that occur with biological Joey C. Eisenmann
maturity may underlie any association with sedentary behav- Adam D. G. Baxter-Jones
iour (Lee, An, et al. 2016; Lee et al. 2017) and warrants fur- Stefan A. Jackowski
ther research. Lauren B. Sherar

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