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Places in town 3 Complete the text with places from

Exercise 1.
1 Put the letters in order to make nine places
in town. Write the words under the correct

astek akpr bolwgin lyela ptsosr nterce

nameic ftolobla usdatim karp
hposgnip ecentr kamert sumume

My town is really boring! The only thing we can do is

go to the 1 park , but we don’t enjoy it in the
rain. We haven’t got a 2 , so I can only
1 cinema 2 3 watch films on TV or online. There’s a street
on Fridays in the town square, but I’m
at school, of course. We haven’t got a 4 ,
so, for things like new jeans or trainers, I need to
go to another town by bus. There’s a 5
with a swimming pool, but it’s quite expensive. My
friends and I play on our skateboards in the street,
4 5 6 so we’re asking for a 6 , but I think it's
impossible. When I’m bored, my mum always says
the same: ‘Visit the Pencil 7 , it’s free and
it’s interesting.’ For her, maybe, but do you want to
know the history of PENCILS? I don’t!

4 Where do you go in your free time?

7 8 9 Complete the sentences.
I love going to the Saturday market. The clothes
2 Where can you do these things? Write are great .
places from Exercise 1.
I go to every week.
1 watch a football match or see a concert
I like going to .
football stadium I never go to .
2 buy some new jeans (2 places) I usually go to
at the weekend.
3 see a film The is expensive.
4 go swimming or do a yoga class I sometimes go to in
another town.
5 go on a school trip to look at historical objects

6 practise jumps on a skateboard

60 Unit 7
Grammar 1
was/were 4 Complete the questions with was or
were. Then write short answers.
1 Circle the correct words in the grammar 1 Were The Beatles popular in the 1960s?
table. Yes, they were.
2 Buzz Lightyear the first man on the
1 I, He, She, it was / were there.
2 You, We, They was / were there.
3 the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing?
3 He wasn’t / weren’t there.
4 Was you / Were you there? 4 there supermarkets in ancient
2 Read the blog. Circle the correct words. 5 there internet in 1950?

6 Penélope Cruz in the Bond film


5 1.14 Listen and write the
Until recently, in Stratford, east London, the river 6
was / were dirty and the buildings 2 was / were
old and empty. It 3 wasn’t / weren’t a nice place. 6 Complete the questions with was or
But in 2012 Stratford 4 was / were the home of were. Then write the answers for you.
the London Olympics. We 5 was / were surprised 1 Where were you yesterday afternoon at
because Stratford 6 was / were completely three o’clock? I was at home.
different. The Olympic Park 7 was / were new and
2 What your favourite TV
green, and I 8 was / were very excited!
programme when you small?

3 How many people there in your

there was / there were class at primary school?
4 How old you in 2011?
3 Complete the sentences with the correct
form of there was or there were. 5 What your favourite song last year?
1 In 2012 there were big celebrations in London
for the Olympics. ✓ 6 there a children’s park in
2 Before the Olympics any modern your town when you small?
buildings in Stratford. ✗
3 a lot of interesting things at the
museum. ✓ 7 Write a Fact Quiz in your notebook.
Write questions and answers like the ones in
4 a sports centre for young people
in my village until recently. ✗ Exercise 4. Use was and were.
5 an important match at the Was Pompeii in ancient Greece? No, it wasn’t.
football stadium on Sunday. ✓
6 many people at the new
shopping centre. ✗

Unit 7 61

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