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MARKS: 100
This section contains 20 multiple choice questions. Each question has 4 options (1), (2), (3) and (4) for its
answer, out of which ONLY ONE option can be correct.
Marking scheme: +4 for correct answer, 0 if not attempted and -1 if not correct.
1. The antenna current of an AM broadcast transmitter which is modulated by 50% is 11
A. The carrier current is

1) 9.25 A 2) 22 A 3) 10.3 A 4) 5.5 A

2. A 0.5 kg ball moving with a speed of 12 ms 1 strikes a hard wall at an angle of 30 0 with
the wall. It is reflected with the same speed at the same angle. If the ball is in contact
with the wall for 0.25 s, the average force acting on the wall is

1) 96 N 2) 48 N 3) 24 N 4) 12 N

3. If first excitation potential of hydrogen – like atom is V electron volt, then the
ionization energy of this atom will be

1) V electron volt 2) electron volt

3) electron volt 4) cannot be calculated by given information

4. A liquid is kept in a cylindrical vessel which is rotated along its axis. The liquid rises at
its sides. If the radius of the vessel is 0.05 m and the speed of rotation is 2 rev s 1 , the
difference in the height of liquid at the centre of the vessel and its sides is

1) 0.001 m 2) 0.002 m 3) 0.01 m 4) 0.02m

5. A car moves uniformly along a horizontal sine curve y  a sin  x /   , where a and  are
certain constants. The coefficient of friction between the wheels and the road is equal to
k. The maximum constant speed at which the car can travel without sliding is

kg kg  
1)  2)  3) kg 4) kg
a a a a
6. In two setups of Young’s double – slit experiment, if lights used have the ratio of
wavelengths as 1 : 2, then fringes of equal width are observed. If the ratio of slit
separation is 2 : 1 then the ratio of the distance between slit and screen  D1 : D2  will be

1) 1 : 1 2) 1 : 4 3) 2 : 1 4) 4 : 1

7. The bob of a pendulum is released from a horizontal position A as shown in the figure.
If the length of the pendulum is 1.5 m, what is the speed with which the bob arrives at
the lowermost point B, given that it dissipated 5% of its initial energy against air

1) 5 m s 1 2) 5.5 m s 1 3) 5.3 m s 1 4) 4.4 m s 1

8. What should be the velocity of an electron so that its momentum becomes equal to that
of a photon of wavelength 5200 A ?
1) 700 m s 1 2) 1000 m s 1 3) 1400 m s 1 4) 2800 m s 1
9. A bulb is rated at 100V, 100W, it can be treated as a resistor. Find out the inductance of
an inductor (called choke coil) that should be connected in series with the bulb to
operate the bulb at its rated power with the help of an ac source of 200 v and 50 Hz.

 2 3
1) H 2) 100 H 3) H 4) H
3  

10. A closed pipe of length 22 cm, when excited by a 1875 Hz source forms standing
waves. The number of pressure nodes formed in the pipe are (velocity of sound in air =
330 m s 1 )

1) 1 2) 2 3) 4 4) 3
11. The magnetic field at P in the arrangement shown is

0i  1  2 0 i
1) 1   2) 
2 d  2 2 d

0i 0i  1 
3)  4) 1  
2 d 2 2 d  2

12. Two large identical plates are placed in front of each other at x = d and x = 2d as shown
in the figure. If charges on plates are Q and  5Q, the potential versus distance graph
for the region x = 0 and x = 3d is: (d is very small and potential at x = 0 is V0)

1) 2)

3) 4)
13. Dimensional formula of magnetic flux is

1)  ML2T 2 A1  2)  ML0T 2 A2  3)  M 0 L2T 2 A3  4)  ML2T 2 A3 

14. A uniform disc of mass M and radius R is supported vertically by a pivot at its
periphery as shown. A particle of mass M is fixed to the rim and raised to the highest
point above the centre. The system is released from rest and it can rotate about pivot
freely. The angular speed of the system when it attached object is directly beneath the
pivot, is

24 g 8g 8g 14 g
1) 2) 3) 4)
11R 11R 3R 3R

15. A piece of ice falls from a height h so that it melts completely. Only one – quarter of
the heat produced is absorbed by the ice and all energy of ice gets converted into heat
during its fall. The value of h is (Latent heat of ice is 3.4 105 J kg 1 and g =10 N kg 1 )

1) 34 km 2) 544 km 3) 136 km 4) 68 km

16. 80 kg of a radioactive material reduces to 10 kg in 1h. The decay constant of the

material is

1) 5.80 104 s 1 2) 1.16 103 s 1 3) 2.32 103 s 1 4) 4.64 103 s 1

17. Image of an object approaching a convex mirror of radius of curvature 20 m along its
25 50
optical axis is observed to move from m to m in 30s. If the object is moving
3 7
uniformly, then its speed is
1) 3 km h 1 2) 4 km h 1 3) 5 km h 1 4) 6 km h 1
18. A large flat metal surface has a uniform charge density    . An electron of mass m and

charge  leaves the surface at the point A with speed u and returns to it at point B.
Disregarding gravity the maximum value of AB is

4u 2 m 0 u 2  0 2 0 mu 2 u 2
1) 2) 3) 4)
 m   0 .m

19. A gas is heated in such a way that its pressure and volume both becomes double. Then

by decreasing temperature, some of the molecules of air has been added in a container

to maintain the doubled volume and pressure. Assuming 1 4 th of the initial number of

moles has been added in for the purpose. What is the ratio of the final temperature to

the original initial temperature?

16 4 1
1) 4 times 2) times 3) times 4) times
5 5 5

20. A body executes S.H.M of period 20 seconds. Its velocity is 5 cm s 1 , 2 seconds after it

has passed the mean position. Find the amplitude of the bob

 cos 36 0
 0.809 

1) 21.45 cm 2) 16. 56 cm 3) 19. 67 cm 4) 15. 34 cm

(Numerical Value Answer Type)
This section contains 10 questions. The answer to each question is a Numerical value. If the numerical value has
more than two decimal places, Truncate/Round-off the value of Two decimal places. Have to Answer
any 5 only out of 10 questions and question will be evaluated according to the following marking scheme:
Marking scheme: +4 for correct answer, 0 in all other cases.
21. A ball is dropped from height 5 m. What is the time (in seconds) after which ball stops
rebounding if the coefficient of restitution between ball and ground e  ?

22. Two cells having internal resistance 0.2  and 0.4  are connected in parallel with the
same polarity. The voltage across the battery terminals is 1.5V. If the emf of the first
cell is 1.2 V, then what is the emf of the second cell (in volt)

23. An astronomical telescope has objective and eyepiece of focal lengths 40 cm and 4 cm
respectively. To view an object 200 cm away from the objective, at what distance the
lenses must be separated (in cm)?

24. A planet is revolving around the sun in an elliptical orbit having eccentricity e    . If
4  

the time period of revolution is 16 months then find the time taken by the planet in
going from A to B in months

25. 1.56 105 J of heat is conducted through is 2 m2 wall of 12 cm thick in one hour. The

temperature difference between the two sides of the wall is 20 0C. What is the thermal
conductivity of the material of the wall (in W m1 K 1 )
26. Two blocks of masses 10 kg and 4 kg are connected by a spring of negligible mass and
placed on a frictionless horizontal surface. An impulse gives a velocity of 14 m s 1 to
the heavier block in the direction of the lighter block. The velocity of the center of mass
in m s 1 is 2n, then n =

27. Two wires that are made up of two different materials whose specific resistances are in
the ratio 2: 3, length 3: 4 and area 4: 5. If the ratio of their resistance is , then what is

the value of (a + b), where a and b are the smallest positive integers?

28. If the rms value of the voltage of the waveform shown below is V, then what is the

value of  p  q  ? (p and q are the smallest positive integers)

29. In a meter Bridge experiment resistance x is connected in the right gap. When R 1 and
R2 are connected in the left gap separately the balance points are 40 cm and 50 cm
respectively from the left end. Now if both R 1 and R2 are connected in series in the left
gap with x in the right gap then what will be the new balance point from the left end (in

30. Cobalt – 57 is radioactive, emitting  - particles. The half – life for this is 270 days. If
100 mg of this is kept in an open container, then what mass (in mg) of Cobalt – 57 will
remain after 540 days?
This section contains 20 multiple choice questions. Each question has 4 options (1), (2), (3) and (4) for its
answer, out of which ONLY ONE option can be correct.
Marking scheme: +4 for correct answer, 0 if not attempted and -1 if not correct.
31. Name the end product in the following series of reactions.

NH 3 heating 1 P2O5 / 
 2 LiAlH 4

1) Aniline 2) P-methyl Aniline 3) Benzamide 4) Benzyl amine

32. N2 and O2 are converted to monopositive cations N 2 and O2 respectively. Which set is
having correct statements?
A) N 2 becomes diamagnetic
B) Change in bond order is same in both cases.
C) Magnetic behavior changed in case of N 2 and no change in case of O2
D) Bond order is same in N 2 and O2
1) A,B,C,D 2) B,D 3) C,D 4) B,C,D
33. In a sample of hydrogen atom in ground state, electrons make transition from ground
state to a particular excited state, where path length is four times of debrogie
wavelength. Electrons make back transition to the ground state producing all possible

Velocity of electron in final state in the above sample of hydrogen atom is

2.18 106 2.18 106 2.18 106
1) m/s 2) m/s 3) m/s 4) None of these
4 8 2

34. The thermal dissociation equilibrium of NH 4 HS  s  is studied under different

NH 4 HS  s  NH3  g   H 2 S  g 

For this equilibrium, the correct statement(s) is/are:

A) K eq is depends on temperature

B) K eq is independent on the initial amount of NH4 HS  s  .

C) K p is dependent on the partial pressures of NH3  g  and H 2 S  g  at a given


D) If the pressure of NH 3 is increased at equilibrium then pressure of H 2 S decreases at

a given temperature.

1) A& C only 2) A,B & D only 3) B & C only 4) All ABCD

35. Consider that a d 6 metal ion  M 2  forms a complex with aqua ligands and the spin

only magnetic moment of the complex is 4.90 BM. The geometry and the crystal field
stabilization energy of the complex is (P = Pairing energy)

1) Octahedral 2.4 0  2P 2) Tetrahedral and 0.6 t

3) Octahedral and 1.6  0 4) Tetrahedral and 1.6 t  1P

36. In Carius method of estimation of halogen, 0.172g of an organic compound showed

presence of 0.08g of bromine. Which of these is the correct structure of the compound?
CH 3

NH 2 Br

1) CH3  CH 2  Br 2) 3) 4) CH3  Br

Br Br

37. In general the property (magnitudes only) that shows an opposite trend in comparison
to other properties across a period is :

1) Ionization enthalpy 2) Electronegativity

3) Electron gain enthalpy 4) Atomic radius

38. Which of the following is used for the preparation of colloids?
1) Ostawald process 2)Van Arkel Method
3) Bredig’s Arc Method 4) Mond Process
39. An aqueous solution contains 0.10 M H 2 S and 0.20 M HCl . If the equilibrium constant
for the formation of HS  from H 2 S is 1.0 107 and that of S 2 from HS  ions is
1.2  1013 then the concentration (M) of S 2 ions in aqueous solution is

1) 6 1021 2) 5 1019 3) 5 108 4) 3 1020

40. Terylene (Dacron) is the polyester of
1) Hexamethylendiamine and adipic acid
2) Vinyl chloride and formaldehyde
3) melamine and formaldehyde
4) Ethylene glycol and terepthalic acid
41. The number of structural isomers for C6 H14 is:
1) 3 2) 4 3) 5 4) 6
42. In the reaction sequence

2CH 3CHO 
 A   B; the product B is:

1) CH3  CH 2  CH 2  CH 2  OH 2) CH3  CH  CH  CHO

3) CH 3  C  CH 3 4) CH3  CH 2  CH 2  CH3

43. Match the catalysts Column-I with products Column-II

Catalyst Product
A) V2O5 (i) Polyethene
B) TiCl4 / Al  Me 3 (ii) ethanol
C) PdCl2 (iii) H 2 SO4
D) Iron oxide (iv) NH 3
1)  A  iii  ;  B   i  ; C   ii  ;  D   iv  2)  A  ii  ;  B   iii  ; C   i  ;  D   iv 
3)  A  iv  ;  B   iii  ; C   ii  ;  D   i  4)  A  iii  ;  B   iv  ; C   i  ;  D   ii 
44. Which of the following alkanes cannot be produced by Kolbe electrolysis of sodium or
potassium salts of carboxylic acids?

1) Methane 2) Ethane 3) Butane 4) Hexane

55. Consider the reaction

X is?

1) 2)

3) 4)

46. Half life of a first order reaction:

A  aq.  2B  aq. is 40 min at 27 0 C and 20 min at 37 0 C . The activation energy of

reaction is  In2  0.7, R  2.0 cal mol 1K 1 

1) 19530 cal/mol 2) 13020 cal/mol

3) 26040 cal/mol 4) 6510 cal/mol

47. Which of the following is a wrong statement?

1) The value of dissolved oxygen in polluted water is <4 ppm

2) COD gives the measure of organic pollution of water

3) COD value determination is based on chemical oxidation of organic substances

4) If BOD of a river is high, it means the river is not polluted

48. In the reaction sequence:

CH 3 MgBr CO2 H 2 Pd  BaSO4

CH 3  C  C  H A 
B C,
H 2O / H

C will be

1) 2)

3) 4)

49. Ammonium chloride crystallizes in a body centered cubic lattice with edge length of
unit cell equal to 387 pm. If the size of Cl  ion is 181 pm, the size if NH 4 ion would be

1) 116 pm 2) 154 pm 3) 174 pm 4) 206 pm

50. Which of the following is a pyrosilicate.

1) Sc2 Si2O7 2) Zn2 SiO4 3) Ca2 Si3O9 4) Be3 Al2 Si6O18

(Numerical Value Answer Type)
This section contains 10 questions. The answer to each question is a Numerical value. If the numerical value has
more than two decimal places, Truncate/Round-off the value of Two decimal places. Have to Answer
any 5 only out of 10 questions and question will be evaluated according to the following marking scheme:
Marking scheme: +4 for correct answer, 0 in all other cases.
51. How many of the following ores are oxide ores?

Haematite, Limonite, Magnetite, Magnesite, Cuprite, Argentite, Bauxite, Sphalerite,

Zincite, Galena, Cassiterite, Malachite, Azurite, Diaspore

52. How many moles of phenyl hydrazine is used to form osazone from one mole of
glucose ?

53. A sample of hydrocarbon C x H y on complete combustion give 88 gm CO2 and 54

gm H 2O .

If vapour density of hydrocarbon is 15, then calculate  x  y 

Fill your answer as sum of digits (excluding decimal places) till you get the single digit

54. How many statement are correct?

a) Chloramphenicol gives characterstic colour with neutral FeCl3

b) Penicillin gives positive test with NaHCO3

c) Merprobamate and chlorodiazepoxide relatively mild tranqulizers, suitable for

relieving tension.

d) Brompheniramine and Terfenadine are antihistamines.

55. In Na  , Mg 2 , Al 3 , O2 , F  , Cl  atoms. If x atoms have more radius as compared to Al 3

then find ?
56. Identify number of substituents, those are deactivating but ortho and para directing.

57. Chlorine reacts with hot and concentrated NaOH and produces compounds(X) and (Y).
Compound (X) gives white precipitate with silver nitrate solution. The average bond
order between Cl and O atoms in (Y) is.

58. In the cell Pt  s  | H2  g,1bar  | HCl  aq  | AgCl  s  | Ag  s  the standard electrode of potential

of Cl  , AgCl | Ag is 0.20 V at 250 C . What is the cell potential in V when 103 molar HCl

is used?  
 0.06 at 250 C 
 2.303F 

59. Reaction of Br2 with Na2CO3 in aqueous solution gives a combination of sodium
bromide and sodium bromate. What is the number sodium bromide molecules involved
for every molecule of sodium bromate formed.

60. 2R  Cl  Si 
570 k
 R2 SiCl2 , This on hydrolysis gives silandiol. Polymerisation of di-

isopropyl solandiol yields a linear thermoplastic polymer called silicone. What will be
the total number of pi-bonds formed of 50 units of silandiol polymer
This section contains 20 multiple choice questions. Each question has 4 options (1), (2), (3) and (4) for its
answer, out of which ONLY ONE option can be correct.
Marking scheme: +4 for correct answer, 0 if not attempted and -1 if not correct.
61. The value of cot 700  4 cos 700 is

1) 3 2) 2 3 3) 3 4) 1

62. Let N denote the set of all natural numbers and R be the relation on N  N defined by
 a, b R  c, d  if ad  b  c   bc  a  d  , then R is

1) symmetric only 2) reflexive only

3) transitive only 4) an equivalence relation

63. The mean of two samples of sizes 200 and 300 were found to be 25, 10 respectively.
Their standard deviations were 3 and 4 respectively. The variance of combined sample
of size 500 is

1) 64 2) 65.2 3) 67.2 4) 64.2

64. A is a set containing n elements. A subset P1 is chosen, and A is reconstructed by

replacing the elements of P1 . The same process is repeated for subsets P1 , P2 ,....Pm with
m  1. The number of ways of choosing P1 , P2 ,....., Pm so that P1  P2  .....  Pm  A is

1)  2m  1 3)  2m  1 4)  2m  1
mn n n
2) Cm

65. If m is the A.M of two distinct real numbers l and n  l , n  1 and G1 , G2 and G3 are three
geometrical means between l and n , then G14  2G24  G34 equals

1) 4l 2 mn 2) 4lm 2 n 3) 4lmn 2 4) 4l 2 m 2 n 2

66. Consider: Statement-I:  p q    p  q  is a fallacy.

Statement –II :  p  q    q  p  is a tautology

1) Statement –I is true; Statement-II is false

2) Statement –I is false; Statement –II is true

3) Statement –I is true; Statement –II is true; Statement –II is a correct explanation for
Statement –I

4) Statement –I is true; Statement –II is true; Statement –II is not a correct explanation
for Statement –I

67. The equation of the plane through the line of intersection of the planes
2 x  3 y  4 z  7  0 , x  y  z  1  0 and perpendicular to the plane x  5 y  3z  2  0 is

1) 7 x  y  6 z  17  0 2) x  y  6 z  27  0

3) x  2 y  3z  6  0 4) x  2 y  3z  6  0

68. Let f  x  be a polynomial of degree four having extreme values at x  1 and at x  2 . If

 f  x 
lim 1  2   3 , then f  2  is equal to
x 0
 x 

1) -8 2) -4 3) 0 4) 4

a sin x  bx  cx 2  x3
69. If lim exists and finite then which one of the following is false
x 0 2 x 2 log e 1  x   2 x3  x 4

1) a=6 2) a=b 3) c=2 4) c=0

x2n  1
70. If f  x   Lt , then which of the following is correct
n  x2n  1

1) f  x  is continuous for all x

2) f  x  is discontinuous at x  1 only

3) f  x  is continuous for x   1,1 only

4) f  x  is discontinuous at x  1
x  x16  x8  2 x16  3x8  6  dx  c   2x  3x16  6 x8 
18 1  
71. If 24 24
(  ,  are coprime natural

numbers) then the value of      is

1) 51 2) 61 3) 71 4) 81

72. A curve is represented by the equations, x  sec 2 t and y  cot t where t is a parameter. If
the tangent at the point P on the curve where t   4 meets the curve again at the point
Q then PQ is equal to

5 3 5 5 2 5 3 5
1) 2) 3) 4)
2 2 3 2

a b
73. If a and b are two non collinear unit vectors such that a  b  then the value of

 
a ab is equal to

1 1 2 3
1) 2) 3) 4)
4 2 3 4

5 2016 
74. If A   , then the value of det  A2015  5 A2014  equal to
1 403 

1) 5 2) -1 3) 1 4) -2016

75. The point B is the image of A in the line x  y  4  0 and C is the image of B in the line
2 x  y  2  0 . If A  1, 2  then circum diameter of triangle ABC is

1) 12 2) 10 3) 8 4) 5

76. Two circles of unequal radii intersect in two distinct points P and Q. A line through P
cuts 1st circle at A and 2nd circle at B. Let M be the midpoint of AB. If the line MQ
meets the 1st circle at X and the second circle at Z then M divides XZ internally in the
ratio. (X and Z are different from Q)

1) 1: 1 2) 1: 4 3) 3: 4 4) 1: 2
77. Radius of the circle touching the parabola y 2  4 x at the point P, which is the upper end
of the latusrectum, and passing through its focus is

1) 1 2) 2 3) 3 4) 2
f a f a
xg  x 1  x   dx and I 2   g  x 1  x  dx,
78. If f  x   , I1   then the value of is
1  ex f a f a

1) -1 2) -2 3) 2 4) 1

79. An ellipse with foci  2, 4 , 14,9  touches x  axis then its eccentricity is

13 1 2 7
1) 2) 3) 4)
313 313 313 313

80. If the point z  1  i 1  2i  ....1  10i  lies on a circle with centre at origin and radius r ,

then r 2 

1) 10! 2) 2  3 4 .... 40 3) 2  5 10 ....101 4)11!

(Numerical Value Answer Type)
This section contains 10 questions. The answer to each question is a Numerical value. If the numerical value has
more than two decimal places, Truncate/Round-off the value of Two decimal places. Have to Answer
any 5 only out of 10 questions and question will be evaluated according to the following marking scheme:
Marking scheme: +4 for correct answer, 0 in all other cases.
81. For k  1, 2,3 the box Bk contains k red balls and  k  1 white balls. Let
1 1 1
P  B1   , P  B2   , P  B3   . A box is selected at random and a ball is drawn from it.
2 3 6
If a red ball is drawn, then the probability that it has come from box B2 is where l 

If 1  x  x 2  x3    ak x k then
15 7

82. 2k 
k 0 k 0

The number of real roots of  7  4 3   

x 8 x 8
83  74 3  14 is
If the system of equations :  k  1 x   k  2  y   k  3 ;  k  1 x   k  2  y  k  3; x  y  1 is
3 3 3
consistent, then the value of k is

df  x 
85. Let y'  x   y  x  g '  x   g  x  g '  x  , y  0  0, x  R, where f '  x  denotes , and g  x  is

a given non-constant differentiable function on R with g  0  g  2  0 , Then the value

of y  2  is

86. The number of arrangements that can be made out the letters of the word ‘MISSISSIPI’
so that all the S’s come together and all I’s do not come together is

13 13  23 13  23  33
87. The sum of first 9 terms of the series    ..... is
1 1 3 1 3  5

88. The distance of the point 1,0, 2 from the point of intersection of the line
x  2 y 1 z  2
  and the plane x  y  z  16 , is
3 4 2

89. PQR is a triangular park with PQ  PR  200m . A T.V tower stands at the mid-point of

QR. If the angles of elevation of the top of the tower at P, Q and R are respectively
450 ,300 and 300 , then the height of the tower (in m) is

90. If  x  stands for the greatest integer function, then

1 1  1 2   1 999 
 2  1000    2  1000   ....   2  1000  

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