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ziltrft Trur RiE M+qrrq, ttr

Chaudhary Charan Singh University, Meerut

q-*io: qttrsq uftei (ft-we-q-zozt) / S 6q e

ffi6: i8.o1.2o22
rrrrw rg.rT{ rerfuqroqZ{i{errc,
ffi zrqur ffi M+ur+o,
t-rs t

ftqq : ffi€ild-q d qa zozt-zz fr @ 2021 d on-+q-{ d vr.e-ar t

ertq{,\ 3r.rrrd o-qrcT fu qfrm {{frfr fu-6 os.o1.2o2z d qE rrcqt oo fr ftrS .rt d eEvrc-q q trq
f+Y-qfrsroq of AEq fiT<r qtrtrIKr-o q t=Kr-o vften 1u.n"rut.Sc./M.Com./M.Sc. (Home sc.)/M.Sc. (Ag.)-lst & lllrd
Semester (For Main/Ex. & Back Paper), LLB.- lst, lllrd & Vth Semester, LLM. - lst, lllrd Semester, B.Sc. (Ag.) lst, lllrd,
Vth & Vllth Semester (For Main/Ex. & Back Paper) OaII B.Sc. (Home Science) & B.Sc. Home Science (Clinical Nutrition
& Dietetics) lst, lllrd & Vth Semester (For Main/Ex. & Back Paper) (WenrrO) (EWW<-zozr) R-tri-O 01-02.2022 qNoT t
ocr} "n-'\ @r ffsfuqr .rqr B t

se( qfreir fi T{dflfa qften ortrmq Maqrf,q at ffi w {s enq-q t{
s[fcre{ qxErr qT !-dr fu srq qfrm ord-f,q t
orqi reftqeq/riqeilc d vrqra qft&il-EHi qrqf, ET{ q{ d
3t-{rr-f, 6{rin atnT Efrfr-dfl oEi or a-q 6{ | sffi qfreTr oldinq of$ rffir{ qR sifu-a d qfreil t
fum ot t
sftq 3rqrn ovri or oq 6{ 1

€d.{6 - sqn-ffir5rrri I

ile ,- sqqftflr,
ffiq :- tkdfi q-6r-qffi o.)fuc-rg t HqRrd \q-rrfir srFr{rrfi srqqrfut oT qJqterT 6-$II oif r


qfrfufr fqprfufuo af WcrPf gi sTrsrqo orffi fu iko :-
01 r+q*o aqrqrtner/lTTqqo ZqRs zi-qlqeT-frq-q d+{e{ rfrer (ft-wqq-zozr), dhrft qsq
qft{n, t{d o) rp++ef qq 3lrq{Tn offi fu nBo I

02. rrfu{ qoqft oJ qro q_dqRr fr d q++ef r

03. Mlao {16114r, sfr e-dqR o} qo qfr eeqfr fr d i1++ef t

04. m<ro {r6ru'fi, e-d-tr,,Es o) e-d-flfr-s ffi d ia++ef t

05. d-qFtoo {16rro, qfteil ft{iTfi o) qfrerT frlbrfi ffi d qa-cref t

06. qtn{i-erfr rffiq fuTFI dr qften ot-fmq o1 sM vrtro t

07 vrao eowfu-q/wnfr (offi qal o\ qfreTr ortr*-q 01 qfui ntro t

OB qrnfi-{iqToq/sf,{ gRirmT 3rJrnrI, o'r i1a-+ef t

09 yrntr-ffi geren frrnrl o\ qs fr+vr d vrrer fu sv{-il qfren ortrm-q @) riqfltrf, ord gv, qfreTr3Tt t
wEltlo nq-r< qfterr rrFffi T{qifta q-erMr o} rr.rq tt sqf,el o-{ri o1 qfleIT EfrR-qd o-f I

10 q'lno-@Eq-{
d< t

11 qqrfi-Mqroq Mz o) gq' 3r5tq d r+s fu gr+r s-<fi-d qfrflr ortrm-q @) Mz q{ B-q.fel o-{rqT
qr;n tlfttr+o ott
12. fusfr-€Trdq [E-dIs d<7v1++ u-e t

13. M*orcrq fqr qrmr I

\'ffi .nrffi fu nfro

14. M*qrcfq srEe(
'15. nr.d sT{-d-"vftrr ortrm-q"
ra+<ref gs snsr{o t


Chaudha C haran Sinq h U n iversitv. Meerut

Examination Programme for M.A,/M.Sc./M.Com./M.Sc. (Home Sc.)/M.Sc. (Ag.)
Only lllrd Semester (For Main/Ex. & Back paper)
For All Affiliated Colleges & University Campus, December - 2021
Date & Day sh ift - r Time 10:00 A.M. To 11:30 A.M. shift - Time 01:00 P.M. To 02;30 P.M.
CIass Code No. Paper Name C lass Code No. Paper Name
01.Feb-2022 lV.Sc. (Botany) H-3001 Plant - Soil - Water relations. M.A. (Education) G -3002 Educational lvleasurement and
Tuesday GroMh and Develo pment Evaluation
[i].Sc. (Chemistry) H-3007 Photochemistry l\4.A. (Economics) G-3006(Otd) Public Finance
U.Sc.(Physics) H-3027 Condensed lvlatter P hysics M.A. (Economics) G-3006(New) Public Economics
lV.Sc. (Statistics) H-3032 lnference - ll: lnternal Estimation, [iI.A. (English) G-3012(Ord) Victorian Fiction and Prose
Sequential Analysis & Non-
Parametric lnference
[.4.A.&M.Sc.(Maths) G & H-3049 Numerical Analysis M.A (English) G-3012(New) English Phonetics and Linguistics
(new course2014-15)
M.Sc. (Zoology) H-3062 Chordata M.A.&[r.Sc.(Geography) G&H-3018 Recent lssues in Geography
M.Sc. (Home Sc.) u-31 10 Textile testing and quality control N,4.A. (Hindi) G-3025(Ord) Adhunik Kavya (Chhayavad
ftil.Sc. (Home Sc.) v-31 18 Clinical & Therapeutic Nutrition [.4.A. (Hindi) G-3025(New) Adhunik Kavya (Chhayavad
M.Sc. (Home Sc.) w-3125 Advance Housing and lnterior N/].A. (Home Sc.) G-3030 Therapeutic Nutrition
Desi gn
N,4.Sc. (Ag.) J-3005 Principles and Practices of weed lvl.A. (History) G-3037(Ord) History of Ancient lndia (From
J\.4anagement Earliest times to 600 B.C.E.)
M.Sc. (Ag.) J-3011 Chemistry of l\rilk Products N/.A. (History) G-3037(New) History of Medieval lndia (Till 1526
lvl. Sc. J-3021 Topics in Plant Breeding [I.A. (Philosophy) G-3045 Contemporary lndian PhilosophV
M.Sc. (Ag.) J-3041 Agricultural Finance & Co- M.A. (Urdu) G-3062(Ord) Urdu Nazm
M.Sc J-3031 Plant Bio-chemistry - ll M.A. (Urdu) G-3062(New) Urdu Nazm
M.Sc. (Ag.) J-3061 Fundamentals of Fruit Production M.A. (Political Sc.) G-3070(Ord) Public Administration

[4.Sc. (Ag.) J-3051 Diffusion and Adoption of M.A. (Political Sc.) G-3070(New) Western Political Thought
t\ r-3001(ord) JManagement Accounting M.A. (Psychology) G-3077 Health Psycholoqy


Shift I (Time 10:00 A.M. To 11:30 A.MJ rnlTl -ll To 02:30 P.M.)
Date & Day - r Name
Class Code No Paper Name Class Code No
M.Com l-3001(New) Operations Research l\I.A. (Sanskrit) G-3082(Old) Sanskrit Grammar, EssaY &
M.A. (Sanskrit) G-3082(New) Sanhita Nirukt
M.A. (Socioloqy) G-3087(Old) Modern Theories
M.A. (Sociolosy) G-3087(New) Modern ical Theories
M.A. (Def. Studies) c-3095 National SecuritY - |
M.A. (Phy. Edu.) G-318s Sports PsychologY

shift - r (r rme 10:00 A.M. To 11 :30 A.M ) shift - 0 P.M, 30

r Name
Date & Day Pa er Name C lass Code No Pa
C lass Code No.
Ph!.tochemistry and lvletabolism M.A. (Drg. & Ptg.) G-3 000 History of EuroPean Painting
03-Feb-2022 Ni.Sc. (Botany) H- 3002
Classical to earl Renaissance
Th u rsday Educational Guidance an d
M.Sc. (chemistry) H-3008 Spectroscopy M.A. (Education) G-3 00 3
Cou nsellin
M.A. (Economics) G-3007(old) Economics of DeveloPme nt&
Nil. Sc. (P hysics) H-3028 Nuclear and Particle PhYSics
Pla nni
M.A. (Economics) G-3007(New) lnternational Economics
M.Sc. (Statistics) H-3033 Engineering Statistics, Quality
control and Reliabili
M.A. (English) G-3013(Old) Twentieth Century British Poetry
M.A.&N.4.Sc.(Maths) G & H-3050 Complex Analysis
N]lA. (English) c-30'13(New) 2Oth centu British Poet
M.Sc. (Zoology) H-3063 Developmental BiologY
Fashion marketing and M.A.&M.Sc.(GeograPhY) G&H-30'19 lnterdisciplinary Resea rch Methods
M.Sc. (Home Sc.) u-31 1 1
merchandisin (New&Old) and Techn ues
M.A. (Hindi) G-3026(Old) B ha rti aKa ashastra
lvl.Sc. (Home Sc.) v-31 '19 lnstitutional Food Administration
M.A. (Hindi) G-3026(New) Kavyashastra (Bhartiya evm
l\il.Sc. (Home Sc.) w-3126 Advance and Applied Ergonomics
M.A. (Home Sc.) G-30 31 Apparel Design and Construction
M.Sc. (Ag.) J-3006 Agronomy of Fodder, Forage,
[/edicinal and Aromatic C
Elemenlary Food Science M.A. (History) G-3038(Old) History of Ancient lndia(60 O B,C.E
M.Sc. (Ag.) J-3012
to 550c.E
M.A. (History) G-3038(New) History of lvledieval lndia (Till 1526-
NI.Sc. (Ag.) J-3022 Bio-technology in CroP
1707 A.D
lm rovement
M.A. (Philosophy) G-3046 S oct a a nd P o rti ca I P h lo S o
M,SC J-3042 Product ion Resource Economics
M.A. (Urdu) G-3063(Old) lvlass Media
I/.Sc. (Ag.) J-3032 Soil Chemis
NLA. (Urdu) G-3063(New) Mass lvledia
M.A. (Political Sc.) c-3071(Ord) lnternational Politics
M.Sc. (Ag.) J-3062 Breeding of Vegetables &
Ornamental Cro
lvlana ement in Extension M.A. (Political Sc.) G-3071(New) lndian Administration
NI.Sc. (Aq.) J-3052
M.A (Psychology) G-3078 G uidance and Counsellin
l\il.Com r-3002(ord) Financial Mana ement
NI.A. (Sanskrit) G-3083(Old) Lin uistics
M.Com l-3002(New) Research Methodolo
M.A. (Sanskrit) G-3083(New) Dhwani, Vyanjana SthaPan &
ashast Shat Prasthan
M.A. (Sociology) _ G-3088(Old) a nation in Social Science
M.A. (Sociology) G-3088(New) Social Chan e in lndia
NI.A. (Def. Studies) G-3096 lnternational Law-Laws of Peace -

lM.A. (Nilusic) G-3097 History of lndian Music an d other

Technical Terms


shift 01 02:30 P
Date & Day - | 1:30 A.M
Code No.
Class Code No. Paper Name Class
M.A. (Phy. Edu.) G-3186


Sh ift - I (Time 0:00 A.M. To 11:30 A.M.)

1 Shift - lt (Time 01 :00 P.M. To 02:30 P.M.)
Date & Day Class Code No Pa er Name
Ctass Code No. Pa er Name
Plant Ecology and PhytogeograPhY M.A. (Education) G-3004 Teacher Education
17 -Feb-2022 M.Sc. (Botany) H-3003
Analytical Chemistry l\.4 A. (Economics) G-3008(Ord) lndian Economic Policy
Thursday N4.Sc. (Chemistry) H-3009
Any one as per specialization M.A. (Economics) G-3008(New) Financial lnslitutlons and Markets
N/.Sc.(Physics) H-7027 (i) Electronics - Special Paper-l M.A. (English) G-3014(Ord) Twentieth Century British Fiction and
M.Sc.(Physics) H-7028 (ii) Solid State Physics-Special Paper-l [LA. (English) G-3014(New) English Language Teaching and
English in lndia
H-7A29 (D Nuclear Physics- Special Paper-l M.A.&M.Sc.(Geography) G&H-3020 Advanced Geography of Uttar Pradesh
(New&Old) OR
H-7033 (iv) Speckoscopy - Special Paper- tv1.A.&[L Sc. (Geography) G&H-3021(Old) Applied Geography
M.Sc.(Physics) |

NLSc. (Statistics) H-3034 Operations Research - | M.A. (Hindi) G-3027(Ord) Vishistha Rachnakar:
(i) Kabirdas
(ii) Soordas
(iii) Goswami Tulsidas
(iv) Jai Shankar Prasad
(v) Munsi Prem Chand
(vi) Sachhidanand Heeranand
Vatsayayan "Ageya"

M.A. &NI. Sc. (NIaths) G & H-3051 Mathematical Llethods ILA. (Hindi) G-3027(New) Patrakarita - Prashikshan

M.A. (Home Sc.) G-3032 Rural Sociology

l\4.Sc. (Zoology) H-3064 Environmental Biology
Apparel Design and Construction / [/].A (History) G-3039(Ord) History of Ancient lndia and Cultural
Nl.Sc. (Home Sc.) u-3112
Draping and Grading Contacts with South-East Asia (550
c.E.-1200 c.E.)
M.Sc. (Home Sc.) v-3120 Food Processing and TechnologY M.A. (History) G-3039(New) History of Modern lndia
w-3127 spa ce Designing & Landscaping lvl.A. (Philosophy) G-3047 Concepts of Western PhilosophY
M.Sc. (Home Sc.)
J-3007 Soil Conservation and watershed M.A. (Urdu) G-3064(Ord) Special Study (Prose) (Any one of the
M.Sc. (Ag.)
Management Following):
(a) Sir Syed
(b) Prem Chand
(c) [Iaulana Abul Kalam Azad


Shift - | (Time 10:00 A.M. To 11:30 A.M.) Shift - ll (Time 01:00 P.M. To 02:30 P.M.)
Date & Day
Class Code No. Paper Name Class Code No. Paper Name
M.Sc. (Ag.) J-301 3 Condensed & Dried Milks and Dairy By- M A. (Urdu) Special Study (Prose):
products (Any one of the Following)
G-3064(New) (a) Sir Syed
G-3066(New) (b) Prem Chand
G-3067(New) (c) tvlaulana Abul Kalam Azad

M.Sc. (As.) I a6aa

Population and Biometrical Genetics M A (Political Sc.) G-3072(Ord) Politics in lndia

M.A. (PoliticalSc.) G-3072(New) State Politics in lndia

M.Sc. (Ag.) J-3043 Entrepreneurial Skill and New Venture M.A. (Psychology) G-3079 School of Psychology
M.Sc. (Ag.) J-3033 Soil Chemicals and Balance M.A. (Sanskrit) G-3084(Ord) Sanskrit Poetics
Fertilization for Agricultural
M.Sc. (Ag.) J-3063 Fundamentals of Preservation of M.A. (Sanskrit) G-3084(New) Linguistics & Sanskrit Grammer
Horticultural Crops
M.Sc. (As.) J-3053 Rural welfare Programmes M.A. (Sociology) G-3089(Ord) Social.chanqe in lndia
M.Com r-3003(ord) Strategic Management M.A. (Sociology) G-3089(New) Social Problems in lndia
M.Com l-3003(New) Strategic Management M.A. (Def. Studies) G-7095 Disarmament and Arms Control - |

M.A. (Phv Edu ) G-3187 Kinanthropmetry


Date & Day

shifr - r ( Time 10;00 A.M. To 11:30 A.M.) Shift - ll (Time 01r00 P.Ml. To 02:30 P.M.)
C Iass Code No. Paper Name C lass Code No Paper Name
19-Feb-2022 N,4. Sc. (Botany) H-3004 Elementary Biotechnology M.A. (Drs. & Ptg.) G-3001 History of Modern Painting -
Saturday Western (Neo-classism to Cubism)

[i].Sc. (Chemistry) Elective - l(Any one of the [/].A. (Education) G-3005 Educational Technology
M.Sc. (Chemistry) H-3010 (a) Bio-inorganic Chemistry l\,4 A. (Economics) (Any one out of the following)
M.Sc. (Chemistry) H-3011 (b) Bio'organic Chemistry Ni.A. (Economics) G-7006(Otd) (a) lndustrial Economics
M.Sc. (Chemistry) H-3012 (c) Bio-Physical Chemistry lvl.A. (Economics) G-7007(Ord) (b) Economics of lnfrastructure
NLSc.(Physics) (Any one as per specialization) M.A. (Economics) G-7008(Old) (c) Economics of Health &
[i]. Sc. (Physics) H-7030 (i) Eleckonics- Special Paper - ll Nl.A. (Economics) G-7009(Ord) (d) Economics of lnsurance

M.Sc.(Physics) H-7031 (ii) Solid State Physics- Special M.A. (English) Optional Paper (one of the
Paper-ll followinq)
M.Sc.(Physics) H-7032 (iii) Nuclear Physics-Special M.A. (English) G-301s(Ord) (a) English Language Teaching
M.Sc.(Phisics) H-7034 (iv) Spectroscopy - Special Paper N/lA. (English) G-3016(Ord) (b) Translation Studies
[4.Sc. (Statistics) Anv one of the followin q M.A.&Nil.Sc.(Geography) G&H-3022 Ecology and Environment
M.Sc. (Statistics) (a)Decision Theory & Bayesian M.A. (Hindi) G-3028(Ord) Patrakarita - Prashikshan
lnference OR
M.Sc. (Statistics) H-3036 (b) Stochastic Process & Survival [I.A. (Home Sc.) Traditional Textiles & Embroideries
Analysis of lndia
M.A.&N/t.Sc.(N4aths) Optional Papers : (Any one of the M.A. (History) G-3040(Ord) Socio-Economic and Cultural
following) History of Ancient lndia (From
Earliest times to 1200 C.E.)
M.A.&NI.Sc.(NIaths) c & H-3052 lvlecha nics N4.A. (History) G-3041(Ord) Socio-Economic and Cultural
History of Medieval lndia (From
1200 C.E. to 1707 C.E.\
M.A.&M.Sc.(Maths) G & H-3053 Algabraie Coding Theory NI.A. (Philosophy) G-3048 Contemporary Western
Philosophy- |

M.A.&M.Sc.(Maths) G & H-3054 Programming in C and Data M.A. (Urdu) G-3065(Ord) Special Study (Poetry) (Any one of
structure the following):
(a) Meer
(b) Ghalib
(c) lqbal


Date & Day

Sh -l 10:00 A.M. To A.M Shift - ll (Time 01:00 P-M. To 02:30 P.M.)
Class Code No. Paper Name Class Code No Pa
tVl.A.&M.Sc. (lVaths) G & H-3055 It/lathematical Statistics M.A. (Urdu) Special Study (Poetry) (AnY one of
the following):
G-3065(New) (a) Meer
G-3068(New) (b) Ghalib
G-3069(New) (c) lqbal

M.A.&M.Sc.(Maths) G & H-3056 Partial Differential Equations M.A. (Political Sc.) G-3073(Old) Modern lndian Political Thought

M.A.&M.Sc.(Maths) G & H-3057 Lattice Theory M.A. (Psychology) G-3080 lndian Psychology

M.A.&M.Sc.(Maths) G & H-3058 Mathematical Programming M.A. (Sanskrit) G-3086(Ord) Sanskrit Mahakavya

M.Sc. (Zoology) H-3065 Animal Behavior M.A. (Sociology) G-30s0(otd) Works of a Classical /
Contemporary / Modern Sociologist

M.Sc. (Home Sc.) u-31 13 Historic Costumes M.A. (Def. Studies) G-7096 (i) lndian Military History - I OR
M.A. (Def. Studies) G-7097 (ii) Disaster Management - |
M.Sc. (Home Sc.) v-3121 Nutrition for Health & Fitness
M.Sc. (Home Sc.) w-3'128 lndustry Programming and Project M.A. (Music) G-3098 Details study of Ragas and Talas

M.Com r-3004(old) Security Analysis and Portfolio M.A. (Phy. Edu.) G-3188 History and Principles of PhYsical
Management Education


Date & Day

Shift - | (Time 10:00 A.M. To 11:30 A.M.) Shift - ll (Time 01:00 P.M. To 02:30 P.!Q
Class Code No. Paper Name Class Code No Paper Name
21-Feb-2022 M.Sc. (Ag.) J-3008 Orqanic Farming
Monday N/l.Sc. (Aq.) J-30 1 4 Technology of Functional Food
It/.Sc. (Aq.) J-3024 Heterosis and its Exploitation

M.Sc. (Aq.) J-3044 lVlarketing [Vlanagement

M.Sc. (Aq.) J-3034 Soil Bioloqv - |
M.Sc. (Ag.) J-3064 Post Harvest Technology of
Horticultural Crops
M.Sc. (Ag.) J-3054 Extension Administration &


Chaudhary Charan Singh University, Meerut

Examination Programme for B.Sc. (Ag.) For lllrd,Vth & Vllth Semester (For Main/Ex. & Back Paper)
(For All Affiliated Colleges) Dec - 2021
Shift - I (Time 10:00 A.M. To 11:30 A.M.) Shift - ll (Time 01:00 P.M. To 02:30 P.M.)
Date & Day Code No Code No
Paper Name Paper Name

01-Feb-2022Tuesday D-39'1 Cereals, lVlillets and Pulses Crops (Field Crops - l) D-591 Introduction to Plant Biotechnology
02-Feb-2022Wednesday D-791 Rained agriculture Dry Land Forming and water shed
manaqement (ICAR)
03-Feb-2022Thursday D-392 Principles of Plant Breeding D-592 Milk and Milk Processing
04-Feb-2022Friday D-792 Silviculture and agroforesrty agro forestry and special forestry
17 -Feb-2022Thursday D-393 Farm Structures, Power and Machinery D-593 Post Harvest Management of Fruits and Vegetables
18-Feb-2022Friday D-793 Production technology of medicinal aromiatic and spice crops
Plant corps spices medicinal and aroma crops (ICAR)

19-Feb-20225aturday D-394 Environmental Science and Agro Ecology D-594 Crop Pests and lntegrated Pest Management
21-Feb-2022Monday D-794 Management of problems soild and water land
22-Feb-2022Tuesday D-395 Natural Resource Economics and Farm Management D-595 Weed Management
23-Feb-2022Wednesday D-795 Dairy Chemistry and animal nutrition animal nutrition including
fortage and grasses (ICAR)
24-Feb-2022Thursday D-396 Vegetable Production D-596 Crop Diseases and their Management
25-Feb-2022Friday D-796 Computer Application
26-Feb-20225aturday D-397 Elementary Microbiology and Soil Microbiology D-597 Soil Fertility, Fertilizers and lntegrated NutrientrManagement

s6ro qdntrq (qfrffi)
Ch. Charan Singh University, Meerut
Examlnation Scheme of For lllrd & Vth Semester (December-2021)
Main & Back Paper Examination

(i) B.Sc. Home Science Exam code "P"

(ii) B.Sc. Home Science (Clinical Nutrition & Dietetics) Exam Code "T"

Oate & Day Shift - I (Time 10:00 A.M. To 11 :30 A.M.) Shift - ll (Time 01 :00 P.M. To 02:30 P.M.)
Paper Name Code No. Paper Name Code No.
01-Feb-2022 Therapeutic Nutrition P-501
Tuesday Food Service Equipment Layout T-501
02-Fett-2022 Family Dynamics P-301
Wednesday Food Commodities T-301
03-Feb-2022 Human Development - lV P-502
Thursday Advanced Dietetics r-502
04-Feb-2022 Human Development - ll P-302
Friday lvlaternal & Child Nutrition r-302
Community Development P-503
17 -Feb-2022
Thursday Quantity Food Production and T-503
18-Feb-2022 Consumer Economics P-303
Friday Consumer Economics T-303
Family Housing P-504
Saturday Food Toxicology and Food T-504
21-Feb-2l22 Nukitional Bio-chemistry P-304
Monday Nutritional Bio-chemistry T-304
Advanced Clothing Construction P-505
Tuesday Personal Management T-505

23-Feb-2l22 Laundry Science and Finishing o t

Wednesday Fabric
Food Product DeveloPment & T-305
Senso Ana SIS
Nursery School Education P-506
Thursday Food Material Management & Cost T-506
25-Feb-2022 Applied Life Science - | P-306
Friday Applied Life Science - | T-306 rl

w6I0 (qtsr)

Chaudharv Charan Si oh Universitv. Meerut

Examination Programme for LLB & LLM
lllrd & Vth Semester (For Main/Ex' & Back Paper)
For AllAffiliated Colleges & University Campus, December -2021
Shift- l(Time 10:00 A.M. To 11:30 A.M.) Shift - ll (Time 01:00 P.M. To 02:30 P.M.)
Date & Day Class Code No. Paper Name
Class Code No. Paper Name

01-Feb-2022 LLB K-5001 Civil Prodecure Code And Limitation Act LLM L-3001 Constitutionalism And Constitutional Development
Tuesday in lndia
LLM L-3005 Contract - I (General Principles of Contract)
LLIVI L-3009 History and Basic Principles of Criminal Law
02-Feb-2022 LLB K-3001 Family Law - ll (Muslim Law)
03-Feb-2022 LLB K-5002 Law of Crimes-ll (Code of Criminal Procedure LLM L-3002 Comparative And Cooperative Federalism(lndia,
Thursday America And Australia)
LLIVI L-3006 Contract - ll (Specific Contract, Sales of Goods
And Law of Partnership)
LLM L-301 0 Penology And Treatment of Offenders

04-Feb-2022 LLB K-3002 Public lnternational Law

17-Feb-2022 LLB K-5003 Law of Evidence LLM L-3003 Civil And Political Rights:Comparative Study of
Thursday Select constitutions (lndia, USA and U.K.)
LLM L-3007 Company Law
LLIVI L-301 1 Criminolgy and Privileged Class Deviance
18-Feb-2022 LLB K-3003 Administrative Law

Date & Day

Shift - | (Time 10:00 A.M. To 11:30 A.M.) Shift - ll (Time 01:00 P.M. To 02:30 P.M.)
Class Code No Paper Name Class Code No. Paper Name
19-Feb-2022 LLB K-5004 Land Laws(UP) Revenue Code2O06 LLM L-3004 Local Self Government Law
Saturday LLM L-3008 Bankinq Law
LLM L-301 2 General Principles of Tort
21-Feb-2022 LLB K-3004 Law of Property And Easement
22-Feb-2022 LLB K-5005 Draftirrg of Pleading and Conveyancing
Trresdav /l
LLB K-3005 Professional Ethics, Accountability of Lawyers and
Bar Bench Relation /l

dhary C ha ran Sinqh U n iversi tv. Meer ut

Ch au
Examination Programme for M.AJM.Sc./M.Com./M.Sc. (Home Sc.)/M.Sc. (Ag.)
Only lst Semester (For Main/Ex. & Back Paper)
For All Affiliated Colleges & University Campus, Oecember - 2021
Shift - I (Time 10:00 A.M. To 11 :30 A.M.) Shift - ll (Time 0 1:00 P.M. To 02:30 P.M.)
Date & Day Pa er Name
Class Code No Paper Name C lass Code No.

22-Feb-2022 M.Sc. (Botany) H-100'1 Angiosperm Taxonomy, Plant M.A. (Education) Philosophical Foundation of
Tuesd ay Resources and Utilization Education
Ni].Sc. (Chemistry) H-'1007 lnorganic Chemistry - | lil.A. (Economics) G-1006 Micro Economics
[,.Sc.(Physics) H-1027 l\4athematical Physics M.A. (Enqlish) G-1012 Chaucer to Milton
M.Sc. (Statistics) H-1032 Probability Theory NI.A.&M.Sc.(Geography) G&H-1018(Ord) Advanced GeomorphologY

M.A.&[i].Sc.(Maths) G & H-1049 Algebra M.A.&lil.Sc.(Geography) G&H. Geomorphology

N/l Sc. (Zoology) H-1062 Economic Zoology and Taxonomy M.A. (Hindi) G-1025 Hindi Sahitya Ka ltihas

N/l.Sc. (Home Sc.) u-1 1 10 Textile Chemistry Nil.A. (Home Sc.) G-1030 Com uter Basics
lil.Sc. (Home Sc.) v-1118 Applied Physiology [,/I.A. (History) G-1 037 Historiography, ConcePts,
roaches Methods & Tools
M.Sc. (Home Sc.) w-1 125 Theory and Concepts of Family Nil.A. (Philosophy) G-1045 Classical lndian PhilosoPhY
Resource lvlanagement
M.Sc. (Ag.) J-1004 For All subiects (Exce o tG enellcs lil.A. (Urdu) G-1062 Origin & Develop OF Urdu
& Plant Breedind:F undamentals of Language
Bio-statistics and Computer
N/.Sc. (Ag.) J-1004(A) For Genetics & Plant Breedinq N/] A. (Political Sc.) G-1070 Traditions of Political Thinking
Statistical lvlethods for Agriculture
M.Com. t-1001 Management Concepts and M.A. (Psychology) G-1077 Research l\4ethods
Organisational Behaviour
M.A. (Sanskrit) G-1082 Ved, Upnishad, Shiksha & History
of Vedic Literature
M.A. (Socioloqy) G-1087 Sociolo ical Conce
[/].A. (Def. Studies) G-1095 Strate ic Thou hr-l
M.A. (Phy. Edu.) G-1 '185 S rts Sociol


Shift - I (Time '10:00 A.M. To 11:30 A.M.) Shift - ll (Time 0l:00 P.M. To 02:30 P.M.)
Date & Day
C lass Code No Paper Name C lass Code No Paper Name
24-F eb-2022 M.Sc. (Botany) H-1002 Biology and Diversity of Viruses [/.A. (Drg. & Ptg.) G-1000 lndian Painting (Prehistoric to
Th u rsday and Bacteria Pahri
M.Sc. (Chemistry) H-1008 Organic Chemistry - | M.A. (Education) G-1003 Sociological Foundation of
M.Sc.(Physics) H-1028 Classical l\.4echanics lvl.A. (Economics) G-1007 Macro Economics
N/l.Sc. (Statistics) H-'t033 Statistical Distributions N/].A. (English) G-1013 Literary Theory and Cultural
I\/1.A. &[/]. Sc. ( Maths) G & H-1050 Real Analysis M.A.&[I.Sc.(Geography) G&H-1019(Old) Natural Resources l\4anagement

l,4.Sc. (Zoology) H-1063 Evalutionary Biology [r.A.&M.Sc.(Geography) G&H- Natural Resources Management
lvl.Sc. (Home Sc.) u-1111 Historic Textiles M.A. (Hindi) G-1026 Prachin Evam Purva Madhya
Kaleen Kavya
[/].Sc. (Home Sc.) v-1 I 19 Geriatric Nutrition and Assessment NLA. (Home Sc.) G-1031 English Language &
of Nutritional Status Communication Skills

M.Sc. (Home Sc.) w-1 126 Environmantal Aspects and Human M.A. (History) G-1038 History of Ancient lndia
Ecology (From Eadiest Times to Post
Hara n Settleme
lV.Sc. (Ag.) J-1005 Modern Concepts of Crop Nil.A. (Philosophy) G-1046 Classical Western PhilosophY
[/.Sc. (Aq.) J-101 1 Dairy Cattle Production Nil.A. (Urd,J) Literary Tradrtion of Urdu
[i].Sc. (Aq.) J-1021 General Genetics M.A. (Political Sc.) G-1071 Comparative Politics
M.Sc. (Ag.) J-104'1 Principles of Economics in Relation M.A. (Psychology) G-'1078 Statistical Methods and
to Aqriculture
(l. IUOJ
Experimental Design -
M.Sc. (As.) J-1031 Physical Chemistry and Analytical M.A. (Sanskrit) lndian Philosophy (Nyay-
Techniques Vaisheshik, Sankhy & History
M.Sc. (Ag.) J-1061 Fundamentals of Vegetable lil.A. (Sociology) G-1088 Classical Thinkers
Prod uction
M.Sc. (Ag.) J-'1051 Fundamentals of Extension lil.A. (Def. Studies) G-1096 War and lnternational Relation - I

lvl.Com t-1002 Direct Taxes- Law and Practice M.A. (Music) G-1097 Science and Aesthetics of music
(w.e.f. Dec-20'19)
M.A. (Phy. Edu.) G-1186 Sports lvlanagement


Shift- l(Time 10:00 A.M. To '11:30 A.M.) Shift - ll (Time 01:00 P.M. To 02:30 LEL
Date & Day Pa er Name
Class Code No. Paper Name C lass Code No
26-Feb-2022 M.Sc. (Botany) H-1003 Biology and Diversity of Algae and M.A. (Education) G-1004 Psychological Foundation of
Saturday Brayophytes Education
L4.Sc. (Chemistry) H-1009 Physical Chemistry - | [I.A. (Economics) G-1008 Quantative Methods
[,4. Sc. (P hysics) H-1029 Quantum Mechanics - | lvl.A. (Enqlish) G-1014 Shakespeare
NI.Sc. (Statistics) H-1034 Sampling Techniques M.A.&M.Sc.(Geography) G&H-1020(Old) History of Geographical Thought

M.A.&[I.Sc.(Maths) G & H-1051 Differential Equations N/t.A.&M.Sc.(Geography) G&H. History of Geographical Thought
M.Sc. (Zooloqy) H-'1064 Non-Chordata M.A. (Hindi) G-1027 Natak Evam Rangmunch
M.Sc. (Home Sc.) u-1112 Clothing and Fashion Economics N,4.A. (Home Sc.) G-1032 Human Development

N/l.Sc. (Home Sc.) v-1120 Food Science [r.A. (History) G-1039 History of Ancient lndia
(From Vedic Age to l\ilauryan
lV].Sc. (Home Sc.) w-1127 Consumer Buyer M.A. (Philosophy) G-'1047 l\,4odern Western PhilosoPhY
M.Sc. (As.) J-1006 Kharif Crops N/].A. (Urdu) G-1 064 Literary Critism
M.Sc. (Aq.) J-1012 Chemistry of Milk [r.A. (Political Sc.) G-1072 lndian Political System
lM.Sc. (As.) J-1022 Cytoloqv & Cvtoqenetics M.A. (Psychology) G-1079 Social hol
NLSc. (Ag.) J-1042 Economic Structure, Problems and N4.A. (Sanskrit) G-1084 Natika & Dramaturgy
Planning of lndian Agriculture

M.Sc. (Aq.) J-1032 Plant Bio-chemistry - | [i].A. (Sociology) G-1089 l\4ethodoloqy of Social Research
M.Sc. (Ag.) J-1062 Propegation & Nursery M.A. (Def. Studies) G-5095 Economic Aspects of War - |

M.Sc. (As.) J-1052 Extension Techniques and Audio - M.A. (Phy. Edu.) G-1 187 Test, l\.{easurement & Evaluation &
Video Aids Physical Education


Date & Day

Shift - I (Time 10;00 A.M. To l1:30 A.M.) shift - [ (Time 01:00 P.lvl. To 02:30 P.M.)
C lass Code No Paper Name lass
C Code No. Pa er Name
28-Feb-2022 lV.Sc. (Botany) H-1004 Biology and Djversity of M.A. (Drg. & Ptg.) G-100'1 Philosophy of Art (lndian)
Monday Pteridophytes, Gymnosperms and
M.Sc. (Chemistry) H-1010 l\lathematics for Chemists lvl.A. (Education) G-1005 l\/lethodology of Educational
Research (Theoretical Perspetives)

NI.Sc. (Chemistry) H-101 1 Bioloqy for Chemists M.A. (Economics) (Any one out of the followingL
NI.Sc.(Physics) H-1030 Electronic Devices M.A. (Economics) G-5006 (a) Economics of Education and
M.Sc. (Statistics) Any one oft!het[ql!9!4rq - M.A. (Economics) G-5007 (b) Aqricultural Economics
M.Sc. (Statistics) H-103s (a) Computer Fundamentals and M.A. (Economics) G-5008 (c) Labour Economics
Fortran Proqramming
NI.Sc. (Statistics) H-1036 (b) Computer Fundamentals and l\il.A. (Economics) G-5009 (d) Economics of lnfrastructure
Proqramming in C Language
[I.A. & N/] . Sc. (lMaths) G & H-1052 lvletric Spaces M.A. (Economics) G-5010 (e) Research lvlethodology

M.Sc. (zoology) H-1065 Cell and l\ilolecular Biology M.A. (English) G-10'15 Research Methods and Materials in
M.Sc. (Home Sc.) u-11 13 Dyeing and Printing NI.A.&Nl.Sc.(Geography) G&H-1021 (Old) Advanced Geography of lndia
(Physical & Regional)
[I.Sc. (Home Sc.) v-1121 Advances in Food Microbiology M.A.&M.Sc.(Geography) G&H- Advanced Geography of lndia
1021(New) P ical & R iona I

M.Sc. (Home Sc.) w-1 128 Ergonomics and Work M.A. (Hindi) G-1028 Prayojan lvlulak Hindi
M.Sc. (As.) J-1007 Management of Problem Soil Nil.A. (History) G-1040 (A) History of Ancient lndia
(From Shunga Dynasty to RajPut

Nl.Sc. (Ag.) J-1013 lntroduction to Dairy lvlicrobiology M.A. (History) G-1041 (B)Archeotogy of Ancient lndian
M.Sc. (As.) J-1023 Principles and Melhods of Plant M.A. (History) G-1042 (C) History of South lndia (From
Breeding Sangam Age to Vijay Nagar
M.Sc. (Aq.) J-1043 Farm l\,4anagement N4.A. (Philosophy) G-1048 Ethics (lndia & Western)
M.Sc. (Ag.) J-1033 Soil Genesis, Classiflcation and Nil.A. (Urdu) G-1065 (a) lnformation Technology


Shift - | (Time 10:00 A.M. To 11:30 A.M.) shift - il (T ime 01:00 P.M. To 02:30 P.M.)
Date & Day Code No Pa
Class Code No. Paper Name Class
M.Sc. (Ag.) J-1 063 Fundamentals of Ornamental M.A. (Urdu) G-1066 (b) Urdu Drama
M.Sc. (Ag.) J- 1 053 Rural Socioloqv M.A. (PoliticalSc.) G-1073 International Relations
M.Com. t-1004 Financial Management M.A. (Psychology) G-1080 Biological Foundations of
M.A. (Sanskrit) G-1085 Geetikavay & GadyakavY
M.A. (Sociology) G-1090 Rural Sociology
M.A. (Home Sc.) G-1033 Fabric Construction
M.A. (Phv. Edu.) G-1188 Scientific Principles of Trainilg
M.A. (Def. Studies) G-5096 (i) lnsurgancy and Counter
lnsurqency OR
M.A. (Def. Studies) G-s097 (ii) Himalaya Kingdom (NePal,
M.A. (Music) G-1098 (a) Historical and Theoritical Study
of Ragas and Talas, Life Sketches
of Musicians
(b) Critical Study of Talas (For
Tabla and Pakhawaj)
O2-Mar-2022 M.Sc. (Chemistry) H-1012 Computer for Chemists
Wednesday I


Chaudhary Charan Singh University, Meerut

Examination Programme for B.Sc. (Ag.) Only lst Semester (For Main/Ex. & Back Paper)
(For All Affiliated Colleges) Oec - 2021
Shift - I (Time 10:00 A.M. To 11 :30 A.M.) Shift - ll (Time 01:00 P.M. To 02:30 P.M.)
Date & Day Code No Code No
Paper Name Paper Name

28-Feb-2022Monday D-191 Principles of Agronomy

02-Mar-2022Wednesday D-008 Environmental Studies
04-Mar-2022Friday D-009 Bhartiya Sanskrit Evam Rashtra Gaurav
07-Mar-2022Monday D-192 Fundamentals of Soil Science
0 9-M esday
a r-202 2Wed n D-193 Elements of Genetics
'l'l .Mat-2022F tiday D-194 Elementary Statistics and Applied l\/athematics
14-Mar-2022Monday D-195 Agricultural Meterology
16-Mar-2022Wednesday D-196 Rural Sociology and Educational Psychology
19-Mar-2022Saturday D-197 Fundamentals of Horticulture
21-Mat-2O22Monday D-199 Structural & Spoken English

(610 (qtet)
Ch. Charan Singh University, Meerut
Examination Scheme of Only lst Semester (December-2021)
Main & Back PaPer Examination

(i) B.Sc. Home Science Exam Code "P"

(ii) B.Sc. Home Science (Clinical Nutrition & Dietetics) Exam Code "T"

Date & Day S hift I 0:00 A.M. T o 1 1 30 A. M. )

(Time 1 Shift - ll (Time 01:00 P.M. To 02:30 P.M.)
Paper Name Code No. Paper Name Code No.
26-Feb-2022 English Language and P-10'l
Saturday Communication Skills
English Language and T-1 01
Communication Skills
28-Feb-2022 Communication & nstructional
I P-102
Monday Communication & lnstructional T-102
02-Mar-2022 Environmental Studies P-008
Wednesday Environmental Studies T-008
O4-Mar-2022 lntroduction to Human Development P-1 03
lntroduction to Human Development T-1 03

07-Mar-2022 Food Science P-104

Monday Food Science r-104
09-Mar-2022 Human Physiology P-l 05
Wednesday Human PhysiologY T-1 05
11-Mar-2022 Computer Basics P-1 06
Friday Computer Basics T-'106

s6ro gE-sfu{ (qftar)


Chaudharv Charan h Universitv. Meerut

Examination Programme for LLB & LLM
Only lst Semester (For Main/Ex. & Back Paper)
For All Affiliated Colleges & University Campus, December - 2021
Shift- I (Time 10:00 A.M. To 11:30 A.M.) Shift - ll (Time 01:00 P.M. To 02:30 P.M.)
Date & Day Paper Name
Class Code No. Paper Name Class Code No.

24-Feb-2022 LLB K-1 001 Jurisprudence - I (Legal Theory) LLIM L-1 001 lndian Constitutional Law - | (Fundamental Rights)
26-Feb-2022 LLB K-1 002 Constitutional Law of lndia - I (Nature of the LLM L-1 002 Jurisprudence - I (Theories of Law)
Saturdav Constitution and Fundamental Riqhts)
28-Feb-2022 LLB K-1 003 Law of Torts LLIVI L-1 003 Legislative Oughts, lnterpretation and Judicial
Mondav Process
02-Mar-2022 LLB K-1 004 Law of Crimes - I (lndian Penal Code) LLM L-1 004 Legal Education and Research Methodology
04-Mar-2022 LLB K-1 005 Contract - I (General Principles of Contract)
Fridav I
g610 (qffmr)

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