Summer 2004 The Ecological Landscaper Newsletter

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“Because land doesn’t come with an owner’s manual” om
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Sudden oak death disease on the move

by Dan Gillman
here have been recent news Resources (MDAR) is monitoring This pathogen has a wide range of

T reports about sudden oak death

(SOD), caused by the fungus
Phytophthora ramorum. SOD is a
this situation carefully. A number of
surveys are planned by MDAR, the
United States Department of Agricul-
host plants, including rhododendron,
viburnum, and camellia, which are
potential “carriers” of the fungus
severe disease of oak and tanoak in ture (USDA) Forest Service, and the when plants are transported. The
certain Pacific Northwest fog forest USDA Animal and Plant Health In- damage on non-oak hosts involves
areas. In March 2004 Phytophthora spection Service (APHIS) nationwide minor leaf spotting and twig dieback.
ramorum was found in two large However, infections on these non-
ornamental nurseries in southern oak hosts may contribute to a rapid
California (Monrovia Nursery in buildup of the fungus in the environ-
Azusa and Specialty Plants Inc., in ment serving, therefore, as a reservoir
San Marcos). This detection demon- of inoculum, which in turn infects
strates that the pathogen is not woody tissues of oaks and tanoak
necessarily limited to the moist trees.
coastal regions of northern Califor- Surveys continue in several states
nia and southern Oregon. At least as a national survey is getting under-
one of the two nurseries distributes way. APHIS-PPQ is determining the
nursery stock nationwide, including distribution of Phytophthora ramorum.
Massachusetts. To date, Phytoph- P. ramorum has been confirmed in
thora ramorum has not been found plants traced forward from the ini-
in Massachusetts, though it has tially positive California wholesale
been positively identified in Florida and in Massachusetts to check for the nursery in 97 facilities in 14 states.
and Georgia. The Massachusetts presence of Phytophthora ramorum in Sudden oak death
Department of Agricultural nurseries and natural forest areas. continued on page 4


2 Editor’s two cents
5 Global dimming?
7 ELA news
8 Plucked from the headlines 6 Poetry corner
10 Resources
11 Unclassifieds New research on tomato
12 Events disease resistance and lifespan Page 8
Editor’s two cents
two cents
Why i am not an “organic landscaper”

set of tools carefully chosen, developed, adhere to the national organic standards. And,
This is Nick A and refined for a particular job work fine
for that job, as one would hope and expect.
even if they do, as i argue below, i don’t think
the organic model, as currently conceived, is the
Novick’s last An electrician’s tool kit contains everything best guide for landscaping.
needed to wire a house, install outlets and circuit Let me be clear from the outset. I’ve bought
contribution breakers, hook up to the grid. Some of these organic food and supported organic growers and
tools will work in other settings—saws and drills organizations for over 20 years. I tend my own
as editor. can cut holes for pipe just as well as for wires. vegetable gardening organically, because that’s
But to attempt to install plumbing, renovate what organic is designed to do, and it does it
a room, or re-roof a house with only the electri- well, most of the time.
cian’s kit is obviously going to be a frustrating But, what it doesn’t do well is address the
Please note proposition. Yet, this is, in effect, what one can myriad and diverse situations, imperatives,
be faced with when trying to apply the “organic” and challenges which the landscape realm can
the new tool kit to all landscaping projects. present. Let’s look at a few.
Prospective customers i encounter often lead Snapshot 1: Early spring; time to think about
address for with, "Do you do organic lawn care (or land- putting down corn gluten to help control
scaping)?” Because of aggressive marketing in crabgrass later in season. (Studies show that a
newsletter some circles, “organic” has become the short- chemical released when corn gluten decomposes
hand of choice to refer to a set of landscape inhibits new root growth of plants, including
correspondence. practices which embody some degree of environ- crabgrass). But, much, if not all of the corn used
mental sensitivity, sustainability, or ecological in the making of the corn gluten product is a
awareness, whether or not the practices rigidly genetically engineered organism (GEO). GEOs

The Ecological Landscaper is published by the Ecological Landscaping Association (ELA).

Subscriptions are a benefit of membership in ELA. For more information about ELA, contact:
ELA, 60 Thoreau Street, #252, Concord, MA 01742-2456, (617)436-5838
Or check our Web site at: (Members section password: elapost)

“Gramma said when you come on something good, first thing to do is share it with whoever you can find;
that way the good spread out where no telling it will go. Which is right.”
—Little Tree in The Education of Little Tree, by Forrest Carter

Talk to us. We welcome your comments, letters, articles,

ideas, and opinions. Address all newsletter correspondence, ELA Board of Directors
submissions, and address corrections to: Newsletter, 32 President: Chris O’Brien
Fairfax Street, West Newton, MA 02465; (617)244-7269 Treasurer: Tom Sheehan
(phone/fax); e-mail: Send all other Recording Secretary: Sue Storer
ELA business to the Concord address above. M.L. Altobelli Nancy Askin Don Bishop
The ELA board meets throughout the year in various loca- Andrea Knowles Bob Levite James Marzilli
tions in eastern Massachusetts. All members are welcome. Nick Novick Cathy Rooney Tom Smarr
Contact us for specific dates and locations. Kathy Sargent-O’Neill
Use of proprietary product or manufacturer names is for informational Diane Syverson Bruce Wenning
purposes and is not intended to constitute or imply any endorsement
or warranty by ELA. We strive to present accurate and reliable informa- Administrative Assistant: Pat MacAlpine
tion, however, ELA assumes no responsibility for any claims made or for
results obtained from any procedures described in the articles we Newsletter
print. Unless described as such, opinions expressed in the newsletter Editorial Director: Nick Novick
do not necessarily represent those of ELA’s directors, staff, or members. Production Editor: Joy Buslaff

are banned by the national organic standards. You get them to understand that it’s going to
Take that tool out of the box. take some time to get the patient up and walking
Snapshot 2: Customer has a number of large again, and they’re okay with that. They also
hemlock (Tsuga canadensis) trees, some of which don’t want to spend a fortune this year because
nearly brush against their fancy contemporary one of their kids just started college, they had to ELA’s revised
home with lots of windows. Although the trees put a new transmission in the car, and the house
have been dodging the hemlock wooly adelgid is getting re-roofed in the fall. Web site is
bullet for years, this year they’ve arrived. Un- You know you can’t jump from the I.V. bag
treated, the infestation is likely to worsen every right to a solid-food diet—putting down organic online at
year, and kill the trees in five to ten years. Horti- fertilizer will do little good until the
cultural oils and soap sprays (which pass organic soil ecology has a chance to re-estab-
muster) can be effective, but reaching the upper lish itself. And maybe topdressing
parts of the trees will be difficult, and the stuff with compost (to help jumpstart the recovery The old URL,
will get all over the house. Or, imagine a stand of process) is beyond their budget for now.
hemlocks in the back 40 which is inaccessible to So, you decide on using a “bridge” fertilizer ELA-ecoland-
spray equipment. Imidacloprid injected either (part “organic,” part soluble) to provide some
into the root zone or directly into the vascular immediately available nutrients while beginning,
system of the tree is an effective alternative the transition to a sustainable program.
which can save the trees. But, under organic— But, no bridging allow with “organic”; soluble will still work,
imidacloprid is verboten. G’bye, hemlocks. usually means “synthetic,” and so another tool
Snapshot 3: You’ve convinced a client to con- goes missing. The box shrinks further. but will
vert most of their underutilized lawn and over- Snapshot 5: It’s early September. You’re on top
grown pasture containing alien forage grasses of things this year, and you’re actually getting eventually
and tree seedlings to a native grass and wild- to your new lawn installations before October.
flower meadow. The existing vegetation has to Soil is prepped, compost and amendments are expire. The
be killed before you can think about planting. added, pH adjusted, everything is raked nice
Options include: tilling, herbicide, flaming, and smooth, seed is pressed into the soil, and new site is
smothering. The site comprises most of an acre, you’re ready to mulch. You’ve been using straw
so smothering with plastic would be unwieldy or salt marsh hay, but you got some weed seeds more attractive,
and expensive. Tilling would work, but bringing in a batch of straw last year, and you’re con-
in a big machine to till six to eight times during cerned about the effects of continual harvesting has some new
the growing season is expensive, and, every till- of the salt marshes (or maybe you can’t even get
ing—however shallow—brings up new weed the stuff this late in the season), and, if it’s a features, and
seeds. Flamers? Possible, but good luck finding a windy site, those mulches could end up down
big enough unit. Leaves us with the “H” word. the block, so you decide to try the pelletized, should be easy
Organic-approved herbicides (acetic/ethanoic newspaper mulch that looks like rabbit food.
acid-based, or fatty acid-based) are not systemic, Competitively priced, easy to apply, stays put. to navigate.
so they will need to be applied many times over But, alas, it’s saturated with a weak (1-2-1),
the growing season to eliminate perennial weeds synthetic, starter fertilizer, and, you guessed it, More
and woody plants. Plus their cost per area is it’s not organic.
significantly higher than alternative products. More of these kinds of situations can be cited, improvements
You’ve heard mixed reports about glyphosate, so but i think readers will get the idea.
you’d like to use something else. A glufosinate- What’s more, some things permitted and even and additions
based product (Finale) is reasonably priced, is encouraged under “organic” arguably aren’t
based on a naturally occurring chemical, and, appropriate or even ecological in some settings. are planned
while not completely innocuous, is reported as Organic promotes earthworms as one of the
having relatively minor environmental impact. most valuable components in an agricultural for the future.
But, it’s another tool not in the organic toolbox. or gardening setting, given their tireless ability
Snapshot 4: New lawn customer. Had Chems to aerate the soil and process soil minerals. But
’R’ Us Lawn Co. carpet bomb their lawn for the dominant earthworm, Lumbricus terrestris,
years, until, finally, Napoleon the dog got cancer, is a native of Europe, and, when it escapes (as
and the Missus said enough was enough. They it inevitably does) into natural landscapes, it
call you in. You test the soil. Not surprisingly displaces native species, alters nutrient balances,
you find: high pH and spiked magnesium levels and thus disrupts the local ecology. Organic?
from years of overliming; other mineral nutrients Yes. Ecological? Not exactly.
are MIA; soil’s as hard as the street because the Not organic landscaper
soil critters have been nuked. continued on next page

Sudden oak death Not organic landscaper
continued from page 1 continued from previous page
Compost is something of a holy grail in organ-
The numbers of nurseries or garden centers with ic soil improvement methodology, a good-for-
positive P. ramorum samples from the wholesaler what-ails-you solution. And, in fact, in many
Fourteen by state are: California (38), Alabama (1), situations it is a most useful and even essential
Florida (5), Washington (6), Oregon (9), Texas step in soil improvement. However, for some
states (5), Colorado (1), Georgia (13), Louisiana (5), types of plantings, notably xeric, native grass
Maryland (1), North Carolina (9), New Mexico and wildflower meadows, soil with excessive
continue (1), Tennessee (2), and Virginia (1). organic matter and fertility encourages undesir-
The number of confirmed positive facilities, able species and discourages the design species.
to impose from the national and other surveys, is 118 in 14 Or, consider fertilizer: One can use huge,
states. Fourteen states continue to impose quar- petroleum-consuming machinery to mine
quarantine antine regulations over and above those ordered minerals and ocean deposits in far-away states;
by PPQ on California, and in some cases Oregon, ship the stuff across the country in big trucks
regulations Washington or British Columbia. burning more petrol; combine that with other
For more information about SOD and Phyto- material from other parts of the country; put it in
phthora ramorum check out: <www.massnrc. a bag and sell it as “organic” fertilizer. Good for
org/pests/> and hit the Search for Pest Info the soil? Usually. Net gain for the environment
button for pictures and more details. as a whole, given the significant “embodied”
energy cost? Debatable.
Dan Gillman is the UMass Extension Plant
For sure, much of what is recommended under
Pathologist in the Landscape, Nursery and Urban
“organic” protocol is good and useful. And i’m
Forestry Program
obviously not saying we shouldn’t consider
(As we were assembling this issue, <> reported that SOD something simply because it’s designated as
has been found in a mature, red oak tree in a forested park in Nassau organic. My contention is that, as a comprehen-
County, New York.) sive system, it isn’t The Answer any more so
than is conventional/traditional landscape
I think that anyone striving to do right by the
environment in the realm of landscaping needs
to avail themselves of the widest possible range
of information and make decisions based on
thoughtful consideration, on a case-by-case basis,
given the constraints of budget and schedule,
client preferences and desires, product availabil-
ity, capabilities of the landscaper, etc. Not that
guidelines aren’t useful, but the diversity and
complexity of the landscaping realm and the
realities of landscape businesses are not yet fully
accommodated by any existing system or

“Water Wells and Related Services for

Landscape & Irrigation Professionals”


Global dimming?
or nearly 20 years, researchers have been and his colleague Shabtai Cohen at the Volcanic
F documenting that the amount of sunlight
reaching the Earth’s surface has been dropping,
Centre in Israel, collected all the available
evidence together and proved that, on average,
in some areas significantly. Despite confirmation records showed that the amount of solar radia-
from numerous scientists, the story has, until tion reaching the Earth’s surface had gone down Globe grows
recently, received little publicity in the popular by between 0.23% and 0.32% each year from
media, or even in many scientific circles. 1958 to 1992. darker as 10
In 1985, Atsumu Ohmura, a researcher at the Graham Farquhar, a climate scientist at the
Federal Institute of Technology in Switzerland, Australian National University in Canberra, to 37 percent
was checking sunlight levels recorded in Europe saw the Standhill and Cohen article, and soon
when he made an astounding discovery. realized that the notion of global dimming could less sunlight
Counter to prevailing scientific thinking, levels explain a long-standing mystery of recent
of solar radiation striking the Earth’s surface had climate science. As the Earth warms, the evapo- makes its way
declined by more than 10% in three decades. ration rate for water would be expected to
By the mid-’80s, global warming was well-doc- increase. But, in fact, repeated studies in recent through the
umented, so it didn’t make sense that there was years have shown that the evaporation rate has
actually less sunlight coming in. Even Ohmura actually decreased. When Farquhar compared atmosphere
had trouble accepting the idea. “I was shocked. evaporation data with the incoming sunlight
The difference was so big that I just could not records, the reduced evaporation rate was per- to the ground
believe it.” When the study was published in fectly explained by the dimming phenomenon.
1989, it was largely ignored by climate scientists, While Standhill and Cohen’s work was
so, apparently, others didn’t believe it either. published in a relatively obscure agricultural
Things began to change in 2001, when Gerald Global dimming
Standhill (now retired and living in New York) continued on next page

Global dimming atively clear air, the dimming effect has been documented.
continued from previous page Since 1990, things may have been changing. Studying
journal, Farquhars published his results in the widely read satellite images of clouds, Ohura notes that since the early
journal Science, and now global dimming is being widely ’90s, cloud cover has decreased slightly, and temperatures
discussed, if still not totally agreed upon. have significantly increased, thus indicating that global
Some scientists, such as Ellsworth G. Dutton, head of dimming has waned. This would jibe with the trend of
surface-radiation monitoring at the National Oceanic and general reductions in air pollution in many parts of the
Atmospheric Administration, have their doubts about world in recent years.
the data. “Certainly, the magnitude of the phenomenon But Farquhar suggests that the documented level of
is in considerable question,” he says. Other scientists, global dimming can’t be entirely attributed to air pollu-
analyzing similar information, arrive at somewhat smaller tion. He thinks global warming itself could be a contribut-
estimates of the dimming, around 1.3% per decade from ing factor, perhaps resulting in more ocean evaporation
1961 to 1990. which could contribute to cloud formation. But at this
No one seems to know for sure what’s causing global point, that theory has yet to be tested.
dimming. It can’t be explained by changes in the sun’s Ohmura has recently been analyzing data gathered since
output—there has been an overall increase in solar output 1990 and is expected to report on them soon. Based on a
over the last 150 years. The cause would seem to lie in reduction in cloud cover and faster melting rates in polar
some change in the Earth’s atmosphere which is blocking ice, he says, “I have a very strong feeling that probably
some of the incoming sunlight. The relatively few scien- solar radiation is increasing during the last 14 years.”
tists who’ve studied the effect point to air pollution at the
likely cause. Small soot particles and certain chemical assembled from news reports “Globe Grows Darker as
compounds such as sulphates reflect sunlight and also Sunshine Diminishes 10% to 37%," by Kenneth Chang, New
promote the formation of larger, longer-lasting clouds. York Times; "Goodbye Sunshine," by David Adam, The
Yet, in Antarctica, which would be expected to have rel- Guardian

by Robert Frost (1874–1963) Poetry corner
“You ought to have seen what I saw on my way
To the village, through Mortenson’s pasture to-day: TO A MOSQUITO
Blueberries as big as the end of your thumb, by William Cullen Bryant (1794-1878)
Real sky-blue, and heavy, and ready to drum
Fair insect! that, with threadlike legs spread out,
In the cavernous pail of the first one to come!
And blood-extracting bill and filmy wing,
And all ripe together, not some of them green Dost murmur, as thou slowly sail’st about,
And some of them ripe! You ought to have seen!” In pitiless ears full many a plaintive thing,
“I don’t know what part of the pasture you mean.” And tell how little our large veins should bleed,
“You know where they cut off the woods—let me see Would we but yield them to thy bitter need.
— It was two years ago—or no!—can it be
Unwillingly, I own, and, what is worse,
No longer than that?—and the following fall Full angrily, men hearken to thy plaint,
The fire ran and burned it all up but the wall.” Thou gettest many a brush, and many a curse,
“Why, there hasn’t been time for the bushes to grow. For saying thou art gaunt, and starved, and faint:
That’s always the way with the blueberries, though: Even the old beggar, while he asks for food,
There may not have been the ghost of a sign Would kill thee, hapless stranger, if he could.…
Of them anywhere under the shade of the pine,
Ah, there were fairy steps, and white necks kissed
But get the pine out of the way, you may burn By wanton airs, and eyes whose killing ray
The pasture all over until not a fern Shone through the snowy veils like stars through mist;
Or grass-blade is left, not to mention a stick, And fresh as morn, on many a cheek and chin,
And presto, they’re up all around you as thick Bloomed the bright blood through the transparent skin.
And hard to explain as a conjuror’s trick.”
Sure these were sights to touch an anchorite!
“It must be on charcoal they fatten their fruit. What! do I hear thy slender voice complain?
I taste in them sometimes the flavour of soot. Thou wailest when I talk of beauty’s light,
And after all really they’re ebony skinned: As if it brought the memory of pain:
The blue’s but a mist from the breath of the wind, Thou art a wayward being—well—come near,
A tarnish that goes at a touch of the hand, And pour thy tale of sorrow in my ear.…
And less than the tan with which
pickers are tanned.”…

Ecological landscaping is a difficult questions that keep arising from
ELA news term to define. There are no easy
“yes” or “no,” “right” or “wrong”
clients, constituents, and officials.
The day’s guest speaker, Michael
methods, but there are many choices. Talbot, of Michael Talbot and
What seem to be unclear definitions Associates, Inc., will begin the round-
and guidelines are in fact important table event by sharing his experiences
t’s summer, and things have hope- concepts to be applied on a case-by- as an “ecological” businessman, edu-
I fully slowed down for you, so take
some time off, listen to a good speak-
case basis. Sustainability and envi-
ronmental awareness, along with
cator, and writer on the subject of
environmentally sound landscaping
er, and meet up with some of your regional considerations, are some of for better health and conservation.
ELA compatriots. Join us at the scenic the factors to be considered. His talk will be followed by an
Tower Hill Botanic Garden in Boyls- As conservationists, educational open forum for all invitees to discuss
ton, Mass. for our annual meeting organizations, community groups, observations about their experiences
and a wide-ranging roundtable dis- ecological landscapers and garden- with clients, peers, and constituents
cussion on some of the issues ers, and interested homeowners, on the subject of ecological landscap-
involved in “ecological landscaping.” we can join forces to answer those ing, design, and gardening.


Smart gardening;
Discussions and Answers about
Ecological Landscaping and Gardening
noon-12:30 p.m.: ELA Annual Meeting
12:30-1 p.m.: registration
1-1:45 p.m.: guest speaker, Michael Talbot
2-4 p.m.: roundtable discussion
4-5 p.m.: refreshments and networking

Plucked from the headlines
Building an eco-future at OSU Tomatoes benefit
The Urban landscape Ecology from legume cover crop
Program being launched by Ohio In a five-year sustainable agricul-
Smoke ’em if you’ve got ’em State University (1680 Madison Ave., ture study, researchers from the U.S.
In a discovery which could have Wooster, OH 44691) is being hailed Dept. of Agriculture’s Agricultural
sweeping implications, researchers in as the best effort conceived to date to Research Service (ARS) have found
Australia have identified the chemical improve the landscapes and ecosys- that tomatoes grown with a cover
in smoke which makes seeds germi- tems of urbanized areas. crop of hairy vetch had better disease
nate after brush fires. The chemical, a This massive research and educa- resistance and lived longer than those
butenolide, induces germination in a tional program “seeks to develop new grown on black polyethylene mulch
range of species. Research team mem- technologies and environmentally with a chemical fertilizer. The cover-
ber Kingsley Dixon said, “We've friendly approaches to landscape cropped tomatoes received half the
looked at a couple of vegetable crop planning, establishment, and mainte- chemical fertilizer and fungicide
species, for example, and got up to nance.” Participating in the project applied in the “traditional” system.
doubling of germination in some of are all the university’s colleges of The scientists showed that at least
these species: …celery, parsley, let- Food, Agriculture and Environmen- 10 genes in the leaves of the vetch-
tuce, and we've even got Echinacea tal Sciences, Engineering, Public grown tomatoes were turned on
[germination to increase] to almost Health, Architecture, and Education, longer, or “over-expressed,” allowing
double just using this chemical.” plus OSU Extension, garden indus- those tomatoes to live longer than
Fifteen years ago, South African tries, and nonprofit organizations. tomatoes grown on the plastic mulch.
botanists demonstrated that it was Objectives include turning the These over-expressed genes respond
the smoke, and not heat and ash, that OSU campuses into model ecological to signals triggered by the specific
triggered germination. The full story landscapes, building neighborhood ratio of nitrogen, carbon, and other
(“Smoke Chemical That Causes Seed institutions to promote positive elements provided by the cover crop.
Germination Found,” copyright 2004, changes in urban landscaping, devel- The scientists also believe the cover
Reuters News Service) can be found oping school educations programs, crop allows the tomato root system
on a number of Web sites including: and generating an interactive Web to produce increased levels of cyto-
< site where citizens can design their kinins, a class of plant hormones that
?tmpl=story2&u=/nm/20040709/sc_ own sustainable landscapes. The delay senescence and let the plant
nm/australia_plants_dc> and <http: Columbus suburb of New Albany is live longer.
// expected to become the program’s from ARS Web site <file:///Hard%20
story.cfm/newsid/25989/story.htm>. first “ecocity,” a neighborhood with Drive/Desktop%20Folder/ELA%20news
varied and useful landscapes where letter/V11,N2,%20Summer2004/040706
New regs for diesel the need for energy inputs such as .htm>
The U.S. EPA has issued a new rule fertilizers, pesticides, fossil fuels, and
intended to reduce emissions from water is minimized. Anthracnose-resistant
“off-road” diesel equipment by more The program will have far-reaching dogwood
than 90%, which includes machines impact. Ohio is the country’s seventh A Flowering Dogwood (Cornus
used in landscaping, such as tractors most populated state, with 15 metro- florida) that is resistant to dogwood
and loaders. To reduce soot from die- politan areas containing 81% of the anthracnose was discovered growing
sel emissions, the Clean Air Nonroad state’s more than 11 million residents. in Catoctin Mountain Park, Md.
Diesel Rule will cut up to 99% of the Thus the program will educate a The parent tree was propagated and
sulfur in diesel fuel. Costs of both great many people in the principles clonal plants were tested for disease
fuel and equipment are estimated to of ecological sustainability and the resistance to dogwood anthracnose.
rise from about 1 to 3% to meet the restoration of the urban landscape’s Cornus florida ’Appalachian Spring’
new regulations, which will be environmental functioning. was released after extensive testing
phased in over the next several years. For more info, contact the program by the Tennessee Agricultural
from Lawn and Landscape magazine, coordinator, Parwinder Grewal, Experiment Station in Ozone, Tenn.,
June 2004, G.I.E. Media, Inc., 4012 (330)263-3963; <>. and by the U.S. Forest Service at Bent
Bridge Ave., Cleveland, OH 44113; from The Avant Gardener, July Creek in western North Carolina. C.
<> 2004, Box 489, New York, NY 10028 florida ’Appalachian Spring’ has an

upright growth habit and is a prolific the lawn for a day, he said, “After the began in 2000 with one garden and
bloomer with large, white bracts. first day they’re gone, you’d never includes 10 gardens this year.
Release and marketing of this plant know they were on the grass.” • Utilizing Tobacco Greenhouses for
is being handled through Tennessee For the full editorial by Breslin (“The Producing Plants for Environmental
Advanced Genetics, Tennessee Foun- Grass Can Take It!") check Newsday’s Restoration, Andrew C. Bell and
dation Seed, Inc., and the Tennessee Web site: <> Mary M. Peet (Dept. of Horticultural
Crop Improvement Assn. All are Science, Univ. of N. Carolina,
located at 2640-C Nolesville Rd., ASHS research results Raleigh, NC 27695-7609). With tobac-
Nashville, TN 37211; (615)242-0467. This month’s HortIdeas (750 Black co growing declining in recent years,
from Hort Notes, Vol. 15, No. 9, July Lick Road, Gravel Switch, KY 40328) many greenhouses that had been
12, 2002, UMass Extension, French Hall gives a number of summaries of used for starting tobacco transplants
230 Stockbridge, MA 01003-9316 abstracts and papers for the Ameri- are now idle. The researchers have
can Society for Horticultural Science identified native plants for stream
Lawns and politics to be presented at their Annual and wetland restoration as promising
The Republican national conven- Conference in Austin, Texas, sched- alternative crops. These species can
tion is coming to New York in uled for July 17-20, 2004 (ASHS, 113 be grown using essentially the same
August, as are thousands of people S. West St., Ste. 200, Alexandria, VA techniques to grow tobacco seedlings.
who take issue with some of the Bush 22314-2851). Here are summaries of • Miscanthus: Ornamental and
administration’s policies. A group a few abstracts of particular interest. Invasive Weed, Mary Hockenberry
trying to organize a protest, United • Increased Water Use Efficiency Meyer (Dept. of Horticultural
for Peace and Justice, applied last with a Surfactant, John Sloan (Dept. Science, Univ. of Minnesota, Chaska,
summer for a permit for a march and of Soil & Crop Sciences, Texas A&M MN 5318). Miscanthus sinensis
rally for an estimated 250,000 people Univ., Dallas, TX 75252) and Wayne (Eulalia) is self-incompatible, so indi-
on the Great Lawn in Central Park. Mackay. The researchers tested vidual cultivars planted in isolation
Citing the millions of dollars spent whether a surfactant that makes will not produce seeds. However,
in the past couple decades to replant water “wetter” by reducing its sur- when two or more cultivars are
and landscape Central Park and the face tension can improve the water- planted close to each other, seed pro-
Great Lawn, Mayor Michael Bloom- holding capacity of soil. They planted duction is likely, resulting in invasive
berg and the Parks Department are impatiens in pots, allowed them to seedlings that can readily cross. A
claiming the area is no longer appro- grow for two months, then irrigated Web site with information on manag-
priate for large events. (The lawn had once with plain tap water or tap ing Eulalia is at <http://horticul-
been the site of many large events in water containing a commercially ture.coafes.umn,edu/miscanthus>.
the past, including a 700,000-person available surfactant [unnamed] at • Evaluation of Organic Herbicides,
anti-nuclear rally in 1982.) either the suggested concentration or James Ferguson (Dept. of Horticul-
The mayor has offered alternative twice the suggested concentration. tural Sciences, Univ. of Florida,
sites either very distant from the con- After the single irrigation, no addi- Gainesville, FL 32611-0690). Herbi-
vention site or inappropriate for such tional water was applied; the pots cides approved by the Organic
a large gathering. The New York Times were weighed twice daily, and the Materials Review Institute (OMRI)
notes that “the city has not allowed plants were watched for wilting. The with active ingredients citric acid
events with hundreds of thousands surfactant (at either concentration) (Alldown), clove oil (Matran 2), and
of people on the Great Lawn since it slowed water losses from both clay thyme and clove oils (EXPRESS) were
was rebuilt in 1996, though it has and sandy loam soils; initial wilting applied at three locations. The chemi-
given permits for ticketed events time was longer with clay soil follow- cal herbicide glyphosate (Roundup
sponsored by large corporations.” ing irrigation with the surfactant. [ed. Pro) was also applied. The organic
Writing in Newsday, Jimmy Breslin note: Yucca extract is a natural wetting herbicides were applied at recom-
expressed his doubts about the city’s agent which also has nutritive properties.] mended rates and at twice recom-
concerns, and asked the grounds- • The Charleston Area Children’s mended concentrations and rates;
keeper for the Shinnecock Golf Club, Garden Project: A Community glyphosate was applied to runoff at
site of this year’s U.S. Open golf tour- Sponsored Initiative, Fred B. Phillips, 5% active ingredient. The organic
nament in June, what he thought James W. Rushing (Clemson Univ., herbicides gave weed control of 10%
about the city’s claims that one rally Coastal Research and Education to 40%; glyphosate gave 100% con-
would ruin the lawn. “We had 50,000 Center, Charleston, SC 29414), and trol. Note: herbicide applications
[people] a day for seven days on the Brenda J. Vander Mey. The project were made in fall when many of the
grounds and the grass is back already. sponsors conversion of vacant lots weeds were mature; labels of the
It’s nonsense. You don’t even know into “neighborhood outdoor learning organic herbicides typically recom-
people were here.” Referring to the centers” with gardens for children. mend use on immature weeds that
estimated 250,000 who might tromp Funding is from grants. The project have not grown very large.

✎ On the Web ✎ Shady lawns ✎ Books
• Cornell Cooperative Extension While not explicitly a sustainable A wide variety of books on many
offers a number of online fact sheets or ecological guide, The Lawn Bible, topics related to landscaping issues
on a wide variety of topics including by David Mellor (groundskeeper at can be found in the UMass Extension
pests of homes and grounds, water Fenway Park) offers considerable, Bookstore catalog. Subjects include:
quality, genetic engineering, and a useful guidance for turf in all set- Home, Yard and Gardening; K-12
variety of gardening subjects includ- tings. For example, his tips for maxi- Education; Fish and Wildlife; Water-
ing “eco-gardening.” Some of these mizing turf performance in shade: ways/Vernal Pools; Forest/Land
are regional in nature, but much of Use shade-tolerant varieties; reduce Management; Water Quality; Forest
the information will have wider foot traffic; grow the grass as tall as Products; Communities, Family and
applications. possible (to at least 2 1/2 to 3 inches) Youth; Floriculture; IPM; Lands-
Access them here: <http://www. for more light absorption and pro- caping and Turf; Pesticide Education; duction of photosynthetic energy; Ag. Engineering and Management;
php>. consider a growth regulator such as Ag Marketing; and Food and Nutri-
Primo (trinexapac-ethyl) which limits tion. The Bookstore can be contacted
• The “Plant Facts” Web site, <http: cell elongation and top growth, thus at (413)545-2717; toll free in Mass. at
//>, sponsored encouraging the plant to redirect (877)862-7798; on the Web at
by Ohio State University, features a its shade-limited energy to root and <>.
searchable database of information rhizome growth; and use biostimu-
from all U.S. land-grant colleges as lants—including amino acids, vita- ✎ Adaptable pruners
well as a number of government mins, and hormones—on a regular I still love my Felco 8s, but Bahco
institutions. You can also access basis to supplement the plants’ makes a line of hand pruners with a
images of plants, turf, insects, and energy supplies. variety of appealing options.
diseases, and 200 how-to videos. (The Lawn Bible: How to Keep It Depending on the width
Green, Groomed, and Growing Every and length of your
• Morris Arboretum’s “Plant Clinic” Season of the Year; David R. Mellor; hand, you can order
will help you diagnose plant prob- Hyperion Books, 2003) them in small, medi-
lems, identify insect pests, learn um, or large handle
about IPM, and more. Check it out at: ✎ Critter tracking sizes. There are also
< Wildlife aficiondoes take note: three different size cut-
plantclinic/index.html>. The Mass. Assn. of Conservation ting heads to accommodate
Commissions has available a nifty, 5/8 inch to 3/4 inch cutting capa-
• Massachusetts residents and others field-worthy card with information cities. And there’s also a rotating
nearby will find on <www.Town for 31 northern (North American) handle option. The cutting head is> a useful calendar of forest mammals. The 4" x 6", lami- angled downward somewhat from
workshops, conferences, and events nated card has front and hind prints the handles for improved ergonom-
around Massachusetts having to do divided into four movement cate- ics. Suppliers include A.M. Leonard
with issues of growth, sustainable gories—walkers, waddlers, hoppers, [241 Fox Drive, P.O. Box 816, Piqua,
development, conservation, and and bounders. Also included are OH 45356; (800)543-8955; <www.
environmental issues. The site is stride and straddle measurements.>] and Oesco [Rt. 116,
maintained by UMass Extension. For ordering info.: MACC (617)489- Conway, MA 013241; (413)369-4335;
3930. <>].

THE ECOLOGICAL LANDSCAPER AD RATES the end of the run, we will issue a pro-rated refund, less 15% service fee.
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A REMINDER. The first
volume in ELA’s Guide to
Healthy Landscape series,
“From the Ground Up: Site
and Soil Preparation”
Unclassifieds HELP WANTED. As a
small, nonprofit orgnaniza-
would make a fine training
aid for employees, or an
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Reach hundreds of SPECIAL OFFER FOR ELA generous participation of Issues covered include
members. You can receive dozens of volunteers to managing soil fertility, the
ecologically minded a FREE PALLET OF spread the word about eco- importance of the soil food
ORGANIC FERTILIZER logical landscaping. We web, protecting site fea-
land-care professionals, from Heart&Soil. While always have a need for tures, managing invasives,
supplies last, Heart&Soil more people to help with and much more. Line illus-
homeowners, and others!
will offer a free pallet of the nuts and bolts of run- trations and a glossary
Put your ad in this space 25 lb. bags of pHplus for ning an organization and help explain key concepts,
landscapers. pHplus is with maintaining our edu- and a list of contacts for
for as little as $5 for up to great for installations and cational programs. Skills in resources and organiza-
all spring prep work. The public relations, fundrais- tions will guide additional
50 words (additional product not only raises soil ing, Web site maintenance research. Cost (including
pH quickly and safely, but and production, writing, tax, postage, and handling)
words, $1/10 words). it’s also a natural source of nonprofit maintenance, etc. for ELA members is $26.25
potassium, zinc, and iron. are especially welcome, $31.50 for nonmembers.
Send your ads to: attn.
Call Heart&Soil toll free but anyone with some Inquire about quantity dis-
newsletter unclassifeds, and ask for details on the extra time and a desire to counts. Send orders, with
ELA special offer. Limit help is welcome. Leave a payment to: attn Soil
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#252, Concord, MA 01742. at (866) 999-SOIL (7645). to you. Thanks! MA 01742.

AUGUST 12-15

Events on the horizon Northeast Organic Farming Assn.

Summer Conference, Hampshire
College, Amherst, Mass.; (978)355-
JULY 21 2853; <
IPM and Organic Fruit Growing ences>.
Herbaceous Perennials with Dr.
with Bull Suhr of Champlain
Leonard Perry, Greenhouse and SEPTEMBER 15
Orchards, Shoreham, Vt. Tour of
Nursery Ext. Specialist for Univ. of Ecological Landscaping with
orchard and fruit operation, includ-
Vt.; 5:30 - 7:30 p.m.; (802)434-4122. American Native Plants, lecture
ing apples, raspberries, plums, cher-
by Neil Diboll, Shelton Auditorium,
JULY 15 (Elm Bank, Wellesley, Mass.); ries; 6-8 p.m.; $8 NOFA-VT members,
Christian Theological Seminary,
AUGUST 5 (UMass, Amherst, Mass.) $12 nonmembers; (802)434-4122.
Indianapolis, Ind.; <www.
Weed Identification Workshops
JULY 23-31 ima-art/oldfieldsLHAG.asp>.
with Randy Prostak, sponsored by
Permaculture Fundamentals:
UMass Extension. Includes classroom SEPTEMBER 16
The Principals and Practices, Black
session, potted weed herbarium, and 3rd Annual Ohio Watershed
Mountain, N.C.; (828)669-3937;
landscape walk; rain or shine; byo Celebration, Pittsburg, Pa.; (412)442-
lunch; 9 a.m.-3 p.m.; $90; (413)545- 4000; <www.streamrestorationinc.
0895; <>. org>.
JULY 17 SEPTEMBER 17 (Framingham,
ELA Annual Meeting and Forum
Big Bugs grand opening at New Mass.), 18 (New Haven, Conn.),
England Wild Flower Society’s AUGUST 7 19 Whately, Mass.)
Garden in the Woods, Framingham, Use, Safety, and Maintenance of Wildflower Propagation, spon-
Mass. Meet sculptor David Rogers Chain Saws, Arnold Arboretum, sored by N.E. Wild Flower Society,
and celebrate opening of the exhibit Jamaica Plain, Mass., with John will focus on growing from seed,
of his over-sized sculptures; hear DelRosso. Safety equipment, proper including seed and spore collection,
about importance of insects in the fuel mix, mechanical maintenance, cleaning, storage. Plant physiology
ecosystem; 9 a.m.-6 p.m.; (508)877- chain sharpening, more; N.E. Wild and ecology will also be discussed.
7630. Flower Soc. (508)877-7630. (508)877-7630.

The Ecological Landscaper U.S. Postage
32 Fairfax Street PAID
Permit 88
West Newton, MA 02465 Ashland, MA

“I see trees of green, red roses too I see skies of blue, and clouds of white
I see them bloom, for me and for you The bright blessed day, the dark sacred night
And I think to myself, what a wonderful world. And I think to myself, what a wonderful world.…”
—George David Weiss and Bob Thiele

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