Audi 100 1983 Workshop Manual (5 Cylinder F.I. Engine)

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VAG Service. Workshop Manual Audi 100 1983 >, Audi 200 1984 > Engine 3B. Code letters 5 Cylinder F.1. engine Booklet (4 valve), imechanles Edition 05.39 Service Department. Technical Information VAG Service. Repair Group Index to Workshop Manual Audi 100 1983 >, Audi 200 1984 > Eodetorers | 3B 5 Cylinder F.1. engine (4 valve), mechanics Boo klet talon 05.89 Please note: the technical supplements given here start at page 86 "Repair Group QO Technical data _ Z Crankshaft group i 2 Cylinder head, Valve gi - Lubrication HEE an fe Cooling _ upply system t_gas_turbocharging 126 Exhaust system _ Workshop Bulletins Technicel Information should always be available to all foremen and mechanics, because complien with the instructions given is essential to ensure vehicle roadworthiness and safety. In additio normal safety precautions to be observed when working on motor vehicles are also applicable. ce the The Workshop Manual is only intended for use within the W.A.G Organisation, and passing on the third parties is not permitted Printod in Gormany ©1989 voLKsWwAGEN AG 000.5164.59.20 Index. 00 Technical data = Engine number = List of engines 13 Crankshaft group Distant ling and assembling engine Ingtaliing toothed belt Tensioning lzernator veo belt Tensioning central aydraul ic punp vee belt snantiing and assembling cylinder block, crankshaft and flvbesl Checking crankshaft radial clearance Crankshaft cimens fons — Inserting nin for tonition timing point Dismantling and assembling pistons and conrods = checking corrod radia! clearance 15 Cylinder head, Valve gear Page = Renoving end instalzing cylinder head 15-1 = Checking cénpression pressure 15-6 = Servicing vaive gear a 15-2 = Reworking valve seats 15-15 = Checking hydraulic taopers 15-15 = Renewing canghaft O11 s2ai : 15-17 = Removing and installing camshaft 15-19 = Checking and renewing valve quides 15 = Renewing valve stem seals (cylinder head fittes 15-25 _ = Renewing vaive stem seais (cylinder head renoved 15-27 17 Lubrication Page Removing and installing perts.of. the lube lgztion susten A= = Renoving ot] pump = Checking otf pressure and 9 = Checking oi] pressure sender Lori ssure switch rd A: “15. 19 Cooling Page Hengving and installing parts of the cooling systen 13 = Checking cooling system for leaks = Draining ard filling with coolant = Checking thermo switch end coolant pune for exhaust turbocharger 13-10 20 Fuel supply system Page Reagving and installing oarts of the fuel susply system Rules for cleanitness when working on the fuel supply system = Comecting rewte control ¥.A.G 1348/38 with adapter cable V = Fittieg position fuel filter = Rewoving anc instal ling fuel gauge Sender = Removing and Instaliing fue] pump ~Dismanting and assembling fuel pune = Checking fuel pune = thecking delivery rate of électric fuel pump = Checking electric fuel puro non-return valve = Renewing non-return valve = Checking fuel oun reley and control circuit = Repairing activateé charcoal filter tank venting systen = Repairing throttle lisksge = Adjusting throttle cable = Checking and aduusting throttle damper 21 Exhaust 925 turbochersing Page femvlig and ingtalling warts of the turbodtiarast at ovina aid instal ing if cooler and crankcase ventilation comonents 21s = Renoving afd 1astalling tucbecnarger 2 = Reroving ar_1nstal ling charee alr cooler ora = Checking turbocaraer and_alr duno valve 21-1 = Checking overrun cut-off valve with vacuum bump V A.G 1390 212) 2% Exhaust system Page Henoving and Installing parts of the exaust system 26-1 > icint between main snd resr_silencer 26-3 ~ Aligning extaist systen stress tree 765 = i permigsi61@ reworking dinension Go aporeks 1.2 mn E> Ulver Gage of cylinder head Soc Upger correction angie 25% yeiue seat angles, + tse, permistible payorting dimension ~ pas a rea cHECRING HOR LIC BUCKET TAFPETS. foiee. ‘PFlace removes tapact with the contact surface (can side) facing dowtwards, on & clean surface. 4 ferew tappets cotplete (cernot be ad:usted or repaired). (Irregular valve noises wher starting engine are quite Morn! Start engine and svn ft until radiator tan has sizeted on Increase engine speed to approc. 2500 rum for 2 minutes EF the capoets are seiTt aatiys locate defective topset as fottone: = Renave cylinder heed cover. = Rotate crankshaft clockwise until cam of tappet to be checked 45 pointing upwards. 115 “a Press tappat down with & wooden or plastic nedse, If Free wavel In-escess cf Cl mis felt before the isive opens. Fenew tanpet. Causion ‘hen new tagoets heve been insteled, che engire must not be started for about 40 minutes (calves mil] strske pissons} 18 enevring fenove upper to sueré. “= Rotate crankshaft umtit Ho, 1 cylindar ts at ed belt ang remove = Renave camshaft sprocket screw censhaft sprocket securing bolt with wesher into caushart as far ag it will 99 = Unscrew inner part of of seal extractor 2086 two turns approx. 2 au) aut of the guter part and lock fn position Nth Poured res 4 Lubrfeate threaded head of of] saa] extractor, place #t in position and screw It Inco O11 seal as far a5 poss'oTe while ting pressures e890 taurled screw ard turn innor part oF extractor against Eanchaf until oi] sea) 4s extracted = Clamp extra piers. tor in vice on flats and renave a7 seal with = Lightly oi sealing vip and outer edge of of seal dei] avar lecatirg sleeve 10-203, rose oil #g8) inas fer as it witl go using trust sTeeve ge20s anv a'fset seven 102203/1 | Dono: press 97 sea) over the first shoulder otherwise il retura drilling wiIT be co REMOVING AND INSTALLING CAUSHAFTS Aenpving: = Ranove upper toothed belt guara, = Rerove intake renttold = Ronove cylinder heed cover = Rotate engine unt fl Mo. 1 cylinder 2 at TOE + Release tension of ecothed belt at covlant pump and ranove += Renove catanaft sprocket, Exhaust camshafts = - Rewve bearing ap In front of chain, as well as cans 2 and 4, = Slacken bearing caps 1, 3 and § elternately in dfegonat sequence camsnat = Renaye bearing cap in front of chafa, as well as caps 7 and = Slacien besring caps 6, 8 and 10 altemnately im dtagone sequence. 11g {ington A> Fit constarts with chain so that markings on chain sprackets align (arrows) Caution liker Tistal2ing the bearing caps, ensure that the recesses (corners) of the caps face towards the intake sice of ane | lancer head = page 15-10 Rorave distritutar before instal ing canshott. Sting distriguter - Rapa Group 38 Distributor baste setting ~ Reparr Group 28 ‘ales coniterts ghteon eoring caps 6, 8 and 10 alternately and in tagoret Tiahiening torque: 18. nn. 2 Fie Retwintrg, beaeipg tips ‘Tightintng torque! 18 ee 15.20 Eshavet conshafts = Tighten bearing caps 1, 3 ané § alternately and in diegonal sequence: Tightening torque: 18 te = Fit ranaining bearing caas Tightensng bereua! 18 fs, = Fit carsnaft coals ~ page 16-18 = Fit canshaft sprocket and tighter. Tightening torques 67 fe = Install toothed bert. (hajusting value Uizing - Repair Group 13). Tier new tapeets have been installed, the angine mst not de started fer anout 20 minutes (relves will sirike pistons) CKING AND RENEKING YALEE_GULOES Shechieg velve guides hes servicing engines with Ieakiog valves, 1 ts net suffictene te rework cr reren the valve goats and vatvas. Tt ts also ry te,eneck the valve guides for weer. This is particu= Gelp lnpoetane when checking engines with high nfleege “a= ingors naw valve into. guide untt) end of yaTve sten is flush with end of gui, Due to the difference in sten dianeters, Ensure thet only an inlet valve 1s usee in the inlet quice fod th exheust valve in the exhoust guide. = betennsne reek eww Tint Inlet valve guide Enhsust velve guide ie Renewing valve guides Cylinder heads in which 2he valve seats can no longer be workae, or cylinder nedas whieh have already’ Been machines {p'the mintnan Giaerios, gngule no Jenger Be repaired “== Press wors valve guides out from the combustion charber side using 3121. 6) way of support, use sleeve 20-23 during this operation oat new guides with ov! ane oress sn using 3121 from conshatt Side with heed cold whtt? shoulder meses contact, ates TUS Support 3129 for pressing inlet valve guides shoulder on guide makes contact exceed 1.0 ~Rean-uiges auth vith tand reane ng: fiat "Rework valve seats. ote hot revorking valve costs, watch winéou ateension page 15-13. (witn evticace = Revove cashaft and buctet tappets. + Renove spark plugs = Set piston of aporopriate cylinder to ~ Serau coapressed aie hese vi 55/3 foply 3 continuous praseure oF 0 plug thread and elet sige: “m= instal) Fitting epatiance 2036 and adjust te hetght of studs = fenove valve springs vith valve Tever 4H 581/ and adapter wesalys 1525 ahust Noze maTlant cotiers cap be Toosened ty tenping Lightly on the Tever ofthe tool We 341/l, “Rais VaIve. Sieh seas with 3947 A. “+= Instalt valve. stem seals. tan. 01] valve stem sea 2129 and push YE down cares Fp prevent danagseg the valve stem seal, atnays use the | olattic sieeve | IPRS Ee etree eee eee 2037 {Cylinder head renoved) = Renove canshatt a = Remove spark plugs. ooteh tight vate lever Ww S61/1 wit by Lightly capping the essently = Install Fitting spot ance 2036 and adjust to height oF stuce = Renoye valve springs using valve lever YM 541/1 and adapter wese/5, ~Earaust ice: Rerove velve springs using 2037 = Renove valve sten see's usin = Install valve sten seals. Fit plastic sleeve =A over ‘ch oF Ive sten. Goat valve stem sting tool 3129 ana care sea) Ben es fully #lide over valve guive astic sloave when Fitting valve stem danage. 15.28 wonireat foams ote BT parts show fn the {Tustration Penoved and installed with engine 4 10 tm 2 Upper toothed belt guaed 5+ Togthed belt HFT AG/ tensioning ~ Repair Group 13 a aan eecbelt detlection Visiter (right 6 Spacer bushes a tong Spacer bush top 2 Shore spacer bush Betton ear & Constaft serockes fee cbserve passion when Fitting toothed Bele ~ Repair Group 3 - Rear toothed belt auard = 350. # Taf tening torque apoltes onty uman using speciad tools 2078 2 hepair Group 23. 4 Gar threads ane seating surface oF Sole Read with seatang con ound AM 788 00 92. + Coosoning ena Cightaning ~ Repair Group 13 sbracion daxper f Beroving ard installing ~ Repetr Lover tonthed belt. guard, 13+ Idler pulley FherwvaT pece 27-11 - 981 seat fe enovat ~ page 17-12 a Fisting © page 1212 15-20 He - O41 temperature sender (68) and of SUoening aressire SBS bar = DT panp housing 28+ O41 pump gears #TReCa mark faces tovards she cover plate 19-961 puny ouglate unit ‘rive dog wher fitting pump 20+ Cover plate 2k 081 pun aoskes 2 anew IF suring repairs the engine of? is: ‘ound to be contantrated (svar? or comage, Tighter of] spraysat for piston coo) ing ne10 he, 4 © Phen seat if amaged 5+ Reapter 50 4 asker p 17.1819 205 215 | (Reve 2B 45 15 16 + Dipstick 9+ G4 pressure switen (white), 25 ta # Shocking ~ gage 17-13 10+ O11 preseure switch, 25 tn fe checking = page 11 11+ mtake, # Secure 26 OFT pump first 10 1s baffle plate 1 Fhsorsng ane sess toras fevove’ front fora decurieg goles ~ page 17-8 a Fan set lfng surface before Snel ng 15> S21 Fenn 16 30.K toe: ‘SAinays renew gaskets OFT capacity: 4.0 1 without off Teer Shaege 5D aseh avd #lter Shaye d+ Flow tice (ait cooler) 2 Beture Vine (ofl cooler} 4 kasper 60 te 5 10m 7- O11 cooler thermostat 8 O11 Filter housing gasket ~ Flow Line (turoseharger) oor seat 3+ 11 gooter ~ OT cosler bracket + Self-teping sere efor securing af? duct = bir duct 7- Banjo bolt 70 Wn = ON filter 20 ‘p Rafease stig strap wrench, tighe ten by hand # Deserve installation instructions printed on ail #ilter. 19-041 F874er nous tng 1 Flow Line gasket (surdocherger) ssi Filter pooting Renew asker ohare 2. 2 Ne 2eturn Vine - turbocharger 8 ntre bolt = see Repair Group 12, 106 om Thi subframe will sucdenly drop by anarox 0 subframe bolts should be tightened E 6 ta hn plus 2 quarter tum, = Renoie i? dipstick = Brain engine o: “+= Ranove 017 suction Vine, wo tootheg belt and ranave. 1 Sra turn tn esheetion ef arro = Rerove vibration dumper with toothed bel pet Tey. renewing the oi] punp end if the ‘dler pulley are damaged. Only’ the securing bi taka aut tn2 of pump. = Remove of purp. “a emove cramisnatt 11 a1, pulley ona, shaft, of] sea] pulley end, so. that 12 is = Use vibration danper mounting bolt for pressing oil sea = Before zalling, Tightly of? sealing Tip and outer e4ge 1. ns oF scoring, press on = Offer up sealing ring with sleeve from 2000 A ~ Press-in sea] using thrust sleeve (part of 2030 4 var (PHECKING OL PRESSURE suITEH AKO OUL (Audiovisual oT pressure indication) Test ons T © O11 pressure indfcator (K3) aust glow when Agaition + ‘x sthed. of 1 veniclas with guts check system the ind D.K. (Call up symtois) « Nininus engine ott tenderature: 80 eg. C, (ragiator fn suse have eUY 19 onde) fon rust be ure swite! = Remove cables fron oi1 pressure switen and oi? pressure Sener, Unscrew of1 prassure sander and screw into of! pressure sender test unit Yulia 1362 = Serew U-ALG 1382 into the crankcase in plece of the of] pressure Sender. Connzet wire =2- (brow) to earth (-). Connect wire -2- (blue) to 1.8 bar ofl pressure switch (Gahite insu = Gonmect diode test lamp 4.6 1527 19 wire -L- and postive battery terminal = Start engine = Slowly increase engine speed The test Tanp should ilupinate at 1.6 bar. If this isinot the case the oT pressure swieh'aet be renewed. ~ Increase engine speed further [Rt 2000 rpm and an-o1T cenperdture oF a0 deg. C the atl pressurermust be at: least 2.0:bar. “Increase engine speed turtner: Pressure veller valve working pressure bbe, 8.0 bar, " Ti pesiore soa ot eg ded except by 2 mininal ote: TF ene oft pressure te excnssive (pressure retiet valve sticking or incorractiy fitted) the nyéraulve tapoets wl) be Subjected to excessive pressure, As a resulz the engine wil! ut out soon after starting and turn over noticeably rast ring subsequent starting because of Tack oF compression If the wires are incorractly comected to be of] pressure sender the auto chack syetam u'11 cause the engine 1) Bee aca ese te amines Co eae Ped a g DKING OL, Ph ese conditions: woil eve! Coe #041 pressure werning Tanp (K 3) must glow when ignicton is switched an On vehicles with auto check systen the indication must be Gtk, (Call up symbols}. eNirioum engine oil sesperature: 89 deg. C. (radiator fan fuse have eut ones) « Tachometer in electranic Instrument pana) aezerbly 9.1, otes: Sheek auto check systen or of] pressure sender (610) 1F the ‘ofl pressure indicazcr Tight (x3) does nat tT luninate. 4 For O11 pressure sencer (610) mounting positon see pige Wes tam 10 “= = Disconnect wire fran of pressure sender contact 6. = Connact test unit V.A.6. 1526 between of] pressure sender contact § end engine earth using the auxiTiary cable fron VRC. 1698. ~ Switch VAG 1526 to the 200 one ranges Specified reading: sss 10 chee = Stert engine and run at idling speed. Specified reading! 20°... 120 ohms, to 3000 ram, 200" os = Increase engine spe specitiee readings 110 was “t+ Comect YoA.G 1526 vest untt between of pressure seraer contect Wi and engine earth using the auslliary ceble fron VAG 1588, ~ Start engine and bun at gling speed. Speciticg reading: infinite ches. = switch off eng Specified rebding: 0 ... 0.5 om = If these values are not obtained the ail pressure sender (G10) should be replaced Tocarrect wiring of the of prossure ander wit cause the auto check systen to display the engine oiT pressure warning synbot (ort can}. fs ea id v6 REAOVING AND INSTALLING COOLING seSTEH reining and refitTing coolant ~ page 138 Greching cooting systen for Tests - Byes te Thermostat - Fig. 3 Note Rinays venes gastets and sees Le uss THary vagtator 2 Coolant hase Teetwees auxiTiary radiator and main radiator) 2 Theme switch in for etectrie fan stteh Switching veeperature on yor 7°) @8 aporox 31 approx f- faal ator cowl 1 Radiator fan ea hor vesting see Fig. 2. + Expansion eon STOP Hiri py and checking tank see page Led 10> fagtazse ‘Passing ana frees) 1 ‘ Henove fasteners ana coolant ones ord withdraw regietor vereicatty, 3a - Qoclant flow to turbocharger - Qering seal rar Sasker 4 Coolant gantfely Jo neat exchanger - From heat exchaeger ~ Turbocharger eoslant aun Wonecting, page = 0 kn - Coclant. shersastat sea] were - Coclant therrastat ean cereal 4 pene et 87° approx fully open ae 12" approx. opening strake 2 ain. el oeftect ion Viniter (lett) bn = 22 Ne - Goolant pump = Cogtant pump seat ules stunetion switch 25 tn ‘e Caner be tasted VIER orm? Boesuse of terperacores. + Tuppesnacae coolant pre therm ‘eDhecking, page 19.10 - Bango bolt 30 tn 2 10. = 10 ka 4 be sopre cate Tesh — Hig. 2 Checking cop pressure rslief valve Starts opening Fully strate: Working stroke: & mm nin. 817 approx. RAINING AND. FILLING, COOLING S¢STEH Dratntn sae! hte cokes pen pst Open expansion tank ce. a rox. using the test ‘and repaty. 5 bar, “+ = Drain gpoiant by detaching coolant hose to neater at rear of engine black, Caten coolant for renuse, “a ~ Dovach coolant nose et loser coolant pipe. ooling systan is f4Tlad all the year round with e mixture ‘and BLL enti freeze. "and coolant acditives marked as being “in accordance with TL W794 A" prevent freezing, corrosion danage eed scale Formation ane raise the coolant oiling pote’. For thes reasons. the cooling systan should be filed ai! the year round with ancitreeze ard anti-corrosion ad6:tivo, Due to the ish boiling point the coolant fe an aid to operational eff icreney when, the engine is gparating an full Toad, part leuTarly ir tropizal climates. Reconmanded mixta ragts Frost protection Yolute of 611 nw of veter | aoen vo sit 4251 + For countries with cola ctimtes Se. honter cannot at SPOS une apo Mi al «Start ond runrate tay SRA ce apa en cesta 2 the oolantfevel deope neoaurtnen She se aisghely above the {evel mare, = Roplace expansion tank cap. = Allow engine te run untiT the eletric raéiator fan = Check coolant Tevel again and top up if necessary — thon the orgine is at operating temperature the coolant level Enauld ge soteshat asove the minimum Teval mart. ther the engine is cold the level should at least reach the point of the rarer, CHECKING TuRBOCHARGER THE cH AND cous = ANlow engine to run nti? the electric cadiator fan cuts in = Switen off anping = After § min. approx. the electric coolant ump and radiator fan aust solteh on. = If electric coolant pump and radiator fan are not sutched oF proceed as Follows # Bfgcomact wifes from thermoswitsh and connect wi aac other. = The electrte-eastant pump and fan should wow run, = 1 coolant pump and fan. run: 1 Renew theracswitch, = 14 enolant. pump and electric fan de not run: ‘Locate ana ropeir fault usteg curone flow 19-10 acsing Pinay observe the & whan working on the fue! tyster. Notes ‘6 Always renew seals, gaskets and nose Ips when working on the 1u8) system, ATT hoses are secured e#ther with Screw ar spring-type hose clips ve rules of eleatliness # Connecting ranote contro = page 20-5. ‘Checking fuel pump ratay = page 20-18. 4 then removing o* snstal tng fuel geuge sender urTt ensure shot the wires are not damaged ot 1+ fuel supply Vine 2 Fasl 3+ Huel gouge sender 4 Tank filler neck 5 Querfow nece 6+ Tank fitter pipe nk filler pipe insert Tain nose clip 92 Tank fer pipe hose 30~ Return ine Ue Packing 12+ Tae preathersvent valve 15> Suogert hose Ye Banjo bolt 20 a 15> Yonssatson nese 16- Yertilation pipe to activated ehareoat FTE 17- Seals 18+ Rotatner ein 19. Seal 20- Gravity valve Fue pay amoral ane snstad ation - page 20-8 1 DismaneT 99 and assenbling ~ page 20-11 Checking ~ page 20-12 2 el_vank 20-3 ULES FOR CLEANLINESS WHEN vORKING OW ness Inportont men working on the fuel systan the fol loving five rules should ba hssrveds 1s Thovughly ctean af? unions ats ane the Sejacent areas before Sscernestins, 2 Place parte toroved from the fuel systen on a clean surtace nd cover agelmet contavine= Boe 2 fomanents that hove been peved or ciarentiod rast be coretully coveree or sealed if ‘he repote conmot be carries at Seadiatey.. 4 Say install cesn components. °2) nat remove replacement rts from their packagin: rts rosdy for instal ation, 4 Beonos'use pares that have Deen stored asthout shete pactaging (age in tool Sones te.) SL her the feel system $3 open: 5p nat ase compressed et 45 hat nove the venfele sniees absolutely necessary. 20-4 ve fuel ghige sander unit cover (below Boot oor = Pull off connector for fuel gauge and fuel pum ts Reiove tue) supply Vine -Aey return Tine -B- and vanelacion tao a- “=~ Release the retainer using spacial tool 3087 and withdraw the fuel gauge Sender from the fuel ensure that ing the fue) gauge eender unst ie conrecting cables. are hot danagee = Disconnect supply and return Lines fram the inside of the Sender hous ng = Disconnect fue pump electrical comrections. = tnelip graviey wae, VEL PE Ae Remove fuel gouge serdar unit ) (Belov boot Foor © aitT" GFF Génrector for fuel gauge and fuel purp. = Fenove fue) supply Tine -Bey return Vine =8= and jentitatson Tine C= Jn 2/3 fun rer ainer using spe je fuel geuge Sender fron natal ing the fet gre The connecting cables are = Disconnect supply and return Lines from the inside sensor novaing ct fuel sump eteceriea) comectfons. 2 panp housing aperoa at ar counterclockwise usin eva) oot Bela ‘ itnaras pump upwares, fnsteling fue? puny of renova? ‘he fuel pump shovie be instaited as follows “a= Fit fusT pup in tts fuel reseevose so thet the V mark 10 fue pump. pomp clockwise until the ¥ mark C- a DISMANTLING AND ASSEMBLING FUEL PUN ‘inays replace seals and gaskets. the surainor 15 fteted tothe fuel reservoir y's bayonet conection ~ Silencer 15 ho 2 Sea Sianen 3 Supaly Tine 4 Sea VRiren - Fuel reservosr upoen saction & ite = Electrfcal_conpections eae oT 385 Goran fo) 2 dnereturn valve wtmeering, pase 20-16 © Pinaby — page 202 raner 2o-ld wECLING FUEL PUN Test condtefons: 1 Fuse OK (No. 13 on relay board with fuse holder) Fut fitter 0k Battery Fully charged WRenote' control Varo cable VA, 13 sie) 3/24 connected complete with adapter “pace 20-5 (a 138 “t+ fenove fuel cauge sender ne tue? pump caver (telow b2ot Hoon erin}. = Disconnect fuel pump and fuel gauge connector. 20-12 Check yoltage across connector contacts & (green/yel Tow and-4 “brawn) using a voltmeter, Keap renote conirot Seitch pressed during the check The reading should be approvinately equa valeages 2 battery f the cpactting vottage is not available repair opsn circuit using the current flow siagren, 7 specified voltage 45 evalable re-conmect comector = Press cenote contrat switch. If the fuel gunp 4s not nara running remove fuel pump ~ page 20% sonnection between cemtector and fuel punp for eon- Cinuity using an okmneter, Specified resistance specified reading is not obtained replace comesting cabie. 1 specitiod read ned replace tus! pus. o-3 ‘e fuse Ok (Ho, 13 in rolay place with fuse holzer) vel filter Ck © Battery fUNly charged (12V ain.) = aitharéw’Vial' pnp reley fron relay Tocation 10 on relay pint. = Conect renate control V.4.6 1348/34 to contact 62 of relay location 10 and to the positive battery terminal using sdap- ter cebte V2.6 1348/32 20-18 “= Unscrew supply pipe union (upper fuel Tine) = see arrow to the fuel supply pipe and vun other end of uated measuring vessel. eos > Check purw’celivery rete by pressing the 6 teh of ranete coatrol Fee 13Nb/3h for 15.8 ‘The specified minimum delivery rate con be read from the + minima delfvery rate (en®/lSs) at the fuel reture voltage with engine suite altage snowid be appro. 2 jess than the AETURN VALVE ote For this test fuel pressure regulator, fuel ur and ‘injectors mst be working proser'y and there must Se ao leaks an the fuel 29sten, been fuel ring mete and pressure ng ain ressure regulator ang ceretully with 14 conpiete with co = = Unscrew connecting Tine fron arassure regulator 1g Vine to fuel ing main after rotating return Tine to pressure regulator. 3» contect ing, ine ge ever 10. "open" V.AL5 1380/38 ~ page 20-16 2 Closed position. shart tine untiT the drop after 10 nin: hotk pressure gauge ne connect ions for Tea ronereturn valve! ~ Installing the pressure regulator is a reversal of renova). “ote shar she connacting Tine should be fitted to the pressare agitator fn ottgnmnt wich the prossure regulator Replacing non-retum valve = hanove fue) pump = page 20-8 + = Unscren non-return valve and replace ccnplote with sea) Tightening tara Caution 39 not clang the electris fuel pump in a vicel 2: 20 Ne za es ING FUEL PUMP ELA ANG REL Shecking {ust pump velay (917 ~ Ranove fused 12, 24 ane 28 ONTRDL 18 = \Gomece iodo: test Tonp WsA.G 1522 betneen earth end the rightstang cantnct of ese 15 ~ Onerate starter aotor briefly = Connecd ode cest lamp ¥.A.6 1527 betneen aarth the Left=nand rontacigay fuse 24. ~ Operate starter motor befetly (TY the diode cost Tama *Muminaces as soon as the ignition 1 switched on comect diode test Tang to the right-hand contact of fuse 28) ~ Garnet diode test lamp 1.5.6 1% Jertehang contact of fuse 28 betneen eoreh and t = Qerate starter motor briefly, (If the diggs tess lato “\Tlorinstes as. goon ce the ignition 4 switchge on egnnest diggs test Tenp to the rightshane contact oF fuse 28) ~The ciode 251 lonp rust iTTuninate during a11 three checks and the relay must operate audibly (If relay cannot be heare oparating place fingertip ov relay havsing £9 check operation) f dhe diode tast lamp does not iTTuminate the fuel punp relay (aE) sta ba withdtam from etay Tcation 10 on the plate, comecting cable between fuse 18 and contact Toeation 19 for continut ty using an onancter. connecting cable bet Tseation 19 ror cont ny ard contact = Greck connecting cable between fuse 28 and contact $9 of relay location 10 for continu’ ty using an ofmmetar = If necessary resaie any open chrcutt, f the relay does nat operate check the Fuet panp relay ecntror etreuie, = Jf the control eiceuit 18 0K replace fuel pump relay. 15 fue" pump relay consro’ civ Uithdras fuel pump celay (J17} fram relay location 10 on the relay Board. = Switeh on tention, = Connect volonater first ta contacts 46 and 50 and chen esntacts 48 anc 50 of the relay socket. = The voltmeter should read approx, 12¥ = If the specttied readings ave ot attained repeir open ciesurt using current flaw eiagtan “a> Coroct dioce. test lamp WsA.G 1E27 to contacts a6 and 47, hen the ignition 65 ta! tered on the dioge test Taxp should ‘low cely ad begonevisialy: Brighter ag sco as the starter Bots 4e bpeveeee! = Uf the diode test lamp does not wiring 85 fe0lows: fo one brighter check the onset test box V.€59 1598 to the Motronic control ant harness using edapaehecanie 1890/5 = sce repair grup OL. icontror une comector plug eiscomectes)- “= theck comecting cable between contact 47 of relay Tocation Id'are sere bor soctet 3 for continuity and if necessary Fepasr open circuit betueun convact 4) of relay socket and Contact 3 of contro} antt connecter plug. =f there 46 no open chrsure replace control anit. = Rertt fuses 13, 26 and 22. 20-24 tivated chareos! fitter pee) 4+ Induction manifold (rear face} 5 Support hose reather/vent valve tivated charcoa} fitter solenoid valve feckivg ~ Repair Group 2 @ Checking control circuit, Repate Sreup 24 2+ Bressure check valve Tennnictad 19 Cranicase breather pipe} 9+ Connection for venting line 20-28 REPAIRING THROTTLE LIMA >leato nit caution on page 20-28 1 clap 7e,Secunina clin 30 Seching clip fon Saogtadina) sdjutnane e_ cable abutnent S's Induction manifold 7- Tarostte cable ‘waagusting ~ page 20-28 ss Securing cute 10 sccelerszer pedal stp 20-26 ae 10 sing damper fe Agjusting’ page 20-31 Ade Throttle valve hous ty 15+ 10 tn 15- Gasket 17 Bearing bush 18. Sezring eli 19- Accelerator peeai 20-27 ADJUSTING THROTTLE ABLE {Caution | The throttle cablesis préne te kinkirg and dtould there fore bo rangied carefully during dretsllaston, 1B single signs eink caw lead to coble Fracture during sriving. Throttle cables which are kinked r ust nee de: Has aTIe hon fitving a throttle cae ensure that the cable As alfgned properly 20-08 pede] and the he throstle cable “+ = Fix longitudinal adjustoent using the clip. cnechings See next page n g's0 Oy hand against iV ing! stoo. against the £011 Tosa 20-30 Tocking nut Ae ROOTING AO INS tote Hiways rons soats and gastetsy te 25 ne 2 Gormugated ape ihe and oF the corvug with a arotroging pio ‘onards the by-pass pipe. 4+ Banjo belt 26 he 4 Caolaee Flow 25 5 Adapeer 27 We 6 syposs pice 7 30m 5. Turbecherger snacking = page 21-18 Sowing ang snetalling ~ page 21-8 o> Aapeer 35 No 10- Coolant return 2 50 tn Petits ~ page 2138 - kate nani fold ie 10 ne 175981 Flow 9 Tool Fiter housing 20- Boost pressure Vinicing solenoid eGheching ~ Repair Group 2 4 g ae ! ik IeIECES) collar screw 20 ti 2 Charge aie eseler 4+ securing clip (2opiecs) 5 Goast pipe T+ Te seduction matfotd 2+ To activated charcoal Filter 9 zeae 10- Indacston pipe ne 22 te 13+ Prescuve regulating valve 14- Flare trap 18+ Grannease, ventsianlon nose 20 STALLING CHERGE A fasted) ffont bu = Remove and install radiator grille ~ & ide 21 duet from front panel “ae Unscrew side air duc = etach: hose betwean turbocharger and noost pipe from boost pipe. warge air cooter fron front panel. + unbot: + Push side air duct 0 the Tere 2 afr cooler ta the left out of its ruber meunting, = Remove charge air coaTer forvavds cut of engire conaarteent To install cheege air cooler reverse rexovel sequance, (QEGKING TURBOCHARGER AND 4s Engine 01 vowporature 20 deg. € nin ff ieaking vacuum connect jor Fitted to column -A- Gn = Romave Yo stro} front passenger footwel! ~ Remove v2euin hase from Netronfe control unit, A.6 1397 between rogcharger tast Snes and MOLron te cont ure the vehicle should be taten of 1) ke (ho eenffie 1s ressured waite the driven, For safety reasons 2" second 9ersan ‘to fale the readings from the tursoctarger “= Open turbocharger test instrurent valve = Fully depress accelerator in fourth goar when ahe road spaad 48 approx. 60 phe aks = Ooserve tachonater, “=> Close test instrument valve wen engine speed reaches 00. rp VAG 1397 Specified reosines: Br Altitude (=) [eas - os See level olat = ol9i 500 0:30 - 9196 1200 0:94 = 0198 $800 0:87 = 1.08 200 = If these readings are obtained ranove cause of fault in the Motronic fuel injection ard ignition systen or interrodete faut nanny, sRepate Group 28. = If the above readings are not obtained check boost pressure Vimiting soleroid vatve control cirauit (Final contre! diagnosis). Spanair Group 28 or veplace valve and check, = Lf tne sbove readings are not abtained check oypase valve = page 21-21 ais STF tie spect ied reading 4s not cbtatned tanporartly replace wastegate ane check, + If after a repeated boost pressure check the appropriate beading is still not btained the turbocharger shoule be replaced. aL-20 CHECKING OVERRUN BYPASS VALVE USING VACUUM PUT Y.A.6 1390 The ovorrun bypass valve Js Fitted fe frant of the turbocharger, Hoozens in the overrun phase thus nulleving she existing Boot? pressure fran in front of the chrattle valve to prevent. To1d Shocks wher accelerating age If che power outeut is don or shock leeds occur during load changes’ the otarrun bygsse volve should be checked ws Fit vacuum pump V4.6 1390 19 overrun bypaes valve = Operate vacua pur. The bypass valve rust open (arrow). Operate vacuan cunp venting vatve after 30 seconds approx. The bypass valve shaute close (array). = IF the overrun aypass vaive dees aot open or close or If the valves Teaklag, renew valve Secure aypass valve conraetions using hose clips, avai rays replace geskets end self-locking rats ist monifold gasket rtatY with Beeaing facing nanitole 26.40 osm conrugatea 9 The ane oF fhe conmugatad pipe vith a provnuding pipe must be Towaeas! the by-pass pipes - 0 take off pipe 20 tn onda erabe 80. e rectirg = Repaic Group 24 reise thread using 65. G8 must net cone inte contact with the Sloe area in the probe body. 10 25 tm 30m 22.40 Separeting pont between main ané rear Silencars ~ Pig, 1 page 25-3 eset Segarating point between main and rear sflencers “A separating pomnt is dod to facilitate the replacenent of of stresses Clearance exsists betwaen ody a4 exhaust syster. Partsoular attention shou ance besween vnber ares 4 Clearance between exhaust systen and rear axle crossnerter ‘ bresstress (a= 10 tm apgron,) at the reer silencer rear 4 be 4 to the following po fan transntseien vo = Bisconnect battery, Renewing adr 8 B{Scdnndet Connector plug fran hot wire air volume sensor ‘~/Siacken hose clip, = BUND off nose from hol wire afr flee sensor Be “= Release air clesner upper section securing screw -hocharger and charge ete cooler fron CHECKING ExMUST SYSTEN FOR LER Leaks Toceted in the exhaust systen upstream of the Lendba prose can eause «¢ starting problems engine to cus cat never fetang Uneven acceleretion 1 poor progression afore fault Finding is carried out op the fuel syston, agave Group 24, or ignstion aystor, Repair Group 28. “he exhaust systen should be cheched for leaks a8 Fedone 4 Engine should be cold oF hand-wamn. 4 Engine should be Switshee off Insert compressed air jet inte exhaust system tailpipe and seal with a 35, Seal the second tafTpipe alse with a rag. Set canpressed ar system operating pressure to 6 bar approx Open air get. Check cylinder head jotnts, 618 + Check manifoTd and manifolé ta. dewpipe Joint: Spray eatelytic converter, jotnes downstream fron catalytic Cemerter og, with Task detection spray end Tonk for anotes = Repair any-}aeks found, 26-18 8672-00 V.AG Service. Workshop Bulletin to Workshop Manual Audi 100 1983 >, Audi 200 1984 > Engin Code letors 5-cylinder fuel injection engine, (4-valve), Bookle mechanics Edition 05.89 Mark Repair Group Index Column 13 with Bulletin No. 2 Models affected: @!! vehicles | Bulletin | Booklet Subject page from page Flywheel mounting bolts - l 13-13 Different tightening method From now on the flywheel mounting bolts must be tightened as follows: 3Q.Nm and then turn another 1/4 turn (90°) Notes: @ The additional 1/4 turn can also be done in two. stages of 45° if it is not possible to turn:the bolts through 90° in one movement. @ Always install new bolts, and coat with lockins “compound before installing. Re 4uo/444/— Printed in Germany 000.5164.32.20 Bullotin Edition: 1.91 V.A.G Service. Workshop Bulletin to Workshop Manual Audi 100 1983 >, Audi200 1984 > 3B 5-cyl. F.1. engine Gi-valve), mechanics Booklet Edition 05.89 Mark Repair Group Index Column 2]. with Bulletin No. 3 Models affected: All vehicles Bulletin} Booklet Subject page from page CHECKING TURBOCHARGER ANI 1 | 21-18 Due to the introduction of turbocharger tester V.A.G 1397/A boost pressure is no longer measured as relative pressure but as absolute pressure. The checking procedure has changed as follows: ft 4uor4ug/— Printed in Germany 000.5164.33,20 Bulletin Edition: 03.91 CHECKS TURGOCWARDER AND MASTERATE 4 Engine oil tenpersture 30° C min, (No Teeking vaeuun connections Rosave Motronic control unit cover on -A- Diller in front passenger Footwell ~ Fonove vecuvm hose fron Metron: unit, control “A fermoct turboerergor vecter VA. 2297/8 upon Giecsnnocted vecuum hose and Mo- tonne control unit. Connect plug connector on vacuum howe to conection 1 on turbocharger tester ~ Sob selector suitch to position T (absolute notes: f then nerary buctan Mon turbocharger tester is pressed the last reading ia stored until Inenory button Wis pressed again or the ester ie auitehed aff, A flashing decina! point 19 the display indicstes thet © reading has been stores. ‘9 TE the bestery voltage af the turvechargar ‘tester crops Delow the. parmitted Linst an ‘tow sppeers in the uppur loft corner of the displey fe Sefore testing, the vehicle should be taken for a fast run over « clstance of st least Sik (no stops st treffie Tights, etc.) ‘o As the boost pressure is testes during driving fon asfaty resanne a second person should bo presant 22 operate the sorbocharger eater = tien the roed speed is approx. 60 kn/h gece] erate in fourth geer end observe the rev counter. —+- At 3,000 npr press memory button Mon turbo charger tester. Specified readings: eituse , Audi200 1984 > Engine code S-cylinder fuel injection engine Booklet (4-valve), mechanics Edition 05.89 Enter in Repair Group list Repair Group 17 Bulletin No. 4 Affected: All vehicles Subject REMOVING AND INSTALLING OIL SUMP Bulletin Booklet Contents page | from page Removing and installing oi} sump | a | 17-10 a 440/444/- Printed in Germany 000.5164, 34.20 Bulletin Edition: (97,92 MENON REMOVING AND TASTALLING OIL SUMP When installing the oi sump, tighten the M& screws to 20 fn first, and then tighten the Mg acreve to 10 Ti

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