ME352 Final Exam-Section 35037 3522 Semester422 DR Farzik

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College of Engineering

Final Examination
Department of Mechanical Engineering
2nd Semester 1442 (2021)
ME 352 Mechanics of Materials (Semester 422)
Section 35037 [Mon-Wed], Section 35222 Sun, Tue, Thur.]
Date of Exam: 27-4-2021
Attempt all Questions (Closed Book)
Time Allowed: 3:00 Hours
Instructor(s): Dr. Muhammad Farzik Ijaz

 Answer each question on SEPARATE PAGE showing all the calculation steps and units
 Do the best you can with the way question are worded

 Clearly mention your Name, ID number, Section on each answer sheet and subject
of email.
 Send the answer sheet with in 10 mints after finish time of the exam in a SINGLE
PDF FILE with file name showing your name and ID clearly to the instructor's
university email only:
Student Name
Student ID#
Final Exam Mark (20)
Course Work Mark (80)
Total (100)

Course Learning Outcomes (CLO)

CLO1 Recall and state the concepts of internal loadings, stress and strain. (SO1)
CLO2 Calculate the deformation and internal stresses associated with the external loadings of
axial load, shear force, bending, and torsion applied separately. (SO1)
CLO3 Compute the internal stresses and deformations that associated with combined loading
conditions (SO1)
CLO4 Use stress/strain transformation equations and Mohr’s circle to find the internal stresses
and strains. (SO1)
CLO5 Design components to meet desired needs in terms of strength and deformation. (SO2)

Full Mark
Question#/Page# Students Mark
Out of 20
1/2 4
2/3 4
3/4 4
4/5 4
5/6 4
Mark 20
Mark out of 20 =
Question 1 (4 point) [CLO1:50% , CLO 5:50%]

The assembly shown in Fig.1 below, is used to support the distributed load of w=10 kN/m. Determine
the factor of safety with respect to yielding of the steel rod BC and the pins at A and B if the yield

stress for the steel in tension is σy = 250 MPa and in shear τy= 125 MPa.

The rod has a diameter of 13 mm and the pins each have a diameter of 10 mm. Assume all pins are
subjected to double shear.


Fig. 1

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Question 2 (4 points) [CLO2: 50%, CLO5: 50%]

The solid steel shaft DF has a diameter of 25 mm and is supported by smooth bearings at D and E. It
is coupled to a motor at F, which delivers 12 kW of power to the shaft while it is turning at 50 rev/s.
If the gears A, B and C remove 3 kW, 4 kW and 5 kW respectively. Determine the maximum shear

stress (τmax) in the shaft within regions CF and BC. The shaft shown below in Fig.2 is free to turn

in its support bearings D and E.

Fig. 2

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Question 3 (4 points) [CLO3:100%]

The solid rod is subjected to the loading shown in below Fig. 3.

Determine the state of stress at point C, and show the results on the differential element located at this

[Hint: For half circle, y = 4r/3π]

Fig. 3

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Question 4 (4 points) [CLO4:100 %]

The beam has a rectangular cross section and is subjected to the loading shown in Fig 4. Determine
the principal stresses at point B which is located just to the left of the 20- kN load. Specify or sketch
the results on an element located at this point.

[Important relationships are also given on Page # 7]

Fig. 4

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Question 5 (4 points) [CLO4:80 %, CLO5:20 %]

The state of the stress at a point is shown on the element in Fig.5. Determine the following:

(a) The principal stresses, and the corresponding orientation of the element.

(b) The maximum in-plane shear stress and the associated average normal stress at the point. Show
the corresponding orientation of the element.
Show your Answers by constructing the Mohr’s circle Method only.

Fig. 5

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Important Relations

Page | 7

Answer sheet
Name: Student ID:

Page | 8

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