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Student Name: Client Code

Room Set Up
I have set up the living room as my treatment room. I will be using a portable massage
table in the living room to provide the services. The living room was my best choice
because my treatment will be taking longer, and I need a friendlier space where my
client would feel more comfortable, and distracted from my work by the TV and the
welcoming space. The patient must be able to relax and be comfortable in his or her
surroundings. Wanted to be certain that the patient accommodation will be
comfortable, dry, and not too loud. To be productive, I will need to be comfortable as
well. I also ensured that that there is enough room to maneuver around the massage
table or work area before I begin the treatment.
I prepared an estimate of how many electrical outlets I will need — this may include
treatment equipment, heat lamps (for acupuncture and massage), additional lighting,
and music – and keep in mind that I may need to plug in a vacuum now and again.
Background music systems with built-in loudspeakers will make it simpler and more
convenient to listen to music in the background. It also contributes to the reduction of
clutter. A subdued, generally neutral décor will make the area more soothing since
there will be less to take in and the client's personal experiences will be more quickly
brought to the fore.
Keeping clutter to a minimum can help to keep me focused and will also create a
relaxing environment. When it is constructed to the ceiling, built-in storage may be a
significant advantage since it looks professional, is firmly attached, and makes the
most use of the available space. To guarantee that the treatment room is pleasantly
lighted and that the client is not disturbed by bright lighting, I decrease the main light
in the treatment room and often utilize floor lamps during sessions. I've made sure the
bed is quite comfy — even an electric blanket for when it's chilly. cold days (when
the heater is turned on before the patient comes) or when my client is feeling chilly in
any manner.
I have a little step beneath the bed that my patient may use to get on and off the
massage bed with relative ease. The stainless-steel trolley that I use to transport
antiseptic wipes, reflexology balm, plasters, antiseptic spray, and a nail file is one of
my favorites since it is so simple to clean after each session. This is maintained near
the end of the bed, with a container below it for disposing of soiled wipes and other
waste materials.

Golden Egg Holistic- Reflexology Diploma (ITEC) Case Study

Student Name: Client Code

Golden Egg Holistic- Reflexology Diploma (ITEC) Case Study

Student Name: Client Code

Golden Egg Holistic- Reflexology Diploma (ITEC) Case Study

Student Name: Client Code

Client Profile

Our client is G001. A 34-Year-old male in a long-continued relationship. He is a self-

employed wedding videographer with a background in producing documentary and
short films.  G has a busy lifestyle and works in high pressured situations and spends
lots of time editing videos. His job requires attention to details which can be mentally

When filming weddings, G can be working on average for 15 Hours. This can lead to
muscle pains in the feet, legs, hips and back. With timely stretching during these days
G reduces his fatigue.
During editing days G spends between 5 and 12 Hours on the computer. This leads
eye tiredness.

G looks healthy and likes to eat a balanced diet. Weddings offer plenty of exercise. G
at times can be stressed and under pressure to keep on top of his work and personal
life demands. Apart from that he appears in good spirits and happy.

Due to Gers workload, he has suffered some health issues such as

- sore and tight hips

- sore feet on occasion
- feeling tired even after a night’s sleep

G maintains a decent sleep routine, exercises a little and should do more especially on
days while sitting to edit. G does not smoke and only occasionally drinks alcohol. G
perhaps drinks too much tea and coffee which seems to be quite high with possibly 10
Cups of tea and 3 Cups of coffee.

The reason for visit is for pain relieve and relaxation.

Golden Egg Holistic- Reflexology Diploma (ITEC) Case Study

Student Name: Client Code

Initial Treatment Plan

(Expected tender reflexes and why I would work them)

Hands or Feet: Feet

Duration of treatments: 1 hour
Frequency of treatments: 1 per week for 4 weeks
Full or partial /reduced treatment: full treatment
Objective: To improve sleep. To reduce muscle ache and pains around hips.

Ailment / Reason for visit Main/Direct Reflex Associated/Indirect Reflexes

To improve sleep Pineal gland: working Solar plexus: working this reflex
this reflex benefits the encourages deep relaxation, which
body’s overall rhythm. in turn should aid sleep.
It encourages melatonin
production which aids Adrenal glands: working this
sleep. reflex will regulate G001’s fight or
flight response. It helps to
Head: working on the encourage relaxation which should
head reflexes helps to aid sleep.
alleviate stress or
tension that G001 is Spine: working all along the
experiencing and that reflexes on G001’s spine will calm
might prevent him from his nervous system and will help
getting a good night’s to ground him. This is beneficial
sleep. for a good night’s sleep.

To reduce muscle ache and pains Hip: working this reflex Spine: working all along the reflex
around hips will helps problems on G001 spine will help to ease the
with the hip joint, pelvis whole-body stiffness and tension
and lower back and can which help with his hip pain
also benefit the leg. because some muscle group along
the spine also connected to hip

Golden Egg Holistic- Reflexology Diploma (ITEC) Case Study

Student Name: Client Code

Initial Reading of the Feet

Right Foot Left Foot

Colour Pink Pink

Temperature Warm Warm

Texture: Hard skin /Callous Soft Soft

/Corns etc

Skeletal Problems/Arches Normal Normal

Skin Conditions/Infections no No

Nail condition: Normal Normal

Lines/Grooves, etc

Odour No No

Size Normal Normal

Shape Normal normal


Additional Notes:
Emotional observations of the feet

Golden Egg Holistic- Reflexology Diploma (ITEC) Case Study

Student Name: Client Code

As seen by the deep semi-circular stress marks found on the pads of both of his big
toes, G001 may have battled with his self-esteem in the past, or he may be
experiencing contradictory views or thoughts at the time. For a young man, G001's
right foot has more and deeper stress lines than his left foot – for a young man, he
sometimes has quite old-fashioned ideas about what it means to be male/female and
what those roles should be – I'm curious if the deep stress lines on the male foot
represent how deeply he holds these beliefs.

Golden Egg Holistic- Reflexology Diploma (ITEC) Case Study

Student Name: Client Code

Reflexology Foot Observation Chart-Treatment 1

Golden Egg Holistic- Reflexology Diploma (ITEC) Case Study

Student Name: Client Code

Treatment 1
How the client felt before the treatment:
Even though he had just recently discovered massage therapy, G001 was in fantastic
health when he walked in for his treatment at the clinic. Because of this, he has
become more aware of the many ways in which complementary treatments might
improve his general well-being. He is overjoyed at the idea of experimenting with a
new treatment. He has had a tough week at work and is fatigued, but he is pleased that
it is Friday. He is grateful for the opportunity to relax.
Details of how the Therapist conducted the 1st treatment and any tender reflexes
The Skeletal System: Head: Since G001 is a perpetual worrier, focusing on his head
reflex will assist him in bringing order to his thoughts and calming his mind. He'll
benefit from it as well since it will relieve stress in his head, which may extend to his
Neck: Because G001 is prone to stress, I focused on this reaction to keep his neck
from becoming stiff and uncomfortable as a result.
Spine: Activating the reflexes in G001's spine will have a two-fold effect: it will
support his mechanical body while also assisting in the release of any stress that has
built up in his back. It will also aid in the relaxation of his nervous system, which is
quite vital for anybody who is suffering from anxiety or stress. G001 did not have any
tenderness in his spine - but he could feel me working on his reflexes on both feet as I
worked on them. Although "sharply" is an overstatement, the phrase certainly
attracted his attention.
The Endocrine System: I focused on G001's adrenal glands to help him relax a little
bit more — this reflex was somewhat painful on his right foot, but quite sore on his
left foot, so I worked on it. I pulsed, softly at first, then somewhat more vigorously,
while checking in with G001 many times, in an attempt to manage G001's fight or
flight reaction, which was triggered by the pulses.
Pineal Gland: I focused on G001's pineal and pineal helper reflexes since he has a
tough time falling asleep and staying asleep. This should aid in the regulation of his
body's general cycles, including sleep and the synthesis of melatonin. To benefit all of
G001's hormonal activity, I focused my efforts on the pituitary gland, which is known
as the master gland.
The Nervous System: Solar plexus: G001's solar plexus was the location of my
repeated visits during the therapy to promote profound relaxation. His first reaction to
it was a little frightening, as he said he could feel it in his arms - but this did not occur
when I returned to it later. Working on G001's solar plexus should also be beneficial
in relieving his constipation problems.
The Digestive System: I took care of G001's whole digestive system, from his
esophagus to his big intestine and everything in between. Mild tenderness in his liver
was the only reaction in his digestive system that he could feel. G001 does not use
alcoholic beverages, thus his digestive problems must be connected to this.

Golden Egg Holistic- Reflexology Diploma (ITEC) Case Study

Student Name: Client Code

The Lymphatic System: Although G001's lymphatic channels were somewhat grainy
in appearance, I was able to operate efficiently across them, directing the flow of
lymphatic fluid towards his heart. This will aid in the strengthening of his immune
How the client felt during the treatment:
In the course of the therapy, G001 remained vigilant and comfortable throughout,
attempting to keep an eye on what I was doing at all times. I reminded him a couple
of times that he would gain more by completely surrendering and just closing his eyes
— he has agreed to do so the next time!
How the client felt after the treatment:
G001 said that he felt fantastic after the treatment - he really loved it – and that he got
a tremendous feeling of relaxation afterward. He wasn't sure what he was relieved of,
but he felt as if a weight had been lifted off his shoulders. He expressed delight at his
feet, noting that they had not gotten such thorough treatment in a long time.
Aftercare advice, Homecare advice given & recommendations for self-care:
I urged G001 to drink lots of water following the treatment to flush out toxins and
keep himself hydrated after the therapy was over. His toenail was bothering him, so I
suggested that he try if it would go gone on its own. He said that it didn't bother him,
so he had considered leaving it to see if it would go away on its own. I informed him
that I believed he would benefit from leaving sooner rather than later. I showed a
"Perform In" for G001 and handed him a booklet with instructions on how to do it. He
has a terrible time getting out of bed in the mornings, therefore I believe this would be
beneficial to him. It was also important for me to demonstrate to G001 where his solar
plexus is located on his palms and explain that he should gently massage or touch this
spot whenever he felt himself becoming agitated or nervous. He was overjoyed at the
prospect of having a tool that may be of use to him.
Reflective practice:
In addition to being an extremely tall guy, G001 has large, wide feet to match his
height. When I first started trying to figure out how I should cover all of the regions, I
thought it was a bad idea. But as I found out how to switch hands back and forth, I
realized it was beneficial since there was a lot of room on his feet to work on. Giving
the therapy was something I truly loved doing. Furthermore, he didn't have to use a lot
of pillows to support his back since his feet were easily able to reach the end of the
I was delighted to learn that G001 loved the treatment – and I look forward to finding
out if he has benefited in any way from it next week, as well as whether he has
followed any of the homecare recommendations.
Reflexology Foot Observation Chart-Treatment 2

Golden Egg Holistic- Reflexology Diploma (ITEC) Case Study

Student Name: Client Code

Golden Egg Holistic- Reflexology Diploma (ITEC) Case Study

Student Name: Client Code

Reflexology: Treatment 2

Client feedback from the last treatment and progress since. How are they feeling
The patient, G001, said that he felt "very well" after receiving the therapy last week
— he had a good time and felt peaceful and relaxed afterward. He returned home and
relaxed thereafter – and attempted to keep that condition until it was time to go to bed
– he fell asleep much more easily than usual – he woke up a few times throughout the
night, but he woke up feeling more rested the following morning than he had the night
before. In the week, he noticed that his sleep had become considerably more restful -
at least for a few nights. His constipation has remained the same, but his heartburn has
seemed to be less acute this week. Although he seems in fantastic shape today, he has
had another challenging week at work and is hopeful that the therapy will assist him
in getting through it.
Changes to treatment plan:
There were no modifications to the treatment plan - this treatment took place from 9 –
10 pm so that G001 could simply go home and to bed thereafter – to see if this would
aid him in getting a restful and deep night's sleep – and to see if this would aid him in
getting a restful and deep night's sleep.
Reading of the feet-any changes from last week:
No changes
Emotional reading of the feet-any changes from last week:
No changes
Details of how the Therapist conducted the 2nd treatment and any tender
reflexes found:
The Skeletal System: Head: I worked on G001's head reflex to help relieve tension
and stress while also assisting him in bringing order to his jumbled thoughts. As we
get closer to the start of the routine, G001 didn't relax right away into the treatment
this week. He was more jumpy than usual, but I continued to work at a leisurely pace
and instructed him to try to take deep breaths and shut his eyes.
Neck: In addition to feeling a little stiff in his upper body this week, G001's neck
reflex was very little painful this week (he claimed to have spent more time at his
desk than normal).
Spine: Then I gently thumb walked up and down on G001's spine several times – his
spine was a little sensitive again this week (but not tender), followed by a gentle
fingertip massage – this will help to reduce stiffness and tension in his skeletal system
– as well as calm his nervous system, which will act to help reduce stress.
The Endocrine System: G001's adrenal reflexes were very sensitive once again this
week - and once again, they were more so on his left foot than on his right. While I
was pulsing on his adrenals, he inquired as to what I was focusing on specifically.

Golden Egg Holistic- Reflexology Diploma (ITEC) Case Study

Student Name: Client Code

When I explained that it was his adrenal reflex and that his adrenals were in charge of
his fight or flight reaction, he just smiled and remarked, "Yeah, that figures." Towards
the conclusion of the therapy, I went to G001's adrenals once more - this time to try to
get G001 to operate in a little more relaxed manner.
Pineal Gland: Working on both the pineal reflex and the pineal helper reflex, I was
able to keep G001's slightly improved sleep going – and hopefully improve it even
more. This was done in the hopes of balancing the need to help G001 relax while also
working on his pineal to regulate his circadian rhythm and increase melatonin
Pituitary Gland: as the pituitary is the master gland, I worked this gland to benefit all
G001’s hormonal function.
The Nervous System: As the solar plexus is the reflex that is most effective in
generating calm, I made many trips to the solar plexus throughout the therapy. In this
instance, G001 did not have any bad reactions to it. G001's constipation should be
alleviated once again as a result of this.
The Digestive System: While working on CG's digestive system, I saw that his liver
reflex had become sensitive once again - even though he does not experience physical
discomfort in this part of his body. Perhaps by activating this reflex, he will be able to
increase his bile production, which will be beneficial to his overall digestion. G001
did not have any additional painful reactions in his digestive tract, which was unusual
for him.
The Lymphatic System: It seemed that G001's lymphatic channels were somewhat
gritty once again - I finger walked over them a few times, and they subsequently
drained nicely towards his heart. This will aid in the elimination of toxins and the
strengthening of his immune system.
Details of how the client felt during the treatment:
He was a little upset at the beginning of this therapy, but after he let go and allowed
himself to relax, he loved it.
How the client felt after the treatment:
He said that he found the therapy to be tranquil and relaxing. This was fantastic since
he was anxious upon going for the therapy – even though he claimed to be OK – and
he was quite coiled up.
After his treatment, he was exhausted and ready to go to his bed, so I was relieved
that it was late in the evening and he could go directly home to bed.
Aftercare, Homecare advice given & recommendations for self-care:
I reminded G001 to drink lots of water again after his treatment – and to continue
doing so throughout the rest of the week as well. He has attempted the Do In a couple
of times, and he intends to continue doing so every morning he is available. I showed
G001 where the adrenal reflex is located on his hands and instructed him to gently
pulse on it a few times a day – in addition to pressing on his solar plexus – especially
if he knew he would be attending a difficult meeting or making a phone call, as this

Golden Egg Holistic- Reflexology Diploma (ITEC) Case Study

Student Name: Client Code

could help him avoid becoming stressed as a result of the event. He has not yet had
the opportunity to get his ingrown toenail examined, but he has put it on his list of
things to have done!
Reflective practice:
I appreciated this therapy — I believe I had a better understanding of which hand to
use for a particular response, which was especially helpful considering G001's bigger
feet. I think it's fantastic that G001 has already seen some modest improvements after
just one treatment, and I believe that if he continues to follow his home care regimen,
he will notice a significant improvement.

Golden Egg Holistic- Reflexology Diploma (ITEC) Case Study

Student Name: Client Code

Reflexology Foot Observation Chart-Treatment 3

Golden Egg Holistic- Reflexology Diploma (ITEC) Case Study

Student Name: Client Code

Reflexology: Treatment 3
Client feedback from the last treatment and progress since. How are they feeling
But, even though G001 was feeling exhausted when he came for therapy tonight, as
he put it, it was merely Friday evening after a tough week at work. In terms of sleep,
he had an excellent week. Only two nights throughout the week were spent having
difficulty falling asleep. He had many nice nights of sleep and only two nights during
the week were spent having difficulty falling asleep.
As a result, G001's heartburn has been somewhat less bothersome this week, as well
since the fact that he hasn't been constipated in a long time - although he isn't getting
too enthusiastic about this, as occasionally he goes through phases of being well, only
to be in difficulty the following week.
Changes to treatment plan:
No changes
Reading of the feet-any changes from last week:
No changes
Emotional reading of the feet-any changes from last week:
No changes
Details of how the Therapist conducted the 3rd treatment and any tender
reflexes found:
The Skeletal System: Head: G001 has been reporting improved sleep, which I
believe is partially due to the treatment done on his skull, which I believe is helping to
keep his mind quiet and not overcrowded with information.
Neck: To relieve G001's neck reflex, which had become very slightly tender this week
– once again, he believes this is due to long hours spent at his laptop – and to help him
feel less stiff in his upper body, I gently thumb walked over the back of his neck area,
increasing the pressure just a tad as I went. This will relieve the stress in his neck,
which will in turn relieve the tension in his shoulders.
Spine: I thumb walked up and down on G001's spine several times - it was again a
little sensitive to my thumb movements. I then gave him a mild fingertip massage to
help relieve stiffness and stress in his skeletal system, which he appreciated. Working
on his spine will also assist in calming his nervous system and reducing his stress
The Endocrine System: G001's adrenal reflexes were very sensitive once again this
week - and once again, they were more painful on his left foot than on his right foot.
Throughout the therapy, I pulsed on G001's adrenals a number of times and returned
to these responses at the conclusion of the treatment to modulate G001's fight or flight
reaction. His adrenals will also benefit from treatment since it will lower
inflammation in his body, which should help to alleviate the stress and discomfort in
his neck and shoulders.

Golden Egg Holistic- Reflexology Diploma (ITEC) Case Study

Student Name: Client Code

Pineal Gland: G001's sleep has obviously improved as a result of my treatment on his
pineal and pineal helper reflexes, so I continued to treat them in the same manner as I
did last week in order to compound the advantages he is currently experiencing.
Pituitary Gland: Because the pituitary is the master gland, I worked with it to improve
the hormonal function of all of G001's organs.
The Nervous System: Solar plexus: The solar plexus was the focus of my attention
during this treatment, as it had been throughout the previous two sessions. G001 will
benefit from this as it will assist to instill a profound feeling of serenity and relaxation
in him. Once again, this should be beneficial in alleviating G001's constipation.
The Digestive System: While I was working on G001's digestive tract this week, he
didn't seem to be experiencing any special soreness. However, he continues to need
assistance, so I treated each reflex very meticulously to ensure that his heartburn and
constipation continued to improve as a result of the treatment.
The Lymphatic System: This week, as I was working on G001's digestive tract, he
didn't seem to be very sensitive. However, he continues to need assistance, so I
worked each reflex very meticulously to ensure that his heartburn and constipation
continued to improve as a result of his treatment.
Details of how the client felt during the treatment:
G001 was completely at ease throughout this treatment — it was the first time he had
just climbed up on the plinth and laid back with his eyes closed without any
How the client felt after the treatment:
G001 said that he felt "wonderful" after receiving the therapy. He'd been exhausted by
the time he'd arrived for the treatment, to the point that he'd considered canceling.
Instead of being fatigued and agitated, he was now pleased and relaxed, and he was
quite grateful that he hadn't done so.
Aftercare, homecare advice given, recommendations for self-care:
Now that G001 is sleeping a little better, I advised that he attempt to reduce his coffee
use by a little bit. He agreed. In my hands, I demonstrated the head reflex to G001,
and I instructed him to continue working on his adrenal and solar plexus, and that he
could then include the head reflex into his routine. As I stated, it will assist him in
clearing his mind and keeping his ideas in order.
Reflective practice:
This morning's therapy went really well — G001 was completely relaxed, which
allowed me to focus on the treatment and not have to tell him to relax during the
session. I'm overjoyed that he seems to be enjoying the treatments - and I know that
the hour of rest will be quite beneficial to him.

Golden Egg Holistic- Reflexology Diploma (ITEC) Case Study

Student Name: Client Code

Reflexology Foot Observation Chart -Treatment 4

Golden Egg Holistic- Reflexology Diploma (ITEC) Case Study

Student Name: Client Code

Reflexology: Treatment 4
Client feedback from the last treatment and progress since. How are they feeling
GOO1 weight today is 90kg, his weight is not changing much anymore. His diet is not
so strict anymore, but he still eats meat very little and his portions are much smaller.
He said, that was massaging his hands and he actually liked it pretty much and it was
not too hard for him. He doesn’t feel so stressed anymore.
Changes to treatment plan:
No changes
Details of how the Therapist conducted the 4th treatment and any tender
reflexes found:
The Skeletal system:

 Because of his limping, his lower back reflexes on his left foot are still quite
painful, and I would be astonished if they improved any time soon.
 I performed well across the whole Spine reflex to aid in the support of the
entire skeletal system and the improvement of the neurological system.
 Arm and shoulder reflexes are very gritty on the right side and less gritty on
the left. I spent more time working on these reflexes to assist lessen stress.
 Because the neck reflex on my left foot was a little painful, I worked on it for
a longer period of time to release stress.
 Knee reflexes were studied in order to alleviate knee discomfort.
The Muscular system:

 I had great success working on the Diaphragm reflex lines to slow down
breathing and to assist in reducing stress in the body.
 I worked on Pelvic and lower back muscle responses over and over again in
order to alleviate lower back discomfort.
The Nervous system:
The sciatica line was quite sore on the left foot, but less so on the right foot. It was
something I worked on to keep sciatica pain at bay.
The reflex sites of the cranial nerves were all sensitive.
On both feet, the head and brain reactions were quite painful. I massaged them to
alleviate the symptoms of cerebral palsy.
I concentrated my attention on the Solar Plexus for a longer period of time to assist
him in relaxing.
The Endocrine system:

Golden Egg Holistic- Reflexology Diploma (ITEC) Case Study

Student Name: Client Code

Because of his back, arm, and shoulder issues, I was able to operate very effectively
on his adrenal gland, which helped him with stress, inflammation, and aches.
I worked on the Hypothalamus reflex, which is responsible for body temperature
Pituitary reflexes were painful on both feet, so I massaged them vigorously to bring
hormones back into balance.
I have a lot of success using Thyroid Reflexes for a healthier metabolism.
The Circulatory system: I massaged the heart reflex, which was a little painful, very
softly in order to promote blood pressure and blood circulation in the body.
The Digestive system: I did an excellent job on all of his digestive organ reflexes,
which will assist him to digest more effectively and maintain a healthy weight.
The Lymphatic system: Working on his lymphatic system reflexes will assist him in
stabilizing his weight by reducing the amount of extra fluid in his body.
Details of how the client felt during the treatment: The sensation of warm waves
coursing through his body was combined with a nice pleasure feeling in his thoughts.
He felt comfortable, but he didn't fall asleep.
How the client felt after the treatment: He expressed satisfaction with the therapy
and expressed a desire to return for another session.
Aftercare, home care advice & recommendations for self-care:

 in order to maintain a healthy diet

 It is important to drink lots of water after therapy.
 When it is feasible, massage his feet or hands, as desired.
 to keep up with physical activity
 If he spent his time thinking about hobbies, it would keep his mind occupied,
and he would have less time to worry about food and his health concerns.
 If he believes his back is growing worse, he should contact a physiotherapist
or another professional as soon as possible. He should not delay seeking
assistance for an extended period of time.
 He has to get 8 hours of sleep since his body is trying so hard to lose weight
and is consuming a lot of energy while doing so.
Reflective practice:
GOO1 was more open than normal, and he was able to articulate his sentiments in
more detail than usual. Because this was his last case study treatment, it seemed that
he was already missing them all. I offered him additional treatments, and if he is
interested and likes them, I may offer him a discount for a treatment course if he pays
in advance, when I would be completely certified, which he accepted. He was
enthralled by this concept. I had the impression that I was doing an excellent job with
a difficult patient and that I was able to make him feel better.
Final Conclusion

Golden Egg Holistic- Reflexology Diploma (ITEC) Case Study

Student Name: Client Code

This was an extremely well-done case study, in my opinion. G001 reacted quite well
to reflexology, which was a significant boost to my confidence. Despite the fact that
G001's feet were far bigger than those I had previously worked on, I felt confident in
my abilities since there was enough scope to deal with after I figured out how to swap
hands to cover the whole surface.
G001 worked really hard to complete his homecare – and was quite delighted when it
was successful – and it really drove home to me how vital it is, and how it both
extends and reinforces the therapy.
I believe that giving G001 the time to just relax and the time to see things a little
differently was the most beneficial thing we could have done for him in this case
study – I am confident that he will continue to use the reflex points I demonstrated to
him as well as the Do In to bring himself to life each morning.

Golden Egg Holistic- Reflexology Diploma (ITEC) Case Study

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