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1. When you’re different, you have to put in extra effort to fit in. It’s not simple to
belong to somewhere, something, or someone if you’re different (which you are).
This is due to the fact that you do not easily fit into what society deems
acceptable. To be accepted in society, you must be kinder, nicer, and more
helpful than the typical individual.
2. Recognize our blind spots as the first step toward being inclusive. It’s difficult for
us to accept someone who is little different. It dehumanizes them in some ways
when we start treating them differently because they are different. They feel like
an outcast as a result of it. Which is incorrect. We must recognize our blind spots
by recognizing what makes us unique and appreciating those characteristics.
Just because you’re the same as everyone else doesn’t imply you’re superior.
3. Only when you understand, accept, and appreciate your own differences will you
be able to do so for others.
4. Respect necessitates bravery.
5. “Dialogue is impossible when you can’t perceive anything nice on the other side.”
We will continue to make the same mistakes without discussion because we will
not learn anything new.”
6. Some disparities are just plain annoying. You may not be able to do much about
them at times. And that’s perfectly fine. You just do not let your differences to
define you. Rise over your foes. The ability to re-imagine yourself beyond what
others see is the most difficult, but also the most beautiful, undertaking of all.
7. Mariana has traveled extensively over the world, conversing with and meeting
people from all walks of life. “The single thing that all of us have in common is
being human,” she claims she has learned above everything else. As a result,
take a position in defense of your race, the human race.

Summary: Mariana was stunning. Everything about her felt warm and welcoming, as if
she was welcoming life with open arms, eager to take on any task while also assisting
others in need.
Her presentation focused on her accomplishments as a successful Latina Journalist in
the United States. Yes, she was successful, despite the fact that she worked in a major
network such as the media, where hardly everyone succeeds. 2) She was Latina, which
would have been OK if it hadn’t been for point three, namely that she was in America.
She narrates the story of her personal development and what she’s learned about being
human as a result. She walks us through the struggles and opportunities she had along
the way to become the woman she is today.

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