Winter 2009 The Ecological Landscaper Newsletter

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Because land doesn’t come with a manual. . . Price $2.

ISSN 1554-656X

The Newsletter of the Ecological Landscaping Association Vol. 16, No. 1 Spring 2009

Moving Forward with ELA : Connecting the Dots

From the Editor In this issue of The Ecological Land- Expanding the Story of
scaper, we review some of the confer- Ecological, Sustainable,
• Kat Good-Schiff
ence sessions. We will continue to and Organic Landscaping

O ver 300 landscaping

processionals, landscaping
product and service providers,
expand on conference offerings and
additional topics in the coming year.
“This is the only conference like
• Keynote Address by Peter Forbes,
Co-founder and Executive
Director of the Center for Whole
master gardeners, community this anywhere. It is great to get Communities
activists, homeowners, students, and together with other like-minded Review by Darcy Paige, MCH, OLCP,
interested individuals came together professionals,” said one attendee. owner of Laurel Garden Design
in Springfield, Presenter
at the 15th “Green is the right business Benjamin
T his was my first time at
the ELA conference. As a
annual ELA to be in right now” called it “a landscape designer and maintenance
Conference on very well- professional wanting to transition
February 27 organized, my clients to ecologically sound
and 28. They “dug in” to the theory well-considered and most interesting practices, I hoped to expand my
and practice of ecological landscaping conference.” And keynote speaker knowledge, network with others in
by attending two inspiring keynote David Yarrow observed, “In my the field, and receive inspiration.
addresses and 20 in-depth sessions second encounter with ELA, I am By the end of the day, that’s exactly
on cutting-edge topics. even more impressed with its quietly what I got. The sessions I attended
efficient organization.” and the Eco-Marketplace were
Other good news, shared at the excellent, informative, and offered
1 Expanding the Story conference, is that in the midst of many opportunities to meet new
3 Managing Soil Compaction economic uncertainty, the demand people and talk to others about the
for sustainable landscaping services latest developments in ecological
3 Survival Strategies and Tree Connections
remains strong. Many landscaping landscaping.
4 ABCs of Forest Insects professionals reported that 2008 was The keynote speech by Peter
5 Members Making a Difference their most successful season ever. As Forbes touched on many points. He
our featured member in this issue, spoke of the landscapes of our child-
6 Open Forum
John Engwer, declares: “Green is the hoods and how many of them no
9 Moving Forward with ELA right business to be in right now.”
12 Gleanings, Events EXPANDING continued on pg. 2
The Ecological Landscaper is published The sponsors of ELA’s 15th Annual

by the Ecological Landscaping As-
Conference deserve special recognition.
sociation (ELA). Subscriptions are a
benefit of membership in ELA. For 
information about ELA, contact:
We thank ICT Organics for their important role in
making the conference possible.
For compost tea and organic lawn care made easy, visit
them at
1257 Worcester Rd., #262
Framingham, MA 01701
(617) 436-5838 EXPANDING continued from pg. 1
longer exist; of the social disconnect nations, pruned and grafted several
Write to us! We welcome comments, that can happen when we are no times to several trees, a piece of this
letters, articles, topic ideas, and
opinions. Send to Newsletter Editor
longer connected to the land; of the wood was offered for Mr. Forbes
at the address above. importance of conserving the land to carve. Holding a piece of wood
Also send all other ELA business, that remains undeveloped; and of that had grown from the cutting
including address changes, to the opportunities to create community Gandhi had given to a friend was
address listed above. and urban gardens that allow people a moving experience, a strong re-
The ELA board meets to reconnect to the land and each minder that the land has the power
throughout the year in various
locations in eastern Massachusetts.
other. A slide show behind Mr. to connect people to each other and
All members are welcome. Contact Forbes showed beautiful photo- to their dreams.
us for specific dates and locations. graphs of people and natural places. Secondly, the final message to us
ELA Board of Directors The images did not illustrate spe- was clear: that we, as workers with
President: Dennis Collins cific points in his talk, but provided the land, are not only stewards but
Vice President: Kathy Sargent-O’Neill a visual, nonverbal counterpoint to also spokespeople who must go out
Treasurer: Chris O’Brien his words. and encourage people to see new
Secretary: Andrea Knowles I left the evening with two par- ways of connecting to the land, of
Board Members ticularly strong memories. The first saving the land, and of caring for the
M.L. Altobelli is of holding a spoon that he passed land (and ourselves) in a way that can
Jordan Hall around the room at the begin- be sustained over the long haul.
William Jewell It was a poetic evening, difficult
ning of his talk. He had carved the
Robert Levite
spoon out of pear wood that had to describe. I left feeling encouraged
Trevor Smith
Sue Storer once been pruned off a tree in India and inspired to take my work for-
Maureen Sundberg by Mahatma Gandhi and grafted to ward into the coming season.
Sandy Vorce a tree in the U.S. After many incar-
Bruce Wenning
Executive Assistant: Penny Lewis
Each author appearing herein retains
original copyright. Right to reproduce
or disseminate all material herein is
otherwise reserved by ELA. Please contact
the Editor for permission to reprint.
Mention of products is not intended
to constitute endorsement. Opinions
expressed in this newsletter do not
necessarily represent those of ELA’s
directors, staff, or members.
©Ecological Landscaping 2009 In the Eco-Marketplace, vendors and conference sponsors including Jon Briggs of Oldcastle
and John Engwer of Groundscapes Express discussed their product lines with attendees.
— 2—
Managing Soil it is important to properly monitor tivity via organic soil additives such
Compaction and maintain soil aeration because a as compost or compost tea. While
compact soil can lead to more sports biological activity is a must, it may
• Presentation by Paul Sachs
injuries, such as shin splints, as well not always be the best solution, and
Review by Tina Smith
as an increase in weeds and plant in extreme cases aeration equipment

I n his workshop, Managing

Soil Compaction, Paul Sachs
discussed the characteristics of a
diseases. Compact soil is starving
soil and in starved soil plant matter
is needed.
The workshop was very infor-
cannot thrive. mative and included funny tidbits
compact soil and how to remedy A good way to sustain soil aera- of field work stories, making this
the situation. Sachs explained that tion is to increase the biological ac- workshop a hit!

Jazz Hour at the Conference provided time for networking.

Survival Strategies and ecology and metaphor, focusing

Tree Connections on the strategies trees employ to The sponsors of
accomplish the universal goals of
• Presentation by Kevin T. Smith, ELA’s 15th Annual
survival and expansion.
USDA Forest Service Conference deserve
Smith showed a startlingly beau-
Review by Allison Mooney of Mass special recognition.
tiful and informative photograph of
tree growth rings that highlighted

K evin T. Smith’s mantra, “All
trees die, all wood rots,”
might seem initially jarring.
the basket weave pattern between
radial cells (which convey starch
into storage areas) and axial cells
We thank
Few people can comfortably say, (the cambium layer, or phloem and Mount Auburn
“Death is a normative state.” A xylem). This woven network is the Cemetery
pause for reflection, however, crossover zone between the sym- for their important role
spurs hope. Dead trees feeding the plast – the web of living cells – and in making the
microorganisms that keep soil (and the apoplast – the network of “open conference possible.
hence plants) healthy illustrates pipes” supporting the trunk. It is
the cyclical, connected nature of clear that all the living material of To view this beauti-
ecological systems. a tree is connected both physically ful and timeless National
During his presentation, Smith and chemically. What an invigorat- Landmark, visit
moved with alacrity between the ing thought!
microscopic world of soil organ- However, life is not always a
isms to the macrocosmic world of SURVIVAL continued on pg. 8
— 3—
include London plane tree, mimosa, conifer species. On the other hand,
poplars, ashes, and European moun- the ALB is attracted to hardwood
tain ash. species whether they are stressed,
Beetle larvae tunnel through recently cut, or healthy. That’s right,
wood, girdling stems and branches. healthy trees are just as at risk as
Adult female beetles produce 30- stressed ones! All trees attacked by
90 eggs. Eggs hatch in 10-15 days the ALB must be cut down and
into small larvae which grow larger processed through a wood chipper.
as they feed on inner wood. Once The Emerald Ash Borer (EAB)
feeding and tunneling stops, just be- (Agrilus planipennis) is from Asia
Conference presenters and attendees found low the bark surface, larvae pupate and a serious exotic invasive pest of
time to chat between sessions. into adults which resume boring to ash trees. This species is in the fam-
exit the tree. Round exit holes are ⅜ ily Buprestidae or metallic wood-
An Update on the ABCs inch in diameter. boring beetles. The destructive
of Forest Insects – Host trees can be repeatedly at- larvae are also known as flat-headed
Adelgids, Beetles, and tacked by the same population or by borers because the larvae have broad
discrete populations in near prox- flat heads. The white EAB larvae
their Control
imity. Eventually, infested trunks are distinctive, having a serrated
• Presentation by Dennis Souto, and branches die and tree death look along the length of the body
Entomologist, U.S. Forest Service, occurs. Dennis stated that ALB is (abdomen). A pair of brown pincer-
New Hampshire an extremely devastating pest of like appendages is located on the
Review by Bruce Wenning, ELA Board hardwood trees, and “we want to terminal (end) segment.
of Directors
stop this beetle as fast as we can Some larvae of Agrilus species

D ennis gave an informative,

but sobering lecture about the
dangers of the Asian Longhorn
in Massachusetts and … we don’t
want it getting established in Ver-
mont where it can destroy the sugar
attack shrubs, raspberries and black-
berries. One species causes galls on
Ostrya (ironwood). However, most
Beetle (ALB), Emerald Ash Bore maple industry.”
(EAB), and the Hemlock Woolly ALB produces one generation ABCs continued on pg. 10

Adelgid (HWA). All three insects per year. Adults emerge in July and
are exotic invasive pests introduced live until the fall. Adult beetles
from Asia and are responsible don’t travel far from their host trees. The sponsors of
for threatening and destroying Adults are ¾ to 1¼ inches long, ELA’s 15th Annual
certain native tree species from the glossy black in color with white Conference deserve
Midwest to the Northeast. blotches or spots on the wing covers special recognition.
The Asian Longhorn Beetle (An- (elytra). The antennae are very long
oplophora glabripennis) is a recent (between 2 and 3 inches) and the 
introduction to the Worcester, Mas- legs have a bluish-white hue on the
We thank
sachusetts area, and control mea- dorsal (top) surface.
sures to stop this beetle are under- ALB is similar in appearance Belgard-Ondrick
way. ALB is in the order Coleoptera to our native longhorn beetle, for their important role
(beetles) and family Cerambycidae the Whitespotted Sawyer beetle in making the
(long-horned beetles). It is a very (WsSB) (Monochamus scutellatus). conference possible.
beautiful insect, but a serious pest of Only the female WsSB has white
hardwood trees in China. speckles in a mottled arrangement. For landscaping and
In the eastern U.S. ALB prefers Males lack this coloration. Both building stone,
Norway, red, sugar, silver, and box sexes are bronze black and not visit them at
elder maples. Other hosts include glossy or shiny black like the ALB.
elms, willows, Ohio buckeye, and Lastly, the WsSB is attracted
horse chestnut. Less preferred hosts to dying, stressed, or recently cut
— 4—
Members Making a Difference : John Engwer of Groundscapes Express
and Phase II Stormwater Products
• Kat Good-Schiff

F or over ten years, John Engwer’s Groundscapes

Express has been a trusted resource for erosion
control solutions, called on by architects, engineers,
resulting FilterMitt™ retains sediment and protects
wetlands and other water resources. Unlike all other
products, it contains no synthetic materials, so it can
and municipalities across New England. Engwer be left in place indefinitely, saving the costs of repair
has quietly led the field and removal. It can be used alone or in conjunction
in developing ecologically with other storm water management techniques, and
sound erosion control can be grouped to form dams or stream bank stabili-
products, using them for his zation structures. An added benefit is that, due to mi-
own projects and gaining croorganisms, filtering through compost improves the
wide-spread support from quality of the water as well as slowing the flow.
engineers, architects, and the It did take some time for the idea to take hold.
Massachusetts Department Engwer and Goodwin clocked many hours promot-
of Environmental Protection. ing their products to conservation commissions
In an effort to broaden the across Massachusetts, as well as to the DEP and
John Engwer of scope of his ecological stew- EPA. But their efforts paid off— FilterMitt™ is the
Groundscapes Express. ardship and educate both the only product in the United States that satisfies the
Photo: John Ferrarone
industry and public about MA Highway Department’s Item 767.12 for “Mulch
the importance of these practices, Engwer recently Filter Tubes.”
launched Phase II Stormwater Products to offer his “We see the product from start to finish,” Engwer
patented products to the landscaping and erosion con- says. “When I couldn’t find enough quality compost,
trol industries. I started making my own.” He pays attention to the
“We thought it was finally time to spread the word details, and he also has an eye on the big picture.
about what we’ve been doing to support the environ- Landscaping and storm water concerns are really two
ment,” said Engwer. “We have developed and patented aspects of one issue, he points out, adding that “storm
erosion control products, cultivated one of the cleanest water and landscaping should be treated as one permit
compost farms in the nation, and are working to let by the planning boards … because really, the whole
people know about the right way to protect both the landscape is a rain garden. The whole soil is a storm
land and our water supply. These products can open water recharge.”
a new stream of income for companies who have in-
vested in blower trucks and hydroseeders.”
It was the truck that got Engwer into ecological
landscaping. He began his own landscaping business in
1979, and eventually felt the need to purchase a Finn
Corporation blower truck to apply mulch to his clients’
yards. Looking to justify the expense and find addi-
tional uses for the vehicle, he started reading and soon
became convinced of the benefits of using compost—
both for top dressing lawns and as planting mulch.
Then he and his manager, Butch Goodwin, began
experimenting with blowing compost into burlap
tubes. The idea was to create completely biodegradable
Engwer’s patented microbial FilterMitt™ is available through
berms that would improve upon the standard erosion- Phase II Stormwater Products, offering the only biodegradable
control method of straw bales and silt fences. The stormwater solution in the country.

— 5—
of the highlights here.
The sponsors of ELA’s 15th Annual Conference The ELA Annual Con-
deserve special recognition. ference & Eco-Marketplace,
clearly the largest effort of this
 organization each year, was
We thank Groundscapes Express for their important given ample attention. Most
role in making the conference possible. people agreed that it is a very
important event and that it
For innovative storm water solutions, visit them at needs to continue somehow. Some felt that the registration
costs were too high (though
it was also suggested that we
The March 24th are felt by all corporate and non- under-priced it). This brings up
Open Forum Evening profit organizations, we are seeing the old chicken and egg dilemma.
our message (environmental respon- If the registration numbers were
• Dennis Collins
sibility and sustainable use of re- higher, the fees could be lower. Yet,

A fter getting re-named “The

Meeting of the Minds” by
board members involved in the
sources) finally reaching the main-
stream national media. The unique
nature of this moment caused the
we risk a financial loss if the fees are
low and the attendance is also low.
Several people suggested that our
planning of it, the ELA Open ELA Board of Directors to seek the problem (and solution) was in the
Forum Evening was successfully input of as many people as possible. marketing of the conference.
held at the Doyle Conservation Judging from the turnout of more Some discussion focused on the
Center in Leominster, MA. than thirty individuals, the board fact that the conference, although
Hosting the event at an impressive got exactly what it was looking for. capable of generating lots of inter-
LEEDS gold certified facility As the evening’s agenda was est and excitement, happens too
seemed appropriate, since purposely unstructured, the topics rarely. Perhaps ELA needs to get
the group that gathered there and the range of ideas varied widely. on people’s radar screen more fre-
represented some of quently than once per
the most prominent year. There were several
ecological land-care suggestions for chang-
stewards in New ing this, including the
England. The evening staging of the event
offered a far reaching more than once per
discussion about the year, and at different
future of ELA, the venues. However, this
efforts of non-profits expansion seems pos-
nationwide, the sible only if corporate
phenomenon of “green- sponsorship or founda-
washing” in corporate tion grant money could
advertising and the substantially under-
prospects for educating write the costs. Other
the very distractible ideas for achieving this
American public. focused on the website
Invitations for this Doug Gagne of The Mixed Border Nursery and Gardens in Hollis, NH, and what it could offer
makes a point.
event asked people to beyond its present con-
help bring together diverse perspec- Suffice to say, it will take a while tent. One intriguing suggestion was
tives and creative thinking on the before all of the points that were to provide a comprehensive resource
challenges facing our organization. raised can be fully processed. Yet it for municipal planning boards and
At a time when economic pressures seemed worthwhile to share some
OPEN FORUM continued on pg. 7
— 6—
OPEN FORUM continued from pg. 6 choices clearly impact the integrity The different types of educa-
of ecosystems. One sensible idea tional outreach at ELA might be
watershed associations. This would was to attract more of these profes- changed in the future. An interest-
include white papers, download- sionals to our educational events by ing suggestion submitted via email
able power-point presentations featuring speakers from within their by a person who wasn’t able to at-
and video clips. It was noted that ranks. tend the Open Forum was to offer
so many of the problems ecologi- Partnerships and alliances hands-on workshops and behind
cal landscape firms the scenes tours of
are brought in to fix working landscape
could be averted by sites. Filming a series
better planning and of how-to videos for
zoning practices, local cable stations
more progressive lo- or for distribution on
cal ordinances and the web is another
better informed interesting approach.
leadership from Both would require
elected officials. a substantial team of
Municipal plan- speakers/presenters
ning boards and that could be drawn
government officials from within the ranks
were two of many of the ELA member-
suggested new au- ship.
diences that ELA Lastly, an in-
might pursue. Others Kathy Sargent O'Neill, an ELA Board-member, explaining a position while teresting discussion
included homeowners, Karen Howard (far left) and Cathy Rooney listen. about the phenomenon
landscape architects, of corporate “green-
engineers, stormwater managers, were discussed at length. Everyone washing” took place. This came out
and conservationists. Homeowners seemed to favor a significant push of a debate on what new future
make up only 20% of the member- toward more collaboration. Recog- roles could ELA play in educat-
ship in ELA. Although it was not a nizing the common goals and the ing the public about environmental
deliberate strategic choice, this 80- shared visions of different organiza- responsibility. Most folks abhor
20 balance (of professionals to non- tions (as opposed to focusing on marketing campaigns that extol a
professionals) has been fairly con- the differences between them) was OPEN FORUM continued on pg. 8
sistent over the years since ELA’s widely supported as the way to go
founding, and our educational forward. Perhaps the keynote ad-
programming has followed a similar dress by Peter Forbes at this year’s
proportion as a result. There is wide annual conference helped spur this
consensus on expanding our reach view! A rather large list of suit-
to homeowners, but the means to able organizations could quickly be
do it remains uncertain. Landscape assembled, but a few of the more
architects would be a natural fit for natural and logical match-ups were
this organization, since the ELA mentioned at the meeting. These
mission and core message (deci- included the Northeast Organic
sions guided by a knowledge of and Farming Association (NOFA),
respect for natural ecosystems) are the US Environmental Protection
integral to the process of landscape Agency (EPA), the Sustainable
design. Engineers, hydrologists, Sites Initiative (SSI), and several as-
and conservationists all play crucial sociations for conservationists, tree
roles in site development, where wardens, and watershed authorities.
— 7—
OPEN FORUM continued from pg. 7

company’s commitment to energy

efficiency or sustainability when it
is apparent that the company has a
history of environmental indiffer-
ence or (worse yet) products that
contribute to ecological degrada-
tion. We see this more and more
lately, and it was suggested that
ELA could serve as a watch-dog
resource for such practices. This is
not so different from other roles we
are considering, such as identifying
particularly good products and sup- Conference attendees examined the many offerings at the conference book store run by the
pliers, or producing reading lists of New England Wild Flower Society.

essential books (perhaps those that

we’ve reviewed in this newsletter). underestimate the value of what win situation for life on Earth are
However, a surprising perspective you can contribute. far-reaching and profound. Un-
was offered in the middle of this derground, symbiotic relationships
discussion. Someone suggested between root tips and mycorrhizal
we look at green-washing as just a SURVIVAL continued from pg. 3 fungi are equally essential for the
symptom of society (and industry) trees, the fungi, soil health, and the
in the midst of a transition period. “bowl of cherries,” even for trees. vast array of soil organisms.
In a way this is reminiscent of Smith showed a graph comparing As a plant physiologist, Kevin
watching children try on costumes the number of trees that start to Smith uses trees as a medium of
and practice new voices. Is it better grow with the number of mature understanding and exemplifying
to accept this awkward period than trees. Obviously, many more trees connectivity. They are stellar models,
to discourage the budding attempts germinate than reach adulthood. since even their capacity to remain
at corporate responsibility with Fortunately, trees can disconnect upright is based on a regulated bal-
our criticism? Change is often not from disease or injury; this capacity ance of dead cells (heartwood) and
pretty, and perhaps ELA needs to to confront and envelope an inva- living cells (sapwood and bark).
focus more on encouraging change sion or loss is crucial to their surviv- With a small imaginative leap, one
than policing Madison Avenue. al. Smith showed two photographs can readily see how Smith postulates
Or, perhaps not! What do you illustrating such reactions: one of that “energy capture and energy re-
think? ELA is truly a melting pot zone lines around incompatible bac- lease,” primarily through photosyn-
of ideas and perspectives. The Open teria and another of the compart- thesis, is the meaning of life.
Forum illustrated how essential it is mentalization of decay after the loss
to get an infusion of ideas from our of a branch during an ice storm. Smith’s article Connections in Wood
and Foliage provided support for the pre-
members, friends, and colleagues. Trees connectivity extends be- sentation. It can be downloaded at
Please consider this a standing yond physical form. While a tree
invitation to let us know what you might appear to be a discreet physi- html.
are thinking. We need to hear your cal entity, it is consistently involved
perspective. Our organization exists in a complex, interconnected web
and functions solely on the collec- of biotic and abiotic environmental
tive input and ideas of its members. activity. In the atmosphere, CO2
Its success is based on the quality of and water are, of course, engaged
that input, and on the shared time by chlorophyll to create sugars and
and talents of its members. Don’t oxygen. The effects of this win-
— 8—
Moving Forward with ELA : Connecting the Dots
• offering leading-edge
• Kathy Sargent-O’Neill, ELA Board Member, information on ecological,
Conference Committee Chair sustainable, and organic
landscape practices

C onnectivity is a theme in
the ELA world this year. As
discussed by Peter
streaming events over the web, re-
cording roundtables and conference
sessions on DVDs, and holding the
• providing networking
opportunities to those who want
Forbes in his keynote address Conference & Eco-Marketplace in to connect to the land in order
and by Kevin Smith in “Survival two locations each year or alternat- to eliminate or reduce negative
Strategies and Tree Connections,” ing locations every other year. landscaping practices that lead
connecting to land and community Are there organizations that we to environmental degradation
helps sustain, strengthen, and carry should align with? What collabora-
forward one’s purpose, mission, tive efforts should we consider? A Thanks to all who attended the
and goals—whether the resounding “Yes” was delivered to Open Forum and to those who sent
connections are between the ideas of aligning and collaborat- along suggestions and encourage-
trees, individuals, or ing with like-minded organizations. ment. Let us know your thoughts
groups. There’s a lot to be done logistically on these proposals or send any other
ELA hosted an Open Forum but the will and interest are there. ideas to –
on March 24 to explore ways we We look forward with renewed and stay tuned to the Newsletter
might sustain, strengthen, and carry energy and new connections to the and ELA website for updates about
forward our mis- various possibilities suggested at all these exciting possibilities.
sion to provide the Open Forum for continuing the
information about ELA mission, including:
ecological land-
scaping practices
and methods to professionals and
the public. A heartening number of
interested parties took time out of
their busy schedules to attend. These
included conference attendees, rep-
resentatives of various like-minded
organizations, ELA members, and
the ELA Board of Directors.
We posed the following questions
to the group and received many
great suggestions:
Are traditional events like the
Conference and Roundtables still vi-
able? The answer to this questions
was, “Yes—networking and educa-
tion on these topics are needed
more then ever!”
Are there new approaches and
newer models that we have not con-
sidered? The “Yes” was accompanied
by many good suggestions of new
models for events and the distribu-
tion of information. These included
— 9—
ABCs continued from pg. 4 ies. When you pull off the bark of
an infested killed tree you can see The Ecological Landscaping
larvae bore under bark in the cam- these feeding galleries packed with Association would like to
bium region causing serious dam- fine textured sawdust – like frass
thank the following for their
age to trees and shrubs. Buprestids (i.e. excrement).
commonly attack living trees as well Adult EAB beetles are about ¼ generous help in sustaining
as recently cut or dying trees and inch long, narrow, with body color our mission through the
branches. This holds true for EAB. varying from bronze black to me- Annual Appeal:
However, the EAB attacks only tallic green. This species has one
ash species in North America. It is generation per year. Adult beetles,
established in Michigan; Windsor, which emerge from trees in early Dwight Brooks
Ontario, Canada; and several loca- June to early July, feed on ash leaves
tions in Ohio. It is expected to colo- and hide in bark crevices and on ash
nize the Northeast if present trends foliage. Leaf damage is minimal and Ecological
continue. noticeable on leaf margins. Landscape
Female EAB beetles lay an aver- Trees are killed by the action Designs, LLC
age of 75 eggs. Eggs are laid in bark of the boring EAB larvae. Water
crevices and hatch in 7 to 10 days. and nutrient transport is disrupted
First instar larvae (i.e., the smallest by larval feeding, causing infested Sarah Holland
and youngest) bore just beneath the branches and stems to wilt. Repeat-
bark into the cambium where they ed infestation eventually kills the
feed and grow larger as they travel tree within 5 years depending on
Taylor Kane
producing s-shaped feeding galler- host tree size, condition, prevailing
stressful environmental conditions, Liz Newell
site quality, and size of the infesting
EAB population.
The Hemlock Woolly Adelgid Sandy Vorce
(HWA), Adelges tsugae, is in the in-
Wells * Filters * Pumps sect order Homoptera. The order also
Stain Removal Services includes other related and familiar Thank you as well to our
Design * Sales * Service
* l * insect groups like aphids; scales;
many valued supporters
spittlebugs; cicadas; leaf, plant, and
tree hoppers; psyllids; and whiteflies. who wish to remain
Adelgids are in the family Adel- anonymous.
gidae. Aphids, on the other hand,
are in the family Aphididae. Both
are soft-bodied plant feeders with aphids. Honeydew consists mainly
piercing-sucking mouth parts and of excess ingested sap and sugars
complex life cycles. mixed with waste materials. Sooty
An interesting side note: there are mold colonizes honeydew giving it
John Larsen some noticeable differences in the a black color which is an excellent
Well Water Connection, Inc. field between aphids and adelgids field diagnostic feature indicating
PO Box 158  Tewksbury, MA  01876
Tel: 978
Tel: 978‐640‐6900
640 6900  Cell: 978
Cell: 978‐804‐5146
804 5146 including but not limited to the that aphids are present. (4) Adelgid
Fax: 978‐640‐6901  following: (1) Adelgids only oc- damage causes needles to yellow
Email: cur on conifers. (2) Aphids mostly and eventually drop. Aphid damage
occur on leaves and stems. Some causes leaf yellowing, leaf and stem
occur on roots. (3) Above ground wilting, and leaf curling, depend-
Visit our NEW On‐Line Store aphids produce honeydew, a clear, ing on the aphid species. (5) Some
sticky substance secreted by feeding ABCs continued on pg. 11

— 10—
ABCs continued from pg. 10 in certain situations. Females can with nerve poison insecticides.
species of aphids can transmit plant produce up to 300 eggs. This type Horticultural oil is very good for
diseases. Adelgids do not transmit of reproduction is called partheno- HWA control if thorough coverage
plant diseases. (6) Aphids feed on genesis (i.e., egg production without of infested branches is achieved.
nutrient rich sap while the HWA male fertilization). Parthenogen- The same principle holds true for
feeds on stored carbohydrates (i.e. esis presents problems when nerve insecticidal soaps. Both are not
starches) in small branch stems poison insecticides are repeatedly nerve poisons and are impracti-
(branch tips). used in chemical control programs. cal to use on large trees and large
The HWA is a major insect pest Insecticide resistance builds up over inaccessible forest stands. It is my
of eastern hemlock (Tsuga canaden- time. In other words, some adelgids opinion that horticultural oil works
sis) and Carolina hemlock (T. have the genetic traits to survive the best on controlling the HWA.
caroliniana) in their natural ranges the first chemical application. These Horticultural oil kills by smothering
in the eastern U.S. from Maine to survivors reproduce giving way or suffocation and not by poisoning.
Georgia. It is a tiny insect measur- to more resistant individuals, and Therefore, insects susceptible to oil
ing less than 1/16 of an inch long. so on. For example, if one repeat- cannot build up resistance. Soil in-
When maturing to adulthood it edly uses an insecticide labeled for jection using MERIT has provided
covers its body with white waxy HWA control, year after year, each long-term control.
filaments. These filaments give the successive surviving adelgid popu- To view images of these insects
appearance of tiny cotton-like balls lation would become resistant to and to learn more about their biol-
along the undersides of branch tips that specific insecticide. Insect pests ogy and control, go to www.inva-
and are the characteristic diagnostic reproducing by parthenogenesis and
feature indicating HWA infestation. coupled with a high reproductive us/pubs/palerts.shtm.
The HWA needs no males to re- capacity, like adelgids and aphids,
produce; however, males are present can be extremely difficult to control

Erosion Control Solutions

FilterMitt™ installed with Groundscapes' compost blends are succcessful & superior to other
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P.O. Box 737
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Office: (508) 384 -7140
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— 11—
gleanings events Presenters: Sherri Osaka from Sus-
tainable Landscape Designs and John
Asian Longhorned Beetle: Invasion of the Longhorns Russell from Water Sprout. Learn what
Volunteers Needed Wednesday, April 15, author Peter grey water is and how you can use it to
Massachusetts Arborists Association Alsop will speak at Kemper Auditorium provide solutions for your customers’
seeks MCA volunteers to conduct on the Phillips Academy campus in landscaping needs. Students and CLCA
climbing inspections to help with the Andover, MA, at 7:30 p.m. Alsop has and APLD members: $30, all others
Asian Longhorned Beetle situation been investigating the Asian Long- $40. Send a check to Heidi Johnson,
in Worcester. Volunteers are asked horned Beetle outbreak in Worcester, c/o H K Johnson & Assoc., 1153
to make a two-day commitment any and has written an article that will be Scotland Drive, Cupertino, CA 95014.
time between March 15 and July 15. published shortly in Smithsonian. Include your business name, which
If you are interested in lending a hand, individuals will be attending, and your
please download this form: http:// 7th Annual Green Expo contact information with email. Ques- Wednesday, April 22 in Boston, MA, tions:
teer_maa.pdf hosted by EPA New England. This
vendor fair features energy efficient, Ecological Horticulture Classes
Board Member Wanted recycled, less-toxic, organic, or At New England Wild Flower Society,
The Southwest Corridor Park Con- otherwise environmentally preferable Garden in the Woods, Framingham, MA
servancy is a four-year-old, 501C-3 consumer products and services. The Compost Tea Workshop :
whose mission is to preserve, protect, theme is Climate Change and Energy. Saturday, June 13
and restore the Southwest Corridor Visit the website and submit an online
Park located within the City of Boston. registration at Introduction to Seed Collecting :
We are a state park managed by the r1/videolen.nsf/greenexpo. Saturday, September 12
Department of Conservation and Rec-
reation. The budget for the park is next Native Knowledge Conference For more information and a complete
to non-existent, and we are actively Saturday, April 25 in Great Barrington, list of offerings, visit http://www.newfs.
raising funds for park maintenance. MA with two nationally-known speak- org/learn/adult/
We have an effective board but lack a ers: entomologist Douglas Tallamy,
landscape professional who can advise author of Bringing Nature Home; and International Biochar Initiative
us and direct us on the best practices William Cullina, botanist and author North American Biochar Conference
for the replanting and restoration of of several wonderful gardening books. Sunday, August 9-Wednesday, August 12
the hardscape and landscape along the There will also be several breakout ses-
park. The time required by the board sions with local horticulture experts. Sponsor: Center for Energy &
member is about two hours per month For more information or to register visit Environmental Security
for a meeting. Beyond that, whatever Place: Law School, University of
the board member feels he or she can Colorado at Boulder
give. Please contact Franco Campanel- Workshop: Demonstration & Discus- Contact: Ron Larson
lo, President, Southwest Corridor Park sion of the Making & Use of Biochar Phone: 303-526-9629
Conservancy at 617-642-5223 or visit Saturday, May 9 Email:
us at 9:00 am – 4:00 pm Web:
with David Yarrow & Doug Clayton
The Lodge At Pony Farm
19 Putnam Road (off Webster Highway
off Route 101), Temple, NH Correction
Cost: $25, Soup & Salad Lunch with
Coffee & Tea provided On page 1 of our Winter 2009
To pre-register contact: issue, Lauren Chase Rowell’s
Douglas Williams name was not on the byline
28 Cunningham Pond Road at the start of the article. It
Peterborough, NH 03458 should have read: “Digging
603-924-7008 into Ecological Landscaping by Following Nature’s Lead—by
Kate Hartnett, Lauren Chase
Hands-On Greywater Workshop Rowell, Mary Tebo, and Marilyn
The CLCA Education Committee Wyzga.” Our apologies for the
presents this half-day workshop on error. —Ed.
Friday, May 15 in Los Altos Hills, CA.

— 12—

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