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CONSPIRACY Contrary to law with the following aggravating

1. That the crime was committed with insult to
public authorities;
G.R. NO. L-19069            OCTOBER 29, 1968
2. That the crime was committed by a band;
PHILIPPINES, PLAINTIFF-APPELLEE, 3. That the crime was committed by armed men or
VS. persons who insure or afford impunity;
4. That use of superior strength or means was
employed to weaken the defense;
FLORENCIO LUNA AND GERVASIO 5. That as a means to the commission of the crime
LARITA, DEFENDANTS-REVIEW. doors and windows have been broken;

Assistant Solicitors General Vicente A. Torres and Antonio 6. That means was employed which add ignominy
Ibarra for plaintiff-appellee. to the natural effects of the act;
J. R. Nuguid for defendants-review.
7. That the crime was committed where public
PER CURIAM: authorities were engaged in the discharge of their
In the decision in criminal case 7705 of the Court of First
Instance of Rizal,subject of the present automatic Upon motion of the provincial fiscal before trial, the lower
review, Amadeo Peralta, Andres Factora, Leonardo Dosal, court dismissed the charge against one of the accused 2 for
Angel Parumog, Gervasio Larita and Florencio Luna (six lack of evidence. After the prosecution had rested its case,
among the twenty-two defendants 1 charged therein with the charges against six of the accused 3 were dismissed for
multiple murder) were pronounced guilty, and all sentenced failure of the prosecution to establish a prima facie case
to death, to indemnify jointly and severally the heirs of each against them. One of the defendants died 4 during the
of the victims, namely, Jose Carriego, Eugenio pendency of the case. After trial, the court a quo acquitted
Barbosa and Santos Cruz, in the sum of P6,000, and each to eight5 of the remaining defendants.
pay his corresponding share of the costs.
As early as in 1956, a great number of inmates confined in
The information recites: the national penitentiary at Muntinglupa arrayed themselves
into two warring gangs, the "Sigue-Sigue" and the "OXO",
That on or about the 16th day of February, 1958, in the former composed predominantly of Tagalog inmates, the
the municipality of Muntinglupa, province of Rizal, latter comprised mainly of prisoners from the Visayas and
Philippines, and within the jurisdiction of this Mindanao. Since then the prison compound has been rocked
Honorable Court, the abovenamed accused, who time and time again by bloody riots resulting in the death of
are convicts confined in the New Bilibid Prisons by many of their members and suspected sympathizers. In an
virtue of final judgments, conspiring, confederating effort to avert violent clashes between the contending
and mutually helping and aiding one another, with groups, prison officials segrerated known members of the
evident premeditation and treachery, all armed with "Sigue-Sigue" from those of the "OXO". Building 1 housed
deadly weapons, did, then and there, willfully, "Sigue-Sigue" members, while a majority of the prisoners
unlawfully and feloniously kill Jose Carriego, confined in Bldg. 4 belonged to the "OXO". Even in Bldg.
Eugenio Barbosa and Santos Cruz, also convicts 4, which is composed of four brigades, namely, 4-A and 4-B
confined in the same institution, by hitting, (upper floor) and 4-C and 4-D (first floor), inmates from
stabbing and striking them with ice picks, clubs and Visayas and Mindanao, from whom the "OXO" drew most
other improvised weapons, pointed and/or of its members, were confined in 4-A.
sharpened, thereby inflicting upon the victims
multiple serious injuries which directly caused their It was at about 7:00 a.m. on February 16, 1958, while the
deaths. inmates of the penitentiary were preparing to attend Sunday
mass, that a fight between two rival members of the "Sigue-
That the aggravating circumstance of quasi- Sigue" and "OXO" gangs occurred in the plaza where the
recidivism is present in the commission of the prisoners were assembled, causing a big commotion. The
crime in that the crime was committed after the fight was, however, quelled, and those involved were led
accused have been convicted by final judgments away for investigation, while the rest of the prisoners were
and while they are serving the said judgments in ordered to return to their respective quarters. Hardly had
the New Bilibid Prisons. conditions returned to normal when a riot broke out in Bldg.
1, a known lair of the "Sigue-Sigue". The inmates thereof
tried to invade Bldg. 4, where many members and
sympathizers of the "OXO" gang were confined. The timely provided by Visayan prisoners confined in 4-C, were
arrival of the guards forced the invading inmates to retreat Factora, Dosal, Angel Parumog, Gervacio Larita, Ernesto
and return to Bldg. 1. Moments later, another riot erupted in Fernandez and Jose Tariman; that he saw Factora, Larita and
Bldg. 4, as the inmates of brigade 4-A destroyed the lock of Fernandez kill Barbosa, while the rest of their companies
their door and then rampaged from one brigade to another. instructed the Visayans to leave their cell and ordered the
The invading prisoners from 4-A, mostly "OXO" members "Manila boys" (Tagalogs) to remain. Antonio Pabarlan,
and sympathizers, clubbed and stabbed to death Jose another inmate of 4-C, declared that he saw Peralta stab
Carriego, an inmate of 4-B. Afterwards, they forcibly Barbosa, as Dosal, Larita, Florencio Luna, Parumog and
opened the door of 4-C and killed two more inmates, Factora clubbed the hapless victim. Another inmate of 4-C,
namely, Eugenio Barbosa and Santos Cruz. Jose Halili, not only corroborated the testimony of Fontillas
and Pabarlan but as well added grim details. He declared
The three victims sustained injuries which swiftly resulted in that while Barbosa was trying to hide under a cot, he was
their death — before they could be brought to the hospital. beaten and stabbed to death by Dosal, Parumog, Factora and
Fernandez, with Luna, Larita, Pedro Cogol and Eilel Tugaya
Jose Carriego: (a) lacerated wound on the lower lip, 5 cm. standing guard, armed with clubs and sharp instruments, in
in length and 3 depth; (b) contusion and hematoma of readiness to repel any intervention from the Tagalog
the back of the neck, about 2 inches in diameter; and (c) five inmates. Carlos Espino, also confined in 4-C, declared that
punctured wounds in the chest, penetrating the lungs. Cause he saw Parumog, Peralta Factora and Larita assault and kill
of death: internal hemorrhage from multiple fatal wounds in Barbosa.
the chest.
The same witnesses for the prosecution testifies that after
Eugenio Barbosa: (a) lacerated wound in the occipital killing Barbosa, the invading "OXO" members and
region, 3 inches in length and 1 cm. in depth; (b) two sympathizers proceeded to hunt for Santos Cruz, another
penetrating wounds in the abdomen, puncturing the Tagalog like Carriego and Barbosa. Halili testified, that he
intestines; (c) lacerated wounds on the right oxilla, 3 cm. in saw Peralta, Larita, Cogol and Tugaya take Santos Cruz to
length and 2 cm. in depth; and (d) several bruises at the right 4-A from 4-C; that Santos Cruz knelt down and pleaded for
and left lower extremities. Cause of death: shock, secondary his life, saying, "Maawa kayo sa akin. Marami akong anak;"
to internal hermorrhage in the abdomen. that Luna and Peralta were unmoved as they stabbed Santos
Cruz to death. Pabarlan declared that after the death of
Barbosa, Santos Cruz was brought to 4-A by the invading
Santos Cruz: (a) lacerated wound on the head, 2 inches in inmates but Cruz was able to slip back to his cell only to be
length; (b) fractured skull; (c) wound on the upper lip recaptured by Factora, Dosal and Luna and brought to near
cutting the lip in two; (d) seven punctured wounds in the the fire escape where he was clubbed and stabbed to death
chest, two of which were penetrating; (e) hematoma on the by Parumog, Dosal, Factora and Peralta. Fontillas and
right hand; and (f) three punctured wounds on the left hand. Espino corroborated the declarations of Halili and Pabarlan
Cause of death: fractured skull. with respect to the killing of Santos Cruz, and both
mentioned Larita as one of the assailants of Cruz.
Romeo Pineda, an inmate and first quarter-in-charge of
brigade 4-B, testified that while he was taking his breakfast The trial judge summarized the evidence for the prosecution,
with Jose Carriego, who was at the time the representative thus:
of the prisoners confined in 4-B to the inmate carcel, he
"suddenly heard commotion" near the door of their brigade;
that his fellow prisoners started shouting "pinapasok na "... it clearly appears that the three killings in
tayo," as the invading inmates from brigade 4-A stampeded question were an offshoot of the rivalry between
into 4-B; that he and Carriego took hold of their clubs and the two organizations. All those who were killed,
stood at the end of the passageway; that he saw Carriego namely, Barbosa, Carriego and Santos Cruz, were
surrender his club to Andres Factora, an "OXO" member Tagalogs and well known as members if not
from 4-A; that as Carriego started to walk away, Factora sympathizers of the Sigue Sigue, while the accused
clubbed Carriego on the nape causing the latter to fall; that so charged with their killing were mostly members
Factora turned up the face of his fallen victim and struck if not sympathizers of the Oxo organization. These
him again in the face; that while Carriego was in this three killings were sparked by the commotion that
prostrate position, Amadeo Peralta and Leonardo Dosal, happened in the plaza between 8:00 and 9:00 in the
companions of Factora, repeatedly stabbed him. morning, while the prisoners were preparing to go
the mass ... It was evident that the clash that
occurred in the plaza produced a chain reaction
The testimony of Pineda was corroborated in all its material among the members and followers of the two
points by Juanito Marayoc and Avelino Sauza, both inmates organizations. The inmates of Building No. 1,
of 4-B. These two prosecution witnesses identified Factora, known lair of the Sigue Sigues bolted the door of
Peralta and Dosal as the assailants of Carriego. their cells and tried to invade Building No. 4 where
a big number of the Oxo members and their
From 4-B, the invading inmates of 4-A went down and sympathizers were confined, but, however, were
forcibly entered 4-C. According to Oscar Fontillas, an forced to retreat by the timely arrival of the guards
inmate of 4-C, he saw the prisoners from 4-A rushing who sent them back to their building. When the
toward their brigade; that among the invading inmates who members of the Oxo in Building No. 4 learned
forced open the door of 4-C, with help from the inside about this, they went on a rampage looking for
members of the Sigue Sigue or their sympathizers floor of Bldg. 1 instead of in 4-A which is located in the
who were confined with them in the same building. upper floor? Moreover, Dosal failed to explain why he was
As the evidence of the prosecution shows, the seen in 4-C, which he does not deny, since he was an inmate
accused who were confined in Brigade 4-A of of 4-A where he was allegedly attacked. With respect to the
Building No. 4 led the attack. They destroyed the murder of Carriego and Barbosa with which Dosal was also
lock of their dormitories and with the help of their charged, he did not offer any evidence in his behalf. Hence,
companions succeeded in bolting the door of the the testimonies of Pineda, Marayoc and Sauza identifying
different brigades, and once they succeeded in him as one of the killers of Carriego and those of Pabarlan,
bolting the doors of the different brigades, they Halili and Espino implicating him in the death of Santos
went inside and tried to segregate the Tagalogs Cruz, stand unrebutted.
from their group; that as soon as they discovered
their enemies they clubbed and stabbed them to Andres Factora declared that he clubbed Carriego and
death ... Santos Cruz under compulsion of his co-accused who
threatened to kill him if he disobeyed their order; that he did
Admitting that he was one among several who killed Jose not hit Barbosa anymore because the latter was already
Carriego, Peralta nevertheless claims self-defense. He dead; that it was his co-accused who actually killed the three
testified that on the morning of the riot he was attacked by victims. Again, the declarations of the prosecution
Carriego and Juan Estrella near the door of 4-A while he witnesses, which were accorded full credence by the trial
was returning to his brigade from the chapel with some court, expose the guilt of Factora beyond reasonable doubt.
companions; that Carriego clubbed him on the head; that he In fact, according to Pineda, whose testimony was
was able to parry the second blow of Carriego and then corroborated by Marayoc, it was Factora who started the
succeeded in squeezing Carriego's head with his hands; that mass assault by clubbing Carriego treacherously. Fontillas,
forthwith he whipped out an improvised ice pick and Halili, Pabarlan and Espino pointed to Factora as one of the
stabbed Carriego several times; that when he (Peralta) was killers of Barbosa, while at least three prosecution witnesses,
already dizzy due to the head wound he sustained from the namely, Pabarlan, Fontillas and Espino, saw Factora
clubbing, Carriego managed to slip away; that he then participate in the slaying of Santos Cruz. The active
became unconscious, and when he regained consciousness participation of Factora in the killing, which is clear index of
he found himself on a tarima with his head bandaged. voluntariness, thus negates his claim of compulsion and fear
allegedly engendered by his co-accused.
Peralta's declarations do not inspire belief. The impressive
array of prosecution witnesses who saw him actively Angel Parumog, Gervasio Larita and Florencio Luna take
participate in the killing of the three victims pointed to him refuge in the exculpatory device of alibi. Parumog testified
as the aggressor, not the aggrieved. Pineda, Marayoc and that he did not participate in the killing of the three inmates
Sauza positively identified him as one of the assailants of because he stayed during that entire hapless day in the office
Carriego. Contrary to the pretensions of Peralta, Carriego an of the trustees for investigation after the fight in the plaza;
alleged "Sigue-Sigue" member, would not have attacked that he was implicated in the killing by the prosecution
him, knowing fully well that Building No. 4 was an "OXO" witnesses because of his refusal to accede to their request to
lair where the "Sigue-Sigue" members were outnumbered. testify against his co-accused; that he is not a Visayan but a
Anent the killing of Barbosa and Santos Cruz, Peralta failed Tagalog from Nueva Ecija. Larita claims that he did not
to offer any explicit defense to rebut the inculpatory know about the killing until he was informed that three
declarations of prosecution witnesses Pabarlan and Espino inmates had died; that on the day in question he was brought
who saw him participate in the killing of Barbosa and those to the police trustee brigade for investigation after the
of Halili, Fontillas and Espino who identified him as one of incident in the plaza; that he was escorted back to his
the murderers of Santos Cruz. brigade only in the afternoon. Luna likewise disclaims any
knowledge of the killing and asserts that for the entire
For his part, Leonardo Dosal stated that he killed Santos duration of the riot he remained in his cell (brigade 4-A).
Cruz, but also claims self-defense in exculpation. He
declared that Santos Cruz, Jose Carriego, Juanita Espino, The alibis of Parumog, Larita and Luna merit no credence
Carlos Espino and Oscar Fontillas invaded 4-A where he when set against the positive testimonies of prosecution
was confined; that a free-for-all forthwith ensued; that he witness identifying them as participants in the killing of
then heard Santos Cruz call Carlos Espino, and advise the Barbosa and Santos Cruz. Pabarlan, Espino and Fontillas
latter to go away as "I will be the one to kill that person declared that Larita was one of the killers of Barbosa;
(Dosal);" that with a sharp instrument, Cruz hit him on the Espino and Fontillas declared that they saw Larita kill
head and then on the nose; that as Cruz was about to hit him Santos Cruz; Pabarlan, Halili and Espino testified that they
again, he got hold of his ice pick and stabbed Cruz saw Parumog participate in the murder of Barbosa; Espino,
repeatedly until the latter fell. Fontillas and Pabarlan stated that Parumog took part in the
killing of Santos Cruz. Pabarlan and Halili declared that
Dosal's avowal is clearly belied by the positive testimonies Luna participated in the fatal assault on Barbosa and Santos
of Pabarlan, Halili and Espino who saw him participate in Cruz.
the killing of Santos Cruz. If it is true that Dosal killed
Santos Cruz in self-defense when the latter together with his The alibis of the accused are thus sufficiently overcome by
companions supposedly invaded Dosal's brigade (4-A), why strong evidence to the contrary. The defense of alibi is
is it that the body of Santos Cruz was found at the fire generally weak since it is easy to concoct. For this reason,
escape near the pasillo between 4-C and 4-D of the first courts view it with no small amount of caution, and accept it
only when proved by positive, clear and satisfactory crime is a reprehensible act from the view-point of morality,
evidence.6 In the case at bar, if Parumog and Larita were but as long as the conspirators do not perform overt acts in
really confined in the police trustee brigade for investigation furtherance of their malevolent design, the sovereignty of
on the day of the incident, there should have been a record the State is not outraged and the tranquility of the public
of the alleged investigation. But none was presented. The remains undisturbed. However, when in resolute execution
testimony of Luna that throughout the riot he stayed in his of a common scheme, a felony is committed by two or more
cell is quite unnatural. He claims that he did not even help malefactors, the existence of a conspiracy assumes pivotal
his cellmates barricade their brigade with tarimas in order to importance in the determination of the liability of the
delay if not prevent the entry of the invading inmates. perpetrators. In stressing the significance of conspiracy in
According to him, he "just waited in one corner." criminal law, this Court in U.S. vs. Infante and
Barreto14 opined that
The rule is settled that the defense of alibi is worthless in the
face of positive identification by prosecution witnesses While it is true that the penalties cannot be imposed
pointing to the accused as particeps criminis.7 Moreover, the for the mere act of conspiring to commit a crime
defense of alibi is an issue of fact the resolution of which unless the statute specifically prescribes a penalty
depends almost entirely on the credibility of witnesses who therefor, nevertheless the existence of a conspiracy
seek to establish it. In this respect the relative weight which to commit a crime is in many cases a fact of vital
the trial judge accords to the testimony of the witnesses importance, when considered together with the
must, unless patently inconsistent without evidence on other evidence of record, in establishing the
record, be accepted.8 In the case at bar, the trial court, in existence, of the consummated crime and its
dismissing the alibis of Parumog, Larita and Luna, said that commission by the conspirators.
"their mere denial cannot prevail over the positive testimony
of the witnesses who saw them participate directly in the Once an express or implied conspiracy is proved, all of the
execution of the conspiracyto kill Barbosa, Carriego and conspirators are liable as co-principals regardless of the
Santos Cruz." extent and character of their respective active participation
in the commission of the crime or crimes perpetrated in
The killing of Carriego constitutes the offense of murder furtherance of the conspiracy because in contemplation of
because of the presence of treachery as a qualifying law the act of one is the act of all.15 The foregoing rule is
circumstance: Carriego was clubbed by Factora from anchored on the sound principle that "when two or more
behind, and as he lay prostrate and defenseless, Peralta and persons unite to accomplish a criminal object, whether
Dosal stabbed him repeatedly on the chest. The blow on the through the physical volition of one, or all, proceeding
nape and the penetrating chest wounds were all fatal, severally or collectively, each individual whose evil will
according to Dr. Bartolome Miraflor. Abuse of superior actively contributes to the wrong-doing is in law responsible
strength qualified the killing of Barbosa and Santos Cruz to for the whole, the same as though performed by himself
the category of murder. The victims, who were attacked alone."16 Although it is axiomatic that no one is liable for
individually were completely overwhelmed by their acts other than his own, "when two or more persons agree or
assailants' superiority in number and weapons and had conspire to commit a crime, each is responsible for all the
absolutely no chance at all to repel or elude the attack. All acts of the others, done in furtherance of the agreement or
the attackers were armed with clubs or sharp instruments conspiracy."17 The imposition of collective liability upon the
while the victims were unarmed, as so found by the trial conspirators is clearly explained in one case18 where this
court. In fact, Halili testified that Barbosa was clubbed and Court held that
stabbed to death while he was trying to hide under a cot, and
Santos Cruz was killed while he was on his knees pleading ... it is impossible to graduate the separate liability
for his life. of each (conspirator) without taking into
consideration the close and inseparable relation of
The essential issue that next confronts us is whether each of them with the criminal act, for the
conspiracy attended the commission of the murders. The commission of which they all acted by common
resolution of this issue is of marked importance because agreement ... The crime must therefore in view of
upon it depends the quantity and quality of the penalties that the solidarity of the act and intent which existed
must be imposed upon each of the appellants. between the ... accused, be regarded as the act of
the band or party created by them, and they are all
For this purpose, it is not amiss to briefly restate the doctrine equally responsible ...
on conspiracy, with particular emphasis on the facets
relating to its nature, the quantum of proof required, the Verily, the moment it is established that the malefactors
scope and extent of the criminal liability of the conspirators, conspired and confederated in the commission of the felony
and the penalties imposable by mandate of applicable law. proved, collective liability of the accused conspirators
attaches by reason of the conspiracy, and the court shall not
Doctrine. A conspiracy exists when two or more persons speculate nor even investigate as to the actual degree of
come to an agreement concerning the commission of a participation of each of the perpetrators present at the scene
felony and decide to commit it. 9 Generally, conspiracy is not of the crime. Of course, as to any conspirator who was
a crime except when the law specifically provides a penalty remote from the situs of aggression, he could be drawn
therefor as in treason,10 rebellion11 and sedition.12 The crime within the enveloping ambit of the conspiracy if it be proved
of conspiracy known to the common law is not an indictable that through his moral ascendancy over the rest of the
offense in the Philippines.13 An agreement to commit a
conspirators the latter were moved or impelled to carry out others, for which each and every one is also
the conspiracy. responsible because of the conspiracy.

In fine, the convergence of the wills of the conspirators in The rule enunciated in People vs. Villa was reiterated
the scheming and execution of the crime amply justifies the in People vs. Quitain24 where the appellant Teofilo Anchita
imputation to all of them the act of any one of them. It is in was convicted of forcible abduction with double rape for
this light that conspiracy is generally viewed not as a having conspired and cooperated in the sexual assault of the
separate indictable offense, but a rule for collectivizing aggrieved woman, although he himself did not actually rape
criminal liability. the victim. This Court observed:

The ensnaring nature of conspiracy is projected in bold We have no doubt all in all that Teofilo Anchita
relief in the cases of malversation and rape committed in took part in the sexual assault ... the accused
furtherance of a common design. inserted his fingers in the woman's organ, and
widened it. Whether he acted out of lewdness or to
The crime of malversation is generally committed by an help his brother-in-law consummate the act, is
accountable public officer who misappropriates public funds immaterial; it was both maybe. Yet, surely, by his
or public property under his trust. 19 However, in the classic conduct, this prisoner conspired and cooperated,
case of People vs. Ponte20 this Court unequivocally held that and is guilty.
a janitor and five municipal policemen, all of whom were
not accountable public officers, who conspired and aided a With respect to robbery in band, the law presumes the
municipal treasurer in the malversation of public funds attendance of conspiracy so much so that "any member of a
under the latter's custody, were principally liable with the band who is present at the commission of a robbery by the
said municipal treasurer for the crime of malversation. By band, shall be punished as principal of any of the assaults
reason of conspiracy, the felonious act of the accountable committed by the band, unless it be shown that he attempted
public officer was imputable to his co-conspirators, although to prevent the same."25 In this instance, conspiracy need not
the latter were not similarly situated with the former in be proved, as long as the existence of a band is clearly
relation to the object of the crime committed. Furthermore, established. Nevertheless, the liability of a member of the
in the words of Groizard, "the private party does not act band for the assaults committed by his group is likewise
independently from the public officer; rather, he knows that anchored on the rule that the act of one is the act of all.
the funds of which he wishes to get possession are in the
latter's charge, and instead of trying to abstract them by Proof of conspiracy. While conspiracy to commit a crime
circumventing the other's vigilance he resorts to corruption, must be established by positive evidence, 26 direct proof is
and in the officer's unfaithfulness seeks and finds the most not essential to show conspiracy. 27 Since by it nature,
reprehensible means of accomplishing a deed which by conspiracy is planned in utmost secrecy, it can seldom be
having a public officer as its moral instrument assumes the proved by direct evidence.28 Consequently, competent and
character of a social crime." 21 In an earlier case22 a non- convincing circumstantial evidence will suffice to establish
accountable officer of the Philippine Constabulary who conspiracy. According to People vs. Cabrera,29 conspiracies
conspired with his superior, a military supply officer, in the are generally proved by a number of indefinite acts,
malversation of public funds was adjudged guilty as co- conditions, and circumstances which vary according to the
principal in the crime of malversation, although it was not purposes to be accomplished. If it be proved that the
alleged, and in fact it clearly appeared, that the funds defendants pursued by their acts the same object, one
misappropriated were not in his custody but were under the performing one part and another another part of the same, so
trust of his superior, an accountable public officer. as to complete it, with a view to the attainment of the same
object, one will be justified in the conclusion that they were
In rape, a conspirator is guilty not only of the sexual assault engaged in a conspiracy to effect the object." Or as
he personally commits but also of the separate and distinct elucidated in People vs. Carbonel30 the presence of the
crimes of rape perpetrated by his co-conspirators. He may concurrence of minds which is involved in conspiracy may
have had carnal knowledge of the offended woman only be inferred from "proofs of facts and circumstances which,
once but his liability includes that pertaining to all the rapes taken together, apparently indicate that they are merely parts
committed in furtherance of the conspiracy. Thus, in People of some complete whole. If it is proved that two or more
vs. Villa,23 this Court held that persons aimed by their acts towards the accomplishment of
the same unlawful object, each doing a part so that their
... from the acts performed by the defendants front acts, though apparently independent, were in fact connected
the time they arrived at Consolacion's house to the and cooperative, indicating a closeness of personal
consummation of the offense of rape on her person association and a concurrence of sentiment, a conspiracy
by each and everyone of them, it clearly appears may be inferred though no actual meeting among to concert
that they conspired together to rape their victim, means is proved ..." In two recent cases, 31 this Court ruled
and therefore each one is responsible not only for that where the acts of the accused, collectively and
the rape committed personally by him, but also that individually, clearly demonstrate the existence of a common
committed by the others, because each sexual design toward the accomplishment of the same unlawful
intercourse had, through force, by each one of the purpose, conspiracy is evident.
defendants with the offended was consummated
separately and independently from that had by the Conspiracy presupposes the existence of a preconceived
plan or agreement; however, to establish conspiracy, "it is
not essential that there be proof as to previous agreement to Imposition of multiple penalties where conspirators commit
commit a crime, it being sufficient that the malefactors more than one offense. Since in conspiracy, the act of one is
committed shall have acted in concert pursuant to the same the act of all, then, perforce, each of the conspirators is
objective."32 Hence, conspiracy is proved if there is liable for all of the crimes committed in furtherance of the
convincing evidence to sustain a finding that the malefactors conspiracy. Consequently, if the conspirators commit three
committed an offense in furtherance of a common objective separate and distinct crimes of murder in effecting their
pursued in concert. common design and purpose, each of them is guilty of three
murders and shall suffer the corresponding penalty for each
Liability of conspirators. A time-honored rule in offense. Thus in People vs. Masin,36 this Court held:
the corpus of our jurisprudence is that once conspiracy is
proved, all of the conspirators who acted in furtherance of ... it being alleged in the information that three
the common design are liable as co-principals.33 This rule of crimes were committed not simultaneously indeed
collective criminal liability emanates from the ensnaring but successively, inasmuch as there was, at least,
nature of conspiracy. The concerted action of the solution of continuity between each other, the
conspirators in consummating their common purpose is a accused (seven in all) should be held responsible
patent display of their evil partnership, and for the for said crimes. This court holds that the crimes are
consequences of such criminal enterprise they must be held murder ... In view of all these circumstances and of
solidarity liable. the frequently reiterated doctrine that once
conspiracy is proven each and every one of the
However, in order to hold an accused guilty as co-principal conspirators must answer for the acts of the others,
by reason of conspiracy, it must be established that he provided said acts are the result of the common
performed an overt act in furtherance of the conspiracy, plan or purpose ... it would seem evident that the
either by actively participating in the actual commission of penalty that should be imposed upon each of the
the crime, or by lending moral assistance to his co- appellants for each of their crimes should be the
conspirators by being present at the scene of the crime, or by same, and this is the death penalty ... (emphasis
exerting moral ascendancy over the rest of the conspirators supplied).
as to move them to executing the conspiracy. The difference
between an accused who is a principal under any of the three In the aforesaid case, however, the projected imposition of
categories enumerated in Art. 17 of the Revised Penal Code three death penalties upon each of the conspirators for the
and a co-conspirator who is also a principal is that while the three murders committed was not carried out due to the lack
former's criminal liability is limited to his own acts, as a of the then requisite unanimity in the imposition of the
general rule, the latter's responsibility includes the acts of capital penalty.
his fellow conspirators.
In another case,37 this Court, after finding that conspiracy
In People vs. Izon, et al.,  this Court acquitted appellant
attended the commission of eleven murders, said through
Francisco Robles, Jr., who was convicted by the trial court Mr. Justice Tuason:
of robbery with homicide as a conspirator, on the ground
that although he may have been present when the conspiracy Some members of this Court opine that the proper
to rob was proposed and made, "Robles uttered not a word penalty is death, under the circumstances of the
either of approval or disapproval. There are authorities to the case, but they fall short of the required number for
effect that mere presence at the discussion of a conspiracy, the imposition of this punishment. The sentence
even approval of it, without any active participation in the consequently is reclusion perpetua; but each
same, is not enough for purposes of conviction." In a more appellant is guilty of as many crimes of murder as
recent case,35this Court, in exonerating one of the appellants, there were deaths (eleven) and should be sentenced
said: to life imprisonment for each crime, although this
may be a useless formality for in no case can
There is ample and positive evidence on record that imprisonment exceed forty years. (Emphasis
appellant Jose Guico was absent not only from the supplied.)
second meeting but likewise from the robbery
itself. To be sure, not even the decision under In People vs. Masani,38 the decision of the trial court
appeal determined otherwise. Consequently, even if imposing only one life imprisonment for each of the accused
Guico's participation in the first meeting was modified by this Court on appeal on the ground that
sufficiently involved him with the conspiracy (as "inasmuch as their (the conspirators') combined attack
he was the one who explained the location of the resulted in the killing of three persons, they should be
house to be robbed in relation to the surrounding sentenced to suffer said penalty (reclusion perpetua)
streets and the points thereof through which for each of the three victims (crimes)." (Emphasis supplied.)
entrance and exit should be effected), such
participation and involvement, however, would be It is significant to note that in the abovementioned cases,
inadequate to render him criminally liable as a this Court consistently stressed that once conspiracy is
conspirator. Conspiracy alone, without the ascertained, the culpability of the conspirators is not only
execution of its purpose, is not a crime punishable solidary (all co-principals) but also multiple in relation to
by law, except in special instances (Article 8, the number of felonies committed in furtherance of the
Revised Penal Code) which, however, do not conspiracy. It can also be said that had there been a
include robbery. unanimous Court in the Masin and Macaso cases, multiple
death penalties would have been imposed upon all the Code. That article is only applicable to cases
conspirators. wherein a single act constitutes two or more
crimes, or when one offense is a necessary means
Legality and practicality of imposing multiple death for committing the other. (U.S. vs. Ferrer, 1 Phil.
penalties upon conspirators. An accused who was charged Rep., 56)
with three distinct crimes of murder in a single information
was sentenced to two death penalties for two murders, 39 and It becomes our duty, therefore, to determine what
another accused to thirteen (13) separate death penalties for penalty or penalties should have been imposed
the 13 killings he perpetrated. 40 Therefore there appears to upon the accused upon conviction of the accused of
be no legal reason why conspirators may not be sentenced to three separate felonies charged in the information.
multiple death penalties corresponding to the nature and
number of crimes they commit in furtherance of a There can be no reasonable doubt as to the guilt of
conspiracy. Since it is the settled rule that once conspiracy is the convict of two separate crimes
established, the act of one conspirator is attributable to all, of asesinato (murder) marked with the generic
then each conspirator must be held liable for each of the aggravating circumstances mentioned in the
felonious acts committed as a result of the conspiracy, decision of the trial judge ... It follows that the
regardless of the nature and severity of the appropriate death penalty must and should be imposed for each
penalties prescribed by law. of these offenses ...

The rule on the imposition of multiple penalties where the Unless the accused should be acquitted hereafter on
accused is found guilty of two or more separate and distinct appeal of one or both the asesinatos with which he
crimes charged in one information, the accused not having is charged in the information, it would seem to be a
interposed any objection to the multiplicity of the charges, useless formality to impose separate penalties for
was enunciated in the leading case of U.S. vs. Balaba,41 thus: each of the offenses of which he was convicted, in
Upon conviction of two or more offenses charged in the view of the nature of the principal penalty; but
complaint or information, the prescribed penalties for each having in mind the possibility that the Chief
and all of such offenses may be imposed, to be executed in Executive may deem it proper to grant a pardon for
conformity with the provisions of article 87 of the Penal one or more of the offenses without taking action
Code [now article 70 of the Revised Penal Code]. In other on the others; and having in mind also the express
words, all the penalties corresponding to the several provisions of the above cited article 87 of the Penal
violations of law should be imposed. Conviction for Code, we deem it proper to modify the judgment
multiple felonies demands the imposition of multiple entered in the court below by substituting for the
penalties. penalty imposed by the trial judge under the
provisions of article 89 of the Code, the death
The two conceptual exceptions to the foregoing rule, are the penalty prescribed by law for each of the two
complex crime under article 48 of the Revised Penal Code separate asesinatos of which he stands convicted,
and the special complex crime (like robbery with homicide). and the penalty of 14 years, 8 months and 1 day
Anent an ordinary complex crime falling under article 48, of reclusion temporal (for the separate crime of
regardless of the multiplicity of offenses committed, there is homicide) ... these separate penalties to be executed
only one imposable penalty — the penalty for the most in accord with the provisions of article 87 of the
serious offense applied in its maximum period. Similarly, in Penal Code. (Emphasis supplied.)
special complex crimes, there is but a single penalty
prescribed by law notwithstanding the number of separate The doctrine in Balaba was reiterated in U.S. vs.
felonies committed. For instance, in the special complex Jamad43 where a unanimous Court, speaking again thru Mr.
crime of robbery with hommicide the imposible penalty Justice Carson (with Mr. Justice Malcolm concurring in the
is reclusion perpetua to death42 irrespective of the number of result in view of the Balaba ruling), opined:
homicides perpetrated by reason or on occasion of the
robbery. For all the offenses of which the accused were
convicted in the court below, the trial judge
In Balaba, the information charged the accused with triple imposed the death penalty, that is to say the penalty
murder. The accused went to trial without objection to the prescribed for the most serious crime committed, in
said information which charged him with more than one its maximum degree, and for this purpose made use
offense. The trial court found the accused guilty of two of the provisions of article 89 of the Penal Code
murders and one homicide but it imposed only one death [now article 48 of the Revised Penal Code]. But as
penalty. In its review en consulta, this Court modified the indicated in the case of the United States vs.
judgment by imposing separate penalties for each of the Balaba, recently decided wherein the controlling
three offenses committed. The Court, thru Mr. Justice facts were substantially similar to those in the case
Carson (with Mr. Justice Malcolm dissenting with respect to at bar, "all of the penalties corresponding to the
the imposition of two death penalties), held: several violations of law" should have been
imposed under the express provisions of article 87
The trial judge was erroneously of the opinion that [now engrafted in article 70 of the Revised Penal
the prescribed penalties for the offenses of which Code] and under the ruling in that case, the trial
the accused was convicted should be imposed in court erred in applying the provision of article 89
accord with the provisions of article 89 of the Penal of the code.
We conclude that the judgment entered in the court In the imposition of the penalties, the order of their
below should be reversed, ... and that the following respective severity shall be followed so that they
separate penalties should be imposed upon him [the may be executed successively or as nearly as may
accused Jamad], to be executed in accordance with be possible, should a pardon have been granted as
article 87 of the Penal Code: (1) The penalty of to the penalty or penalties first imposed, or should
death for the parricide of his wife Aring; (2) the they have been served out.
penalty of life imprisonment for the murder of
Labonete; (3) the penalty of life imprisonment for Although article 70 does not specifically command, as the
the murder of Torres; (4) the penalty of 12 years former article 87 clearly did, that "all the penalties
and one day of cadena temporal for the frustrated corresponding to the several violations of law shall be
murder of Taclind ... imposed," it is unmistakable, however, that article 70
presupposes that courts have the power to impose multiple
The doctrine in Balaba was reechoed in People vs. penalties, which multiple penal sanctions should be served
Guzman,44 which applied the pertinent provisions of the either simultaneously or successively. This presumption of
Revised Penal Code, where this Court, after finding the the existence of judicial power to impose all the penalties
accused liable as co-principals because they acted in corresponding to the number and nature of the offenses
conspiracy, proceeded to stress that where an "information charged and proved is manifest in the opening sentence of
charges the defendants with the commission of several article 70: "When the culprit has to serve two or more
crimes of murder and frustrated murder, as they failed to penalties, he shall serve them simultaneously if the nature of
object to the multiplicity of the charges made in the the penalties will so permit ..." (Emphasis supplied.)
information, they can be found guilty thereof and sentenced Obviously, the two or more penalties which the culprit has
accordingly for as many crimes the information charges to serve are those legally imposed by the proper court.
them, provided that they are duly established and proved by Another reference to the said judicial prerogative is found in
the evidence on record." (Emphasis supplied.) the second paragraph of article 70 which provides that "in
the imposition of the penalties, the order of their respective
The legal and statutory justification advanced by the severity shall be followed ..." Even without the authority
majority in Balaba for imposing all the penalties (two deaths provided by article 70, courts can still impose as many
and one life imprisonment) corresponding to the offense penalties as there are separate and distinct offenses
charged and proved was article 87 of the old Penal Code committed, since for every individual crime committed, a
which provided: corresponding penalty is prescribed by law. Each single
crime is an outrage against the State for which the latter,
When a person is found guilty of two or more thru the courts ofjustice, has the power to impose the
felonies or misdemeanors, all the penalties appropriate penal sanctions.
corresponding to the several violations of law shall
be imposed, the same to be simultaneously served, With respect to the imposition of multiple death penalties,
if possible, according to the nature and effects of there is no statutory prohibition or jurisprudential injunction
such penalties. against it. On the contrary, article 70 of the Revised Penal
Code presumes that courts have the power to mete out
in relation to article 88 of the old Code which read: multiple penalties without distinction as to the nature and
severity of the penalties. Moreover, our jurisprudence
supports the imposition of multiple death penalties as
When all or any of the penalties corresponding to initially advocated in Balaba and thunderously reechoed
the several violations of the law can not be in Salazar where the accused was sentenced on appeal to
simultaneously executed, the following rules shall thirteen (13) death penalties. Significantly, the Court
be observed with regard thereto: in Balaba imposed upon the single accused mixed multiple
penalties of two deaths and one life imprisonment.
1. In the imposition of the penalties, the order of
their respective severity shall be followed so that The imposition of multiple death penalties is decried by
they may be executed successively or as nearly as some as a useless formality, an exercise in futility. It is
may be possible, should a pardon have been contended, undeniably enough, that a death convict like all
granted as to the penalty or penalties first imposed, mortals, has only one life to forfeit. And because of this
or should they have been served out. physiological and biological attribute of man, it is reasoned
that the imposition of multiple death penalties is impractical
The essence and language, with some alterations in form and and futile because after the service of one capital penalty,
in the words used by reason of style, of the above-cited the execution of the rest of the death penalties will naturally
provisions have been preserved in article 70 of the Revised be rendered impossible. The foregoing opposition to the
Penal Code which is the product of the merger of articles 87 multiple imposition of death penalties suffers from four
and 88 of the old Penal Code. Article 70 provides: basic flaws: (1) it fails to consider the legality of imposing
multiple capital penalties; (2) it fails to distinguish between
When the culprit has to serve two or more imposition of penalty and service of sentence; (3) it ignores
penalties, he shall serve them simultaneously if the the fact that multiple death sentences could be served
nature of the penalties will so permit; otherwise, simultaneously; and (4) it overlooks the practical merits of
the following rules shall be observed: imposing multiple death penalties.
The imposition of a penalty and the service of sentence are circumstances show beyond any doubt the acts of
two distinct, though related, concepts. The imposition of the conspiracy: First, all those who were killed,
proper penalty or penalties is determined by the nature, Barbosa, Santos Cruz and Carriego, were Tagalogs.
gravity and number of offenses charged and, proved, Although there were many Tagalogs like them
whereas service of sentence is determined by the severity confined in Building 4, these three were singled out
and character of the penalty or penalties imposed. In the and killed thereby showing that their killing has
imposition of the proper penalty or penalties, the court does been planned. Second, the accused were all armed
not concern itself with the possibility or practicality of the with improvised weapons showing that they really
service of the sentence, since actual service is a contingency prepared for the occasion. Third, the accused
subject to varied factors like successful escape of the accomplished the killing with team work precision
convict, grant of executive clemency or natural death of the going from one brigade to another and attacking
prisoner. All that go into the imposition of the proper the same men whom they have previously marked
penalty or penalties, to reiterate, are the nature, gravity and for liquidation and lastly, almost the same people
number of the offenses charged and proved and the took part in the killing of Carriego, Barbosa and
corresponding penalties prescribed by law. Santos Cruz.

Multiple death penalties are not impossible to serve because It is also important to note that all the accused were inmates
they will have to be executed simultaneously. A cursory of brigade 4-A; that all were from either the Visayas or
reading of article 70 will show that there are only two modes Mindanao except Peralta who is from Masbate and Parumog
of serving two or more (multiple) who hails from Nueva Ecija; that all were either "OXO"
penalties: simultaneously or successively. The first rule is members or sympathizers; and that all the victims were
that two or more penalties shall be served simultaneously if members of the "Sigue-Sigue" gang.
the nature of the penalties will so permit. In the case of
multiple capital penalties, the nature of said penal sanctions The evidence on record proves beyond peradventure that the
does not only permit but actually necessitates simultaneous accused acted in concert from the moment they bolted their
service. common brigade, up until the time they killed their last
victim, Santos Cruz. While it is true that Parumog, Larita
The imposition of multiple death penalties, far from being a and Luna did not participate in the actual killing of Carriego,
useless formality, has practical importance. The sentencing nonetheless, as co-conspirators they are equally guilty and
of an accused to several capital penalties is an indelible collectively liable for in conspiracy the act of one is the act
badge of his extreme criminal perversity, which may not be of all. It is not indispensable that a co-conspirator should
accurately projected by the imposition of only one death take a direct part in every act and should know the part
sentence irrespective of the number of capital felonies for which the others have to perform. Conspiracy is the
which he is liable. Showing thus the reprehensible character common design to commit a felony; it is not participation in
of the convict in its real dimensions, the possibility of a all the details of the execution of the crime. All those who in
grant of executive clemency is justifiably reduced in no one way or another help and cooperate in the consummation
small measure. Hence, the imposition of multiple death of a felony previously planned are co-principals. 45 Hence, all
penalties could effectively serve as a deterrent to an of the six accused are guilty of the slaughter of Carriego,
improvident grant of pardon or commutation. Faced with the Barbosa and Santos Cruz — each is guilty of three separate
utter delinquency of such a convict, the proper penitentiary and distinct crimes of murder.
authorities would exercise judicious restraint in
recommending clemency or leniency in his behalf. We cannot agree, however, with the trial court that evident
premeditation was also present. The facts on record and the
Granting, however, that the Chief Executive, in the exercise established jurisprudence on the matter do not support the
of his constitutional power to pardon (one of the presidential conclusion of the court a quo that evident premeditation "is
prerogatives which is almost absolute) deems it proper to always present and inherent in every conspiracy." Evident
commute the multiple death penalties to multiple life premeditation is not inherent in conspiracy as the absence of
imprisonments, then the practical effect is that the convict the former does not necessarily negate the existence of the
has to serve the maximum of forty (40) years of multiple life latter.46 Unlike in evident premeditation where a sufficient
sentences. If only one death penalty is imposed, and then is period of time must elapse to afford full opportunity for
commuted to life imprisonment, the convict will have to meditation and reflection for the perpetrator to deliberate on
serve a maximum of only thirty years corresponding to a the consequences of his intended deed, conspiracy arises at
single life sentence. the very instant the plotters agree, expressly or impliedly, to
commit the felony and forthwith decide to commit it. 47 This
Reverting now to the case at bar, it is our considered view view finds added support in People vs. Custodia,48 wherein
that the trial court correctly ruled that conspiracy attended this Court stated:
the commission of the murders. We quote with approval the
following incisive observations of the court a quo in this Under normal conditions, where the act of
respect: conspiracy is directly established, with proof of the
attendant deliberation and selection of the method,
Although, there is no direct evidence of conspiracy, time and means of executing the crime, the
the Court can safely say that there are several existence of evident premeditation can be taken for
circumstances to show that the crime committed by granted. In the case before us, however, no such
the accused was planned. The following evidence exists; the conspiracy is merely inferred
from the acts of the accused in the perpetration of Moises Alquizola of the crime of rape for the prosecution's
the crime. There is no proof how and when the plan failure to prove their guilt beyond reasonable doubt.
to kill Melanio Balancio was hatched, or what time
elapsed before it was carried out; we are, therefore, In a Second Amended Information dated June 23, 2004,
unable to determine if the appellants enjoyed private respondents Carampatana, Oporto and Alquizola
"sufficient time between its inception and its werecharged, together with Christian John Lim, Emmanuel
fulfillment dispassionately to consider and accept dela Cruz, Samuel Rudinas, Jansen Roda, Harold Batoctoy,
the consequences." (cf. People vs. Bangug, 52 Phil. and Joseph Villame, for allegedly raping AAA,3 to wit:
91.) In other words, there is no showing of the
opportunity of reflection and the persistence in the That on or about 10:30 o’clock in the evening of March 25,
criminal intent that characterize the aggravating 2004 at Alson’s Palace, Maranding, Lala, Lanao del Norte,
circumstance of evident premeditation (People vs. Philippines, and within the jurisdiction of this
Mendoza, 91 Phil. 58; People vs. Iturriaga, 47 Off. HonorableCourt, the above-named accused conspiring,
Gaz., [Supp to No. 12] 166; People vs. Lesada 70 confederating and mutually helping one another, did then
Phil., 525.) and there willfully, unlawfully and feloniously, with lewd
designs forcefully drunk AAA, a 16-year-old minor, with an
Not a single extenuating circumstance could be appreciated intoxicating liquor and once intoxicated, brought said AAA
in favor of any of the six accused, as they did neither allege at about dawn of March 26, 2004 at Alquizola Lodging
nor prove any. house, Maranding, Lala, Lanao del Norte and also within the
jurisdiction of this Honorable Court, and once inside said
In view of the attendance of the special aggravating lodging house, accused RAYMUND CARAMPATANA and
circumstance of quasi-recidivism, as all of the six accused at JOEPHEL OPORTO took turns in having carnal knowledge
the time of the commission of the offenses were serving against the will of AAA while accused MOISES
sentences49 in the New Bilibid Prison at Muntinlupa by ALQUIZOLA, with lewd designs, kissed her against her
virtue of convictions by final judgments the penalty for each will and consent.
offense must be imposed in its maximum period, which is
the mandate of the first paragraph of article 160 of the CONTRARY TO LAW.4
Revised Penal Code. Viada observes, in apposition, that the
severe penalty imposed on a quasi-recidivist is justified Upon arraignment, accused, assisted by their respective
because of his perversity and incorrigibility.50 counsels, entered a plea of not guilty to the offense charged. 5

ACCORDINGLY, the judgment a quo is hereby modified as Following pre-trial,6 trial on the merits ensued. Accused
follows: Amadeo Peralta, Andres Factora, Leonardo Dosal, Christian John Lim, however, remains at-large.
Angel Parumog, Gervasio Larita and Florencio Luna are
each pronounced guilty of three separate and distinct crimes
of murder, and are each sentenced to three death penalties; The factual antecedents follow:
all of them shall, jointly and severally, indemnify the heirs
of each of the three deceased victims in the sum of On March 25, 2004, around 8:00 a.m., AAA attended her
P12,000;51 each will pay one-sixth of the costs. high school graduation ceremony. Afterwards, they had a
luncheon party at their house in Maranding, Lala, Lanao del
Norte. AAA then asked permission from her mother to go to
G.R. NO. 183652               FEBRUARY 25, 2015 the Maranding Stage Plaza because she and her bandmates
had to perform for an election campaign. She went home at
PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES AND around 4:00 p.m. from the plaza. At about 7:00 p.m., AAA
AAA, PETITIONER, told her father that she would be attending a graduation
VS. dinner party with her friends. AAA, together with Lim,
Oporto, and Carampatana, ate dinner at the house of one
COURT OF APPEALS, 21ST DIVISION, Mark Gemeno at Purok, Bulahan, Maranding. After eating,
MINDANAO STATION, RAYMUND Lim invited them to go to Alson’s Palace, which was merely
CARAMPATANA, JOEFHEL OPORTO, AND a walking distance away from Gemeno’s house. Outside the
MOISES ALQUIZOLA,  RESPONDENTS. Alson’s Palace, they were greeted by Aldrin Montesco,
Junver Alquizola, and Cherry Mae Fiel. After a while, they
DECISION went inside and proceeded to a bedroom on the second floor
where they again saw Montesco with Harold Batoctoy,
Jansen Roda, Emmanuel dela Cruz, Samuel Rudinas, a
PERALTA, J.: certain Diego, and one Angelo. Rudinas suggested that they
have a drinking session to celebrate their graduation, to
Before the Court is a Petition for Certiorari questioning the which the rest agreed.
Decision1 of the Court of Appeals (CA) dated June 6, 2008
in CA-G.R. CR HC No. 00422-MIN. The CA reversed and They all contributed and it was Joseph Villame who bought
set aside the Decision2 of the Regional Trial Court (RTC) of the drinks – two (2) bottles of Emperador Brandy. Then they
Kapatagan, Lanao del Norte, Branch 21, dated February 28, arranged themselves in a circle for the drinking spree. Two
2006 in Criminal Case No. 21-1211, and acquitted private (2) glasses were being passed around: one glass containing
respondents Raymund Carampatana, Joefhel Oporto, and the sweetener (Pepsi) and the other glass containing the
liquor. At first, AAA refused to drink because she had never Oporto told Montesco that they had to leave for Barangay
tried hard liquor before. During the session, they shared Tenazas to fetch one Arcie Ariola. At about 11:30 p.m.,
their problems with each other. When it was AAA’s turn, Oporto and Carampatana returned to Alson’s Palace but
she became emotional and started crying. It was then that could not find AAA and Lim. The party subsequently ended,
she took her first shot. The glasses were passed around and but the group agreed to celebrate further. AAA, Rudinas,
she consumed more or less five (5) glasses of Emperador Dela Cruz, Lim, and Oporto contributed for two (2) bottles
Brandy. Thereafter, she felt dizzy so she laid her head down of Emperador Brandy and one (1) liter of Pepsi. Several
on Oporto’s lap. Oporto then started kissing her head and persons were in the room at that time: AAA, Carampatana,
they would remove her baseball cap. This angered her so she Oporto, Dela Cruz, Rudinas, Roda, Batoctoy, Villame, and
told them to stop, and simply tried to hide her face with the Lim. Also present but did not join the drinking were
cap. But they just laughed at her. Then, Roda also kissed Gemeno, Montesco, Angelo Ugnabia, Al Jalil Diego,
her. At that time, AAA was already sleepy, but they still Mohamad Janisah Manalao, one Caga, and a certain
forced her to take another shot. They helped her stand up Bantulan. Gemeno told AAA not to drink but the latter did
and make her drink. She even heard Lim say, "Hubuga na, not listen and instead told him not to tell her aunt. During
hubuga na," (You make her drunk, you make her drunk). the drinking session, AAA rested on Oporto’s lap. She even
She likewise heard someone say, "You drink it, you drink showed her scorpion tattoo on her buttocks. And when her
it." She leaned on Oporto’s lap again, then she fell asleep. legs grazed Batoctoy’s crotch, she remarked, "What was
They woke her up and Lim gave her the Emperador Brandy that, penis?" Roda then approached AAA to kiss her, and the
bottle to drink the remaining liquor inside. She tried to latter kissed him back. Oporto did the sameand AAA also
refuse but they insisted, so she drank directly from the kissed him. After Oporto, Roda and AAA kissed each other
bottle. Again, she fell asleep. again.

The next thing she knew, Roda and Batoctoy were carrying Meanwhile, earlier that evening, at around 9:00 p.m.,
her down the stairs, and then she was asleep again. When Moises Alquizola was at the Alquizola Lodging House
she regained consciousness, she saw that she was already at drinking beer with his cousin, Junver, and Fiel. They
the Alquizola Lodging House. She recognized that place stopped drinking at around midnight. Fiel then requested
because she had been there before. She would thereafter fall Alquizola to accompany her to Alson’s Palace to see her
back asleep and wake up again. And during one of the times friends there. They proceeded to the second floor and there
that she was conscious, she saw Oporto on top of her, they saw AAA lying on Oporto’s lap. Fiel told AAA to go
kissing her on different parts of her body, and having home because her mother might get angry. AAA could not
intercourse with her. She started crying. She tried to resist look her in the eye, just shook her head, and said, "I just stay
when she felt pain in her genitals. She also saw here." Alquizola and Fiel then went back to the lodging
Carampatana and Moises Alquizola inside the room, house. After thirty minutes, they went to Alson’s Palace
watching as Oporto abused her. At one point, AAA woke up again,and saw AAA and Oporto kissing each other. AAA
while Carampatana was inserting his penis into her private was lying on his lap while holding his neck. Subsequently,
organ. She cried and told him to stop. Alquizola then joined they went back to the lodging house to resume drinking.
and started to kiss her. For the last time, she fell
unconscious. After drinking, Batoctoy offered to bring AAA home. But
she refused and instead instructed them to take her to the
When she woke up, it was already 7:00a.m. of the next day. Alquizola Lodging House because she has a big problem.
She was all alone. Her body felt heavy and exhausted. She AAA, Lim, and Carampatana rode a motorcycle to the
found herself with her shirt on but without her lower lodging house. When they arrived, AAA approached
garments. The upper half of her body was on top of the bed Alquizola and told him, "Kuya, I want to sleep here for the
but her feet were on the floor. There were also red stains on meantime." Alquizola then opened Room No. 4 where
her shirt. After dressing up, she hailed a trisikad and went AAA, Oporto, and Carampatana stayed. There were two
home. When AAA reached their house, her father was beds inside, a single bed and a double-sized bed. AAA lay
waiting for her and was already furious. When she told them down on the single bed and looked at Carampatana. The
that she was raped, her mother started hitting her. They latter approached her and they kissed. He then removed her
brought her to the Lala Police Station to make a report. shirt and AAA voluntarily raised her hands to give way.
Thereafter, they proceeded to the district hospital for her Carampatana likewise removed her brassiere. All the while,
medical examination. Oporto was at the foot of the bed. Thereafter, Oporto also
removed her pants. AAA even lifted her buttocks to make it
Dr. Cyrus Acusta of the Kapatagan District Hospital easier for him to pull her underwear down. Oporto then went
examined AAA in the morning of March 26, 2004, and to AAA and kissed her on the lips. Carampatana, on the
found an old hymenal laceration at 5 o’clock position and other hand, placed himself in between AAA’s legs and had
hyperemia or redness at the posterior fornices. The vaginal intercourse with her. When he finished, he put on his shorts
smear likewise revealed the presence of sperm. and went back to Alson’s Palace to get some sleep. When he
left, Oporto and AAA were still kissing. Alquizola then
On the other hand, accused denied that they raped AAA. entered the room. When AAA saw him, she said, "Come
According to the defense witnesses, in the evening of March Kuya, embrace me because I have a problem." Alquizola
25, 2004, Oporto, Carampatana, Lim, and AAA had dinner thus started kissing AAA’s breasts. Oporto stood up and
at Gemeno’s house. Gemeno then invited Oporto to attend opened his pants. AAA held his penis and performed fellatio
the graduation party hosted by Montesco at Alson’s Palace, on him. Then Oporto and Alquizola changed positions.
owned by the latter’s family. When they reached the place, Oporto proceeded to have sexual intercourse with AAA.
During that time, AAA was moaning and calling his name. Accused Raymund Carampatana surrendered voluntarily on
Afterwards, Oporto went outside and slept with Alquizola 26 March 2004 and detained since then up to the present.
on the carpet. Oporto then had intercourse with AAA two Accused Alquizola also surrendered voluntarily on 26
more times. At 3:00 a.m., he went back to Alson’s Palace to March 2004 and detained since then up to this time, while
sleep. At around 6:00 a.m., Oporto and Carampatana went accused Joefhel Oporto who likewise surrendered
back to the lodging house. They tried to wake AAA up, but voluntarily on 26 March 2004 was ordered released to the
she did not move so they just left and went home. Alquizola custody of the DSWD, Lala, Lanao del Norte on 31 March
had gone outside but he came back before 7:00 a.m. 2004, and subsequently posted cash bond for his provisional
However, AAA was no longer there when he arrived. liberty on 17 September 2004 duly approved by this court,
thus resulted to an order of even date for his release from the
On February 28, 2006, the RTC found private respondents custody of the DSWD.
Carampatana, Oporto and Alquizola guilty beyond
reasonable doubt of the crime of rape. It, however, acquitted Let the records of this case be sent to the archive files
Dela Cruz, Rudinas, Roda, Batoctoy, and Villame for failure without prejudice on the prosecution to prosecute the case
of the prosecution to prove their guilt beyond reasonable against accused Christian John Lim as soon as he is
doubt. The dispositive portion of the Decision reads: apprehended.

WHEREFORE, in view of the foregoing considerations, SO ORDERED.7

judgment is hereby rendered:
Aggrieved by the RTC Decision, private respondents
a) Finding accused Raymund Carampatana brought the case to the CA. On June 6, 2008, the appellate
GUILTY beyond reasonable doubt of the crime court rendered the assailed Decision reversing the trial
charged, and the Court hereby sentences him to court’s ruling and, consequently, acquitted private
suffer the indivisible prison term of reclusion respondents. The decretal portion of said decision reads:
perpetua; to pay AAA the amount of ₱50,000.00
for and by way of civil indemnity; WHEREFORE, finding reversible errors therefrom, the
Decision on appeal is hereby REVERSED and SET ASIDE.
b) Finding accused Joefhel Oporto GUILTY For lack of proof beyond reasonable doubt, accused-
beyond reasonable doubt of the crime charged, and appellants RAYMUND CARAMPATANA, JOEFHEL
the court hereby sentences him to suffer a prison OPORTO and MOISES ALQUIZOLA are instead
term of six (6) years and one (1) day of prision ACQUITTED of the crime charged.
mayor as minimum to twelve (12) years also of
prision mayor as maximum; to pay AAA the sum SO ORDERED.8
of ₱50,000.00 as moral damages and another
amount of ₱50,000.00 as civil indemnity; In sum, the CA found that the prosecution failed to prove
private respondents’ guilt beyond reasonable doubt. It gave
c) Finding accused Moises Alquizola GUILTY more credence to the version of the defense and ruled that
beyond reasonable doubt as ACCOMPLICE in the AAA consented to the sexual congress. She was wide awake
commission of the crime charged, and the court and aware of what private respondents were doing before
hereby sentences him to suffer an indeterminate the intercourse. She never showed any physical resistance,
prison term of six (6) years and one (1) day of never shouted for help, and never fought against her alleged
prision mayor as minimum to twelve (12) years and ravishers. The appellate court further relied on the medical
one (1) day of reclusion temporal as maximum; to report which showed the presence of an old hymenal
pay AAA the amount of ₱30,000.00 as moral laceration on AAA’s genitalia, giving the impression that
damages and another sum of ₱30,000.00 for and by she has had some carnal knowledge with a man before. The
way of civil indemnity; CA also stressed that AAA’s mother’s unusual reaction of
hitting her when she discovered what happened to her
d) Finding accused Emmanuel dela Cruz, Samuel daughter was more consistent with that of a parent who
Rudinas, Jansen Roda, Harold Batoctoy and Joseph found out that her child just had premarital sex rather than
Villame NOT GUILTY of the crime charged for one who was sexually assaulted.
failure of the prosecution to prove their guilt
therefor beyond reasonable doubt. Accordingly, the On July 29, 2008, AAA, through her private counsel, filed a
Court acquits them of said charge; and e) Ordering Petition for Certiorari 9 under Rule 65, questioning the CA
accused Carampatana, Oporto and Alquizola to Decision which reversed private respondents’ conviction
pay, jointly and severally, the amount of and ardently contending that the same was made with grave
₱50,000.00 as attorney’s fees and expenses of abuse of discretion amounting to lack or excess of
litigations; and the costs of suit. jurisdiction.

The full period of the preventive imprisonment of accused Thus, AAA raises this lone issue in her petition:
Carampatana, Oporto and Alquizola shall be credited to
them and deducted from their prison terms provided they THE RESPONDENT COURT OF APPEALS ACTED
comply with the requirements of Article 29 of the Revised WITH GRAVE ABUSE OF DISCRETION IN
The private respondents present the following arguments in As a general rule, the prosecution cannot appeal or bring
their Comment dated November 7, 2008 to assail the error proceedings from a judgment rendered in favor of the
petition: defendant in a criminal case. The reason is that a judgment
of acquittal is immediately final and executory, and the
I. prosecution is barred from appealing lest the constitutional
prohibition against double jeopardy be violated. 15 Section
A JUDGMENT OF ACQUITTAL IS IMMEDIATELY 21, Article III of the Constitution provides:
CANNOT APPEAL THE ACQUITTAL BECAUSE OF Section 21. No person shall be twice put in jeopardy of
THE CONSTITUTIONAL PROHIBITION AGAINST punishment for the same offense. If an act is punished by a
DOUBLE JEOPARDY. law and an ordinance, conviction or acquittal under either
shall constitute a bar to another prosecution for the same act.
Despite acquittal, however, either the offended party or the
THE PETITIONER FAILED TO PROVE THAT THERE accused may appeal, but only with respect to the civil aspect
IS GRAVE ABUSE OF DISCRETION AMOUNTING TO of the decision. Or, said judgment of acquittal may be
LACK OR EXCESS OF JURISDICTION ON THE PART assailed through a petition for certiorari under Rule 65 of the
OF PUBLIC RESPONDENT. Rules of Court showing that the lower court, in acquitting
the accused, committed not merely reversible errors of
judgment, but also exercised grave abuse of discretion
III. amounting to lack or excess of jurisdiction, or a denial of
due process, thereby rendering the assailed judgment null
CERTIORARI WILL NOT LIE UNLESS A MOTION FOR and void.16 If there is grave abuse of discretion, granting
RECONSIDERATION IS FIRST FILED. IV. THE OFFICE petitioner’s prayer is not tantamount to putting private
OF THE SOLICITOR GENERAL IS THE APPELLATE respondents in double jeopardy.17
ALL CRIMINAL CASES.11 As to the party with the proper legal standing to bring the
action, the Court said in People v. Santiago:18
The Office of the Solicitor General (OSG) filed its own
Comment on April 1, 2009. It assigns the following errors: It is well-settled that in criminal cases where the offended
party is the State, the interest of the private complainant or
I. the private offended party is limited to the civil liability.
Thus, in the prosecution of the offense, the complainant's
THE PRIVATE COMPLAINANT MAY VALIDLY role is limited to that of a witness for the prosecution. If a
APPEAL AN ORDER OF ACQUITTAL AS TO THE criminal case is dismissed by the trial court or if there is an
CIVIL ASPECT OF THE CRIME. acquittal, an appeal therefrom on the criminal aspect may be
undertaken only by the State through the Solicitor General.
II. Only the Solicitor General may represent the People of the
Philippines on appeal. The private offended party or
complainant may not take such appeal. However, the said
offended party or complainant may appeal the civil aspect
despite the acquittal of the accused.
EXCEPTION TO THE PRINCIPLE OF DOUBLE In a special civil action for certiorari filed under Section 1,
JEOPARDY.12 Rule 65 of the Rules of Court wherein it is alleged that the
trial court committed a grave abuse of discretion amounting
to lack of jurisdiction or on other jurisdictional grounds, the
The Court will first resolve the procedural issues.
rules state that the petition may be filed by the person
aggrieved. In such case, the aggrieved parties are the State
At the onset, the Court stresses that rules of procedure are and the private offended party or complainant. The
meant to be tools to facilitate a fair and orderly conduct of complainant has an interest in the civil aspect of the case so
proceedings. Strict adherence thereto must not get in the he may file such special civil action questioning the decision
way of achieving substantial justice. As long as their or action of the respondent court on jurisdictional grounds.
purpose is sufficiently met and no violation of due process In so doing, complainant should not bring the action in the
and fair play takes place, the rules should be liberally name of the People of the Philippines. The action may be
construed.13 Liberal construction of the rules is the prosecuted in [the] name of said complainant.19 Private
controlling principle to effect substantial justice. The respondents argue that the action should have been filed by
relaxation or suspension of procedural rules, or the the State through the OSG. True, in criminal cases, the
exemption of a case from their operation, is warranted when acquittal of the accused or the dismissal of the case against
compelling reasons exist or when the purpose of justice him can only be appealed by the Solicitor General, acting on
requires it. Thus, litigations should, as much as possible, be behalf of the State. This is because the authority to represent
decided on their merits and not on sheer technicalities.14 the State in appeals of criminal cases before the Supreme
Court and the CA is solely vested in the OSG.20
Here, AAA filed a petition for certiorari under Rule 65, amounting to lack or excess of jurisdiction. An acquittal is
albeit at the instance of her private counsel, primarily considered tainted with grave abuse of discretion when it is
imputing grave abuse of discretion on the part of the CA shown that the prosecution’s right to due process was
when it acquitted private respondents. As the aggrieved violated or that the trial conducted was a sham. The burden
party, AAA clearly has the right to bring the action in her is on the petitioner to clearly demonstrate and establish that
name and maintain the criminal prosecution. She has an the respondent court blatantly abused its authority such as to
immense interest in obtaining justice in the case precisely deprive itself of its very power to dispense justice.25
because she is the subject of the violation. Further, as held in
Dela Rosa v. CA,21 where the Court sustained the private AAA claims in her petition that the CA, in evident display
offended party’s right in a criminal case to file a special civil of grave abuse of judicial discretion, totally disregarded her
action for certiorari to question the validity of the judgment testimony as well as the trial court’s findings of fact, thereby
of dismissal and ruled that the Solicitor General’s adopting hook, line, and sinker, the private respondents’
intervention was not necessary, the recourse of the narration of facts.
complainant to the Court is proper since it was brought in
her own name and not in that of the People of the The term "grave abuse of discretion" has a specific meaning.
Philippines. In any event, the OSG joins petitioner’s cause An act of a court or tribunal can only be considered as with
in its Comment,22 thereby fulfilling the requirement that all grave abuse of discretion when such act is done in a
criminal actions shall be prosecuted under the direction and capricious or whimsical exercise of judgment as is
control of the public prosecutor.23 equivalent to lack of jurisdiction. It must be so patent and
gross as to amount to an evasion of a positive duty or to a
Private respondents further claim that even assuming, virtual refusal to perform a duty enjoined by law, or to act at
merely for the sake of argument, that AAA can file the all in contemplation of law, as where the power is exercised
special civil action for certiorari without violating their right in an arbitrary and despotic manner by reason of passion and
against double jeopardy, still, it must be dismissed for hostility.26 There is grave abuse of discretion when the
petitioner’s failure to previously file a motion for disputed act of the lower court goes beyond the limits of
reconsideration. True, a motion for reconsideration is a discretion thus effecting an injustice.27
condicio sine qua non for the filing of a petition for
certiorari. Its purpose is for the court to have an opportunity The Court finds that the petitioner has sufficiently
to correct any actual or perceived error attributed to it by discharged the burden of proving that the respondent
reexamination of the legal and factual circumstances of the appellate court committed grave abuse of discretion in
case. This rule, however, is not absolute and admits well- acquitting private respondents.
defined exceptions, such as: (a) where the order is a patent
nullity, as where the court a quo has no jurisdiction; (b)
where the questions raised in the certiorari proceedings have It appears that in reaching its judgment, the CA merely
been duly raised and passed upon by the lower court, or are relied on the evidence presented by the defense and utterly
the same as those raised and passed upon in the lower court; disregarded that of the prosecution. At first, it may seem that
(c) where there is an urgent necessity for the resolution of its narration of the facts28 of the case was meticulously
the question and any further delay would prejudice the culled from the evidence of both parties. But a more careful
interests of the Government or of the petitioner or the perusal will reveal that it was simply lifted, if not altogether
subject matter of the action is perishable; (d) where, under parroted, from the testimonies of the accused, especially that
the circumstances, a motion for reconsideration would be of Oporto,29 Carampatana,30 and Alquizola,31 the accused-
useless; (e) where petitioner was deprived of due process appellants in the case before it. The appellate court merely
and there is extreme urgency for relief; (f) where, in a echoed the private respondents’ testimonies, particularly
criminal case, relief from an order of arrest is urgent and the those as to the specific events that transpired during the
granting of such relief by the trial court is improbable; (g) crucial period - from the dinner at Gemeno’s house to the
where the proceedings in the lower court are a nullity for following morning at the Alquizola Lodging House. As a
lack of due process; (h) where the proceedings were ex parte result, it presented the private respondents’ account and
or in which the petitioner had no opportunity to object; and allegations as though these were the established facts of the
(i) where the issue raised is one purely of law or where case, which it later conveniently utilized to support its ruling
public interest is involved.24 of acquittal.

Here, petitioner’s case amply falls within the exception. Due process requires that, in reaching a decision, a tribunal
AAA raises the same questions as those raised and passed must consider the entire evidence presented, regardless of
upon in the lower court, essentially revolving on the guilt of the party who offered the same. 32 It simply cannot
the private respondents. There is also an urgent necessity to acknowledge that of one party and turn a blind eye to that of
resolve the issues, for any further delay would prejudice the the other. It cannot appreciate one party’s cause and brush
interests, not only of the petitioner, but likewise that of the the other aside. This rule becomes particularly significant in
Government. And, as will soon be discussed, the CA this case because the parties tendered contradicting versions
decision is a patent nullity for lack of due process and for of the incident. The victim is crying rape but the accused are
having been rendered with grave abuse of discretion saying it was a consensual sexual rendezvous. Thus, the
amounting to lack of jurisdiction. CA’s blatant disregard of material prosecution evidence and
outward bias in favor of that of the defense constitutes grave
abuse of discretion resulting in violation of petitioner’s right
For the writ of certiorari to issue, the respondent court must to due process.33
be shown to have acted with grave abuse of discretion
Moreover, the CA likewise easily swept under the rug the been raped, she says in effect all that is necessary to mean
observations of the RTC and made its own flimsy findings that she has been raped, and where her testimony passes the
to justify its decision of acquittal. test of credibility, the accused can be convicted on that basis
alone. This is because from the nature of the offense, the
First, the appellate court held that AAA was, in fact, sole evidence that can usually be offered to establish the
conscious during the whole ordeal. The fact that she never guilt of the accused is the complainant’s testimony
showed any physical resistance, never cried out for help, and itself.36 The trial court correctly ruled that if AAA was not
never fought against the private respondents, bolsters the truthful to her accusation, she would not have opened herself
claim of the latter that the sexual acts were indeed to the rough and tumble of a public trial. AAA was certainly
consensual. not enjoying the prying eyes of those who were listening as
she narrated her harrowing experience.37
But the CA seemed to forget that AAA was heavily
intoxicated at the time of the assault. Article 266-A of the AAA positively identified the private respondents as the
Revised Penal Code (RPC) provides: ones who violated her. She tried to resist, but because of the
presence of alcohol, her assaulters still prevailed. The RTC
Art. 266-A. Rape, When and How Committed. – Rape is found AAA’s testimony simple and candid, indicating that
committed– she was telling the truth. The trial court likewise observed
that her answers to the lengthy and humiliating questions
were simple and straightforward, negating the possibility of
1. By a man who shall have carnal knowledge of a a rehearsed testimony.38 Thus:
woman under any of the following circumstances:
Atty. Jesus M. Generalao (on direct):
a. Through force, threat or intimidation;
b. When the offended party is deprived of
reason or is otherwise unconscious;
Q: Now, you said also when the Court asked you
that you went asleep, when did you regain your
c. By means of fraudulent machination or consciousness?
grave abuse of authority;
A: They woke me up and wanted me to drink the
d. When the offended party is under remaining wine inside the bottle of Emperador
twelve (12) years of age or is demented, Brandy.
even though none of the circumstances
mentioned above be present;
2. By any person who, under any of the
circumstances mentioned in paragraph 1 hereof, Q: What do you mean that they hide you (sic) to
shall commit an act of sexual assault by inserting drink the remaining contained (sic) of the bottle of
his penis into another person’s mouth or anal Emperador Brandy?
orifice, or any instrument or object, into the genital
or anal orifice of another person. A: They gave me the bottle, sir, and I was trying to
refuse but they insisted.
Under the aforecited provision, the elements of rape are: (1)
the offender had carnal knowledge of the victim; and (2) Q: Who handed over to you that bottle, if you can
such act was accomplished through force or intimidation; or remember?
when the victim is deprived of reason or otherwise
unconscious; or when the victim is under twelve years of A: It was Christian John Lim, sir.
age.34 Here, the accused intentionally made AAA consume
hard liquor more than she could handle. They still forced her Q: Did you drink that Emperador directly from the
to drink even when she was already obviously inebriated. bottle?
They never denied having sexual intercourse with AAA, but
the latter was clearly deprived of reason or unconscious at A: Yes, sir.
the time the private respondents ravished her. The CA,
however, readily concluded that she agreed to the sexual act
simply because she did not shout or offer any physical Q: What happened after that?
resistance, disregarding her testimony that she was rendered
weak and dizzy by intoxication, thereby facilitating the A: I fell asleep again, sir.
commission of the crime.35 The appellate court never
provided any reason why AAA’s testimony should deserve Q: When did you regain your consciousness?
scant or no weight at all, or why it cannot be accorded any
credence. In reviewing rape cases, the lone testimony of the A: When somebody was carrying me down to the
victim is and should be, by itself, sufficient to warrant a spiral stairs.
judgment of conviction if found to be credible. Also, it has
been established that when a woman declares that she has
Q: Can you remember the person or persons who Q: So you wake-up (sic) again, whom did you see?
was or who were carrying you?
A: It was Joefhel Oporto, sir.
A: Yes, sir.
Q: He was on top of you?
Q: Who?
A: Yes, sir. (Witness is crying while answering)
A: They were Jansen Roda and Harold Batoctoy.
Q: What was you (sic) reaction when you found
Q: If you can still remember, how did Jansen Roda that Joefhel Oporto was on top of you?
and Harold Batoctoy carry you?
A: I was starting to cry, sir.
A: I placed my hands to their shoulder (sic), sir:
Q: Aside from starting to cry, what else is (sic)
xxxx your reaction?

Q: After that, what happened, if any? A: I was saying don’t because I feel pain my
private organ (sic).
A: I was already asleep, sir, when we went
downstairs. Q: What did Joefhel Oporto do, when you (sic)
those words?
Q: You mean to say that you cannot remember
anymore? A: He was kissing on the different part (sic) of my
body then he sexually abused me.
A: Yes, sir.
ATTY. GENERALAO: We want to make it on
Q: Now, when again did you regain your record, Your Honor, that the witness is crying.
A: When we entered the room and the light was
switch (sic) on, I was awakened by the flash of ATTY. GENERALAO: May I continue, Your
light. Honor.

Q: Do you have any idea, where were you when COURT: Continue.
you were awakened that (sic) flash of light.
ATTY. GENERALAO: Aside from Joefhel Oporto
A: Yes, sir. was found (sic) on top of you, who else was there
inside that room?
Q: Where?
A: Moises Alquizola and Raymund Carampatana,
A: Alquizola Lodging House, sir. sir.

xxxx Q: With respect to Raymund Carampatana, what

was he doing?
Q: When you regained your consciousness from the
flash of light, what happened? A: He was at my feet while looking at us.

A: I loss (sic) my consciousness again, sir. Q: Was it dress (sic) up or undressed?

Q: So, you fell asleep again? A: Dressed up, sir.

A: Yes, sir. Q: What about Moises Alquizola, what was he

A: He was beside us standing and looking at me,
Q: When did you wake-up (sic) again? sir.

A: When I feel (sic) heavy on top of me, sir. Q: Was he dressed up or undressed?

A: I could not remember, sir.

xxxx On the other hand, the RTC was not convinced with the
explanation of the defense. It noted that their account of the
Q: After that, what happened? events was seemingly unusual and incredible.40 Besides, the
defense of consensual copulation was belatedly invoked and
A: I went asleep again, sir. seemed to have been a last ditch effort to avoid culpability.
The accused never mentioned about the same at the pre-trial
stage. The trial court only came to know about it when it
Q: Then, when again did you or when again did was their turn to take the witness stand, catching the court
you wake up? by surprise.41 More importantly, it must be emphasized that
when the accused in a rape case claims that the sexual
A: When I feel (sic)pain something inside my intercourse between him and the complainant was
private part (sic), I saw Raymund Carampatana, sir. consensual, as in this case, the burden of evidence shifts to
him, such that he is now enjoined to adduce sufficient
Q: On top of you? evidence to prove the relationship. Being an affirmative
defense that needs convincing proof, it must be established
A: No, sir, because he was in between my legs, sir. with sufficient evidence that the intercourse was indeed
consensual.42 Generally, the burden of proof is upon the
prosecution to establish each and every element of the crime
Q: What was your reaction?
and that it is the accused who is responsible for its
commission. This is because in criminal cases, conviction
A: I was starting to cry again, sir, and told him must rest on a moral certainty of guilt.43 Burden of evidence
don’t. is that logical necessity which rests on a party at any
particular time during the trial to create a prima facie case in
Q: At that point, who else was inside that room his favor or to overthrow one when created against him. A
when you found Raymund Carampatana? prima facie case arises when the party having the burden of
proof has produced evidence sufficient to support a finding
A: Only the three of them, sir. and adjudication for him of the issue in
litigation.44 However, when the accused alleges consensual
Q: Including Moises Alquizola? sexual congress, he needs convincing proof such as love
notes, mementos, and credible witnesses attesting to the
romantic or sexual relationship between the offender and his
A: Yes, sir.
supposed victim. Having admitted to carnal knowledge of
the complainant, the burden now shifts to the accused to
Q: What was he doing? prove his defense by substantial evidence. 45

A: He was started (sic) to kiss me. Here, the accused themselves admitted to having carnal
knowledge of AAA but unfortunately failed to discharge the
Q: Where in particular? burden required of them. Carampatana narrated that upon
reaching the room at the lodging house, AAA lay down on
A: In my face, sir. the bed and looked at him. He then approached her and they
kissed. He removed her shirt and brassiere. Thereafter,
Q: Then after that, what happened? Oporto also removed AAA’s lower garments and then went
to kiss AAA. Carampatana then placed himself in between
AAA’s legs and had intercourse with her.46 On the other
A: I fell asleep again, sir. hand, Oporto himself testified that he had sexual intercourse
with AAA three times. While Carampatana was removing
Q: Now, before you went asleep again (sic), what AAA’s shirt and brassiere, Oporto was watching at the foot
did you feel when you said that you feel (sic) of the bed. Then he removed her pants and underwear, and
something in your private part when you saw AAA even lifted her buttocks to make it easier for him to
Raymund Carampatana? pull the clothes down. When Carampatana left after having
sexual intercourse with AAA, according to Oporto, he then
A: He inserted his penis in my private organ, sir. stood up, opened his pants, and took out his penis so that
AAA could perform fellatio on him. Then he proceeded to
Q: Then after that you fell asleep again? have sexual intercourse with AAA. Afterwards, Oporto went
outside and slept with Alquizola on the carpet. After a few
minutes, he woke up and went back to the room and again
A: Yes, sir.
had intercourse with AAA. He went back to sleep and after
some time, he woke up to the sound of AAA vomitting.
Q: When did you wake-up (sic)? Shortly thereafter, he made love with AAA for the third and
last time.47 Despite said shameless admission, however, the
A: I woke up at about 7:00 o’clock a.m in the next accused failed to sufficiently prove that the lack of any
(sic) day, sir.39 physical resistance on AAA’s part amounts to approval or
permission. They failed to show that AAA had sexual
intercourse with them out of her own volition, and not
simply because she was seriously intoxicated at that time,
and therefore could not have given a valid and intelligent No woman, especially one of tender age, would concoct a
consent to the sexual act. story of defloration, allow an examination of her private
parts, and be subjected to public trial and humiliation if her
The RTC also noticed that Fiel, one of the defense claim were not true.56 And even if she were indeed highly
witnesses, was showy and exaggerated when testifying, even promiscuous at such a young age, the same could still not
flashing a thumbs-up to some of the accused after her prove that no rape was actually committed. Even a
testimony, an indication of a rehearsed witness. 48 To be complainant who was a woman of loose morals could still
believed, the testimony must not only proceed from the be the victim of rape. Even a prostitute may be a victim of
mouth of a credible witness; it must be credible in itself such rape. The victim’s moral character in rape is immaterial
as the common experience and observation of mankind can where, as in this case, it is shown that the victim was
approve as probable under the attending circumstances.49 deprived of reason or was rendered unconscious through
intoxication to enable the private respondents to have sex
When it comes to credibility, the trial court's assessment with her. Moreover, the essence of rape is the carnal
deserves great weight, and is even conclusive and binding, if knowledge of a woman against her consent. 57 A freshly
not tainted with arbitrariness or oversight of some fact or broken hymen is not one of its essential elements. Even if
circumstance of weight and influence. The reason is the hymen of the victim was still intact, the possibility of
obvious. Having the full opportunity to observe directly the rape cannot be ruled out. Penetration of the penis by entry
witnesses’ deportment and manner of testifying, the trial into the lips of the vagina, even without rupture or laceration
court is in a better position than the appellate court to of the hymen, is enough to justify a conviction for rape. To
properly evaluate testimonial evidence. 50 Matters of repeat, rupture of the hymen or laceration of any part of the
credibility are addressed basically to the trial judge who is in woman’s genitalia is not indispensable to a conviction for
a better position than the appellate court to appreciate the rape.58 Neither does AAA’s mother’s act of hitting her after
weight and evidentiary value of the testimonies of witnesses learning about the rape prove anything. It is a truism that
who have personally appeared before him.51 The appellate "the workings of the human mind when placed under
courts are far detached from the details and drama during emotional stress are unpredictable, and the people react
trial and have to rely solely on the records of the case in its differently."59 Different people react differently to a given
review. On the matter of credence and credibility of type of situation, and there is no standard form of behavioral
witnesses, therefore, the Court acknowledges said response when one is confronted with a strange, startling or
limitations and recognizes the advantage of the trial court frightful experience.60 At most, it merely indicates the
whose findings must be given due deference. 52 Since the CA frustration and dismay of a mother upon learning that her
and the private respondents failed to show any palpable daughter had been defiled after partying late the night
error, arbitrariness, or capriciousness on the findings of fact before. It is a settled rule that when there is no showing that
of the trial court, these findings deserve great weight and are private complainant was impelled by improper motive in
deemed conclusive and binding.53 making the accusation against the accused, her complaint is
entitled to full faith and credence. 61 So if AAA in fact
consented to the sexual act, why did she still need to
The CA continued, belaboring on the fact that the examining immediately tell her parents about it when she could have
physician found old hymenal laceration on AAA’s private just kept it to herself? Why did she ever have to shout rape?
organ. The lack of a fresh hymenal laceration, which is She was not caught in the act of making love with any of the
expected to be present when the alleged sexual encounter is private respondents,62 nor was she shown to have been in a
involuntary, could mean that AAA actually consented to the relationship with any of them of which her family
fornication. According to Dr. Acusta, when sex is disapproved.63 She never became pregnant as a result of the
consensual, the vagina becomes lubricated and the insertion deed. And if AAA cried rape to save her reputation, why
of the penis will not cause any laceration. It presumed that would she have to drag the private respondents into the case
complainant, therefore, was no longer innocent considering and identify them as her rapists? Absent any circumstance
the presence of old hymenal laceration that could have indicating the contrary, she brought the charge against the
resulted from her previous sexual encounters. The defense, private respondents simply because she was, in fact, violated
however, failed to show that AAA was sexually and she wants to obtain justice. Her zeal in prosecuting the
promiscuous and known for organizing or even joining sex case, even after the CA had already acquitted the private
orgies. It must be noted that AAA was a minor, barely 17 respondents, evinces the truth that she merely seeks justice
years old at the time of the incident, having just graduated for her honor that has been debased.64 Unfortunately, the CA
from high school on that same day. In a similar case, 54 the chose to ignore these telling pieces of evidence. Its findings
Court held: x x x Indeed, no woman would have consented are against the logic and effect of the facts as presented by
to have sexual intercourse with two men — or three, AAA in support of her complaint,65 contrary to common
according to Antonio Gallardo — in the presence of each human experience, and in utter disregard of the relevant
other, unless she were a prostitute or as morally debased as laws and jurisprudence on the crime of rape.
one. Certainly, the record before Us contains no indication
that Farmacita, a 14-year old, first-year high school student,
can be so characterized. On the contrary, her testimony in Lastly, the trial court pronounced that Alquizola was not
court evinced the simplicity and candor peculiar to her part of the conspiracy because his participation in the crime
youth. In fact, appellants could not even suggest any reason was uncertain,66 citing People v. Lobrigo.67 It found that his
why Farmacita would falsely impute to them the participation was not in furtherance of the plan, if any, to
commission of the crime charged.55 commit the crime of rape. 68 The Court, however, finds that
the RTC erred in ruling that Alquizola’s liability is not of a
conspirator, but that of a mere accomplice. To establish
conspiracy, it is not essential that there be proof as to
previous agreement to commit a crime, it being sufficient breasts, and other parts of her body. Indubitably, there was
that the malefactors shall have acted in concert pursuant to conspiracy among Carampatana, Oporto, and Alquizola to
the same objective. Conspiracy is proved if there is sexually abuse AAA. Hence, the act of any one was the act
convincing evidence to sustain a finding that the malefactors of all, and each of them, Alquizola including, is equally
committed an offense in furtherance of a common objective guilty of the crime of rape. While it is true that the RTC
pursued in concert.69 Proof of conspiracy need not even rest found Alquizola guilty as mere accomplice, when he
on direct evidence, as the same may be inferred from the appealed from the decision of the trial court, 74 he waived the
collective conduct of the parties before, during or after the constitutional safeguard against double jeopardy and threw
commission of the crime indicating a common the whole case open to the review of the appellate court,
understanding among them with respect to the commission which is then called upon to render such judgment as law
of the offense.70 and justice dictate, whether favorable or unfavorable to the
In Lobrigo, the Court declared:
Finally, the Court notes that although the prosecution filed
We note that the testimonies of witnesses with respect to only a single Information, it, however, actually charged the
Gregorio's and Dominador's participation in the crime accused of several rapes. As a general rule, a complaint or
conflict on material points. information must charge only one offense, otherwise, the
same is defective.76 The rationale behind this rule
Doubt exists as to whether Gregorio and Dominador were prohibiting duplicitous complaints or informations is to give
carrying weapons during the mauling and whether they the accused the necessary knowledge of the charge against
participated in the mauling by more than just boxing the him and enable him to sufficiently prepare for his defense.
victim. Noel stated that they did not, Domingo stated that The State should not heap upon the accused two or more
they did. charges which might confuse him in his defense. 77 Non-
compliance with this rule is a ground78 for quashing the
duplicitous complaint or information under Rule117 of the
In conspiracy, evidence as to who administered the fatal Rules on Criminal Procedure and the accused may raise the
blow is not necessary.1âwphi1 In this case, the rule is not same in a motion to quash before he enters his
applicable because conspiracy with respect to Gregorio and plea,79 otherwise, the defect is deemed waived.80 The
Dominador is not proven. Their exact participation in the accused herein, however, cannot avail of this defense simply
crime is uncertain.71 (Emphasis Supplied) because they did not file a motion to quash questioning the
validity of the Information during their arraignment. Thus,
In People v. Dela Torre,72 the Court upheld the findings of they are deemed to have waived their right to question the
the lower courts that there was conspiracy: same. Also, where the allegations of the acts imputed to the
accused are merely different counts specifying the acts of
The RTC held that: perpetration of the same crime, as in the instant case, there is
no duplicity to speak of.81 There is likewise no violation of
While [it] is true that it was only Leo Amoroso who actually the right of the accused to be informed of the charges
ravished the victim based on the testimony of the private against them because the Information, in fact, stated that
complainant that Amoroso succeeded in inserting his penis they "took turns in having carnal knowledge against the will
to her private parts and that Reynaldo dela Torre and Ritchie of AAA" on March 25, 2004.82 Further, allegations made
Bisaya merely kissed her and fondled her private parts, and the evidence presented to support the same reveal that
accused [D]ela Torre can likewise be held liable for the AAA was indeed raped and defiled several times. Here,
bestial acts of Amoroso as it is quite apparent that the three according to the accused themselves, after undressing AAA,
of them conspired and mutually helped one another in Carampatana positioned himself in between her legs and had
raping the young victim. intercourse with her. On the other hand, Oporto admitted
that he had sexual intercourse with AAA three times. When
two or more offenses are charged in a single complaint or
The Court of Appeals held that:
information but the accused fails to object to it before trial,
the court may convict him of as many offenses as are
[W]hile [Dela Torre] did not have carnal knowledge with charged and proved, and impose upon him the proper
[AAA], his tacit and spontaneous participation and penalty for each offense.83 Carampatana, Oporto, and
cooperation of pulling her towards the parked jeep, Alquizola can then be held liable for more than one crime of
molesting her and doing nothing to prevent the commission rape, or a total of four (4) counts in all, with conspiracy
of the rape, made him a co-conspirator. As such, he was extant among the three of them during the commission of
properly adjudged as a principal in the commission of the each of the four violations. Each of the accused shall thus be
crime.73 held liable for every act of rape committed by the other. But
while Oporto himself testified that he inserted his sexual
Here, unlike in the foregoing case of Lobrigo, Alquizola’s organ into AAA’s mouth, the Court cannot convict him of
participation in the crime is not at all uncertain. As the rape through sexual assault therefor because the same was
caretaker of the Alquizola Lodging House, he provided a not included in the Information. This is, however, without
room so the rape could be accomplished with ease and prejudice to the filing of a case of rape through sexual
furtiveness. He was likewise inside the room, intently assault as long as prescription has not yet set in.
watching, while Oporto and Carampatana sexually abused
AAA. He did not do anything to stop the bestial acts of his
companions. He even admitted to kissing AAA’s lips,
Anent the appropriate penalty to be imposed, rape sentences him to suffer the penalty of reclusion
committed by two or more persons is punishable by perpetua in each case;
reclusion perpetua to death under Article 266-B of the RPC.
But in view of the presence of the mitigating circumstance b) Finding accused-respondent Joefhel Oporto
of voluntary surrender and the absence of an aggravating GUILTY beyond reasonable doubt of four ( 4)
circumstance to offset the same, the lighter penalty of counts of rape, and the Court hereby sentences him
reclusion perpetua shall be imposed upon them, 84 for each to suffer the indeterminate penalty of imprisonment
count. With regard to Oporto, appreciating in his favor the from six ( 6) years and one ( 1) day of prision
privileged mitigating circumstance of minority, the proper mayor as minimum to twelve (12) years and one
imposable penalty upon him is reclusion temporal, being the (1) day of reclusion temporal as maximum, in each
penalty next lower to reclusion perpetua to death. Being a case; and
divisible penalty, the Indeterminate Sentence Law is
applicable. Applying the Indeterminate Sentence Law, c) Finding accused-respondent Moises Alquizola
Oporto can be sentenced to an indeterminate penalty the GUILTY beyond reasonable doubt of four ( 4)
minimum of which shall be within the range of prision counts of rape, and the Court hereby sentences him
mayor(the penalty next lower in degree to reclusion to suffer the penalty of reclusion perpetua in each
temporal) and the maximum of which shall be within the case.
range of reclusion temporal in its minimum period, there
being the ordinary mitigating circumstance of voluntary
surrender, and there being no aggravating circumstance. 85 The Court hereby ORDERS the accused-respondents to pay
With that, the Court shall impose the indeterminate penalty AAA, jointly and severally, the amounts of ₱50,000.00 as
of imprisonment from six (6) years and one (1) day of civil indemnity, ₱50,000.00 as moral damages, and
prision mayor as minimum to twelve (12) years and one (1) ₱30,000.00 as exemplary damages, for each of the four (4)
day of reclusion temporal as maximum, for each count of counts of rape. The case is REMANDED to the court of
rape committed. 86 However, Oporto shall be entitled to origin for its appropriate action in accordance with Section
appropriate disposition under Section 51, R.A. No. 51 of Republic Act No. 9344. Let the records of this case be
9344,87which extends even to one who has exceeded the forwarded to the court of origin for the execution of
age limit of twenty-one (21) years, so long as he committed judgment.
the crime when he was still a child, 88 and provides for the
confinement of convicted children as follows:89 SO ORDERED.

Sec. 51. Confinement of Convicted Children in Agricultural DIRECT PROOF IS NOT NECESSARY
Camps and Other Training Facilities. – A child in conflict
with the law may, after conviction and upon order of the
court, be made to serve his/her sentence, in lieu of G.R. NO. 209373               JULY 30, 2014
confinement in a regular penal institution, in an agricultural
camp and other training facilities that may be established,
maintained, supervised and controlled by the BUCOR, in
coordination with the DSWD. LAÑOJAN, PETITIONERS,
Hence, in the proper execution of judgment by the lower PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES,  RESPONDENT.
court, the foregoing provision should be taken into
consideration by the judge in order to accord children in X-- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- X
conflict with the law, who have already gone beyond
twenty-one (21) years of age, the proper treatment
envisioned by law. G.R. NO. 209414

As to their civil liability, all of them shall pay AAA the ANECITO TANGIAN, JR., PETITIONER,
amount of ₱50,000.00 as civil indemnity and another VS.
₱50,000.00 as moral damages, in each case. Exemplary PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES,  RESPONDENT.
damages of ₱30,000.00 shall likewise be imposed by way of
an example and to deter others from committing the same
bestial acts.
GRANTED. The assailed Decision dated June 6, 2008 of the
Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. CR HC No. 00422-MIN is The Case
REVERSED AND SET ASIDE. The Court hereby renders
judgment: This treats of the consolidated Petitions for Review on
Certiorari under Rule 45 in relation to Rule 125 of the Rules
a) Finding accused-respondent Raymund of Court, assailing the Decision 1 and Resolution of the Court
Carampatana GUILTY beyond reasonable doubt of of Appeals (CA) in CA-G.R. CR No. 00549-MIN, dated
four (4) counts of rape, and the Court hereby January 21, 2013 and September 10, 2013, respectively.
Said rulings affirmed the Regional Trial Court (RTC) Witnesses Dioscoro Galorio and Atty. Ulysses Lagcao,
Decision convicting petitioners of qualified theft. employee and consultant of the city government,
respectively, testified that they conducted investigations
The Facts relative to the incidentand found out that the items stolen
consisted of one Nissan transmission,one unit boom, one
Petitioners Joel Yongco, Julieta Lafiojan, and Anecito Nissan I-beam, and one differential of Tamaraw, with total
Tangian, Jr. were employees of the City Government of valuation of PhP 12,000. Upon their investigation, they
Iligan. Tangian worked as a garbage truck driver for the city, recommended tothe city legal officer the filing of the present
while Yongco and Lañojanwere security guards assigned to criminal case against the three petitioners.
protect the premises of the City Engineer’s Office (CEO).
On November 14, 2005, an Information was filed before the Version of the Defense
RTC, Branch 5 in Iligan City, Lanao del Norte charging the
three with Qualified Theft. The information docketed as In defense, petitioners testified intheir behalves. Their
Crim. Case No. 12092 reads: testimony is summarized by the CA in the Decision now on
appeal in the following wise:
That on or about April 16, 2005, in the City of Ilagan,
Philippines, and within the jurisdiction of this Honorable Joel Yongco, 34, single, x x x and a casual employee,
Court, the said accused, being then regular and casual testified that, on August 9, 2004, he was issued a Job Order
employees of the City government as drivers and helpers and detailed at the Civil Security Unit (CSU). He was
respectively, of a garbage truck with Plate No. 496, assigned to guard the building installation of the CEO. On
conspiring and confederating togetherand mutually helping April 15, 2005, he was on duty with his companion, one Mr.
each other, with grave abuse of confidence reposed upon Quintana. They relieved Lañojan and one Mr. Enumerables.
them by the city government, and with intent to gain, did Lañojan gave him (Yongco) four gate passes and saidthat
then and there willfully, unlawfully and feloniously take, the area would have to be cleared because the "Bacod"
steal and carry away the following articles, to wit: one (1) Iliganvehicle would be arriving. Yongco read the entries on
unit transmission, boom, differential of Tamaraw and l- one of[the] gate passes. Theyread: "Loaded assorted scraps
beam of Nissan with a total value of ₱40,000.00, belonging with remark to be thrown atthe dump site." At the bottom of
to the City government of Ilagan, represented by Atty. the gate pass was the "note" of EngineerCabahug with the
Rommel Abragan of the City Legal Office, Iligan City, signatures of the guards, Lañojan and Enumerables. From
withoutthe consent and against the will of the said owner in 5:00 PM to 12:00 midnight on April 15, 2005, there was
the aforesaid sum of ₱40,000.00, Philippine Currency.2 only one shipment of scrap iron to the dump site. The dump
truck driven by Tangian entered the CEO premises at around
During the arraignment held on February 16, 2006, accused 11:00 o’clock in the evening of the same date. Tangian went
petitioners entered a plea of not guilty tothe offense charged. to the yard where the scrap iron were situated and asked
Pre-trial was then conducted and closed on July 25, 2006. Yongco to accompany and help him. Tangian gathered the
Thereafter, trial on the merits ensued. scrap materials and the four of them (Tangian, Yongco, and
the 2 helpers of Tangian) loaded the said scrap to the dump
Version of the Prosecution truck. At around 12:45 P.M., after loading the items,
Tangian drove away without giving a gate pass to the guards
on duty. Yongco did not ask Tangian for a gate pass because
The prosecution presented as one ofits witnesses a casual Yongco had one companion in the guard house to get the
employee of the city government, Pablo Salosod,who gate pass.
testified that on April 16, 2005 at around 1:30 a.m., while
attending a wake at the Cosmopolitan Funeral Parlor, he was
fetched and requestedby petitioner Tangian to accompany Julieto Lañojan, 48, who was working in the CSU division
him to the CEO. At the office garage, Salosod and his fellow for 20 years and assigned to guard the CEO, testified that he
garbage collectors were allegedly directed by petitioners was not on duty on April 15 and 16, 2005; he was on duty
Tangian and Yongco to load car parts that petitioners on April 14, 2005 at 7:00 A.M. up to April 15, 2005 of the
considered aswaste items, the subject items of the theft, on same time. When Yongco and Quintana relieved him on
the truck driven by Tangian. They then drove to Tominobo, April 15, 2005 at 7:00 in the morning, he gave the four gate
Iligan City where the materials were unloaded in front of passes which were used to ship outassorted scrap irons to
Delfin Junk Store, and before the truck left the shop, them to be kept for the file. Engineer Cabahug was the one
Salosod allegedly saw petitioner Lañojan giving a thumbs- who directed the removal of the scrap iron because the area
up sign to Tangian. On the way back, Tangian allegedly of the CEO would have to be cleared since new trucks for
confessed to Salosod that it was Lañojan who requested that the government were coming. His house, which was along
the items be brought at the junk shop. Another employee, the national highway, was about 40-50 metersaway from
Rommel Ocaonilla, corroborated the testimony of Salosod. Delfin Junk Store. He knew Oliveros Garcia who was a
kagawad of Tominobo, Iligan City. Aside from that, Garcia
had filed an ejectment case against him (Lañojan), which
Prosecution witness Oliveros Garcia meanwhile testified was still pending in court.
witnessing the unloading of the items in front of the junk
store, after which, Lañojan covered the items up with a sack.
The following morning, he allegedly saw Lañojan’s brother- xxxx
in-law, who coincidentally works at the shop, take the items
inside. Anecito Tangian, Jr., 59, garbage truck driver at the City
Engineer’s Office for 16 years, testified that his highest level
of educational attainment was Grade I. It was his tour of thumbs-up sign to Tangian when the latter delivered the
duty on April 15, 2005 at 9:00 o’clock in the evening up to materials to the junk shop does not amount to conspiracy.
April 16, 2005 at 6:00 o’clock in the morning. At around
5:30 in the morning of April 15, 2005, Lañojan asked him to Ruling of the Court of Appeals
load scrap materials onto the garbage truck and to bring
them to the Delfin Junk Store in Tominobo. He asked On January 21, 2013, the CA issued the assailed Decision
Lañojan if there were any problems about the loading ofthe denying petitioners’ appeals. In affirming the RTC Decision
said items. Lañojan answered that there were no problems in toto, the CA ruled that there was indeed conspiracy
about the loading of the same, that the City Garbage would because Tangian could nothave taken out the items without
have to be cleared considering that "BACOD" trucks would a gate pass, but with the security guard Yongco’s
be arriving at thatarea. He followed Lañojan because the participation, he was able to do justthat. The CA also ruled
latter was the guard at the City Garage. When hearrived for that it is implausible that Tangian would just leave the items
duty at the City Garage at around 9:00 in the evening, in front of the junk shop unattended. Thus, the appellate
Yongco asked him if Lañojan already informed him about court appreciated the testimonies of the prosecution
the loading of the items. After that he checked up the witnesses that Lañojan’s presence was not merely
garbage truck while Yongco and the two helpers were coincidental and that his thumbs-up and his subsequent act
loading the items. He did not know how many items were of covering the materials with sacks indicate that the plan
loaded because he only helped the three of them during the was for him to receive the said items. Petitioners, via motion
loading of the differential. After loading the scrap materials, for reconsideration, sought the CA’s reversal of the Decision
Tangian and the two helpers drove away from the City only for the appellate court to deny the same through its
Garage. They dropped by the Cosmo Funeral Homes for challenged Resolution dated September 10, 2013.
more than an hour before they proceeded to Tominobo.
When they reached Delfin Junk Store, Lañojan gave a
thumbs-up sign to Tangian, which meant okay. He then left Not contented with the adverted Decision of the CA as
and started his work collecting garbage.3 reiterated in the Resolution, petitioners Yongco and Lañojan
jointly filed a Petition for Review on Certiorari while
petitioner Tangian separately filed his own.1âwphi1 The two
Ruling of the Regional Trial Court petitions were later consolidated by this Court for resolution
On April 11, 2008, the RTC held petitioners liable for
qualified theft via conspiracy. The dispositive portion of the The Issue
Decision reads:
As with most criminal cases, the main issue in the instant
WHEREFORE, premises considered, the Court finds the case is whether or not the CA erred in sustaining petitioners’
accused Julieto Lañojan, Anecito Tangian, Jr., and Joel conviction. Central to resolving this issue is determining
Yongco GUILTY beyond reasonable doubt of the crime of whether or not there indeed existed conspiracy between
Qualified Theft defined and penalized under Article 310 in petitioners in committing the offense charged.
relation to Article 309 of the Revised Penal Code, and the
said accused are hereby sentencedto a penalty of
imprisonment of six (6) years, eight (8) monthsand twenty The Court’s Ruling
(20) days of prision correccionalmaximum as the minimum
term, to ten (10) years and eight (8) months of prision The petitions are bereft of merit.
mayormaximum, as the maximum term, of their
indeterminate sentence including the accessory penalties Article 310, in relation to Art. 308,of the Revised Penal
thereof. Code (RPC) defines Qualified Theft, thusly:

SO ORDERED.4 ART. 308. Who are liable for theft.—Theft is committed by

any person who, with intent to gain but without violence,
Aggrieved, petitioners, in their appeal, prayed that the CA against, or intimidation of persons nor force upon things,
reverse the RTC Decision. Petitioner Tangian reiterated in shall take personal property of another without the latter’s
his Brief that he should not be considered as a conspirator consent.
since he merely innocentlyobeyed Lañojan’s instructions on
the assumption that the latter was his superior and that Theft is likewise committed by:
Lañojan was authorized to get rid of the scrap materials in
the CEO premises and that he had no criminal intent 1. Any person who, having found lost property,
whatsoever. shall fail to deliver the same to the local authorities
or to its owner;
In their joint brief, Yongco and Lañojan also disclaimed the
existence of a conspiracy. Yongco, in his defense, argued 2. Any person who, after having maliciously
that Tangian and his two other helpers asked for his damaged the property of another, shall remove or
assistance which he extended ingood faith, in view of make use of the fruits or objects of the damage
Lañojan’s statement earlier that day that the office garage caused by him; and
has to be cleared. Lañojan, on the other hand, insisted that
he cannot be considered as a conspirator since he was not
present at the time of taking, and that the mere giving of a
3. Any person who shall enter an enclosed estate or garbage truck left the premises of the CEO, no gate pass was
a field where trespass is forbidden or which surrendered by Tangian. Yongco did not bother to ask for a
belongs to another and without the consent of its gate pass on the pretext that there was another guard on duty
owner, shall hunt or fishupon the same or shall at the gate.
gather fruits, cereals, or other forestor farm
products. Intent to gain or animus lucrandiis an internal act that is
presumed from the unlawful taking by the offender of the
xxxx thing subject to asportation. Actual gain is irrelevant as the
important consideration is the intent to gain. Since these
ART. 310. Qualified Theft.—The crime of theft shall be items werebrought to the junk store, intent to gain becomes
punished by the penalties next higher by two degrees than obvious. The presumption of animus lucrandihas not been
those respectively specified in the next preceding article, if overturned.
committed by a domestic servant, or with grave abuse of
confidence, or if the property stolen is motor vehicle, mail It is equally patent that the taking of these items was done
matter or large cattle or consists of coconuts taken from the with grave abuse of confidence. The accused in this case,
premises of a plantation, fishtaken from a fishpond or itbears stressing, were guards and drivers with access tothe
fishery or if property is taken on the occasion of fire, entrance and exit of the CEO premises. In other words,they
earthquake, typhoon, volcanic eruption, or any other enjoyed the trust and confidence reposed on them by their
calamity, vehicular accident or civil disturbance. (emphasis employer (the City ofIligan) to haveaccess throughout the
added) CEO premises on account of their respective duties. More so
since the primary function of the CSU is to guard the
Synthesizing the foregoing provisions, the elements of properties, including the said items, of the CEO. It was this
Qualified Theft, committed with grave abuse of discretion, trust and confidence that was gravely abused by them that
can simply be enumerated as follows: makes the theft qualified.6

1. Taking of personal property; Concisely stated, the fact of taking without consent is
indubitable. Indeed, petitioners hinge their plea for acquittal
2. That the said property belongs to another; and supporting argument primarily on their lack of criminal
intent and the observed conspiracy.
3. That the said taking be done with intent to gain;
Addressing the issue head on, We uphold the findings of the
appellate court. No error can be ascribed to the CA when it
4. That it be done without the owner’s consent; determined the existence of conspiracy between and among
petitioners in this case.
5. That it be accomplished without the use of
violence or intimidation against persons, nor of There is conspiracy when two or more persons come to an
force upon things; and agreement concerning a felony and decide to commit
it.7 Well-settled is the rule that in conspiracy, direct proof of
6. That it be done with grave abuse of confidence.5 a previousagreement is not necessary as it may be deduced
from the mode, method, and manner by which the offense
As correctly observed by the appellatecourt, all of the was perpetrated.8 It may be inferred from the acts of the
elements of Qualified Theft are present in this case, viz: accused before, during, or after the commission of the crime
which, when taken together, would be enough to reveal a
There is no dispute that the items (transmission, boom arm, community of criminaldesign, as the proof of conspiracy is
differential assembly, and I-beam) which are the subject frequently made by evidenceof a chain of circumstances.9
matter of this case belong to the CEO of Iligan
City.1âwphi1 There is no dispute that these items, although In the case at bar, even though there is no showing of a prior
considered "heap of scrap," have not yet been declared agreement among the accused, their separate acts taken and
unserviceable or waste by the proper authority or office. Nor viewed together are actually connected and
have they been marked for proper disposal. Unless properly complementedeach other indicating a unity of criminal
disposed in accordance with Section 379 of the Local design and purpose.10
Government Code, these items are still government
properties or owned by the City of Iligan. Tangian’s complicity in the illicit deedwas manifest from
the fact, as he himself admitted, that he was the one who
There is also no dispute that these items were taken away personally transported the stolen items from the CEO to the
from the CEO and were already under completeand effective junkshop. His claim that he was not aware of any
control of the persons taking the same. This is because these irregularity in the act he performed is rendered dubious by
items were loaded onto the garbage truck driven by Tangian his 16 years of service as truck driver for the City of Iligan.
and brought to Tominobo at the Delfin Junk Store. To be sure, his record of service argues against his claim of
ignorance of the standard protocol that a gate pass to be
Apparently, the taking of these items was without the issued by the CEO property custodian should first be
consent of the CEO of Iligan City because there was no gate secured before taking out items from the CEO compound,
pass issued to that effect. Evidence shows that when the including alleged waste materials. He should also know
better than to assume that Lañojan can authorize the Resolution in CA-G.R. CR No. 00549-MIN are hereby
withdrawal of items without the requisite gate pass since AFFIRMED.
Lañojan’s duty, as security guard, is precisely to prevent the

Similarly, Yongco’s claim of good faith is belied by his own

G.R. NO. 205298               SEPTEMBER 10, 2014
admission that he knew of the office procedure that a gate
pass is required every time something is taken out of the
CEO premises. In fact, four gate passes were given to him EOPOLDO QUINTOS Y
that morning by Lañojan, covering waste materials DELAMOR, PETITIONER,
withdrawn during the latter’s shift. At the very least, this VS.
should have reminded him of his duty to demand a gate pass PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES,  RESPONDENT.
for property leaving the CEO premises. Neither memory
lapses orlapses in the performance of his duty will explain
Yongco’s failure to demand a gate pass.The only viable DECISION
explanation is that he was in connivance with other
petitioners.11 CARPIO, Acting C.J.:

Lastly, the RTC, with valid reason, tagged Lañojan as The Case
having instigated and marshalled the entire scheme. To
quote the trial court: Before the Court is a petition for review 1 assailing the
Decision2 dated 31 July 2012 and Resolution3 dated 11
x x x As shown above, it appears that Lañojan broached the January 2013 of the Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. CR No.
idea to Yongco that the items subject of this case will be 33776, affirming the Joint Decision4 dated 20 October 2010
withdrawn under the pretext of clearing the CEO scrap yard of the Regional Trial Court of Lingayen, Pangasinan (trial
of unserviceable waste materials. Then Lañojan gave court) in Criminal Case Nos. L-8340, L-8341 and L-8342.
Yongco 4 gate passes apparently to be used to coverup or
camouflage the actual withdrawallater that evening. Then The Facts
Lañojan told Tangian to load the items under the same ploy
of clearing the scrap yard of unserviceable waste materials Petitioner Leopoldo Quintos y Del Amor (p~titioner) was
and that they will not encounter any problem. Finally, charged, in conspiracy with his brothers Pedro, Rolly and
Lañojan was seen by Brgy. Kag. Oliveros Garcia at 1:30 Lando, all surnamed Quintos, and Narciso Bµni for
o’clock in the morning of April 16, 2005 receiving the items frustrated homicide and homicide.
as they were dumped near the Delfin Junk Store,Tominobo,
Iligan City. After the items were dumped, Lañojan then gave
Tangian the "thumbs-up" sign, meaning everything is okay – The Information5 in Criminal Case No. L-8341 reads, in
clear proof of meeting of minds between Tangian and part:
Lañojan, and their collusion to steal the items under the
pretext of disposing unserviceable waste materials. This That on or about January 15, 2008 in the afternoon at Brgy.
non-verbal "thumbs-up" sign was also seenby the truck Laois, Labrador, Pangasinan and within the jurisdiction of
helper Salosod.12 x x x this Honorable Court, the above-named accused in
conspiracywith each other, with intent to kill, did then and
In conspiracy, the act of one is the act of all. Once there, wil[l]fully, unlawfully and feloniously accost, maul
conspiracy is established, all the conspirators are answerable and hack with bolo and samurai Robert M. dela Cruz who
as co-principals regardless of the extent or degree of their suffered hacking wounds, several lacerations and contusions
participation.13 The guilt of one is the guilt of all. It is on the different parts of his body, thus, the accused
common design which is the essence of conspiracy— performedall the acts of execution which would produce
conspirators may act separately or together in different homicide as a consequence but which, nevertheless, did not
manners but always leading to the same unlawful result. The produce it by reason of the timely medical intervention
character and effect of conspiracy are not to be adjudged by applied on him that prevented his death, to the prejudice and
dismembering it and viewing its separate parts but only by damage of the said Robert dela Cruz.
looking at it as a whole—acts done to giveeffect to
conspiracy may be, in fact, wholly innocent acts. 14 Applying CONTRARY to Article 249 in relation to Art. 6 of the
this doctrine in the case at bench, it can reasonably be Revised Penal Code.
concluded that despite Lañojan’s lack of physical
participation in hauling the items to Tangian’s truck and The Information6 in Criminal Case No. L-8342 reads, in
bringing them to the junk shop, he can still be liable for part:
Qualified Theft via conspiracy. All told, there is no cogent
reason for us todisturb the findings of the appellate court, That on or about January 15, 2008 in the afternoon at Brgy.
affirmatory of those of the trial court. Laois, Labrador, Pangasinan and within the jurisdiction of
this Honorable Court, the above-named accused in
WHEREFORE, premises considered, the consolidated conspiracy with each other, with intent to kill, did then and
petitions are hereby DENIED for lack of merit. The CA's there, wil[l]fully, unlawfully and feloniously accost, maul
January 21, 2013 Decision and September 10, 2013 and hack with bolo and samurai Felomina dela Cruz who
suffered hacking wounds and several lacerations on the Robert dela Cruz lost his hold of the samurai and fell to the
different parts of her body, thus, the accused performed all ground.
the acts of execution which would produce homicide as a
consequence but which,nevertheless, did not produce it by Lando struck Freddie dela Cruz at the back of his head,
reason of the timely medical intervention applied on him which caused the latter to fall face up. Petitioner joined
that prevented his (sic) death, to the prejudice and damage Lando in hacking Freddie dela Cruz, who, while defending
of the said Felomina dela Cruz. himself with his hands, sustained injuries on his right hand
and lost a few fingers on his left. Rolly then crushed Freddie
CONTRARY to Article 249 in relation to Art. 6 of the dela Cruz’s chest with the same stone he usedto hit Robert
Revised Penal Code. dela Cruz in the face.

In Criminal Case No. L-8340, an Amended Pedro advanced towards Felomina dela Cruz as the latter
Information7 was filed when the victim Freddie dela Cruz moved towards Robert dela Cruz. Pedro pulledFelomina
died: dela Cruz’s hair, slashed her nape with the samurai, and then
kicked her to the ground.
That on or about January 15, 2008 in the afternoon at Brgy.
Laois, Labrador, Pangasinan and within the jurisdiction of Eduardo Oyando was forced to stand aside and was
this Honorable Court, the above-named accused in prevented from helping the dela Cruzes because Narciso
conspiracy with each other, with intent to kill, did then and Buni was aiming a bolo at him. The attackers left when they
there, willfully, unlawfully and feloniously accost, maul and were done, and only then was Eduardo Oyando able to
hack with bolo and samurai Freddie dela Cruz who suffered approach the victims and call for help.
hacking wounds on the different parts of his body, which
caused his death, to the damage and prejudice of the heirs of Robert, Freddie and Felomina, all surnamed dela Cruz, were
Freddie dela Cruz. brought to the hospital. They were treated for the injuries
sustained from the attack.
CONTRARY to Article 249 in relation to Art. 6 of the
Revised Penal Code. After a few days, Freddie dela Cruz diedfrom his injuries.
Before he died, Freddie dela Cruz identified Pedro and
Of the five accused, Pedro Quintos, Narciso Buni and Lando Quintos as his attackers.
petitioner were arrested. Rolly and Lando evaded arrest and
remainat large. Petitioner, Pedro and Narciso all pled not Version of the Defense
guilty to the charges brought against them.
The defense presented a different version of the events. In
The prosecution presented five witnesses, namely: Eduardo the afternoon of 15 January 2008, Robert, Freddie,
Oyando, Felomina dela Cruz, Robert dela Cruz, Police Felomina, all surnamed dela Cruz, and Eduardo Oyando
Officer Bernardo Cerezo, and Dr. Saniata V. Fernandez. came to the Quintos’ house looking for trouble. Pedro, who
was in the front portion ofthe house, went out to try and
The defense presented two witnesses, namely, petitioner and pacify them. Robert dela Cruz punched Pedro first, hitting
Pedro Quintos. Narciso Buni jumped bail before he could him in the face. Robert dela Cruz then went to Felomina
testify. Petitioner’s sister was also scheduled to testify, but dela Cruz and took a bolo wrapped in a towel that the latter
since her testimony would only be corroborative, the was holding. Pedro and Robert dela Cruz grappled for the
prosecution admitted her testimony.8 bolo. Felomina dela Cruz approached the two and tried to
help Robert dela Cruz, and in the process got slashed with
Version of the Prosecution the bolo. The scuffle resulted in Robert dela Cruz falling to
the ground and Pedro gaining control of the bolo.
The prosecution established that at about 3:30 p.m. of 15
January 2008, Freddie dela Cruz, Robert dela Cruz, Pedro then noticed that Freddie dela Cruz, who was holding
Felomina dela Cruz, and Eduardo Oyando were walking a bolo, was fighting with Lando. Pedro hurried over and
along the barangay road of Laois, Labrador, Pangasinan. hacked Freddie dela Cruz to defend his brother Lando.
They were on their way to the town proper when they were According to Pedro, his senses dimmed and he did not
accosted by Pedro Quintos, Rolly Quintos, Lando remember how many times hehacked Freddie dela Cruz. His
Quintos,Narciso Buni and petitioner. Pedro was wielding a brothers pacified him, and Pedro went with them back to the
samurai, Lando, Narciso and petitioner were carrying bolos, house; while Robert, Freddie and Felomina, all surnamed
and Rolly was holding a big stone. Robert, Freddie, dela Cruz, were brought to the hospital.
Felomina, all surnamed dela Cruz, and Eduardo Oyando ran
back towards their house, but the five attackers caught up The Ruling of the Trial Court
with them.
The trial court gave full faith and credit to the version of the
Pedro struck Robert dela Cruz withthe samurai, but the latter prosecution. Petitioner was found guilty for the crime of
parried the attack with his left hand. Robert dela Cruz homicide for the death of Freddie dela Cruz. However, the
attempted to gain control of the samurai, but Rolly hit him in trial court held that the uncertainty on the nature of the
the face, near the jaw, with the stone Rolly was carrying. wounds of Robert dela Cruz and Felomina dela Cruz
warrants the appreciation of a lesser gravity of the crime be credited in the service of their sentences with the time
from frustrated homicide to attempted homicide.9 they have undergone preventive imprisonment subject to the
conditionsprovided for in Article 29 of the Revised Penal
The dispositive portion ofthe Joint Decision dated 20 Code.
October 2010 reads:
WHEREFORE, in the light of all the foregoing, the Court
finds: SO ORDERED.10

IN CRIMINAL CASE NO. L-8340 Petitioner and Pedro Quintos appealed the decision to the
Court of Appeals, alleging that the trial court gravely erred
Accused PEDRO QUINTOS, POLDO QUINTOS and in convicting them despite the prosecution’s failure to prove
NARCISO BUNI GUILTY beyond reasonable doubt of the their guilt beyond reasonable doubt.
crime of HOMICIDE as defined in Article 249 of the
Revised Penal Code. The prescribed penalty for Homicide is The Ruling of the Court of Appeals
reclusion temporalwhich is from twelve (12) years and one
(1) day to twenty years. Applying the Indeterminate The Court of Appeals found the appeal bereft of merit, thus:
Sentence Law, the minimum penalty should be taken from
the penalty one (1) degree lower than the imposable penalty WHEREFORE, the instant appeal is DISMISSED and the
which is Prision Mayorin its full extent, the range of which assailed Joint Decision dated October 20, 2010of the
is from six (6) years and one (1) day to twelve (12) years. Regional Trial Court of Lingayen, Pangasinan, Branch 39,
Appreciating no mitigating circumstances in favor of the inCriminal Case Nos. L-8340, L-8341 and L-8342 is
accused, the accused is accordingly sentenced from EIGHT AFFIRMED IN TOTO.
(8) YEARS and ONE (1) DAY of PRISION MAYOR, as
minimum, to FOURTEEN (14) YEARS, EIGHT (8)
TEMPORAL, as maximum.
Hence, this petition.
Accused are further ORDERED to pay the heirs of Freddie
Dela Cruz, the amounts of (a) Php 75,000.00 as civil The Issues
indemnity; (b) Php 75,000.00 as moral damages; (c) Php
57,286.00 as actual damages; (d) and Php 15,000.00 as Petitioner faults the Court of Appeals for: (1) affirming the
attorney’s fees. conviction, despite the prosecution’s failure to prove
petitioner’s guilt beyond reasonable doubt; and (2) finding
IN CRIMINAL CASE NO. L-8341 that conspiracy exists, in particular, that a finding of
conspiracy should not be leftto conjecture, in light of the
Accused PEDRO QUINTOS, POLDO QUINTOS and alleged failure of the prosecution to present evidence that
NARCISO BUNI GUILTY beyond reasonable doubt of the petitioner took part in inflicting injuries on the victims in
crime of ATTEMPTED HOMICIDE and are meted with an furtherance ofa common design to kill.12
indeterminate sentence of Two (2) months and One (1) day
of arresto mayoras minimum to Two (2) years, Four (4) The Court’s Ruling
months and One (1) day of prision correccionalas maximum.
The petition is unmeritorious.
Accused are furthered (sic) ordered to pay Robert dela Cruz
actual damages in the amount of Php 1,650.00and moral Review of Questionsof Fact Improper
damages in the amount of Php 15,000.00.
The review on certiorariunder Rule 45 of the Rules of Court
IN CRIMINAL CASE NO. L-8342 is limited to questions of law. This Court does not weigh all
over again the evidence already consideredin the
Accused PEDRO QUINTOS, POLDO QUINTOS and proceedings below.13 The narrow ambit of review prescribed
NARCISO BUNI GUILTY beyond reasonable doubt of the under this rule allows us to swiftly dispose of such appeals.
crime of ATTEMPTED HOMICIDE and are meted with an This rule, of course, admits of exceptions applicable to those
indeterminate sentence of Two (2) months and One (1) day rare petitions whose peculiar factual milieu justifies
or arresto mayoras minimum to Two (2) years, Four (4) relaxation of the Rules such as based on speculation or
months and One (1) day of prision correccionalas maximum. conjectures, or overlooked undisputed facts which, if duly
considered, lead to a different conclusion.14
Accused are furthered (sic) ordered to pay Felomina dela
Cruz actual damages in the amount of Php 3,750.00 and In the present case, petitioner finds fault in the decisions of
moral damages in the amount of Php 15,000.00. the trial and appellate courts, alleging that had the said
courts given weight to the defense evidence, conviction
In all cases, considering that Pedro Quintos and Poldo would not have been justified. This is clearly an invitation
Quintos have undergone preventive imprisonment,they shall for the Court to review the probative value of the evidence
presented in the proceedings below.
A question of law arises when there isdoubt as to what the the strength of his own evidence, not on the weakness of the
law is on a certain state of facts, while there is a question of State’s evidence, because the existence of self-defense is a
fact when the doubt arises as to the truth or falsity of the separate issue from the existence ofthe crime, and
alleged facts.15 For a question to be one of law, the same establishing selfdefense does not require orinvolve the
must not involve an examination of the probative value of negation of any of the elements of the offense itself.
the evidence presented by the litigants.16 Once it is clear that
the issue invites a review of the evidence presented, the To escape liability, the accused must show by sufficient,
question posed is one of fact.17 satisfactory and convincing evidence that: (a) the victim
committed unlawful aggression amounting to an actual or
Petitioner attempts to justify the review of facts by alleging imminent threat to the life and limb of the accused claiming
that the courts a quo indulged in conjectures and surmises. self-defense; (b) there was reasonable necessity in the means
However, a careful reading of the decisions of the trial and employed to prevent or repel the unlawful aggression; and
appellate courts shows that such is not the case here. The (c) there was lack of sufficient provocation on the part of the
discussion of the trial court deals extensively with evidence accused claiming self-defense or at least any provocation
from both sides, weighing each accordingly. Similarly, the executed by the accused claiming self-defense was not the
appellate court evaluated the evidenceof the prosecution and proximate and immediate cause of the victim’s aggression. 19
the defense alike.
Both petitioner and Pedro also testified that Pedro hacked
Uniform findings of factof the trial and appellate courts Freddie in defense of their brother Lando.20 The defense of
deserve grave respect, and in the absence of any compelling relatives argument likewise fails in light of the lack of
reason to deviate therefrom, are final and conclusive upon unlawful aggression on the part of the victims. For the
this Court. We thus proceed with our review without accused to be entitled to exoneration based on defense of
disturbing the factual findings of the Court of Appeals. relatives, complete or incomplete, it is essential that there be
unlawful aggression on the part of the victim, for if there is
Sufficiency of Prosecution Evidence no unlawful aggression, there would be nothing to prevent
or repel.21
Petitioner avers that his conviction was not supported by
proof of guilt beyond reasonable doubt. His The discussion of the Court of Appeals on this point is well-
argumentrevolves mainly on self-defense, defense of taken:
relatives and absence of conspiracy.
We are hardly persuaded by accused-appellants’ allegations
We are not persuaded. The records of this case show that the that they were acting in self-defense because the victims
prosecution witnesses Eduardo Oyando, Robert dela Cruz were committing unlawful aggression. We foundthe
and Felomina dela Cruz positively and consistently following loopholes:
identified the accused and relayed the sequence of events.
Their testimonies are corroborated by the evidence First, as Pedro claims in his testimony, the dela Cruzes were
presented by the doctors who attended the hacking victims, shouting for the brothers of Pedro tocome out of the house.
as well as by the police officer who took the statement No actual sudden or imminent attack, however, was
ofFreddie dela Cruz before the latter died. performed. It has been ruled that mere intimidating or
threatening words, even if said aloud, do not constitute
We must emphasize that the trial court found the unlawful aggression. Thus, in People vs. Cajurao, the
prosecution witnesses credible. The assessment ofthe trial Supreme Court held that:
court on this point is generally binding on this Court, and
noneof the exceptions to this rule are obtaining here. There can be no self-defense, complete or incomplete unless
Further, the trial court found that the prosecution witnesses there is clear and convincing proof of unlawful aggression
did not have any motive to testify falsely against the on the partof the victim. The unlawful aggression, a
accused. constitutive element of self-defense, must be real or at least
imminent and not merely imaginary. A belief that a person
Pedro Quintos admitted to hacking Robert dela Cruz and is about to be attacked is not sufficient. Even an intimidating
Freddie dela Cruz, and hitting Felomina dela Cruz, invoking or threatening attitude is by no means enough. Unlawful
self-defense. Because of Pedro’s admissions, he and his co- aggressionpresupposes an actual or imminent danger on the
conspirators assumed the burden to establish such defense life or limb of a person. Mere shouting, an[d] intimidating or
by credible, clear and convincing evidence; threatening attitude of the victim does not constitute
unlawful aggression. Unlawful aggression refers to an attack
otherwise, the same admissions would lead to their that has actually broken out or materialized or at the very
conviction.18 least is clearly imminent; it cannot consist in oral threats or
merely a threatening stance or posture.
We held in People v. Nugas:
Furthermore, as Pedro testified, the dela Cruzes were
shouting for his brothers to go out, but then, Pedro was the
x x x Self-defense cannot be justifiably appreciated when it one who went out. If, indeed, the dela Cruzes had some
is uncorroborated by independent and competent evidence anger or aggression at that time, it was definitely not
or when it is extremely doubtful by itself. Indeed, the directed at Pedro.
accused must discharge the burden of proof by relying on
Then, as Pedro went down to pacify the dela Cruzes, Pedro Dr. Saniata V. Fernandez, testified that the victim suffered
and Robert dela Cruz engaged in a fist fight. Robert turned lacerated wounds on the forehead, lower lip and left hand.
and ran towards his mother, Felomina to allegedly get a bolo As for Felomina dela Cruz, she also suffered almost similar
which was in Felomina’s possession and concealed under a lacerated wounds.
towel. Ifthis is true, Robert had already retreated and was
trying to arm himself to level the supposed fight with Pedro. It has been ruled that the presence of a large number of
Thus, from Pedro’s narration, itcannot be definitely said that wounds on the part of the victim, their nature and location
the dela Cruzes went to the house of the accused-appellants disprove self-defense and instead indicate a determined
with the determined intention to inflict serious harm on effort to kill the victim[s]. In the case at bar, as already
Pedro. explained, the wounds on Freddie, Robert and Felomina, all
surnamed dela Cruz, negate accused-appellant’s claim of
Second, Pedro claims that he was trying to defend his self-defense.
brother Lando Quintos who was lying on the ground and
being attacked by the deceased Freddie dela Cruz. We have contrasted the claim of self-defense to the evidence
According to him, he hacked Freddie before the latter could presented by the prosecution and this Court believes that the
stab Lando. Pedro would like to impress upon the court that version of the latter is more credible and consistent with the
Lando was also involved in the fight against the dela Cruzes. truth. As a matter of fact, by simply admitting that they
However, in the same testimony, Pedro said that it was he attacked Freddie dela Cruz and the two other victims, the
alone who was fighting Robert, Freddie and Felomina, and case against the accused-appellants had become irrefutable.
that his brothers, including Lando, were "just there, sir, x x x.22
Existence of Conspiracy
Third, despite the alleged savagery that transpired,
surprisingly, accused-appellants did not report the incident Petitioner alleges that the prosecution did not present
to the police. During crossexamination, Pedro admitted that: evidence of his participation in the attacks on Robert dela
Cruz and Felomina dela Cruz. He also argues that his mere
Q: After you were threatened and you did not report of the presence during the said attacks does not by itself show
alleged incident that happened on January 15 as what you concurrence of wills and unity of purpose.
are telling now?
Petitioner’s presence during the commission of the crime
A: No sir. was wellestablished as he himself testified to that
fact.1âwphi1 Assuming that he was merely present during
Q: In fact even after you were allegedly brought to the the attack, inaction does not exculpate him. To exempt
hospital and you were treated you did not even rel[a]y to the himself from criminal liability, a conspirator must have
police or even to your barangay the alleged incident which performed an overt act to dissociate or detach himself from
you are now narrating, am I correct? the conspiracy to commit the felony and prevent the
commission thereof.23
A: I was not able to report anymore because after I was
treated to the hospital I was brought directly to the jail, sir. Indeed, mere presence does not signify conspiracy.
However, neither does it indicate the lack thereof
It is doctrinal that, for evidence to be believed, it must not Conspiracy can be inferred from and established by the acts
only proceed from the mouth of a credible witness, but it of the accused themselves when said acts point to a joint
must be credible in itself such as the common experience purpose and design, concerted action and community of
and observation of mankind can approve as probable under interest.24 In fact, the prosecution established that petitioner
the circumstances. We find it difficult to believe that was actively involved in the attack on Freddie dela Cruz.
accused-appellants, who vehemently claim to be the
aggrieved parties, did not report the incident tothe police. In People v. De Leon,25 we held:.
Pedro’s alleged treatment or confinement in the hospital did
notprevent them from doing so. Pedro had at least three x x x To be a conspirator, one need not participate in every
brothers: Poldo, Rolly and Lando; not to mention his mother detail of the execution; he need not even take part in every
and sister, who could have easily gone to the police to report act or need not even know the exact part to be performed by
the alleged attack upon them by the delaCruzes. This the others in the execution of the conspiracy. Each
omission, therefore, casts doubt on the veracity of the conspirator may be assigned separate and different tasks
account of the accused-appellants. which may appear unrelated to one another but, in fact,
constitute a whole collective effort to achieve their. common
Lastly, the nature of the wounds inflicted on the deceased criminal objective. Once conspiracy is shown, the act of one
and the other victims negate[s] the accused-appellants’ is the act of all the conspirators. The precise extent or
claim of self-defense. According to the medical certificate of mo[r]ality of participation of each of them becomes
Freddie dela Cruz, he suffered cardio-respiratory arrest, secondary, since all the conspirators are principals.
septicemia and multiple hacking wounds. Then, in the death
certificate, it was further stated that Freddie dela Cruz The acts of petitioner before, during and after the attacks on
suffered "amputation of left and right hand." Meanwhile, Robert dela Cruz and Felomina dela Cruz disclose his
with respect to Robert dela Cruz, the attending physician, agreement with the joint purpose and design in the
commission of the felony. The facts, found by the trial and The facts of this shocking case are as follows:
appellate courts,.establish that petitioner, together with his
brothers and Narciso Buni, all of them armed, accosted the Accused-appellant Rodolfo Cayetano, together with his co-
dela Cruzes, and gave chase even as the latter were accused Michael Nuñez (Nuñez) and Ismael
retreating towards their house. During the attacks, each Santos alias "Ka Tony," were charged with the crimes of
conspirator had a different task. After the attacks, all the Kidnapping for Ransom (Criminal Case No. 12778-
accused left the felled dela Cruzes for dead, clearly showing MN)2 and Kidnapping with Murder (Criminal Case No.
their united purpose in the felonies committed. The act of 12779-MN).3 Only accused-appellant and Nuñez were
one is the act of all. With the conspiracy proved, the convicted and accordingly sentenced to reclusion
conviction of petitioner was in order. perpetua and to pay damages. Accused Santos remains at
WHEREFORE, we DENY the petition, and AFFIRM the
Decision of the Court of Appeals dated 31 July 2012 and the The prosecution was able to establish that at around 1:15 in
Resolution dated 11 January 2013 in CA-G.R. CR No. the afternoon of January 21, 1993 inside the compound of
33776. Immaculate Concepcion Parochial School, accused Nuñez
persuaded the victim, fourteen-year old high school student
SO ORDERED. Joseph Rivera, to go with him on the pretext that he would
turn over the proceeds of the sale of a gun to the latter's
father. He was likewise able to persuade Joseph Rivera to
bring along the latter's classmate, another fourteen year-old
student Neil Patrick Quillosa on the pretext that Neil would
1. BEFORE THE COMMISSION OF THE CRIME, be Joseph's companion in going home later.
The two boys were brought to a nipa hut in the middle of a
fishpond in Dampalit, Malabon to await a certain "Ka
G.R. NO. 112429-30 JULY 23, 1997 Tony." As the two boys attempted to go home, they were
told to go back as "Ka Tony" was coming. When they were
THE PEOPLE OF THE asked in jest about their preference if they were to be killed
PHILIPPINES, PLAINTIFF-APPELLEE, either with a knife of with a gun, Neil answered that he
VS. would prefer a gun pointed at his head.
Thereafter, accused Nuñez told them that "Ka Tony" would
not enter the hut unless they were blindfolded and tied. They
RODOLFO CAYETANO Y protested but were assured by accused Nuñez that they
PANGILINAN, ACCUSED-APPELLANT. would not be harmed. Both victims' hands and feet were tied
with wire and rope.

Accused-appellant came and checked if the two victims

were tied securely, after which, accused Nuñez played a tape
demanding three million pesos in five hundred and one
Stealing with intent to gain, from being a simple, thousand peso bills from the parents of Rivera in exchange
uncomplicated act in times past, albeit unlawful, has evolved for his release. Rivera was likewise made to record his own
into more elaborate schemes guaranteed to filch money from voice pleading to his parents to pay the ransom demanded.
a person with the least risk of being caught on the part of the Thereafter, accused Nuñez, who was then in possession of a
felon. gun, fired the same towards the window, hitting the casette
Those with grandiose designs of victimizing the wealthy
have, with alarming frequency, resorted to kidnapping, The victims were then brought to the river by accused and
snatching not only their intended victims, but the families of accused-appellant. Accused Nuñez dragged Neil by the neck
the latter, as well. Within the past few years, so steep has towards the middle of the river and left him there to drown
been the incidence in the crime of kidnapping for ransom while accused-appellant stood guard over Rivera. Quillosa's
that on December 31, 1993, Republic Act No. 7659 went cries for help and Rivera's pleas for their captors to save
into effect, categorizing the same as a heinous crime Quillosa went unheeded.
punishable by death.1
In the nipa hut, Rivera was made to record his own voice
In the instant case which occurred before said law was saying, "Mommy, Daddy, para makilala ninyo na sanay
passed, two high school lads were duped by the accused into silang pumatay, pinatay na nila si Neil." Thereafter, he
going with him. One was to be used for purposes of managed to untie his feet and asked accused-appellant to
extricating ransom from his businessman father. But the remove the wire around his hands on the assurance that he
other, the son of impecunious parents, was subsequently would not escape. The following morning, accused Nuñez
bound hands and feet, gagged and drowned in a river like a went to deliver the tape to Rivera's house.
rat, with absolutely no chance of survival.
While accused-appellant was busy cutting grass near the 1. In not finding that accused-appellant's
river, Rivera escaped the proceeded to the house of accused low level of intelligence/state of imbecility
Nuñez where he called up his grandmother. Thereupon, he exempts him from any criminal liability.
was fetched by his grandmother and with his father, they
proceeded to the Malabon Police Station and reported the 2. In not finding that the records of the
kidnapping. The policemen who responded recovered the case are not sufficient to hold a finding of
casette recorder from the nipa hut but failed to find both conspiracy against the accused-appellant.
accused and accused-appellant.
3. In not acquitting the accused by reason
Neil Patrick Quillosa's body was recovered on January 23, of an exempting circumstance of
1993 at Chungkang Rivera, Malabon with both hands and uncontrollable fear of an equal or greater
feet still bound with wires and his mouth gagged. Dr. injury.
Juanito Sacdalan testified that the cause of death was
asphyxia due to strangulation and that the wire tied around In the first submission of error, accused-appellant claims
the hands of the victim was the same wire tied around the that he possesses a very low level of intelligence as revealed
neck. in his direct testimony and cross-examination, indicating a
mental age of between six (6) to ten (10) years of age. To
Accused-appellant, however, denied the accusation against prove his imbecility, he cited his act of cutting grass when
him claiming that on the day he arrived at the nipa hut, he should be guarding his victim. As such, he should be
accused Nuñez poked a gun at him and threatened to kill exempted from criminal liability under the Revised Penal
him if he squeals. He also claimed that accused Nuñez Code. Even assuming that he is liable, the lower court
recorded something on a casette and he saw two children should have proceeded against him pursuant to the Child
with him whose hands and feet were tied with wires. and Youth Welfare Code.
Thereafter, accused Nuñez instructed one of the children,
whom he came to know during the trial of this case to be In his second submission, accused-appellant declares that he
Joseph Rivera, to record something which he did not hear as could not have conspired with accused Nuñez for the
accused Nuñez ordered him to keep his distance. He averred following reasons: (1) accused-appellant would rather cut
that when Nuñez brought the children to the river, he was grass than guard his victim, as indicative of his low mental
just watching and following them; that from his position age; (2) the act of kidnapping itself was already executed
atop the paddy, he saw accused Nuñez in the middle of the and perfected by accused Nuñez when the accused-appellant
river release one of the children, whom he came to know arrived in the nipa hut several hours after the kidnapping; (3)
during the trial to be Neil Patrick Quillosa, as a result of the testimonies of private complainant Joseph Rivera and the
which the latter drowned. accused-appellant were consistent with the fact that accused-
appellant was nowhere near accused Nuñez when he was
The following morning, accused Nuñez told him to guard recording the alleged demand for payment.
Rivera after which the former left. However, he claimed that
he left Rivera inside the nipa hut to cut grass around the In his third submission, accused-appellant testified that
fishpond. When accused Nuñez returned and learned from accused Nuñez poked a gun at him and threatened him with
him that Rivera had left, the former likewise disappeared. death; so he had no alternative but to follow the orders of
Moments later, accused Nuñez' father arrived and told him accused Nuñez, especially considering his mental capacity.
that he would get the casette. He was likewise told to leave
as policemen will be coming. As a result, he left and went to
his grandmother's place, after which he was surrendered by The Court is not persuaded by such remonstrations. The
his uncle to Vice President Joseph Estrada. He likewise defense counsel's attribution of imbecility is not supported
claims that he does not know how to read and that he can by evidence. Imbecility, one of the exempting circumstances
write only his name and count up to fifty only. He claims to under Article 12 of the Revised Penal Code, is defined as
know Michael Nuñez as he usually sees him when he buys feeblemindedness or a mental condition approaching that of
"Kakanin" from the latter's family. one who is insane. It is analogous to childishness and
dotage. An imbecile, within the meaning of Article 12, is
one who must be deprived completely of reason or
The lower court in a joint decision 4 convicted both accused discernment and freedom of will at the time of committing
and accused-appellant with Kidnapping for Ransom and the crime.5 He is one who, while advanced in age, has a
accordingly sentenced both to reclusion perpetua. Both were mental development comparable to that of children between
also found to have committed the complex crime of two and seven years of age.6
Kidnapping with Murder and sentenced each of them to
suffer the penalty of reclusion perpetua. They were also
ordered to indemnify the heirs of the victims in the amount Accused-appellant's act of cutting grass rather than guarding
of P50,000.00, to pay actual damages in the amount of his victim could hardly be indicative of imbecility. Rather, it
P41,700.00 and the sum of P50,000.00 as moral damages, as may be considered as negligence but definitely not
well as the costs of the suit. childishness or even that of one completely deprived of
reason or discernment and freedom of the will. In fact,
accused-appellant admitted on cross-examination that he can
Hence, this appeal. Accused-appellant claims that the lower tell what is right and what is wrong.7 Assuming arguendo
court erred: that accused-appellant is an imbecile or a feebleminded
person, in the case of People v. Formigones,8 it was held
that feeblemindedness is not exempting, because the vs. Duddely, L.R. 14, Q.B. Div. [Eng.]
offender could distinguish right from wrong. An imbecile or 273).
an insane cannot. In any case, Article 800 of the Civil Code
provides that "the law presumes that every person is of Accused-appellant's knowledge of what is right or wrong, as
sound mind, in the absence of proof to the contrary." The well as his failure to escape bolsters the prosecution's
allegation of insanity or imbecility must be clearly proved. evidence that he conspired with accused Nuñez to commit
Moreover, the law presumes all acts to be voluntary. It is the crimes being charged against them, contrary to the
improper to presume that acts were executed unconsciously.9 former's second submission. The records show the presence
of conspiracy. First, when accused-appellant arrived at the
Neither will this Court subscribe to accused-appellant's third hut where the victims were being held, the first thing he did
submission that he was prompted to act the way he did due was to check if the victims were securely tied. 15 Second,
to uncontrollable fear of an equal or greater injury. Accused- accused-appellant carried the victim Neil Patrick Quillosa to
appellant's claim that accused Nuñez poked a gun at him and the river. 16 Third, accused-appellant kicked the victim
threatened him with death is belied by testimonial evidence. Joseph Rivera when the latter was ordered to go to the
Granting that accused-appellant was forced to do what he river. 17 It may be deduced from those acts by accused-
did on account of fear, duress or intimidation such that he appellant that he conspired with accused Nuñez to commit
could not possibly have any opportunity to defend himself in the crimes. While it is true that a finding of criminal
equal combat, testimonial evidence show that he had at least conspiracy must be supported by evidence constituting proof
four opportunities to escape. The first was when accused beyond reasonable doubt, it is equally true that such
Nuñez allegedly brought the two victims to the river while evidence need not be direct evidence. It may be deduced
he remained on the rice paddy. 10 The second was when from the mode and manner in which the offense was
accused Nuñez and the victim Joseph Rivera were sleeping perpetrated. The conditions attending its commission and the
in the nipa hut. 11 The third was when accused Nuñez asked acts executed may be indicative of the common design to
him to look for the necklace of Neil Patrick Quillosa on the accomplish a criminal purpose and objective. If there is a
river bank while the former was in the nipa hut together with chain of circumstances to that effect, then, conspiracy has
the victim Joseph Rivera. 12 The fourth was when accused been established. 18
Nuñez left him and the victim the following morning to
deliver the taped or recorded ransom demand to the victim's To exempt himself from criminal liability, the conspirator
family. 13 Accused-appellant could have easily taken must have performed an overt act to dissociate or detach
advantage of any of these opportunities considering that himself from the unlawful plan to commit the
only accused Nuñez threatened him. By not availing of these felony. 19 Nowhere in the records does it show that accused-
chances to escape, his allegation of fear or duress becomes appellant ever did anything to dissuade accused Nuñez from
incredible under the circumstances. killing Neil Patrick Quillosa or to escape in order to report
the crime despite at least four opportunities to do so.
In People v. Villanueva, 14 this Court stated that:
This Court fully agrees with the lower court that Kidnapping
Duress, force, fear or intimidation to be for Ransom was committed against Joseph Rivera, as the
available as a defense, must be present, essential element that the victim must have been restrained
imminent and impending, and of such a or deprived of his liberty was present when
nature as to induce a well-grounded both victims were tied and when the gun was brandished and
apprehension of death or serious bodily fired to intimidate them. 20 In addition, accused Nuñez and
harm if the act is not done. A threat of accused-appellant recorded a ransom demand with the
future injury is not enough. (16 C.J., 91). intention of sending it to Rivera's parents. 21 The records
indicate that accused Nuñez accused-appellant intended to
To be available as a defense, the fear must detain only Rivera and hold him for ransom as he was the
be well-founded, an immediate and actual son of a gasoline owner having a net income of P24,000.00
danger of death or great bodily harm must a month and owning several properties. 22
be present and the compulsion must be of
such a character as to leave no opportunity The same, however, cannot be said of Neil Patrick Quillosa.
to accused for escape or self-defense in The records show that the intent of accused Nuñez and that
equal combat. It would be a most of accused-appellant was to kill Quillosa and not to detain
dangerous rule if a defendant could shield him for ransom. Quillosa was a stranger to them and they
himself form prosecution for crime by merely persuaded Rivera to take him along so he could have
merely setting up a fear from or because a companion in going home. 23 In any case, they could not
of a threat of a third person. (Wharton's have possibly intended to detain Quillosa and hold him for
Criminal Law, Vol. 1, Sec. 384). ransom as he was only a son of a jeepney driver. 24

Fear as an excuse for crime has never been Thus, the crime committed by accused Nuñez and accused-
received by the law. No man, from fear or appellant with respect to the victim Quillosa should be
circumstances to himself has the right to Homicide and not kidnapping with Murder since they never
make himself a party to committing intended to hold Quillosa for ransom. Nuñez' query as to
mischief upon mankind. (Lord Denman in Quillosa's preference on the manner of his death shows the
Reg. vs. Tyler, 8 Car. and P. [Eng.] 616, formers' intention to kill the latter. As treachery was not
alleged in the information, then it could not have qualified BELLOSILLO, J.:
the crime to murder.
ACCUSED-APPELLANTS do not deny their participation
However, treachery should be appreciated as a generic in the Robbery with Homicide. However, they seek
aggravating circumstance. Article 14, Paragraph 16 of the exculpation from criminal liability by interposing irresistible
Revised Penal Code states that there is treachery when the force as an exempting circumstance.
offender commits any of the crimes against the person,
employing means, methods, or forms in the execution Meanwhile, a third accused bewails his reinclusion in the
thereof which tend directly and specially to insure its Information; he was previously discharged to become a
execution, without risk to himself arising from the defense witness for the state.
which the offended party might make. In the instant case,
treachery was evident when the accused Nuñez led the On 16 July 1969, at about 8:00 o'clock in the evening,
victims to believe that it was necessary for them to be Faustino de los Reyes, Cresencio Singue, Crispulo de los
blindfolded and tied first with wires and a rope before a Reyes and Perfecto Gulo, armed with revolvers and a
certain Ka Tony would agree to meet them. Having thus hunting knife, arrived at the house of Kapi Baotao in
placed the victims, particularly Quillosa, in a helpless Timbuligue, Margosatubig, Zamboanga del Sur.1 There
condition, accused Nuñez and accused-appellant were able were six (6) occupants in the house: Kapi, his wife Sandiali,
to carry out with ease their common design to kill Quillosa his daughter Rosa, his son Tibulao and Sumpian, and
without any risk to themselves arising from any struggle the granddaughter. 2 Crispulo and Perfecto positioned
boy might make. themselves behind the bushes, while Faustino and Cresencio
walked towards the stairs. 3 Then one of them shouted,
Craft should also be appreciated as aggravating the crime of "Nay, Nay." Kapi, who thought that it was on a son-in-law
homicide since it was shown that the victims, particularly shouting, told Tibulao to open the door. 4
the unsuspecting Quillosa, were lured by the accused into
coming with them on the pretext that the former would only As the door was opened, Faustino and Cresencio barged in.
accompany Rivera to accept the proceeds of the sale of a Cresencio immediately grabbed Tibulao and struck him on
gun. the head with a revolver, causing the latter to slump on the
floor. Alarmed by the ensuring commotion, Sumpian, who
With respect to accused-appellant, the mitigating was in another room, rushed at Cresencio and tried to push
circumstance of voluntary surrender should be appreciated him; Sumpian got hacked instead. 5 Kapi and Rosa also
in his favor. tried to help but Faustino shot Kapi several times and pistol-
whipped Rosa in the mouth, rendering her unconscious.
WHEREFORE, in Criminal Case No. 12778-MN, the Sandiali grabbed her granddaughter and jumped through the
decision of the trial court is AFFIRMED. In Criminal Case window for safety.
No. 12779-MN, the decision of the trial court is MODIFIED
in that accused-appellant Rodolfo Cayetano y Pangilinan is The wounded Sumpian managed to escape and sought cover
CONVICTED of the crime of homicide and IMPOSING downstairs. Rosa, now conscious, followed suit. While
upon him the prison term ranging from 10 years and 1 day to hiding, Sumpian saw another person stationed below the
12 years, prision mayor maximum, as minimum up to 18 window reaching for the loot being lowered from their
years, 6 months and 1 day of reclusion temporal maximum, house. 6
as maximum.
Meanwhile, inside the house, Tibulao got hold of a bolo and
Costs against accused-appellant. hacked Cresencio. Wounded, Cresencio scurried out of the
house and ran away.
As the robbers fled, Sumpian entered the house and saw the
2. WHILE THE COMMISSION OF THE CRIME IS prostate figure of his father. He called for the other members
IN PROGRESS. of the household. Then they discovered that P10,000.00 in
paper bills kept by their father inside a suitcase was missing.
The money which the victim had saved from the harvest of
G.R. NO. L-44112 OCTOBER 22, 1992 his 24-hectare coconut plantation was intended for the
construction of a new house. 7
APPELLEE, That same night, the incident was reported to the authorities.
VS. In the early morning of 17 July 1969, a combined PC-police
team went to the crime scene to investigate. They found the
lifeless body of Kapi. While combing the area for evidence,
CRESENCIO SINGUE AND FAUSTINO DE LOS some members of the team noticed a trail of blood leading to
REYES, ACCUSED. CRISPULO DE LOS REYES the fields and promptly tracked it. There, they found
AND PERFECTO GULO, ACCUSED- Cresencio sitting in the bushes, wounded. During the
APPELLANTS. interrogation, he claimed that Faustino shot him four (4)
times after he blamed the latter for their misadventure. He
then named his other companions, Faustino, Crispulo and a
third party who turned out to be PERPETUA to be served in the National
Perfecto. 8 Penitentiary at Muntinlupa, Rizal, with
other accessory penalties under the law; to
Thereafter, Crispulo was arrested in his house, where the indemnify jointly and severally the heirs
police found one of the revolvers used in the crime as well of Kapi Baotao the sum of P12,000.00,
as P40.15 in coins. In their sworn statements, Cresencio and Philippine Currency, and to further pay the
Crispulo admitted being with the group that robbed and said heirs, jointly and severally, the sum of
killed Kapi. In addition, Crispulo implicated Perfecto as the P10,000.00, Philippine Currency,
fourth member. Upon his arrest, Perfecto gave a sworn representing the cash money taken during
statement corroborating the information given earlier by the robbery, without subsidiary
Cresencio and Crispulo. imprisonment in case of insolvency; and
each to pay proportionate costs . . . 12
On 16 March 1970, an Information charging Crispulo de los
Reyes, Perfecto Gulo, Cresencio Singue and Faustino de los Of the three (3) convicted accused, only Crispulo de los
Reyes with robbery in band with homicide and multiple Reyes and Perfecto Gulo filed a notice of appeal. Accused
physical injuries was filed before the then Court of First Cresencio Singue did not appeal.
Instance of Zamboanga del Sur. With the exception of
Faustino, who remains at large, all the accused were Accused-appellants contend in this appeal that the court a
arraigned. They pleaded not guilty. quo erred in disregarding their defense that accused
Faustino de los Reyes forced and intimidated them into
On 14 July 1970, the then Acting Provincial Fiscal of joining him in the commission of the crime, and the
Zamboanga del Sur filed a motion for the discharge of mitigating circumstances of minority in favor of Perfecto
accused Cresencio Singue to be a state witness. The motion Gulo, and being non-christians in their favor. Quite
was granted. interestingly, counsel for accused-appellants, who
previously moved for the reinclusion of accused Cresencio
On 27 February 1973, Atty. Ernesto Q. Organo, counsel for Singue in the Information, now invokes double jeopardy in
accused-appellants Crispulo and Perfecto, orally moved for his behalf.
reconsideration of the order of discharge, contending that
accused Cresencio appeared to be the most guilty. On same Crispulo and Perfecto testified that Faustino was the
date, the trial court ordered the reinclusion of Cresencio in mastermind of the robbery, and that he threatened to kill
the Information. 9 them if they refused to join him in the perpetration of the
crime. But the trial court found incredible their effort to
It was only after Cresencio's counsel de oficio, Atty. exculpate themselves.
Emiliano R. Deleverio, had begun his cross-examination of
the second prosecution witness that said counsel moved to We agree with the factual presentation of the prosecution.
quash the Information against Cresencio on the ground of On the other hand, We discredit the theory of the defense.
double jeopardy. On 12 March 1974, the trial court denied Notably, accused-appellants, including accused Cresencio,
the motion, ruling that "(t)he objection of the accused differed in their testimonies as to who followed whom
[Cresencio] in this instance is too late as he is deemed to during the trek towards the house of their intended victim.
have waived his right against double jeopardy." Crispulo, 13 Perfecto, 14 and even Cresencio, 15 all claimed
Furthermore, the trial court claimed that Cresencio "failed to that as they walked single file, Faustino was directly behind
comply with his commitment to act as state them. In an effort to give credence to their declarations, each
witness." 10 Cresencio's counsel de oficio then manifested alleged that the order assisted Faustino in exerting force and
that he believed that the issue on double jeopardy could be intimidation upon his person. These diametrically opposed
raised on appeal. 11 allegations, as correctly held by the trial court, are not only
contrary to common sense but are "also not in accord with
On 24 May 1976, the trial court convicted the accused human behavior and the natural course of things." For, it
Cresencio, Crispulo and Perfecto of robbery with homicide would have been physically impossible for Faustino to
and physical injuries. The court did not consider that commit the robbery and, at the same time, see to it that the
robbery was committed in band, as an aggravating others performed their specific assignments. As pointed out
circumstance, as there was no evidence presented to prove by the Solicitor General —
that there were more than three (3) armed felons who
perpetrated the crime. The dispositive portion of the . . . it is highly improbable, if not
decision reads: ridiculous, for Faustino de los Reyes to
have been able to force and intimidate
WHEREFORE, finding the herein accused Perfecto Gulo and Crispulo de los Reyes
Cresencio Singue, Crispulo de los Reyes into joining him to commit the crime
and Perfecto Gulo guilty beyond charged. For, he was alone against three
reasonable doubt of the crime of Robbery including the accused Cresencio Singue.
with Homicide and Physical Injuries, the Besides, what help can Faustino expect
Court hereby sentences the said accused from the three by forcing them to join him
Cresencio Singue, Crispulo de los Reyes if after all he cannot rely on their loyalty
and Perfecto Gulo to RECLUSION and cooperation? Moreover Gulo is a
nephew of the victim Kapi Baotao . . . and
unless he was a party to the plan to rob, With respect to Perfecto, he never left the scene of the crime
Faustino would not have informed him during the robbery. As a matter of fact, he admitted having
about it, much less forced him to join the received the goods from one of his companions upstairs.
group. Otherwise, his presence would Thereafter, he helped carry the wounded Cresencio to safer
deter, rather than help, the grounds. 23 He also brought some of the spoils to the house
accomplishment of their plan. In the case of Crispulo where they were later found by the police. He
of Crispulo he is a younger brother of was, therefore an active and willing participant.
Faustino . . . . 16
Perfecto assails the trial court for its failure to consider his
Moreover, to be exempt from criminal liability, a person minority in imposing upon him a person term of reclusion
invoking irresistible force or uncontrollable fear must show perpetua. He argues that under P.D. 603, otherwise known
that the force exerted was such that it reduced him to a mere as the "Child and Youth Welfare Code", he was still a
instrument who acted not only without will but against his youthful offender when the crime was committed, being
will. 17 That compulsion must, thus be of such character as then only 19 years old, so that the implementation of his
to leave the accused no opportunity for self-defense in equal sentence should have been suspended.
combat or for escape. Unfortunately, accused-appellants
failed to convince Us that they were left no choice but to This is untenable. To benefit from P.D. 603, the accused
follow the order of Faustino. Before and during the robbery, must be a youthful offender not only at the time of
they did not take advantage of the many opportunities commission of the crime but also at the time of trial. In the
available to them to escape from Faustino or at least avoid instant case, Perfecto was already 26 years old when he was
being involved with him in his criminal design. convicted. Under the Code, where an accused is no longer a
youthful offender at the time of sentencing, he cannot
They did not attempt to escape while walking towards the anymore avail of the benefit of suspension of his
scene of the crime, despite the fact that the footpath was sentence. 24 Neither can his minority at the time of
surrounded by tall grasses. As Faustino and Cresencio commission of the crime be appreciated as a mitigating
entered the house, Crispulo and Perfecto stayed behind. factor.
They could have simply run away but they did not. Instead,
Perfecto helped in carting away the stolen goods lowered The original version of Art. 189 of P.D. No. 603, which was
from the house. 18 Crispulo, in turn, took hold of part of the the law then applicable at the time the accused were
lot before finally going home. 19 These actuations belie the sentence by the trial court, provides that "[a] youthful
claim that the participation of Crispulo, Cresencio and offender is one who is over nine years but under twenty-one
Perfecto was involuntary. Their failure to deter the years of age at the time of the commission of the
commission of the crime, or to report it at least, militates offense . . . The provisions of Article 80 of the Revised
against their pretensions. Penal Code shall be deemed modified by the provisions of
this chapter" (Emphasis ours). Incidentally, what Art. 189 of
As regards Crispulo, while he may indeed be the least guilty P.D. 603 modifies is Art. 80 of the Revised Penal Code, on
among the malefactors, he failed to alert the combined PC- suspension of sentence, and not par. 2, Art. 13, of the same
Police team that his brother Faustino had just left his house Code, which treats of minority as a mitigating circumstance.
when the arresting team arrived. Such omission enabled Paragraph 2 states "[t]hat the offender is under eighteen
Faustino to elude capture. Besides, when the conspiracy was years of age or over seventy years. In the case of the minor,
first broached to Crispulo, he himself admitted, as shown in he shall be proceeded against in accordance with the
his sworn statement, that it was he who suggested that provisions of Article 80" (Emphasis supplied).
Perfecto be included in the group. 20 The only evidence
adduced by Crispulo that would buttress his contention that Thus, for minority of be considered a mitigating
he refused to join the conspiracy are his own self-serving circumstance, the offender must be under eighteen years of
statements, which may not be given much weight. age at the time the crime was committed. In the case at bar,
Perfecto was already nineteen years old when he committed
Assuming arguendo that Crispulo was indeed the least the crime. He did not therefore qualify as a minor. Be that as
guilty, still it is of no consequence. Once conspiracy or it may, P.D. 1179 amended P.D. 603 by reverting the
action in concert to achieve a criminal design is shown, the maximum age of a youthful offender from twenty-one years
act of one is the act of all the other conspirators, and the to eighteen years.
precise extent or modality of participation of each of them
becomes Similarly, the fact that Crispulo and Perfecto are non-
secondary. 21 christians cannot be appreciated as a mitigating
circumstance in their favor. The appreciation of this
To extricate himself from criminal liability, the conspirator circumstance lies within the sound discretion of the trial
must have performed an overt act to dissociate or detach court considering all facets of the case that would best serve
himself from the unlawful plan to commit the the interest of justice. Both appellants admitted having
felony. 22 While Crispulo did leave the scene of the crime received formal education: Crispulo reached first year high
while it was in progress, such abandonment came too late. In school, while Perfecto finished sixth grade. Even if their
legal contemplation, there was no longer a conspiracy to be education be ignored, such attenuating circumstance is
repudiated since it had already materialized. nonetheless unavailing. In People v. Salip Manla, 25 We
Counsel de oficio submits that the which to convict all the accused: (b) there was an absolute
defendants belong to the cultural necessity for the testimony of Cresencio Singue which could
minorities and that this should be be corroborated in its material points; and, (c) the said
considered as a mitigating circumstance in accused did not appear to be the most guilty.
their favor. This fact cannot conceivably
reduce, from the subjective point of view, It may be observed that the trial court initially found these
the defendants' awareness of the gravity of grounds to be well-taken and, consequently, granted the
their offense, for robbery and killing are discharge of Cresencio. 28 On the other hand, his
by their very nature just as wrong to the reinclusion in the Information made two and half (2 1/2)
ignorant as they are to the years after his discharge was based solely on the oral motion
enlightened (Emphasis supplied). of the defense that he was the most guilty considering that
he had a written confession where he admitted that he and
With regard to the aggravating circumstance of dwelling, Faustino (who is still at large) were the ones who entered the
this should have been taken into account in the imposition of house they robbed, while their co-accused were left
the proper penalty because robbery with homicide can be downstairs. Specifically, the Order of 27 February 1973
committed without necessarily transgressing the sanctity of recalling his discharge states —
the home. 26
When this case was called for trial today, .
Attention should be focused particularly on the case of . . counsel of the accused Perfecto Gulo,
Cresencio Singue who after arraignment was, on motion of moved for the reconsideration of the Order
the Acting Provincial Fiscal, discharged to be a state witness of this Court, discharging Cresencio
but who, after two and a half (2 1/2) years, was reincluded in Singue as one of the accused in this case
the Information on motion of his two (2) co-accused on the on ground that said accused appeared as
ground that he appeared to be the most guilty. Their one of the most guilty considering that he
contention was anchored on the sworn statement of had a written confession . . . wherein he
Cresencio where he admitted his participation in the had admitted that he and Faustino de los
robbery. Strangely, after his discharge and subsequent Reyes, one of the accused who is still at
reinclusion, and after his counsel de oficio had cross- large, were the ones who entered the
examined the first witness for the prosecution and having house they robbed, while the other co-
started with the second, his counsel moved for the quashal accused were left downstairs . . . 29
of the Information on the ground of double jeopardy. But the
court, upon objection of counsel for his co-accused, denied However, in denying the motion to quash, the court a
the motion as the accused allegedly did not appear on the quo considered another ground, i.e., that Cresencio "failed to
date he was to testify. However, the accused countered that comply with his commitment to act as state witness" which,
he did not receive the notice for his appearance. A check as the records will show, is not correct. For, the truth of the
with the records fails to show that Cresencio was notified of matter is that no notice was given him for his appearance in
the hearing on 27 February 1973 when he was supposed to court.
testify as his name was not even among those listed in the
subpoena. 27 Nonetheless, the court denied his motion, thus, It bears stressing that under Sec. 10 of Rule 119, the only
prompting his counsel to manifest that he would elevate the instance where the trial court may validly recall its order
matter on certiorari to the Court of Appeals. But he failed to discharging an accused to become a state witness is when he
do so, informing the court instead that he would just raise subsequently fails to testify against his co-accused. That,
the issue of double jeopardy on appeal. Again, he failed as certainly, is a violation of the condition for his discharge.
he did not even file a notice of appeal. But, once his discharge from the Information is effected, the
legal consequence of acquittal follows and persists unless
After trial, the court convicted all three (3) accused. As the accused so discharged fails or refuses to testify pursuant
previously adverted to, accused Faustino de los Reyes was to his commitment. The fact that not all the requisites for his
not even arraigned as he became a fugitive from justice. discharge are present is not a ground to recall the discharge
While accused Crispulo de los Reyes and Perfecto Gulo order. Unless and until it is shown that the discharged
appealed, Cresencio Singue did not, although counsel for the accused failed or refused to testify against his co-defendants,
two accused-appellants, who earlier sought the recall of his subsequent proof showing that any or all of the conditions
discharge, included Cresencio in their brief. listed in Sec. 9 of Rule 119 were not fulfilled would not
wipe away the resulting acquittal. 30 Besides, Cresencio
The gross negligence of Cresencio's counsel de oficio in the does not appear to be the most guilty but Faustino, who
performance of his professional duties, resulting in his remains at large.
client's languishing in jail for the past seventeen (17) years
without regard for his constitutional right to due process, As the records clearly disclose, despite his reinclusion in the
constrains Us therefore to include Cresencio in the Information and the denial of his motion to quash, Cresencio
resolution of the present appeal. The unfortunate proceeded to testify, not in his own behalf but as a state
mishandling of his defense by his assigned counsel should witness against his co-accused, with the tacit conformity of
not leave Cresencio without recourse from this Court. the prosecution and the express approval of the court. Thus

The reasons advanced for the discharge of Cresencio were
that (a) the prosecution did no have direct evidence with Atty. Deleverio —
In view of these Exhibits 1 [motion for the regardless of the number of persons killed, maimed or
discharge of Cresencio as state witness] injured. The term homicide found in par. 1, Art. 294, of the
and 2 [order of discharge], this witness is Revised Penal Code should be understood in its generic
being presented in order to comply with sense; it includes murder and physical injuries, whether
the said order of the court utilizing him as serious or slight, committed during the robbery, which
state witness. So he will now testify as to crimes are merged in robbery with homicide.32
what happened, as state witness.
Under par. 1, Art. 294, of the Revised Penal Code, when
Court — Proceed. 31 homicide is committed by reason or on the occasion of the
robbery, the imposible penalty is reclusion perpetua to
Consequently, even if the order of discharge was recalled, death. There being no mitigating circumstance of dwelling,
although We seriously doubt the validity of such recall the proper penalty then was death and not reclusion
considering the reason therefor, the express approval by the perpetua as incorrectly imposed by the trial
court of the presentation of Cresencio to be a state witness court. 33 However, with the abolition of the death penalty in
amounts to the nullification of its recall order and the the 1987 Constitution, the appellant should be sentenced just
consequent reinstatement of the order for his discharge. the same to reclusion perpetua.

Under the facts of this case, We have no alternative but to With respect to the civil indemnity, conformably with recent
decree the exoneration of accused Cresencio Singue and jurisprudence, the amount of P12,000.00 should be
reiterate the rule that the discharge order amounted to his increased to P50,000.00.
acquittal and effectively barred future prosecution for the
same offense. WHEREFORE, the judgment of the court a quo with respect
to accused-appellants CRISPULO DE LOS REYES and
A word more. Without breached the condition for his PERFECTO GULO is AFFIRMED with the modification
discharge, as in fact he did testify as state witness, his that the designation of the special complex crime committed
discharge amounted to an acquittal. As such, his reinclusion by them should be robbery with homicide, and that the civil
in the Information was illegal, improper, infirm, and his indemnity to the heirs of the deceased Kapi Baotao is
subsequent conviction rendered sans authority, without increased from P12,000.00 to P50,000.00.
jurisdiction. Consequently, all proceedings against him
thereafter are a complete nullity, hence, can incriminate him The reinclusion of accused CRESENCIO SINGUE in the
no longer. Any adverse ruling on his case cannot attain Information is hereby NULLIFIED and his order of
finality, otherwise, We would be adopting and confirming a discharge therefrom is REINSTATED and AFFIRMED.
serious transgression of his fundamental right to due Consequently, he is ordered immediately released from
process. With this conclusion, it is no longer valid issue that custody unless held for another cause.
he did not even file a notice of appeal. The ineptitude, if not
incompetence, of his counsel de oficio should not deprive ATTY. EMILIANO R. DELEVERIO is SEVERELY
Cresencio Singue of his earned liberty for turning ally of the CENSURED for his professional misconduct with a STERN
state. WARNING that a repetition of the same or similar
misbehavior will warrant a more drastic sanction from this
Atty. Emiliano R. Deleverio, by his lackadaisical attitude, Court.
indifference, abandonment and neglect in espousing
Cresencio's defense has violated the Code of Professional Costs against accused-appellants Crispulo de los Reyes and
Responsibility, particularly Canon 18 which mandates every Perfecto Gulo.
lawyer "to serve his client with competence and diligence",
as well as Canon 19 which demands that "a lawyer shall
represent his client with zeal within the bounds of the law."
By failing to file a notice of appeal in his client's behalf
despite being aware that the question on double jeopardy
was a genuine constitutional issue that could have set his G.R. NO. 149372             SEPTEMBER 11, 2007
client free and averted his unwarranted incarceration for
seventeen (17) years, Atty. Deleverio should be severely
censured with a reminder that if he desires to remain a RICARDO BACABAC, PETITIONER,
member of good standing of the Bar, he should observe his VS.
professional responsibilities to his clients with fealty, fervor PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES,  RESPONDENT.
and fidelity. He should be warned that a repetition of the
same or similar unprofessional conduct will warrant a more DECISION
drastic sanction from this Court.
While We sustain the conviction of the accused Crispulo de
los Reyes and Perfecto Gulo, We except to the designation
In the evening of December 23, 1990, Hernani Quidato (the
of the offense charged. Instead of convicting the accused for
victim) was at a dance hall in Purok 4, San Joaquin, Iloilo
"robbery with homicide and physical injuries", "physical
City in the company of Eduardo Selibio (Eduardo) and
injuries" should be deleted therefrom, so that the offense
should be denominated plainly "robbery with homicide",
Melchor Selibio (Melchor). And so were Jonathan Bacabac That on or about the 23rd day of December, 1990, in
(Jonathan) and Edzel Talanquines (Edzel).1 the Municipality of San Joaquin, Province of Ilo-
ilo, Philippines, and within the jurisdiction of this
Jonathan and Edzel left the dance hall. Not long after, the Honorable Court, the above-named accused,
victim and his companions also left and on their way home, conspiring, confederating and mutually helping one
they encountered Jonathan and Edzel. It appears that the two another to better realize their purpose, armed with
groups then and there figured in a misunderstanding. two (2) M16 [a]rmalite [r]ifles and one (1) nickel-
plated revolver of unknown make and caliber, with
On his way home, Jesus Delfin Rosadio (Jesus), who was deliberate intent and decided purpose to kill, with
also at the dance hall, noticed a commotion. He soon saw treachery and evident premeditation and without
that Melchor was "hugging" Edzel, and later "tying" any justifiable cause or motive, did then and there
Jonathan "with his hands." Still later, he saw the victim hit willfully, unlawfully and feloniously assault, attack
Edzel with a "stick."2 He thus told the victim and his and shoot one HERNANI QUIDATO with the
companions that Edzel is the son of Councilor Jose firearms they were then provided, inflicting upon
Talanquines, Jr. (Jose), whereupon Eduardo 3 told him the latter gunshot wounds on the different parts of
(Jesus) to go away for they might shoot him. Jesus thus left his body which caused the immediate and
and proceeded to Edzel's residence to report to his father instantaneous death of said Hernani Quidato.
what he had witnessed. In the meantime, Edzel and Jonathan
managed to flee. CONTRARY TO LAW.8

The victim and his companions thereafter headed for home The accusatory portion of the second Information, docketed
in the course of which they met Pat. Ricardo Bacabac as Criminal Case No. 35784, reads:
(herein petitioner), together with Edzel and Jonathan who
are his nephews, and Edzel's father, Jose, his mother, and That on or about the 23rd day of December, 1990, in
two sisters at the corner of M.H. Del Pilar and Sto. Domingo the Municipality of San Joaquin, Province of Iloilo,
Streets. Petitioner and Jose were carrying M-16 armalites, Philippines, and within the jurisdiction of this
while Jonathan and Edzel were carrying a piece of wood and Honorable Court, the above-named accused,
a revolver, respectively. conspiring, confederating and mutually helping one
another to better realize their purpose, armed with
Jesus thereupon pointed to the victim and his companions as two (2) M16 [a]rmalite [r]ifles and one (1) nickel-
the ones who had manhandled Jonathan and Edzel. The plated revolver of unknown make and caliber, with
victim apologized, explaining that he and his companions deliberate intent and decided purpose to kill, with
mistook Jonathan and Edzel for other persons. Jesus blurted treachery and evident premeditation and without
out, however, "You are just bragging that you are brave. any justifiable cause or motive, did then and
You are only bullying small children."4 Petitioner, at that willfully, unlawfully and feloniously assault, attack
instant, fired his armalite into the air, while Jose fired his and shoot one EDUARDO SELIBIO with the
armalite ("as if spraying his rifle from right to left") at the firearms they were then provided inflicting upon
victim and Eduardo, even hitting Jonathan in the thigh as he the latter gunshot wounds on the different parts of
(Jonathan) "was on the move to strike [the victim] with a his body which caused the immediate and
piece of wood." Eduardo fell. And so did the victim who instantaneous death of said Eduardo Selibio.
was in a kneeling position, and as he was raising his hands
in surrender, Jose shot him again. CONTRARY TO LAW.9

Meanwhile, Melchor escaped.5 The cases were jointly tried.

The victim, Eduardo, and Jonathan were brought to the By Decision of April 30, 1993, Branch 39 of the Iloilo RTC,
hospital. The victim was pronounced dead on arrival. finding the presence of conspiracy among petitioner and his
Eduardo died two hours later. co-accused,10 convicted them of murder qualified by
treachery.11 The dispositive portion of the decision of the
Post-mortem examination showed that the victim sustained trial court reads:
two bullet wounds in the thoraco-abdominal regions and one
bullet wound in the extremities, and that he died due to WHEREFORE, premises considered, judgment is
"maceration of the internal organs due to bullet hereby rendered as follows:
wounds."6 Eduardo sustained two bullet wounds in the
thoraco-abdominal region, and died of "hemorrhage due to In Criminal Case No. 35783, all the accused,
gunshot wounds."7 namely; Jose Talanquines, Jr., Edzel Talanquines,
Jonathan Bacabac, Pat. Ricardo Bacabac, and Jesus
Two Informations for Murder were filed with the Regional Delfin Rosadio are hereby found guilty beyond
Trial Court (RTC) of Iloilo City against Jose, Edzel, reasonable doubt of the crime of murder and there
Jonathan, Jesus, and the herein petitioner. The accusatory being no aggravating circumstances with one
portion of the first Information, docketed as Criminal Case mitigating circumstance [immediate vindication for
No. 35783, reads: Jose and Jesus; voluntary surrender for Pat. Ricardo
Bacabac12], and applying the indeterminate
sentence law, accused Jose Talanquines, Jr., By Decision20 of June 28, 1999, the Court of Appeals
Ricardo Bacabac and Jesus Delfin Rosadio are affirmed the trial court's decision. Entry of final judgment
hereby sentenced each to suffer imprisonment for a was made by the Court of Appeals on July 22, 1999.21
period of 10 years and 1 day, as minimum, to 17
years, 4 months and 1 day as maximum; while The trial court thereafter issued a February 7, 2000 Order
accused Edzel Talanquines and Jonathan Bacabac directing the issuance of warrants for the arrest of the
who are entitled to the privileged mitigating accused.22 Except petitioner, all were arrested.23
circumstance of minority and the ordinary
mitigating circumstance of immediate vindication On February 24, 2000, petitioner filed before the appellate
of a grave offense are hereby sentenced each to court a Petition for Relief from Judgment, Order, and/or
suffer imprisonment for a period of four (4) years, Denial of Appeal24 which was granted,25 hence, the Entry of
2 months, and 1 day, as minimum, to 10 years and Judgment issued by the appellate court on July 22, 1999 was
1 day as maximum. All the accused are ordered to set aside. He thereafter filed a Motion for
pay jointly and severally the heirs of the deceased Reconsideration26 of the appellate court's June 28, 1999
Hernani Quidato, the amount of P50,000.00 for his Decision which was denied by Resolution of August 8,
wrongful death; P20,000.00 for moral 2001;27 hence, the present Petition for Review on
damages; P10,000.00 for attorneys fees; and the Certiorari.28
costs of the suit. (Underscoring supplied)
Petitioner assails the Court of Appeals' decision as follows:
In Criminal Case No. 35784, judgment is hereby
rendered as follows:
First: Contrary to its conclusion on the basis of the
facts of the case, Petitioner may not be deemed to
All the accused, namely; Jose Talanquines, Jr., be in conspiracy with the other Accused.
Edzel Talanquines, Jonathan Bacabac, Pat. Ricardo
Bacabac and Jesus Delfin Rosadio are hereby
found guilty of the crime of Murder and there being Second: Contrary to its conclusion, there was no
no aggravating circumstance with one mitigating treachery.
circumstance, accused Jose Talanquines,
Jr., Ricardo Bacabac and Jesus Delfin Rosadio are Third: Contrary to its conclusion, Petitioner,
hereby sentenced each to suffer imprisonment for a assuming in gratis argumenti the correctness of the
period of 10 years and 1 day as minimum, to 17 pronouncement of guilt, should have been credited
years, 4 months and 1 day, as maximum; while with the mitigating circumstance of immediate
accused Edzel Talanquines and Jonathan Bacabac vindication of a grave offense, in the same
who are entitled to the privileged mitigating manner that the other Accused were so credited.
circumstance of minority and the ordinary
mitigating circumstance of immediate vindication Fourth: Contrary to its conclusion, the guilt of the
of a grave offense, are hereby sentenced to suffer Petitioner has not been proved beyond reasonable
imprisonment for a period of 4 years, 2 months and doubt; hence, by the equipoise rule, should have
1 day, as minimum to 10 years and 1 day as been acquitted.
maximum. All the accused are ordered to pay
jointly and severally the heirs of the deceased Fifth: Contrary to its conclusion, Petitioner is not
Eduardo Selibio, the amount of P50,000.000 for his civilly liable.29 (Emphasis in the original)
wrongful death; P20,000.00 for moral
damages; P10,000.00 for attorney's fees; and the
The Court notes that the first, second, and fifth arguments of
costs of the suit. (Underscoring supplied)
petitioner were, in the main, raised before the appellate
Accused Jesus Delfin Rosadio, who is detained, is
hereby credited with the number of days he spent
During the pendency of the present petition, petitioner,
under detention, if he is qualified.
through counsel, filed before the trial court an "Urgent Ex
Parte Alternative Motions (Re: Pat. Ricardo Bacabac's
SO ORDERED.13 Motion for Reconsideration and/or to Vacate the Order
dated February 7, 2000 [directing the arrest of the
While petitioner and his co-accused filed a Notice of accused] and to Recall the Warrant of Arrest Dated the
Appeal14 which was given due course, 15 only petitioner filed Same Date in so far as the Accused Pat. Ricardo Bacabac
a Brief, albeit beyond the extensions granted to him, Only is Concerned)."31 The trial court denied32 the motion as
drawing the Court of Appeals to dismiss his appeal. 16 The it did deny33 petitioner's motion for
conviction of petitioner's co-accused had thus become final reconsideration,  drawing petitioner to file before this Court

and executory. on October 5, 2006 a "Motion to Vacate Order for the Arrest
of the Accused and the Warrant of Arrest Issued by the
Petitioner's Motion for Reconsideration17 of the dismissal of Regional Trial Court (Branch 39) of Iloilo City."35
his appeal having been denied,18 he filed a Petition for
Review with this Court which, by Resolution of October 22,
1997, directed the Court of Appeals to reinstate petitioner's
In his "Motion to Vacate Order for the Arrest of the Accused officer, PO3 NESTOR SANTACERA, on
and the Warrant of Arrest Issued by the Regional Trial Court rebuttal, likewise, admitted to the facts that ten (10)
. . . ," petitioner argues that minutes after the incident, they (the police)
responded and upon arrival thereat, learned that the
[T]he basis of the RTC's Order of February 7, Petitioner already reported the incident to their
2000 was the Entry of Judgment by the Court of station and that it was the Petitioner who first
Appeals dated 25 November 1999.36 BUT THE reported the shooting incident officially to their
SAID ENTRY OF JUDGMENT was office. The aforedescribed proven conduct of the
ALREADY VACATED and SET-ASIDE BY Petitioner during and immediately after the incident
THE COURT OF APPEALS ITSELF ON ITS in question are, Petitioner respectfully
RESOLUTION DATED 13 DECEMBER submits, inconsistent with what a co-conspirators
2000. Therefore, the RTC's Order of 7 February is [sic] wont to do under the circumstances. It is
2000 was ipso facto vacated.37 (Emphasis in the submitted instead that his conduct on the contrary
original) underscores the lack or want of community of
purpose and interest in the killing incident to make
and that him criminally liable under the conspiracy theory.

[T]he second sentence of Section 7, Rule 65 of the Finally, in connection with the conspiracy theory
Rules of Court cited by the Order of 13 July 2006 and anent the finding below that the Petitioner and
does not apply to the case at his Co-Accused waited for the victims' arrival at
bench because the main case on the merits which the corner of St. Domingo and M.H. del Pilar
originated in the RTC as Criminal Cases Nos. Streets, it is asserted that the same runs counter to
35783-84, went to the Court of Appeals as CA- the natural and ordinary experience of things
G.R. No. 16348 and is now pending in the Supreme and event [sic], and raises a cloud of doubt over
Court (Third Division) as G.R. No. 149372 because the correctness of the lower Courts decision which
of the Petition for Review On Certiorari filed by are based on the Prosecution's version of the
Movant herein x x x. THE MAIN CASE IS NO incident. Since, according to the prosecution, the
LONGER PENDING IN THIS HONORABLE Petitioner and the other Accused were armed with
COURT [sic]. THEREFORE, THE RTC HAS high-powered firearms (armalite rifles and
NO JURISDICTION TO REITERATE AND revolver); they waited at the stated street corner
EXECUTE THE ORDER OF 7 FEBRUARY for thirty (30) minutes; the stated street corner was
2000.38 (Emphasis in the original) well lighted; accompanying them were the wife
and two (2) young daughters of Jose Talanquines,
Jr; and they stood there conversing with the group
As this Court hereby affirms petitioner's conviction, of Elston Saquian [a prosecution witness who
resolution of his "Motion to Vacate . . ." is rendered testified that he saw the petitioner and his co-
unnecessary. accused waiting for the victims39 and admitting that
they were waiting for certain persons who mauled
Petitioner, denying the presence of conspiracy on his part, Edzel Talanquines and Jonathan Bacabac.
In other words, the lower Courts gave credence to
[The petitioner] affirms that he was at the scene of an improbable scenario painting the Petitioner,
the incident and merely fired a warning shot into known to the place as a police officer, and co-
the air to respond to a public disturbance, and accused to have recklessly and uncaringly
his firing a warning shot into the air was displayed, for all and sundry to see, their alleged
intended to avert further acts of violence; both criminal intentions. It would indeed be the height
circumstances, therefore, being merely and solely of foolishness for them to be by a well lighted
in pursuance to his avowed duty to keep peace and street corner, perhaps even well traversed,
order in the community and clearly not to be part of conspicuously fully armed, waiting for persons
any alleged community of design to kill the who were not even sure would pass by such place,
victims. and apparently willing to admit to other passers-by
that they were indeed waiting for the persons who
xxxx mauled Edzel and Jonathan, and consequently give
out the impression that they were intending to
Another indication that there was no unity of retaliate – which is what the lower Courts
purpose and of execution  in so far as the regrettably observed.
Petitioner is concerned is his conduct after Jose
Talanquines, Jr. shot the victims. Eyewitness xxxx
accounts state that after that lone warning shot,
closely followed by Jose Talanquines, Jr. firing at Likewise, the presence of the wife and two (2)
the victims, the petitioner merely stood there and young daughters of the accused Jose
did nothing and said nothing. This is obviously Talanquines, Jr. at the scene of the alleged
because he was himself stunned by the fast crimes, as testified to by the prosecution witnesses
happening of events. The investigating police and believed by the lower Courts, assumes
importance in the matter of determining which firearms and weapons. The overt act of the
version of the incident is correct. Accused and the Appellant in conjunto, constitute
proof of conspiracy.
The Prosecution places the wife and the daughters
with the alleged fully armed Petitioner and Co- The Appellant and Jose were armed with high-
Accused at Sto. Domingo Streets, also waiting powered guns. Jesus was armed with a
during the same length of time as the men for the revolver. The nature of the weapons of the
(probable) arrival of the group of the victims. But Accused evinced a common desire to do away
such a scenario is, likewise, unnatural. Because, with the culprits, not merely to scare them.
will the male relatives unhesitatingly expose
their defenseless womenfolk to imminent What is outrageous is that the Appellant was a
danger?40 (Citations omitted, emphasis in the policeman. He could very well have just arrested
original, and underscoring supplied) the culprits as they sauntered by and brought
them to the police station for the requisite
Petitioner's argument that it is improbable for him and his investigation and the institution of criminal
co-accused to have waited for the victims at a well-lighted complaints, if warranted. He could have
street corner does not persuade. Crimes are known to have dissuaded Jose and Jesus and assured them that
been brazenly committed by perpetrators, undeterred by the the culprits will be duly investigated and
presence of onlookers or even of peace officers, completely charged if warranted. The Appellant did not. He
impervious of the inevitability of criminal prosecution and armed himself with an M-16 armalite x x x. [T]he
conviction.41 three (3) positioned themselves at the corner of
M.H. del Pilar and Sto. Domingo Streets for the
From the mode and manner in which the crimes were culprits to arrive. Hernani and his companions were
perpetrated, the conduct of petitioner before, during, and doomed. It may be true that the Appellant did not
after their commission,42 and the conditions attendant aim his gun at the deceased but the same is peu de
thereto,43 conspiracy, which need not be proved by direct chose. By his overt acts, in unison with the other
evidence, is deduced.44 Petitioner's firing of his armalite Accused and his kinship with Jonathan and Edzel,
could not have amounted to none other than lending moral We are convinced that he conspired with Jose
assistance to his co-accused, thereby indicating the presence Talanquines, Jr. and the other Accused to achieve a
of conspiracy.45 common purpose to kill Hernani and
Eduardo.46 (Emphasis and underscoring supplied)
As the appellate court observed which is quoted with
approval: Petitioner's failure to assist the victims after the shooting
reinforces this Court's appreciation of community of design
In the present recourse, when informed that between him and his co-accused to harm the victims. That it
Jonathan and Edzel were being manhandled and was he who first officially reported the shooting to the
assaulted by male persons, Appellant armed police station47 does not make him any less a conspirator.
himself with an M-16 armalite. Jose Talanquines, Voluntary surrender and non-flight do not conclusively
Jr., the father of Edzel, followed suit and armed prove innocence.48 Besides, a conspirator who wants to
himself with an M-16 armalite gun. Jesus armed extricate himself from criminal liability usually performs an
himself with a revolver while Jonathan armed overt act to dissociate or detach himself from the unlawful
himself with a piece of wood. Jonathan and Edzel plan to commit the felony while the commission of the
were nephews of the Appellant who resided in the felony is in progress.49 In petitioner's case, he reported the
house of Jose Talanquines, Jr. All the Accused shooting incident after it had already taken place. In legal
including the Appellant then proceeded contemplation, there was no longer a conspiracy to be
posthaste to the corner of M.H. del Pilar corner repudiated since it had already materialized.50
Sto. Domingo Streets where the culprits would
pass by and waited for the advent of the culprits. Contrary to petitioner's assertion,51 the appellate court did
Even as Hernani apologized for his and his not err in appreciating the presence of conspiracy despite its
companions' assault of Edzel and Jonathan, finding that there was no evident premeditation. This Court's
Jesus berated Hernani and his pronouncement that conspiracy presupposes the existence of
companions. Almost simultaneously, the evident premeditation52 does not necessarily imply that the
Appellant fired his gun into the air as Jonathan converse ─ that evident premeditation presupposes the
lunged at Hernani and his companions to hit existence of a conspiracy ─ is true. In any event, a link
them with the piece of wood. Almost between conspiracy and evident premeditation is presumed
simultaneously, Jose Talaquines, Jr. fired his gun at only where the conspiracy is directly established and not
Hernani and shot Eduardo hitting them and, in the where conspiracy is only implied, as in the present case. 53
process, hitting his nephew, Jonathan Bacabac. The
Appellant did not lift a finger when Jose fired at Neither did the appellate court err in finding the presence of
and shot Hernani and Eduardo. He stood by as treachery. Treachery, under Article 14, paragraph 16 of the
Jose shot Hernani anew when the latter on Revised Penal Code, is present "when the offender commits
bended knees, raised his two (2) hands, in any of the crimes against the person, employing means,
surrender. The Appellant and the other Accused methods, or forms in the execution thereof which tend
then fled from the scene, with their respective directly and specially to insure its execution, without risk to
himself arising from the defense which the offended party
might make."

What is decisive in treachery is that "the attack was CARSON, J.:

executed in such a manner as to make it impossible for the
victim to retaliate."54 In the case at bar, petitioner, a Rufino Ponte, Pedro Pedraza, Juan Alamida, Ignacio
policeman, and his co-accused were armed with two M-16 Narvades, Agapito Cada, Alejandro Metram, and Esteban
armalites and a revolver. The victim and his companions Verata, were charged with the crime of malversation of
were not armed.55 The attack was sudden and public funds, as defined and penalized in Act No. 1740, in
unexpected,56 and the victim was already kneeling in an information couched in the following terms:
surrender when he was shot the second time. Clearly, the
victim and his companion Eduardo had no chance to defend That on or about the 6th day of September, 1909,
themselves or retaliate. the defendant Rufino Ponte was a bonded
employee of the provincial and municipal
Petitioner nevertheless argues that he not being the trigger government of Calabanga, Ambos Camarines, and
man, it is not logical nor legal to hold him guilty of as municipal treasurer of said pueblo had in his
treachery.57 This argument falls in the face of the settled possession and in his charge the sum of P3,795.53
doctrine that once conspiracy is established, the act of one is and safe valued at P50. The defendant Pedro
the act of all even if not all actually hit and killed the Pedraza was the janitor or porter of the municipal
victim.58 treasury of Calabanga, and Juan Alamida, Ignacio
Narvades, Agapito Cada, Alejandro Metram and
As for petitioner's invocation of the mitigating circumstance Esteban Verata were municipal policemen of said
of "immediate vindication of a grave offense," it fails. For pueblo of Calabanga, Ambos Camarines, and as
such mitigating circumstance to be credited, the act should such officers had committed to them the
be, following Article 13, paragraph 5 of the Revised Penal guardianship and custody of the municipal treasury
Code, "committed in the immediate vindication of a grave of Calabanga, where the said sum of P3,795.93 and
offense to the one committing the felony (delito), his the safe containing it were kept.
spouse, ascendants, descendants, legitimate, natural or
adopted brothers or sisters, or relatives by affinity That the said defendant Rufino Ponte did
within the same degree."59 The offense committed on Edzel maliciously, criminally and unlawfully
was "hitting" his ear with a stick60 (according to Jesus), misappropriate and make personal use of the said
a bamboo pole (according to Edzel).61 By Edzel's own sum of P3,795.93, and refused and failed to render
clarification, "[he] was hit at [his] ear, not on [his] account of the same, as well as of the safe
head."62 That act would certainly not be classified as "grave containing it.
offense." And Edzel is petitioner's nephew, hence, not a
relative by affinity "within the same degree" contemplated That the defendants Pedro Pedraza, Juan Alamida,
in Article 13, paragraph 5 of the Revised Penal Code. Ignacio Narvades, Agapito Cada, Alejandro
Metram, and Esteban Verata, did, each and every
WHEREFORE, the petition is DISMISSED and the one of them, maliciously, criminally and
appellate court's decision is AFFIRMED. unlawfully, directly aid said Rufino Ponte in this
malversation by taking said safe with the said
Costs against petitioner. amount from the municipal treasury and carrying it
to the sitio of Inarian: in violation of law.
Counsel for the defendants Juan Alamida, Ignacio Narvades,
Agapito Cada, Alejandro Metram, and Esteban Verata,
demurred to the information on the ground that as to these
IMPUTABILITY DOCTRINE. defendants the facts set out in the information did not
constitute the crime with which they were charged. The
IN THE CRIME OF MALVERSATION grounds upon which they base this contention are stated by
counsel as follows:

G.R. NO. L-5952             OCTOBER 24, 1911 The crime with which the above-named defendants
are charged is provided for and penalized by a
special Act, No. 1740, which has repealed such
provisions of the Penal Code relating to
APPELLANT, malversation and misappropriation as conflict with
VS. the provisions of said Act.
APPELLEES. According to the information cited, the above-
named accused were municipal policemen of
Acting Attorney-General Harvey, for appellant. Calabanga, where the crime was committed, and
No appearance for appellees. their sole participation therein was that they
directly aided Rufino Ponte, the municipal custody of the municipal treasury of Calabanga,
treasurer, in said malversation by taking the safe where the said sum of P3,795.93 and safe
with the sum misappropriate and carrying it from containing it were kept." More clearly: the law does
the municipal treasury to the sitio of Inarian. not refer to those who guard or care for the
municipal building or treasury, but to those who are
It is evident from what has just stated that the intrusted with or have in their charge funds or
question relates to the guilt of the accused Alamida, property of the
Narvasa, Cada, Metram and Verata
as accomplices in the crime of malversation. (3 Accordingly, if the policemen abstracted the money
Phil. Rep., 6; art. 14, Penal Code.) and the safe containing it, and carried it to another
place, as is alleged in the complaint, they
As accomplices, said defendants are not liable committed the crime of robbery, or some other
under Act No. 1740, because this Act only punishes crime against property, but not the crime of
the principals, the officers, whether bonded or not, malversation as defined in Act No. 1740.
who misapply or misappropriate the funds they
may have in their possession by reason of their Therefore the court sustains the demurrer, declaring
office. this cause dismissed with reference to the
policemen Juan Alamida, Ignacio Narvades,
The provisions of the Penal Code regarding the Agapito Cada, Alejandro Metram, and Esteban
criminal responsibility of accomplices in crimes are Verata, with five-sixths of the costs de oficio, and
applicable to this case, because the crime under orders the provincial fiscal again to investigate the
consideration is penalized by a special Act, which facts and then present an information against said
is the only law that should govern. policemen for robbery or some other crime against
Therefore, in view of the arguments adduced, the
court is requested to sustain this demurrer and order We are agreed with the trial judge in so far as he refused to
the dismissal of this cause with reference to the give any weight to contention of counsel for the defense that
accused municipal policemen of Calabanga. the information merely charges these defendants as
accomplices in the commission of the crime defined and
The court below sustained the demurrer in the following penalized in Act No. 1740, and that there is nothing in the
order: Act which penalizes the assistance rendered by accomplices
in the commission of this crime; it will be seen that the
information expressly alleges that "the defendants did, each
Careful perusal of section 1 of Act No. 1740 shows and every one of them, maliciously, criminally and
that it refers to bonded officers or employees and unlawfully, directly aid said Rufino Ponte in this
any other persons who, having charge, by reason of malversation by taking said safe with the said amount from
their office or employment or by operation of law, the municipal treasury and carrying it to the sitio of
of funds or property of the Government, who Inarian," thus charging them with having taken a direct part
misappropriate, fail to render account, etc. in the commission of the crime, which could not have been
successfully carried out had it not been for their direct
Two requisites are therefore necessary for the participation and cooperation. Clearly these defendants are
existence of the crime of malversation, according to charged in the information as coprincipals and not as
Act No. 1740, to wit: (1) That a bonded officer or accomplices.
employee or any other person by reason of his
office or employment or by operation of law have But we can not agree with the trial court in sustaining the
charged of funds or property of the Government; demurrer on the ground that the accused, not having had the
and (2) that said officer or person refuse or fail to money in question in their charge by reason of a public
render account, or make personal use of the same office held by them, could not commit the crime of
or misappropriate them, etc. malversation of public funds as defined in Act No. 1740, the
true nature of the crime committed by them being, in the
Are these requisites applicable to the accused opinion of the trial judge, "robbery" or some other of the
policemen? offenses against property defined and penalized in the code.
It may be that the acts committed by these defendants
No: for the office of the municipal policemen does constituted the crime of robbery, but under all the
not carry with it any duty of guardianship or circumstances, we have no doubt that these acts also
custody of Government funds, nor is there any law constituted the crime of malversation of public funds as
which prescribes that by reason of being policemen defined in Act No. 1740.
they must take charge of and guard Government
funds, nor is it alleged in the complaint that the Groizard, in his Commentaries on article 405 of the Spanish
funds in question were turned over to them; it Penal Code, which is substantially identical with article 390
merely appears that it was their duty as policemen of the Philippine Code, says that:
to guard the safe, or municipal treasury. The
information itself avers that "as such officials they Doubt, weighty doubt may arise, nevertheless,
had committed to them the guardianship and regarding the definition of the crime and of the
penalty to be imposed upon the private party who answer the question affirmatively, for the same
abstracts funds with the consent of the officer reasons (mutatis mutandis) we have already
charged with their custody. Shall the person so advanced in Question I of the commentary on
doing be guilty of the crime of malversation here article 314. French jurisprudence has also settled
provided for, and shall he suffer the same penalty the question in the same way on the ground that the
as the unfaithful officer, or shall he be guilty only person guilty of the crime necessarily aids the other
to the crime of theft and undergo the punishment he culprit in the acts which constitute the crime. (Vol.
deserves therefor? 2, 4th edition, p. 652.)

x x x           x x x           x x The reasoning by which Groizard and Viada support their

views as to the correct interpretation of the provisions of the
Without overlooking the force of the arguments we Penal Code touching malversation of public funds by a
have just cited, we are inclined to take the first public official, is equally applicable in our opinion, to the
point of view. We are led thereto by the provisions of Act No. 1740 defining and penalizing that
consideration that in contending for the imposition crime, and we have heretofore, in the case of the United
of the same penalty upon the private party who States vs. Dowdell (11 Phil. Rep., 4), imposed the penalty
abstracts public funds as upon the employee who prescribed by this section of the code upon a public official
gives his consent thereto we recognize the who took part with another in the malversation of public
differentiation with which crimes are always funds, although it was not alleged, and in fact clearly
described and penalized in the code. In the action appeared, that those funds were not in his handy by virtue of
which the text describes as a crime there is perfect his office, though it did appear that they were in the hands of
unity: the private party does not act independently his coprincipal by virtue of the public office held by him.
from the public officer: rather, he knows that the
funds of which he wishes to get possession are in The order of the lower court sustaining the demurrer should
the latter's charge, and instead of trying to abstracts be and is hereby overruled.
them by circumventing the other's vigilance he
resorts to corruption, and in the officer's
unfaithfulness seeks and finds the most
reprehensible means for accomplishing a deed ASSAULT
which by having a public officer as its moral
instrument assumes the character of a social crime.
G.R. NOS. 121213 AND 121216-23            
If the article were not so interpreted, it would be
necessary to agree that the act, in spite of its JANUARY 13, 2004
evident unity, would constitute not one but two
distinct crimes, and the persons participating PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES,  APPELLEE,
therein, although they acted together throughout, VS.
would be guilty of two different kinds of
wrongdoing. Moreover, the rule of article 80,
which prevents extension from some culprits to TORRE, APPELLANTS.
others of the responsibility that arises from their
personal qualities, is restricted by fundamental DECISION
principles and by the article itself, wherein it is
applied to the consideration of the extenuating and TINGA, J.:
aggravating circumstances which may affect the
persons respectively responsible for the crime, and The present cases are remarkably different, if not altogether
it neither can nor must influence in any way the unique, in two aspects. Appealed are nine (9) rape
characterization of the facts. One who helps a son convictions of the same accused for ravishing the same
kill his father is an accomplice of parricide: one hapless young girl. And found guilty are a husband and wife
who plans with a servant to commit a theft (hurto), tandem.
and does commit it, is guilty of hurto domestic.
When the law clearly defines a crime, as it has here
defined the crime of malversation, those who in Appellant-spouses Butchoy and Fe de la Torre were charged
any way participate therein must be principals, in nine (9) separate Amended Complaints with rape
accomplices or abettors thereof. (Vol. 4, p. 275.) committed during the months of September, October and
December 1992 in Barangay Tumarbong, Roxas, Palawan.
The victim, Baby Jane Dagot, was then only sixteen (16)
Viada, in his Commentaries upon the same article, says: years old.

Shall the person who participates or intervenes as The first Amended Complaint dated February 23, 1994
co-perpetrator, accomplice or abettor in the crime charged the appellants with rape as follows:
of malversation of public funds, committed by a
public officer, have the penalties of this article also
imposed upon him? In opposition to the opinion That on or about the 2nd week of September, 1992,
maintained by some jurists and commentators at Barangay Tumarbong, in the Municipality of
(among others the learned Pacheco) we can only Roxas, Province of Palawan, Philippines, and
within the jurisdiction of this Honorable Court, the motion.6 Baby Jane felt pain. All the while, Fe was standing
accused Butchoy de la Torre, in conspiracy and beside them, holding the lamp and the scythe. 7 After the
confederating with his wife, Fe de la Torre, by sexual intercourse, Butchoy kissed her on the neck and
means of force, threat and intimidation, did then fondled her breasts.8 Baby Jane found it revolting but could
and there willfully, unlawfully and feloniously not do much to refuse him, as she was afraid of Fe. When
have carnal knowledge with one BABY JANE Butchoy was finished, he threw her clothes to her and got
DAGOT, a girl of 16 years of age against her will dressed. Baby Jane immediately put on her clothes. She
and consent, to her damage and prejudice. wanted to leave the room but Fe prevented her from doing
so.9 They all went back to sleep. Baby Jane could not sleep.
That Fe de la Torre is hereby accused as a co- The following morning, Baby Jane saw that there was blood
principal for indispensable cooperation in the on her panty.10
commission of the crime by threatening Baby Jane
Dagot with a bladed weapon if ever said minor The rape was repeated once a week from the second week of
refused to submit to perform a sexual act with September 1992 on to the fourth week of October 1992.
Butchoy de la Torre. Baby Jane had her menarche in the month of November
1992 and was spared from the appellants’ abuse that
CONTRARY TO LAW.1 month.11 However she was again raped in the second week
of December. This was to be the last. Baby Jane testified
The other Amended Complaints are similarly worded except that the subsequent rape incidents were carried out in the
for changes in the dates of commission of the offenses. The same manner as the first.12 She felt pain during the first and
second to the seventh complaints charged the appellants second rapes, but did not feel pain anymore in the
with rape perpetuated in the remaining weeks of the month succeeding rape incidents.13
of September as well as the whole month of October. 2 The
last amended complaint charged the appellants with rape in In December 1992, Fe brought Baby Jane with her to
the second week of December 1992.3 Langogan.14 When Fe went out to check on her rattan
business, Baby Jane was left alone in the house. Baby Jane
The nine criminal cases were consolidated and joint trial took the chance to slip out of the house and go to her
conducted before the Regional Trial Court of Palawan and godmother Lucita Talamisan, who was then
Puerto Princesa City, Branch 47. On March 2, 1995 Judge the barangay captain of Langogan. She narrated her ordeal
Eustaquio Z. Gacott, Jr. found the appellants guilty of all to her godmother.15 While Baby Jane was at
nine (9) counts of rape charged in the nine Amended the barangay captain’s home, Fe arrived and told Baby Jane
Complaints and sentenced them to reclusion perpetua for not to report the matter. Fe threatened to twist the facts
each count. They were also ordered to indemnify the about the rape, that she caught Baby Jane and her husband in
complainant the sum of P5,000.00 as actual damages the act and would file a complaint against them.16
and P90,000.000 as moral and exemplary damages, and to
pay the costs. Baby Jane thereafter proceeded to her parents’ home and
related to them her abuse in the hands of the appellant-
Appellant Fe de la Torre employed Baby Jane Dagot as spouses. Her father brought her to the police station in San
housemaid in July 1992 in Langogan, Puerto Princesa City, Rafael, Puerto Princesa. They were advised to have her
Palawan. After a week’s stay in Langogan, Fe brought Baby medically examined. She underwent the medical
Jane to New Buncag, Puerto Princesa City. In September examination on February 1993 at the Provincial Health
1992, they transferred to Tumarbong, Roxas, Palawan. It Office of Palawan conducted by Dr. Joselito Vicente,
was in Tumarbong where Baby Jane first met Fe’s husband, Municipal Health Officer. 17 The Medico-Legal Certificate
appellant Butchoy dela Torre.4 revealed the following:

As recounted by Baby Jane, the initial rape incident External findings:

occurred in the first week of September 1992. She could not
remember the exact date but in that fateful night, as in (-) signs of physical injuries
previous nights, Baby Jane and the appellant-spouses were
asleep on the floor of the same bedroom. At around 12:00 Pelvic examination:
o’clock midnight, appellant Fe de la Torre woke Baby Jane
and her husband Butchoy. Baby Jane was surprised to see External findings = minimal distribution of pubic
that Fe was holding a lighted kerosene lamp and a hair
scythe.5 Fe ordered her husband to transfer and lie beside
Baby Jane. As appellant Butchoy did not comply, Fe herself Healed hymenal lacerations = 2:00 o’clock
transferred so that Baby Jane was between her and Butchoy.
Fe put down the scythe and the lamp and proceeded to take
Butchoy’s clothes off and then Baby Jane’s. Butchoy 4:00 o’clock
offered no resistance but Baby Jane objected and cried to no
avail. Fe then ordered Butchoy to have sex with Baby Jane. 10:00 o’clock
Baby Jane, fearful of the spouses and the dawning
realization of what would happen to her, could not ward off Vaginal vault admits one finger with ease18
his advances. Butchoy placed himself on top of Baby Jane,
inserted his penis into her vagina and did a push and pull
The prosecution presented Dr. Marideth de Leon, Assistant defense to convict them and hence deprived them of their
Provincial Health Officer, to testify on the findings of Dr. right to the presumption of innocence.
Joselito Vicente. Dr. de Leon concluded from the healed
lacerations that when Baby Jane was examined, there had From the outset it should be noted that while the appellants
been sexual intercourse possibly two or three weeks before assail the credibility of the complainant’s testimony, they
the examination. Clearly there was previous insertion into actually do not point to specific inconsistencies or
the vaginal canal, but she could not determine from the contradictions in her testimony. True, the trial court relied
medical findings when the first intercourse occurred. 19 solely on the testimony of the complainant regarding the
rape incidents, but the determinative question before the trial
The appellant-spouses denied the allegations of rape. In their court was whether the complainant’s testimony is credible.
version of the events, from September to October 1992,
neither they nor Baby Jane were in Tumarbong but were in The test to determine the value of the testimony of a witness
Puerto Princesa instead. They stayed in Tumarbong for less is whether such is in conformity with knowledge and
than a month.20 Butchoy asserts that they stayed there for consistent with the experience of mankind. Further, the
only a week.21 Fe explains that they had to leave for Puerto credibility of witnesses can also be assessed on the basis of
Princesa since her daughter-in-law gave birth in October the substance of their testimony and the surrounding
1992. When they went to Puerto Princesa, they took Baby circumstances.28
Jane with them.22 In Tumarbong, Baby Jane and the
appellants slept in separate rooms divided by a sawali wall. The appellants point to the unusual manner of commission
The appellants profess that they had no quarrel with Baby of the crime, involving as it did not only the sexual assault
Jane herself,23 but surmise that the imputations of rape by the man but also the participation of his wife, to discredit
against them may have been instigated by Baby Jane’s the complainant’s testimony. Under the Revised Penal
father, Rafael Dagot. Code,29 however, an accused may be considered a principal
by direct participation, by inducement, or by indispensable
Rafael Dagot was employed by appellant Fe dela Torre as cooperation. This is true in a charge of rape against a
a capataz in her rattan business. She allegedly caught him woman, provided of course a man is charged together with
stealing some of the rattan and selling them to others her. Thus, in two cases this Court convicted the woman as a
without her consent. Fe claims that Rafael asked for principal by direct participation since it was proven that she
forgiveness and offered to have Baby Jane work for them as held down the complainant in order to help her co-accused
their maid. She forgave him, allowed him to continue to spouse consummate the offense.
work for her and also employed Baby Jane as her maid.
Rafael also allegedly owes them a total of P11,500.00 in In People v. Villamala,30 the Court found the husband and
cash which he borrowed on May 1991. However when Fe wife guilty for raping their neighbor and "kumare" in this
tried to collect from Rafael through the barangay captain, factual setting, viz: the wife visited the victim at her home
Rafael allegedly transferred to another place and she no on the pretext of inquiring as to the whereabouts of her
longer saw him.24 The appellants imply that Rafael filed the husband. Once inside, she whistled for her husband and he
complaints for rape against them to escape payment of his immediately appeared at the doorstep. The wife then
debt.25 suddenly pinned her "kumare" to the floor. The husband
forcefully removed the victim’s skirt and panties, removed
The appellants also insist that Baby Jane was already his shorts, placed himself on top of the victim and
married to one Eddie Tabi when they took her as their maid. consummated the rape. In the more recent People v.
This explains why, according to them, Baby Jane was no Saba,31 the accused married couple victimized a fourteen
longer a virgin.26 (14) year-old epileptic who stayed at their home for
treatment by the wife who was a reputed healer. On the
In this appeal, the appellants impute error to the trial court in pretext of conducting a healing session, the wife ordered the
believing Baby Jane’s account of the supposed rape, and in victim to lie down on the floor then pinned the victim’s
not according them their right to be presumed hands to the floor and covered her mouth while her husband
innocent.27 The appellants proceed from the theory that the removed his pants and briefs and the victim’s panties and
alleged rape as narrated by the complainant is fantastic and raped the young girl. These two cases show not only the
unbelievable. In Baby Jane’s narration, it was Fe who possibility but the reality of rape committed by a woman
ordered Butchoy to have sexual intercourse with Baby Jane. together with a man.
The appellant-spouses argue that it is unnatural for a wife
like Fe to intensely desire that her husband have sex with A close look at the cited cases reveals a common thread that
their maid. There is no evidence of anything wrong or not only links them but also explains why the offenses were
unusual about the appellants’ marriage or their sexual habits committed in the fashion they were. This consists of the
that would support the complainant’s story. Even assuming close relationship between the parties and the attendant
that the sexual encounters had actually taken place, the conducive environment. The victim and the felons were
appellants insist that the prosecution failed to prove that they familiar with each other and there was a certain bond of trust
did so against Baby Jane’s will. Evidence for the between them. The same kindred relationship and suitable
prosecution fails to explain how all nine rapes could have setting are extant in the present case. Indeed, the proximity
occurred over a period of several months unless Baby Jane of the victim to the accused spouses was established by the
gave her full cooperation. The appellants insist that the trial particular circumstances of their relationship. The backdrop
court merely relied on the weakness of the evidence for the presented the offenders with a tempting opportunity to
satisfy their twisted desires upon a conveniently placed PROSECUTOR GUAYCO:
Q Now, this incident that happened to you, what is
The appellants argue that the prosecution failed to present this?
any evidence of aberrant sexual behavior on their part that
would justify the trial court’s conclusion that the rape A That was when Fe de la Torre told her husband
occurred as described by the complainant. This argument to use me but I resisted. But she removed our
must fail since the sexual habits of the appellant-spouses do clothes.
not constitute an essential element of the offense of rape.
The prosecution only has to prove that there was carnal COURT:
knowledge of the complainant and that it was done against
her will. The trial court’s evaluation of the evidence resulted
in the appellants’ conviction and a close scrutiny of its Q You mean Fe de la Torre.
judgment leads us to affirm it.
A Yes, Your Honor.
The greatest weight is accorded to the findings and
conclusions reached by the lower court regarding the Q Whose clothes?
credibility of witnesses and their testimony, owing to the
court’s unique position to see, hear and observe the A Both of us, Your Honor.
witnesses testify. Unless it is shown that the court
overlooked or misunderstood some facts or circumstances of Q You and who?
weight and substance which would affect the outcome of the
case, or that its findings of fact and conclusions on the
A Butchoy de la Torre, Your Honor.
credibility of witnesses are not supported by the evidence on
record, its determination is left undisturbed. 32 In the present
case, we see no need to overturn this well-settled principle. Q What do you mean by "to use me"?

Herein appellants do not refer to any inconsistency in the A To have sexual intercourse ("ing bubuli") with
complainant’s testimony that would discredit her or would me, Your Honor.
lead this Court to doubt her version of the story. Baby Jane’s
testimony was straightforward and simple, positively PROSECUTOR GUAYCO:
identifying the appellants as her abusers and clearly
narrating the circumstances of her defloration. Q Where did this happen?


Q While you were residing with Butchoy de la Q Where in Tumarbong?

Torre and Fe de la Torre in Tumarbong, Roxas,
was there any incident that transpired sometime in A In the house of Fe de la Torre, Sir.
September 1992?
Q What happened next after that?
A Something happened, Sir.
A Butchoy de la Torre already used me, Sir.
Q When was this?
Q Be more specific. What is that "use me"?
A It happened in September, Your Honor, but I
cannot remember the exact date.
A After that Butchoy de la Torre had sexual
intercourse with me while Fe de la Torre was also
Q What year? present.

A 1992, Your Honor. Q And Fe de la Torre was doing what?

Q Can you remember what week? First, second or A Fe de la Torre was holding a big kerosene lamp
what? and also a scythe.

A I cannot remember, your Honor. Q Is that a weapon?

COURT: A Yes, Your Honor, a "karit" or "sangget" in

Cuyuno dialect, Your Honor.
Go ahead.
Q You mean Fe de la Torre was there while Q How? What were the words uttered by Fe de la
Butchoy was having sexual intercourse with you Torre in ordering her husband?
holding a scythe and a lamp?
A We were sleeping in the same room, Your
A Yes, Sir. Honor, on the floor and I heard Fe de la Torre
ordering her husband to transfer to my side but
COURT: Butchoy objected. So, Fe de la Torre was the one
who transferred to the other side of her husband
Go ahead. and Butchoy was already between us.


Q Was this Fe de la Torre saying something while Q After that what happened next?
the incident was going on?
A After that Fe de la Torre took off our clothes.
A Yes, Sir.
Q Was it not Butchoy de la Torre who took off
Q What was she saying? your clothes?

A That I can leave the house only if I marry A It was Fe de la Torre who took off Butchoy de la
Butchoy de la Torre, Sir. Torre’s clothes, Sir.


Q Now, you said Fe de la Torre removed your Q What time of the night was this?
clothes and also that of Butchoy. While she was
doing that did you not object? A It was about 12:00 midnight.

A I objected, Your Honor. I resisted. I even cried, xxx

but she forced me.
Q But Fe de la Torre is smaller than you, did you
not fight her? Q After your clothes were taken off, what
happened next, Madam Witness?
A How could I fight her when she was holding that
scythe, Your Honor. A Butchoy de la Torre placed himself on top of me.

Q Can you describe that scythe? COURT:

A It is sharp and we are using it in the house, Your Q While on top of you, what was happening?
A While he was on top of me, Butchoy de la Torre
Q But Butchoy de la Torre was not threatening was doing the push and pull motion, Your Honor,
you? ("aga ayud-ayud") while Fe was holding a scythe
and a lamp.
A No, Sir.
Q Was Fe de la Torre lying down or standing while
Q Why did you allow Butchoy de la Torre to have this was going on?
sex with you without you resisting?
A She was standing holding a lamp, Your Honor.
A Fe de la Torre ordered him, Your Honor.
Q Only a lamp?
Q Butchoy de la Torre?
A Also the scythe.
A Yes, Your Honor.
Q This push and pull motion, what was that?
Q You heard that?
A While he was having sex with me he was doing
A Yes, Your Honor. that motion, Sir.
Q Was his penis inside your vagina when he was Q But Butchoy did not complain that he did not
doing that push and pull motion? want to have sex with you?

A Yes, Your Honor. A He did not complain, Your Honor.

Q Did you enjoy it? xxx

A No, Your Honor. In fact I don’t want it. PROSECUTOR GUAYCO:

Q What did you feel? Q This push and pull motion that Butchoy de la
Torre did, how long did it take?
A It was painful, Your Honor.
A For sometime, Sir.
Q Why was it painful?
A Because of his penetration, Your Honor. He
inserted his penis inside my vagina. Q How many minutes?

Q Was that the first time you experienced sex? A I cannot tell, Your Honor.


Q There was no blood? Q Did Butchoy de la Torre kiss you?

A Only my panty was filled with blood, Your A Yes, Sir, on my neck.
Q Not on your face or lips?
Q But you said your clothes were taken off?
A No, Sir.
A After the rape I put on my panty and the next
morning I saw my panty with blood. COURT:

Q That was the first time he had sexual intercourse Q So Butchoy liked you also?
with you?
A I did not notice that, Your Honor, but he was
A Yes, Your Honor. ordered by his wife to do it.

Q That was about the first week of September PROSECUTOR GUAYCO:

Q Was there any touching of your breasts or
A Yes, Your Honor. squeezing some parts of your body while he was
having sex with you?
Q The husband did not complain to the wife why
she was doing it? A Yes, Sir.

A He did not complain, Your Honor. COURT:

Q But you could feel the penis of Butchoy de la Q Your breasts, for example?
Torre harden as it entered your vagina?
A My nipple was fondled, Your Honor, by him.
A Yes, Your Honor, it was painful.
Q That was before his penis was inserted in your
Q So, it was not only Fe de la Torre who wanted vagina or after?
Butchoy to have sex with you, Butchoy also
wanted to do it? A After, Your Honor.

A But he was also told by Fe de la Torre to have PROSECUTOR GUAYCO;

sex with me, Your Honor.
Q Do you like what Fe de la Torre and Butchoy de lamp which she was holding and she was the one
la Torre did to you? who removed the clothes of Butchoy and my
A No, Sir.
Q And immediately upon removal of the clothes of
COURT: Butchoy, you saw the penis of Butchoy already?

Q Did you not feel, while Butchoy de la Torre’s A No, Your Honor.
penis was inside you and doing the push and pull if
he finished his act? Q You did not see him naked?

A I did not feel, Your Honor. A I saw him naked but I did not focus my eyes to
his penis.
Q He only suddenly stopped?
Q Who was undressed first, Butchoy de la Torre or
A Yes, Your Honor. 33 you?

Baby Jane never wavered in her testimony even under A It was Butchoy, your Honor.
intense cross-examination by the defense. She forthrightly
answered the questions and re-affirmed her attestations Q You did not resist when you were being
during the direct. The cross-examination only served to undressed?
clarify certain details in the commission of the offense and
reinforced the truth of her narration. A I asked her why but she did not reply.

ATTY. PADON: Q But you could feel that the private organ of
Butchoy de la Torre entered your body, is that
Q Madam Witness, you were awakened by Fe de la right?
Torre before the intercourse?
A Yes, Your Honor.
A Yes, Sir.
Q And you were already awaken (sic), you saw her
holding a lamp and a scythe? Q What was the position of Butchoy de la Torre
when Fe de la Torre removed his clothes?
A Yes, Sir.
A He was standing and after Fe de la Torre
Q And you said, Madam Witness, that Fe de la removed his clothes, he sat down already.
Torre told her husband to rape you?
Q How about you what was your position when Fe
A Yes, Sir. de la Torre removed your clothes?

Q What was the exact words uttered by Fe de la A I was still lying down and then she pulled me to
Torre? stand up and then she removed my clothes.

A "Magpaluyo kaw sa kilid." (You move to the Q When you were already standing, you just
other side.) allowed Fe de la Torre to remove your clothes?

COURT: A I cannot resist because I was afraid, Sir. Even her

husband was also afraid.34
Q But the Court thought she was holding a lamp
and a scythe, so she was not lying anymore? The trial court noted that Baby Jane was only sixteen years
old when the incidents occurred, and had barely finished the
A She was seated between us, Your Honor. second grade of elementary schooling. She was young,
unlettered, and unsophisticated. Given her background she
Q About the sexual intercourse, what was the was innocent in the ways of the world and incapable of
command of Fe de la Torre to Butchoy de la Torre? fabricating the charges of rape against the appellants, and
making up such a shocking tale of sexual perversity.
A And then Fe de la Torre told him to undress or
remove his clothes, but Butchoy did not obey her. Additionally, the defense has not imputed to her any ill
So, this Fe de la Torre put down the scythe and the motive to indict the appellants with trumped up charges. The
appellants have categorically manifested that they had no
quarrel with Baby Jane and effectively erased any evil COURT:
intention that may be attributed to her. Their claim is that the
charges were instigated by Baby Jane’s father, Rafael Dagot. Q When?
This is absurd. It is unnatural for a parent to use her
offspring as an engine of malice, especially if it will subject A On the second week of September, Your Honor.
her to embarrassment, and even stigma, as in this case. 35 In
like manner, a father would not subject his daughter to the
indignities of a rape trial just to evade payment of a debt. Q 1992 also?

The appellants even tried to show that Baby Jane was a girl A Yes, Sir.
of loose morals, by having Rafael Dagot’s neighbor, Gloria
Mijares, testify that Baby Jane was already married to one Q It happened the same way as the first with the
Eddie Tabi and that Baby Jane had lived with said Eddie wife holding a lamp and a scythe?
Tabi for more than a year before working for the appellants
as a maid. But the witness testified to no such thing, saying A Yes, Sir.
only that allegedly Eddie Tabi had proposed marriage to
Baby Jane but she refused him.36 The testimony could not PROSECUTOR GUAYCO:
even be given much credit for being hearsay.
Q How about the third week, did it happen again?
Baby Jane’s behavior during and after the rape incidents
reinforce the trial court’s findings of rape. She objected to
A Yes, Your Honor, the same thing happened
Fe’s acts of removing her clothes, but her resistance was
restricted by her fear of the appellants. The scythe that Fe
held in her hands and threats of bodily harm should she
refuse effectively intimidated her into submitting to Q How about on the fourth week of September
Butchoy’s onslaught. Afterwards, she could tell no one of 1992, did it happen again?
the ordeal she had gone through as she was constantly under
Fe’s watchful eye. In addition, she did not know any of their A The same, Sir.
neighbors nor their neighborhood well enough to report the
incident. When the opportunity to escape presented itself, COURT:
she took it. She reported the matter to the authorities and this
led to the filing of the Amended Complaints against the Q It also happened on the fourth week?
appellants. Her actions testify to the truth of her allegations
of rape for a young girl would not make up a story of sexual
A Yes, Your Honor.
exploitation and undergo the humiliation of a medical
examination of her private parts and a court trial that would
dissect each and every aspect of the sexual abuse committed Q The same procedure? The same threats?
against her if it were not true.37
A Yes, Your Honor.
But then, on the basis of the evidence adduced by the
prosecution, the appellants may be convicted only of the xxx
rape committed in the first week of September 1992. The
evidence for the prosecution proves only the first charge of POSECUTOR GUAYCO:
rape. Baby Jane’s testimony on the commission of the eight
other charges does not satisfy the standard of proof beyond Q This incident that transpired in the first week of
reasonable doubt to justify the appellants’ conviction. We September 1992, did it happen again on the first
quote the transcript of the trial: week of October 1992?

COURT: A Yes, Sir.

Q You have just described your first sexual Q How about in the second week of October 1992,
intercourse which happened on September 1992, did it happen again?
was it done to you again the next week?
A Yes, Sir.
A It happened once every week, Your Honor.
Q The same thing happened where Fe de la Torre
Q How about on the second week of September was holding a scythe and a lamp?
1992, did this happen to you again?
A Yes, Your Honor.
A Yes, Sir, it happened again.
Q And what happened the first time, happened Q But Fe de la Torre did not injure you, why were
again several times? you afraid?

A Yes, Your Honor. A She was threatening me with that scythe that she
would strike me with that scythe.
Q So, in the month of October 1992, how many
times had this Butchoy de la Torre have sex with Q So because you were afraid of physical harm you
you? allowed yourself to be used by Butchoy de la
A Once every week, Your Honor.
A Yes, Your Honor, because despite my struggle
Q So how many times? Fe de la Torre was there, armed.

A Four times, Your Honor. xxx

Q So first, second, third and fourth week? PROSECUTOR GUAYCO:

A Yes, Your Honor. Q Now, did this incident also happen in the second
week of December?
A Yes, Sir.
Q During the first intercourse and the second, did
you feel pain? Q How about in November?

A Yes, Your Honor. A There was none, Your Honor.

Q How about on the third time? Q So you were free that November?

A It was not painful anymore. A Yes, Your Honor.

Q And subsequently, no more? PROSECUTOR GUAYCO:

A No more, Your Honor. Q Now, in these nine incidents, did you really like
what was done to you by the accused?
Q Why no more pain?
A No, Sir.38
A I don’t know but I did not feel pain anymore.
Each and every charge of rape is a separate and distinct
Q Is it because you already approved of the crime; hence, each of the eight other rape charges should be
intercourse? proven beyond reasonable doubt. The prosecution is
required to establish, by the necessary quantum of proof, the
elements of rape for each charge. 39 Baby Jane’s testimony
A No, Your Honor. on the first rape charge was explicit, detailing the
participation of each appellant in the offense and clearly
Q But you did not resist or struggle? illustrating all the elements of the offense of rape. However
her simple assertion that the subsequent rapes occurred in
A I was between a woman and a man, Your Honor, exactly the same manner as in previous incidents is clearly
I could not struggle. inadequate and grossly insufficient to establish to a degree
of moral certainty the guilt of the appellants insofar as the
Q But you did not resist or struggle? eight rape charges are concerned. Her testimony was too
general as it failed to focus on material details as to how
each of the subsequent acts was committed. Even her
A I struggled but in vain, Your Honor.
testimony on cross-examination did not add anything to
support her accusations of subsequent rape. Thus, only the
Q Because you were afraid? rape alleged to have been committed on September 1992
was proven beyond reasonable doubt and the appellants may
A I was afraid, Your Honor. be penalized only for this offense.
Article 335 of the Revised Penal Code provides that On March 27, 1991, three Informations for violation of B.P.
whenever the crime of rape is committed with the use of a Blg. 22 were filed with the RTC, docketed as Criminal Case
deadly weapon the penalty is reclusion perpetua to death. Nos. 7068 - 7070. The Information in Criminal Case No.
The use by the appellants of a bladed weapon, alleged in 7068 alleges as follows:
the Amended Complaint and sufficiently proven in this case,
qualifies the rape.40 In the absence of any mitigating or That, sometime in May or June 1990, in the City of
aggravating circumstance, the penalty that the appellants Tagbilaran, Philippines, and within the jurisdiction of this
shall suffer is the lesser penalty of reclusion perpetua.41 Honorable Court, the above-named accused, conspiring,
confederating, and mutually helping with one another,
In accordance with jurisprudential law, the complainant in a knowing fully well that they did not have sufficient funds
rape case is entitled to civil indemnity, which is actually in deposited with the United Coconut Planters Bank (UCPB),
the nature of actual or compensatory damages, in the amount Tagbilaran Branch, did then and there willfully, unlawfully,
of P50,000.00, as well as moral damages in the amount and feloniously, draw and issue UCPB Check No. 284743
of P50,000.00. Civil indemnity42 and moral damages43 are postdated July 7, 1990 in the amount of NINE THOUSAND
automatically granted once the fact of rape has been SEVENTY-FIVE PESOS AND FIFTY-FIVE CENTAVOS
established. Exemplary damages are awarded under Article (₱9,075.55), payable to Alfredo Oculam, and thereafter,
2230 of the Civil Code if there is an aggravating without informing the latter that they did not have sufficient
circumstance, whether ordinary or qualifying. Since the funds deposited with the bank to cover up the amount of the
commission of the rape was attended by the qualifying check, did then and there willfully, unlawfully and
circumstance of use of a deadly weapon, exemplary feloniously pass on, indorse, give and deliver the said check
damages of P25,000.00 should also be given to the to Alfredo Oculam by way of rediscounting of the
complainant.44 aforementioned checks; however, upon presentation of the
check to the drawee bank for encashment, the same was
WHEREFORE, the judgment of the Regional Trial Court of dishonored for the reason that the account of the accused
Palawan and Puerto Princesa City is MODIFIED. In with the United Coconut Planters Bank, Tagbilaran Branch,
Criminal Case No. 11199, the appellants are found GUILTY had already been closed, to the damage and prejudice of the
beyond reasonable doubt of rape qualified with the use of a said Alfredo Oculam in the aforestated amount.
deadly weapon and are accordingly sentenced to suffer the
penalty of reclusion perpetua and ordered to indemnify the Acts committed contrary to the provisions of Batas
offended party the sum of Fifty Thousand Pesos Pambansa Bilang 22.2
(P50,000.00) as civil indemnity, Fifty Thousand Pesos
(P50,000,00) as moral damages and Twenty-five Thousand The accusatory portions of the Informations in Criminal
Pesos (P25,000.00) as exemplary damages. With respect to Case Nos. 7069 and 7070 are similarly worded, except for
Criminal Cases No. 11313 to No. 11320, the appellants are the allegations concerning the number, date and amount of
ACQUITTED for failure of the prosecution to prove their each check, that is:
guilt beyond reasonable doubt.
(a) Criminal Case No. 7069 - UCPB Check No. 284744
SO ORDERED. dated July 22, 1990 in the amount of ₱12,730.00;3

VIOLATION OF B.P. 22 (b) Criminal Case No. 7070 – UCPB Check No. 106136
dated July 22, 1990 in the amount of ₱8,496.55.4

G.R. NO. 141066             FEBRUARY 17, 2005 The cases were consolidated and jointly tried. When
arraigned on June 26, 1991, the two accused pleaded not
EVANGELINE LADONGA,  PETITIONER, guilty to the crimes charged.5
PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES,  RESPONDENT. The prosecution presented as its lone witness complainant
Alfredo Oculam. He testified that: in 1989, spouses
Adronico6 and Evangeline Ladonga became his regular
DECISION customers in his pawnshop business in Tagbilaran City,
Bohol;7 sometime in May 1990, the Ladonga spouses
AUSTRIA-MARTINEZ, J.: obtained a ₱9,075.55 loan from him, guaranteed by United
Coconut Planters Bank (UCPB) Check No. 284743, post
Petitioner Evangeline Ladonga seeks a review of the dated to dated July 7, 1990 issued by Adronico; 8 sometime
Decision,1 dated May 17, 1999, of the Court of Appeals in in the last week of April 1990 and during the first week of
CA-G.R. CR No. 20443, affirming the Decision dated May 1990, the Ladonga spouses obtained an additional loan
August 24, 1996, of the Regional Trial Court (RTC), Branch of ₱12,730.00, guaranteed by UCPB Check No. 284744,
3 of Bohol, in Criminal Case Nos. 7068, 7069 and 7070 post dated to dated July 26, 1990 issued by
convicting her of violation of B.P. Blg. 22, otherwise known Adronico;9 between May and June 1990, the Ladonga
as The Bouncing Checks Law. spouses obtained a third loan in the amount of ₱8,496.55,
guaranteed by UCPB Check No. 106136, post dated to July
The factual background of the case is as follows: 22, 1990 issued by Adronico;10 the three checks bounced
upon presentment for the reason "CLOSED
ACCOUNT";11 when the Ladonga spouses failed to redeem On May 17, 1999, the Court of Appeals affirmed the
the check, despite repeated demands, he filed a criminal conviction of petitioner.18 It held that the provisions of the
complaint against them.12 penal code were made applicable to special penal laws in the
decisions of this Court in People vs. Parel, 19 U.S. vs.
While admitting that the checks issued by Adronico bounced Ponte, 20 and U.S. vs. Bruhez.21 It noted that Article 10 of the
because there was no sufficient deposit or the account was Revised Penal Code itself provides that its provisions shall
closed, the Ladonga spouses claimed that the checks were be supplementary to special laws unless the latter provide
issued only to guarantee the obligation, with an agreement the contrary. The Court of Appeals stressed that since B.P.
that Oculam should not encash the checks when they Blg. 22 does not prohibit the applicability in a suppletory
mature;13 and, that petitioner is not a signatory of the checks character of the provisions of the Revised Penal Code
and had no participation in the issuance thereof.14 (RPC), the principle of conspiracy may be applied to cases
involving violations of B.P. Blg. 22. Lastly, it ruled that the
On August 24, 1996, the RTC rendered a joint decision fact that petitioner did not make and issue or sign the checks
finding the Ladonga spouses guilty beyond reasonable doubt did not exculpate her from criminal liability as it is not
of violating B.P. Blg. 22, the dispositive portion of which indispensable that a co-conspirator takes a direct part in
reads: every act and knows the part which everyone performed.
The Court of Appeals underscored that in conspiracy the act
of one conspirator could be held to be the act of the other.
Premises considered, this Court hereby renders judgment
finding accused Adronico Ladonga, alias Ronie, and
Evangeline Ladonga guilty beyond reasonable doubt in the Petitioner sought reconsideration of the decision but the
aforesaid three (3) criminal cases, for which they stand Court of Appeals denied the same in a Resolution dated
charged before this Court, and accordingly, sentences them November 16, 1999.22
to imprisonment and fine, as follows:
Hence, the present petition.
1. In Criminal Case No. 7068, for (sic) an
imprisonment of one (1) year for each of them, and Petitioner presents to the Court the following issues for
a fine in the amount of ₱9,075.55, equivalent to the resolution:
amount of UCPB Check No. 284743;
2. In Criminal Case No. 7069, for (sic) an WAS NOT THE DRAWER OR ISSUER OF THE
imprisonment for each of them to one (1) year and THREE CHECKS THAT BOUNCED BUT HER
a fine of ₱12, 730.00, equivalent to the amount of CO-ACCUSED HUSBAND UNDER THE
3. In Criminal Case No. 7070, with (sic) an PAMBANSA BILANG 22 AS CONSPIRATOR.
imprisonment of one year for each of them and a
fine of ₱8,496.55 equivalent to the amount of 2. ANCILLARY TO THE MAIN ISSUE ARE

4. That both accused are further ordered to jointly A. WHETHER OR NOT CONSPIRACY IS APPLICABLE
and solidarily pay and reimburse the complainant, IN VIOLATIONS OF BATAS PAMBANSA BILANG 22 BY
Mr. Alfredo Oculam, the sum of ₱15,000.00 INVOKING THE LAST SENTENCE OF ARTICLE 10 OF
representing actual expenses incurred in THE REVISED PENAL CODE WHICH STATES:
prosecuting the instant cases; ₱10,000.00 as
attorney’s fee; and the amount of ₱30,302.10 which Art. 10. Offenses not subject of the provisions of this Code.
is the total value of the three (3) subject checks – Offenses which are or in the future may be punished under
which bounced; but without subsidiary special laws are not subject to the provisions of this Code.
imprisonment in case of insolvency. This Code shall be supplementary to such laws, unless the
latter should specially provide the contrary.
With Costs against the accused.
Adronico applied for probation which was granted. 16 On the CONSPIRATOR APPLYING THE SUPPLETORY
other hand, petitioner brought the case to the Court of CHARACTER OF THE REVISED PENAL CODE TO
Appeals, arguing that the RTC erred in finding her SPECIAL LAWS LIKE B.P. BLG. 22 IS APPLICABLE.23
criminally liable for conspiring with her husband as the
principle of conspiracy is inapplicable to B.P. Blg. 22 which Petitioner staunchly insists that she cannot be held
is a special law; moreover, she is not a signatory of the criminally liable for violation of B.P. Blg. 22 because she
checks and had no participation in the issuance thereof. 17 had no participation in the drawing and issuance of the three
checks subject of the three criminal cases, a fact proven by
the checks themselves. She contends that the Court of
Appeals gravely erred in applying the principle of
conspiracy, as defined under the RPC, to violations of B.P. applicable, may be applied suppletorily. Indeed, in the
Blg. 22. She posits that the application of the principle of recent case of Yu vs. People,31 the Court applied suppletorily
conspiracy would enlarge the scope of the statute and the provisions on subsidiary imprisonment under Article
include situations not provided for or intended by the 3932 of the RPC to B.P. Blg. 22.
lawmakers, such as penalizing a person, like petitioner, who
had no participation in the drawing or issuance of checks. The suppletory application of the principle of conspiracy in
this case is analogous to the application of the provision on
The Office of the Solicitor General disagrees with petitioner principals under Article 17 in U.S. vs. Ponte. For once
and echoes the declaration of the Court of Appeals that some conspiracy or action in concert to achieve a criminal design
provisions of the Revised Penal Code, especially with the is shown, the act of one is the act of all the conspirators, and
addition of the second sentence in Article 10, are applicable the precise extent or modality of participation of each of
to special laws. It submits that B.P. Blg. 22 does not provide them becomes secondary, since all the conspirators are
any prohibition regarding the applicability in a suppletory principals.33
character of the provisions of the Revised Penal Code to it.
All these notwithstanding, the conviction of the petitioner
Article 10 of the RPC reads as follows: must be set aside.

ART. 10. Offenses not subject to the provisions of this Code. Article 8 of the RPC provides that "a conspiracy exists when
– Offenses which are or in the future may be punishable two or more persons come to an agreement concerning the
under special laws are not subject to the provisions of this commission of a felony and decide to commit it." To be held
Code. This Code shall be supplementary to such laws, guilty as a co-principal by reason of conspiracy, the accused
unless the latter should specially provide the contrary. must be shown to have performed an overt act in pursuance
or furtherance of the complicity.34 The overt act or acts of
The article is composed of two clauses. The first provides the accused may consist of active participation in the actual
that offenses which in the future are made punishable under commission of the crime itself or may consist of moral
special laws are not subject to the provisions of the RPC, assistance to his co-conspirators by moving them to execute
while the second makes the RPC supplementary to such or implement the criminal plan.35
laws. While it seems that the two clauses are contradictory, a
sensible interpretation will show that they can perfectly be In the present case, the prosecution failed to prove that
reconciled. petitioner performed any overt act in furtherance of the
alleged conspiracy. As testified to by the lone prosecution
The first clause should be understood to mean only that the witness, complainant Alfredo Oculam, petitioner was merely
special penal laws are controlling with regard to offenses present when her husband, Adronico, signed the check
therein specifically punished. Said clause only restates the subject of Criminal Case No. 7068.36 With respect to
elemental rule of statutory construction that special legal Criminal Case Nos. 7069-7070, Oculam also did not
provisions prevail over general ones.24 Lex specialis describe the details of petitioner’s participation. He did not
derogant generali. In fact, the clause can be considered as a specify the nature of petitioner’s involvement in the
superfluity, and could have been eliminated altogether. The commission of the crime, either by a direct act of
second clause contains the soul of the article. The main idea participation, a direct inducement of her co-conspirator, or
and purpose of the article is embodied in the provision that cooperating in the commission of the offense by another act
the "code shall be supplementary" to special laws, unless the without which it would not have been accomplished.
latter should specifically provide the contrary. Apparently, the only semblance of overt act that may be
attributed to petitioner is that she was present when the first
The appellate court’s reliance on the cases of People vs. check was issued. However, this inference cannot be
Parel,25 U.S. vs. Ponte,26 and U.S. vs. Bruhez27 rests on a firm stretched to mean concurrence with the criminal design.
basis. These cases involved the suppletory application of
principles under the then Penal Code to special laws. People Conspiracy must be established, not by conjectures, but by
vs. Parel is concerned with the application of Article 22 28 of positive and conclusive evidence. 37 Conspiracy transcends
the Code to violations of Act No. 3030, the Election Law, mere companionship and mere presence at the scene of the
with reference to the retroactive effect of penal laws if they crime does not in itself amount to conspiracy. 38 Even
favor the accused. U.S. vs. Ponte involved the application of knowledge, acquiescence in or agreement to cooperate, is
Article 1729 of the same Penal Code, with reference to the not enough to constitute one as a party to a conspiracy,
participation of principals in the commission of the crime of absent any active participation in the commission of the
misappropriation of public funds as defined and penalized crime with a view to the furtherance of the common design
by Act No. 1740. U.S. vs. Bruhez covered Article 4530 of the and purpose.39
same Code, with reference to the confiscation of the
instruments used in violation of Act No. 1461, the Opium As the Court eloquently pronounced in a case of recent
Law. vintage, People vs. Mandao:40

B.P. Blg. 22 does not expressly proscribe the suppletory To be sure, conspiracy is not a harmless innuendo to be
application of the provisions of the RPC. Thus, in the taken lightly or accepted at every turn. It is a legal concept
absence of contrary provision in B.P. Blg. 22, the general that imputes culpability under specific circumstances; as
provisions of the RPC which, by their nature, are necessarily such, it must be established as clearly as any element of the
crime. Evidence to prove it must be positive and convincing, SHARICA MARI L. GO-TAN,  PETITIONER,
considering that it is a convenient and simplistic device by VS.
which the accused may be ensnared and kept within the
penal fold.
Criminal liability cannot be based on a general allegation of
conspiracy, and a judgment of conviction must always be DECISION
founded on the strength of the prosecution’s evidence. The
Court ruled thus in People v. Legaspi, from which we quote: AUSTRIA-MARTINEZ, J.:

At most, the prosecution, realizing the weakness of its Before the Court is a Petition for Review
evidence against accused-appellant Franco, merely relied on Certiorari under Rule 45 of the Rules of Court assailing
and pegged the latter’s criminal liability on its sweeping the Resolution1 dated March 7, 2005 of the Regional Trial
theory of conspiracy, which to us, was not attendant in the Court (RTC), Branch 94, Quezon City in Civil Case No. Q-
commission of the crime. 05-54536 and the RTC Resolution2 dated July 11, 2005
which denied petitioner's Verified Motion for
The rule is firmly entrenched that a judgment of conviction Reconsideration.
must be predicated on the strength of the evidence for the
prosecution and not on the weakness of the evidence for the The factual background of the case:
defense. The proof against him must survive the test of
reason; the strongest suspicion must not be permitted to On April 18, 1999, Sharica Mari L. Go-Tan (petitioner) and
sway judgment. The conscience must be satisfied that on the Steven L. Tan (Steven) were married.3 Out of this union,
defense could be laid the responsibility for the offense two female children were born, Kyra Danielle4 and Kristen
charged; that not only did he perpetrate the act but that it Denise.5 On January 12, 2005, barely six years into the
amounted to a crime. What is required then is moral marriage, petitioner filed a Petition with Prayer for the
certainty. Issuance of a Temporary Protective Order (TPO)6 against
Steven and her parents-in-law, Spouses Perfecto C. Tan and
Verily, it is the role of the prosecution to prove the guilt of Juanita L. Tan (respondents) before the RTC. She alleged
the appellant beyond reasonable doubt in order to overcome that Steven, in conspiracy with respondents, were causing
the constitutional presumption of innocence. verbal, psychological and economic abuses upon her in
violation of Section 5, paragraphs (e)(2)(3)(4), (h)(5), and
In sum, conviction must rest on hard evidence showing that (i)7 of Republic Act (R.A.) No. 9262,8 otherwise known as
the accused is guilty beyond reasonable doubt of the crime the "Anti-Violence Against Women and Their Children Act
charged. In criminal cases, moral certainty -- not mere of 2004."
possibility -- determines the guilt or the innocence of the
accused. Even when the evidence for the defense is weak, On January 25, 2005, the RTC issued an
the accused must be acquitted when the prosecution has not Order/Notice9 granting petitioner's prayer for a TPO.
proven guilt with the requisite quantum of proof required in
all criminal cases. (Citations omitted)41 On February 7, 2005, respondents filed a Motion to Dismiss
with Opposition to the Issuance of Permanent Protection
All told, the prosecution failed to establish the guilt of the Order Ad Cautelam and Comment on the
petitioner with moral certainty. Its evidence falls short of the Petition,10 contending that the RTC lacked jurisdiction over
quantum of proof required for conviction. Accordingly, the their persons since, as parents-in-law of the petitioner, they
constitutional presumption of the petitioner’s innocence were not covered by R.A. No. 9262.
must be upheld and she must be acquitted.1a\^/
On February 28, 2005, petitioner filed a Comment on
WHEREFORE, the instant petition is GRANTED. The Opposition11 to respondents' Motion to Dismiss arguing that
assailed Decision, dated May 17, 1999, of the Court of respondents were covered by R.A. No. 9262 under a liberal
Appeals in CA-G.R. CR No. 20443 affirming the Decision, interpretation thereof aimed at promoting the protection and
dated August 24, 1996, of the Regional Trial Court (Branch safety of victims of violence.
3), Bohol, in Criminal Case Nos. 7068, 7069 and 7070
convicting the petitioner of violation of B.P. Blg. 22 is On March 7, 2005, the RTC issued a Resolution12 dismissing
hereby REVERSED and SET ASIDE. Petitioner Evangeline the case as to respondents on the ground that, being the
Ladonga is ACQUITTED of the charges against her under parents-in-law of the petitioner, they were not
B.P. Blg. 22 for failure of the prosecution to prove her guilt included/covered as respondents under R.A. No. 9262 under
beyond reasonable doubt. No pronouncement as to costs. the well-known rule of law "expressio unius est exclusio
On March 16, 2005, petitioner filed her Verified Motion for
VIOLATION AGAINST WOMEN Reconsideration14 contending that the doctrine of necessary
implication should be applied in the broader interests of
substantial justice and due process.
G.R. NO. 168852           SEPTEMBER 30, 2008
On April 8, 2005, respondents filed their Comment on the harm or suffering, or economic abuse including threats of
Verified Motion for Reconsideration 15 arguing that such acts, battery, assault, coercion, harassment or arbitrary
petitioner's liberal construction unduly broadened the deprivation of liberty."
provisions of R.A. No. 9262 since the relationship between
the offender and the alleged victim was an essential While the said provision provides that the offender be
condition for the application of R.A. No. 9262. related or connected to the victim by marriage, former
marriage, or a sexual or dating relationship, it does not
On July 11, 2005, the RTC issued a Resolution16 denying preclude the application of the principle of conspiracy under
petitioner's the RPC.

Verified Motion for Reconsideration. The RTC reasoned Indeed, Section 47 of R.A. No. 9262 expressly provides for
that to include respondents under the coverage of R.A. No. the suppletory application of the RPC, thus:
9262 would be a strained interpretation of the provisions of
the law. SEC. 47. Suppletory Application. - For purposes of this Act,
the Revised Penal Code and other applicable laws, shall
Hence, the present petition on a pure question of law, to wit: have suppletory application. (Emphasis supplied)

WHETHER OR NOT RESPONDENTS-SPOUSES Parenthetically, Article 10 of the RPC provides:

SHARICA, MAY BE INCLUDED IN THE PETITION ART. 10. Offenses not subject to the provisions of this
FOR THE ISSUANCE OF A PROTECTIVE ORDER, IN Code. – Offenses which are or in the future may be
ACCORDANCE WITH REPUBLIC ACT NO. 9262, punishable under special laws are not subject to the
OTHERWISE KNOWN AS THE "ANTI-VIOLENCE provisions of this Code. This Code shall be supplementary
AGAINST WOMEN AND THEIR CHILDREN ACT OF to such laws, unless the latter should specially provide
2004".17 the contrary. (Emphasis supplied)

Petitioner contends that R.A. No. 9262 must be understood Hence, legal principles developed from the Penal Code may
in the light of the provisions of Section 47 of R.A. No. 9262 be applied in a supplementary capacity to crimes punished
which explicitly provides for the suppletory application of under special laws, such as R.A. No. 9262, in which the
the Revised Penal Code (RPC) and, accordingly, the special law is silent on a particular matter.
provision on "conspiracy" under Article 8 of the RPC can be
suppletorily applied to R.A. No. 9262; that Steven and Thus, in People v. Moreno,18 the Court applied suppletorily
respondents had community of design and purpose in the provision on subsidiary penalty under Article 39 of the
tormenting her by giving her insufficient financial support; RPC to cases of violations of Act No. 3992, otherwise
harassing and pressuring her to be ejected from the family known as the "Revised Motor Vehicle Law," noting that the
home; and in repeatedly abusing her verbally, emotionally, special law did not contain any provision that the defendant
mentally and physically; that respondents should be could be sentenced with subsidiary imprisonment in case of
included as indispensable or necessary parties for complete insolvency.
resolution of the case.
In People v. Li Wai Cheung,19 the Court applied suppletorily
On the other hand, respondents submit that they are not the rules on the service of sentences provided in Article 70
covered by R.A. No. 9262 since Section 3 thereof explicitly of the RPC in favor of the accused who was found guilty of
provides that the offender should be related to the victim multiple violations of R.A. No. 6425, otherwise known as
only by marriage, a former marriage, or a dating or sexual the "Dangerous Drugs Act of 1972," considering the lack of
relationship; that allegations on the conspiracy of similar rules under the special law.
respondents require a factual determination which cannot be
done by this Court in a petition for review; that respondents
cannot be characterized as indispensable or necessary In People v. Chowdury,20 the Court applied suppletorily
parties, since their presence in the case is not only Articles 17, 18 and 19 of the RPC to define the words
unnecessary but altogether illegal, considering the non- "principal," "accomplices" and "accessories" under R.A. No.
inclusion of in-laws as offenders under Section 3 of R.A. 8042, otherwise known as the "Migrant Workers and
No. 9262. Overseas Filipinos Act of 1995," because said words were
not defined therein, although the special law referred to the
same terms in enumerating the persons liable for the crime
The Court rules in favor of the petitioner. of illegal recruitment.

Section 3 of R.A. No. 9262 defines ''[v]iolence against In Yu v. People,21 the Court applied suppletorily the
women and their children'' as "any act or a series of acts provisions on subsidiary imprisonment under Article 39 of
committed by any person against a woman who is his wife, the RPC to Batas Pambansa (B.P.) Blg. 22, otherwise
former wife, or against a woman with whom the person has known as the "Bouncing Checks Law," noting the absence
or had a sexual or dating relationship, or with whom he has of an express provision on subsidiary imprisonment in said
a common child, or against her child whether legitimate or special law.
illegitimate, within or without the family abode, which result
in or is likely to result in physical, sexual, psychological
Most recently, in Ladonga v. People,22 the Court applied SEC. 8. Protection Orders. – x x x The protection orders
suppletorily the principle of conspiracy under Article 8 of that may be issued under this Act shall include any, some or
the RPC to B.P. Blg. 22 in the absence of a contrary all of the following reliefs:
provision therein.
(a) Prohibition of the respondent from threatening
With more reason, therefore, the principle of conspiracy to commit or committing, personally or through
under Article 8 of the RPC may be applied suppletorily to another, any of the acts mentioned in Section 5 of
R.A. No. 9262 because of the express provision of Section this Act;
47 that the RPC shall be supplementary to said law. Thus,
general provisions of the RPC, which by their nature, are (b) Prohibition of the respondent from harassing,
necessarily applicable, may be applied suppletorily. annoying, telephoning, contacting or otherwise
communicating with the petitioner, directly
Thus, the principle of conspiracy may be applied to R.A. or indirectly; x x x (Emphasis supplied)
No. 9262. For once conspiracy or action in concert to
achieve a criminal design is shown, the act of one is the act Finally, Section 4 of R.A. No. 9262 calls for a liberal
of all the conspirators, and the precise extent or modality of construction of the law, thus:
participation of each of them becomes secondary, since all
the conspirators are principals.23 SEC. 4. Construction. - This Act shall be liberally
construed to promote the protection and safety of victims of
It must be further noted that Section 5 of R.A. No. 9262 violence against women and their children. (Emphasis
expressly recognizes that the acts of violence against women supplied)
and their children may be committed by an offender through
another, thus: It bears mention that the intent of the statute is the law 24 and
that this intent must be effectuated by the courts. In the
SEC. 5. Acts of Violence Against Women and Their present case, the express language of R.A. No. 9262 reflects
Children. - The crime of violence against women and their the intent of the legislature for liberal construction as will
children is committed through any of the following acts: best ensure the attainment of the object of the law according
to its true intent, meaning and spirit - the protection and
xxx safety of victims of violence against women and children.

(h) Engaging in purposeful, knowing, or reckless Thus, contrary to the RTC's pronouncement, the
conduct, personally or through another, maxim "expressio unios est exclusio alterius" finds no
that alarms or causes substantial emotional or application here. It must be remembered that this maxim is
psychological distress to the woman or her child. only an "ancillary rule of statutory construction." It is not of
This shall include, but not be limited to, the universal application. Neither is it conclusive. It should be
following acts: applied only as a means of discovering legislative intent
which is not otherwise manifest and should not be permitted
(1) Stalking or following the woman or to defeat the plainly indicated purpose of the legislature.25
her child in public or private places;
The Court notes that petitioner unnecessarily argues at great
(2) Peering in the window or lingering length on the attendance of circumstances evidencing the
outside the residence of the woman or her conspiracy or connivance of Steven and respondents to
child; cause verbal, psychological and economic abuses upon her.
However, conspiracy is an evidentiary matter which should
(3) Entering or remaining in the dwelling be threshed out in a full-blown trial on the merits and cannot
or on the property of the woman or her be determined in the present petition since this Court is not a
child against her/his will; trier of facts.26 It is thus premature for petitioner to argue
evidentiary matters since this controversy is centered only
on the determination of whether respondents may be
(4) Destroying the property and personal included in a petition under R.A. No. 9262. The presence or
belongings or inflicting harm to animals or absence of conspiracy can be best passed upon after a trial
pets of the woman or her child; and on the merits.

(5) Engaging in any form of harassment or Considering the Court's ruling that the principle of
violence; x x x. (Emphasis supplied) conspiracy may be applied suppletorily to R.A. No. 9262,
the Court will no longer delve on whether respondents may
In addition, the protection order that may be issued for the be considered indispensable or necessary parties. To do so
purpose of preventing further acts of violence against the would be an exercise in superfluity.
woman or her child may include
WHEREFORE, the instant petition is GRANTED. The
individuals other than the offending husband, thus: assailed Resolutions dated March 7, 2005 and July 11, 2005
of the Regional Trial Court, Branch 94, Quezon City in Civil
Case No. Q-05-54536 are hereby PARTLY REVERSED
and SET ASIDE insofar as the dismissal of the petition July 10, 2001 and no bail for petitioner’s provisional liberty
against respondents is concerned. was fixed.

SO ORDERED. On April 24, 2001, petitioner filed a "Motion to Quash or

Suspend" the Amended Information on the ground that the
Anti-Plunder Law, R.A. No. 7080, is unconstitutional and
that it charged more than one offense. Respondent
DOCTRINE. Ombudsman opposed the motion.
1. People vs. Bucsit, G.R. No. 17865, March 15, 1922 -
(Parricide) On April 25, 2001, the respondent court issued a warrant of
arrest for petitioner and his co-accused. On its basis,
2.Qualified theft, if one of the perpetrators is an employee of petitioner and his co-accused were placed in custody of the
the victim. law.

On April 30, 2001, petitioner filed a "Very Urgent Omnibus

WHEEL CONSPIRACY VS. CHAIN Motion"2 alleging that: (1) no probable cause exists to put
him on trial and hold him liable for plunder, it appearing that
he was only allegedly involved in illegal gambling and not
in a "series or combination of overt or criminal acts" as
G.R. NO. 148965               FEBRUARY 26, 2002 required in R.A. No. 7080; and (2) he is entitled to bail as a
matter of right. Petitioner prayed that he be excluded from
the Amended Information and be discharged from custody.
JOSE "JINGGOY" E. ESTRADA,  PETITIONER, In the alternative, petitioner also prayed that he be allowed
VS. to post bail in an amount to be fixed by respondent court.3
OF THE PHILIPPINES AND OFFICE OF THE On June 28, 2001, petitioner filed a "Motion to Resolve
OMBUDSMAN, RESPONDENTS. Mayor Jose ‘Jinggoy’ Estrada’s Motion To Fix Bail On
Grounds That An Outgoing Mayor Loses Clout An
Incumbent Has And That On Its Face, the Facts Charged In
DECISION The Information Do Not Make Out A Non-Bailable Offense
As To Him."4
On July 3, 2001, petitioner filed a "Motion to Strike Out So-
A law may not be constitutionally infirm but its application Called ‘Entry of Appearance,’ To Direct Ombudsman To
to a particular party may be unconstitutional. This is the Explain Why He Attributes Impropriety To The Defense
submission of the petitioner who invokes the equal And To Resolve Pending Incidents."5
protection clause of the Constitution in his bid to be
excluded from the charge of plunder filed against him by the On July 9, 2001, respondent Sandiganbayan issued a
respondent Ombudsman. Resolution denying petitioner’s "Motion to Quash and
Suspend" and "Very Urgent Omnibus Motion."6 Petitioner’s
The antecedent facts are as follows: alternative prayer to post bail was set for hearing after
arraignment of all accused. The court held:
In November 2000, as an offshoot of the impeachment
proceedings against Joseph Ejercito Estrada, then President "WHEREFORE, in view of the foregoing, the Court hereby
of the Republic of the Philippines, five criminal complaints DENIES for lack of merit the following: (1) MOTION TO
against the former President and members of his family, his QUASH AND SUSPEND dated April 24, 2001 filed by
associates, friends and conspirators were filed with the accused Jose ‘Jinggoy’ Estrada; (2) MOTION TO QUASH
respondent Office of the Ombudsman. dated June 7, 2001 filed by accused Joseph Ejercito Estrada;
and (3) MOTION TO QUASH (Re: Amended Information
On April 4, 2001, the respondent Ombudsman issued a Joint dated 18 April 2001) dated June 26, 2001 filed by accused
Resolution1 finding probable cause warranting the filing with Edward S. Serapio.
the Sandiganbayan of several criminal Informations against
the former President and the other respondents therein. One Considering the denial of the MOTION TO QUASH AND
of the Informations was for the crime of plunder under SUSPEND of accused Jose ‘Jinggoy’ Estrada, his VERY
Republic Act No. 7080 and among the respondents was URGENT OMNIBUS MOTION, praying that he be: (1)
herein petitioner Jose "Jinggoy" Estrada, then mayor of San dropped from the information for plunder for want of
Juan, Metro Manila. probable cause and (2) discharged from custody
immediately which is based on the same grounds mentioned
The Information was amended and filed on April 18, 2001. in this MOTION TO QUASH AND SUSPEND is hereby
Docketed as Criminal Case No. 26558, the case was DENIED. Let his alternative prayer in said OMNIBUS
assigned to respondent Third Division of the MOTION that he be allowed to post bail be SET for hearing
Sandiganbayan. The arraignment of the accused was set on together with the petition for bail of accused Edward S.
Serapio scheduled for July 10, 2001, at 2:00 o’clock in the Jane Doe a.k.a. Delia Rajas, and John DOES & Jane
afternoon after the arraignment of all the accused."7 Does, of the crime of Plunder, defined and penalized
under R.A. No. 7080, as amended by Sec. 12 of R.A. No.
The following day, July 10, 2001, petitioner moved for 7659, committed as follows:
reconsideration of the Resolution. Respondent court denied
the motion and proceeded to arraign petitioner. Petitioner That during the period from June, 1998 to January,
refused to make his plea prompting respondent court to enter 2001, in the Philippines, and within the jurisdiction of
a plea of "not guilty" for him.8 this Honorable Court, accused Joseph Ejercito
Hence, this petition. Petitioner claims that respondent THE PRESIDENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF THE
Sandiganbayan acted without or in excess of jurisdiction or PHILIPPINES, by
with grave abuse of discretion amounting to lack of himself AND/OR in CONNIVANCE/CONSPIRACY wit
jurisdiction in: h his co-accused, WHO ARE MEMBERS OF HIS
"1) not declaring that R.A. No. 7080 is CONSANGUINITY, BUSINESS ASSOCIATES,
unconstitutional on its face and, as applied to SUBORDINATES AND/OR OTHER PERSONS, BY
petitioner, and denying him the equal protection of TAKING UNDUE ADVANTAGE OF HIS OFFICIAL
CONNECTION, OR INFLUENCE, did then and there
wilfully, unlawfully and criminally amass, accumulate
2) not holding that the Plunder Law does not and acquire BY HIMSELF, DIRECTLY OR
provide complete and sufficient standards; INDIRECTLY, ill-gotten wealth in the aggregate
3) sustaining the charge against petitioner for NINETY SEVEN MILLION EIGHT HUNDRED FOUR
alleged offenses, and with alleged conspirators, THOUSAND ONE HUNDRED SEVENTY THREE
with which and with whom he is not even remotely PESOS AND SEVENTEEN
connected - contrary to the dictum that criminal CENTAVOS [P4,097,804,173.17], more or
liability is personal, not vicarious - results in the less, THEREBY UNJUSTLY ENRICHING HIMSELF
denial of substantive due process; OR THEMSELVES AT THE EXPENSE AND TO THE
4) not fixing bail for petitioner for alleged REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES, through ANY OR
involvement in jueteng in one count of the A combination OR A series of overt OR criminal
information which amounts to cruel and unusual acts, OR SIMILAR SCHEMES OR MEANS, described
punishment totally in defiance of the principle of as follows:
(a) by receiving OR collecting, directly or
We shall resolve the arguments of petitioner in seriatim. indirectly, on SEVERAL INSTANCES,
PESOS (P545,000,000.00), MORE OR LESS,
Petitioner contends that R.A. No. 7080 is unconstitutional
on its face and as applied to him and denies him the equal
protection of the laws.10
AND/OR in connivance with co-
The contention deserves our scant attention. The accused CHARLIE ‘ATONG’ ANG, Jose
constitutionality of R.A. No. 7080, the Anti-Plunder Law, ‘Jinggoy’ Estrada, Yolanda T. Ricaforte,
has been settled in the case of Estrada v. Edward Serapio, AN (sic)  JOHN DOES AND
Sandiganbayan.11 We take off from the Amended JANE DOES, in consideration OF
Information which charged petitioner, together with former TOLERATION OR PROTECTION OF
President Joseph E. Estrada, Atty. Edward Serapio, Charlie ILLEGAL GAMBLING;
"Atong" Ang, Yolanda T. Ricaforte and others, with the
crime of plunder as follows:
The undersigned Ombudsman Prosecutor and OIC- PERSONAL gain and benefit, public funds in
Director, EPIB Office of the Ombudsman, hereby the amount of ONE HUNDRED THIRTY
accuses former PRESIDENT OF THE PHILIPPINES, MILLION PESOS [P130,000,000.00], more or
Joseph Ejercito Estrada a.k.a. "ASIONG SALONGA" less, representing a portion of the TWO
‘Jinggoy’ Estrada, Charlie ‘Atong’ Ang, Edward [P200,000,000] tobacco excise tax share
Serapio, Yolanda T. Ricaforte, Alma Alfaro, JOHN DOE allocated for the Province of Ilocor Sur under
a.k.a. Eleuterio Tan OR Eleuterio Ramos Tan or Mr. Uy, R.A. No. 7171, BY HIMSELF
AND/OR in CONNIVANCE with co-accused the premise that the Amended Information charged him with
Charlie ‘Atong’ Ang, Alma Alfaro, JOHN DOE only one act or one offense which cannot constitute plunder.
a.k.a. Eleuterio Tan OR Eleuterio Ramos Tan or He then assails the denial of his right to bail.
Mr. Uy, and Jane Doe a.k.a. Delia Rajas, AND
OTHER JOHN DOES AND JANE DOES; Petitioner’s premise is patently false. A careful examination
of the Amended Information will show that it is divided into
(c) by directing, ordering and compelling, FOR three (3) parts: (1) the first paragraph charges former
HIS PERSONAL GAIN AND BENEFIT, the President Joseph E. Estrada with the crime of plunder
Government Service Insurance System together with petitioner Jose "Jinggoy" Estrada, Charlie
(GSIS) TO PURCHASE 351,878,000 SHARES "Atong" Ang, Edward Serapio, Yolanda Ricaforte and
OF STOCK MORE OR LESS, and the Social others; (2) the second paragraph spells out in general terms
Security System (SSS), 329,855,000 SHARES how the accused conspired in committing the crime of
OF STOCK MORE OR LESS, OF THE BELLE plunder; and (3) the following four sub-paragraphs (a) to (d)
CORPORATION IN THE AMOUNT OF describe in detail the predicate acts constitutive of the crime
MORE OR LESS ONE BILLION ONE of plunder pursuant to items (1) to (6) of R.A. No. 7080, and
HUNDRED TWO MILLION NINE HUNDRED state the names of the accused who committed each act.
SEVEN PESOS AND FIFTY CENTAVOS Pertinent to the case at bar is the predicate act alleged in
[P1,102,965,607.50] AND MORE OR LESS sub-paragraph (a) of the Amended Information which is
SEVEN HUNDRED FORTY FOUR MILLION of "receiving or collecting, directly or indirectly, on several
SIX HUNDRED TWELVE THOUSAND AND instances, money in the aggregate amount of
FOUR HUNDRED FIFTY PESOS ₱545,000,000.00 for illegal gambling in the form of gift,
[P744,612,450.00], RESPECTIVELY, OR A share, percentage, kickback or any form of pecuniary benefit
TOTAL OF MORE OR LESS ONE BILLION x x x." In this sub-paragraph (a), petitioner, in conspiracy
EIGHT HUNDRED FORTY SEVEN MILLION with former President Estrada, is charged with the act of
FIVE HUNDRED SEVENTY EIGHT receiving or collecting money from illegal gambling
THOUSAND FIFTY SEVEN PESOS AND amounting to ₱545 million. Contrary to petitioner’s posture,
FIFTY CENTAVOS [P1,847,578,057.50]; AND the allegation is that he received or collected money from
BY COLLECTING OR RECEIVING, illegal gambling "on several instances." The phrase "on
DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY, BY HIMSELF several instances" means the petitioner committed the
AND/OR IN CONNIVANCE WITH JOHN predicate act in series. To insist that the Amended
DOES AND JANE DOES, COMMISSIONS OR Information charged the petitioner with the commission of
PERCENTAGES BY REASON OF SAID only one act or offense despite the phrase "several instances"
PURCHASES OF SHARES OF STOCK IN is to indulge in a twisted, nay, "pretzel" interpretation.
NINE MILLION SEVEN HUNDRED It matters little that sub-paragraph (a) did not utilize the
THOUSAND PESOS [P189,700,000.00], MORE exact words "combination" or "series" as they appear in
OR LESS, FROM THE BELLE R.A. No. 7080. For in Estrada v. Sandiganbayan,13 we held
CORPORATION WHICH BECAME PART OF that where these two terms are to be taken in their popular,
THE DEPOSIT IN THE EQUITABLE-PCI not technical, meaning, the word "series" is synonymous
BANK UNDER THE ACCOUNT NAME with the clause "on several instances." "Series" refers to a
"JOSE VELARDE"; repetition of the same predicate act in any of the items in
Section 1 (d) of the law. The word "combination"
(d) by unjustly enriching himself FROM contemplates the commission of at least any two different
COMMISSIONS, GIFTS, SHARES, predicate acts in any of said items. Plainly, sub-paragraph
PERCENTAGES, KICKBACKS, OR ANY (a) of the Amended Information charges petitioner with
FORM OF PECUNIARY BENEFITS, IN plunder committed by a series of the same predicate act
CONNIVANCE WITH JOHN DOES AND under Section 1 (d) (2) of the law.
JANE DOES, in the amount of MORE OR
LESS THREE BILLION TWO HUNDRED Similarly misleading is petitioner’s stand that in the
THIRTY THREE MILLION ONE HUNDRED Ombudsman Resolution of April 4, 2001 finding probable
FOUR THOUSAND ONE HUNDRED cause to charge him with plunder together with the other
SEVENTY THREE PESOS AND SEVENTEEN accused, he was alleged to have received only the sum of P2
CENTAVOS [P3,233,104,173.17] AND million, which amount is way below the minimum of P50
DEPOSITING THE SAME UNDER HIS million required under R.A. No. 7080. The submission is not
ACCOUNT NAME "JOSE VELARDE" AT borne out by the April 4, 2001 Resolution of the
THE EQUITABLE-PCI BANK. Ombudsman, recommending the filing of charges against
petitioner and his co-accused, which in pertinent part reads:
"x x x           x x x          x x x
Manila for Quezon City, Philippines, 18 April 2001"12
Respondent Jose ‘Jinggoy’ Estrada, the present Mayor of
Petitioner’s contention that R.A. No. 7080 is San Juan, Metro Manila, appears to have also surreptitious
unconstitutional as applied to him is principally perched on collection of protection money from jueteng operations in
Bulacan. This is gleaned from the statements of Gov. No. 7080, he bewails, is cloudy on the imposable penalty on
Singson himself and the fact that Mayor Estrada, on at least an accused similarly situated as he is. Petitioner, however,
two occasions, turned over to a certain Emma Lim, an overlooks that the second paragraph of the Amended
emissary of the respondent governor, jueteng haul totalling Information charges him to have conspired with former
P2 million, i.e., P1 million in January, 2000 and another P1 President Estrada in committing the crime of plunder. His
million in February, 2000. An alleged "listahan" of jueteng alleged participation consists in the commission of the
recipients listed him as one "Jingle Bell," as affirmed by predicate acts specified in sub-paragraph (a) of the Amended
Singson [TSN 8 & Dec. 2000 SICt/17 Oct. 2000 Information. If these allegations are proven, the penalty of
SBRC/SCI]."14 petitioner cannot be unclear. It will be no different from that
of the former President for in conspiracy, the act of one is
Hence, contrary to the representations of the petitioner, the the act of the other. The imposable penalty is provided in
Ombudsman made the finding that P2 million was delivered Section 2 of R.A. No. 7080, viz:
to petitioner as "jueteng haul" on "at least two
occasions." The P2 million is, therefore, not the entire "Section 2. Any public officer who, by himself or in
sum with which petitioner is specifically charged. This is connivance with the members of his family, relatives by
further confirmed by the conclusion of the Ombudsman that: affinity or consanguinity, business associates, subordinates
or other persons, amasses, accumulates or acquires ill-gotten
"x x x           x x x          x x x wealth through a combination or series of overt or criminal
acts as described in Section 1(d) hereof in the aggregate
It is clear that Joseph Ejercito Estrada, in confabulation with amount or total value of at least Fifty million pesos
Jose ‘Jinggoy’ Estrada, Atty. Edward Serapio and Yolanda (P50,000,000.00) shall be guilty of the crime of plunder
Ricaforte, demanded and received, as bribe money, the and shall be punished by reclusion perpetua to death. Any
aggregate sum of P545 million from jueteng collections of person who participated with the said public officer in the
the operators thereof, channeled thru Gov. Luis ‘Chavit’ commission of an offense contributing to the crime of
Singson, in exchange for protection from arrest or plunder shall likewise be punished for such offense. In the
interference by law enforcers; x x x."15 imposition of penalties, the degree of participation and the
attendance of mitigating and extenuating circumstances, as
provided by the Revised Penal Code, shall be considered by
To be sure, it is too late in the day for the petitioner to argue the court."
that the Ombudsman failed to establish any probable cause
against him for plunder. The respondent Sandiganbayan
itself has found probable cause against the petitioner for III.
which reason it issued a warrant of arrest against him.
Petitioner then underwent arraignment and is now on trial. Petitioner also faults the respondent Sandiganbayan for
The time to assail the finding of probable cause by the "sustaining the charge against petitioner for alleged offenses
Ombudsman has long passed. The issue cannot be and with alleged conspirators, with which and with whom he
resurrected in this petition. is not even remotely connected – contrary to the dictum that
criminal liability is personal, not vicarious – results in the
II. denial of substantive due process."18

Next, petitioner contends that "the plunder law does not The Solicitor General argues, on the other hand, that
provide sufficient and complete standards to guide the courts petitioner is charged not only with the predicate act in sub-
in dealing with accused alleged to have contributed to the paragraph (a) but also with the other predicate acts in sub-
offense."16 Thus, he posits the following questions: paragraphs (b), (c) & (d) because he is indicted as a
principal and as co-conspirator of the former President. This
is purportedly clear from the first and second paragraphs of
"For example, in an Information for plunder which cites at the Amended Information.19
least ten criminal acts, what penalty do we impose on one
who is clearly involved in only one such criminal act? Is
it reclusion perpetua? Or should it be a lesser penalty? What For better focus, there is a need to examine again the
if another accused is shown to have participated in three of allegations of the Amended Information vis-à-vis the
the ten specifications, what would be the penalty imposable, provisions of R.A. No. 7080.
compared to one who may have been involved in five or
seven of the specifications? The law does not provide the The Amended Information, in its first two paragraphs,
standard or specify the penalties and the courts are left to charges petitioner and his other co-accused with the crime of
guess. In other words, the courts are called to say what the plunder. The first paragraph names all the accused, while the
law is rather than to apply what the lawmaker is supposed to second paragraph describes in general how plunder was
have intended."17 committed and lays down most of the elements of the crime
itself. Sub-paragraphs (a) to (d) describe in detail the
Petitioner raises these hypothetical questions for he labors predicate acts that constitute the crime and name in
hard under the impression that: (1) he is charged with only particular the co-conspirators of former President
one act or offense and (2) he has not conspired with the Estrada in each predicate act. The predicate acts alleged
other accused named in sub-paragraphs (b) to (d) of the in the said four sub-paragraphs correspond to the items
Amended Information, ergo, the penalty imposable on him enumerated in Section 1 (d) of R.A. No. 7080. Sub-
ought to be different from reclusion perpetua to death. R.A. paragraph (a) alleged the predicate act of receiving, on
several instances, money from illegal gambling, in
consideration of toleration or protection of illegal gambling, Anti-Graft and Corrupt Practices Act, the Revised Penal
and expressly names petitioner as one of those who Code and other special laws, the acts involved different
conspired with former President Estrada in committing the transactions, different time and different
offense. This predicate act corresponds with the offense personalities. Every transaction constituted a separate
described in item [2] of the enumeration in Section 1 (d) of crime and required a separate case and the over-all
R.A. No. 7080. Sub-paragraph (b) alleged the predicate act conspiracy had to be broken down into several criminal
of diverting, receiving or misappropriating a portion of the and graft charges. The preparation of multiple
tobacco excise tax share allocated for the province of Ilocos Informations was a legal nightmare but eventually, thirty-
Sur, which act is the offense described in item [1] in the nine (39) separate and independent cases were filed against
enumeration in Section 1 (d) of the law. This sub-paragraph practically the same accused before the
does not mention petitioner but instead names other Sandiganbayan.21 R.A. No. 7080 or the Anti-Plunder
conspirators of the former President. Sub-paragraph (c) Law22 was enacted precisely to address this procedural
alleged two predicate acts - that of ordering the Government problem. This is pellucid in the Explanatory Note to Senate
Service Insurance System (GSIS) and the Social Security Bill No. 733, viz:
System (SSS) to purchase shares of stock of Belle
Corporation, and collecting or receiving commissions from "Plunder, a term chosen from other equally apt
such purchase from the Belle Corporation which became terminologies like kleptocracy and economic treason,
part of the deposit in the "Jose Velarde" account at the punishes the use of high office for personal enrichment,
Equitable-PCI Bank. These two predicate acts fall under committed thru a series of acts done not in the public eye but
items [2] and [3] in the enumeration of R.A. No. 7080, and in stealth and secrecy over a period of time, that may
was allegedly committed by the former President in involve so many persons, here and abroad, and which touch
connivance with John Does and Jane Does. Finally, sub- so many states and territorial units. The acts and/or
paragraph (d) alleged the predicate act that the former omissions sought to be penalized do not involve simple
President unjustly enriched himself from commissions, gifts, cases of malversation of public funds, bribery, extortion,
kickbacks, in connivance with John Does and Jane Does, theft and graft but constitute plunder of an entire nation
and deposited the same under his account name "Jose resulting in material damage to the national
Velarde" at the Equitable-PCI Bank. This act corresponds to economy. The above-described crime does not yet exist in
the offense under item [6] in the enumeration of Section 1 Philippine statute books. Thus, the need to come up with a
(d) of R.A. No. 7080. legislation as a safeguard against the possible recurrence of
the depravities of the previous regime and as a deterrent to
From the foregoing allegations of the Amended Information, those with similar inclination to succumb to the corrupting
it is clear that all the accused named in sub-paragraphs (a) to influence of power."
(d), thru their individual acts, conspired with former
President Estrada to enable the latter to amass, accumulate There is no denying the fact that the "plunder of an entire
or acquire ill-gotten wealth in the aggregate amount of nation resulting in material damage to the national
P4,097,804,173.17. As the Amended Information is economy" is made up of a complex and manifold network of
worded, however, it is not certain whether the accused in crimes. In the crime of plunder, therefore, different
sub-paragraphs (a) to (d) conspired with each other to parties may be united by a common purpose. In the case
enable the former President to amass the subject ill-gotten at bar, the different accused and their different criminal acts
wealth. In light of this lack of clarity, petitioner cannot be have a commonality—to help the former President amass,
penalized for the conspiracy entered into by the other accumulate or acquire ill-gotten wealth. Sub-paragraphs (a)
accused with the former President as related in the second to (d) in the Amended Information alleged the different
paragraph of the Amended Information in relation to its sub- participation of each accused in the conspiracy.
paragraphs (b) to (d). We hold that petitioner can be held The gravamen of the conspiracy charge, therefore,
accountable only for the predicate acts he allegedly is not that each accused agreed to receive protection money
committed as related in sub-paragraph (a) of the Amended from illegal gambling, that each misappropriated a portion
Information which were allegedly done in conspiracy with of the tobacco excise tax, that each accused ordered the
the former President whose design was to amass ill-gotten GSIS and SSS to purchase shares of Belle Corporation and
wealth amounting to more than P4 billion. receive commissions from such sale, nor that each unjustly
enriched himself from commissions, gifts and
We hasten to add, however, that the respondent kickbacks; rather, it is that each of them, by their
Ombudsman cannot be faulted for including the individual acts, agreed to participate, directly or
predicate acts alleged in sub-paragraphs (a) to (d) of the indirectly, in the amassing, accumulation and acquisition
Amended Information in one, and not in four, separate of ill-gotten wealth of and/or for former President
Informations. A study of the history of R.A. No. 7080 will Estrada.
show that the law was crafted to avoid the mischief and folly
of filing multiple informations. The Anti-Plunder Law was In the American jurisdiction, the presence of several
enacted in the aftermath of the Marcos regime where accused in multiple conspiracies commonly involves two
charges of ill-gotten wealth were filed against former structures: (1) the so-called "wheel" or "circle" conspiracy,
President Marcos and his alleged cronies. Government in which there is a single person or group (the "hub")
prosecutors found no appropriate law to deal with the dealing individually with two or more other persons or
multitude and magnitude of the acts allegedly committed groups (the "spokes"); and (2) the "chain" conspiracy,
by the former President to acquire illegal wealth.20 They usually involving the distribution of narcotics or other
also found that under the then existing laws such as the contraband, in which there is successive communication and
cooperation in much the same way as with legitimate "Sec. 372. Conspiracy to impede or injure officer. If two or
business operations between manufacturer and wholesaler, more persons in any State, Territory, Possession, or District
then wholesaler and retailer, and then retailer and conspire to prevent, by force, intimidation, or threat, any
consumer.23 person from accepting or holding any office, trust or place
of confidence under the United States, or from discharging
From a reading of the Amended Information, the case at bar any duties thereof, or to induce by like means any officer of
appears similar to a "wheel" conspiracy. The hub is former the United States to leave the place, where his duties as an
President Estrada while the spokes are all the accused, and officer are required to be performed, or to injure him in his
the rim that encloses the spokes is the common goal in the person or property on account of his lawful discharge of the
overall conspiracy, i.e., the amassing, accumulation and duties of his office, or while engaged in the lawful discharge
acquisition of ill-gotten wealth. thereof, or to injure his property so as to molest, interrupt,
hinder, or impede him in the discharge of his official duties,
IV. each of such persons shall be fined not more than $5,000 or
imprisoned not more than six years, or both."
Some of our distinguished colleagues would dismiss the
charge against the petitioner on the ground that the Section 371 of 18 U.S.C. punishes two acts: (1) conspiracy
allegation of conspiracy in the Amended Information is too to commit any offense against the United States; and (2)
general. The fear is even expressed that it could serve as a conspiracy to defraud the United States or any agency
net to ensnare the innocent. Their dissents appear to be thereof. The conspiracy to "commit any offense against the
inspired by American law and jurisprudence. United States" refers to an act made a crime by federal
laws.29 It refers to an act punished by statute. 30 Undoubtedly,
Section 371 runs the whole gamut of U.S. Federal laws,
We should not confuse our law on conspiracy with whether criminal or regulatory.31 These laws cover
conspiracy in American criminal law and in common criminal offenses such as perjury, white slave traffic,
law. Under Philippine law, conspiracy should be racketeering, gambling, arson, murder, theft, bank robbery,
understood on two levels. As a general rule, conspiracy is etc. and also include customs violations, counterfeiting of
not a crime in our jurisdiction. It is punished as a crime currency, copyright violations, mail fraud, lotteries,
only when the law fixes a penalty for its commission such violations of antitrust laws and laws governing interstate
as in conspiracy to commit treason, rebellion and commerce and other areas of federal regulation. 32 Section
sedition. In contrast, under American criminal law, the 371 penalizes the conspiracy to commit any of these
agreement or conspiracy itself is the gravamen of the substantive offenses. The offense of conspiracy is
offense.24 The essence of conspiracy is the combination of generally separate and distinct from the substantive
two or more persons, by concerted action, to accomplish a offense,33 hence, the court rulings that acquittal on the
criminal or unlawful purpose, or some purpose not in itself substantive count does not foreclose prosecution and
criminal or unlawful, by criminal or unlawful means. 25 Its conviction for related conspiracy.34
elements are: agreement to accomplish an illegal objective,
coupled with one or more overt acts in furtherance of the
illegal purpose; and requisite intent necessary to commit the The conspiracy to "defraud the government" refers primarily
underlying substantive offense.26 to cheating the United States out of property or money. It
also covers interference with or obstruction of its lawful
governmental functions by deceit, craft or trickery, or at
A study of the United States Code ought to be least by means that are dishonest.35 It comprehends
instructive. It principally punishes two (2) crimes of defrauding the United States in any manner whatever,
conspiracy27 – conspiracy to commit any offense or to whether the fraud be declared criminal or not.36
defraud the United States, and conspiracy to impede or
injure officer. Conspiracy to commit offense or to defraud
the United States is penalized under 18 U.S.C. Sec. 371,28 as The basic difference in the concept of
follows: conspiracy notwithstanding, a study of the American case
law on how conspiracy should be alleged will reveal that it
is not necessary for the indictment to include
"Sec. 371. Conspiracy to commit offense or to defraud the particularities of time, place, circumstances or causes, in
United States. If two or more persons conspire either to stating the manner and means of effecting the object of
commit any offense against the United States, or to defraud the conspiracy. Such specificity of detail falls within the
the United States, or any agency thereof in any manner or scope of a bill of particulars. 37 An indictment for
for any purpose, and one or more of such persons to any act conspiracy is sufficient where it alleges: (1) the agreement;
to effect the object of the conspiracy, each shall be fined not (2) the offense-object toward which the agreement was
more than $10,000 or imprisoned not more than five years, directed; and (3) the overt acts performed in furtherance of
or both. the agreement.38 To allege that the defendants conspired is,
at least, to state that they agreed to do the matters which are
If, however, the offense, the commission of which is the set forth as the substance of their conspiracy. To allege a
object of the conspiracy, is a misdemeanor only, the conspiracy is to allege an agreement. 39 The gist of the crime
punishment for such conspiracy shall not exceed the of conspiracy is unlawful agreement, and where
maximum punishment provided for such misdemeanor." conspiracy is charged, it is not necessary to set out the
criminal object with as great a certainty as is required in
Conspiracy to impede or injure officer is penalized under 18 cases where such object is charged as a substantive
U.S.C. Sec. 372, viz: offense.40
In sum, therefore, there is hardly a substantial difference to commit it.48 The elements of this crime are: (1) that the
on how Philippine courts and American courts deal with offender owes allegiance to the Government of the
cases challenging Informations alleging conspiracy on Philippines; (2) that there is a war in which the Philippines
the ground that they lack particularities of time, place, is involved; (3) that the offender and other person or persons
circumstances or causes. In our jurisdiction, as come to an agreement to: (a) levy war against the
aforestated, conspiracy can be alleged in the Information government, or (b) adhere to the enemies, to give them aid
as a mode of committing a crime or it may be alleged as and comfort; and (4) that the offender and other person or
constitutive of the crime itself. When conspiracy is persons decide to carry out the agreement. These elements
alleged as a crime in itself, the sufficiency of the must be alleged in the information.
allegations in the Information charging the offense is
governed by Section 6, Rule 110 of the Revised Rules of The requirements on sufficiency of allegations are
Criminal Procedure. It requires that the information for different when conspiracy is not charged as a crime in
this crime must contain the following averments: itself but only as the mode of committing the crime as in
the case at bar. There is less necessity of reciting its
"Sec. 6. Sufficiency of complaint or information.- A particularities in the Information because conspiracy is not
complaint or information is sufficient if it states the name of the gravamen of the offense charged. The conspiracy is
the accused, the designation of the offense given by the significant only because it changes the criminal liability of
statute; the acts or omissions complained of as all the accused in the conspiracy and makes them
constituting the offense; the name of the offended party; answerable as co-principals regardless of the degree of their
the approximate date of the commission of the offense; and participation in the crime.49 The liability of the conspirators
the place where the offense was committed. is collective and each participant will be equally responsible
for the acts of others,50 for the act of one is the act of
When the offense was committed by more than one person, all.51 In People v. Quitlong,52 we ruled on how conspiracy
all of them shall be included in the complaint or as the mode of committing the offense should be alleged in
information." the Information, viz:

The complaint or information to be sufficient must state the "x x x. In embodying the essential elements of the crime
name of the accused, designate the offense given by charged, the information must set forth the facts and
statute, state the acts or omissions constituting the circumstances that have a bearing on the culpability and
offense, the name of the offended party, the approximate liability of the accused so that the accused can properly
date of the commission of the offense and the place where prepare for and undertake his defense. One such fact or
the offense was committed. circumstance in a complaint against two or more accused
persons is that of conspiracy. Quite unlike the omission of
Our rulings have long settled the issue on how the acts or an ordinary recital of fact which, if not excepted from or
omissions constituting the offense should be made in order objected to during trial, may be corrected or supplied by
to meet the standard of sufficiency. Thus, the offense must competent proof, an allegation, however, of conspiracy, or
be designated by its name given by statute or by reference to one that would impute criminal liability to an accused
the section or subsection of the statute punishing it. 41 The for the act of another or others, is indispensable in order
information must also state the acts or omissions to hold such person, regardless of the nature and extent
constituting the offense, and specify its qualifying and of his own participation, equally guilty with the other or
aggravating circumstances.42 The acts or omissions others in the commission of the crime. Where conspiracy
complained of must be alleged in such form as is sufficient exists and can rightly be appreciated, the individual acts
to enable a person of common understanding to know what done to perpetrate the felony becomes of secondary
offense is intended to be charged, and enable the court to importance, the act of one being imputable to all the others
pronounce proper judgment.43 No information for a crime (People v. Ilano, 313 SCRA 442). Verily, an accused must
will be sufficient if it does not accurately and clearly allege know from the information whether he faces a criminal
the elements of the crime charged. 44 Every element of the responsibility not only for his acts but also for the acts of his
offense must be stated in the information.45 What facts and co-accused as well.
circumstances are necessary to be included therein must be
determined by reference to the definitions and essentials of A conspiracy indictment need not, of course, aver all the
the specified crimes.46 The requirement of alleging the components of conspiracy or allege all the details
elements of a crime in the information is to inform the thereof, like the part that each of the parties therein have
accused of the nature of the accusation against him so as to performed, the evidence proving the common design or
enable him to suitably prepare his defense. The presumption the facts connecting all the accused with one another in
is that the accused has no independent knowledge of the the web of the conspiracy. Neither is it necessary to
facts that constitute the offense.47 describe conspiracy with the same degree of
particularity required in describing a substantive
To reiterate, when conspiracy is charged as a crime, the offense. It is enough that the indictment contains a
act of conspiring and all the elements of said crime must statement of facts relied upon to be constitutive of the
be set forth in the complaint or information. For example, offense in ordinary and concise language, with as much
the crime of "conspiracy to commit treason" is committed certainty as the nature of the case will admit, in a
when, in time of war, two or more persons come to an manner that can enable a person of common
agreement to levy war against the Government or to adhere understanding to know what is intended, and with such
to the enemies and to give them aid or comfort, and decide precision that the accused may plead his acquittal or
conviction to a subsequent indictment based on the same committed the crime of plunder. It used the words "in
facts. It is said, generally, that an indictment may be held connivance/conspiracy with his co-accused." Following the
sufficient "if it follows the words of the statute and ruling in Quitlong, these words are sufficient to allege the
reasonably informs the accused of the character of the conspiracy of the accused with the former President in
offense he is charged with conspiring to commit, or, committing the crime of plunder.
following the language of the statute, contains a sufficient
statement of an overt act to effect the object of the V.
conspiracy, or alleges both the conspiracy and the
contemplated crime in the language of the respective statutes We now come to petitioner’s plea for bail. On August 14,
defining them (15A C.J.S. 842-844). 2002, during the pendency of the instant petition before this
Court, petitioner filed with respondent Sandiganbayan an
x x x           x x x          x x x "Urgent Second Motion for Bail for Medical Reasons."
Petitioner prayed that he be allowed to post bail due to his
x x x. Conspiracy arises when two or more persons come to serious medical condition which is life-threatening to him if
an agreement concerning the commission of a felony and he goes back to his place of detention.1âwphi1 The motion
decide to commit it. Conspiracy comes to life at the very was opposed by respondent Ombudsman to which petitioner
instant the plotters agree, expressly or impliedly, to commit replied.
the felony and forthwith to actually pursue it. Verily, the
information must state that the accused have For three days, i.e., on September 4, 20 and 27, 2001,
confederated to commit the crime or that there has been respondent Sandiganbayan conducted hearings on the
a community of design, a unity of purpose or an motion for bail. Dr. Roberto V. Anastacio, a cardiologist of
agreement to commit the felony among the accused. the Makati Medical Center, testified as sole witness for
Such an allegation, in the absence of the usual usage of petitioner.
the words "conspired" or "confederated" or the phrase
"acting in conspiracy," must aptly appear in the On December 18, 2001, petitioner filed with the Supreme
information in the form of definitive acts constituting Court an "Urgent Motion for Early/Immediate Resolution of
conspiracy. In fine, the agreement to commit the crime, Jose ‘Jinggoy’ Estrada’s Petition for Bail on
the unity of purpose or the community of design among Medical/Humanitarian Considerations." Petitioner reiterated
the accused must be conveyed such as either by the use of the motion for bail he earlier filed with respondent
the term "conspire" or its derivatives and Sandiganbayan.56
synonyms or  by allegations of basic facts constituting the
conspiracy. Conspiracy must be alleged, not just
inferred, in the information on which basis an accused On the same day, we issued a Resolution referring the
can aptly enter his plea, a matter that is not to be motion to respondent Sandiganbayan for resolution and
confused with or likened to the adequacy of evidence requiring said court to make a report, not later than 8:30 in
that may be required to prove it. In establishing the morning of December 21, 2001.
conspiracy when properly alleged, the evidence to support it
need not necessarily be shown by direct proof but may On December 21, 2001, respondent court submitted its
be inferred from shown acts and conduct of the accused. Report. Attached to the Report was its Resolution dated
December 20, 2001 denying petitioner’s motion for bail for
x x x           x x x          x x x." "lack of factual basis."57 Basing its finding on the earlier
testimony of Dr. Anastacio, the Sandiganbayan found that
petitioner "failed to submit sufficient evidence to convince
Again, following the stream of our own jurisprudence, it the court that the medical condition of the accused requires
is enough to allege conspiracy as a mode in the that he be confined at home and for that purpose that he be
commission of an offense in either of the following allowed to post bail."58
manner: (1) by use of the word "conspire," or its
derivatives or synonyms, such as confederate, connive,
collude, etc;53 or (2) by allegations of basic facts constituting The crime of plunder is punished by R.A. No. 7080, as
the conspiracy in a manner that a person of common amended by Section 12 of R.A. No. 7659, with the penalty
understanding would know what is intended, and with such of reclusion perpetua to death. Under our Rules, offenses
precision as would enable the accused to competently enter punishable by death, reclusion perpetua or life
a plea to a subsequent indictment based on the same facts.54 imprisonment are non-bailable when the evidence of guilt is
strong, to wit:
The allegation of conspiracy in the information must not
be confused with the adequacy of evidence that may be "Sec. 7. Capital offense or an offense punishable by
required to prove it. A conspiracy is proved by evidence of reclusion perpetua or life imprisonment, not bailable. – No
actual cooperation; of acts indicative of an agreement, a person charged with a capital offense, or an offense
common purpose or design, a concerted action or punishable by reclusion perpetua or life imprisonment, shall
concurrence of sentiments to commit the felony and actually be admitted to bail when evidence of guilt is strong,
pursue it.55 A statement of this evidence is not necessary in regardless of the stage of the criminal prosecution."59
the information.
Section 7, Rule 114 of the Revised Rules of Criminal
In the case at bar, the second paragraph of the Amended Procedure is based on Section 13, Article III of the 1987
Information alleged in general terms how the accused Constitution which reads:
"Sec. 13. All persons, except those charged with offenses
punishable by reclusion perpetua when evidence of guilt is
strong, shall, before conviction be bailable by sufficient
sureties, or be released on recognizance as may be provided
by law. The right to bail shall not be impaired even when the
privilege of the writ of habeas corpus is suspended.
Excessive bail shall not be required."

The constitutional mandate makes the grant or denial of bail

in capital offenses hinge on the issue of whether or not the
evidence of guilt of the accused is strong. This requires
that the trial court conduct bail hearings wherein both the
prosecution and the defense are afforded sufficient
opportunity to present their respective evidence. The burden
of proof lies with the prosecution to show strong evidence of

This Court is not in a position to grant bail to the petitioner

as the matter requires evidentiary hearing that should be
conducted by the Sandiganbayan. The hearings on which
respondent court based its Resolution of December 20, 2001
involved the reception of medical evidence only and which
evidence was given in September 2001, five months ago.
The records do not show that evidence on petitioner’s guilt
was presented before the lower court.

Upon proper motion of the petitioner, respondent

Sandiganbayan should conduct hearings to determine if the
evidence of petitioner’s guilt is strong as to warrant the
granting of bail to petitioner.

IN VIEW WHEREOF, the petition is dismissed for failure

to show that the respondent Sandiganbayan acted without or
in excess of jurisdiction or with grave abuse of discretion
amounting to lack of jurisdiction.


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